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A lot of non Christians see God as a tyrant, sitting on a throne in the clouds, barking orders. What they don't understand is God's rules are more like common sense. It would be like Him saying "don't play with fire". You can say "whatever, fire is awesome and I want to play with it" but eventually you will get burned. Hopefully, you don't get burned too badly. Then people will get mad at God like it was His fault and He says "hey, I told you not to play with fire, didn't I?"
The laws of God are not for God but man .to help instruct in righteousness as Paul said .they are only given as a benefit or gift .we dont have to take it at all .job says this .(the righteousness of man dont add to God, the wickedness of man dont take from God). The law and everything on the bible is a selfless act of love so we can see God more clear. Ita not to hurt or oppress. I wish that not only non believers but believers would understand this
God's first and foremost relationship with humanity, besides but similar to Creator, is Father. That relationship and title is made prominent and pronounced throughout the entire Bible. To borrow from your fire illustration, I have personal experience being a dad myself. When I tell my son to not run out into the road without looking first, I don't say that because I'm mean or withholding good things from him. I am commanding (not suggesting) that he be cautious and look both ways so that he isn't someday killed by something, something in that instant he could not stop nor at his age even comprehend how and why it happened. Same goes with God and His love for His kids.
Agree. He knows us better than we know ourselves. At the heart of the law is mercy. His laws are more merciful than the vacuum they would leave if there were none given its mans nature to make up rules when there are none. How scary and chaotic the world would be if everyone did what was right in His own eyes. Romans 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. Works to the Hebrew mind is an extension of faith. Is why the disciples were men of deeds not of words as we are taught under the Greek system and the Jews of Yeshua's day.
They really shouldn't profane a bible video with all this infernal crazy-style animation. It's the very sort of inane self-expression that God warns against time and time again in the Bible.
i took the Picasso like animations to be a stylized choice to demonstrate the idea that laws are abstractions based off real life situations. that doesn't mean that laws are false or fake or don't constitute a reality, but that when laws are summarized as they are in the Bible, they present to us themes and abstractions that echo and resonate from other stories say in Genesis, the prose histories or the Prophetic books.
This is one of the best channels TH-cam has ever had. You guys are truely a blessing to us ❤️ I have never met anyone that explains the Bible and helps me read it as you guys. And your animations are ETHEREAL. I wish you had more followers though. Every living person Christian or not should get a chance to watch these videos. Thank you, may God reward you.
@@illusionfaderr5394 illusion, while there is much good on this channel, there is a fair amount of error too. Like in this video it says that the law was given to the Israelites, yet the Bible says that Abraham had it long before any Israelite nation came about! Gen 26:5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws. . Lets keep God's laws, including His 7th day Sabbath from sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday.
@Illusionfaderr Well you shouldn't have called upon the "spirit guides" . But maybe you didn't know better so I can't do anything to you there. But ofc you can't trust the spirit guides because they are actually DEMONS! Pray and get rid of them!
1) I smiled throughout this whole video - loved it! 2) The explanations and illustrations made this summary so clear and tied the whole narrative together beautifully! 3) The animations were so sophisticated - kudos to all of the artists involved! You did an awesome job!
Can everyone please pray for my brother in law? His name is Alex. he is slowly but surely dying in the hospital. He had his colon removed recently and is having complications from the surgery. Every prayer counts. Thank you. God bless.
Thank you all for your prayers. Alex made it home alive and is now doing well recovering. He almost died in the hospital. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
If you ever try to read the Bible from the beginning, you’ll find out that 69 chapters into the story (that is, Exodus ch. 19), the story slows way down to make room for the laws given to ancient Israel, over six hundred of them! Why are they in the story? Are Bible readers supposed to follow them or respond to them in some way? And how do they relate the New Testament part of the story when Jesus shows up? These are huge questions that we explore in the video, but here are some helpful starting points. (1) The Old Testament is not a law book. Rather, these laws given to Israel constitute the terms of their covenant relationship with the God who rescued them from slavery in Egypt. The covenant ceremony is found in Exodus chs. 19-24, where we find the 10 commandments plus 42 other commands that illustrate the principles of worship, justice, and community life that Israel was to follow. (2) These laws were given to appoint Israel as a “kingdom of priests” (Exodus 19:4-6), a contrast community that would represent God’s presence and character to the surrounding nations. (3) The covenant was consummated as God prepared a miniature Eden to inhabit when he took up residence among his people (i.e. the Tabernacle in Exodus 25-31, 35-40). (4) As the story picks up again, we find a pattern of narratives alternating with sections of more covenant laws. And these narratives usually involve the Israelites breaking the covenant laws they just received! This begins with the story of the Golden calf (Exodus 32-34), then the rebellion of the sons of Aaron (Leviticus 9), the worship of the goat-idols (Leviticus 17), then the constant rebellion of the Israelites in the wilderness (Numbers 11-21). This pattern is part of the Torah’s communication strategy, which is to show that these laws offered ancient Israel a way to live by God’s will, but they consistently fail. This is why Moses’ final speeches to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 30-32 predict their ultimate failure and exile from the promised land, but also that God would have to recreate their hearts if they are to ever be God’s faithful covenant partners. These hundreds of laws, it turns out, are part of the way the Torah’s storyline points forward into the same future announced Israel’s prophets (see Jeremiah 31 or Ezekiel 36-37): It’s only when humanity is renewed by God’s creative Spirit that we are enabled to truly love God and trust his wisdom. This is the story that Jesus was stepping into when he said that he came to “bring the Torah to fulfillment” (see Matthew 5:17-48), and that loving God and one’s neighbor fulfills the Torah (see Matthew 22:34-40). And this is the same story carried forward in the work of the Spirit among Jesus’ followers (see Galatians 5:13-23). So then, the laws actually play a crucially important role in the biblical story, but it requires a macro-view to see how it all fits together and leads us to Jesus!
“And by this we know that we know Him, if we guard His commands. The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever guards His Word, truly the love of Elohim has been perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. The one who says he stays in Him ought himself also to walk, even as He walked.” Yoḥanan Aleph (1 John) 2:3-6 - “By this we know that we love the children of Elohim, when we love Elohim and guard His commands. For this is the love for Elohim, that we guard His commands, and His commands are not heavy,” Yoḥanan Aleph (1 John) 5:2-3
Bible Project, you did it again! I'm reading through the bible and ran across Exodus 21:21, just after the 10 Commandments. I was a bit put off by the slave laws (especially the one that says the owner of a slave is not to be punished if the slave recovers from being brutalized by his master in a day or two). I prayed & asked The Lord why this is okay & this evening, He used your teaching to help me understand His heart. Thank you for your obedience to create this content. I am going to Patrion to support the work!
You have to understand that in that culture, it was expected that you had land and you created your own wealth. The only time you were a "slave" was when you fell on times and needed some money. It was for a limited duration and you were gifted a bunch of stuff at the end OR you could opt to stay on. You were well treated--not the picture of slavery from the 19th century U.S. Today we called such slaves "employees."
Umm they weren't brutalised. The following verses talk about how masters shouldn't break the teeth or damage the eyes of slaves and if I was in their shoes, I wouldn't risk getting flamed by the law so thus, brutalising your slave wouldn't be desirable since brutalising has the potential to inflict those injuries (thanks captain obvious).
You have to understand 2 things: First of all God didn't create slavery but he made a law inside slavery. So humans created slavery but God gave the slaves rights. Second: Slavery in this sense is often missunderstood. It's not like you go around and slaughter people and take some slaves. Slaves often command themself to their owner in order to pay them for example. If you owe someone money and can't pay it you can offer him a specific time of slavery to pay him. That's what's called justice. You are just a slave for a certain time and the owner has to take care of you and your family to have food a bed and so on. So slavery in gods law is not the same as we see it today. That is more or less explained throughout the bible. The slavery of Egypt though was not righteous and God lead Israel out of it and punished Egypt.
@@jenna2431 Many don't realize that. Slaves were to be treated their "slave owners" due to their slave owners treating them good and not abusing, torturing etc that went on with the Slave Trade era in America especially and elsewhere. Many of us are still "slaves" just called employees. Compensated for doing work for someone else who will build their wealth from the work on many etc.
Rev 14: 12 and 1John 3:4 explained Here is the patience of the saints, here are they that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus. There are commandments of God for the Jews, which is not the 10 commandments but the entire law of Moses. The 10 commandments can never be separated from the entire law of Moses, they are all part of one law! There are commandments of God for the Jews, Commandments from God for the Gentiles and most of all, the Commandments of God for the Christians. The Commandments of God for the Christians are those supplied by the Church as a passing down of the Apostolic tradition for the Church members to keep. For example: It is clear by the Epistles that Christians are to quell the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:17-19) by living by the Holy Spirit and this "fulfill the righteousness of the law" by faith and no longer to live by the 10 commandments but by the Spirit of the law and bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives (Gal. 5:21-22). Moreover, the commandments to keep the Lord's Supper and to worship *together* upon the first day of the week in commemoration and celebration of the resurrection of Christ are from God as Christ being God in the flesh commanding these things. And, following these things are the commandments from Christ both love, the brethren and to hear and obey the authority of the Church. It is never enough for the person to a commandment keeper, but he must of the testimony of the faith in Jesus Christ, whom the Sabbath keepers despised and persecuted unto death as well as the Apostles. All of these things does the Adventist church rebel against disobeying every commandment of God. Moreover, instead of loving the brethren, the Adventist church has set it's heart to persecute and malign, lie and slander the Church and it's members before the entire world in the name of Christ. 1John 3:4 wasn't talking about Sabbath keeping whatsoever. If you are going to apply it to sabbath keeping, you are required to apply it to the annual holy days, tithing to the Levitcal Priesthood, animal sacrifices, circumcision of the flesh and the rest of "the law" (SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW) NOT MERELY THE 10 COMMANDMENTS. However, that is not the meaning of 1John 3:4. It's talking about the purity of life AND THE HOLY SPIRIT'S WORK OF LOVE IN A PERSON, not Sabbath keeping of the Jews. *I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.* Gal. 5:14: For *all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.* This is the LAW, John is referring to in 1John 3:4, NOT THE SABBATH! 1 John 3:23 And this is HIS COMMANDMENT ! That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as HE GAVE US COMMANDMENT *HERE'S THE COMMANDMENT HE'S TALKING ABOUT!!* NOT SABBATH KEEPING!! 1John NEVER MENTIONS SABBATH KEEPING BECAUSE IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING JEWISH. All the murderers of Christ and the Apostles were "Sabbath keepers" professing to keep "the law" . You simply don't get it! 25 TIMES JOHN MENTIONS THE COMMANDMENT TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER! AND YOU ALL ABUSE IT TO TALK ABOUT HOW TO HATE CHRISTIANS! ****What POSSIBLY COULD MAKE YOU THINK THAT 1JOHN IS TALKING ABOUT SABBATH KEEPING???? It’s all about LOVE!! NOT ABOUT SABBATH KEEPING! SEE THE VERSES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE! Gal. 5:15 'But if ye be led of the Spirit, *ye are not under the law." * Moreover, it’s the greatest irony that the SDA would take the Epistle of 1John which about loving the Church and use it to preach Sabbath keeping and division!!!!! You guys never read scripture in context! You all jump around like a bunch of Kangaroos abusing scripture at every turn, to preach your heresy. Well said, Christ to the Sabbath keepers in John 5:45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: *there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.*
@@EricSaavy Im not an SDA. But I'm a Sabbath keeper. But for me, its still a commandment I want to keep for Him. In saying this, its been a blessing living by His commandment as I personally found more restful on a Saturday than Sunday. I don't hold it against my friends that still go to church on Sunday and I will join them from time to time. But as for me and my house we choose to obey His commandments.
@@EricSaavy I appreciate your passion, brother, and I also appreciate the exhortation, but I think you came out harsh. You see harshness in Jesus' words as well as the words of the epistles but always with love. Ephesians 4:15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, One of our goals as fellow Christians is to build each other up. Thank you for the study you put into this comment I appreciated it. Hebrews 3:13 But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called today, that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
@@timlattin8205 I am SDA and I find these so called christians agonizing the basic commandments of God the 10 commandments, these laws are directly written by the hands of God.
I'm a visual learner,these lessons are awesome.I have a better understanding when I have my Bible study lessons..God Bless you all for taking the time to help us❤
I have listened to many of your teachings, thank you for your obedience to YHWH. I'm 62 years old and for nearly 40 years I've searched for His truth, you have helped me to know His Torah and the rest of His Word better. May you be blessed in this world and the next.
You guys really did a good job here. Although frankly I wish you would have spoken about how God's Torah/Laws can be directly applied to our lives today spiritually (if not physically) I love YHVH our Elohim and I wish to keep His ways, statutes, virtues, right-ruling, righteousness, decrees, and ordinances as best as I possibly can. I wish to be as close to Him as possible because He loved me first and introduced me to REAL love... Mercy, kindness, understanding, patience.... Grace!!! I don't want to live in the world or in the nations... I wish to dwell in His Kingdom as one of His set apart chosen family, Israel!!! The first video I saw of yours was the Galatians overview.. and I didn't listen carefully. I thought you where teaching Torah was not applicable to our lives. It seemed as though you where dismissing 7th day Sabbath, dietary instructions, and appointed times as ancient Israel culture and not for us today. With a sharper focus I noticed you toed the line and stayed within grounds of the truth, right down the middle between Torah legalists (Our love for Him) and "Christians" only focused on grace (God's love for us). Personally, I choose to take a firmer stance on defending the Torahs application to our lives, but it's not super effective. For example... I know you guys don't really get into it like this, but "two different types of fabric" is actually specially shatnez, wool and linen. Wool shrinks at 4x the rate of linen, and thus a garment made out of wool and linen specially would tare and be of no value. This instruction doesn't primarily set Israel apart, but it shows Elohim's care and wisdom of what is good for His people. This is directly applicable to our lives today. Why? Because the Torah instructions ALWAYS benefit us for our well being. His instructions show His intense love and compassion for us. Animal sacrifices... What is a sacrifice? An offering of something we have to show a surrendering and a humbling of ourselves before the blessings He has given us. In that time, people had possessions of animal herds and flocks. It was their primary livelihood and asset. To give up the best of those assets would be for us to give up our fanciest car, our whole paycheck, or our yearly bonus to show God that we know He is in control and our possessions mean nothing as long as He is sovereign in our lives. There are provisions within Torah that if you can't afford a lamb, you can offer two turtledoves, and if you can't offer two turtledoves, intense prayer and repentance will grant forgiveness from God. Giving the best of what we honestly have to give... This is DIRECTLY applicable to our lives today. So... I chalk it up to most people simply don't want to give up their own understandings, imaginations, and desires. I have done a LOT of thinking about what you teach, and I believe it is good. At the very least you have helped my family (My wife, my 3 children, and myself) come out the pagan nations and dedicate our existence to Elohim's purpose and will for our lives. As so many others have said, the sound doctrine and modern CGI is so beneficial for the modern age. Thank you so much!! Yah bless you!!
i love this !!! so many believers will disregard the Torah (the law) because of what’s said in Romans and Matthew, but even though we can’t follow all of the laws today we still should (like you said) apply what we can to our daily lives as followers of YWHY 😊 such as if he tells us not to eat pork i won’t because it’s something i can apply to my lifestyle !
I wake up and go to sleep to the Bible Project! Even listen to it at work and throughout the day. It really keeps me humble knowing God is always on my side no matter what. Thanks Bible Project keep it up! I’m looking forward to more and more.❤️
Scrolling through the comments to see how long it would take for this to get ugly. Didn't take long. What makes me smile about this video being by you guys is that when I first started watching Bible project a few years ago I was just then starting to merge toward the thing called "The Hebrew Roots Movement". Today it's called by all kind of names-Ephraim awakening, Natsarim, Torah observant etc. but back then I remember having a conversation with people below your videos about how we should keep the law-yup, the foods laws, the fabric laws, the festivals, Sabbaths, etc. But by Passover of last year (so a year now) I realized that all of that so called "law keeping" left me emptier than I had ever been in all my years of Christian walk. I was doing all the "right things" and yet one day I sat crying to a fellow Hebrew Roots friend and with tears streaming down my face I said "I miss Jesus." What I realized in all my years of law obsession was that the law became my measure of how pleasing I was to God even though I did many things THEN that I never did as a Christian before I was Hebrew Roots. I let myself indulge in sins that before I had put off because after all, now I was keeping Sabbath! Now I was wearing tassels! Now I was celebrating the feast days! Look how good I'm doing! All while my heart was moving further from Jesus and true righteousness in pursuit of the law. I twisted everything Paul said to fit my idea of how we had to keep the Torah-never stopping to think that while I preached that the word torah means "instructions" which is a generic noun, I treated the "Torah" (instructions) like a Proper noun as if it was the name of something particular. But it wasn't. It was God's instructions at that time and today we ALSO have instructions (torah) and those instructions are based on the Spirit and love and justice but I don't need a tassel to remind me because the Spirit lives in me and brings these instructions to my heart. And I don't need constant reminders of there being a difference between the holy and profane in object lessons like separating wool and linen and seeds and foods. I KNOW the difference between the holy and profane because the Spirit of the living God is living inside of me. God told Jeremiah (in Jeremiah 7 & 11) that he gave both sacrifices and the covenant due to the evil hearts of Israel and that he never even spoke to them about these things when he first brought them out of Egypt. I went back and reread Exodus 12-19 and sure enough-when he first brought them out he tried to have a relationship with them like we have with him now, but they complained about water, hunger, water again, meat, bread, the journey, and even said they had it better back in Egypt as slaves! And this prompted the giving of the Sabbath observance with Manna a month before it was even a part of the covenant. It was a TEST before it was a part of the covenant. Spoiler alert-they failed the test! Long story short-I have left Hebrew Roots and now make it my mission to explain these concepts to other HR through videos. If I am being honest, since I had pretty much stopped studying the New Testament toward the end of my time in HR, it was actually the OLD TESTAMENT that lead me out of Hebrew Roots. But isn't that the beauty of God? If he wants us for his own, he will meet us wherever we are and reach us however he can...just like he did with Israel when he gave them so many laws similar to the nations around them. They could have had a personal relationship with him. Instead their evil hearts desired what the world had-animal sacrifices, a code of laws in stone, a temple, a king, etc. And what did it do for them? It made them just like the nations in their hearts. They were whitewashed tombs. pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside. Today I am pretty on the inside because God lives there. :) I am pretty on the outside when I offer hands of help, words of encouragement, love to others, food to the hungry, money to the needy, a shoulder to the downtrodden. THIS was always God's original plan for mankind. The Mosaic law was stop along the way for a people who had been tainted by Egypt and needed a cage of quarantine until the remedy arrived. Thank you for making this video. I loved it!
GenevaPilgrim I am really so grateful for your comment, God revealed what I needed to know from your story today. Thank you for sharing, may God bless you, I know he is at work in your life!
Thank you for taking the time to write your testimonial. I have a relative who is into "Hebrew Roots" to the point where he no longer acknowledges that God had or has anything to do with the gentile church. And, like you, his "journey" has taken him farther from, rather than closer to, Jesus. I pray that he too, will have a "missing Jesus epiphany." Because of this relative and his attempts at proselytising, I have had to process through the questions of just who does God want me to be--a grateful gentile, or a wannabe Jew? The fog is clearing with the help of TH-cam channels, authors, and people simply telling their own story such as yourself. I see that in five years I am only one of five people who "liked" and two who replied to a comment that must have involved considerable time and thought for you to prepare. Rest assured, it was not a wasted effort but a labor of love--a mitzvah! I will be saving it for future reference.
When you compare Mt. 23:34 SAYS where Christ says the following to the Sabbath keepers and then Rev. 18:3-4 , it becomes very obvious, that Christ himself identifies the Sabbath keepers who refuse to come out of the old Covenant as the SDA does, as the HARLOT OF REVELATION, NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH! NOW READ Mt. 23 :34 Wherefore, behold, *I send unto YOU prophets, and wise men* , and scribes: and *some of them YOU shall kill and crucify; and. some of them shall YOU scourge in *your* synagogues, and *persecute them from city to city* : (Rev. 17vs 6) Mt. 23 :35 That upon YOU (SABBATH KEEPERS) may come *ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD SHED UPON THE EARTH* ,from the BLOOD OF RIGHTEOUS ABEL unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. ...... NOW COMPARE WITH Rev. 18:24 And in HER was found *the blood of prophets, and of saints* , and *of all that were slain upon the earth.* (COMPARE WITH MT. 23:35 ABOVE) Christ explicitly agrees with Rev.18, that the Sabbath keepers are the HARLOT OF REVELATION 18!
This is right on time guys!! My uncle believes he is a Black Hebrew Israelite and he argued with me about the old testament laws and how I'm sinning because I am not applying the same rules set back then for Israelites. This help me understand how Jesus fulfilled the law and how we are free from it but of course not to think we can do all we want. Love God and your neighbor covers all the commandments (except for the Sabbath which room 14:5 says it's our personal choice) . Thank you guys so much for your ministry! 🙌🏾
anthony dunn I don't believe Romans 14: 5 was talking about the Sabbath. Why separate one of the Ten Commandments from the rest? All of the Ten Commandments are about loving God and your neighbors.
@@Affixton96 "Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a festival, a New Moon, or a Sabbath.These are a shadow of the things to come," Colossians 2:16
@@briandiehl9257 "For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect." Hebrews 10: 1 "So it was, when Moses had completed writing the words of this law in a book, when they were finished, that Moses commanded the Levites, who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord, saying: “Take this Book of the Law, and put it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there as a witness against you" Deuteronomy 31: 24-26 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. Colossians 2: 14-17 The Sabbaths that were done away with were the annual Sabbaths or Jewish holidays that were written in the ceremonial laws by Moses. The Ten Commandments were written by God's own finger, so the Ten Commandments are not part of the ceremonial laws. The seventh-day Sabbath was in place before God wrote on the tablets of stone (Exodus 16: 22-30)--actually, all the way back to the time a creation, before sin. If there was no sin, there won't be a need of a Savior, thus no need of shadows of things to come. The seventh-day Sabbath was pointing to creation, but the annual Sabbaths were pointing to Jesus.
Beautiful as always, but I missed some of the explanation in Hebrews, were Paul says that the law was almost meant to be broken, as it's purpose is not to make us perfect but to highlight our imperfections so that we could acknowledge the need for Jesus.
Good point! Torah was a starting point, not the totality of Yah's will. The ultimate Law is the one Yah writes on each believer's heart. Few seem to understand this.
Yea u are right .paul said .(what i thought was to bring me life ,killed me ) word of God is ment to kill all men because all men sin .but its ok because all those who die according to the law will live in christ if the walk in the plan of God and believe in his salvation. (The word of God is shaper then any 2 edged sword) (for it is appointed that man die once ,then comes thw judgment)...u are supposed to die by the law so u can be resurrected in christ ...pual says the law is good and holy .the law is doing its job but we have to let it do its work. Paul said (i would not have known not to covet if not for the law) the law shows sin so, in no way do we reject it because its literally bringing us to christ. Hebrews says ( these who reject the law of moses die by the witness of 2 or 3 without mercy) .we dont want to reject truth or Gods plan for our salvation.
Thank you so much for The Bible Project. My grandson struggles with OCD, especially Scrupulosity OCD. I have used many of your videos to explain and try to bring peace to his mind. I've also learned. Thank you again.
it really means a lot to me that every time you depict these characters they look different. They are SO diverse and always gorgeous. Thank you for that attention to detail
This is so helpful! I love the way you guys have a conversation and answer questions as you go. God Bless your team. You guys are always in my prayers.
That was awesome! I really liked the mixture of cubist paintings in biblical context. I love how they all shattered when things went wrong that was cool! 😂💓📖
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In Mathew 5, the greek word "plerosai" is commonly translated as "fulfill" - Christ fulfilled the law. But that word also means "complete". If you read the full chapter, you'll see that's what Jesus does there. He didn't abolish the law, he completed it. For example, on Matthew 5.33 - 37, Jesus taught: "Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." On the Moses law, people are told to not break their oath. Jesus changes the law and complete it - don't oath at all. Talking about Jesus taking replacing Aarons order as High Priest the Bible teaches: "For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also." (Hebrews 7.12). There was God's revelation on Moses law, but Jesus fulfilled and completed the law, the complete revelation of God only has come with Jesus, the perfect law only has come with Jesus.
This is a terrible place to leave this comment- in the ocean of other comments- but you guys should do a video highlighting Reed Harvey’s sound design. He’s got to be a huge reason why we love these videos.
Ezekiel 11:19 And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them; I will remove their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Jeremiah 31:33 "But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD. I will put My law in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people. Hebrews 8:10 For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord. I will put My laws in their minds, and inscribe them on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people. Hebrews 10:16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds. 2 Corinthians 3:3 It is clear that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. To write His Law on the heart is the Will of Yah He Himself puts into each believer's heart. Does anyone trust Father Yah to do this?
Amen amen amen. Im happy my brothers see it .this video honestly was good tho .and in know way really stepped All over God's eternal word .there are many Christians that would have taken this a much different way
Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek. This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you. know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified. “For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!” Galatians 2:3-5, 16, 19-21
Love this! It was so visually well crafted that I had to watch the video again to catch what you guys were saying 😅😅. God bless you, Bible Project team!
This is soooo good and so needed. Thank you so much for your labor of love in doing this. I pray that God continues to supply every resource needed so you can keep these coming.
Your work is truly fascinating.. Thank you for using your God given talent & wisdom in spreading His word and making it more accessible in such a beautiful and effective way. All your videos are simply amazing! Keep up the good fight! God bless you!! ♥️
I've learnt more about some tricky books of the Bible in this video than decades of listening, reading and studying the insightful and will make future bible reading more realistic and truthful.Thanks Bible Project
"Love God with all your heart and Love your neighbor as yourself", as Christ quoted, is from the Law. Christ's first quote; "Love God with all your heart" is from Deuteronomy 6 - a conversation between God and Moses where He tells Moses the PURPOSE of the Law; to keep it in your heart and mind and this will seal you in righteousness. The "love your neighbor" quote is from Leviticus 19 about loving your fellow man. When Christ was pressed "who is my neighbor?" His answer was blunt and revealing about how distorted the Jews had viewed the Law. Christ's quotes fit PERFECTLY what the New Covenant is! God's Law written in the heart, instead of tablets of stone. And that's why John wrote in 1 John 5:3 what TRUE LOVE's obeying God.
Ok, am I the only one who Loves how DIVERSE the illustrations are for these videos! You guys are really on to something unique and extremely informative here!
But what if there GOD is allah, & he tells them to kill the non moslems!👺🕳 ( this is a litmus test for finding The True God)! Jesus said Love The Father & Love People ( everyone even your enemies)! ✝️🕊
Haven't even finished this video yet but I didn't want to forget: I LOVE seeing an image of Eve that is nontraditional in these ways ☺️ thank you for the consideration, application, and artistry!
I love The Bible Project videos! That was part of the reason I started the plan with You Version! Thank you for the information broken down into understandable knowledge! And, I love the Picasso-like look!
I am so very grateful for you guys! Honestly I praise God for giving you guys such a talent to explain. I am indebted to you guys for granting me a better understanding of the scriptures. May the Lord continue to bless and direct you guys! Each and everyone one Lots of love from London
This video did give me clarity. I have been reading the Old Testament after I read your overview or elaboration of every book. I got stuck in Leviticus, I couldn’t go past chapter 11/12. It is too much for my heart to handle all the laws. I prayed to God that I can’t relate to it. The next morning I see your video and this makes it much easier. Thank you pastor Tim ❤️
According to Christ, the ten commandments are the only law. Mt. 4:4, 19:17, 22:36-40. According to the apostles, the new covenant, is the ten commandments written on the heart. According to Revelation, those who keep the commandments, receive sainthood. Sunday Christianity, only gets salvation.
When you compare Mt. 23:34 SAYS where Christ says the following to the Sabbath keepers and then Rev. 18:3-4 , it becomes very obvious, that Christ himself identifies the Sabbath keepers who refuse to come out of the old Covenant as the SDA does, as the HARLOT OF REVELATION, NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH! NOW READ Mt. 23 :34 Wherefore, behold, *I send unto YOU prophets, and wise men* , and scribes: and *some of them YOU shall kill and crucify; and. some of them shall YOU scourge in *your* synagogues, and *persecute them from city to city* : (Rev. 17vs 6) Mt. 23 :35 That upon YOU (SABBATH KEEPERS) may come *ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD SHED UPON THE EARTH* ,from the BLOOD OF RIGHTEOUS ABEL unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. ...... NOW COMPARE WITH Rev. 18:24 And in HER was found *the blood of prophets, and of saints* , and *of all that were slain upon the earth.* (COMPARE WITH MT. 23:35 ABOVE) Christ explicitly agrees with Rev.18, that the Sabbath keepers are the HARLOT OF REVELATION 18!
Hey everyone! Let’s not forget that the Law isn’t just for Israel. Matt 5:17 states that the law will never pass away. Matt 5:18 says “whoever relaxes the least of these commandments (pertaining to V. 17) and teaches others to do so, will be least in the kingdom of heaven.” Romans 3:31 “do we then nullify the law by faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.”
Awesome. I appreciate your efforts specially in the detailing. What was the inspiration for these visual choices? I can see a deliberate focused carving in each and every frame. It is not just a video about the law but a lot more than that. Be blessed and keep growing guys. Love from India. Shalom.
Matthew 5 17“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." And when does this happen? Revelation 21 1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.
John 14:15 (NASB) "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. John 15:10 (NASB) "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love. 1 John 5:3 (NASB) For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. 1 John 2:4 (NASB) The one who says, "I have come to know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; AMEN.
People overlook some scriptures to make sense of what they believe. A fight against cognitive dissonance. Funny that this video is released as people are waking up to the truth of the word. It's been a big push lately to discredit the ideal of keeping the commandments. A push to following your own ideal of righteousness.
Wow my Hebrew brothers saw this video too? Lol .so i will say this i love this video because they didn't step all over Gods law and call it useless in fact they held it in as much higer regard as a normal Christian could haha ..yea people are waking up . And it seems many of the Christians brothers seem to like this video even if they dont totally understand it which is great .the law is a gift in every way and i do not reject it at all or else i would not know messiah nor would he have a reason to come resurrect my dead body because by the law i died so he can raise me .so i fully accept the law in my life to teach in the way of instruction by the power of the holy spirit that reveals it to me
@@komlat253 I agree that they didn't trounce all over the law, which is refreshing to see, but they made one vital error at the start when they suggested that the bible isn't a book to teach one how to live. The whole video was a very subtle in the way it says, "The law was good, but we don't need them anymore. They're not for us, they were for Israel." The same message, just sugar coated to sound nicer and more palatable for those who are waking up. I just pray that the Ruach Ha-kodesh guides people to truth, because this world is full of potholes for believers. Shalom.
i love this ministry.. found them 13 hours ago been diving in these vids for hours... God enlarge your boundaries to touch the entire creation.. in Jesus name
"The first thing to remember is that the Bible is not a behavior manual with a complete list of what to do and what not to do to make God happy." This. A thousand times over.
Just curious what you meant by, "You couldn't follow many of them even if you tried." Are you referring to Laws concerning the temple, etc. Because it's certainly easy enough for us to follow dietary laws, etc.
With the law, one must follow everything and not just one. Breaking one is as serious as breaking all. That's why Jesus came to fulfill the law, because of human inability to. It would surprise you that the dietary law cannot even be fulfilled by some.
I would like to thank you guys from The Bible Project for allowing us to understand the bible much clearer and this will help me be able to understand the stories of the bible clearer. once again, Thank You!
I appreciate these videos so much 😭😭 thank you so so much for being obedient to your calling. You’re helping people like me! I’ve always wanted to understand the Bible & now I am! Praise God ❤️ New Sub !
When you compare Mt. 23:34 SAYS where Christ says the following to the Sabbath keepers and then Rev. 18:3-4 , it becomes very obvious, that Christ himself identifies the Sabbath keepers who refuse to come out of the old Covenant as the SDA does, as the HARLOT OF REVELATION, NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH! NOW READ Mt. 23 :34 Wherefore, behold, *I send unto YOU prophets, and wise men* , and scribes: and *some of them YOU shall kill and crucify; and. some of them shall YOU scourge in *your* synagogues, and *persecute them from city to city* : (Rev. 17vs 6) Mt. 23 :35 That upon YOU (SABBATH KEEPERS) may come *ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD SHED UPON THE EARTH* ,from the BLOOD OF RIGHTEOUS ABEL unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. ...... NOW COMPARE WITH Rev. 18:24 And in HER was found *the blood of prophets, and of saints* , and *of all that were slain upon the earth.* (COMPARE WITH MT. 23:35 ABOVE) Christ explicitly agrees with Rev.18, that the Sabbath keepers are the HARLOT OF REVELATION 18!
If you go to their website you will see that they have a whole process for translation. What I'm not sure of is if subtitling follows the same process as the localization and dubbing process. But generally speaking, yes, they need volunteers! Cheers from Peru
This lesson explains so much about God, and his plans and how we humans, were included in his plans, that is amazing! Thank you for steering this biblical ship into port!
Love what y’all are doing. The Study of the Cherubim, Seraphim, and the word Elohim was great. Look forward to more in that topic. I will say your the only “close to mainstream Christianity” group I’ve seen touch on topics like this and I hope it spreads. Keep up the great work.
Hi there Bible Project, I love this channel and the content thus far has been amazing please keep it up. However, during your explanation of the Sabbath or Sabbath Rest I found that it was half true but that it also subtly dismissed the Sabbath. The Seventh day was a day that was created by God and was blessed by Him and made Holy by Him. The seven days of creation was a blueprint for the seven day week of today. The fourth commandment talks about remembering the sabbath day and keeping it in the reverence (Holy) that God created. Saying that the seventh day never ended would mean that God’s creation week is one that is still going to this very day (and I don’t mean metaphorically speaking either).. which wouldn’t make much sense. He made seven distinct days and blessed and made Holy only one of those. I wish that you guys could’ve mentioned this. Thank You for all your great work!!
In the seventh day He rested. So that means He has finished His creation whether or not the seventh day has ended already or not yet. :) And well, now, actually, God is still on the work, still working (as Jesus said that His father is working until now and so will He) -- creating new hearts, new people through the death and resurrection of His Son. :D
Thank you so much for making a video like this. I just finished reading Numbers and am about to go and check out your video on that as well. I really have found myself throughout my reading of Leviticus and Numbers going, "What exactly is the point of God passing these laws onto the Children of Israel through Moses and the priests?" Y'all definitely have helped me gain a contextual understanding of what I've read so far. Thank you!
This is amazing! It answers so many questions I had, and the animation looked amazing while doing so. Keep up this amazing content, and may God bless you guys in your future endeavors!
1 John 5:2-3 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome...
Galations 5 Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law. You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.
Dear beloved brother, always remember... the context of Paul's teaching in Galatians is against keeping God's laws/commandments FOR SALVATION and NOT against obedience to God's laws/commandments. Saying that Paul taught against obedience to Gods laws would make him a sinner, hypocrite, liar, heretic, & a schizophrenic. He would be contradicting himself if we say that Paul taught against obedience to God's laws and you and I both know that there are no contradictions in the Bible. Paul clearly states that he "delights in the Law of God" [Romans 7:22] and most importantly he clearly stated that "we do not make void the law through faith, on the contrary we UPHOLD the law." [Romans 3:31] Paul was an expert in the law, and he obviously knew "not to add to Gods Word and not to abolish any of Gods Word." [Deuteronomy 4:2 & 12:32] [Revelation 22:18-19] But this isn't a new misunderstanding, in fact, Paul was accused of teaching against the Laws of God/Laws of Moses (the title is interchangeable) in the book of Acts [Acts 21:20-24] This is why he took a nazarite vow publicly to prove himself innocent from the rumors to prove that he himself walked according to the law [Acts 21:26-27]. Many believers intentionally and/or unintentionally misunderstand Paul...again this is nothing new as we can read in [2 Peter 3:15-17]. We say "God says" and you say "But Paul says". Let's see what our Lord, God, and Savior says about the matter...."Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished." [Matthew 5:17-18] Last time i checked heaven and earth is still here... "Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat, so practice and observe whatever they tell you--but not what they do. For they preach, but do not practice." [Matthew 23-1-3] Did Jesus just command us to keep the Laws of Moses here? Remember beloved brother, the WHOLE Word of God is the seed, our faith is the root, and our works/obedience is the fruit. "For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified." [Romans 2:13] [James 2:20-26]. Also remember, we do not keep Gods laws TO BE SAVED, we keep Gods laws because WE ARE is our love for him in return that we keep his laws/commandments. "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." [John 14:15] "The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." [Ecclesiastes 12:13] God bless ...
@@OscarQuant87 Amen brother! Well said and excellent job of letting scripture lay everything out. You will also find many prophetic passages describing the keeping of the festivals and Sabbath days, AFTER Jesus returns. (Zechariah 14, Ezekiel 45-46, Isaiah 66, etc) It seems we ought to get back to observing all of God's instruction instead of throwing out what we don't want to do under a banner of "grace". Yes, we are saved by grace and only by grace, not of our own works, but that does not give us the option to willing transgress His commandments. Jesus said point blank........"If you love me, keep my commandments."
mrfeetup God bless you brother! I couldn't agree with you more! Yes That's exactly right, when Jesus comes back we will be keeping all his feasts, new moons, Sabbaths, etc.. Keep on sharing this truth to others. We definitely need to come back to His Torah! Shalom!
Aleph v'Tav What does Moses Teach? Do Not touch anything unclean, The Dead, The Bloodied & The lepers. Jesus went into the dead girl’s room! Was touched by the woman with blood! Touched 10 lepers & He Healed them! He made them clean! But the law says that the unclean things will make you unclean too!? The woman caught in adultery? Moses said stone her to death! Jesus forgave her!!! Jesus was filled with The Holy Spirit and led by The Holy Spirit continually! You can’t follow Jesus & Moses! Moses did Not get into The Promised Land But Was summoned by God, Moses died, and God buried him!!! So Moses is dead and buried by God! The transfiguration! Who come and salute Jesus? Moses & Elijah! The law & The prophets! Listen to HIM!!! ( Follow Him)!!! Jesus was baptised in water by John and baptised by The Father with The Holy Spirit Jesus was led by The Holy Spirit 🕊 As shown above Jesus followed The Holy Spirit Not Moses! It is written! But I say to you..... ✝️ The letter kills ✍🏼 The Spirit gives Life 🕊
Great video! I would add that God’s laws are not merely primers (motivations to do good), but rather descriptions of Himself and of reality from an infinite perspective. When God tells us to do or do not do something, He is literally describing Himself to us. He tells us to do good because He Himself is good, to not sin because He Himself hates sin, to pick up our cross because He Himself picked up His. When we break His law, we break His heart. His Law is directly reflected by His character.
I was just going through the Bible again and was already dreading going through the other books Moses wrote. Thank you for this video! It's encouraging me to push forward with my reading along with having a different perspective once I reach what I perceived before as books that will make me fall asleep.
When you compare Mt. 23:34 SAYS where Christ says the following to the Sabbath keepers and then Rev. 18:3-4 , it becomes very obvious, that Christ himself identifies the Sabbath keepers who refuse to come out of the old Covenant as the SDA does, as the HARLOT OF REVELATION, NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH! NOW READ Mt. 23 :34 Wherefore, behold, *I send unto YOU prophets, and wise men* , and scribes: and *some of them YOU shall kill and crucify; and. some of them shall YOU scourge in *your* synagogues, and *persecute them from city to city* : (Rev. 17vs 6) Mt. 23 :35 That upon YOU (SABBATH KEEPERS) may come *ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD SHED UPON THE EARTH* ,from the BLOOD OF RIGHTEOUS ABEL unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. ...... NOW COMPARE WITH Rev. 18:24 And in HER was found *the blood of prophets, and of saints* , and *of all that were slain upon the earth.* (COMPARE WITH MT. 23:35 ABOVE) Christ explicitly agrees with Rev.18, that the Sabbath keepers are the HARLOT OF REVELATION 18!
You basically have two options then: 1. Either Christ accomplished at the cross, or it is still yet to be accomplished and 2. The New Testament violates the law of Moses (for example the book of Hebrews states all Christians are priests - this is a direct violation of the law [if the law is not fulfilled] since the law states only Levites are priests).
@@mrfabulous4640 Jesus is both a Judes (through Joseph) and Levites (through Mary). Christians are the new Israel, and are related to Christ ( Christ is their head, and the Church is the body), so, like in the Old and New Testament, the Kingdom of God is the kingdom of priests, it is fullfilled.
@Desire Of All Nations God's Law is not the Law of Moses. God's Law use to be the Law Of Moses, but in the New Covenant God's Law is the Law of Christ. // To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. // - 1 Corinthians 9:20-21 The Law of Moses was the law for the Old Covenant, that covenant ended and the Christian is under the New Covenant and thus under the law of that New Covenant (not the law of the Old Covenant). God bless
I hesitate to comment on my reaction to this video since all the comments below are very positive. However, since I have been a fan and supporter since the beginning I must be honest. Your departure into a totally different format came as, not only a surprise, but a shock. The Picasso (think Guernica painting) images were so distracting that I had difficulty following the dialogue. I was also disturbed by your images of Adam and Eve. I have learned so much Bible and have shared your web site with countless people and I encourage you to be careful not to let creative license overshadow your important content.
Their Adam and Eve was disgusting and pandering. Eve would not be a different race from Adam and making her fat by default is just normalizing gluttony, neither of them would be in bad shape.
This is video seems fairly accurate. Except the animal sacrifices part. Animal sacrifices were to show death /blood as the price for sin, and for show a picture of the future lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. The animal spirits don't go up in our place to God. Although i'm pretty sure in the video they likely weren't trying to press this idea, but it was probably just their quick thought on the subject. I think if i were to teach about God's law, i'd try to impress the "fear of God". People, and teachers of the Lord don't put enough emphasis on the terror of the Lord. We live in a culture these days where talking back to your parents is considered normal, or many well meaning Christian teachers are trying to encourage others by making God seem very soft.
Wow guys this is the first video I've seen from you and WOW how amazing !!! Can't wait to watch all of your videos! Such good explanations and helpful advice on how to read the Bible! God bless you!
Father, again we stand in your presence by means of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit thankful for the access and the great privilege that we have to feast upon your word and we ask that the Holy Spirit be our teacher. We're keenly aware of how little we know. How immense and infinite is your word. May the Holy Spirit strip away that which is foolish and ignorant, but open our hearts to truth for it's in Christ's name I pray. Amen.
I mostly agree with this, although I think there were two points I wish would've been expressed in a different way. 1. You said that sacrifices die on our behalf, but that's not exactly true. Their blood was viewed as a detergent to remove the stain of sin. Tomato/tomahto, perhaps, but when we talk about Jesus' blood in Hebrews 8-10, this distinction is important. He didn't die instead of us, since we all must die. But his blood purifies the heavenly temple of the stain of our sin. 2. I loved what you said about the Torah revealing the wisdom of God, but you weren't clear on whether we should keep it today. While it's true we _can't_ keep many things, most Christians hold on to the false doctrine that “Jesus declared all foods clean,” so we don't need to keep Leviticus 11. Or that we shouldn't concern ourselves with the Sabbath and holy days any longer, and we can ignore Leviticus 23. These things are hugely important still, but I don't think this video did a good job of explaining that. Otherwise, I love your work. Keep it up!
I'm not certain what you're saying about Jesus declaring all foods clean. Are you saying Peter's vision in Acts (there are no unclean people or foods) and Paul's clarification in Romans are void (what goes into the man does is not unclean, but how they behave)? Jesus continued to show situations where following the law was less relevant than relying on God, which is one of the themes of TBP. So I would say that God does not expect us to adhere to those laws, but to adhere to him. The video points out that the laws were there largely to help God's people stand out amongst their neighbors. I would say that as Christians we should seek to be exemplars of reliance on God, which naturally leads to certain abstentions. However, avoiding foods and many of those other laws do not distinguish Christians or show them as exemplars.
The blood (life, soul) of the animals temporarily COVERED sin. Jesus' sacrifice COVERED the whole of creation, not just us humans. It did not remove any sin. This is symbolized by the sprinkling of goat's blood on the mercy seat. The Instructions were a starting point, not the totality of God's will. A believer is to have God's will written on their hearts. If God told you to follow Torah, then do it, but be prepare for any changes. Do people understand God's will is not what we do, but what He does through us and by His supernatural leading?
@@JustBCWi Peter gives his interpretation of the vision and does not mention actual food. Previously in Peters mind gentiles were regarded as 'common' (a different categorisation than unclean and a distinction that the Rabbis made, not God)
Many Christians wrongly believe that the law was done away with when in reality Gods law is forever. Jesus says that not one bit of the law will pass away untill heaven and earth pass away and that hasn't happened yet. The apostles kept the law (after the crucifixion) and we will be expected to keep the law in the Kingdom. Isaiah said that the law will go out from Zion. Zechariah says that the nation's will not get rain unless they keep the feast of Sukkot. Ezekiel says that there will be a third temple with sacrifices in kingdom. Jesus says "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out demons? and in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work lawlessness!" The word for lawlessness literally means without the law of Moses. Just some things to keep in mind.
@@saraerrazqi2991 1 John 3:4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. Yes, we are no longer under the punishment of the law which is laid out in Deuteronomy 28:15-68. We have been set free from that through the blood of Messiah but that does not give us a licence to sin. And is by definition sin is to break the law. Would you say to someone that now they are free from the law it is okay for them to commit murder or adultery? Obviously not, so even though we are saved we still have to keep the law. The law cannot save you only Messiah can. But we are supposed to go through sanctification, which is done through obedience to God's laws. Look at it like marriage vows, When people marry they write out vows to keep and they list things each person promises to do and not to do. If we are supposed to be the bride and the covenant is our marriage vows then we should keep what is in them. Remember Messiah said this John 14:15 "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." This is how we show we love our Messiah,, by keeping His commands. It's about loving God and being obedient to His law. Not seeking our own salvation through the law which is what Paull is writing about. After all, Paul said this. Romans 6:15 "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? By no means!" Hope you understand and this helped you. God bless.
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Two different fabrics block out any frequency from entering our body’s.
A lot of non Christians see God as a tyrant, sitting on a throne in the clouds, barking orders. What they don't understand is God's rules are more like common sense. It would be like Him saying "don't play with fire". You can say "whatever, fire is awesome and I want to play with it" but eventually you will get burned. Hopefully, you don't get burned too badly. Then people will get mad at God like it was His fault and He says "hey, I told you not to play with fire, didn't I?"
@@soap4788 I mean yeah, but you don't have to believe something exists to see it in a certain way
The laws of God are not for God but man .to help instruct in righteousness as Paul said .they are only given as a benefit or gift .we dont have to take it at all .job says this .(the righteousness of man dont add to God, the wickedness of man dont take from God). The law and everything on the bible is a selfless act of love so we can see God more clear. Ita not to hurt or oppress. I wish that not only non believers but believers would understand this
God's first and foremost relationship with humanity, besides but similar to Creator, is Father. That relationship and title is made prominent and pronounced throughout the entire Bible. To borrow from your fire illustration, I have personal experience being a dad myself. When I tell my son to not run out into the road without looking first, I don't say that because I'm mean or withholding good things from him. I am commanding (not suggesting) that he be cautious and look both ways so that he isn't someday killed by something, something in that instant he could not stop nor at his age even comprehend how and why it happened. Same goes with God and His love for His kids.
TheAsylumchild Excellent Analogy
Agree. He knows us better than we know ourselves. At the heart of the law is mercy. His laws are more merciful than the vacuum they would leave if there were none given its mans nature to make up rules when there are none. How scary and chaotic the world would be if everyone did what was right in His own eyes.
Romans 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
Works to the Hebrew mind is an extension of faith. Is why the disciples were men of deeds not of words as we are taught under the Greek system and the Jews of Yeshua's day.
Picasso explaining the Law
I thought it looked pretty cool.
In Soviet Russia, the Law explains Picasso
They really shouldn't profane a bible video with all this infernal crazy-style animation. It's the very sort of inane self-expression that God warns against time and time again in the Bible.
i took the Picasso like animations to be a stylized choice to demonstrate the idea that laws are abstractions based off real life situations. that doesn't mean that laws are false or fake or don't constitute a reality, but that when laws are summarized as they are in the Bible, they present to us themes and abstractions that echo and resonate from other stories say in Genesis, the prose histories or the Prophetic books.
I became a bible lover and moreover fell in love with christ Jesus through this amazing Bible Project. Praising God.
Awesome ❤
Glory to God!
Be careful not to just trust everything they say... Study the Bible yourself, this video has multiple errors
Praise YE the LORD JESUS
This is one of the best channels TH-cam has ever had. You guys are truely a blessing to us ❤️ I have never met anyone that explains the Bible and helps me read it as you guys. And your animations are ETHEREAL. I wish you had more followers though. Every living person Christian or not should get a chance to watch these videos. Thank you, may God reward you.
Pineapple Cake our creators name is YAHUAH and our messiah is YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH. Empower yourself with those names. Do a little research into them.
@@illusionfaderr5394 illusion, while there is much good on this channel, there is a fair amount of error too. Like in this video it says that the law was given to the Israelites, yet the Bible says that Abraham had it long before any Israelite nation came about! Gen 26:5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.
Lets keep God's laws, including His 7th day Sabbath from sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday.
@Illusionfaderr Well you shouldn't have called upon the "spirit guides" . But maybe you didn't know better so I can't do anything to you there. But ofc you can't trust the spirit guides because they are actually DEMONS! Pray and get rid of them!
@@zerubbabelyahsaraal3679 n
1) I smiled throughout this whole video - loved it!
2) The explanations and illustrations made this summary so clear and tied the whole narrative together beautifully!
3) The animations were so sophisticated - kudos to all of the artists involved! You did an awesome job!
Can everyone please pray for my brother in law? His name is Alex. he is slowly but surely dying in the hospital. He had his colon removed recently and is having complications from the surgery. Every prayer counts. Thank you. God bless.
@Brianna Olivares thank you
How is he?
Thank you all for your prayers. Alex made it home alive and is now doing well recovering. He almost died in the hospital. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
If you ever try to read the Bible from the beginning, you’ll find out that 69 chapters into the story (that is, Exodus ch. 19), the story slows way down to make room for the laws given to ancient Israel, over six hundred of them! Why are they in the story? Are Bible readers supposed to follow them or respond to them in some way? And how do they relate the New Testament part of the story when Jesus shows up? These are huge questions that we explore in the video, but here are some helpful starting points. (1) The Old Testament is not a law book. Rather, these laws given to Israel constitute the terms of their covenant relationship with the God who rescued them from slavery in Egypt. The covenant ceremony is found in Exodus chs. 19-24, where we find the 10 commandments plus 42 other commands that illustrate the principles of worship, justice, and community life that Israel was to follow. (2) These laws were given to appoint Israel as a “kingdom of priests” (Exodus 19:4-6), a contrast community that would represent God’s presence and character to the surrounding nations. (3) The covenant was consummated as God prepared a miniature Eden to inhabit when he took up residence among his people (i.e. the Tabernacle in Exodus 25-31, 35-40). (4) As the story picks up again, we find a pattern of narratives alternating with sections of more covenant laws. And these narratives usually involve the Israelites breaking the covenant laws they just received! This begins with the story of the Golden calf (Exodus 32-34), then the rebellion of the sons of Aaron (Leviticus 9), the worship of the goat-idols (Leviticus 17), then the constant rebellion of the Israelites in the wilderness (Numbers 11-21).
This pattern is part of the Torah’s communication strategy, which is to show that these laws offered ancient Israel a way to live by God’s will, but they consistently fail. This is why Moses’ final speeches to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 30-32 predict their ultimate failure and exile from the promised land, but also that God would have to recreate their hearts if they are to ever be God’s faithful covenant partners. These hundreds of laws, it turns out, are part of the way the Torah’s storyline points forward into the same future announced Israel’s prophets (see Jeremiah 31 or Ezekiel 36-37): It’s only when humanity is renewed by God’s creative Spirit that we are enabled to truly love God and trust his wisdom. This is the story that Jesus was stepping into when he said that he came to “bring the Torah to fulfillment” (see Matthew 5:17-48), and that loving God and one’s neighbor fulfills the Torah (see Matthew 22:34-40). And this is the same story carried forward in the work of the Spirit among Jesus’ followers (see Galatians 5:13-23). So then, the laws actually play a crucially important role in the biblical story, but it requires a macro-view to see how it all fits together and leads us to Jesus!
“And by this we know that we know Him, if we guard His commands. The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever guards His Word, truly the love of Elohim has been perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. The one who says he stays in Him ought himself also to walk, even as He walked.”
Yoḥanan Aleph (1 John) 2:3-6
“By this we know that we love the children of Elohim, when we love Elohim and guard His commands. For this is the love for Elohim, that we guard His commands, and His commands are not heavy,”
Yoḥanan Aleph (1 John) 5:2-3
Thanks guys! Keep up the great work ^_^
That's really long so I won't read it
Stay prayerful my friends
Latif Al Oumari exactly
Bible Project, you did it again! I'm reading through the bible and ran across Exodus 21:21, just after the 10 Commandments. I was a bit put off by the slave laws (especially the one that says the owner of a slave is not to be punished if the slave recovers from being brutalized by his master in a day or two). I prayed & asked The Lord why this is okay & this evening, He used your teaching to help me understand His heart. Thank you for your obedience to create this content. I am going to Patrion to support the work!
You have to understand that in that culture, it was expected that you had land and you created your own wealth. The only time you were a "slave" was when you fell on times and needed some money. It was for a limited duration and you were gifted a bunch of stuff at the end OR you could opt to stay on. You were well treated--not the picture of slavery from the 19th century U.S. Today we called such slaves "employees."
Umm they weren't brutalised. The following verses talk about how masters shouldn't break the teeth or damage the eyes of slaves and if I was in their shoes, I wouldn't risk getting flamed by the law so thus, brutalising your slave wouldn't be desirable since brutalising has the potential to inflict those injuries (thanks captain obvious).
Thanks for your support!
You have to understand 2 things:
First of all God didn't create slavery but he made a law inside slavery. So humans created slavery but God gave the slaves rights.
Slavery in this sense is often missunderstood.
It's not like you go around and slaughter people and take some slaves.
Slaves often command themself to their owner in order to pay them for example.
If you owe someone money and can't pay it you can offer him a specific time of slavery to pay him.
That's what's called justice.
You are just a slave for a certain time and the owner has to take care of you and your family to have food a bed and so on.
So slavery in gods law is not the same as we see it today. That is more or less explained throughout the bible.
The slavery of Egypt though was not righteous and God lead Israel out of it and punished Egypt.
@@jenna2431 Many don't realize that. Slaves were to be treated their "slave owners" due to their slave owners treating them good and not abusing, torturing etc that went on with the Slave Trade era in America especially and elsewhere. Many of us are still "slaves" just called employees. Compensated for doing work for someone else who will build their wealth from the work on many etc.
Creativity + The Gospel. What a combination! Praise God.
ELOHIM means creator!
Its in our DNA. It is written.
Never allow them to rewrite it
REVELATION 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Rev 14: 12 and 1John 3:4 explained
Here is the patience of the saints, here are they that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus. There are commandments of God for the Jews, which is not the 10 commandments but the entire law of Moses. The 10 commandments can never be separated from the entire law of Moses, they are all part of one law!
There are commandments of God for the Jews, Commandments from God for the Gentiles and most of all, the Commandments of God for the Christians.
The Commandments of God for the Christians are those supplied by the Church as a passing down of the Apostolic tradition for the Church members to keep.
For example: It is clear by the Epistles that Christians are to quell the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:17-19) by living by the Holy Spirit and this "fulfill the righteousness of the law" by faith and no longer to live by the 10 commandments but by the Spirit of the law and bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives (Gal. 5:21-22).
Moreover, the commandments to keep the Lord's Supper and to worship *together* upon the first day of the week in commemoration and celebration of the resurrection of Christ are from God as Christ being God in the flesh commanding these things.
And, following these things are the commandments from Christ both love, the brethren and to hear and obey the authority of the Church. It is never enough for the person to a commandment keeper, but he must of the testimony of the faith in Jesus Christ, whom the Sabbath keepers despised and persecuted unto death as well as the Apostles.
All of these things does the Adventist church rebel against disobeying every commandment of God. Moreover, instead of loving the brethren, the Adventist church has set it's heart to persecute and malign, lie and slander the Church and it's members before the entire world in the name of Christ.
1John 3:4 wasn't talking about Sabbath keeping whatsoever. If you are going to apply it to sabbath keeping, you are required to apply it to the annual holy days, tithing to the Levitcal Priesthood, animal sacrifices, circumcision of the flesh and the rest of "the law" (SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW) NOT MERELY THE 10 COMMANDMENTS. However, that is not the meaning of 1John 3:4. It's talking about the purity of life AND THE HOLY SPIRIT'S WORK OF LOVE IN A PERSON, not Sabbath keeping of the Jews.
*I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.*
Gal. 5:14: For *all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.* This is the LAW, John is referring to in 1John 3:4, NOT THE SABBATH!
1 John 3:23 And this is HIS COMMANDMENT ! That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as HE GAVE US COMMANDMENT *HERE'S THE COMMANDMENT HE'S TALKING ABOUT!!* NOT SABBATH KEEPING!!
Gal. 5:15 'But if ye be led of the Spirit, *ye are not under the law." *
Moreover, it’s the greatest irony that the SDA would take the Epistle of 1John which about loving the Church and use it to preach Sabbath keeping and division!!!!! You guys never read scripture in context! You all jump around like a bunch of Kangaroos abusing scripture at every turn, to preach your heresy.
Well said, Christ to the Sabbath keepers in John 5:45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: *there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.*
@@EricSaavy Im not an SDA. But I'm a Sabbath keeper. But for me, its still a commandment I want to keep for Him. In saying this, its been a blessing living by His commandment as I personally found more restful on a Saturday than Sunday. I don't hold it against my friends that still go to church on Sunday and I will join them from time to time. But as for me and my house we choose to obey His commandments.
@@EricSaavy I appreciate your passion, brother, and I also appreciate the exhortation, but I think you came out harsh. You see harshness in Jesus' words as well as the words of the epistles but always with love. Ephesians 4:15
Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ,
One of our goals as fellow Christians is to build each other up. Thank you for the study you put into this comment I appreciated it.
Hebrews 3:13
But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called today, that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
@@EricSaavy btw I'm not SDA
@@timlattin8205 I am SDA and I find these so called christians agonizing the basic commandments of God the 10 commandments, these laws are directly written by the hands of God.
I totally love the diversity of people in this beautiful project, IT'S AWESOME!!!!
Our God is a God of diversity. Let no one tell you otherwise.
@@christianali5431 I second that! 🙏🙏🙏
Jesus died for all the world's sins. That includes everyone.
There is neither Jew nor Greek we are all one in Jesus Christ
Love you my brothers and sisters
Adam and Eve would've been olive-tanned. Not black. Certainly not obese.
I'm a visual learner,these lessons are awesome.I have a better understanding when I have my Bible study lessons..God Bless you all for taking the time to help us❤
I have listened to many of your teachings, thank you for your obedience to YHWH. I'm 62 years old and for nearly 40 years I've searched for His truth, you have helped me to know His Torah and the rest of His Word better.
May you be blessed in this world and the next.
Follow the Lord Jesus Christ all the days of your life for he is the completion of the Torah and the One True God.
You guys really did a good job here. Although frankly I wish you would have spoken about how God's Torah/Laws can be directly applied to our lives today spiritually (if not physically) I love YHVH our Elohim and I wish to keep His ways, statutes, virtues, right-ruling, righteousness, decrees, and ordinances as best as I possibly can. I wish to be as close to Him as possible because He loved me first and introduced me to REAL love... Mercy, kindness, understanding, patience.... Grace!!! I don't want to live in the world or in the nations... I wish to dwell in His Kingdom as one of His set apart chosen family, Israel!!!
The first video I saw of yours was the Galatians overview.. and I didn't listen carefully. I thought you where teaching Torah was not applicable to our lives. It seemed as though you where dismissing 7th day Sabbath, dietary instructions, and appointed times as ancient Israel culture and not for us today. With a sharper focus I noticed you toed the line and stayed within grounds of the truth, right down the middle between Torah legalists (Our love for Him) and "Christians" only focused on grace (God's love for us). Personally, I choose to take a firmer stance on defending the Torahs application to our lives, but it's not super effective. For example... I know you guys don't really get into it like this, but "two different types of fabric" is actually specially shatnez, wool and linen. Wool shrinks at 4x the rate of linen, and thus a garment made out of wool and linen specially would tare and be of no value. This instruction doesn't primarily set Israel apart, but it shows Elohim's care and wisdom of what is good for His people. This is directly applicable to our lives today. Why? Because the Torah instructions ALWAYS benefit us for our well being. His instructions show His intense love and compassion for us. Animal sacrifices... What is a sacrifice? An offering of something we have to show a surrendering and a humbling of ourselves before the blessings He has given us. In that time, people had possessions of animal herds and flocks. It was their primary livelihood and asset. To give up the best of those assets would be for us to give up our fanciest car, our whole paycheck, or our yearly bonus to show God that we know He is in control and our possessions mean nothing as long as He is sovereign in our lives. There are provisions within Torah that if you can't afford a lamb, you can offer two turtledoves, and if you can't offer two turtledoves, intense prayer and repentance will grant forgiveness from God. Giving the best of what we honestly have to give... This is DIRECTLY applicable to our lives today. So... I chalk it up to most people simply don't want to give up their own understandings, imaginations, and desires. I have done a LOT of thinking about what you teach, and I believe it is good. At the very least you have helped my family (My wife, my 3 children, and myself) come out the pagan nations and dedicate our existence to Elohim's purpose and will for our lives. As so many others have said, the sound doctrine and modern CGI is so beneficial for the modern age.
Thank you so much!! Yah bless you!!
Aihmen!! 🙌🙌 Beautifully said!!
YES! I agree, beautifully said.
Wow! I have never heard this put so simply and beautifully! Thanks for sharing your insight, especially the part about the sacrifices.
i love this !!! so many believers will disregard the Torah (the law) because of what’s said in Romans and Matthew, but even though we can’t follow all of the laws today we still should (like you said) apply what we can to our daily lives as followers of YWHY 😊 such as if he tells us not to eat pork i won’t because it’s something i can apply to my lifestyle !
@@mikaladreann But you can eat pork, all foods are clean.
I wake up and go to sleep to the Bible Project! Even listen to it at work and throughout the day. It really keeps me humble knowing God is always on my side no matter what. Thanks Bible Project keep it up! I’m looking forward to more and more.❤️
Scrolling through the comments to see how long it would take for this to get ugly. Didn't take long. What makes me smile about this video being by you guys is that when I first started watching Bible project a few years ago I was just then starting to merge toward the thing called "The Hebrew Roots Movement". Today it's called by all kind of names-Ephraim awakening, Natsarim, Torah observant etc. but back then I remember having a conversation with people below your videos about how we should keep the law-yup, the foods laws, the fabric laws, the festivals, Sabbaths, etc. But by Passover of last year (so a year now) I realized that all of that so called "law keeping" left me emptier than I had ever been in all my years of Christian walk. I was doing all the "right things" and yet one day I sat crying to a fellow Hebrew Roots friend and with tears streaming down my face I said "I miss Jesus."
What I realized in all my years of law obsession was that the law became my measure of how pleasing I was to God even though I did many things THEN that I never did as a Christian before I was Hebrew Roots. I let myself indulge in sins that before I had put off because after all, now I was keeping Sabbath! Now I was wearing tassels! Now I was celebrating the feast days! Look how good I'm doing! All while my heart was moving further from Jesus and true righteousness in pursuit of the law. I twisted everything Paul said to fit my idea of how we had to keep the Torah-never stopping to think that while I preached that the word torah means "instructions" which is a generic noun, I treated the "Torah" (instructions) like a Proper noun as if it was the name of something particular. But it wasn't. It was God's instructions at that time and today we ALSO have instructions (torah) and those instructions are based on the Spirit and love and justice but I don't need a tassel to remind me because the Spirit lives in me and brings these instructions to my heart. And I don't need constant reminders of there being a difference between the holy and profane in object lessons like separating wool and linen and seeds and foods. I KNOW the difference between the holy and profane because the Spirit of the living God is living inside of me.
God told Jeremiah (in Jeremiah 7 & 11) that he gave both sacrifices and the covenant due to the evil hearts of Israel and that he never even spoke to them about these things when he first brought them out of Egypt. I went back and reread Exodus 12-19 and sure enough-when he first brought them out he tried to have a relationship with them like we have with him now, but they complained about water, hunger, water again, meat, bread, the journey, and even said they had it better back in Egypt as slaves! And this prompted the giving of the Sabbath observance with Manna a month before it was even a part of the covenant. It was a TEST before it was a part of the covenant. Spoiler alert-they failed the test!
Long story short-I have left Hebrew Roots and now make it my mission to explain these concepts to other HR through videos. If I am being honest, since I had pretty much stopped studying the New Testament toward the end of my time in HR, it was actually the OLD TESTAMENT that lead me out of Hebrew Roots. But isn't that the beauty of God? If he wants us for his own, he will meet us wherever we are and reach us however he can...just like he did with Israel when he gave them so many laws similar to the nations around them. They could have had a personal relationship with him. Instead their evil hearts desired what the world had-animal sacrifices, a code of laws in stone, a temple, a king, etc. And what did it do for them? It made them just like the nations in their hearts. They were whitewashed tombs. pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside. Today I am pretty on the inside because God lives there. :) I am pretty on the outside when I offer hands of help, words of encouragement, love to others, food to the hungry, money to the needy, a shoulder to the downtrodden. THIS was always God's original plan for mankind. The Mosaic law was stop along the way for a people who had been tainted by Egypt and needed a cage of quarantine until the remedy arrived.
Thank you for making this video. I loved it!
I am really so grateful for your comment, God revealed what I needed to know from your story today. Thank you for sharing, may God bless you, I know he is at work in your life!
@@JayBirdTune Thank you and Glad to hear it helped you, Jasmine. :)
Thank you for taking the time to write your testimonial. I have a relative who is into "Hebrew Roots" to the point where he no longer acknowledges that God had or has anything to do with the gentile church. And, like you, his "journey" has taken him farther from, rather than closer to, Jesus. I pray that he too, will have a "missing Jesus epiphany."
Because of this relative and his attempts at proselytising, I have had to process through the questions of just who does God want me to be--a grateful gentile, or a wannabe Jew? The fog is clearing with the help of TH-cam channels, authors, and people simply telling their own story such as yourself.
I see that in five years I am only one of five people who "liked" and two who replied to a comment that must have involved considerable time and thought for you to prepare. Rest assured, it was not a wasted effort but a labor of love--a mitzvah! I will be saving it for future reference.
You have an amazing story. I hope you continue to share your story of coming back to Christ with the community of Hebrew Roots. God bless you.
Your work is amazing!
My family and I love each video from the channel.
Well well well... Look who is here!
@@isaaccabral3847 hahahahahaha
When you compare Mt. 23:34 SAYS where Christ says the following to the Sabbath keepers and then Rev. 18:3-4 , it becomes very obvious, that Christ himself identifies the Sabbath keepers who refuse to come out of the old Covenant as the SDA does, as the HARLOT OF REVELATION, NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!
NOW READ Mt. 23 :34 Wherefore, behold, *I send unto YOU prophets, and wise men* , and scribes: and *some of them YOU shall kill and crucify; and. some of them shall YOU scourge in *your* synagogues, and *persecute them from city to city* : (Rev. 17vs 6)
Mt. 23 :35 That upon YOU (SABBATH KEEPERS) may come *ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD SHED UPON THE EARTH* ,from the BLOOD OF RIGHTEOUS ABEL unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. ......
NOW COMPARE WITH Rev. 18:24 And in HER was found *the blood of prophets, and of saints* , and *of all that were slain upon the earth.* (COMPARE WITH MT. 23:35 ABOVE)
Christ explicitly agrees with Rev.18, that the Sabbath keepers are the HARLOT OF REVELATION 18!
This is right on time guys!! My uncle believes he is a Black Hebrew Israelite and he argued with me about the old testament laws and how I'm sinning because I am not applying the same rules set back then for Israelites. This help me understand how Jesus fulfilled the law and how we are free from it but of course not to think we can do all we want. Love God and your neighbor covers all the commandments (except for the Sabbath which room 14:5 says it's our personal choice) . Thank you guys so much for your ministry! 🙌🏾
anthony dunn I don't believe Romans 14: 5 was talking about the Sabbath. Why separate one of the Ten Commandments from the rest? All of the Ten Commandments are about loving God and your neighbors.
@@Affixton96 "Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a festival, a New Moon, or a Sabbath.These are a shadow of the things to come," Colossians 2:16
"For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect."
Hebrews 10: 1
"So it was, when Moses had completed writing the words of this law in a book, when they were finished, that Moses commanded the Levites, who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord, saying: “Take this Book of the Law, and put it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there as a witness against you"
Deuteronomy 31: 24-26
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.
Colossians 2: 14-17
The Sabbaths that were done away with were the annual Sabbaths or Jewish holidays that were written in the ceremonial laws by Moses. The Ten Commandments were written by God's own finger, so the Ten Commandments are not part of the ceremonial laws. The seventh-day Sabbath was in place before God wrote on the tablets of stone (Exodus 16: 22-30)--actually, all the way back to the time a creation, before sin. If there was no sin, there won't be a need of a Savior, thus no need of shadows of things to come. The seventh-day Sabbath was pointing to creation, but the annual Sabbaths were pointing to Jesus.
Beautiful as always, but I missed some of the explanation in Hebrews, were Paul says that the law was almost meant to be broken, as it's purpose is not to make us perfect but to highlight our imperfections so that we could acknowledge the need for Jesus.
Good point! Torah was a starting point, not the totality of Yah's will. The ultimate Law is the one Yah writes on each believer's heart. Few seem to understand this.
Are you're referring to Romans 3:19-20?
Yea u are right .paul said .(what i thought was to bring me life ,killed me ) word of God is ment to kill all men because all men sin .but its ok because all those who die according to the law will live in christ if the walk in the plan of God and believe in his salvation. (The word of God is shaper then any 2 edged sword) (for it is appointed that man die once ,then comes thw judgment)...u are supposed to die by the law so u can be resurrected in christ ...pual says the law is good and holy .the law is doing its job but we have to let it do its work. Paul said (i would not have known not to covet if not for the law) the law shows sin so, in no way do we reject it because its literally bringing us to christ. Hebrews says ( these who reject the law of moses die by the witness of 2 or 3 without mercy) .we dont want to reject truth or Gods plan for our salvation.
There's a short reference to that at 2:05
I wasn't, but that is a beautiful quote.@@seanfrancisode
I love how all of it leds to Jesus ❤
The bible project is one of the best things I have come across this few weeks .
God bless you ❤🙌
Thank you so much for The Bible Project. My grandson struggles with OCD, especially Scrupulosity OCD. I have used many of your videos to explain and try to bring peace to his mind. I've also learned. Thank you again.
it really means a lot to me that every time you depict these characters they look different. They are SO diverse and always gorgeous. Thank you for that attention to detail
This is so helpful! I love the way you guys have a conversation and answer questions as you go. God Bless your team. You guys are always in my prayers.
That was awesome! I really liked the mixture of cubist paintings in biblical context. I love how they all shattered when things went wrong that was cool! 😂💓📖
In Mathew 5, the greek word "plerosai" is commonly translated as "fulfill" - Christ fulfilled the law. But that word also means "complete". If you read the full chapter, you'll see that's what Jesus does there. He didn't abolish the law, he completed it. For example, on Matthew 5.33 - 37, Jesus taught: "Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." On the Moses law, people are told to not break their oath. Jesus changes the law and complete it - don't oath at all. Talking about Jesus taking replacing Aarons order as High Priest the Bible teaches: "For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also." (Hebrews 7.12). There was God's revelation on Moses law, but Jesus fulfilled and completed the law, the complete revelation of God only has come with Jesus, the perfect law only has come with Jesus.
What do you mean by no law no sin? Is it mean we can sin if no law?
This is a terrible place to leave this comment- in the ocean of other comments- but you guys should do a video highlighting Reed Harvey’s sound design. He’s got to be a huge reason why we love these videos.
Great job of explaining the books of the Law! Thank you & may God bless you and the wonderful work that you do!!
Just started a commitment to read books of the Bible I haven’t yet read starting with Leviticus today. This is a very timely video. Praise God!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
From comics to Picasso,
So why not anime too?
this needs to be done or we riot
Yes! my love for animes, Bible and God! all in one! 😍❤️
"Finally, a worthy successor"
I think there actually might be one somewhere here on youtube
yes yes yes yes yes yes
Ezekiel 11:19 And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them; I will remove their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.
Jeremiah 31:33 "But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD. I will put My law in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people.
Hebrews 8:10 For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord. I will put My laws in their minds, and inscribe them on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people.
Hebrews 10:16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds.
2 Corinthians 3:3 It is clear that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
To write His Law on the heart is the Will of Yah He Himself puts into each believer's heart. Does anyone trust Father Yah to do this?
Amen amen amen. Im happy my brothers see it .this video honestly was good tho .and in know way really stepped All over God's eternal word .there are many Christians that would have taken this a much different way
The New Covenant ✝️
Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek. This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you. know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified. “For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
Galatians 2:3-5, 16, 19-21
I came looking for a comment like this ❤️ HalleluYAH brother!!
Romans 3:31 (ESV)
31 Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law
Love this! It was so visually well crafted that I had to watch the video again to catch what you guys were saying 😅😅. God bless you, Bible Project team!
You guys are so helpful in helping me to understand the most difficult parts of the Bible like these laws & the sacrifices, etc. Thank you!
This is soooo good and so needed. Thank you so much for your labor of love in doing this. I pray that God continues to supply every resource needed so you can keep these coming.
So good!! 😊 I love all the sound effects too! Thank you for TBP!
BIG thumbs ups!
After several years this channel's content is always uplifting and on point.
Your work is truly fascinating..
Thank you for using your God given talent & wisdom in spreading His word and making it more accessible in such a beautiful and effective way. All your videos are simply amazing! Keep up the good fight!
God bless you!! ♥️
Always a blessing! Always excited for 'the next new episode'. God bless you guys and the whole team!
I've learnt more about some tricky books of the Bible in this video than decades of listening, reading and studying the insightful and will make future bible reading more realistic and truthful.Thanks Bible Project
Thanks for all the work and time you guys put in these videos. They are awesome. 🙏🏼
"Love God with all your heart and Love your neighbor as yourself", as Christ quoted, is from the Law. Christ's first quote; "Love God with all your heart" is from Deuteronomy 6 - a conversation between God and Moses where He tells Moses the PURPOSE of the Law; to keep it in your heart and mind and this will seal you in righteousness. The "love your neighbor" quote is from Leviticus 19 about loving your fellow man. When Christ was pressed "who is my neighbor?" His answer was blunt and revealing about how distorted the Jews had viewed the Law. Christ's quotes fit PERFECTLY what the New Covenant is! God's Law written in the heart, instead of tablets of stone. And that's why John wrote in 1 John 5:3 what TRUE LOVE's obeying God.
You are delusional. Please pray for yourself. The only one blunt here is you.
The 10 commandments show us how to love the Father and our neighbors.
@@lynettemoody2741 who is that neighbour of yours though ?
You guys are incredible, never stop!!! You’ve helped me with my walk with Christ so much!
Ok, am I the only one who Loves how DIVERSE the illustrations are for these videos! You guys are really on to something unique and extremely informative here!
Congratulations guys. Another amazing episode. You bring knowledge for me in each video. Thanks!!
Love your GOD and love your neighbor as yourself. The center of the universal law...
But what if there GOD is allah, & he tells them to kill the non moslems!👺🕳
( this is a litmus test for finding The True God)!
Jesus said
Love The Father
& Love People ( everyone even your enemies)! ✝️🕊
Yep 👍🏽Thanks for writing the vision and making it plain!!
Haven't even finished this video yet but I didn't want to forget: I LOVE seeing an image of Eve that is nontraditional in these ways ☺️ thank you for the consideration, application, and artistry!
I love The Bible Project videos! That was part of the reason I started the plan with You Version!
Thank you for the information broken down into understandable knowledge!
And, I love the Picasso-like look!
I am so very grateful for you guys! Honestly I praise God for giving you guys such a talent to explain.
I am indebted to you guys for granting me a better understanding of the scriptures. May the Lord continue to bless and direct you guys! Each and everyone one
Lots of love from London
This was such an Amazing video... thx so much for your message
Cada vez mais fantásticos! Amo esse canal! Obrigada ✨❤🙌
Por favor pongan subtitulos en español, son muy buenos los videos y quiero mostrarselos a mi familia!
u guys are filling me with wonder & amazement. I have always been wanting to understand the Bible so clearly & simply as you vids does.
This video did give me clarity. I have been reading the Old Testament after I read your overview or elaboration of every book. I got stuck in Leviticus, I couldn’t go past chapter 11/12. It is too much for my heart to handle all the laws. I prayed to God that I can’t relate to it. The next morning I see your video and this makes it much easier. Thank you pastor Tim ❤️
I know. The laws in leviticus are all so weirdly many and specific!
According to Christ, the ten commandments are the only law. Mt. 4:4, 19:17,
According to the apostles, the new covenant, is the ten commandments written on the heart.
According to Revelation, those who keep the commandments, receive sainthood.
Sunday Christianity, only gets salvation.
I would LOOVE a poster of the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days so I can put it up and ponder them.
Yeah me too!
I love the way bible project chooses how to physically portray the looks of Adam and Eve as well as the other characters. It’s so diverse !
Awesome Video and explicit Explanation ... God bless you all ^_^
Still waiting for "Angel of the Lord" ;)
When you compare Mt. 23:34 SAYS where Christ says the following to the Sabbath keepers and then Rev. 18:3-4 , it becomes very obvious, that Christ himself identifies the Sabbath keepers who refuse to come out of the old Covenant as the SDA does, as the HARLOT OF REVELATION, NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!
NOW READ Mt. 23 :34 Wherefore, behold, *I send unto YOU prophets, and wise men* , and scribes: and *some of them YOU shall kill and crucify; and. some of them shall YOU scourge in *your* synagogues, and *persecute them from city to city* : (Rev. 17vs 6)
Mt. 23 :35 That upon YOU (SABBATH KEEPERS) may come *ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD SHED UPON THE EARTH* ,from the BLOOD OF RIGHTEOUS ABEL unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. ......
NOW COMPARE WITH Rev. 18:24 And in HER was found *the blood of prophets, and of saints* , and *of all that were slain upon the earth.* (COMPARE WITH MT. 23:35 ABOVE)
Christ explicitly agrees with Rev.18, that the Sabbath keepers are the HARLOT OF REVELATION 18!
5:33 this part is the KEY!!!
Bravo! Another masterpiece. There is such rich lessons packed in each of these videos!
Hey everyone! Let’s not forget that the Law isn’t just for Israel. Matt 5:17 states that the law will never pass away. Matt 5:18 says “whoever relaxes the least of these commandments (pertaining to V. 17) and teaches others to do so, will be least in the kingdom of heaven.” Romans 3:31 “do we then nullify the law by faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.”
Yep, right on!
That subject was discussed in the book of acts
Tone Fanatic So I better see you not mix your fabrics at all 🤔
Awesome. I appreciate your efforts specially in the detailing. What was the inspiration for these visual choices? I can see a deliberate focused carving in each and every frame. It is not just a video about the law but a lot more than that. Be blessed and keep growing guys. Love from India. Shalom.
Matthew 5
17“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
And when does this happen?
Revelation 21
1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.
REVELATION 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
John 14:15 (NASB)
"If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
John 15:10 (NASB)
"If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.
1 John 5:3 (NASB)
For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.
1 John 2:4 (NASB)
The one who says, "I have come to know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him;
People overlook some scriptures to make sense of what they believe. A fight against cognitive dissonance.
Funny that this video is released as people are waking up to the truth of the word. It's been a big push lately to discredit the ideal of keeping the commandments. A push to following your own ideal of righteousness.
Wow my Hebrew brothers saw this video too? Lol .so i will say this i love this video because they didn't step all over Gods law and call it useless in fact they held it in as much higer regard as a normal Christian could haha ..yea people are waking up .
And it seems many of the Christians brothers seem to like this video even if they dont totally understand it which is great .the law is a gift in every way and i do not reject it at all or else i would not know messiah nor would he have a reason to come resurrect my dead body because by the law i died so he can raise me .so i fully accept the law in my life to teach in the way of instruction by the power of the holy spirit that reveals it to me
@@komlat253 I agree that they didn't trounce all over the law, which is refreshing to see, but they made one vital error at the start when they suggested that the bible isn't a book to teach one how to live.
The whole video was a very subtle in the way it says, "The law was good, but we don't need them anymore. They're not for us, they were for Israel." The same message, just sugar coated to sound nicer and more palatable for those who are waking up.
I just pray that the Ruach Ha-kodesh guides people to truth, because this world is full of potholes for believers.
i love this ministry.. found them 13 hours ago been diving in these vids for hours... God enlarge your boundaries to touch the entire creation.. in Jesus name
I'm reading through Deuteronomy and now it makes sense. Thank you Bible Project!
"The first thing to remember is that the Bible is not a behavior manual with a complete list of what to do and what not to do to make God happy."
This. A thousand times over.
Awesome, our bible college uses your videos all the time.
Jay, just curious what college you attend. I love these videos too and am glad to hear they’ve reached academia.
Just curious what you meant by, "You couldn't follow many of them even if you tried." Are you referring to Laws concerning the temple, etc. Because it's certainly easy enough for us to follow dietary laws, etc.
With the law, one must follow everything and not just one. Breaking one is as serious as breaking all. That's why Jesus came to fulfill the law, because of human inability to. It would surprise you that the dietary law cannot even be fulfilled by some.
@Desire Of All Nations That is how i understand it too..
I would like to thank you guys from The Bible Project for allowing us to understand the bible much clearer and this will help me be able to understand the stories of the bible clearer. once again, Thank You!
I appreciate these videos so much 😭😭 thank you so so much for being obedient to your calling. You’re helping people like me! I’ve always wanted to understand the Bible & now I am! Praise God ❤️ New Sub !
Turn the books into movies! I’d pay to watch 😍🔥
May God bless The Bible Project.
Praying with you from the Philippines.
Your project/Digital ministry is such an eye-opener and a blessing.
When you compare Mt. 23:34 SAYS where Christ says the following to the Sabbath keepers and then Rev. 18:3-4 , it becomes very obvious, that Christ himself identifies the Sabbath keepers who refuse to come out of the old Covenant as the SDA does, as the HARLOT OF REVELATION, NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!
NOW READ Mt. 23 :34 Wherefore, behold, *I send unto YOU prophets, and wise men* , and scribes: and *some of them YOU shall kill and crucify; and. some of them shall YOU scourge in *your* synagogues, and *persecute them from city to city* : (Rev. 17vs 6)
Mt. 23 :35 That upon YOU (SABBATH KEEPERS) may come *ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD SHED UPON THE EARTH* ,from the BLOOD OF RIGHTEOUS ABEL unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. ......
NOW COMPARE WITH Rev. 18:24 And in HER was found *the blood of prophets, and of saints* , and *of all that were slain upon the earth.* (COMPARE WITH MT. 23:35 ABOVE)
Christ explicitly agrees with Rev.18, that the Sabbath keepers are the HARLOT OF REVELATION 18!
Could I add Korean subtitles to your videos? Some of my colleagues here in Korea love your channel!
If you go to their website you will see that they have a whole process for translation. What I'm not sure of is if subtitling follows the same process as the localization and dubbing process. But generally speaking, yes, they need volunteers! Cheers from Peru
This lesson explains so much about God, and his plans and how we humans, were included in his plans, that is amazing! Thank you for steering this biblical ship into port!
Love what y’all are doing. The Study of the Cherubim, Seraphim, and the word Elohim was great. Look forward to more in that topic. I will say your the only “close to mainstream Christianity” group I’ve seen touch on topics like this and I hope it spreads. Keep up the great work.
Love's the greatest law to love the true God and his brethren amen🙏.
& His enemies ‼️ even sinners love 1 another ‼️
✝️Christ Jesus died for Us while we were yet sinners ‼️🕊🙏🏼
“Father forgive them”‼️♥️
we keep the law out of love for our Messiah! the law is perfect and doesn't change!
Perfectly said.
Hi there Bible Project,
I love this channel and the content thus far has been amazing please keep it up. However, during your explanation of the Sabbath or Sabbath Rest I found that it was half true but that it also subtly dismissed the Sabbath. The Seventh day was a day that was created by God and was blessed by Him and made Holy by Him. The seven days of creation was a blueprint for the seven day week of today. The fourth commandment talks about remembering the sabbath day and keeping it in the reverence (Holy) that God created. Saying that the seventh day never ended would mean that God’s creation week is one that is still going to this very day (and I don’t mean metaphorically speaking either).. which wouldn’t make much sense. He made seven distinct days and blessed and made Holy only one of those. I wish that you guys could’ve mentioned this.
Thank You for all your great work!!
In the seventh day He rested. So that means He has finished His creation whether or not the seventh day has ended already or not yet. :)
And well, now, actually, God is still on the work, still working (as Jesus said that His father is working until now and so will He) -- creating new hearts, new people through the death and resurrection of His Son. :D
I agree that it is worthy to mention that he set it apart "made holy". Reminds me of blocking time out for an appointment on my personal calendar!
Thank you so much for making a video like this. I just finished reading Numbers and am about to go and check out your video on that as well. I really have found myself throughout my reading of Leviticus and Numbers going, "What exactly is the point of God passing these laws onto the Children of Israel through Moses and the priests?" Y'all definitely have helped me gain a contextual understanding of what I've read so far. Thank you!
This is amazing! It answers so many questions I had, and the animation looked amazing while doing so. Keep up this amazing content, and may God bless you guys in your future endeavors!
1 John 5:2-3
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome...
Galations 5
Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law. You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.
Dear beloved brother, always remember... the context of Paul's teaching in Galatians is against keeping God's laws/commandments FOR SALVATION and NOT against obedience to God's laws/commandments. Saying that Paul taught against obedience to Gods laws would make him a sinner, hypocrite, liar, heretic, & a schizophrenic. He would be contradicting himself if we say that Paul taught against obedience to God's laws and you and I both know that there are no contradictions in the Bible. Paul clearly states that he "delights in the Law of God" [Romans 7:22] and most importantly he clearly stated that "we do not make void the law through faith, on the contrary we UPHOLD the law." [Romans 3:31] Paul was an expert in the law, and he obviously knew "not to add to Gods Word and not to abolish any of Gods Word." [Deuteronomy 4:2 & 12:32] [Revelation 22:18-19] But this isn't a new misunderstanding, in fact, Paul was accused of teaching against the Laws of God/Laws of Moses (the title is interchangeable) in the book of Acts [Acts 21:20-24] This is why he took a nazarite vow publicly to prove himself innocent from the rumors to prove that he himself walked according to the law [Acts 21:26-27]. Many believers intentionally and/or unintentionally misunderstand Paul...again this is nothing new as we can read in [2 Peter 3:15-17]. We say "God says" and you say "But Paul says". Let's see what our Lord, God, and Savior says about the matter...."Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished." [Matthew 5:17-18]
Last time i checked heaven and earth is still here...
"Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat, so practice and observe whatever they tell you--but not what they do. For they preach, but do not practice." [Matthew 23-1-3] Did Jesus just command us to keep the Laws of Moses here?
Remember beloved brother, the WHOLE Word of God is the seed, our faith is the root, and our works/obedience is the fruit.
"For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified." [Romans 2:13] [James 2:20-26]. Also remember, we do not keep Gods laws TO BE SAVED, we keep Gods laws because WE ARE is our love for him in return that we keep his laws/commandments. "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." [John 14:15]
"The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." [Ecclesiastes 12:13]
God bless ...
@@OscarQuant87 Amen brother! Well said and excellent job of letting scripture lay everything out.
You will also find many prophetic passages describing the keeping of the festivals and Sabbath days, AFTER Jesus returns. (Zechariah 14, Ezekiel 45-46, Isaiah 66, etc) It seems we ought to get back to observing all of God's instruction instead of throwing out what we don't want to do under a banner of "grace". Yes, we are saved by grace and only by grace, not of our own works, but that does not give us the option to willing transgress His commandments.
Jesus said point blank........"If you love me, keep my commandments."
mrfeetup God bless you brother! I couldn't agree with you more! Yes That's exactly right, when Jesus comes back we will be keeping all his feasts, new moons, Sabbaths, etc.. Keep on sharing this truth to others. We definitely need to come back to His Torah! Shalom!
Aleph v'Tav What does Moses Teach?
Do Not touch anything unclean, The Dead, The Bloodied & The lepers.
Jesus went into the dead girl’s room!
Was touched by the woman with blood!
Touched 10 lepers & He Healed them!
He made them clean! But the law says that the unclean things will make you unclean too!?
The woman caught in adultery?
Moses said stone her to death!
Jesus forgave her!!!
Jesus was filled with The Holy Spirit and led by The Holy Spirit continually!
You can’t follow Jesus & Moses!
Moses did Not get into The Promised Land
Was summoned by God, Moses died, and God buried him!!!
So Moses is dead and buried by God!
The transfiguration!
Who come and salute Jesus?
Moses & Elijah! The law & The prophets!
Listen to HIM!!! ( Follow Him)!!!
Jesus was baptised in water by John and baptised by The Father with The Holy Spirit
Jesus was led by The Holy Spirit 🕊
As shown above Jesus followed The Holy Spirit Not Moses!
It is written!
But I say to you..... ✝️
The letter kills ✍🏼
The Spirit gives Life 🕊
I love how God through Jesus can summarize 600 laws in two sentences :)
The animation style is hard to comprehend, as the Law it's self. Very good!
Some guys were criticizing the art style because they thought it looked weird or even ugly, and they were missing the point
Great work, again! Lots going on visually. I played it twice, and the second time just closed my eyes and listened. Better.
your channel is such a blessing! Thank you for all the hard work you put into all your videos ❤️
Great video. Love the Abstract art theme!!! Totally works!
excellent brothers.. thanks for sharing this.. very clear explanation.. Love from Oman
Great video! I would add that God’s laws are not merely primers (motivations to do good), but rather descriptions of Himself and of reality from an infinite perspective. When God tells us to do or do not do something, He is literally describing Himself to us. He tells us to do good because He Himself is good, to not sin because He Himself hates sin, to pick up our cross because He Himself picked up His. When we break His law, we break His heart. His Law is directly reflected by His character.
These Bible shorts are really an awesome blessing for us all... All who would seek after The Righteous Water!
I was just going through the Bible again and was already dreading going through the other books Moses wrote. Thank you for this video! It's encouraging me to push forward with my reading along with having a different perspective once I reach what I perceived before as books that will make me fall asleep.
When you compare Mt. 23:34 SAYS where Christ says the following to the Sabbath keepers and then Rev. 18:3-4 , it becomes very obvious, that Christ himself identifies the Sabbath keepers who refuse to come out of the old Covenant as the SDA does, as the HARLOT OF REVELATION, NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!
NOW READ Mt. 23 :34 Wherefore, behold, *I send unto YOU prophets, and wise men* , and scribes: and *some of them YOU shall kill and crucify; and. some of them shall YOU scourge in *your* synagogues, and *persecute them from city to city* : (Rev. 17vs 6)
Mt. 23 :35 That upon YOU (SABBATH KEEPERS) may come *ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD SHED UPON THE EARTH* ,from the BLOOD OF RIGHTEOUS ABEL unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. ......
NOW COMPARE WITH Rev. 18:24 And in HER was found *the blood of prophets, and of saints* , and *of all that were slain upon the earth.* (COMPARE WITH MT. 23:35 ABOVE)
Christ explicitly agrees with Rev.18, that the Sabbath keepers are the HARLOT OF REVELATION 18!
Not one IOTA will pass from the law until everything is accomplished.
You basically have two options then:
1. Either Christ accomplished at the cross, or it is still yet to be accomplished and
2. The New Testament violates the law of Moses (for example the book of Hebrews states all Christians are priests - this is a direct violation of the law [if the law is not fulfilled] since the law states only Levites are priests).
@@mrfabulous4640 Jesus is both a Judes (through Joseph) and Levites (through Mary). Christians are the new Israel, and are related to Christ ( Christ is their head, and the Church is the body), so, like in the Old and New Testament, the Kingdom of God is the kingdom of priests, it is fullfilled.
@Desire Of All Nations
God's Law is not the Law of Moses.
God's Law use to be the Law Of Moses, but in the New Covenant God's Law is the Law of Christ.
// To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law.
- 1 Corinthians 9:20-21
The Law of Moses was the law for the Old Covenant, that covenant ended and the Christian is under the New Covenant and thus under the law of that New Covenant (not the law of the Old Covenant).
God bless
@@mrfabulous4640 that makes no sense and is unscriptural.
All was accomplished at the cross, this is a basic Christian principle.
I hesitate to comment on my reaction to this video since all the comments below are very positive. However, since I have been a fan and supporter since the beginning I must be honest. Your departure into a totally different format came as, not only a surprise, but a shock. The Picasso (think Guernica painting) images were so distracting that I had difficulty following the dialogue. I was also disturbed by your images of Adam and Eve. I have learned so much Bible and have shared your web site with countless people and I encourage you to be careful not to let creative license overshadow your important content.
Their Adam and Eve was disgusting and pandering. Eve would not be a different race from Adam and making her fat by default is just normalizing gluttony, neither of them would be in bad shape.
This is video seems fairly accurate. Except the animal sacrifices part. Animal sacrifices were to show death /blood as the price for sin, and for show a picture of the future lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. The animal spirits don't go up in our place to God. Although i'm pretty sure in the video they likely weren't trying to press this idea, but it was probably just their quick thought on the subject.
I think if i were to teach about God's law, i'd try to impress the "fear of God". People, and teachers of the Lord don't put enough emphasis on the terror of the Lord. We live in a culture these days where talking back to your parents is considered normal, or many well meaning Christian teachers are trying to encourage others by making God seem very soft.
Wow guys this is the first video I've seen from you and WOW how amazing !!! Can't wait to watch all of your videos! Such good explanations and helpful advice on how to read the Bible! God bless you!
Praise the lord 🙌
God bless you guys.
Father, again we stand in your presence by means of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit thankful for the access and the great privilege that we have to feast upon your word and we ask that the Holy Spirit be our teacher. We're keenly aware of how little we know. How immense and infinite is your word. May the Holy Spirit strip away that which is foolish and ignorant, but open our hearts to truth for it's in Christ's name I pray. Amen.
I mostly agree with this, although I think there were two points I wish would've been expressed in a different way.
1. You said that sacrifices die on our behalf, but that's not exactly true. Their blood was viewed as a detergent to remove the stain of sin. Tomato/tomahto, perhaps, but when we talk about Jesus' blood in Hebrews 8-10, this distinction is important. He didn't die instead of us, since we all must die. But his blood purifies the heavenly temple of the stain of our sin.
2. I loved what you said about the Torah revealing the wisdom of God, but you weren't clear on whether we should keep it today. While it's true we _can't_ keep many things, most Christians hold on to the false doctrine that “Jesus declared all foods clean,” so we don't need to keep Leviticus 11. Or that we shouldn't concern ourselves with the Sabbath and holy days any longer, and we can ignore Leviticus 23. These things are hugely important still, but I don't think this video did a good job of explaining that.
Otherwise, I love your work. Keep it up!
I'm not certain what you're saying about Jesus declaring all foods clean. Are you saying Peter's vision in Acts (there are no unclean people or foods) and Paul's clarification in Romans are void (what goes into the man does is not unclean, but how they behave)? Jesus continued to show situations where following the law was less relevant than relying on God, which is one of the themes of TBP. So I would say that God does not expect us to adhere to those laws, but to adhere to him.
The video points out that the laws were there largely to help God's people stand out amongst their neighbors. I would say that as Christians we should seek to be exemplars of reliance on God, which naturally leads to certain abstentions. However, avoiding foods and many of those other laws do not distinguish Christians or show them as exemplars.
How do you explain Colossians 2:16-17?
The blood (life, soul) of the animals temporarily COVERED sin. Jesus' sacrifice COVERED the whole of creation, not just us humans. It did not remove any sin. This is symbolized by the sprinkling of goat's blood on the mercy seat.
The Instructions were a starting point, not the totality of God's will. A believer is to have God's will written on their hearts. If God told you to follow Torah, then do it, but be prepare for any changes. Do people understand God's will is not what we do, but what He does through us and by His supernatural leading?
@@JustBCWi Peter gives his interpretation of the vision and does not mention actual food. Previously in Peters mind gentiles were regarded as 'common' (a different categorisation than unclean and a distinction that the Rabbis made, not God)
@@kylehollman5549 How about you ask Father Yah yourself? Quit asking for other people's bread and get your own from Him.
Many Christians wrongly believe that the law was done away with when in reality Gods law is forever. Jesus says that not one bit of the law will pass away untill heaven and earth pass away and that hasn't happened yet. The apostles kept the law (after the crucifixion) and we will be expected to keep the law in the Kingdom. Isaiah said that the law will go out from Zion. Zechariah says that the nation's will not get rain unless they keep the feast of Sukkot. Ezekiel says that there will be a third temple with sacrifices in kingdom. Jesus says "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out demons? and in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work lawlessness!" The word for lawlessness literally means without the law of Moses.
Just some things to keep in mind.
How about:
“For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.”
Romans 6:14
@@saraerrazqi2991 1 John 3:4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.
Yes, we are no longer under the punishment of the law which is laid out in Deuteronomy 28:15-68. We have been set free from that through the blood of Messiah but that does not give us a licence to sin. And is by definition sin is to break the law. Would you say to someone that now they are free from the law it is okay for them to commit murder or adultery? Obviously not, so even though we are saved we still have to keep the law.
The law cannot save you only Messiah can. But we are supposed to go through sanctification, which is done through obedience to God's laws. Look at it like marriage vows, When people marry they write out vows to keep and they list things each person promises to do and not to do. If we are supposed to be the bride and the covenant is our marriage vows then we should keep what is in them.
Remember Messiah said this John 14:15 "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." This is how we show we love our Messiah,, by keeping His commands. It's about loving God and being obedient to His law. Not seeking our own salvation through the law which is what Paull is writing about. After all, Paul said this. Romans 6:15 "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? By no means!"
Hope you understand and this helped you. God bless.
I must admit, the artworks in these videos are astoundingly prodigious
nimation and sound effect! What a narrative! God bless bible project and team. Thanks for the ministry I love it!