你孤單嗎 粤語

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 มิ.ย. 2024
  • 你孤單嗎 粤語 Are You Lonely
    Ada R. Habershon 1910
    你孤單嗎真孤單嗎 有人比你更孤單
    基督耶穌降世受苦 為遵行天父旨意
    祂孤單行走遍鄉城 宣講天國人不從
    未見一人與祂分擔 祂擔當你我憂傷
    是否你心背負重擔 祂背負我們重擔
    擔當你我罪孽悲傷 使我們得到安慰
    救主頭戴荆棘冠冕 十架上流血捨身
    拯救我們免受沉淪  完成神偉大救恩
    是否渴望盼望那日 祂比我們更渴望
    期待已久時刻將到 神祂話語要實現
    到那日主祂必再來 因主祂愛衆兒女
    主將聚集蒙恩兒女 與祂同在到永遠
    Are you lonely, very lonely?
    There was One more lonely still,
    Jesus Christ the Man of sorrows,
    As He did His Father’s will,
    He was lonely in the city,
    He was lonely in the crowd,
    For He found no eye to pity,
    And His heart in grief was bowed.
    Are you laden, heavy laden?
    There was One more laden still,
    He can bear your sin and sorrow,
    And your heart with comfort fill.
    For He took the sorest burden,
    That has ever yet been borne,
    And He died beneath that burden
    When He wore the crown of thorn.
    Are you eager, very eager?
    There is One more eager still,
    For the long expected moment,
    When His word He will fulfill,
    For the heart that loves so truly,
    Never can be satisfied,
    Till around Himself He gathers,
    All the souls for whom He died.

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