The Fetter of Conceit


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  • @coolumesque
    @coolumesque 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Buddha is shown in the far ancient art from all over the planet being born from the flowers of the Tree Goddess. All Hindu Gods & Goddesses are shown seated or standing on flowers because they are born from Her flowers.
    There is infinite art showing that She is THE SUPREME GOD
    Every single day of my life The Tree Goddess appears as a bush or a tree beside me, or She is standing on a flower of the bush & speaks so me, or She appears as The Virgin Queen of heaven & then transforms into a tree before my eyes. She tells me to take my shoes off because She needs to plant a soul orb into my body.
    I studied Buddha & all His teachings were burnt & replaced with the teachings of the dim-witted priests. Mohammad went through the same deletions. And no doubt Jesus' teachings were Edited to fit the puny minds of the priests (nuisances).
    Truth is Not allowed. All far ancients worshipped The Tree Goddess who created Buddha & all the Gods & Goddesses.
    There is clearly a hatred of women in all priests' minds.
    If you meditate & clear your minds & open your minds to the spirit realm you will meet The Angels & be shown The Tree Goddess. You will meet all the God's & Goddesses & They will take you to meet The Tree Goddess who created Buddha. No Gods or Goddesses can survive unless they drink Her Nectar Daily.
    She has visited me all my life. She is amazing. Without Her your soul will not survive.
    The Bible says at the beginning & the end that Only The Tree of life can save you & all the Gods.
    No Gods & no souls can live without Her.
    Have a nice eternity