TRUTH is still above all the other things they use to make sure you never get the real TRUTH of all their misleading n down right LIES in the WORLD media which they CONTROLL and feed the general public all their misinformation to maintain their hegemony in the WORLD since the 50s at.least.
@@ikongchin3088 Truth means a reasoned mind that does not accept every conspiracy they read but is able to know enough about history and other matters to make better determination. Mr Chin if you are a person of a certain age before internet say 22 years ago and you had to read books , magazines, publications, etc and you were already curious about how the world really works than you had to really research and USA wars around the world since world war 2also read opposite opinions too. . I do not like the history of Western Civilization and but some thing were good for the world . I also do not like Emperor Xi and the never criticize the Communist party . We make no mistake if you question us you are enemy.-----The lockdowns in Shanghai because of Covid makes the people living there very angry. It is too much suffering for a pandemic.
Yes Jayne Harmon he has what most journalists lack and it's called BALLS !!!! Ours lost theirs long ago , since the days of Woodward & Bernstein . It's so sad there is no reporting as far as the truth is hasn't been for many years. Do they even know what that term means 🤣 .Do people in this screwed up society want to know the truth I don't think so . People need to stop looking at tiktok who's making stars out of non talents and listening to all these influencers whatever that means . I make my own informed decisions , which has nothing to do with social media influencers . Unlike these other people who take their word as gospel just one of the symptoms that is ruining our world
i dont think so anymore, assange has actually tuned out to be a russian agent, he exposed some good infos but the problem is that all other countries are just as bad as usa to the extend u cant really put any difference on them , infact ppl like putin bombed their ppl to get the presidency, which is 10 times wilder than what cia has done. When u see they dont root for bimbings of ppl by putins pf the world, then it becomes so clear that wikileaks has no goal other than destabilizing usa for a forign interest ! U should look up the russian groyp called CHABAD , basically a russian intelligence asset, trump was a member but turns out to be a pentagon asset inside that russian group. Read about PHIL B , a spy that became spy in countries to spy on them ! Its basically what happened with trump, god bless him, otherwise nobody know what would have happened to usa.
yeah he's only allowed to do this if he kisses Trump's ass and says that obvious connection that we all saw and all know exists because of the trial of reality leigh winner who leaked the actual proof of said collusion doesn't exist the guccifer thing yeah they were a russian hacker group they were also active in ukraine and all their shit got leaked because of the war Conti got fucked NotPetya got fucked
Freedom for Julian Assange Now!! Thank God the American People have other ways to find credible information besides the Mainstream Media and Corporately Owned Government Officials?
Nils Melzer, UN Rapporteur on Torture , says he is living in torturous conditions. But the Powers that Be won't comply with Law and stop torturing. Guantánamo remains, over Cuban objection to imperialism. "We tortured some folks." was all too casual! The world is upside down.
Julian Assange is the grownup in the room calmly and gently explaining to frightened children how this all works. He isn't blaming anyone, he's explaining. This is how grownup people behave.
Seems sorta odd that Julian never leaks any 9/11 documents, anything about the fraudulent NASA scam or the Zionist Rothchild central banking cabal behind all the lies and every single war over the last couple centuries or so...
The CIA was in building 7 with the Mossad agents triggering the explosives in the towers before they set the timer on 7 and ran. Norad was busy with the 9 high jacked jet drills suspiciously scheduled for that exact time and date to keep them confused... Cheney and Rumsfeld did a pretty good job setting up that Jewish Lightning strike with the rest of their Zionist Cabals "Project for a New American Century" think tank members...
Well if you American ppl love him why aren't you all up in arms and protesting in the streets about the conditions that he's being held in. !!!! Silence is golden 💲💰 Money can buy anything Money can silence a person !!!!!
Despite the awful conditions and the compelling inside info that has leaked and he’s shared…. Not one single person was investigated …. Just the trump supporters
this man and his organization should be honored and respected. They bring the truth and take on a lot of threats to open the publics eyes. Thank you Wikileaks.
It would have 30? yrs ago. I leaved in '06, it was so hopeless, and there is no point in thinking of a returning until after some kind of Revolution. Think "Jilet Jaunes".
Theresa Powell the links between David Duke and elements of the Snowden/WikiLeaks “op” including: Carl Lundstrom, financier of the Pirate Bay website which hosted WikiLeaks; Joran Jermas, the key Assange aid who arranged for WikiLeaks to operate through Pirate Bay; Ron Paul, Snowden’s Presidential candidate of choice and a political idol of Julian Assange. Glenn Greenwald’s financial angel Pierre Omidyar and his role in financing theMaidan coup. Greenwald’s work as a Nazi-fellow traveler, representing Nazi killers pro-bono and running legal interference for the leaderless resistance strategy. The fact that the Snowden/WikiLeaks “op” was viewed by 70% of Americans under the age of 34 as a heroic act. This appears to have contributed substantially to the low voter turnout that brought the GOP-dominated 114th Congress to power. The fact that the fundamentals of Snowden’s so-called disclosures have been on the public record for years. The strong affinity of the Ron Paul-linked Ludwig von Mises Institute and Lew Rockwell (who edited Ron Paul’s racist newsletters) and the Hapsburg dynasty. The links between the Hapsburgs (Otto von Habsburg in particular) and the OUN/B milieu of Yaroslav Stetsko. Links between the Swedish fascist milieu to which Carl Lundstrom belongs and the international neo-Nazi contingent fighting in Ukraine. The fact that Snowden is a trained spy. Crypto Nazi....
Michael Chiappini Nope.. And not a hero. A criminal yes... Maybe T Powell doesn't mind somebody stealing her passwords because they are worthless. It's obvious you aren't American and neither is Assange.
As always, any interview with Julien Assange is very well informed and coherent. For obvious reasons, his views and analysis is suppressed and silenced to keep a fog of misinformation in place.
Julien is a Brave White Man,with his eyes Wide Open Though Not American ( we see very few in the u.s. ) The deep State Sees No Color, We Average, poor & Middle class Are ALL in One boat in Their eyes. He " JULIEN Speaks for & to US !
I'm Mittelalter wurden dem Boten schlechter Nachrichten geköpft. Das können sie heutzutage nicht mehr öffentlich machen. Aber man kann verfolgen, was der Verursacher der Verbrechen, die Macht und Möglichkeit hat, den Verkünder der Verbrechen anzuklagen. Dies zeigt DIE EIGENTLICHE MACHT DER POLITIK UND DEREN STRIPPENZIEHER. DIE EIGENTLICHEN. MACHTHABER!!!!!! SAINT EXUPERY LÄSST DEN KLEINEN PRINZEN SAGEN DASS WIR NUR MIT DEM HERZEN GUT SEHEN HÖREN UND VERSTEHEN KÖNNEN. ALOHA ❤
Wikileaks published information the voters had every right to know. Shame on Alan Nairn for suggesting they should have withheld it until later. Free Julian Assange! And Edward Snowden too!
Assange never threw away his moral integrity and was imprisoned for it! Many more of us are terrorised and locked up for being truthful and honest. Julian is an example to the whole world and an international hero.
@@xlander-jp1rd Truly accurate re right-wing D-R duopoly candidates. Progressive alternatives deserve our support, namely especially 2024 POTUS contender Dr. Jill E Stein of the US Green Party,
Raising our voices for Julian Assange is our collective duty. He possesses a pristine conscience and is innocent. He deserves to be reunited with his spouse and children
He'll be recognised as a national hero once this media protection racket for dodgy politics is fully exposed and brought to justice. Thankyou Julian Assange.
He'll be a world hero if there's any justice and the perps will fill his empty cells . SMH how much proof do we have to get before something is done. How many people have died right before they were due to testify against the Clinton's? Last guy I heard about was found in his hotel room with his throat crushed the day before he was set to testify and they ruled it a suicide????.... that means all the police involved with the case and the medical examiners were paid off or more than likely threatened and or blackmailed . There's a rumor that some new York cops got a hold of a video showing the dog and some other psycho bitch torturing a girl to death and I guess they became so upset that they killed themselves too and the trail died.
Julian is so intelligent & brave. It is very difficult to understand why he is has been & is being treated so horribly😪 It is heart breaking to see his talent & his courage to show us the corruption happening with torture & inprisonment. I hope we can learn from the knowledge he shared with us. Thankyou Julian💞
2000 yrs ago a man walked the earth and told the truth, which many of the leaders at the time, both religious & civil didnt want to hear. For his efforts he was cruficied. Not much has changed. The Bible tells us that satan is the god of this world. He is also called the father of lies. Its not hard to work out that this is so. Generation after generation follows in his footsteps & are seduced by his deceptions, the love of money being at the top of the list. The Bible also tells us that this age will come to a close, with a new age ushered in under Christ. We may well be nearing that time if u observe what has been happening with the globalists wanting total control over our lives. The mark of the beast in Rev 13 & 14 certainly looks close at hand, where we are told we will not be able to buy or sell unless we have the mark of the beast system. ( globalists)
Julian is excellent! It would be even more interesting if he was given space to share his views in the bigger picture of the process we find ourselves in as a humanity and where we might be headed, rather than pondering over where the truth came from, as if that changes the fact that it's true. What is felt is that Julian as opposed to the others involved in this conversation doesn't have a personal agenda, because truth cannot be personal. Respect for Julian!
There is a brilliant interview from a group called Frontline that Amy Goodman moderates between Assange and the great Slovenian philosopher, Slovaj Zizek, that reveals both Assange's brilliance and his humanity. It is truly one of the most moving and important interviews I've ever heard.
You are so bang on the nail. And if we the public do not stand up for this man we all are screwed he is one of the most important men on this planet at the moment silenced for telling the truth FACT
Every hero was considered a villain by the powers that be in his or her time on this earth. I don't know much about Julian's personal character but his fortitude in tackling a global octopus monster is something to behold.
My wonder is how thegovernment/justice allows this kind of corruption?then noooo power their just puppets to these criminals so what's the votes FOR threactical show if they like he'll so much they should get going 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Julian Assange , thank you for your honesty, bravery and intelligence. The world needs more like you. He should be given an award instead of being a fugitive.
Crybabies... Trump will pay MS13 member to silence him permanent with your political donations to his defunct charities. MS13 is the remnant left of Reagan's campaign to stomp out Communism in the western hemisphere. They were trained killers abandoned after Iran Contra scandal. Exactly why he and GOP is scared of them.. Trump was a financier of Iran Contra.
Thank you Julian Assange for being a light in the darkness! We owe you our eternal gratitude and are ashamed of how little we do with the information you provide! We should be in the streets demonstrating, and resisting until this corrupt oligarchy is replaced with a real government for the people, a democracy!
Where's the SPECIAL COMMITTEE / INVESTIGATION on the content of leaked material instead of the supposed publisher of said material??? Prime example of messanger over message ... All smoke n mirrors ladies and gents.
Yes! Ponder that! Does the deflection work? Why doesn't mainstream media do more with the truths Assange provides, and do more follow-up on them...huummmm?
Amy, you have continued to be a great public service to all who value and work for democratic values, respect for civil, economic and human rights being practiced daily.
Give that man the nobel price of peace, he deserves that... In fact he deserves EVERY single social price there is! He is probably the greatest person of our time!
@@rogbrogb5341 I guess that's true. As far as I'm aware, he rejected an offer of Trump that would have got him out of prison. Looks like he really cares about his principles more than about himself.
@donalain69 the awarding Organisation is part of the crowd they fear to offend. So they're part of that hegemonic bunch. J A would not feel elevated or be elevated by that award. I think he's above awards of any small grouping. He belongs to the World, never mind the protagonists of locking him away. He's bigger than life.
@@ishrirampersad8809 Yes, the nobel prices have become a political tool of the US administration. So it has kind of lost it's meaning. But regardless.. Winning that price would put additional pressure on the UK to release him. (next to the fact that the British courts are breaking their own laws)
Exposing pedophiles private crimes, is inexcusable !. He's fkd us up Big time with his damned emails ! Likewise why shouldn't a high govt. official make a few extra votes by bombing a jem of a African country back to the Stoneage ? We luvvit USA ! USA !
@@elizabethcsicsery-ronay1633 Trump was the very best President in US history! I didn't vote for him the first time around. After I witnessed our MSM bold face lie about him then parroted on every station relentlessly I started paying attention to everything he was doing. I went from embarrassed of him to amazed and proud. Once I turned off the TV my life changed. All because of that great man.
Nah...Assange is trying to shift the focus to something, anything, before he attempts to convince us Stone didn't know what Stone obviously did know. I found that particular deflection a huge fail. If Assange is truly a non partisan non biased investigative journalist , where's the dirt on rightwing and or non democratic countries? Only USA and only their leftwing politicians are dirty? Are we really that naive? Or does he think we are that stupid?
You can totally totally tell that Julian is being nothing but truthful. It's his life's mission---- to find the truth of things. His mother said (in another interview)-- that when he was a young boy--- he talked of wanting to be a scientist--- in order to find the Source of the Universe. He was born- came to the planet as a Truth Seeker.
So interesting, years ago I was a loyal listener to WBAI to see their faces is really cool - Thanks so much again for all the information! Freedom of speech IS very, very important for ALL humanity, always!
Juan asks Assange to respond to Schiff's statements, Julian responds, "It's not particularly interesting." correct, because lies do not interest a democracy. I love Julian Assange's work, God Bless Julian Assange.
I'm ashamed of myself for not being more informed especially on this front. To think that I actually believed the innuendoes and Conjecture surrounding Assange, Repulses me. I'm man enough to eat crow and admit it but above all Else I, WELCOME THE INTELLECTUAL NOURISHMENT TO OUR STARVING CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY!!
Where would we be without people like Asange, Snowden and the likes? Amazing people showing no fear. Here's to all the forward thinkers of the world. Join the revolution!
"I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." Julian Assange
Julian Assange is a GOOD Genius. He deserves to live the rest of his life in comfort, freedom, joy & peace, but I doubt he can or will. He'd very soon be revealing the NEXT biggest dirty secrets.
Trump said he loved Wikileaks, but he dropped the ball and continued to try to have Assange extradited . This was one of the biggest disappointments of Trump's 4 years
Trump knew his limits if he went too far off the D C Corporate Plantation Swamp he would be neutralized aka JFK style. Reagan after the Hinckley assassination attempt was compromised and fell in line with the Bush regime agenda.
A freedom-loving Americans should love Julian Assange. The American people have been screaming for transparency since they blew the head off of JFK oh, yeah when we get transparency and they find out the truth, well the wicked find out the truth of their own involvement, they don't like it!🔥
I had hoped that it would be his last pardon as he left office, but the Dems were ramping up talks of impeaching him--once again--and using military to remove him from the White House. They were (and are still) intent on precluding him from ever running again, fearful thought for a Party that's run by the low energy and elderly and that is not developing any legitimate (non-Woke) younger politicians. I can't imagine what direction they would have taken things if he had announced a pardon. They had already been supporting violent protests that destroyed and burned down businesses, calling them "largely peaceful"--dozens of people killed and thousands of police injured. Yet January 6th was/is called an insurrection (though no one carried guns) and likened by them to Pearl Harbor or 9/11, when no police died, but an unarmed veteran was shot and killed.
We wouldn't need Julian Assange and WikiLeaks if the US media, journalism did their job properly. We need people like Assange who can speak uncomfortable truths with integrity and credibility. Hopefully, he will come back soon stronger than ever.
At least this man was exposing the government for wrong doing. Something the media is too biased to do. Its pathetic.
How many lives were also ruined because of his releasing of unvetted files.
TRUTH is still above all the other things they use to make sure you never get the real TRUTH of all their misleading n down right LIES in the WORLD media which they CONTROLL and feed the general public all their misinformation to maintain their hegemony in the WORLD since the 50s at.least.
@@ikongchin3088 Truth means a reasoned mind that does not accept every conspiracy they read but is able to know enough about history and other matters to make better determination. Mr Chin if you are a person of a certain age before internet say 22 years ago and you had to read books , magazines, publications, etc and you were already curious about how the world really works than you had to really research and USA wars around the world since world war 2also read opposite opinions too. . I do not like the history of Western Civilization and but some thing were good for the world . I also do not like Emperor Xi and the never criticize the Communist party . We make no mistake if you question us you are enemy.-----The lockdowns in Shanghai because of Covid makes the people living there very angry. It is too much suffering for a pandemic.
The media can’t expose the evil they are a part of.
The Media is OWNED. Big time! :/
I love Julian Assange, and I thank him for leaking the e-mails. Our US reporters should have been doing what he was doing. It's called BALLS!
Yes Jayne Harmon he has what most journalists lack and it's called BALLS !!!!
Ours lost theirs long ago , since the days of
Woodward & Bernstein . It's so sad there is
no reporting as far as the truth is hasn't been for many years. Do they even know what that term means 🤣 .Do people in this
screwed up society want to know the truth
I don't think so . People need to stop looking at tiktok who's making stars out of non talents and listening to all these influencers whatever that means . I make my own informed decisions , which has nothing to do with social media influencers . Unlike these other people who take their word as gospel just one of the symptoms that is
ruining our world
My w Polsce również żądamy uwolnienia Juliana Assange
It’s called integrity
What criminals don't WANT
Thank you Julian Assange, your honesty in journalism is and will be the Gold Standard. God Bless you and set you free.
i dont think so anymore, assange has actually tuned out to be a russian agent, he exposed some good infos but the problem is that all other countries are just as bad as usa to the extend u cant really put any difference on them , infact ppl like putin bombed their ppl to get the presidency, which is 10 times wilder than what cia has done.
When u see they dont root for bimbings of ppl by putins pf the world, then it becomes so clear that wikileaks has no goal other than destabilizing usa for a forign interest !
U should look up the russian groyp called CHABAD , basically a russian intelligence asset, trump was a member but turns out to be a pentagon asset inside that russian group.
Read about PHIL B , a spy that became spy in countries to spy on them ! Its basically what happened with trump, god bless him, otherwise nobody know what would have happened to usa.
Those documents belong to "we the people". The way FBI has lied and gone after JA shows how serious their crimes against "we the people" have been".
Julian telling the truth and paying dearly for it with his life
So so disappointed in Australia!
He's a simple man who just wants the truth about our govts out here
I feel like more “popular” people are standing up against this tyrannical government and media.
Australia ?? Hes locked up in the UK @@colleen2671
yeah he's only allowed to do this if he kisses Trump's ass and says that obvious connection that we all saw and all know exists because of the trial of reality leigh winner who leaked the actual proof of said collusion doesn't exist
the guccifer thing yeah they were a russian hacker group they were also active in ukraine and all their shit got leaked because of the war Conti got fucked NotPetya got fucked
Freedom for Julian Assange Now!! Thank God the American People have other ways to find credible information besides the Mainstream Media and Corporately Owned Government Officials?
Assange, a "hero" who knows he will be portrayed a "villain... I admire his courage.
I read he was suicidal in jail...not relevant, just saying.
If this was true it’s foreshadowing that killary plans to have him suicided. Smdh
Nils Melzer, UN Rapporteur on Torture , says he is living in torturous conditions. But the Powers that Be won't comply with Law and stop torturing. Guantánamo remains, over Cuban objection to imperialism. "We tortured some folks." was all too casual! The world is upside down.
Of course
Julian Assange is an Honorable Man who tells the truth. He should be pardoned and allowed to live his life in peace!!!
More integrity than self serving politicians.
Julian Assange is the grownup in the room calmly and gently explaining to frightened children how this all works. He isn't blaming anyone, he's explaining. This is how grownup people behave.
Seems sorta odd that Julian never leaks any 9/11 documents, anything about the fraudulent NASA scam or the Zionist Rothchild central banking cabal behind all the lies and every single war over the last couple centuries or so...
The CIA was in building 7 with the Mossad agents triggering the explosives in the towers before they set the timer on 7 and ran. Norad was busy with the 9 high jacked jet drills suspiciously scheduled for that exact time and date to keep them confused... Cheney and Rumsfeld did a pretty good job setting up that Jewish Lightning strike with the rest of their Zionist Cabals "Project for a New American Century" think tank members...
Well stated! Thank you.
Bitch so fucked up she managed to lose a rigged election! lol
Fuck off you sad groupie!
Respect to Julian Assange !
Thank you, Mr. Assange. America (the people) love you & stand in awe of your valor.
Well if you American ppl love him why aren't you all up in arms and protesting in the streets about the conditions that he's being held in. !!!! Silence is golden 💲💰 Money can buy anything Money can silence a person !!!!!
If we thought it might help we would. A lot of us flew to London to protest.
If you protest anything against the lefts narrative is called domestic terrorists or insurrection. Horrific place we are in
Despite the awful conditions and the compelling inside info that has leaked and he’s shared…. Not one single person was investigated …. Just the trump supporters
@@linleysmith4528 unfortunately true. But look at our January 6 fores.. globalists and elites.. evil and corrupt
this man and his organization should be honored and respected. They bring the truth and take on a lot of threats to open the publics eyes. Thank you Wikileaks.
TVs in motels are what ... are .. can become Camera & audio rec.
"Truth is treason in an empire of lies."
Q qq63q
Q qq63q
I want him free and safe and helped to regain his health. It's a miracle he has persevered this long. Sending him and his strength from my heart m
He died in custody
@@rebeccarakuza2845 He is free now
@rebeccarakuza2845 liar . He's free.
Julian should be a free man. The UK should give him sanctuary.
It would have 30? yrs ago. I leaved in '06, it was so hopeless, and there is no point in thinking of a returning until after some kind of Revolution. Think "Jilet Jaunes".
He should be totally exonerated. Time served for his forced exile in the embassy.
@@TheLoyalOfficer The US is inevitably going to extradite him eventually
@@cody4916 He should be pardoned. Time served.
Unfortunately UK won't, they are part of the swamp and Aussie has equally abandoned their citizen, what a shame!
Thank you Julian Assange for giving up your freedom to ensure ours!! You are a HERO!
Theresa Powell
the links between David Duke and elements of the Snowden/WikiLeaks “op” including: Carl Lundstrom, financier of the Pirate Bay website which hosted WikiLeaks; Joran Jermas, the key Assange aid who arranged for WikiLeaks to operate through Pirate Bay; Ron Paul, Snowden’s Presidential candidate of choice and a political idol of Julian Assange.
Glenn Greenwald’s financial angel Pierre Omidyar and his role in financing theMaidan coup.
Greenwald’s work as a Nazi-fellow traveler, representing Nazi killers pro-bono and running legal interference for the leaderless resistance strategy.
The fact that the Snowden/WikiLeaks “op” was viewed by 70% of Americans under the age of 34 as a heroic act. This appears to have contributed substantially to the low voter turnout that brought the GOP-dominated 114th Congress to power.
The fact that the fundamentals of Snowden’s so-called disclosures have been on the public record for years.
The strong affinity of the Ron Paul-linked Ludwig von Mises Institute and Lew Rockwell (who edited Ron Paul’s racist newsletters) and the Hapsburg dynasty.
The links between the Hapsburgs (Otto von Habsburg in particular) and the OUN/B milieu of Yaroslav Stetsko.
Links between the Swedish fascist milieu to which Carl Lundstrom belongs and the international neo-Nazi contingent fighting in Ukraine.
The fact that Snowden is a trained spy.
Crypto Nazi....
Julian assange for president!!!
Michael Chiappini
And not a hero.
A criminal yes...
Maybe T Powell doesn't mind somebody stealing her passwords because they are worthless.
It's obvious you aren't American and neither is Assange.
If he had possession of my emails I'd break his jaw.
He's a hero but im not sure he has really been able to have an impact on our freedom. Our illusory.
Free Assange now
As always, any interview with Julien Assange is very well informed and coherent. For obvious reasons, his views and analysis is suppressed and silenced to keep a fog of misinformation in place.
Julien is a Brave White Man,with his eyes Wide Open Though Not American ( we see very few in the u.s. )
The deep State Sees No Color, We Average, poor & Middle class Are ALL in One boat in Their eyes.
He " JULIEN Speaks for & to US !
Thank the God's He's True to The Public
Release Julian Assange... for telling the truth... we all deserve to hear the truth!
He's dead now man. But wikileaks is still up
I'm Mittelalter wurden dem Boten schlechter Nachrichten geköpft. Das können sie heutzutage nicht mehr öffentlich machen.
Aber man kann verfolgen, was der Verursacher
der Verbrechen, die Macht und Möglichkeit hat,
den Verkünder der Verbrechen anzuklagen.
Julian has the depth in this conversation, he is an inspiration. Free Julian NOW
Wikileaks published information the voters had every right to know. Shame on Alan Nairn for suggesting they should have withheld it until later. Free Julian Assange! And Edward Snowden too!
As did our fbi! They suppressed and interfered in the 2020 election
Allan shamed himself !
I agree 💯 W you !
Assange never threw away his moral integrity and was imprisoned for it!
Many more of us are terrorised and locked up for being truthful and honest.
Julian is an example to the whole world and an international hero.
If only our politicians & others in power had his integrity. What a very different world it would be!!
@@sandyo974- but if the choices available to the public are just opposites of the same evil coin…..
Pure filth.
Yes I'm one who is terrorized by the US surveillance security state apparatus. It's a virtual prison that I'll call - purgatory.
@@xlander-jp1rd Truly accurate re right-wing D-R duopoly candidates. Progressive alternatives deserve our support, namely especially 2024 POTUS contender Dr. Jill E Stein of the US Green Party,
Good! He’s a massive hypocritical POS and a rapist to boot. It’s because of him we got Trump
Raising our voices for Julian Assange is our collective duty. He possesses a pristine conscience and is innocent. He deserves to be reunited with his spouse and children
Free Julian now
If only... now he'll be locked up for life in a max security
@@elijahshott3931He's free. Stay humble next time.
He'll be recognised as a national hero once this media protection racket for dodgy politics is fully exposed and brought to justice. Thankyou Julian Assange.
Julian Assange is Australian. I do hope you know that.
He'll be a world hero if there's any justice and the perps will fill his empty cells . SMH how much proof do we have to get before something is done. How many people have died right before they were due to testify against the Clinton's? Last guy I heard about was found in his hotel room with his throat crushed the day before he was set to testify and they ruled it a suicide????.... that means all the police involved with the case and the medical examiners were paid off or more than likely threatened and or blackmailed . There's a rumor that some new York cops got a hold of a video showing the dog and some other psycho bitch torturing a girl to death and I guess they became so upset that they killed themselves too and the trail died.
Lol, he’s a Russian stooge who’s about to face American justice
@@solimandina The founding fathers didn't follow what the British wanted either. What do we think about them now 🤔
Time for the US to stand back from Assange and rather explain their wicked behaviour!
Julian is so intelligent & brave. It is very difficult to understand why he is has been & is being treated so horribly😪 It is heart breaking to see his talent & his courage to show us the corruption happening with torture & inprisonment. I hope we can learn from the knowledge he shared with us. Thankyou Julian💞
He made enemies with US and their agencies thats why.
Watch & 🙏 Pray
2000 yrs ago a man walked the earth and told the truth, which many of the leaders at the time, both religious & civil didnt want to hear.
For his efforts he was cruficied. Not much has changed.
The Bible tells us that satan is the god of this world. He is also called the father of lies. Its not hard to work out that this is so. Generation after generation follows in his footsteps & are seduced by his deceptions, the love of money being at the top of the list.
The Bible also tells us that this age will come to a close, with a new age ushered in under Christ.
We may well be nearing that time if u observe what has been happening with the globalists wanting total control over our lives.
The mark of the beast in Rev 13 & 14 certainly looks close at hand, where we are told we will not be able to buy or sell unless we have the mark of the beast system. ( globalists)
He is a self serving narcissist and a coward who ran into an embassy
@@chrisgreene2623 and what have u done that tells us u are a better man then him.
Julian is excellent! It would be even more interesting if he was given space to share his views in the bigger picture of the process we find ourselves in as a humanity and where we might be headed, rather than pondering over where the truth came from, as if that changes the fact that it's true. What is felt is that Julian as opposed to the others involved in this conversation doesn't have a personal agenda, because truth cannot be personal. Respect for Julian!
Well put
I am Julian Assange and Spartacus
The Great Reset. CBN news.
"King Charles "is a WEF member.
NWO One World Government.
Free Him
There is a brilliant interview from a group called Frontline that Amy Goodman moderates between Assange and the great Slovenian philosopher, Slovaj Zizek, that reveals both Assange's brilliance and his humanity. It is truly one of the most moving and important interviews I've ever heard.
You are so bang on the nail.
And if we the public do not stand up for this man we all are screwed he is one of the most important men on this planet at the moment silenced for telling the truth FACT
Assange is a true hero!
Jennifer DuVall
Congratulations on your release 🎉🌍🕊️🌹
The world needs to waken up!! JA is a warrior and he is kicking ass to the corrupt swamp globally!! The truth will prevail✊
only after much suffering : ( >
and as always, Assange was right.
Every hero was considered a villain by the powers that be in his or her time on this earth. I don't know much about Julian's personal character but his fortitude in tackling a global octopus monster is something to behold.
My wonder is how thegovernment/justice allows this kind of corruption?then noooo power their just puppets to these criminals so what's the votes FOR threactical show if they like he'll so much they should get going 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
FREE JULIAN ASSANGE! Withe love from the Netherlands
Julian Assange , thank you for your honesty, bravery and intelligence. The world needs more like you. He should be given an award instead of being a fugitive.
Like a Nobel PEACE prize or a Nighthood
He knew then what the rest of us are only beginning to realize now.
Julian Assange is my hero , and i wish people understand what he trying to do ( Justis and survival of humanity )
Massoud G I agree! Julian is a hero!
Julian Assange is truly a hero and will definitely go down in the history books of this planet.
Trump will pay MS13 member to silence him permanent with your political donations to his defunct charities.
MS13 is the remnant left of Reagan's campaign to stomp out Communism in the western hemisphere.
They were trained killers abandoned after Iran Contra scandal.
Exactly why he and GOP is scared of them.. Trump was a financier of Iran Contra.
Massoud you are a moron..
Remain an ignorant fool like trump wants you to be.
@@lissaleggs4136 he puts the ASS is mASSoud.
Thank you Julian Assange for being a light in the darkness! We owe you our eternal gratitude and are ashamed of how little we do with the information you provide! We should be in the streets demonstrating, and resisting until this corrupt oligarchy is replaced with a real government for the people, a democracy!
Constitutional Representative Republic !
Free Assange
Free Journalism
Free Palestine
This man is courageous.
Julian Assange is the grownup in the room here.
Patricia McDermott
Assange is the neo Nazi in the room cyka..
Yes, exactly right--- everyone else is blinded by their personal or political agendas.
Free Assange .
I can see why Assange is being persecuted. He's obviously on the ball and speaking truth to power. I'm surprised he's still alive.
Pompeo wants him 6 ft under
We the people should take charge of our future not let these criminals deligate our future& incinerate humans
God be with you Mr . Assange
God IS with him, clearly.
Fairies.... LMFAO
Delusional trumptards..
Democracy Now showing its true colours, I reckon. Thanks Julian Assange even for this as well.
It is interesting that Establishment Politicians focus on who exposed the Lies and not the Lies themselves and the effect on Americans !
d. a. Will ouuuuuu that’s a BINGO
Where's the SPECIAL COMMITTEE / INVESTIGATION on the content of leaked material instead of the supposed publisher of said material??? Prime example of messanger over message ... All smoke n mirrors ladies and gents.
true don't sho*t the messenger, but we know how inconvenient he is to the deep state
Yes! Ponder that! Does the deflection work? Why doesn't mainstream media do more with the truths Assange provides, and do more follow-up on them...huummmm?
Excellent interview. Provides great material to think about what is going on in this country.
thank you Julian Assange for your bravery and commitment to The Truth no matter what names come forth
Love how Assange destroyed that "journalist" that was brought on to lie. Assange was having none of it.
U believe another CNN??? Just wen I thought I had a gut full of fake news, I hear this idiot!
He was way too restrained with this piece of crap establishment mouthpiece
Agreed that Allan Nairn guy is a real pos
With respect, I don´t think that other "journalist" had the stature Julian Assange has.
So far there is still only one !!
Amy, you have continued to be a great public service to all who value and work for democratic values, respect for civil, economic and human rights being practiced daily.
Give that man the nobel price of peace, he deserves that... In fact he deserves EVERY single social price there is!
He is probably the greatest person of our time!
Freedom he's very brave
By staying principled in the face of torture and death, Julian has shown more courage than any one.
@@rogbrogb5341 I guess that's true. As far as I'm aware, he rejected an offer of Trump that would have got him out of prison. Looks like he really cares about his principles more than about himself.
@donalain69 the awarding Organisation is part of the crowd they fear to offend. So they're part of that hegemonic bunch.
J A would not feel elevated or be elevated by that award. I think he's above awards of any small grouping. He belongs to the World, never mind the protagonists of locking him away. He's bigger than life.
@@ishrirampersad8809 Yes, the nobel prices have become a political tool of the US administration. So it has kind of lost it's meaning.
But regardless.. Winning that price would put additional pressure on the UK to release him. (next to the fact that the British courts are breaking their own laws)
This guy Alan does not have a clue of what’s about to come. I love it!! Assange is a lot smarter. Thank you Assange.
Marc W assange is a traitor! Wtf is wrong with you people?!
Exposing pedophiles private crimes, is inexcusable !. He's fkd us up Big time with his damned emails ! Likewise why shouldn't a high govt. official make a few extra votes by bombing a jem of a African country back to the Stoneage ? We luvvit USA ! USA !
Oh yes, he does. He foresaw the total disaster that Trump became.
@@elizabethcsicsery-ronay1633 Trump was the very best President in US history! I didn't vote for him the first time around. After I witnessed our MSM bold face lie about him then parroted on every station relentlessly I started paying attention to everything he was doing. I went from embarrassed of him to amazed and proud. Once I turned off the TV my life changed. All because of that great man.
Mr. Assange. Thank you for your concern and evaluation. We are very fortunate to have your input. Stay strong.
Small wonder that Julian Assange has been silenced ! You can still hear what he has to say today on Twitter ! I shall continue to support him !
"Party politics in the United Stats is something that everyone has to get away from" YESS!!
Nah...Assange is trying to shift the focus to something, anything, before he attempts to convince us Stone didn't know what Stone obviously did know. I found that particular deflection a huge fail. If Assange is truly a non partisan non biased investigative journalist , where's the dirt on rightwing and or non democratic countries? Only USA and only their leftwing politicians are dirty? Are we really that naive? Or does he think we are that stupid?
I have to disagree with him and say we need a party that actually represents the working class majority.
You can totally totally tell that Julian is being nothing but truthful. It's his life's mission---- to find the truth of things. His mother said (in another interview)-- that when he was a young boy--- he talked of wanting to be a scientist--- in order to find the Source of the Universe. He was born- came to the planet as a Truth Seeker.
He has to get a Bible ....he will find the truth in it
So interesting, years ago I was a loyal listener to WBAI to see their faces is really cool - Thanks so much again for all the information! Freedom of speech IS very, very important for ALL humanity, always!
An honest man. Very rare nowadays especially amongst politicians, bankers and the intelligence agencies.
Julian is a World Hero. XX
No he is a coward hiding in an embassy and a rapist who runs when accused
@@chrisgreene2405 those girls changed their stories . The CIA had them lie.
What has the world come to… Journalists like Julian Assange should be rewarded for revealing the truth to the public - period!
best journalist today
Juan asks Assange to respond to Schiff's statements, Julian responds, "It's not particularly interesting." correct, because lies do not interest a democracy. I love Julian Assange's work, God Bless Julian Assange.
Julian Assange speaking facts!!!!
Thank you Julian Assange from 🇺🇸 I pray for your freedom. 🙏
The World Love's Jullian Assange. Free the Hero.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
You Mr Julian Assange are the very epitome of a hero for America. Thank you kindly my friend.
Julian is a HERO despite all the lies AND that second male journalist’s feeble attempt to discredit him.
allan a shame of a person...blah.blah...never once offered up his freedom for his sardonic .incorrigible fence sitting persona
Male journalists serve the state also. Julian is reporting on what they cannot.
Nairn is a turd. He's outdated regardless of his investigative perspective or skills
I'm ashamed of myself for not being more informed especially on this front.
To think that I actually believed the innuendoes and Conjecture surrounding Assange, Repulses me.
i ain't Ishmael
The people love Assange !
yes, and those who don't, love thieving, lying and corrupt governments - they are ignorant humans
The people who want Assange imprisoned should be imprisoned themselves for their own treason to their fellow humans
Trump loves Assange too! He wanted to pardon him. One is required to be on US soil for a pardon to occur same with Snowden.
Hero! ✊👀 #WikiLeaks #FreeJulian
Thank you for sharing this important credible information!
Where would we be without people like Asange, Snowden and the likes? Amazing people showing no fear. Here's to all the forward thinkers of the world. Join the revolution!
Assange is the bringer of truth whether you like it or not.
he's a fraud. distraction of the real problems. if he was a real truther he'd be long gone and you know it.
Mina Deyan Mitich Your mindless propagation of the word 'truther' betrays your disdain for actual truth.
Mina, are you pissed off that pedophile protector Killary lost?
he's controlled opposition that's all I'm saying
"I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." Julian Assange
How can anyone sit there and see what has happened to julian and still try to say their nation is the good guys
Someone bought and paid for
Thank you Julian! ♡
Julian Assange should be hailed as an outstanding human being . He has gone through hell for all of us to know the truth. Thank you for your courage.
JA is one smart cookie!! Very interesting to listen to- keep up the good work
can someone please send cookies, Julien is very sweetHe exhibited how sweet the cia is, surely we can send cookies.
The truth will be coming out soon! It’s about time. Thank you Julian!
Thank you for reporting the truth!!
! Viva Julian Assange!
Thank God for Julian Assange & people
whom Love truth!!
Free Julian Assange!
Allan Nairn, what good have you done for the children of this generation.... Wiki leaks = Global messager. Much love Julian from the Pacific.
Allan Nairn is not a journalist, unstable activist is a better depiction.
Thank you julian assange.
Hero to the common man. Threat to the elitists.
a true HERO!
brilliant Julian. held up your argument well. not happy about other joker they bought on.
Assange a hero for humanity and liberator for truth!!!
Julian Assange is a GOOD Genius. He deserves to live the rest of his life in comfort, freedom, joy & peace, but I doubt he can or will.
He'd very soon be revealing the NEXT biggest dirty secrets.
U didn't even deserve to interview that great man!!
Julian Assange is a hero ... !!!!!!
Look at how young Julian looked,the Man has been under soo much pressure,he looks far older than his relatively young age Now..A Great Man indeed..
absolute hero!
God save Julian Assange.
Trump said he loved Wikileaks, but he dropped the ball and continued to try to have Assange extradited . This was one of the biggest disappointments of Trump's 4 years
Trump knew his limits if he went too far off the D C Corporate Plantation Swamp he would be neutralized aka JFK style. Reagan after the Hinckley assassination attempt was compromised and fell in line with the Bush regime agenda.
A freedom-loving Americans should love Julian Assange. The American people have been screaming for transparency since they blew the head off of JFK oh, yeah when we get transparency and they find out the truth, well the wicked find out the truth of their own involvement, they don't like it!🔥
He was going to pardon him
I had hoped that it would be his last pardon as he left office, but the Dems were ramping up talks of impeaching him--once again--and using military to remove him from the White House. They were (and are still) intent on precluding him from ever running again, fearful thought for a Party that's run by the low energy and elderly and that is not developing any legitimate (non-Woke) younger politicians. I can't imagine what direction they would have taken things if he had announced a pardon. They had already been supporting violent protests that destroyed and burned down businesses, calling them "largely peaceful"--dozens of people killed and thousands of police injured. Yet January 6th was/is called an insurrection (though no one carried guns) and likened by them to Pearl Harbor or 9/11, when no police died, but an unarmed veteran was shot and killed.
Agreed ….. wth did he not pardon him?
God bless you Julian.
We wouldn't need Julian Assange and WikiLeaks if the US media, journalism did their job properly.
We need people like Assange who can speak uncomfortable truths with integrity and credibility.
Hopefully, he will come back soon stronger than ever.
The devils are all out an mass to create devastation
Thank u for all that u do. You are an inspiration that indeed there’s still hope in this chaotic society...