1:10 and 2:55 are super-cool. How long did it take you to learn the intro sweeping part? I practiced for days and days and couldn't get it. I got really close for a brief moment, but still couldn't lock it in.
I wouldn't mind giving this a shot on synth. Do you have this charted or did you just keep practicing it until you got it? Same with the backing track. Yours actually sounds better than the track used in the demo lmao And btw.. JESUS CHRIST YOU'RE AMAZING
Your sweep is pretty good, sounds cool. The vibrato is great, this is a rarity. But I can't say the same about your alternate picking, the left and right hands are slightly out of sync. I am not a virtuoso, have the same problem, but it is what it is. Your synchronization needs to be improved.
There is a matter - the exceptionable performance technique. I've heard this, but have not disliked, 'cause I play guitar not better. But the ones who plays better have every right to do this.
Mega cool. 👏👍
Sweet and spot on!
i watched the original one about a trillion times the past decade. u are doing great sir!
abso-fucking-lutely nailed it
Da paura!
Nice job, awefully hard song to play !
super good
Davvero complimenti! Un pezzo che mi piace molto e tu lo fai molto bene!
This is a sick cover dude you rock!
Questo è da paura. E per certi mix meglio dell'originale.
Very good job!
Killed it!
awesome dude ! Love it
That´s awesome dude!!
This is very inspiring dude!
Veramente bravo, meriteresti una marea di views e like. Per me è un pezzo impossibile
Eccezionale, ho provato a rifarla qualche anno fa e mi sono slogato le dita...
Excellent job!! Have the backing track?
1:10 and 2:55 are super-cool. How long did it take you to learn the intro sweeping part? I practiced for days and days and couldn't get it. I got really close for a brief moment, but still couldn't lock it in.
That song is called the attack of the aliens
1st time i listen this song in my guitar pro tabs..its misc unsigned band...now i found the real player ..sorry for my english
It's sounds very nice! Have you got tabs?
ah yes the song is called attack of the aliens ah yes can you make glory of the soldier by him?
No one ever seems to call this song by the correct name.
I wouldn't mind giving this a shot on synth. Do you have this charted or did you just keep practicing it until you got it? Same with the backing track. Yours actually sounds better than the track used in the demo lmao
hmm sounds like impletteri chicken picking?:D
Your sweep is pretty good, sounds cool. The vibrato is great, this is a rarity. But I can't say the same about your alternate picking, the left and right hands are slightly out of sync. I am not a virtuoso, have the same problem, but it is what it is. Your synchronization needs to be improved.
Eccezionale, meglio di gentaro!!!! Unica "nota" negativa, secondo me le tastiere sovrastano troppo, però ripeto, meglio di gentaro, complimenti
Meglio di Gentaro ...
Hai un tuo disco solista?
Avenged sevenfold
Sound is similar with Gentaro
5 dislikes. this shows that ANYBODY can get a dislike. no matter the content
There is a matter - the exceptionable
performance technique. I've heard this, but have not disliked, 'cause I play guitar not better. But the ones who plays better have every right to do this.