Easy case to win in a civil court, in fact it probably wouldn't even get that far because they will settle out of court because it's such a clear cut case of abusing section 50. Firstly he said you're detained under section 50 and then said he's searching you but doesn't have grounds for a search, That's not how section 50 works. It wasn't until after he detained you and started the search that he threatened to arrest you if you don't give him your name. This is a clear breach of article 8 of your human rights as well as false arrest, assault and false imprisonment. You are under no obligation to have a civilised chat !
Thanks for this explanation. I was just thinking did the copper even tell him not to give name would mean hes guilty of offence. Disgraceful just taking someone's freedom like this
Cannot constitute anti-social behaviour. Unlawful arrest. Please pursue these butt hurt plod through the civil courts. They had no justification to arrest under section 50. They were just miffed you didn't role over and comply.
Rice v. Connolly is an English legal precedent holding that there is no strict, general legal duty to assist a police officer prior to any possible arrest or caution,
I think i know this case you talk of, it was my uncle ben who presided over this case, he sent his findings onto connolly by post and when he opened the letter a load of rice fell out 🙄🤷😉😳
Can't wait for you to contact Ian Gould. This is a very simple win for illegal arrest, detainment, search, and assault. I wish the police were taught the laws of this country. It would stop them looking so stupid.
They start off pretending to be friendly. Give them an opportunity to use physical force and arrest you and they will. Never mistake interrogation for friendly questioning.
Why am I being detained? “There’s a pandemic” (and it’s snowing, and it cold, and it 5pm ... so what?) “I want your details” - “walking round with a camera is anti social behaviour” (harassment alarm and distress, meaning “behaviour ultimately leading to violence”). S50 PRA only applies when “you’ve reasonably been suspected as having broken the Law”. Certainly not the case here. He was arrested for not providing his name for being arrested for not providing his name whilst performing a perfectly legal activity - filming. And that’s his “work” as he is paid by TH-cam. Case ends. Charges now apply for false arrest, £500 for the first hour or part thereof. PS. Mr Stupid Plod... Thanks for telling us all that these were “police officers cars” - apart from being a lie, apart from this phrase absolving him for all liability for publishing said imagery., we actually had no idea. But thanks mate. I think you need to go back to the classroom...
The "police officers personal vehicles" really is their go-to stock excuse isn't it? Like they think that police officers personal cars have some kind of legal exemption from being filmed. If that was the case then all ANPR, CCTV and even dashcams would be illegal in case you passed an off-duty cop in their personal car on the road. And this coming from an organisation that films everyone and everything 24/7. Yet they shit themselves inside out whenever someone dares point a camera back at them.
Shouldn’t they be out sniffing out crime and not harassing this fine chap for filming! These muppets really are oblivious to why they are so deeply loathed!
As soon as he said that you will be arrested under section 50, that is an assault, grabbing your arm is battery, search is trespass to your person, going to cell is false imprisonment. Anti social behaviour needs the element of threats, intimidation or violence. You cooperating and being calm does not in any way reach the test in law for section 5 which he must have before section 50. A clear case for compensation and retraining. Don't forget the nightmares stress etc
very inconsiderate audit, they were just starting their fifth tea break and they had to stop and go outside in the cold to deal with you, how do you expect them to work out their overtime sheet if they have to deal with tax paying scum ?
The corruption just goes on and on. Incompetent &inept bullies. No one ever available for a real crime that’s because they are all sat in stations waiting for a camera.
Haha you're a great auditor, always ultra polite even while being arrested. Golly you already did the right thing and asked them!! Haha next time ask the officer at reception to sign something allowing you to do an audit that will really confuse them, they wouldn't have trained for that in police school. Keep up the great work and take care out there it looks freezing! From a keen follower from the land down under.
When you ask cops for their identity, & they become difficult or just recite their collar number, you should demand to see their warrant card. Warrant cards are designed to identify who they are, it's your right to see it if cops make contact with you. The rights you have seems long forgotten by cops who think that they are your masters.
@yoochoooob Thanks yoochoooob, I hope many see your comment to understand the actual law. If more of us knew these laws, cops would be hesitant to abuse them.
@@RachelJarvisguyuuyuuiiip The Cop with the glasses refused repeatedly to give his name. You can use Caps all you like but you still haven't got a clue what you are talking about. The person filming was absolutely not obliged to give his details prior to detainment/arrest and said arrest was not lawful.
Just wondering whether or not a s)26 of the criminal court and justice act (2015) could also be applied to PC pepperpigs charge sheet for abuse of power and privilege in public office to the detriment of auditor.
Save battery data and keep this video safe it was live which means it already was safe but didn't think in the moment I have an audio device if anything bad happens after the video stops
As per Weirdo's comment, why did you want your phone switched off? The audio would have kept going even if the camera was pointing at the ground. See Koleeberk's arrest/search in London. His camera was on the pavement and everything was heard.Up to that point you seemed to be going along ok, if a bit nervous ( understandably). Please post the outcome and have a chat with Live Free etc about future ventures if possible. Good luck.
@@Mr.Grimsdale Fair point Mr P. You do see that happen and the auditor mutes it themselves later. I think he did a good job anyway and will only get better. far be it from an old timer like me to pick holes in those fighting the battle! Like this lad, I'm learning a lot too.
@@kevinarmstrong6043 I think you may have mis-read my comment, i was asking a question rather than making a point, sorry if you thought i was correcting you in some way.
If he has any cop on he will stay away from Live Free and the extended goon squad. LF was doing fine until Marti the Blagger and co joined him.. IMHO..
Wot a complete plonker Pepper is. He was trying to show off to his minions that he could sort you out, but then just made a total asre of himself! ..He will be the talk of the force, the Clown. Don't think his bosses will enjoy this video. It shines a light on BULLYING, ILLEGAL practises and a Total ABUSE OF POWER!
Great vid , the cop arresting is banged to rights with the cop behind the counter giving permission and you have the evidence on video , a great MO for future auditors to cream some easy compensation
Peter - Dunno if it was a cop behind the counter. They often employ civilian staff for the counter. Nevertheless, you're right that permission was given.
All these coppers have been getting away with this behaviour for years, the only thing that has changed recently is we all have pocket sized high def video cameras now.
Trust you have followed up with unlawful arrest. There has clearly been no anti social behaviour or breach of the peace, if they put you in a cell false imprisonment. And that idiot is a Sgt. btw, if you don't follow up with legal action then you're defeating the object of highlighting of media, filming in public, and the abuse of policing powers.
To arrest you was disgraceful conduct by those police. Hopefully a court settlement against them will make them think twice about arresting a man for just lawfully filming.
I really hope you make a decent living from doing this (from compensation). People who know the law need to provide this service for the good of us all.
@@johnwaller4033 Absolutely, but the trouble lies with the fact that not everyone can afford a civil case, thats not right given the circumstances. The system is wrong, but note: primarily the Police were wrong!!! Innocent public cornered again, terrible situation for us all in the end...
OMG his name is "Sgt Pepper" lol... belongs to the lonely hearts club... you really need to make a complaint about this Sgt, you were working...? So I would send the covid warning back to him, scrub your name out and put his name on the warning instead, as there is no difference? You're doing a great job... keep us updated with your complaint bud..
Clarification: Harassment, Alarm or Distress Public Order Act 1986 Sec 5 Where an identified victim other than a police officer confirms that they have been subject to harassment, alarm or distress (Sec 5), and there is no credible evidence to the contrary, a crime will be recorded Where police officers find offenders committing this offence and they issue a warning and the behaviour stops and no further action is taken by the officers and there is no specific victim (other than the police officer) the offence should not routinely be recorded as a crime.
i can't think of any way more convoluted, time consuming and ineffective to find out where a police officer lives than hoping to find a picture of them online, in their car. if anyone wanted to harm a police officer they would go to the station, wait till they left and do them harm on the spot. if i'm wrong please tell me cos it seems insane to be worried about being seen in a car on the street where anyone can be seen in a car on the street?
Surly if there is that many coppers available to deal with a guy with a camera they should be put on short time like everyone else in uk while covid about maybe they’d change there tune a little if there weekly wage was halved leaving fuck all to live on ???
@Anonymoussilurian Anonymoussilurian nope. I think you're just lonely and bored. I feel kinda sorry for you. Would you like the number for the Samaritans? They can help you more than i ever could
under section 50 of the Police Reform Act the police DO have powers to take your name and address (but not date of birth) IF they reasonably believe you have engaged in anti-social behaviour, HOWEVER...you were not acting anti social....
Yeah, section 50 AKA the "policeman's friend" is their go-to power to abuse if you're doing something they don't like (despite it being legal) and they want to extort your details out of you. They try to justify it by saying your filming is causing harrassment, alarm and distress to people. My usual response to this is if they feel harrassed, alarmed or distressed by someone carrying out a legal activity, they need to be told to grow a pair.
"we'll have a civilised chat" - plug your ears with some day-glow orange noise baffles and then hum when people are speaking to you so there's zero chance you can hear them. This is 100% guaranteed to drive them up the wall! :'D
Do any police in this country have one days training between them how can holding a camera be classed as antisocial behaviour lucky there Video evidence so this won't stick but what worries me is how many lives has pc pepper ruined because he doesn't under stand the laws he is a danger to the public 😔
Nobody is required in this country to satisfy a police officer that he or she is not committing an offence. The power to detain and search arises only where conditions prescribed by law, [Hepburn v Thames Valley Police.]
peter - You are right - AND No-one can be forced to have a "civilised chat". THAT was why Peppa Pig arrested the auditor. He wanted a "civilised chat" in a police cell with a law-abiding guy in HANDCUFFS
Why would you turn your camera off when surely this next phase is the evidence you want for a speedy conclusion. We all know that we can not rely on the police keeping their own footage to be handed over to your solicitor. Just saying!!!! Unless you bottled it and gave them your details..
Absolutely crazy. Find many of them good at throwing legal spiel around just as a means to instil fear, a bit like solicitors too. You can have as much evidence or be in the right as much as you like but lucky if you ever get justice. I used to respect the legal system once but have little time for them now. If theyre not using the law to instil fear they use it as a money making racket to abuse people in my opinion!!!!
Why should the British people expect special treatment when videoing the police. As we have a right to to, it is not an illegal activity, in fact in Aug 2010 ACPO issued a memo to all forces stating that this was true. Our great police force are so offended by being held accountable for there actions even though they are under oath of office. In effect working for the Queen but within certain ways to the public. So must we expect that 6months training is adequate for the complexity of performing lawful duties of a Police constable. But to cut and style hair usual training for hairdresser is 2 year. One of these professions will only mess up your hair or you get a nick to your ear. The other will carve up your life, get you a criminal record, even result in Death in custody All because butt hurt police don't know or follow the law. Ie section 50 and photography in public. Abysmal treatment from the police, this Sgt needs at least demotion to a traffic warden where with no power of arrest he may be able to read a parking meter or recognise if a vehicle is on yellow lines, firing him would be more acceptable (sued would aslo be my course ) be and not abuse his powers. I would question if a section 26 case is needed to be answered here.
For the love of G*D! This isn't an arrest - you were detained for identification! They are allowed to do that as part of their investigation. Were you charged? Did you need to go to court? I think not. ...and by all means, let us know how the civil suit goes...because of course there is one, right? Right?
@@NewsNowYorkshire Really? How about a quick scan of the paper then? I'm assuming we'll hear all about the result?? I won't be losing sleep waiting for you to post either. At least give us a hearing date and court file number...because of course there is one, right? Right??
How did that absolute wetwipe ever get promoted to sergeant? Section 50 is NOT a stop and search power and has no powers of detainment. It just allows an officer in uniform to ask for someone's name and address if they have committed or are suspected to have committed antisocial behaviour. It is arrestable if you refuse but if you haven't committed any offence then you can lawfully refuse. Pretty sure the old Covid regulations didn't lend any powers to Section 50 as all "antisocial behaviour" as described is defined by the antisocial behaviour act 2014. 100% unlawful detainment, arrest and search. Hope this went to a civil court.
Poor little piggies, they certainly looked alarmed and distressed because someone had the absolute cheek to not instantly bend to their ridiculous whims. 😂😂😂
No resources to fight crime, ir attend the scene of a burglary, but a whole gaggle of them to deal with a photographer. We don't need another 20,000 of these time-wasters.
Easy case to win in a civil court, in fact it probably wouldn't even get that far because they will settle out of court because it's such a clear cut case of abusing section 50. Firstly he said you're detained under section 50 and then said he's searching you but doesn't have grounds for a search, That's not how section 50 works. It wasn't until after he detained you and started the search that he threatened to arrest you if you don't give him your name. This is a clear breach of article 8 of your human rights as well as false arrest, assault and false imprisonment. You are under no obligation to have a civilised chat !
Very well explained..... On the money again my friend.
Hes not going to get paid. Police are corrupt and will lie and make up there own version
Thanks for this explanation. I was just thinking did the copper even tell him not to give name would mean hes guilty of offence. Disgraceful just taking someone's freedom like this
I still haven't got an explanation of sec.50 from WYP yet its a good job pinaci knows the law because Sgt. Pepper doesn't have a clue
@@jamesmcfie6070 The video doesn't lie and that's all he needs for a successful civil claim against WYP.
This is the clearest example of an unlawful arrest that I have ever seen.
Cannot constitute anti-social behaviour. Unlawful arrest. Please pursue these butt hurt plod through the civil courts. They had no justification to arrest under section 50. They were just miffed you didn't role over and comply.
Rice v. Connolly is an English legal precedent holding that there is no strict, general legal duty to assist a police officer prior to any possible arrest or caution,
Certainly no reason to help our oppressors these days!
Thanks for quoting this case law.....
And equally afterwards exercise right to remain silent no details provided win win.
@@bluenoserob4914 great point.... best advice everytime.....
I think i know this case you talk of, it was my uncle ben who presided over this case, he sent his findings onto connolly by post and when he opened the letter a load of rice fell out 🙄🤷😉😳
Can't wait for you to contact Ian Gould. This is a very simple win for illegal arrest, detainment, search, and assault. I wish the police were taught the laws of this country. It would stop them looking so stupid.
no pay out here
They start off pretending to be friendly. Give them an opportunity to use physical force and arrest you and they will. Never mistake interrogation for friendly questioning.
Anti social behavior ? Please sue them to teach them a lesson; alarm and distress? They came up to him ??
Why am I being detained? “There’s a pandemic” (and it’s snowing, and it cold, and it 5pm ... so what?)
“I want your details” - “walking round with a camera is anti social behaviour” (harassment alarm and distress, meaning “behaviour ultimately leading to violence”).
S50 PRA only applies when “you’ve reasonably been suspected as having broken the Law”. Certainly not the case here. He was arrested for not providing his name for being arrested for not providing his name whilst performing a perfectly legal activity - filming. And that’s his “work” as he is paid by TH-cam. Case ends. Charges now apply for false arrest, £500 for the first hour or part thereof.
PS. Mr Stupid Plod... Thanks for telling us all that these were “police officers cars” - apart from being a lie, apart from this phrase absolving him for all liability for publishing said imagery., we actually had no idea. But thanks mate. I think you need to go back to the classroom...
The "police officers personal vehicles" really is their go-to stock excuse isn't it? Like they think that police officers personal cars have some kind of legal exemption from being filmed. If that was the case then all ANPR, CCTV and even dashcams would be illegal in case you passed an off-duty cop in their personal car on the road. And this coming from an organisation that films everyone and everything 24/7. Yet they shit themselves inside out whenever someone dares point a camera back at them.
I like how they all stand together in their uniforms thinking they are scary and now they are stalking you.
If ever you are locked up again ask for a copy of the pace rules and regulations, I'd look into wrongful termination arrest
You have got to fight that charge. The actions of a tyrant copper who got butt hurt.. Ian Gould awaits your request for help.
Shouldn’t they be out sniffing out crime and not harassing this fine chap for filming! These muppets really are oblivious to why they are so deeply loathed!
As soon as he said that you will be arrested under section 50, that is an assault, grabbing your arm is battery, search is trespass to your person, going to cell is false imprisonment. Anti social behaviour needs the element of threats, intimidation or violence. You cooperating and being calm does not in any way reach the test in law for section 5 which he must have before section 50. A clear case for compensation and retraining. Don't forget the nightmares stress etc
@peter coleman you need a good solicitor, they put me out of business many years ago
@petercoleman2834 go and get revenge then....... i mean i wouldn't suggest to you to do anything...... but rampage lol
So the police cause you alarm and distress, because they feel alarm and distress.
The police force at there finest. Why do the Police do this time and time again. This could have been handled in such a better and more civil way.
Bit of a strange ending.Hope you do follow up to explain what happened.
very inconsiderate audit, they were just starting their fifth tea break and they had to stop and go outside in the cold to deal with you, how do you expect them to work out their overtime sheet if they have to deal with tax paying scum ?
Didn't 'have' to but couldn't resist getting a hard one from the power trip, despite the climatic conditions.
The corruption just goes on and on. Incompetent &inept bullies. No one ever available for a real crime that’s because they are all sat in stations waiting for a camera.
Haha you're a great auditor, always ultra polite even while being arrested. Golly you already did the right thing and asked them!! Haha next time ask the officer at reception to sign something allowing you to do an audit that will really confuse them, they wouldn't have trained for that in police school. Keep up the great work and take care out there it looks freezing! From a keen follower from the land down under.
When you ask cops for their identity, & they become difficult or just recite their collar number, you should demand to see their warrant card. Warrant cards are designed to identify who they are, it's your right to see it if cops make contact with you. The rights you have seems long forgotten by cops who think that they are your masters.
@yoochoooob Thanks yoochoooob, I hope many see your comment to understand the actual law. If more of us knew these laws, cops would be hesitant to abuse them.
He LITERALLY gave his name straight away, the only person difficult giving his details was the idiot filming this
@@RachelJarvisguyuuyuuiiip The Cop with the glasses refused repeatedly to give his name. You can use Caps all you like but you still haven't got a clue what you are talking about. The person filming was absolutely not obliged to give his details prior to detainment/arrest and said arrest was not lawful.
Just wondering whether or not a s)26 of the criminal court and justice act (2015) could also be applied to PC pepperpigs charge sheet for abuse of power and privilege in public office to the detriment of auditor.
Why would you tell them to turn your recorder off?
Save battery data and keep this video safe it was live which means it already was safe but didn't think in the moment I have an audio device if anything bad happens after the video stops
So filming is anti social.
50 million videos were taken last year in the UK, so all of those people should be arrested. WTF.
Dont forget the thousands of cameras pointed at the public,...But you dare point one at them and this is what happens,...
I think it was the not wanting to have a "civilised chat" with a group surrounding him that initially refused to give their names.
As per Weirdo's comment, why did you want your phone switched off? The audio would have kept going even if the camera was pointing at the ground. See Koleeberk's arrest/search in London. His camera was on the pavement and everything was heard.Up to that point you seemed to be going along ok, if a bit nervous ( understandably). Please post the outcome and have a chat with Live Free etc about future ventures if possible. Good luck.
Is it because he had to give them his personnal details at that point ?
@@Mr.Grimsdale Fair point Mr P. You do see that happen and the auditor mutes it themselves later. I think he did a good job anyway and will only get better. far be it from an old timer like me to pick holes in those fighting the battle! Like this lad, I'm learning a lot too.
Mr Pearce that did cross my mind obviously this is live and there's no mute
@@kevinarmstrong6043 I think you may have mis-read my comment, i was asking a question rather than making a point, sorry if you thought i was correcting you in some way.
If he has any cop on he will stay away from Live Free and the extended goon squad. LF was doing fine until Marti the Blagger and co joined him.. IMHO..
I hope you will post any updates on.
Wot a complete plonker Pepper is. He was trying to show off to his minions that he could sort you out, but then just made a total asre of himself! ..He will be the talk of the force, the Clown.
Don't think his bosses will enjoy this video. It shines a light on BULLYING, ILLEGAL practises and a Total ABUSE OF POWER!
Miss use again of section 50 no criteria met ,illegal detention , how do these police even stay in a job with such a high level of incompetence .
Great vid , the cop arresting is banged to rights with the cop behind the counter giving permission and you have the evidence on video , a great MO for future auditors to cream some easy compensation
Peter - Dunno if it was a cop behind the counter. They often employ civilian staff for the counter. Nevertheless, you're right that permission was given.
All these coppers have been getting away with this behaviour for years, the only thing that has changed recently is we all have pocket sized high def video cameras now.
Sergeant pepper and his lonely hearts club band
Trust you have followed up with unlawful arrest. There has clearly been no anti social behaviour or breach of the peace, if they put you in a cell false imprisonment. And that idiot is a Sgt.
btw, if you don't follow up with legal action then you're defeating the object of highlighting of media, filming in public, and the abuse of policing powers.
Disgusting abuse of power but not surprising ,get ya claim in!
To arrest you was disgraceful conduct by those police. Hopefully a court settlement against them will make them think twice about arresting a man for just lawfully filming.
I really hope you make a decent living from doing this (from compensation). People who know the law need to provide this service for the good of us all.
no pay here ahahahhaha
@@ozzie2612 crank
@@tatsnneeps341 ???????????????
Sue them, now!
The trouble with suing them it doesn't come out of there wages people need to sue them not the police force
@@johnwaller4033 Absolutely, but the trouble lies with the fact that not everyone can afford a civil case, thats not right given the circumstances. The system is wrong, but note: primarily the Police were wrong!!!
Innocent public cornered again, terrible situation for us all in the end...
He was definitely the snowflake of the force and 100% on a power trip when you wouldn't answer his stupid questions.
OMG his name is "Sgt Pepper" lol... belongs to the lonely hearts club... you really need to make a complaint about this Sgt, you were working...? So I would send the covid warning back to him, scrub your name out and put his name on the warning instead, as there is no difference? You're doing a great job... keep us updated with your complaint bud..
@@allanrichardson4386 lol...
Allan's probably pepper pig himself created his account today that's suspicious 🤔
BIG shout out to... "man in the high castle"
That public worker"pepper" needs retraining or removing .
Do you think he should become a doctor falsifying covid death certificates?
Village idiot more suited.
Pepper Pig. My granddaughter watches it.😂😂😂
Forget retraining, just removal for Pepper.
14:25 'I ask loads of questions but I don't answer any' 🤣
Thought the police were short of numbers!
no there is plenty of them for non crimes, always short on the ground when something is happening though.
The only place the police are short of numbers is in their peanut sized brain cells (only 1 per officer).
Covid 19 made facists unlimited power
Sue them.....easy money this one
no pay out here ahahahahhahaha
If he was doing it covert you wouldn’t have a a flipping clue.You wouldn’t see a ‘grey man’ doing it.
Sgt pepper wasn't lonely, he had his minions. A poor example for them.
The goon squad spring into action once again
Toffee did you used to play shot online golf game??
@@devoncornwallrecovery895 not guilty fella:)
Clarification: Harassment, Alarm or Distress
Public Order Act 1986 Sec 5
Where an identified victim other than a police officer confirms that they have been subject to harassment,
alarm or distress (Sec 5), and there is no credible evidence to the contrary, a crime will be recorded
Where police officers find offenders committing this offence and they issue a warning and the behaviour
stops and no further action is taken by the officers and there is no specific victim (other than the police
officer) the offence should not routinely be recorded as a crime.
Sgt Pepper should be 'Band'.
i can't think of any way more convoluted, time consuming and ineffective to find out where
a police officer lives than hoping to find a picture of them online, in their car. if anyone wanted to harm
a police officer they would go to the station, wait till they left and do them harm on the spot. if i'm wrong
please tell me cos it seems insane to be worried about being seen in a car on the street where anyone can be
seen in a car on the street?
So looks like everyone who uses a phone or camera will be arrested for anti social behaviour. Pathetic
Surly if there is that many coppers available to deal with a guy with a camera they should be put on short time like everyone else in uk while covid about maybe they’d change there tune a little if there weekly wage was halved leaving fuck all to live on ???
@Anonymoussilurian Anonymoussilurian 😂😂😂😂
@Anonymoussilurian Anonymoussilurian because he spelt 'thier' wrong? Grow up mate.
@Anonymoussilurian Anonymoussilurian and you mock someone else's intelligence, then come out with 'make me, ner ner' you sound like a lil child.
@Anonymoussilurian Anonymoussilurian nope. I think you're just lonely and bored. I feel kinda sorry for you. Would you like the number for the Samaritans? They can help you more than i ever could
under section 50 of the Police Reform Act the police DO have powers to take your name and address (but not date of birth) IF they reasonably believe you have engaged in anti-social behaviour, HOWEVER...you were not acting anti social....
Yeah, section 50 AKA the "policeman's friend" is their go-to power to abuse if you're doing something they don't like (despite it being legal) and they want to extort your details out of you. They try to justify it by saying your filming is causing harrassment, alarm and distress to people. My usual response to this is if they feel harrassed, alarmed or distressed by someone carrying out a legal activity, they need to be told to grow a pair.
“ your walking around with a phone “. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
OMG 21st century , somebody recording/camera with a smart phone !!
@@TheBILLANDERSON the only smart thing about him
If you tolerate egregious laws, then your children will be next..
I'm appalled at this.
No reason for it at all.
There’s a pandemic and people were told to stay at home so that less people died, isn’t that a good enough reason
A single person posed no health risk. The police coming up mob handed did.
These cops are out of order disgrace
The front desk said it was ok
Dont need their permission
"we'll have a civilised chat" - plug your ears with some day-glow orange noise baffles and then hum when people are speaking to you so there's zero chance you can hear them. This is 100% guaranteed to drive them up the wall! :'D
The FEELINGS police 👮♀️ they are just making up charges fools FTP
Do any police in this country have one days training between them how can holding a camera be classed as antisocial behaviour lucky there Video evidence so this won't stick but what worries me is how many lives has pc pepper ruined because he doesn't under stand the laws he is a danger to the public 😔
how has he caused alarm and distress under section 50 when there no complainent?????
They'll settle out of court mate easy easy case 👌👍👍
Any updates please? Especially as you quite rightly got permission from the front desk.
I EXCERCISE MY RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. I WANT A LAWYER. Say NOTHING else except through your lawyer. It's not rocket science.
He has a right to ask questions or has that now been taken away from us all.
Never forget 😡
I love it when they come out mob handed.There really is no need.
Nobody is required in this country to satisfy a police officer that he or she is not committing an offence. The power to detain and search arises only where conditions prescribed by law, [Hepburn v Thames Valley Police.]
peter - You are right - AND No-one can be forced to have a "civilised chat".
THAT was why Peppa Pig arrested the auditor. He wanted a "civilised chat" in a police cell with a law-abiding guy in HANDCUFFS
Why would you turn your camera off when surely this next phase is the evidence you want for a speedy conclusion. We all know that we can not rely on the police keeping their own footage to be handed over to your solicitor. Just saying!!!!
Unless you bottled it and gave them your details..
Never a shortage of police for non crimes. Just plain bullies abusing their powers
man with ego issues defies all logic & common sense & professionalism to exert his authority
That description applies to 99.99% of the modern police force.
You'll get around 1500-3000 for that one in out of court settlement
ahaahhahahaha you are funny
have you gone to court on this
Hellow @News Now Yorkshire, could you let me know which police station this one so i could go their in support of you my friend
This is Stainbeck police station
Thank you for the support 🙏 looking forward to the video
@@NewsNowYorkshire No worries my friend. ill get it done as soon as i can.
Absolutely pathetic. He knows damn well he's goading the police to get a response. Another pillock with too much time on his hands.
I really hope you press charges against the police for this!!! Please give us an update on this!! 👍
When I know anything I'll post an update to the channel
Did he say his name was Dr Pepper..? 😂😂😂
Sgt pepper 🌶 😅
Can't find any follow up to this video what did happen in the end ?
he went home to cry
Absolutely crazy. Find many of them good at throwing legal spiel around just as a means to instil fear, a bit like solicitors too. You can have as much evidence or be in the right as much as you like but lucky if you ever get justice. I used to respect the legal system once but have little time for them now. If theyre not using the law to instil fear they use it as a money making racket to abuse people in my opinion!!!!
It’s like disturbing a wasps nest.
Like disturbing a pigs nest 😂😂😂😂
Wasps are far more useful creatures.
I think somebody somewhere has rubbed SALT INTO PEPPERS WOUND and it still hurts what a prize pelican he is 😂😂😂👎
How the fuck dose the police not know the laws.... Sue them
Great audit video matey
Is there any update on this ?
The general position is that you do not have to give your name and address unless under a specific legal obligation to do so (Rice v Connolly 1966).
Why should the British people expect special treatment when videoing the police.
As we have a right to to, it is not an illegal activity, in fact in Aug 2010 ACPO issued a memo to all forces stating that this was true.
Our great police force are so offended by being held accountable for there actions even though they are under oath of office. In effect working for the Queen but within certain ways to the public.
So must we expect that 6months training is adequate for the complexity of performing lawful duties of a Police constable.
But to cut and style hair usual training for hairdresser is 2 year.
One of these professions will only mess up your hair or you get a nick to your ear.
The other will carve up your life, get you a criminal record, even result in Death in custody
All because butt hurt police don't know or follow the law. Ie section 50 and photography in public.
Abysmal treatment from the police, this Sgt needs at least demotion to a traffic warden where with no power of arrest he may be able to read a parking meter or recognise if a vehicle is on yellow lines, firing him would be more acceptable (sued would aslo be my course ) be and not abuse his powers.
I would question if a section 26 case is needed to be answered here.
For the love of G*D! This isn't an arrest - you were detained for identification! They are allowed to do that as part of their investigation. Were you charged? Did you need to go to court? I think not. ...and by all means, let us know how the civil suit goes...because of course there is one, right? Right?
There is 🤑
@@NewsNowYorkshire Really? How about a quick scan of the paper then? I'm assuming we'll hear all about the result?? I won't be losing sleep waiting for you to post either. At least give us a hearing date and court file number...because of course there is one, right? Right??
@@jimatkinson9679 I don't have any of that info haha give me 8 months should be settled
@@NewsNowYorkshire We'll see...I'll believe it when I see the print.
@@jimatkinson9679 👍
Brilliant video, shows what a set of clowns they are
Clearly bored with nothing better to do
Zero grounds take them to court slam dunk
What all these crooks forget is that they work for us, we pay their wages...
They are laughable
Really. I would be stunned if you or your ilk actually worked, paid tax and therefore could pay his wages.
Everything I buy I pay tax on you clown
So what happened did they put you in a cell for hours ? Did you Sue them ?
No cell time just a long drive around in cuffs ... update is coming in the next couple of weeks stay tuned 😉
@@Terry-Tibbs an arrest under section 50 is for not giving details
@@Terry-Tibbs ill let you know how much they pay me for it 😉
This must be an old audit . Bit early for snow
How did that absolute wetwipe ever get promoted to sergeant? Section 50 is NOT a stop and search power and has no powers of detainment. It just allows an officer in uniform to ask for someone's name and address if they have committed or are suspected to have committed antisocial behaviour. It is arrestable if you refuse but if you haven't committed any offence then you can lawfully refuse. Pretty sure the old Covid regulations didn't lend any powers to Section 50 as all "antisocial behaviour" as described is defined by the antisocial behaviour act 2014.
100% unlawful detainment, arrest and search. Hope this went to a civil court.
He got demoted after this lol they paid me an out-of-court settlement
Poor little piggies, they certainly looked alarmed and distressed because someone had the absolute cheek to not instantly bend to their ridiculous whims. 😂😂😂
where was his back up were the lonely hearts club band elsewhere?
No resources to fight crime, ir attend the scene of a burglary, but a whole gaggle of them to deal with a photographer. We don't need another 20,000 of these time-wasters.
Blimey they must be bored hope you ok take care x❤👍
I tried to add a link to another website showing bad policing but as you can see below TH-cam won't allow it.
It was held for review by youtube
I couldn't see a link attached it just said "check this out @t"
Did you get paid out?
*Update* turns outs he's no Sgt. he's actually APS Pepper
*Update* APS Pepper has been demoted, now he's just plain old PC Pepper