And ugh I can't believe you put the audience through all of this, just to give up on the box gem. I can't tell you how many times I've been hoping you can get the box gem (in the ones you can) only for you to just give up. All you needed was the nitro detonator! Not a happy ending to this part.
26:28. Dude you got a pity check point and then proceed to get the other check point. This lack of consciousness is why you get pity!
Nice fail part!
You don't need to go through the gem platforms to get all boxes, its just for additional gems :)
I would suggest stocking up on lives.
Dancing seems relatively pointless to me as well, actually.
Uh, no, I don't want that 1-up.
And ugh I can't believe you put the audience through all of this, just to give up on the box gem. I can't tell you how many times I've been hoping you can get the box gem (in the ones you can) only for you to just give up. All you needed was the nitro detonator! Not a happy ending to this part.