It should be an option, like screen shake or any other post process effect. I liked it, I like how you angle it around corners, I know its just vanity but it adds to the feedback, all those little touches, sounds, animations, reactions add up to immerse you in the game, makes it feel more satisfying. Its a nitpick I'm not about to complain but I do think it makes sense as an option for people to tweak.
@@thepunisherxxx6804 I think having an option to adjust visual recoil is probably the best solution. But as someone using a 48" tv as a computer monitor, having an absolutely massive gun model violently shaking all over the place was like and assault on the eyes. I had to turn on depth of field and always use a red dot just to make the game bearable to look at. So I am grateful for the change.
@@nerdstrangler4804 And I respect that, just like I respect people who prefer no screen shake, or DOF. I see it as an immersion/gaming comfort thing, similar to FOV. The more options so gamers can find that optimal comfort level the better.
I always wondered why iron sights were so god awful in this game to the point I had to waste an attachment for an optic, but now they're completely fine.
Tanto was good now its close to god tier with the visual reduction struggled a lil at mid range with irons now its lazers on top of the small range buff😭
Omg, i played every cod with iron sights my entire life except sniper even if iron sights were trash on a gun i played with them. On bo6 I JUST COULDNT on mouse and keyboard, tracking targets especially for headshots was terrible.
Now if only they'd add some irons sights to the game for customization. I always loved some of the sets that were in 2019, giving a nice clear fov without needing to slap on a dot.
this was a step in the right direction, even if it was just stepping back to what was already common place in every other Cod except MWII. The next step people should bully the devs over is removing tac sprint and going back to a single sprinting mode, although this one might be tougher for the devs to budge
@SmoovyNovaFan on its own, I personally don't have a problem with the existence of tac sprint. For me it's one of those consequentially neutral mechanics that I don't really care whether they keep or get rid of. However, the big problem I have with it is how it rapidly deteriorates the left stick of my controller. I've never had a controller stick wear down faster than when I play modern CoDs
@@scotchbarrel4429YES IF THEY WANT MORE, GIVE THEM AN OPTION TO CHANGE IT BACK. Just for visuals. Like a more realistic visual recoil option. The guns feel so much better and the AK74 doesn't feel as random anymore with its shot groupings
My two cents as an M&K player. Because of visual recoil on MW2 and MW3 guns and even BO6 guns, I use an optic on every single weapon no matter how clean the irons are. I hate wasting the attachment but too many deaths come from losing someone in the gun bounce. In this game after the patch, I don't need one on most weapons anymore.
Hi Clem. Miss ya buddy. I didn't know you had the stomach for nu-CoD. I bought BO6 on a whim but I don't know if I can do it. I feel like Joe Cecot permanently sterilized me with that nut-kick of an interview he did with IGN in 2019. Did I really run into you on an Ace video in the year of our lord 2024, talking about how people want *more* garbage visual recoil? I must be in a fever dream.
Pro players are all on controller so the visual recoil barely affects them. As a mkb player it has been really nice being able to see what I'm tracking. I'd be fine with higher recoil with the same visual recoil... I don't mind having to compensate for recoil, I just want to be able to see my target.
Even as a controller player myself, I still don't understand the complaints. Like I still want to see what I'm shooting no matter what input I'm on lol
@@EXQUIS1T3 honestly. Alot of gun fights I lose track of who I'm shooting at with all the cluster on the screen, visual recoil, tracers, smoke, muzzle flash
I hate visual recoil as a controller player. Especially on semi auto where your screen shakes uncontrollably given that they are weapons that need precision
I would even say, that those pros are even afraid of MKB players. Now they are on the same level and dont have to fight the visual recoil. And mouse players can be more precise. And they dont like it ;)
Another argument I saw from the COD Competitive community is the removal of visual recoil is revealing the simplicity of recoil patterns in guns. My argument is, WE ARE NOT PLAYING RAINBOW SIX SIEGE. An arcade shooter doesn't need that level of complexity. No one is doing anything special or different to control recoil here. You are either holding down, or holding down to the left or right.
For over a decade, guns in CoD didn't even have recoil and it was still a better game. Recoil or no recoil I don't care, but its crazy how people complain, get what they want, then complain again.
I've been a gamer since the early 80's. We have always been the crankiest group ever. If BO6 was $10 and came with a free sports car, the "community" would be mad about having to buy more gas now.
You think gamers from the NES days are the crankiest? I think we are the most appreciative and grateful! Most games were simplistic, dull, and often too hard when I began. The later generations are hopelessly spoiled, incredibly undisciplined, and don’t really care about earning their victories. Their hopeless dependency on aim assist (which should rightfully be a handicap or accessibility feature) is a prime example of that.
Intense visual recoil is disorienting and aggresive animations like that ends up making me not want to play for long periods, it gets tiring in a weird way. This is also an arcade shooter so fun > realism.
its not weird at all. it feels like your eye is being strained when you are shooting because the dot where you are shooting at is just being covered with muzzle flash, smoke, gun bobbling, etc. too much is happening in such close proximity.
Thats just good old fashion eye strain. The harder something is to see the harder you have to focus to see it. And focusing really hard for extended periods is going to tire out your eye muscles. That is why I cannot stand this modern trend of making stuff harder to see. Literally gives me a headache.
@@nerdstrangler4804 me either, MW2019 I hated because visual clarity wasn’t there and my eyes would get strained trying to focus on things, games with too much visual clutter aswell annoy me
@@Moaiticus Seriously? I think Mw2019 still had the least visual noise compared to the other modern CoD's. It was quite pleasant to play, especially with M&K.
A fact is everyone is CoD always defaults to the gun with the least recoil. I rather have the option to play different guns that are easer to shoot than just have 1 meta gun because it has no recoil. If these pro wanted to show skill gap they all will pick the gun with the highest recoil as the standard but no, we will always see them pick a gun with close to no recoil anyways.
Not everyone in cod defaults to the gun with least recoil. I personally don't, and even if it was just me that's not everyone, which I know is not the case.
people that want more visual recoil can play games focused on realism like battlefield imo. COD has always been more fast paced and arcade like so I think this update was good overall.
Battlefield isn't realistic; it's just as arcadey as CoD, but with gameplay focussed around combined arms on larger maps compared to CoD's focus on 6v6 on smaller maps. In fact, visual recoil was added to BF 2042 after almost 2 years with *a lot* of people annoyed that it was added given how much people hated it in BF4 (where it was greatly reduced due to player feedback). It took many patches to reduce it to a 'decent' state, but it's still screwed over a lot of guns that didn't really deserve it.
Whiny pros will only ever want people to not be able to have fun playing a video game that’s been around since before some of them were born. Glad we got this change that doesn’t directly benefit only them for once.
The amount of visual recoil in the newer games was so jarring to me as a player that played in the OG MW2-BO2 era then stopped playing COD until MW2019. It caught me so off guard just how much the guns bounced around in that game and it has only gotten worse in the games since. As you said, COD is an arcade shooter, not a military sim, realism should never come before gameplay in a game like this.
It never even occurred to me that they've introduced this kind of visual recoil in the later games. BO6 is my first cod game since BO4 and I've found myself using optic attachments way more than I've previously done. I tried using the second LMG that is unlocked and I found it almost impossible to aim with. The iron sights technically look fine but I couldn't track any target at all with that weapon. This visual recoil stuff might be the reason why. I will have to try that weapon again now that this patch is out.
As someone who loves using irons sights, the visual recoil made me have to put a sight on every gun to feel like I’m shooting straight. Now I feel I can have more variety in my attachment choices. Great change treyarch👍🏼
@@asdfghjkl2261Even actual mil sim type games don't have as much visual recoil. Visual recoil only comes into play if you're moving around a lot or have a shitty grip/trigger pull in real life.
This is literally one of the best changes for MnK. I have had a 3 + kd in MW3 but in BO6 my aim felt extremely inconsistent because of all the gun shake and visual recoil. Now that these changes have been made I am consistently winning almost all my gunfights again because I am not fighting RNG and can actually see what I am shooting at.
I just played MWIII for the first time since BO6 dropped. The recoil is so much smoother and more accurate. BO6 already has way too much visual recoil, so I don’t see why anyone would want more.
Yo same modern warfare 3's gun play felt so good. And way less visual recoil. Now at least the visual recoil is more equal. But still BO6 doesn't feel as smooth as MW3 (2023). So weird I don't understand it
Exactly. Pros don't want more visual recoil, they want more actual recoil. Many of them noticed the difference in-game without even reading the patch notes. Makes sense that they got confused. I personally agree that CoD needs more recoil. Kitted SMGs are about as accurate as I'd like ARs to be.
Potential hot take. I say this as a long time CoD fan, CoD is one of the least competitive shooters out there so pro players opinions should be mostly ignored. They literally play the game with like 3 guns and then want the entire game to be balanced around how they play the game which is drastically different than the rest of the playerbase.
If they want a higher skill gap in aiming, then maybe they should reduce aim assist strength at all ranges? I think people under estimate just how much work a slight stick tilt down does for a consistent recoil compensation. Adding a bit more skill to the aiming, rather than artificial punishment from visuals, would definitely separate players who can track their targets from ones who wholly rely on it.
Pro players continuously proving development studios should never listen to any of their feedback. Pros are directly responsible for some of the worst changes across all fps games.
As a mouse and key player the new update makes the game actually playable. Really upsetting people are wanting to do anything they can that will ruin the ability to play on MnK.
You can tell that none of the people complaining play on MnK. We can FINALLY see what we are shooting at. To all my controller friends, please play with MnK for just 5 minutes and you'll instantly see why this change was neccessary. Huge Treyarch W
Can we stop with the W? they literally fuck us over for more than 2 years, we are fucking coming back to the inicial point (warzone 1) and people are saying W's ffs obviously is better to reverse things but fuck giving them W's
I don’t know why anybody would want high visual recoil. It’s great to see where you’re shooting at regardless of whichever device you use to play with.
What people need to understand that cod is not a military simulator. It was and always will be silly and arcade style game, you want a realistic shooter? Go play tarkov or dayz
People on controller have no idea how disgustingly "floaty" shooting guns felt before on mouse. Aim assist almost completely negates that feel. I'm not talking about recoil walking the gun left and right either, but the deviation of the elements of the sight picture from the patterns of fire.
Love this change, really reinvigorated my enjoyment of the game-- hard to explain but i used to kind of get tired from all the recoil after a couple hours of play which is now hugely reduced
As both an mnk and controller player, i dont find that visual recoil is any cause for issue on controller because of how strong AA has become. When you know its only visual and doesnt affect actual recoil plots, you just let AA do the general heavy lifting for you. On mnk however, its actually quite a hinderance and makes aiming a chore despite being only visual. It affects your ability to accurately aim more significantly than one would think, with how much actually goes into aiming. Also, there are more immersion breaking aspects to this game than visual recoil with regards to realism. If anything, visual recoil should just be removed altogether for everyone.
I agree with you on the notion of visual recoil being a hindrance especially on MnK. It is unnecessary and if rather have more recoil to deal with than artificial screen shake and smoke effects. However, AA really hasn't changed much of at all in strength in the last 7-8 years at least. I believe Ace did a test showing that it really isn't all that different in rotational strength from a game like WWII, nor is it any more sticky. The biggest difference is the range extending out to absurd distances. If anything BO6 has the weakest AA pretty much at the minimum since Ghosts. It is significantly weaker up close, and is extremely weak at near point blank range. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing future nerfs and tweaks as a controller player, especially in regards to adding input delay to rotational to more accurately simulate human reaction time. Something of say 250ms or so.
@brucealmighty3268 very true. I think with the onmi movement and just general amped pace of the game, the rotational or stickyness is more apparent imo but i could be wrong. I didnt realize how strong the aa in cod is or has become until i went from mw3 to bo6. And mw3 imo isnt a slow cod game either, bo6 is just nutty if not a bit over the top.
@@humanthefinite8304 A fun little experiment is to turn aim assist off, play for a day then turn it back on before bed then play normally the next day. You will probably notice that aim assist is working, even if they nerfed it. Which I believe all they did is tweak rotational up close but extend the overall distance AA works at. No much of a change but Ace did a vid on that too. Could also be the servers or skill based aim assist(sorry lol) thats throwing things off. But I still get aim resist and acceleration on controller and mnk very often in BO6. Something I dont get much if at all in other games
As a KBM player, I could rarely use iron sights on any gun prior to the update. Now it's not as much of a no-brainer for me, I can consider using that attachment elsewhere, not always, but sometimes,
It should be an option, like screen shake or any other post process effect. I liked the effect intensity, I like how you angle it around corners, I know its just vanity but it adds to the feedback, all those little touches, sounds, animations, reactions add up to immerse you in the game, makes it feel more satisfying. Its a nitpick I'm not about to complain but I do think it makes sense as an option for people to tweak.
Anyone on controller who actively advocates for visual shake clearly doesn’t understand the impact it has on gameplay for those using mouse and keyboard. They have no idea how frustratingly easy it is to lose track of an opponent on-screen when the visuals are shaking uncontrollably. On M&K, you’re entirely reliant on precision and tracking, which becomes nearly impossible with excessive visual disruptions. No offense, but once you know how to utilize aim assist properly on a controller, visual shake becomes a non-issue for controller players, making their argument for it even less valid.
@@alexstromberg7696 This 1000%. The vast vast vast majority of aim assist players do not understand what the games doing for them, as such they frankly don't have anything of value to add to the discussion.
Yeah the visual recoil was a dumb idea from the start but I didn’t really notice it that much, I’m a console Mnk player and I have a 2.44k/d on Warzone and now every gun just feels easier to control, I didn’t notice that visual recoil made it harder to see thing tbh.
@@mlgwastaken Yeah I agree I’m just saying it personally didn’t have as much of an impact on me as a lot of other mnk players have been talking saying it had on them.
this is a HUGE step in the right direction. a perfectly competitive game has no elements or asymmetry or randomness. visual recoil that prevents you from seeing your target and leaves the shooter GUESSING (more luck than skill) is a very large constituent of randomness. to be honest, as a mouse and keyboard player, it was the main reason why i didn't buy the game this year. the poor visual clarity of forced upscaling/anti-aliasing combined with excessive particle effects/smoke and terrible visual recoil on launch really put me off, especially seeing as they disproportionately disadvantage MnK players, which is a shame because the game seems to be a very good installment in the franchise apart from these issues. if you look at the old games, they had very little visual recoil and skilled players only really had to battle with physical recoil. don't get me wrong, the guns definitely are lasers and I wouldn't be averse to physical recoil nerfs to appease the pros, and it is definitely frustrating that we have the same problems almost every year, but these changes are still very pleasing to see.
People going the "immersion" route while they're playing a game where 20% of your HUD is covered in UI, the centre of your screen has crosshairs and XP numbers constantly flying by. Your operator is flying around the map without getting tired, getting shot in the chest with high calibre ammo and you shrug it off by injecting yourself with magical soup. Tac reloading your weapon magically teleports unspent rounds into the next mag, you suck up extra bullets by running over guns. Do I need to say more? If "Realism" is an argument against gameplay in Call of Duty, it's probably a bad argument lmao
Most of the people complaining are the ones who almost solely relied on aim assist to manage recoil. If they honestly wanted immersion, they wouldn't be playing CoD. Stim shots don't heal bullet holes, allies aren't immune to your bullets, most of the guns don't function like the real life versions they were loosely based on, etc. Removing random elements almost always expands the skill gap. This is why there's a smaller percentage of higher skilled players complaining. Unanimously, we all hate the latency and hit detection issues because it looks like you got a hit, but it didn't register as one. Reducing visual recoil helps what happened be more like what you see.
Great comment. I completely agree. It's great to see someone else point out that bad hit registration is not always caused by netcode or latency. LAN games can have shitty hit reg too. Things like visual recoil, misaligned sights, unusual hitboxes, etc are all directly baked into the game without any networking involved, and they can ABSOLUTELY cause players to feel the hit registration sucks. XDefiant had this issue with one of the Cleaner faction player models.
Don't mix up Realism with immersion, it's not the same thing. Honestly, I was actually playing MWII for the immersion, simply because BF2042 couldn't keep up and made the typical BF gunplay less immersive. The modern Infinity Ward games actually have the most immersive gunplay among all shooters. That's just the reality, even if most COD players don't care about this.
as a M&K player i thought this was a great change and noticed it right away. I felt like something was a little off when playing and couldn't figure it out but it was probably all this visual recoil. Especially going for headshots for camos it has made a noticeable difference but not enough that im slamming lobbies and think it needs to be reverted.
to your first point, it's not about "realism" but rather about making the guns feel punchy and powerful and satisfying it's about JUICE there's an old story about cod2 or maybe medal of honor, where 2 guns were the same stats but the more powerful sounding one actually had better performance when u looked at the data (because it had more "JUICE")
Most controller players hate visual recoil too. Aim assist helps but it doesn’t do it for you and it’s still very easy to get screwed up by it. Especially on semi autos visual recoil is awful because then you have no clue where your 2nd shot is going
@ so sick of hearing this. It’s certainly a strong capability but it’s not hacks and there are definitely plenty of people that aim better on PC than controller despite aim assist existing
The pro players use baby proof guns like the mcw and call of duty is NOT A MIL SIM SHOOTER. I had a whole argument withy friend who thinks call of duty is based off of realism like what😂 i never seen a single soldier run at the speed of a vehicle
Most of these complaints sound like they just hate change regardless of what happens. We had the exact opposite of these complaints with MWII and its high visual recoil.
So basically controller players have complained non stop this game about all changes that don't benefit them. It is almost like they are afraid of a fair 1v1 without all of the bs handholding that they've been acustomed to from the past games.
If they wanna increase the skill gap, nerf aim assist. Simple as that so you feel the recoil more and less of the recoil is being mitigated by the aim assist. Not saying remove it, just nerf it so everyone with a brain cell isn’t hitting every shot. Even someone like Jev who plays on controller acknowledges that COD has way too much aim assist when compared to other games
They did nerf it lol. The AA in BO6 is weaker than in the previous games. They won't touch it the rest of BO6's lifecycle. They need to give us input based matchmaking back. The two inputs will never be balanced against each other imo.
Crazy that some people think that visual recoil reduction takes away from skillgap when there’s a certain aim assist mechanic tied to the left thumbstick….
tbh if a controller player dies to a M&K player they got gapped and they deserve it. M&K dosent play the game for u like controller does. if controller andys want to not die to m&k then disable crossplay. unfortanatly pc playes dont have the same option for some dumbass reason.
I still remember the time when bf4 had a crazy visual recoil and guns like PKP was literally unusable without bipod; they completely removed visual recoil after an update and PKP became one of my favorite guns.
No matter what, even doubling visual recoil would still barely appear in killcams and theatre mode. The way pro players play should revolve around the game's mechanics to an extent instead of the game's mechanics revolving around pro players.
In general, I think that logically this will be a good change but that we need more time to accurately determine the impact, especially across skill classes. This allows casual or weekend gamers to experience the change and then weigh in as too.
As a MNK player, this has been a great change. Less visual recoil helps me feel more accurate. As an LMG player, I'd like to see some of the ARs and SMGs reigned in. I'd like weapon categories to feel a little more distinct, and I think range and recoil are the areas that should happen (outside of weird or unique gun design, which is probably much harder to really implement). SMGs and ARs are always going to be more competitive options in COD, but some of them are just lasers with no meaningful drawbacks. Like stock ARs feel just as good as, if not better, than kitted out Shotguns, LMGs, and some Snipers. Sure attachments make them BETTER, but it's like a bonus rather than you modifying the gun for a specific playstyle. The differences are mostly minor. Like I can take an LMG into Core and compete just fine. But if you wanna sweat, if you're comparing people on a presumed even playing field where both players have the exact same skill and input experience, an AR/SMG will probably always come out on top. And I don't like that because I'm biased towards the gun types I like.
How would you want LMG's to be differentiated from AR's / SMG's? I've personally found most success with PU-21 in this game, that weapon suits me perfectly. Perhaps some AR's and SMG's should have slightly increased recoil (actual recoil, not visual) so that they're more difficult to use at range? Or maybe LMG's themselves should be buffed with slightly quicker reload times perhaps. I honestly have little clue since I've been away from the call of duty scene for a few years now so I don't know how each weapon class is balanced in this game.
I thought I was the only one. I low key liked the recoil prior to the patch. I think the high visual recoil helped me adjust to the recoil patterns better
I think part of the problem is it’s “immersive” “realistic” recoil for the sake of “realism”. The COD4 Deagle’s visual recoil was part of its iconic identity. A high caliber pistol or an anti-materiel rifle having a distinct visual recoil would just be part of its identity and we’d even like it. Every weapon having this “realistic” visual recoil is simply hollow, and it feels as such. I mean it’d even make sense on a weapon like the Vector to have high visual recoil with lower actual recoil because that’d actually be more realistic than the high recoil they give it in games, and it’d fit the identity as a gun with a wildly fast fire rate. They need to be reminded we want guns that are fun not “realistic”, high visual recoil on a weapon should be the exception that makes it unique not the norm.
Speaking on the movement aspect you touched on, it’s true modern cod’s have ridiculous movement that’s extremely unrealistic. But people forget in the old games this was not the case. COD had very limited sprint duration, slow mantling and no advanced mechanics
As a KBM-preferring player, the visual recoil reduction is nice, but the particle effects are still absolutely insane and most of the iron sights are so terrible that without aim assist I still feel like using a sight is mandatory in most cases
I have been complaining for years that instead of guns having personality in how they bounce around they all just rattle violently. This look way better IMO
God it looks so much better with the visual recoil turned down. Insanity reminds me of the M4 iron sight recoil from MW2019. If people want more visual recoil just use FOV Independent.
I don't know man, MW2019 had much less visual recoil (guns felt overall much better) but they still felt like a lot of power. The audio in that game was incredible also.
As someone who played 90% of smgs and ARs with iron sights in every cod im pleased seeing this change. In bo6 i couldnt play iron sights no matter what to the point i was frustated that im losing a attachment point on a red dot.. going for hs is hard to track on mouse with iron sight with all this visual recoil. Till mw2 i played on controller and i can absoulutely say visual recoil on controller is barely harmful compared to mouse and keyboard.
It anything it benefits more accurate players because and allows you to be even more precise with your controls. Definitely making headshots more consistent for me.
No they are dumbasses that should be ignored. Its especially cringe seeing CDL players complain about it.
@@JagsP95 as someone who loves comp cod I agree. Barely any of them can speak a full sentence properly.
I completely agree, everyone hated how much was in mw2 2022 but now it's getting taken out and they are crying...makes no sense
@@Sploogsipper Why are you comparing it to MWII? It's not been as intense as in that game since MWIII and BO6 before this update
The pros banned the saug in comp, and then claim it's trash.
@jayewilliams5921 Facts, I enjoy watching CDL but it's true most of them can't even communicate properly.
Visual recoil reduction is a NET positive!
It should be an option, like screen shake or any other post process effect. I liked it, I like how you angle it around corners, I know its just vanity but it adds to the feedback, all those little touches, sounds, animations, reactions add up to immerse you in the game, makes it feel more satisfying. Its a nitpick I'm not about to complain but I do think it makes sense as an option for people to tweak.
@@thepunisherxxx6804don’t use compensator and add rapid fire to your gun. There you go!
@@thepunisherxxx6804 I think having an option to adjust visual recoil is probably the best solution.
But as someone using a 48" tv as a computer monitor, having an absolutely massive gun model violently shaking all over the place was like and assault on the eyes. I had to turn on depth of field and always use a red dot just to make the game bearable to look at. So I am grateful for the change.
@@nerdstrangler4804 And I respect that, just like I respect people who prefer no screen shake, or DOF. I see it as an immersion/gaming comfort thing, similar to FOV. The more options so gamers can find that optimal comfort level the better.
@@wizard932 That would be actual recoil, not visual recoil, which IMO adds to the feedback and immersion, though it should be optional not forced.
This is a good update. It’s a direct buff to iron sights
I always wondered why iron sights were so god awful in this game to the point I had to waste an attachment for an optic, but now they're completely fine.
Same. I run the XM4 and had to have an optic on it. It's great to finally be rid of it.
Tanto was good now its close to god tier with the visual reduction struggled a lil at mid range with irons now its lazers on top of the small range buff😭
Omg, i played every cod with iron sights my entire life except sniper even if iron sights were trash on a gun i played with them. On bo6 I JUST COULDNT on mouse and keyboard, tracking targets especially for headshots was terrible.
Now if only they'd add some irons sights to the game for customization. I always loved some of the sets that were in 2019, giving a nice clear fov without needing to slap on a dot.
The truth is: people just want to complain. Even for good things, complaining is what matters.
It really does seem like that, I really thought this would be universally loved
this was a step in the right direction, even if it was just stepping back to what was already common place in every other Cod except MWII. The next step people should bully the devs over is removing tac sprint and going back to a single sprinting mode, although this one might be tougher for the devs to budge
100% true
@SmoovyNovaFan on its own, I personally don't have a problem with the existence of tac sprint. For me it's one of those consequentially neutral mechanics that I don't really care whether they keep or get rid of. However, the big problem I have with it is how it rapidly deteriorates the left stick of my controller. I've never had a controller stick wear down faster than when I play modern CoDs
the truth is that different people have different opinions and you only see the people who are complaining
Pro players love crying.
COD players in general
which pro player wants visual recoil?
Lmfao no, you noobs complain so hard they dumb the game down for y’all. There are more of you noobs than us pro players.
@@awepossum1059i do. Now the skill gap has decreased since this change benefits the noobs the most.
@@MedicinalBlood bro said us lol
please treyarch do not listen to the pros on this 💀
The pros seem incredibly stupid
the pros want more actual recoil, not to get visual shake back. they are just too dumb to be able to actually articulate that, other than Ghosty.
luckily, pro players only make up like 0.5% of players
Don't worry Treyarch won't listen. Period.😅
Pros want everything gone or GA nobody wanna watch jackal and Ames on CDL TH-cam 😂 shit boring
Visual recoil is complete BS
Absoeffinglutely 😂
Add a friggin option in the menus for more visual recoil if you're that way inclined.
@@scotchbarrel4429YES IF THEY WANT MORE, GIVE THEM AN OPTION TO CHANGE IT BACK. Just for visuals. Like a more realistic visual recoil option. The guns feel so much better and the AK74 doesn't feel as random anymore with its shot groupings
@@scotchbarrel4429another reason why call of duty mobile is the best cod, locked behind mobile devices
I love the changes
My two cents as an M&K player. Because of visual recoil on MW2 and MW3 guns and even BO6 guns, I use an optic on every single weapon no matter how clean the irons are. I hate wasting the attachment but too many deaths come from losing someone in the gun bounce. In this game after the patch, I don't need one on most weapons anymore.
Hi Clem. Miss ya buddy. I didn't know you had the stomach for nu-CoD. I bought BO6 on a whim but I don't know if I can do it. I feel like Joe Cecot permanently sterilized me with that nut-kick of an interview he did with IGN in 2019. Did I really run into you on an Ace video in the year of our lord 2024, talking about how people want *more* garbage visual recoil? I must be in a fever dream.
this right here! i didnt use optics back on mw19 but since then i've had to use an optic.
Yes, especially mw22 was a horrible experience and you needed to minimize recoil with attachments to just see anything. Terrible game design
@@colorzFX except with mw22 you get punished for using attachments lol
Even some of the games at launch had Bloom. Dumbest bullshit mechanic.
- Wants high skill gap
- Plays Call of Duty
-Wants high skill gap
- wants more aim assist
Cod logic
There is a high skill gap though, the entire multiplayer revolves around it lol
Pro players are all on controller so the visual recoil barely affects them. As a mkb player it has been really nice being able to see what I'm tracking. I'd be fine with higher recoil with the same visual recoil... I don't mind having to compensate for recoil, I just want to be able to see my target.
Even as a controller player myself, I still don't understand the complaints. Like I still want to see what I'm shooting no matter what input I'm on lol
@@EXQUIS1T3 honestly. Alot of gun fights I lose track of who I'm shooting at with all the cluster on the screen, visual recoil, tracers, smoke, muzzle flash
I hate visual recoil as a controller player. Especially on semi auto where your screen shakes uncontrollably given that they are weapons that need precision
I would even say, that those pros are even afraid of MKB players. Now they are on the same level and dont have to fight the visual recoil. And mouse players can be more precise. And they dont like it ;)
There are no valid counter arguments in my book
Your book doesn't cove the whole library though
@@DevlVergilshut up nerd
@@DevlVergil In this case it does
The visual recoil buff is such a win. I could see people wanting more ACTUAL recoil, but interesting people are upset
Pros cry about everything
Another argument I saw from the COD Competitive community is the removal of visual recoil is revealing the simplicity of recoil patterns in guns. My argument is, WE ARE NOT PLAYING RAINBOW SIX SIEGE. An arcade shooter doesn't need that level of complexity. No one is doing anything special or different to control recoil here. You are either holding down, or holding down to the left or right.
Probably just mid players mad they’re gonna get exposed now 😂
For over a decade, guns in CoD didn't even have recoil and it was still a better game. Recoil or no recoil I don't care, but its crazy how people complain, get what they want, then complain again.
I've been a gamer since the early 80's. We have always been the crankiest group ever. If BO6 was $10 and came with a free sports car, the "community" would be mad about having to buy more gas now.
You think gamers from the NES days are the crankiest? I think we are the most appreciative and grateful! Most games were simplistic, dull, and often too hard when I began. The later generations are hopelessly spoiled, incredibly undisciplined, and don’t really care about earning their victories. Their hopeless dependency on aim assist (which should rightfully be a handicap or accessibility feature) is a prime example of that.
Intense visual recoil is disorienting and aggresive animations like that ends up making me not want to play for long periods, it gets tiring in a weird way. This is also an arcade shooter so fun > realism.
its not weird at all. it feels like your eye is being strained when you are shooting because the dot where you are shooting at is just being covered with muzzle flash, smoke, gun bobbling, etc. too much is happening in such close proximity.
Thats just good old fashion eye strain. The harder something is to see the harder you have to focus to see it. And focusing really hard for extended periods is going to tire out your eye muscles.
That is why I cannot stand this modern trend of making stuff harder to see. Literally gives me a headache.
@@maserati4000 that’s the description I was looking for thanks, it feels very straining
@@nerdstrangler4804 me either, MW2019 I hated because visual clarity wasn’t there and my eyes would get strained trying to focus on things, games with too much visual clutter aswell annoy me
@@Moaiticus Seriously?
I think Mw2019 still had the least visual noise compared to the other modern CoD's. It was quite pleasant to play, especially with M&K.
A fact is everyone is CoD always defaults to the gun with the least recoil. I rather have the option to play different guns that are easer to shoot than just have 1 meta gun because it has no recoil. If these pro wanted to show skill gap they all will pick the gun with the highest recoil as the standard but no, we will always see them pick a gun with close to no recoil anyways.
Not everyone in cod defaults to the gun with least recoil. I personally don't, and even if it was just me that's not everyone, which I know is not the case.
Visual recoil increases luck not skill, recoil increases skill gap
people that want more visual recoil can play games focused on realism like battlefield imo. COD has always been more fast paced and arcade like so I think this update was good overall.
Funny enough the last couple battlefields have had gameplay more arcady-like than some recent cods
Battlefield isn't realistic; it's just as arcadey as CoD, but with gameplay focussed around combined arms on larger maps compared to CoD's focus on 6v6 on smaller maps. In fact, visual recoil was added to BF 2042 after almost 2 years with *a lot* of people annoyed that it was added given how much people hated it in BF4 (where it was greatly reduced due to player feedback). It took many patches to reduce it to a 'decent' state, but it's still screwed over a lot of guns that didn't really deserve it.
Never. Ever. Use the term realism with Battlefield. Both games is never realistic to begin with
Bro. Realism in Battlefield? My ass. Also, even games focusing HARD on realism don’t have this much visual recoil.
Insurgency Sandstorm would be the correct answer
Whiny pros will only ever want people to not be able to have fun playing a video game that’s been around since before some of them were born. Glad we got this change that doesn’t directly benefit only them for once.
I love the update. I feel like it dramatically reduces randomness in fights because so much junk is hard to see when a gun is kicking like crazy
The amount of visual recoil in the newer games was so jarring to me as a player that played in the OG MW2-BO2 era then stopped playing COD until MW2019. It caught me so off guard just how much the guns bounced around in that game and it has only gotten worse in the games since. As you said, COD is an arcade shooter, not a military sim, realism should never come before gameplay in a game like this.
It never even occurred to me that they've introduced this kind of visual recoil in the later games. BO6 is my first cod game since BO4 and I've found myself using optic attachments way more than I've previously done.
I tried using the second LMG that is unlocked and I found it almost impossible to aim with. The iron sights technically look fine but I couldn't track any target at all with that weapon. This visual recoil stuff might be the reason why. I will have to try that weapon again now that this patch is out.
Activision and treyarch will see this video and think "hey lets increase horizontal recoil" because some cdl bot complained.
As someone who loves using irons sights, the visual recoil made me have to put a sight on every gun to feel like I’m shooting straight. Now I feel I can have more variety in my attachment choices. Great change treyarch👍🏼
The fact that there's people complaining about having less visual recoil (on a CoD game, no less) is just fucking insane.
Realism as game mechanic is easily one of the worst ideas to ever gain traction in the industry
@@asdfghjkl2261Even actual mil sim type games don't have as much visual recoil. Visual recoil only comes into play if you're moving around a lot or have a shitty grip/trigger pull in real life.
This is literally one of the best changes for MnK. I have had a 3 + kd in MW3 but in BO6 my aim felt extremely inconsistent because of all the gun shake and visual recoil.
Now that these changes have been made I am consistently winning almost all my gunfights again because I am not fighting RNG and can actually see what I am shooting at.
I absolutely LOVE this change, and I am a controller player.
I just played MWIII for the first time since BO6 dropped. The recoil is so much smoother and more accurate. BO6 already has way too much visual recoil, so I don’t see why anyone would want more.
Yo same modern warfare 3's gun play felt so good. And way less visual recoil. Now at least the visual recoil is more equal.
But still BO6 doesn't feel as smooth as MW3 (2023). So weird I don't understand it
The aim assist in bo6 wz is shit
crying is always louder than smiling
Exactly. Pros don't want more visual recoil, they want more actual recoil. Many of them noticed the difference in-game without even reading the patch notes. Makes sense that they got confused.
I personally agree that CoD needs more recoil. Kitted SMGs are about as accurate as I'd like ARs to be.
Potential hot take. I say this as a long time CoD fan, CoD is one of the least competitive shooters out there so pro players opinions should be mostly ignored. They literally play the game with like 3 guns and then want the entire game to be balanced around how they play the game which is drastically different than the rest of the playerbase.
It's 100% a good change. The CoD community is so used to complaining that that's the default reaction to almost any change at this point.
Your daily reminder that pros aren't pros because of their ability to balance the game . . .
If they want a higher skill gap in aiming, then maybe they should reduce aim assist strength at all ranges? I think people under estimate just how much work a slight stick tilt down does for a consistent recoil compensation. Adding a bit more skill to the aiming, rather than artificial punishment from visuals, would definitely separate players who can track their targets from ones who wholly rely on it.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion. But sometimes those opinions are wrong 🙃
as someone who has only played since mw2 it is really nice to actually see my shots and learn a recoil pattern for the first time
Pro players continuously proving development studios should never listen to any of their feedback. Pros are directly responsible for some of the worst changes across all fps games.
As a mouse and key player the new update makes the game actually playable.
Really upsetting people are wanting to do anything they can that will ruin the ability to play on MnK.
Pros are just trying to not have to play against good mnk players because they will eat them up.
You can tell that none of the people complaining play on MnK. We can FINALLY see what we are shooting at. To all my controller friends, please play with MnK for just 5 minutes and you'll instantly see why this change was neccessary. Huge Treyarch W
Can we stop with the W? they literally fuck us over for more than 2 years, we are fucking coming back to the inicial point (warzone 1) and people are saying W's ffs obviously is better to reverse things but fuck giving them W's
@@VDxViciousby very carefully plugging a mouse and keyboard into their console.
@@ghostlanderedJust plug it in like normal
I don’t know why anybody would want high visual recoil. It’s great to see where you’re shooting at regardless of whichever device you use to play with.
@@Joonbhee on console you didn’t have to care bacause aim assist did everything
Seeing some CDL Players say that visual recoil = skill gap is COMICAL
What people need to understand that cod is not a military simulator. It was and always will be silly and arcade style game, you want a realistic shooter? Go play tarkov or dayz
Who tf would complain about this it's the best change they could have made to the game and should be like this in every cod from now on
I think it's controller players wanting things to be as unfair as possible for the kb/m players.
People on controller have no idea how disgustingly "floaty" shooting guns felt before on mouse. Aim assist almost completely negates that feel. I'm not talking about recoil walking the gun left and right either, but the deviation of the elements of the sight picture from the patterns of fire.
Nothing needs to change, mouse and keyboard needed this
It gets us closer to matching controller in terms of viability
Love this change, really reinvigorated my enjoyment of the game-- hard to explain but i used to kind of get tired from all the recoil after a couple hours of play which is now hugely reduced
I can't believe people are complaining about having too little recoil. As always, the wrong people are given the biggest voice
As both an mnk and controller player, i dont find that visual recoil is any cause for issue on controller because of how strong AA has become. When you know its only visual and doesnt affect actual recoil plots, you just let AA do the general heavy lifting for you. On mnk however, its actually quite a hinderance and makes aiming a chore despite being only visual. It affects your ability to accurately aim more significantly than one would think, with how much actually goes into aiming. Also, there are more immersion breaking aspects to this game than visual recoil with regards to realism. If anything, visual recoil should just be removed altogether for everyone.
I agree with you on the notion of visual recoil being a hindrance especially on MnK. It is unnecessary and if rather have more recoil to deal with than artificial screen shake and smoke effects.
However, AA really hasn't changed much of at all in strength in the last 7-8 years at least. I believe Ace did a test showing that it really isn't all that different in rotational strength from a game like WWII, nor is it any more sticky. The biggest difference is the range extending out to absurd distances.
If anything BO6 has the weakest AA pretty much at the minimum since Ghosts. It is significantly weaker up close, and is extremely weak at near point blank range. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing future nerfs and tweaks as a controller player, especially in regards to adding input delay to rotational to more accurately simulate human reaction time. Something of say 250ms or so.
@brucealmighty3268 very true. I think with the onmi movement and just general amped pace of the game, the rotational or stickyness is more apparent imo but i could be wrong. I didnt realize how strong the aa in cod is or has become until i went from mw3 to bo6. And mw3 imo isnt a slow cod game either, bo6 is just nutty if not a bit over the top.
I dont even think aim assist works in this game. I know it was reduced, but it feels non existent
@@humanthefinite8304 A fun little experiment is to turn aim assist off, play for a day then turn it back on before bed then play normally the next day. You will probably notice that aim assist is working, even if they nerfed it. Which I believe all they did is tweak rotational up close but extend the overall distance AA works at. No much of a change but Ace did a vid on that too. Could also be the servers or skill based aim assist(sorry lol) thats throwing things off. But I still get aim resist and acceleration on controller and mnk very often in BO6. Something I dont get much if at all in other games
As a KBM player, I could rarely use iron sights on any gun prior to the update. Now it's not as much of a no-brainer for me, I can consider using that attachment elsewhere, not always, but sometimes,
We’ve been asking the devs for less visual recoil since mw2 - we get what we want and…
It should be an option, like screen shake or any other post process effect. I liked the effect intensity, I like how you angle it around corners, I know its just vanity but it adds to the feedback, all those little touches, sounds, animations, reactions add up to immerse you in the game, makes it feel more satisfying. Its a nitpick I'm not about to complain but I do think it makes sense as an option for people to tweak.
As a KBM player this change is universally positive, it's hard to track without aim assist when there's so much foreground motion.
pros realize mnk players got hands when they can finally see what theyre shooting at
Anyone on controller who actively advocates for visual shake clearly doesn’t understand the impact it has on gameplay for those using mouse and keyboard. They have no idea how frustratingly easy it is to lose track of an opponent on-screen when the visuals are shaking uncontrollably. On M&K, you’re entirely reliant on precision and tracking, which becomes nearly impossible with excessive visual disruptions. No offense, but once you know how to utilize aim assist properly on a controller, visual shake becomes a non-issue for controller players, making their argument for it even less valid.
Everything aim assist users have to say on tracking and accuracy is moot
@@alexstromberg7696 This 1000%.
The vast vast vast majority of aim assist players do not understand what the games doing for them, as such they frankly don't have anything of value to add to the discussion.
Yeah the visual recoil was a dumb idea from the start but I didn’t really notice it that much, I’m a console Mnk player and I have a 2.44k/d on Warzone and now every gun just feels easier to control, I didn’t notice that visual recoil made it harder to see thing tbh.
@@William1683BT It's not that it's hard because BO6 weapons are easy to control; it's that it looks ugly and feels awful.
@@mlgwastaken Yeah I agree I’m just saying it personally didn’t have as much of an impact on me as a lot of other mnk players have been talking saying it had on them.
this is a HUGE step in the right direction. a perfectly competitive game has no elements or asymmetry or randomness. visual recoil that prevents you from seeing your target and leaves the shooter GUESSING (more luck than skill) is a very large constituent of randomness. to be honest, as a mouse and keyboard player, it was the main reason why i didn't buy the game this year. the poor visual clarity of forced upscaling/anti-aliasing combined with excessive particle effects/smoke and terrible visual recoil on launch really put me off, especially seeing as they disproportionately disadvantage MnK players, which is a shame because the game seems to be a very good installment in the franchise apart from these issues. if you look at the old games, they had very little visual recoil and skilled players only really had to battle with physical recoil.
don't get me wrong, the guns definitely are lasers and I wouldn't be averse to physical recoil nerfs to appease the pros, and it is definitely frustrating that we have the same problems almost every year, but these changes are still very pleasing to see.
People going the "immersion" route while they're playing a game where 20% of your HUD is covered in UI, the centre of your screen has crosshairs and XP numbers constantly flying by. Your operator is flying around the map without getting tired, getting shot in the chest with high calibre ammo and you shrug it off by injecting yourself with magical soup. Tac reloading your weapon magically teleports unspent rounds into the next mag, you suck up extra bullets by running over guns. Do I need to say more?
If "Realism" is an argument against gameplay in Call of Duty, it's probably a bad argument lmao
“We can dive off of a 15 metre platform, land on our belly and get up and sprint faster than Usain Bolt” hahaha 😂 bruh I’m dying hahah
Most of the people complaining are the ones who almost solely relied on aim assist to manage recoil.
If they honestly wanted immersion, they wouldn't be playing CoD. Stim shots don't heal bullet holes, allies aren't immune to your bullets, most of the guns don't function like the real life versions they were loosely based on, etc.
Removing random elements almost always expands the skill gap. This is why there's a smaller percentage of higher skilled players complaining.
Unanimously, we all hate the latency and hit detection issues because it looks like you got a hit, but it didn't register as one. Reducing visual recoil helps what happened be more like what you see.
Great comment. I completely agree. It's great to see someone else point out that bad hit registration is not always caused by netcode or latency. LAN games can have shitty hit reg too. Things like visual recoil, misaligned sights, unusual hitboxes, etc are all directly baked into the game without any networking involved, and they can ABSOLUTELY cause players to feel the hit registration sucks. XDefiant had this issue with one of the Cleaner faction player models.
Don't mix up Realism with immersion, it's not the same thing. Honestly, I was actually playing MWII for the immersion, simply because BF2042 couldn't keep up and made the typical BF gunplay less immersive. The modern Infinity Ward games actually have the most immersive gunplay among all shooters. That's just the reality, even if most COD players don't care about this.
as a M&K player i thought this was a great change and noticed it right away. I felt like something was a little off when playing and couldn't figure it out but it was probably all this visual recoil. Especially going for headshots for camos it has made a noticeable difference but not enough that im slamming lobbies and think it needs to be reverted.
to your first point, it's not about "realism" but rather about making the guns feel punchy and powerful and satisfying
it's about JUICE
there's an old story about cod2 or maybe medal of honor, where 2 guns were the same stats but the more powerful sounding one actually had better performance when u looked at the data (because it had more "JUICE")
Only people who i’ve seen complain about no visual recoil are controller players who can just auto aim through it all anyways
Exactly, they're crazy. Visual recoil should only be in Mil-Sim not CoD
I play controller and I much prefer less visual recoil, makes the game more breezy and easy to get into.
Most controller players hate visual recoil too. Aim assist helps but it doesn’t do it for you and it’s still very easy to get screwed up by it. Especially on semi autos visual recoil is awful because then you have no clue where your 2nd shot is going
@@emwolsauto aim is more or less hacks in this game, some guns are way better on controller due to this
@ so sick of hearing this. It’s certainly a strong capability but it’s not hacks and there are definitely plenty of people that aim better on PC than controller despite aim assist existing
Excellent points, and as a mouse player this patch was game changing beneficial
The pro players use baby proof guns like the mcw and call of duty is NOT A MIL SIM SHOOTER. I had a whole argument withy friend who thinks call of duty is based off of realism like what😂 i never seen a single soldier run at the speed of a vehicle
I love your videos man!!! I look forward to them every day. Just wondering will you do a bo6 map tier list?
What? Lol. Why complain about something and then get mad when it gets taken away?
That’s why I love your videos Ace ❤!
No absolutely not wtf (to the thumbnail question). NO VISUAL RECOIL AT ALL FOR THE WIN
Most of these complaints sound like they just hate change regardless of what happens. We had the exact opposite of these complaints with MWII and its high visual recoil.
So basically controller players have complained non stop this game about all changes that don't benefit them. It is almost like they are afraid of a fair 1v1 without all of the bs handholding that they've been acustomed to from the past games.
This shitty game was built for MnK. They nerfed AA in this game,but MnK players love to complain.
@@deathtrooper2048 Bro what? Omnimovement was built for controllers, not with MnK in mind. Tell me you haven't tried omnimovement with MnK
@@deathtrooper2048Classic controller player knowing nothing and complaining.
Just admit that your shit on mnk and you get clapped by controller users. Even though ther eis significantly less and even and no aom assist at all.
@@deathtrooper2048Shut your mouth and glue your fingers together
Great video as always ace
If they wanna increase the skill gap, nerf aim assist. Simple as that so you feel the recoil more and less of the recoil is being mitigated by the aim assist. Not saying remove it, just nerf it so everyone with a brain cell isn’t hitting every shot. Even someone like Jev who plays on controller acknowledges that COD has way too much aim assist when compared to other games
They did nerf it lol. The AA in BO6 is weaker than in the previous games. They won't touch it the rest of BO6's lifecycle. They need to give us input based matchmaking back. The two inputs will never be balanced against each other imo.
Crazy that some people think that visual recoil reduction takes away from skillgap when there’s a certain aim assist mechanic tied to the left thumbstick….
People want more so they aren't dying to mkb players constantly
tbh if a controller player dies to a M&K player they got gapped and they deserve it. M&K dosent play the game for u like controller does. if controller andys want to not die to m&k then disable crossplay. unfortanatly pc playes dont have the same option for some dumbass reason.
I still remember the time when bf4 had a crazy visual recoil and guns like PKP was literally unusable without bipod; they completely removed visual recoil after an update and PKP became one of my favorite guns.
Non existent visual recoil made cod so much fun back in the days with the ACR or UMP in MW2 (the good one)
No matter what, even doubling visual recoil would still barely appear in killcams and theatre mode. The way pro players play should revolve around the game's mechanics to an extent instead of the game's mechanics revolving around pro players.
In general, I think that logically this will be a good change but that we need more time to accurately determine the impact, especially across skill classes. This allows casual or weekend gamers to experience the change and then weigh in as too.
As a MNK player, this has been a great change. Less visual recoil helps me feel more accurate. As an LMG player, I'd like to see some of the ARs and SMGs reigned in. I'd like weapon categories to feel a little more distinct, and I think range and recoil are the areas that should happen (outside of weird or unique gun design, which is probably much harder to really implement).
SMGs and ARs are always going to be more competitive options in COD, but some of them are just lasers with no meaningful drawbacks. Like stock ARs feel just as good as, if not better, than kitted out Shotguns, LMGs, and some Snipers. Sure attachments make them BETTER, but it's like a bonus rather than you modifying the gun for a specific playstyle.
The differences are mostly minor. Like I can take an LMG into Core and compete just fine. But if you wanna sweat, if you're comparing people on a presumed even playing field where both players have the exact same skill and input experience, an AR/SMG will probably always come out on top. And I don't like that because I'm biased towards the gun types I like.
How would you want LMG's to be differentiated from AR's / SMG's? I've personally found most success with PU-21 in this game, that weapon suits me perfectly.
Perhaps some AR's and SMG's should have slightly increased recoil (actual recoil, not visual) so that they're more difficult to use at range? Or maybe LMG's themselves should be buffed with slightly quicker reload times perhaps.
I honestly have little clue since I've been away from the call of duty scene for a few years now so I don't know how each weapon class is balanced in this game.
This was the best change to help k/m compete with aa. It definitely increases skill gap, thank god. It makes m/k playable and almost competitive.
I thought I was the only one. I low key liked the recoil prior to the patch. I think the high visual recoil helped me adjust to the recoil patterns better
I think part of the problem is it’s “immersive” “realistic” recoil for the sake of “realism”. The COD4 Deagle’s visual recoil was part of its iconic identity. A high caliber pistol or an anti-materiel rifle having a distinct visual recoil would just be part of its identity and we’d even like it. Every weapon having this “realistic” visual recoil is simply hollow, and it feels as such. I mean it’d even make sense on a weapon like the Vector to have high visual recoil with lower actual recoil because that’d actually be more realistic than the high recoil they give it in games, and it’d fit the identity as a gun with a wildly fast fire rate. They need to be reminded we want guns that are fun not “realistic”, high visual recoil on a weapon should be the exception that makes it unique not the norm.
Speaking on the movement aspect you touched on, it’s true modern cod’s have ridiculous movement that’s extremely unrealistic. But people forget in the old games this was not the case. COD had very limited sprint duration, slow mantling and no advanced mechanics
As a KBM-preferring player, the visual recoil reduction is nice, but the particle effects are still absolutely insane and most of the iron sights are so terrible that without aim assist I still feel like using a sight is mandatory in most cases
Lmao love your commentary. So down to earth . Thanks !
Ngl this looks much more cleaner than the pre patch.
I'd happily play bo6 very soon thanks to this.
Give the masochists who want more visual recoil a settings toggle, but please set the default to off for the normal people.
I have been complaining for years that instead of guns having personality in how they bounce around they all just rattle violently. This look way better IMO
This feels like a video that gets made towards the end of a Cod games life cycle lol
This is the best CoD has ever been for movement and gun fights.
Sliding and jumping feels soooo good.
Omnimovement is the new standard.
God it looks so much better with the visual recoil turned down. Insanity reminds me of the M4 iron sight recoil from MW2019.
If people want more visual recoil just use FOV Independent.
I think this is like the Day of Defeat (?) thing where changing the gun sounds makes people think the gun is less powerful
As a M&K player this feels gamechanging and an absolutely incredible update
I don't know man, MW2019 had much less visual recoil (guns felt overall much better) but they still felt like a lot of power. The audio in that game was incredible also.
Hey Ace, any estimate on when we will see the gun guides come back?
Most CDL players are on controller so they shouldn’t be complaining. Only increase actual recoil if needed
As someone who played 90% of smgs and ARs with iron sights in every cod im pleased seeing this change. In bo6 i couldnt play iron sights no matter what to the point i was frustated that im losing a attachment point on a red dot.. going for hs is hard to track on mouse with iron sight with all this visual recoil. Till mw2 i played on controller and i can absoulutely say visual recoil on controller is barely harmful compared to mouse and keyboard.
Sooo looking forward to your tanto gun guide.
It anything it benefits more accurate players because and allows you to be even more precise with your controls. Definitely making headshots more consistent for me.
This buff also affected the new Maelstrom shotgun and is now the only reason slugs are remotely usable on it.