Parents Share How Their Kids Casually Dropped Some Chilling Sentences That They Can’t Forget

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 มี.ค. 2021
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  • @aaronmcconnell7358
    @aaronmcconnell7358 2 ปีที่แล้ว +220

    A few years ago in my mid thirties I was remodeling a bathroom for a lady who just found out she had cancer ,and was obviously worried. at one point I walked out to check on her she was sitting in her dining room at the table, and there was a little blonde boy in church clothes standing behind her. when I got closer he ran off into the other room, I asked her is she watching her grandkids. she said no not today, why? I asked who was the little blonde boy that was just standing beside you , She gave me the biggest smile and a little tear in her eye . She said that is my little brother he died when he was little, I feel so much better knowing he is looking over me . A few years later she is in remission doing well.

  • @ImaginPeace
    @ImaginPeace 2 ปีที่แล้ว +89

    I consider myself a fairly quick reader, but I don't think I was able to read a single one of these completely before they scrolled up! Suggestions for future videos, "Allow more time before changing slides."

  • @panagea2007
    @panagea2007 3 ปีที่แล้ว +249

    One day at school I heard my grandmother's voice say "I have to go now". When I got home my mother was crying, and I knew why.

  • @leahsahaas5855
    @leahsahaas5855 3 ปีที่แล้ว +396

    These stories didn't frighten me; they actually made me smile! Children are pure souls and are MUCH more open to the spiritual world than adults can be! 😊😊😊♥️♥️♥️

  • @EEsmalls
    @EEsmalls 2 ปีที่แล้ว +100

    I'll never forget the night I dreamed about the love of my life. We weren't able to be together due to many unfortunate reasons. It had been several years since I'd seen or spoken to him and I was in a new, not great, relationship. One night I had this very vivid dream of him visiting me and wanting me to go with him. Even in the dream I was afraid of the consequences from my SO if I went, so I said no. A few days later I decided to Google him to see how he was. I found his obituary instead. He had died the night he came to me in my dreams. I will regret not going with him for the rest of my life. He tried to say goodbye and I turned him away. The absolute devastation I felt and feel is almost unbearable. If heaven is real, he'll be there waiting to guide me through the dark.

  • @pedinurse1
    @pedinurse1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +86

    My grandson told me when he was four, Grammie, God talks to me. He told me He is preparing a baby for my mother. I said OK. Next week I asked ,Had God spoken to you again?" "Yes Grammie. He said he is preparing the bones, the skin and the blood and then He will be done. My daughter found out 2 weeks later she waspregnant after trying for a few years.He said God shows him things on something like a television.

  • @mariaorczykowska4855
    @mariaorczykowska4855 3 ปีที่แล้ว +213

    One time, when I and my family were on a walk. My 4 yo sister said that that she doesn't want to go further because it's really scarry. Our parents were confused because it was a nice path and the sun was shinning. Just a little further we came to a cementary from world War 2.

  • @hannahsage
    @hannahsage 2 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    Some kid walked up to me at the park and goes, "I sorry I abused you. I was a terrible father." I asked him what he meant. He started crying and goes, "I hit you with a belt. There was a house fire. I left you. You got out and I beat you with my belt. I'm sorry." I had no idea. The creepy thing was, is that I had a lot of weird brusies and cuts that day. He goes, "You had 3 siblings. They all died in that fire." I'm just gonna say, I was CREEPED OUT.

  • @janeenharris3074
    @janeenharris3074 2 ปีที่แล้ว +79

    My daughter was a shy little girl. Painfully shy. She'd hide behind my legs, hanging on to me nervously, whenever anyone who wasn't part of the family was around. She came to me when she was 4, stopped sucking her thumb, and said "they killed me because I'm ugly." I took her to my full length mirror and made her look at herself, and I told her she was the cutest, most beautiful little girl that anyone could ever see. She looked at herself intently from all angles, smiled, pulled a few poses and faces, and walked away as a confident, happy girl. She became very outgoing straight away. Whatever the cause, it was well worth taking her seriously.

  • @aaronmcconnell7358
    @aaronmcconnell7358 2 ปีที่แล้ว +221

    The day I found out my grandma died I left work early ,I was home a few minutes and there was a knock at the door . it was a young woman who said she was going door to door asking questions for a school project, i said I'm sorry I cant think to answer questions I just found out my grandmother had passed. she opened the screen door between us and gave me a deep calming hug, and said it's ok and smiled. I thanked her and told her to be safe, an closed the door i instantly felt at ease from her hug. Now feeling better I hurried to open the door to stop her and answer her questions , and she was gone. there wasn't even tim for her to be off my steps, then I thought about how she was dressed in a button up sweater an a skirt with curly brown hair a style that was very out of date . a few days later at my grandmother's funeral , they had photos playing on a tv an a picture popped up of that girl. I grabbed my aunt and asked, who is that she said that was grandma when she was 18. I have goosebumps now remembering that day . Love and miss you grandma and poppy .

  • @lesliemccormick6527
    @lesliemccormick6527 3 ปีที่แล้ว +679

    I used to babysit for a family of 4 kids, when I was in high school. Once, the second youngest, a boy, aged 4, was sitting by himself, crying. The other 3 kids, 8, 6 and 2, were tearing around the yard, having fun. I sat down next to him and he climbed into my lap. I asked him why he was upset. He said, "Oh, sometimes I miss my old life."

  • @deborahholland7274
    @deborahholland7274 2 ปีที่แล้ว +124

    My son at 10 years old was on a tour of some battlefield in Va. The tour also included a house that had been used as a field hospital. My normally quiet, slightly zoned out kid(ADHD meds) started correcting the guide. Telling her names of soldiers who had died in the house, talking about what the rooms looked like during that time etc. The guide was indulgent and just said "Wow you must have done this tour alot, do you live nearby?" Well he had never done this tour before and we lived 2 hours away and never been near this place before. When we asked him how he knew all the stuff he knew, he simply stated "I was taken there after my leg got hurt a long time ago." He never changed his story even 20 years later..

  • @pegatheetoo1437
    @pegatheetoo1437 2 ปีที่แล้ว +255

    Same thing ... I lived alone. My grandson was in a time out on a stool in the hallway, right outside a bathroom. He suddenly looked up at me and asked who that man was in the bathroom; and looked a little shook up. I called him over to me and felt chills up and down my spine. I never used that bathroom because I always got weird feelings whenever I went in there. However, I knew I had to put a stop to that and had heard that if you are firm and tell the spirit to leave, it will.

  • @michelleayotte2364
    @michelleayotte2364 3 ปีที่แล้ว +204

    Kids are much more receptive to the spirit world than adults give them credit for. I'm glad my mother believed me when I started telling her about my encounters. When I was only 2 I started telling her "Part of me is missing" and kept telling her that until I was 5 when my mom finally told me that I'd had a twin sister when I was born, but that she had passed when we were only 28 days old. I knew about my twin sister before my mom could even tell me !

  • @michaelweinmann3679
    @michaelweinmann3679 3 ปีที่แล้ว +251

    I have a cousin Marie. When she was about 3 she was sitting in front of the tv when her mother told her to scoot back. She turned and scolded my aunt saying, "I am Countessa Isabella d'Angouleme and you will address me as such." and went back to watching tv.

  • @plumdutchess
    @plumdutchess 3 ปีที่แล้ว +124

    My mom always tells us that when my brother was around 2/3 years old, he would tell her stories that all started with: "When I was a soldier and you were my child...".

  • @wickedvideowatcher
    @wickedvideowatcher 3 ปีที่แล้ว +195

    I love these; I think kids are much more open to other planes of existence.

  • @lunaangelique894
    @lunaangelique894 2 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    My grandmother's grandmother would dream about a village in Germany throughout her life and every time she had the dream she would tell her family. When she was older her and her sister's went to a village in Germany and she guided them around and help them get the best deals. It was exactly as she described in her dream. My grandmother told me that story and I've never forgotten it.

  • @apathyinc.7534
    @apathyinc.7534 3 ปีที่แล้ว +72

    I was talking to my son in the car, he was 4 at the time. He wanted to go to Disneyland again. I was surprised he could remember it because he was only 2 when we had taken him. I said, "you can remember that far back?" He replied, "Oh yeah, Daddy, I remember before I was born, it was real bright."

  • @irisding2669
    @irisding2669 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    oh same, my parents often say that when i was 5ys, i once spoke to them in French and when they translated it, it's mean " my death is painful and horrible but thanks god i can live in this peaceful place the rest of my life, so don't u dare talk back to me, i'm older than u two!!" i'm a vietnamese and never learn french in my whole life☺