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What a great segment! Mots is just fabulous - one of my favourite parts of watching the games is Mots in the build up, half time analysis and review . She's professional, vibrant and highly skilled... and that smile!!! Yoh!! Keep up the great work Mots = Def the Queen of Rugby!
Mots is as solid as a rock. Very professional on set. Very calm, even through that unfortunate incident on set a few years ago when someone steamed off set. Hope to see her many years on Supersport.
"Girls that Look like me"..... what is she talking about? Such a beautiful lady. Massively talented, I absolutely love watching Mots. Comes across as a natural talent, but has clearly worked so hard to get there. Great segment guys, really enjoyed learning more about my fave presenter.
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What a great segment! Mots is just fabulous - one of my favourite parts of watching the games is Mots in the build up, half time analysis and review . She's professional, vibrant and highly skilled... and that smile!!! Yoh!! Keep up the great work Mots = Def the Queen of Rugby!
😢Just had to tear up when I saw Derek Watts..... it felt like he was saying goodbye with his catchy ending promo
Mots is as solid as a rock. Very professional on set. Very calm, even through that unfortunate incident on set a few years ago when someone steamed off set. Hope to see her many years on Supersport.
"Girls that Look like me"..... what is she talking about? Such a beautiful lady. Massively talented, I absolutely love watching Mots. Comes across as a natural talent, but has clearly worked so hard to get there. Great segment guys, really enjoyed learning more about my fave presenter.
What a beautiful story. Awesome Mots - All the best for the future. May it even be brighter.
You make the rugby day Mots. We are so fortunate to have you!
Mots has quickly become voice of rugby in SA....beautiful lady!!!
The real makoya… A true South African fave. Hometown glory. Halala!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Very nice!
Wonderful lady!!
Cheers, Derek!
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5. Crude or offensive language.
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That clip at the end by Dereck Watts, I hope you could keep it on and end all the shows with it.
Ag no this has now gone to far.. Rugby 1st lady C, mon
Super Sport is to expensive. Ill just watch it online thx.
Always pushing the agenda ....first Lady 😅😅😅😅😅
Hope to see you France 🇫🇷. Twins date?