My 3 favourite scouts and their usage : * Tatarin - because it can go everywhere so easy * F750 - only scout capable of small crane + 1 cargo slot bed ( which is useful for a lot of scout cargo pickup missions) * Yar - best scout when a scout trailer needs to be attached In general I agree with your list. Personally I would place the TH357 and Marshall a bit higher. Many of what you rank B or C class scouts (rightfully so) are just completely redundant because something from A or S can do the same thing a lot better. The TH357 does have great mud performance and that special steering method which still makes it somewhat unique. Now that your scout tiermaker is out of the way, it’s time for some version 2.0 of the older tier makers ;)
Looking forward to the F750, I've only now reached the Kola map, once I unlock it Im probably going to use it. I rarely use scouts but this will get some use.
I agree with your placement of the loadstar. When I started playing I decided I would use American trucks in America and Russian trucks in Russia. Because of that I played with the loadstar a lot and I was surprised by its performance, especially with the lift and bigger tires. It may not be able to go everywhere the YAR and 420 can, but it can 90% of those places and will tackle that terrain way faster.
I use the tuz166 as a third scout for russian maps (after obv the tatarin and yar). Its never really let me down. Was a nice surprise to see it actually ranked in A-tier
I love the tuz 166 it performs better then I thought it would pretty much I pull it out before the 420 just cause it isn’t op and very satisfying to drive
Man, the Khan Marshall was the vehicle I used to pull out the western star all the way from the river and up the hill because my fleetstar couldn’t. Started playing right after it came out but before it got nerfed. Will kinda miss those days but I understand why it got nerfed. That thing was wild.
Someone told me phase 8 would be easy, but in hard mode there is VERY limited free fuel. I fully scouted all maps and there is only one fuel trailer in the crossroads map
It is indeed very limited in fuels however there are some vehicles to sell if you need and also those contracts,tasks, and contests payout pretty well. It’s going to be very challenging also because of traveling to other maps so much for mission materials
A lot of people complained about the Wrangler, and doesn't like it. I'm glad to see it getting some unbiased love. Imma use it regardless, cuz of fanboy simpin.
I find the scout 800 the funnest truck to drive. But, sadly, there really isn't much in the game that a scout can do that a full sized truck can't. BTW, there is a Loadstar near where I live and that thing is massive.
@@NProvince Loadstars came in a variety of weight ratings/frame lengths. They were a medium duty truck, so think akin to the F750 in game. Usually set up as small firetrucks, dump trucks, service rigs, things like that.
@@NProvince I am a bit of a noob but can you tell me how to unlock some of these? I see some are DLC only along with some of the locations but when I try viewing DLC I see yearly passes (not sure what that means) as well as vehicle dlc.
A lot of DLCs are either standalone DLCs that you have to purchase, but some vehicles are included in a season pass which is a whole new region. If you go to the store where you bought SnowRunner the vehicles that you cannot purchase are locked under a season pass. However there is the anniversary DLC trucks that are free and can be downloaded
great video as always! I dont know about anyone else but I like my scouts to be small and nimble I love the feel of the Jeep Renegade and but it lacks in performance, I may need to switch to the Gor-By4
Sorry Nate for being inactive , school's been a pain lately, you get it. Thank you for clarifying the scout vehicles! I agree mostly with the list except with the new Rezvani Hercules vehicle and the Chevy Apache.I would classify both in B.I feel thaf C is a little harsh. This is my opinion , I respect yours also.
Hey Nathan, could we have a non-specialized vehicle tier list such as sideboard bed, fuel carrier, the cranes, etc. Like, I’d the articulated towing platform better than the ramped towing platform? Should I use the sideboard over the flatbed? Are some cranes better?
Lemme put some thought into this. A lot of times on stream I talk about a lot of these things you mentioned. Also I put in my personal truck uses on every truck reviews conclusion. For the towing platforms, the smaller one is much better, but it can really only tow smaller vehicles. Cranes and addons.. this is a pretty large subject of which I can talk for quite some time on. I’m gonna have to brainstorm on how I can deliver that into a shorten video. Perhaps I can do that on stream as well.
Even tough they are offroaders, I would put the Warthog and Acteon on the list, because they are bad as haulers, but really nice as scouts with the fuel tank and ballon tires and small size
What are your thoughts on the Yar87's options for TM I vs TrM I tires? I have not been able to find any data about the rigidity of the TrM I's, but at a glance, it looks like they might carve down through mud to reach the dirt beneath (good for shallow mud) while the TM I's would float over top of it. Have you tried any experiments with this?
I think the TM2s are the choice with the grip value I believe. Also the ability to float on top of those really thick mud surfaces makes the yar really a strong scout
1) CAT TH357 is amazing, it should be placed higher. In fact, it's the third scout that can actually do something besides just scouting (after the Ford and the Loadstar that have a crane); 2) Scout 800 should be put higher, at least on-par with the CK1500, because it has bigger wheels and always on difflock; 3) Once again, tire size is what matters when we talk scouts (most of them have those crappy scout tire set only). Why is Sentinel with 41" max in the same group as Land Rovers and their miserable 32-33" ? You even put the Marshall in here, considering its 44" TM II swampers, that are waaay more superior to MS I. Weird. Yes, it's hindered on fuel tank size, but still a very good offroader, having more fuel on the roof; 4) Lo4F is too ranked high for its 33" tires and low top speed
Curious question. Why not include the Sprinter? I know it's technically in the Offroad class but it has no cargo beds, no saddles, no trailer support. It's a race truck, and as such the only purpose it serves in game now is to use it as a scout after Season 7. Kinda doesn't right to have that thing in a Offroads comparison list.
Thanks for another great video! This is a solid list, mine would look very similar. One change I would do is move the Sentinel up to A since its combined offroad performance, range and versatility outperforms all the other scouts in your tier B. It is also one of the few scouts in the game that can haul the radar trailer through terrain. Not sure if I am biased here but I am always impressed when I use the Sentinel. I did not understand why you rated the Rezvani so low? Only for the inability to tow trailers? I haven´t had time to test it myself too much but from what I have seen it can go anywhere with mudtires. Actually, if you have the mudtires on and you challenge yourself a bit, it will not need AWD for most situations which is a big fuel saver. I agree with you comment on the CK1500. It is funny when you go back to it later in the game and you are thinking "hey, this is still a good scout" 😄
Thank you! Those points on those scouts are very good arguments. I felt the Sentinel was most unstable than the ones in the A. Especially testing it on unstable terrain on Maxpower’s mod map. The Rezvani.. well for being a 6x6 it’s performance isn’t as good as the other 6x6s. A good video to show this since I don’t have an showdown videos would be SD1Ones video on this. I was iffy about it and from talking with him and his studies against mine I decided to put it there, I do really like that scout actually. I think the no trailers was another thing as well. I hope that makes sense. Really good insight on how your tier list would differ. Much appreciated:)
I agree with you especially for the S category. But, for me, Hummer is worse than Khan 39 marshall or even CK1500 maybe... It stucks easily on muddy terrain and there is no winch points nearby in some cases. I decided to quit using it early on.
The hummer shines on support not performance..... It has the biggest ⛽️ 🛠 supply in the smallest chassis. When mounted on a tow truck it becomes a perfect scout/rescue team.
All things considered I rate the Loadstar as number 1. I find it chugs through any terrain. I have never got it stuck anywhere and it is very very stable. Combine that with speed and great handling it is amazing. Also, it can actually complete scout missions that need scout trailers and cargo delivered and unloaded/loaded. I know the tatarin is unstoppable but the Loadstar is also pretty unstoppable with its speed and power. Even the deepest snow and mud I still think it would get to its destination before the tatarin....or maybe I'm just a great driver 😉🤪 (not).
I actually got stuck a lot with the Loadstar in the imandra map. That deep snow made it come to complete stops quite often 😱 I had to replace it with the Yar/Tatarin for this map. I do still love it and I thinks it's quite capable, but on the harder maps it's just doesn't cut it.
My apologies Mr.Lone Wolf, but if this was my list the Chevy CK and the Loaf would most likely be swapping places. lol Not sure if I'd put it above the Gor or not. The CK does drive a a lot nicer, but those custom tires the Gor has are beastly and the thing is pretty damn easy on fuel so it actually gets a lot out of it's 50L tank. I like the CK more, but I think I need to relent and agree the Gor is overall objectively better. I'm sticking by the Chevy CK being better then the Loaf though.
@Brian Jake Gaming Oddly enough, I will say first of all it is pretty rear this vehicle tips over in the first place, but the few times I have rolled the Loaf on it's side, it's stayed on it's side. Not exactly great when one of those times I was on top of a mountain with no tree's around doing the King Of The Hill task in Michigan.
I wish the the kan marshell did not get a fuel tank cut to only about 40 liters. Before the marshell's nerf gas tank 72 liters i would of rated the marshell as A+ or even and S even without a useful tow hitch the can can winch a lot more weight the mashell weighs. After the nerf to marshell's gas tank i had to drop it to d or even f tiers. Ps the power to weight ration and torque and tired are still really good even with the nerfed gas tank
You made a great list. Was a little confused by the coloring 😅 shouldn't red belong det to the worst truck? Anyways I definitely agree on the top tier ones 👍 a lot of the other ones I've yet to try...but I feel as the maps are getting tougher the light scouts simply struggles to much with deep mud and snow to be effective.
Thank you! So the tier list is set up that way. A lot of people use that same format so I wasn’t trying to swap things around and just keep the color scheme as is.
I reviewed the rezvanni in my 6x6 and 8x8 scout review. That is a good question, the rezvanni only lacks 1 thing in my opinion that the Apache can do better and that’s just plain mud performance. I think the rezvanni also feels pretty good to drive also.
@@NProvince Rezvani only feels better than the Apache cos of speed. It lacks in every other capability that a 6x6 should have which I think is mainly cos of the tire size they gave it. Rezvani fails even in Smithville dam map where as Apache can scout the entire Taymir without problems. Anyway it's just my opinion based on my game experience, no offense intended.
I see nothing surprising as for the top contenders. Have a little bit of doubts about other vehicles' placements, but that's I will comment on after I watch the vid.
I’m pretty bullish on the Apache actually, but front wheel drive without awd isn’t too great especially when the SnowRunner gearbox has an 80% AWD penalty. That and the lack of trailer support hurt it, but honestly after the linear dampening removal for roof rack vehicles and the JaT tires. This truck is strong
While the Rezvani is good, as I mentioned in my review and in this video. It is out performed in deep mud but its peers that are 6x6 Scouts. I do feel it rides good and handles bumps with good balance. Next, it cannot tow any trailer at all. Yes, it can have alot of supplies, but like the Apache its still limited as a support role. Also the Apache out performs the Rezvani in deep conditions which is found on SD1ONEs page. With all that being said, I do like this scout. I used it to scout alot of Phase 8 actually (On Stream) and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Maybe prior to Season 7 I might of possibly agreed with Checy CK1500, but ever since this happened I can't in good conscious put that that truck less then an A. I mean hell the CK for severed as a anchor for the F-750 driver to tow himself back. After seeing he was still stuck, I stuck the thing in reverse and towed him out. I then put the thing in Low and crawled though the hole the 750 was stuck in (and the ruts he dug while stuck) without needing any aid myself. I always thought the CK was good for a 4X4 scout, that it drove nicely and all. Like I said prior to Season 7 I'd of felt a B myself. But I just can't agree with a B anymore after that day. It wasn't even really towing the 750 out, but it was more the going though the mud hole afterwards, going though the 750's ruts unaided making the F-750 look like a punk. That's what really sealed the deal with the CK for me. That forever bumped it up to the very least an A in my book.
F11 fullscreen on this would have been a lot cleaner(guessing you just did screen cap and cropped). Just started playing and needed advice so this is a really good jumping point to make a unique hard mode exp, which I heard you mention being a fan of in a prev vid. I agree, trying to make it seem like only one way is the best kinda takes the fun out of it all.
I appreciate that. Ya I coulda hit F11. I was jumping back and forth and didn’t really care too much about making this formal. Glad you enjoyed the video ;)
F-750, Loadstar, Tatrin, Burlak 6x6. Good. Rest are F tier. The others act like you dove into a pond the second you hit dirt. And i mean like hardpack dirt roads. Not even mud. Absolutely hate the rest of them.
Im sick and tired of Saber continuing to release scout dlcs that don't support scout trailers. Pulling the scanner module with Yar on Amur is not fun at all. We need a Zikz of the scouts.
I think its all due to balancing, but then as you said using the Yar isnt exactly a super fun experience if you have to use it all the time because it can tow a trailer. I do think more scouts will come out soon though
You released this list just at the right time. I got to lake Kovd and I needed a scout that could pull trailers.
Nice! I hope this was helpful
My 3 favourite scouts and their usage :
* Tatarin - because it can go everywhere so easy
* F750 - only scout capable of small crane + 1 cargo slot bed ( which is useful for a lot of scout cargo pickup missions)
* Yar - best scout when a scout trailer needs to be attached
In general I agree with your list. Personally I would place the TH357 and Marshall a bit higher. Many of what you rank B or C class scouts (rightfully so) are just completely redundant because something from A or S can do the same thing a lot better. The TH357 does have great mud performance and that special steering method which still makes it somewhat unique.
Now that your scout tiermaker is out of the way, it’s time for some version 2.0 of the older tier makers ;)
Great 3 scouts right there :)
it would have been cool if the Yar was amphibious like the real truck is
That would be crazy right!
Wait the Yar is amphibious?
@@phoenix0166 the real one is yes
@@crashandcynder it does not look floaty
@@phoenix0166 neither does a Avtoros Shaman but that too is amphibious
Looking forward to the F750, I've only now reached the Kola map, once I unlock it Im probably going to use it. I rarely use scouts but this will get some use.
The thing is a damned Saint Bernard. Send it out to run fuel and repairs out to your haulers.
Always look forward to hearing your opinion on the vehicles great video Nathan!
Thank you JJ!
@@NProvince no problem keep up the good work!
I agree with your placement of the loadstar. When I started playing I decided I would use American trucks in America and Russian trucks in Russia. Because of that I played with the loadstar a lot and I was surprised by its performance, especially with the lift and bigger tires. It may not be able to go everywhere the YAR and 420 can, but it can 90% of those places and will tackle that terrain way faster.
I use the tuz166 as a third scout for russian maps (after obv the tatarin and yar). Its never really let me down. Was a nice surprise to see it actually ranked in A-tier
The 166 is really a nice little scout
I love the tuz 166 it performs better then I thought it would pretty much I pull it out before the 420 just cause it isn’t op and very satisfying to drive
Hey mate
Thanks for doing all your content with this game, enjoy your vids and they help out with this awesome game
Keep up the good work
I appreciate that! Glad you have been enjoying it!
The Cat pulls trailers pretty good with its winch! I love it. Great on gas too! Just lacking upgrades. It is a deep mud specialist tho.
Ya The TH357 definitely can be used more like you said with winching and its deep mud performance is quite good as well
Khan 39 Marshall with an upgraded Kr 135-T engine is immediate S tier. Not too many can get in and out of mud like it can with those stock 44” tires.
It’s one of the rare trucks that can traverse super mud for sure
Man, the Khan Marshall was the vehicle I used to pull out the western star all the way from the river and up the hill because my fleetstar couldn’t. Started playing right after it came out but before it got nerfed. Will kinda miss those days but I understand why it got nerfed. That thing was wild.
Oh I believe that! It’s pretty wild that is was that strong to do that! Still a very powerful vehicle despite the fuel tank nerf
It still can carry good fuel.
I scouted the whole Taymyr with the almighty Lo4f and TUZ 166. Took me a while, but they sure got me to places :D
Someone told me phase 8 would be easy, but in hard mode there is VERY limited free fuel. I fully scouted all maps and there is only one fuel trailer in the crossroads map
It is indeed very limited in fuels however there are some vehicles to sell if you need and also those contracts,tasks, and contests payout pretty well. It’s going to be very challenging also because of traveling to other maps so much for mission materials
Thank you for finally doing this list Nathan!
Keep up the good work. Cheers.
You’re welcome! Happy to finally make that list :)
A lot of people complained about the Wrangler, and doesn't like it. I'm glad to see it getting some unbiased love. Imma use it regardless, cuz of fanboy simpin.
I miss the op Khan 39 lol. It's still good for slogging through deep areas at least
It is still very strong with its ability for sure!
I find the scout 800 the funnest truck to drive. But, sadly, there really isn't much in the game that a scout can do that a full sized truck can't.
BTW, there is a Loadstar near where I live and that thing is massive.
Really? I wonder if the scaling is just off in game then. Loadstar is so cool!
@@NProvince Loadstars came in a variety of weight ratings/frame lengths. They were a medium duty truck, so think akin to the F750 in game. Usually set up as small firetrucks, dump trucks, service rigs, things like that.
Thanks for making these comparisons. Very helpful!
You're Welcome! :)
@@NProvince I am a bit of a noob but can you tell me how to unlock some of these? I see some are DLC only along with some of the locations but when I try viewing DLC I see yearly passes (not sure what that means) as well as vehicle dlc.
A lot of DLCs are either standalone DLCs that you have to purchase, but some vehicles are included in a season pass which is a whole new region. If you go to the store where you bought SnowRunner the vehicles that you cannot purchase are locked under a season pass. However there is the anniversary DLC trucks that are free and can be downloaded
@@NProvince perfect. Thanks!
great video as always! I dont know about anyone else but I like my scouts to be small and nimble I love the feel of the Jeep Renegade and but it lacks in performance, I may need to switch to the Gor-By4
Thank you! Ya I actually like the renegade. Its small and can improvise alot with getting to places rather than getting bogged down. I do enjoy it :)
Sorry Nate for being inactive , school's been a pain lately, you get it.
Thank you for clarifying the scout vehicles!
I agree mostly with the list except with the new Rezvani Hercules vehicle and the Chevy Apache.I would classify both in B.I feel thaf C is a little harsh.
This is my opinion , I respect yours also.
Appreciate your opinion on that! Glad to see you back. I hope school is going well!
@@NProvince Thank you for the reply!
Is is except chemistry.I am now in a small vacation and I will be more active.
What do scouts do that no other truck can?
You nailed it nath
Thank you bryan!
@@NProvince your welcome buddy
and here I am with the lo4f of life, towing fully loaded heavies uphill just to save some fuel (because I'm playing in hard mode)
That’s awesome. I believe it.
i follow all your tier lists for my fleet except tatras, and i just collect all the scouts.
That’s awesome man! I’m glad you like those tier lists! I really tried to be as fair as I could
Would you consider the Acteon an honorary scout?
You probably could, but because it’s an Off-road Truck, I felt it should stay where it’s at and is pretty strong
Hey Nathan, could we have a non-specialized vehicle tier list such as sideboard bed, fuel carrier, the cranes, etc.
Like, I’d the articulated towing platform better than the ramped towing platform? Should I use the sideboard over the flatbed? Are some cranes better?
Lemme put some thought into this. A lot of times on stream I talk about a lot of these things you mentioned. Also I put in my personal truck uses on every truck reviews conclusion. For the towing platforms, the smaller one is much better, but it can really only tow smaller vehicles. Cranes and addons.. this is a pretty large subject of which I can talk for quite some time on. I’m gonna have to brainstorm on how I can deliver that into a shorten video. Perhaps I can do that on stream as well.
Even tough they are offroaders, I would put the Warthog and Acteon on the list, because they are bad as haulers, but really nice as scouts with the fuel tank and ballon tires and small size
Good point, I did think about that, but then decided to just go by the classification Saber gave them
What are your thoughts on the Yar87's options for TM I vs TrM I tires? I have not been able to find any data about the rigidity of the TrM I's, but at a glance, it looks like they might carve down through mud to reach the dirt beneath (good for shallow mud) while the TM I's would float over top of it. Have you tried any experiments with this?
I think the TM2s are the choice with the grip value I believe. Also the ability to float on top of those really thick mud surfaces makes the yar really a strong scout
1) CAT TH357 is amazing, it should be placed higher. In fact, it's the third scout that can actually do something besides just scouting (after the Ford and the Loadstar that have a crane);
2) Scout 800 should be put higher, at least on-par with the CK1500, because it has bigger wheels and always on difflock;
3) Once again, tire size is what matters when we talk scouts (most of them have those crappy scout tire set only). Why is Sentinel with 41" max in the same group as Land Rovers and their miserable 32-33" ? You even put the Marshall in here, considering its 44" TM II swampers, that are waaay more superior to MS I. Weird. Yes, it's hindered on fuel tank size, but still a very good offroader, having more fuel on the roof;
4) Lo4F is too ranked high for its 33" tires and low top speed
I definitely understand your points, and I understand we all have different views :)
Am I the only one that when I drive the Yar, I feel like its wheels just spin a lot more than that it actually gets anywhere?
It does feel like it has a lot of wheel spin, but in low gears it will churn through just about everything just not at higher speeds
The F750 Towing the Rezvani can repair and refuel most anything.
Yea that is true, They are great support scouts
Curious question. Why not include the Sprinter? I know it's technically in the Offroad class but it has no cargo beds, no saddles, no trailer support. It's a race truck, and as such the only purpose it serves in game now is to use it as a scout after Season 7.
Kinda doesn't right to have that thing in a Offroads comparison list.
Good question, I just wanted to keep them all in the group that the devs assigned. I will have to make updated heavy/offroad tier lists later i think
@@NProvince Yeah we do have some some new ones.
Thanks for another great video!
This is a solid list, mine would look very similar. One change I would do is move the Sentinel up to A since its combined offroad performance, range and versatility outperforms all the other scouts in your tier B. It is also one of the few scouts in the game that can haul the radar trailer through terrain. Not sure if I am biased here but I am always impressed when I use the Sentinel.
I did not understand why you rated the Rezvani so low? Only for the inability to tow trailers? I haven´t had time to test it myself too much but from what I have seen it can go anywhere with mudtires. Actually, if you have the mudtires on and you challenge yourself a bit, it will not need AWD for most situations which is a big fuel saver.
I agree with you comment on the CK1500. It is funny when you go back to it later in the game and you are thinking "hey, this is still a good scout" 😄
Thank you! Those points on those scouts are very good arguments. I felt the Sentinel was most unstable than the ones in the A. Especially testing it on unstable terrain on Maxpower’s mod map.
The Rezvani.. well for being a 6x6 it’s performance isn’t as good as the other 6x6s. A good video to show this since I don’t have an showdown videos would be SD1Ones video on this. I was iffy about it and from talking with him and his studies against mine I decided to put it there, I do really like that scout actually. I think the no trailers was another thing as well. I hope that makes sense. Really good insight on how your tier list would differ. Much appreciated:)
I agree with you especially for the S category. But, for me, Hummer is worse than Khan 39 marshall or even CK1500 maybe... It stucks easily on muddy terrain and there is no winch points nearby in some cases. I decided to quit using it early on.
Glad you agreed on some of these. Those are good points about those scouts as well. :)
The hummer shines on support not performance.....
It has the biggest ⛽️ 🛠 supply in the smallest chassis.
When mounted on a tow truck it becomes a perfect scout/rescue team.
Scout 800 with lift kit and 39’s needs to be in low gear most of the time because it’s bouncy.
My favorite ist the Tatarin. Trailer i pull with the winch. Works very well. 😉
That is definitely an option to winch trailers behind :)
My favourite scout has to be the tayga
All things considered I rate the Loadstar as number 1. I find it chugs through any terrain. I have never got it stuck anywhere and it is very very stable. Combine that with speed and great handling it is amazing. Also, it can actually complete scout missions that need scout trailers and cargo delivered and unloaded/loaded. I know the tatarin is unstoppable but the Loadstar is also pretty unstoppable with its speed and power. Even the deepest snow and mud I still think it would get to its destination before the tatarin....or maybe I'm just a great driver 😉🤪 (not).
I actually got stuck a lot with the Loadstar in the imandra map. That deep snow made it come to complete stops quite often 😱 I had to replace it with the Yar/Tatarin for this map. I do still love it and I thinks it's quite capable, but on the harder maps it's just doesn't cut it.
The Load is a great vehicle! Im glad there are people out there that see how great it tows trailers.
@@stffnhs So I guess I'm a better driver than I thought 😉
@@peterainsworth8466 Better than me...or at least more patient 😅
My apologies Mr.Lone Wolf, but if this was my list the Chevy CK and the Loaf would most likely be swapping places. lol
Not sure if I'd put it above the Gor or not. The CK does drive a a lot nicer, but those custom tires the Gor has are beastly and the thing is pretty damn easy on fuel so it actually gets a lot out of it's 50L tank. I like the CK more, but I think I need to relent and agree the Gor is overall objectively better.
I'm sticking by the Chevy CK being better then the Loaf though.
CK is a pretty awesome truck, especially for only being the 1st we ride in and the first we switch from
@Brian Jake Gaming Oddly enough, I will say first of all it is pretty rear this vehicle tips over in the first place, but the few times I have rolled the Loaf on it's side, it's stayed on it's side.
Not exactly great when one of those times I was on top of a mountain with no tree's around doing the King Of The Hill task in Michigan.
Love my little cj7
I really liked driving it too so it was hard ranking this one for sure
I wish the the kan marshell did not get a fuel tank cut to only about 40 liters. Before the marshell's nerf gas tank 72 liters i would of rated the marshell as A+ or even and S even without a useful tow hitch the can can winch a lot more weight the mashell weighs. After the nerf to marshell's gas tank i had to drop it to d or even f tiers. Ps the power to weight ration and torque and tired are still really good even with the nerfed gas tank
I agree, If it never got nerfed it would be up there with some of the better scouts. Its performance still is quite respectable too
If there's anything the Hummer H2 is known for, its fuel efficiency
It really is an efficient truck. I’ve scouted some really tough areas in this scout.
You made a great list. Was a little confused by the coloring 😅 shouldn't red belong det to the worst truck? Anyways I definitely agree on the top tier ones 👍 a lot of the other ones I've yet to try...but I feel as the maps are getting tougher the light scouts simply struggles to much with deep mud and snow to be effective.
Thank you! So the tier list is set up that way. A lot of people use that same format so I wasn’t trying to swap things around and just keep the color scheme as is.
Def agree with this list
Thank you!
When you put the Rezvani and Apache on the same tier, I knew this list will not help me.
I reviewed the rezvanni in my 6x6 and 8x8 scout review. That is a good question, the rezvanni only lacks 1 thing in my opinion that the Apache can do better and that’s just plain mud performance. I think the rezvanni also feels pretty good to drive also.
@@NProvince Rezvani only feels better than the Apache cos of speed. It lacks in every other capability that a 6x6 should have which I think is mainly cos of the tire size they gave it. Rezvani fails even in Smithville dam map where as Apache can scout the entire Taymir without problems. Anyway it's just my opinion based on my game experience, no offense intended.
Putting a Rezvani in C with useless renegade and don is wild
Check out the updated Tier List 2024 might be in a better spot in A.
I see nothing surprising as for the top contenders. Have a little bit of doubts about other vehicles' placements, but that's I will comment on after I watch the vid.
Ya we all have our own lists for sure :)
Apache should be higher tbh never failed me
I’m pretty bullish on the Apache actually, but front wheel drive without awd isn’t too great especially when the SnowRunner gearbox has an 80% AWD penalty. That and the lack of trailer support hurt it, but honestly after the linear dampening removal for roof rack vehicles and the JaT tires. This truck is strong
For me, the TH357 is D simply because its a bloody telehandler. It ain't much then that.
I didnt feel it coulda gone anywhere else. Its performance is good, but practical use is not as good as other scouts
@@NProvince If I understood your comment correctly, you put it into D didn't you? I was agreeing. No worries though.
Yep and I was agreeing with you :)
@@NProvince oh, lol.
You can take the entire arm with forks off and use it as a scout
omg rezvani is the best man the best tf
While the Rezvani is good, as I mentioned in my review and in this video. It is out performed in deep mud but its peers that are 6x6 Scouts. I do feel it rides good and handles bumps with good balance. Next, it cannot tow any trailer at all. Yes, it can have alot of supplies, but like the Apache its still limited as a support role. Also the Apache out performs the Rezvani in deep conditions which is found on SD1ONEs page. With all that being said, I do like this scout. I used it to scout alot of Phase 8 actually (On Stream) and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Maybe prior to Season 7 I might of possibly agreed with Checy CK1500, but ever since this happened
I can't in good conscious put that that truck less then an A. I mean hell the CK for severed as a anchor for the F-750 driver to tow himself back. After seeing he was still stuck, I stuck the thing in reverse and towed him out. I then put the thing in Low and crawled though the hole the 750 was stuck in (and the ruts he dug while stuck) without needing any aid myself.
I always thought the CK was good for a 4X4 scout, that it drove nicely and all. Like I said prior to Season 7 I'd of felt a B myself. But I just can't agree with a B anymore after that day. It wasn't even really towing the 750 out, but it was more the going though the mud hole afterwards, going though the 750's ruts unaided making the F-750 look like a punk. That's what really sealed the deal with the CK for me. That forever bumped it up to the very least an A in my book.
Good points Justin. Great explaination on why you would have it at the A
F11 fullscreen on this would have been a lot cleaner(guessing you just did screen cap and cropped). Just started playing and needed advice so this is a really good jumping point to make a unique hard mode exp, which I heard you mention being a fan of in a prev vid. I agree, trying to make it seem like only one way is the best kinda takes the fun out of it all.
I appreciate that. Ya I coulda hit F11. I was jumping back and forth and didn’t really care too much about making this formal. Glad you enjoyed the video ;)
F-750, Loadstar, Tatrin, Burlak 6x6. Good. Rest are F tier. The others act like you dove into a pond the second you hit dirt. And i mean like hardpack dirt roads. Not even mud. Absolutely hate the rest of them.
Personally LR 90 is A class but 110 slides into C
Im actually glad you like the LR. Alot of people dont like them much.
Im sick and tired of Saber continuing to release scout dlcs that don't support scout trailers. Pulling the scanner module with Yar on Amur is not fun at all. We need a Zikz of the scouts.
I think its all due to balancing, but then as you said using the Yar isnt exactly a super fun experience if you have to use it all the time because it can tow a trailer. I do think more scouts will come out soon though
It’s funny to hear that a Hummer is fuel efficient Xd
Very funny indeed, but it is pretty efficient. To be honest the game isn’t too realistic