Hi Colleen, this one you can see the ammonite just peeking out. Usually you can see a little bit of a fossil sticking out of a rock either just on the surface or if you split a nodule. There are some rocks that contain fossils, and some that don't. This is a nodule from Lyme Regis beach where with a trained eye you can learn to pick out certain rocks as more likely to contain fossils than others based on colour, texture and shape which helps you determine which layer of rock in the cliff it came from. It takes many many years to get good at this!
Just bought one from yourselves, looking forward to using it 😁👌
you could circumcise a fly with that thing,,,,im impressed
Interesting analogy
Do these nibs work with any dremmel or just the ZOIC palaeotech one? I got a cheap dremmel for testing but all the bibs are sandpaper
C’est quoi ce produit que tu mets dessus à la fin ?
What are the clues that indicate there’s a fossil in the rock?
Hi Colleen, this one you can see the ammonite just peeking out. Usually you can see a little bit of a fossil sticking out of a rock either just on the surface or if you split a nodule. There are some rocks that contain fossils, and some that don't. This is a nodule from Lyme Regis beach where with a trained eye you can learn to pick out certain rocks as more likely to contain fossils than others based on colour, texture and shape which helps you determine which layer of rock in the cliff it came from. It takes many many years to get good at this!