Given it was my first time using the recording application , I didn't realise that it was recording zoomed in until I finished recording haha. I could have re recorded those sections but I preferred to leave it as the genuine " first time experience " footage. It won't be there for next video!
The cars seem realistic because they get scanned in real life and than put in the game
Ohhh I see. That's interesting to know
I really enjoyed this video
Nice work!
Thank you so much!
What's up with the off-center sections in the video?
Given it was my first time using the recording application , I didn't realise that it was recording zoomed in until I finished recording haha. I could have re recorded those sections but I preferred to leave it as the genuine " first time experience " footage. It won't be there for next video!
Underrated channel +1 sub also fh4 is way better than fh5
Thank you for this! I appreciate it! Also glad to hear I chose the better of the games haha. What makes it better though?
The game is in the UK