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Even though it was never confirmed in the series, I figured that Terra got restored after 'White Raven' used her powers to restore the planet after Trigon turned everyone to stone. Considering that Terra was already petrified, I'm willing to wager that Raven unknowingly brought her back. In the finale, she mentioned that she looked into all of the magic that she could. However, she never found the spell to restore her.
As a teenager it really pisses me off how people assume and sugar coat a scenario that happens between people. For example, Terra returning to the titans. Raven is giving Terra a hard time and people just assume at face value that Raven is just jealous. 🙄 . Raven is someone who must constantly every single day must keep her powers in control because slightest emotion can release god knows what. It is no surprise that Raven doesn’t trust Terra’s claim that she can suddenly control of her powers. Raven is skeptical about that as she wants powers to be controlled at all times to ensure her friends are unharmed.
People really thought she was mad at her because she was jealous over Beast Boy? That’s dumb. Anyone could clearly tell that she was just skeptical because she wants to protect the only real family she has.
It also adds fuel to the fire of their fight. Because Raven, having that everyday struggle, has these people who see this and have accepted it and love her nonetheless and to have this person come in, lie and endanger her friends-it must have been infuriating to see a gift that precious to her be squandered.
And there's a huge element of irony there. Terra fears not being able to control her powers, but it's likely every Titan other than Robin had to work to control theirs. And Raven is the one who's got to work the hardest to control her emotions, and has the most destructive powers. If Terra hadn't run off, Raven would have been the Titan most able to understand, and probably help, Terra.
@philly_sports no she isn't jealous because she hangs out with Beast Boy. She's jealous because Terra was able to control her power in a short time while Raven still couldn't. Which is why she's kinda grumpy at her in "Titan Rising" episode
To answer your question at a point Raven is jealous because if you remember the mud fight between the two and in there Terra teased Raven over as "Everyone liked me better than you" typically exploiting her own weakness of being rejected as Terra, Raven is also afraid of rejection. Raven may say that she loves to be alone but she's afraid of being alone as well.
It’s wild how they were able to imply that Slade was a twisted pervert on a Cartoon Network show. On top of his intimidating presence and menacing voice, the fact that he liked them young made him an even scarier villain.
@@ahmadewing5287 Idk he made a suit that gave him control over a teenage girl’s body and he ripped off the clothes of another teenage girl to deliver a message when he absolutely didn’t need to do that. He seemed like a creep in the show to me.
I'm glad they wrote the story with respect for kids. Children aren't guilable and this show had writers who knew this well. Teen Titans might be not ideal nowdays but it was perfect for it's time
@PedroOrtega1993 You are entitled to your opinion, but I think The Owl House was a masterpiece *myself.* On a related note, always seemed rather dumb how Netflix has years between new episodes because of it releasing by season.
The only thing I didn’t like was how little it felt the betrayal mattered. The only episodes where Terra was in it were episodes that were about her. I just wish they could have introduced her early on and let the story develop over the next few seasons.
@@Justme-rt4gj I mean they were only given a certain number of episodes per season, and had to make each seasons story selft contained with very little carry over.
I was way to young to witness the whole Terra storyline. That drove me to tears the age of 6. I still rewatch her arc every once in awhile and I still feel the pain
Honestly people who think the worst of Terra and that she is a bad person is just shallow. She was just misguided and thought she knew what she was doing.
terra was insecure she wanted to believe that BB would lie, she was responsible for her actions, i dont like how in this video he is trying to give terra an excuse for her actions.
Even as a kid, I knew Terra was a victim. Maybe not the exact words but I could always see how unsure and scared she was and I was constantly root for her to switch to the Titans. The last episode she appeared in broke my heart and brain.
The stuff that happened with Terra was so intense for me as a kid. It was probably the first time I had experienced story telling like this and I didn’t know what to do with it.
Kinda have to side with BB on this one. Putting aside how manipulative Slade is. The titans told her Slade was bad. They gave her a place to stay, food, water, and all out of the kindness of there hearts. And yet she decided to not give her new friends any benefit of the doubt. And switched sides, for the known bad man. Then doesn’t even try to warn them and aided Slade in an assassination attempt. Saying you’ll still be friends no matter what is one thing. But expecting it after she sold out you’re friends and family, nearly getting them killed is a little much to ask. BB had every right to be absolutely furious at her. Because in his eyes she’s been playing him for a sucker. It seems pretty obvious that he was both hot and heartbroken at the moment. Perhaps after cooling off being willing to try and give her a second chance after coming back.
Considering Slade's dialogue with Terra, in spite of her backstory only being implied in the actual show, we can actually deduce that Titans are not actually the first ones to open their hearts to Terra and give her a home, but because of her lack of control, it would always go south. She's already used to people rejecting her, she's already used to running away from the consequences of her actions, and she's already used to having no attachments. I don't think it really is the first time for Terra to supposedly find herself a family, only for the said family to not understand why she lacks control and would indeed turn their backs on a stranger they merely adopted or Terra would just vanish never to be seen out of guilt, something she did in that cave too. However Terra does want to solve the issue of her powers, and Slade gives her the opportunity on a silver platter along with an understanding of her situation, something she probably hasn't received before. Keep in mind that Terra didn't really know Titans that well (aside from their names and powers, hence she was surprised to learn that Raven also struggles just like her to control her powers) and she had no idea what kind of person Slade truly is (all she knows is that supposedly he's "very bad", but what does that even mean?). She did acknowledge Titans giving her home though and actually warning her about Slade, but she still had very little to work with and Slade being the child predator and excellent manipulator he is, played her like a fiddle. It's not until Aftershock pt. 2 that he actually lets go of his facade and showed his true colors to Terra, at first he probably started off lightly, as the video says, only to take more and more advantage of Terra and her getting so deep in this, she couldn't deny any request from him without blowing up in her face. Not to say Beast Boy did anything wrong. From a narrative point of view, yes, it was not the best move, but it's not like he knows what's about to happen next, how it will exactly affect her and at that moment he barely knew whether or not the rest of his family was alive after she backstabbed them.
It seems like Terra trapped herself between a rock (no pun intended) and a hard place in regards to the actual betrayal. If she defies Slade's orders he could go after her and punish her severely when she's too weak to stand up for herself and fight back, if she warns the Titans of what's about to happen they may be like "wait, you did what?!" and kick her out of the team anyway, fueling her insecurities about how people don't understand where she's coming from and are quick to reject her. Either choice would have pretty major ramifications and it seems like she didn't want to face up to the consequences of either option which is why she ran off with Beast Boy, basically trying to find an easier third way where she could avoid getting in trouble but would only delay the inevitable of her previous bad decisions coming back to slap her in the face.
This is kinda how I felt too. Less in the she should be grateful for some human decency. But I’m the sense she blew up at the Titans because “BeastBoy told them her secret “ (he didn’t), and after she ACTUALLY did something unforgivable she’s mad at BeastBoy for not immediately forgiving it. She’s definitely still a victim, and was manipulated. I just wish she realized that the team COULD forgive her… just not 20 seconds after finding out she betrayed them
What I always found funny is that, because Terra was there so briefly, the lack of interactions between her and Raven wound up feeding into the BBRae ship. After all, from a shipping perspective, if Raven was willing to go off on Terra so completely after the betrayal when she's not the one most harmed by it, obviously she's going off on Beast Boy's behalf. As one ship falls, another rises, because in shipping being single in the endgame isn't an option, and every choice by the writers is "evidence"
This. I also watched the show out of order, so the Terra arc was one that I had to kind of piece together retroactively. So to me, already shipping BBxRae from what I saw throughout the series and then to see Raven two steps to the left of being ready to MURDER this girl over her betrayal (which again, given the piecemeal nature of my viewing and the fact that while "the Titans" are the victims, we're really supposed to emphasize more with BB and his turmoil over his crush/ex), my mind saw this as premium grade shipping fuel.
@@AnonymousEnigma19 Didn't really pick up on that, but to each shipper their own. And hey, the folks who wrote the Damian Wayne movies seem to agree with you, so that's something.
@@EditDeath sorry but I'm no shipper, I just remember that in some stories focus on her that there would be the small hints that she has a crush on him, and don't bring up that whole Damien thing, don't like the character because you give the Batman a son but never let him get married plus the kid acts like his pure opposite, and that little subplot completely the tracks the whole Batman loving his son plot, making it less special.
@@AnonymousEnigma19 Okay, sorry to touch a nerve there. As for me, guess you can call me an ex-shipper. The BBRae ship appealed to me back then, but I'm over it. What hints are we talking about? Aside from Robin being the one to help Raven best her father as a possible one, I don't recall picking up on it
Terra's betrayal was more than trying to kill the Teen Titans. There's one quote from Raven that always stuck with me even years later: "The problem is Terra gave Slade more than secret codes and hidden cameras. She gave him "us". Our flaws, our weaknesses, everything he'd ever need to know." I think the betrayal was all the more unforgivable to the Teen Titans and the audience because Terra gained their trust and exposed their vulnerabilities to the main villain (seriously, who the hell trusts the obviously evil guy with a skeleton looking mask). Also, she seemed to take glee in exploiting their weaknesses, especially Raven. It kind of felt like she only felt regret once she realized she was hopelessly outclassed power wise.
Raven outclassed power wise? The weakest versions of raven, in her blue form, can end terra instantly, let alone her demon form. Although when she used her demon form against dr. Light, she just gained tentacles, and terra she just lost her cool and started throwing stuff at her. But as shown in nevermore, her demon form is the equivalent of trigon, and even in never more her demon form was nerfed, horribly. Her blue form can destroy terra instantly, even the weakest versions of raven, her demon form, even again the weakest versions of raven, can destroy terra instantly.
@@braydenshetrompf8764 I was referring to Terra, not Raven. I meant that in the final episode Terra only felt regret once she realized she was outclassed by the Teen Titans powerwise.
@@glitch--gamer To be fair, Terra was a vulnerable teenager who couldn't control her powers and thought that Beast Boy betrayed her when Robin had actually just figured out her secret on his own, and then, Slade exploited this and made her believe that she could trust him. Then, when BB found out about her betrayal after she had reconnected with him, he told her that she didn't have any friends. Now, we know that he merely said that in anger, but she didn't and that re-solidified Slade's hold over her.
I saw Terra being gleefully evil as her putting on an act. Like she does feel guilty but has no choice but to obey Slade so she puts this evil facade to fool everyone including herself. But it was still jarring having her go from being conflicted to “what you did wrong was being born”
I disagree that bb did anything wrong. Terra hurt him and his dearest friends and he doesen't have to keep being friends with her after that. From his perspective she manipulated him and the titans to serve Slade. He is naturally looking back at the moments she was friendly and questioning it. She keeps acting like it was their fault when they were nothing but kind and friendly to her. He probably cooled off and decided that he overrected and that's why he defended her later.
That's true the natural reaction he had was fully justified. But, as a far as story and pacing is concerned that's the type of information you want to show the audience. That type of context is necessary to properly understanding character motivations and scenes.
Given the end of the episode shows Beast Boy transforms into a green dog curled up on Tara's bed with her mirror heart present and whimpering shows that he did regret his actions.
@@AnonymousEnigma19 Maybe he was ready to die as a way to right this wrong. That said, one concequence of what he caused being Starfire almost abandoning all shred of compassion kinda threw me off guard. It's almost as if BB indirectly almost created another Blackfire
I view Terra's arc from Raven's perspective. From willing to give someone a chance to rightfully not trusting them after a misunderstanding, and then being betrayed in the worsr way possible. Considering how empathetic Raven is and how she views the Titans, Terra selling them out to Slade and then mocking her as being alone and friendless crossed the line for me. Its no wonder Raven snapped at her.
So Terra's insecurties almost caused indirectly the rebirth of Trigon the Terrible much earlier. Would love to see that what if imo to see if Terra sees reason earlier and lives
What Slade did Terra mentally and physically was seriously fucked up. And when she thought Beast Boy broke his promise just because Robin made a guess always pissed me off because she could’ve been so much happier with them. Especially Beast Boy. And I felt so bad for him when he felt betrayed by her in the date episode. Slade literally blocked Gar as he was finally about to kiss her WTF! Anyway, the bottom line is Terra is a seriously tragic character in the show and her death cut Garfield the deepest.
It's a real pity that there wasn't a lot of focus on Terra's development. Coming from a person who never liked Terra in Teen Titans, I do wish that there were more character focused episodes on her. Like, her origins, Terra joining Slade, Terra struggling to choose to betray the Titans or Slade, and see her going down the downward spiral until she fully embraced the idea of being Slade's apprentice. It also doesn't help that Terra only had about 5 episodes, (not including any cameos or references), before she was encased in stone, and then appearing one last time in the series finale. And not only that, but there were moments where Terra was absent for several episodes. The episode focusing on the Master of Games especially makes absolutely no sense why Terra was absent. At the end of the previous episode, Terra had officially joined the Titans and the members of the team had welcomed her with opened arms. Next episode, Terra is completely absent, save for a cameo at the very end. And they never explained why she wasn't with the Titans when they were playing that card game. Next episode, Terra betrays the Titans. Terra remains absent in a few episodes, and then returns in the 2-Parter Season 2 Finale. Terra then is turned to stone and then is never seen again until the Series Finale. What they should've done with Terra was have a few episodes focusing on her, showing her interacting with the Titans, getting to know them, and several scenes where she's doing something.... At several points, we see Terra on her computer. At this point, we don't know what Terra's doing. But we do later find out that it's an e-mail that supposed to be sent to Slade. But before she eventually betrays the Titans, Terra is shown to be hesitate, as she doesn't want to betray her friends, but at the same time doesn't want to disappoint her master. At some point, one of the Titans, let's say Beast Boy, sees Terra on her computer. He doesn't see what Terra's doing, but notices that Terra looks upset. Eventually, Beast Boy manages to muster up some courage to ask what's wrong with Terra. Terra of course, would be startled and panic, saying things like what's Beast Boy is doing in her room and that she isn't doing anything. Eventually, she would calm down and tell what she was doing, though leaving out the whole Slade bit. She would tell Beast Boy that she been writing an e-mail for some time to, let's say, her brother, but doesn't know if she should send it or not. Of course, Beast Boy would ask questions like "You have a brother," and "Why haven't you contacted with him after all these years?" Too which, Terra would reply that she hasn't seen him in years, they had a falling out the last time she saw him and she's afraid that she would be ignored or something worst. Beast Boy would comfort her, saying that he doesn't know what her brother is like, but if he were Terra's brother, he would be missing you, and that he's probably doing the same thing she's doing right now, wanting to contact Terra, but is afraid on what Terra might say. He would also say something along the lines of Terra needing to follow her heart and the answer will become clear. Terra thanks Beast Boy, hugs him, and Beast Boy, in a state of fluster, tries to leave Terra's room without freaking out in a lovestruck manner. The episode would end with Terra looking at the E-Mail, with the mouse on the Send Button, though we don't see her pushing the button, creating a state of ambiguity on whether or not she sent the mail. A few episodes later, Terra and the rest of the Titans would do their duties protecting Jump City. But behind the scenes, Slade is making his move. He secretly places various traps to make it look like Terra is losing control over her powers. What more is when that happens, Terra would find herself blacking out. The Titans would see the damage that "Terra" has caused, but not the events that happened beforehand, and the trust that Terra has been building up towards the Titans began to fall apart. Eventually, Terra, while being able to defeat the monster that's actually been causing the problem, did cause a lot of damage across the city. During a meeting, where Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Cyborg are meeting each other in secret. they basically start to discuss that Terra is starting to lose control over her powers, but during a certain point, Terra accidentally overhears a part that suggests that the Titans might kick her off the team. In a panicked state, Terra would run back into her room, crying that, even after all this time as a member of the Teen Titans, Terra is back to square one. What's more is that Terra is entering into a state of panic, believing that she'll never be trusted by the Titans again. She goes to her computer, writes something down, and then clicks the Send Button to, what we think, her brother. Of course, it's actually Slade that's being sent the e-mail, but at this point, we aren't supposed to know. And then the next episode happens. The message has been sent. Terra goes on a date with Beast Boy. Titans' Tower gets invaded by Slade's forces. Slade appears during Terra and Beast Boy's date. Reveals to Beast Boy that Terra is both a spy and his new apprentice. Beast Boy rejects Terra, and Terra, with nowhere else to turn, heads towards Slade.
While your idea of the first episode is great, the other one is not so much, or at least it doesn't speak to me. The scenarios are good though and they do flesh her out a bit more, so nice job
What do you think of the finale, "Things Change?" Honestly it just really made me sad. I just wanted to see Terra and Beast Boy together since Beast Boy loved her and Terra used to and may still have feelings for her. Last time she was in the series, she sacrificed herself and turned into stone, which was not exactly a happy ending for her. This final episode allowed Terra to become a new person and leave her troubled life in the past, nothing about her is "set in stone" anymore. Some said that this final episode completed Terra's character, and thus, the series ends. Note: The show ended abruptly and the movie was released later that year, supposedly serving as the series finale.
Honestly, I think Terra deserves a new life, away from the superhero world. Being a superhero, especially in DC, is awful, so the further she stays away from the Titans and their world- the better.
I've heard before that the finale episode with Terra saying goodbye to Beast Boy wasn't supposed to be the actual finale but they just abruptly ended it I've never heard why though
@@xxac3zn8zxx87 It is the supposed to be the finale. The whole point of the episode is to show the loss innocence that comes when your a teenager. The voice of cyborg said it in a interview Also the whole last episode is a metaphor for graduating high school
Think that the girl BB met was not the real Terra, but a girl who just looked a lot like her. BB, being heartbroken over Terra’s death, subconsciously pursued this girl because of what she reminded him of.
Even if BB hadnt blown up on Terra and came back wtih her to help the titans I highly doubt they would have let her stay.They took her in, fed her,let her bathe, were willing to train her and even gave her a place to sleep as well as allowing her to join them. She repaid them by potentially killing them all in their sleep.The titans would have tried to arrest her or just kicked her out and Slade would have scooped the former titan up immediately afterwards.
Having never heard of Tara before watching this video and not knowing much about the Titans, her characterization does kinda just say “person with Borderline Personality Disorder”, from the way she immediately takes Robin learning about her lack of control as a betrayal of trust by BB and a reason to abandon the Titans altogether, to just the way Slade goads and manipulates her in that first episode. Like the idea that she thinks everyone will leave her once they discover what she’s really like and to the line “how can you lose something you never had in the first place” just sounds so much like stuff The Voices ™ would say to a pwBPD in moments of weakness. I know her actions can probably seem erratic and unprompted from the outside but I do feel like it makes sense if you view it this way.
@@user-pi3hd2bt3f that very well could be, there does tend to be a high rate of comorbidity between CPTSD and BPD, or at least a lot of people with BPD also have CPTSD.
I think you're overthinking it, dude. She's an orphaned 14 year old with trauma, no understanding of friendship dynamics, and was being munipulated by a man who makes it his business to manipulate teenagers. Her acting the way she did is in character for someone with that much baggage.
@@darkflame728 Yep, when he tried to manipulate Robin it failed because Robin had the training from Batman, and the strong friendships of his fellow Titans. Terra had neither. She was a sitting duck for someone like Slade.
The alternate name for this arc should be the Miscommunication Arc. Beause boy, could Beast Boy have told her that he never said anything, Robin used to work for Batman and used context clues that she had trouble controlling her powers, and Slade is/was not to be trusted there at the fair. Yes, it would've been in anger, but it at least the gravity of the situation would be setting in at least.
14:18 that right there I never noticed back in 2003. That moment that the titans accepted Terra to the team, her hair covers one eye symbolizing her work with Slade. That sudden eye blocked by the hair to only have one eye is pretty much saying to us “I can’t believe they actually trust me. Now I can dig some dirt in them for my boss.”
With raven being upset and lashing out in that fight, it could be argued as an empath, she felt all the hurt the titans felt, the betrayal, the anger, everything. Shes not the one with the most stakes with terra (though she was also betrayed and terra tried to kill her friends). So when shes going off on tera it isn't just her, its all of the Titans feelings. That doesn't excuse anything as it wasn't in the show and is a theory explanation. Just some food for thought
Maybe raven suggesting to the titans to give terra a second chance would make more sense since she too struggles with her powers. Of course, like beast boy, she’d need a reflection scene.
0:33 What also messed up is that creator of her literally introduce her love of Hal to not be returned and Hal acting like responsible adult. ONLY FOR NEXT WRITER MISSING THE MEMO.
Was Beast Boy's response the best to acheive the most positive outcome? No but I don't think you can definitively say it was the wrong response. It's altruistic to be forgiving and understanding in that situation but it is also perfectly justifiable to simply be thoroughly done with someone who betrayed you. Even given their tragic situation
I remember the first season being super exciting and fun for me, a person who has never liked and still doesn't like super hero stuff. Then the Terra arc came along and this kids' show got super serious. Slade's first returning line was his most sinister yet, and set up a whole season which took you along with Beast Boy for an emotional ride. The archetype of Terra as a person is so tragic because she's very real, and I'm sure many of us have known a Terra or two in our own lives.
I’m glad you were willing to talk about some of the flaws in the show’s approach to this arc when it’s mostly episodic. Something that bothered me even when it aired. I’d cut Beast Boy some slack, though. Him being cruel to Terra felt like a heat of the moment thing to do. By the time of the two-parter, he may have reflected on the situation and been more sympathetic than before.
23:23 He got betrayed by the woman he loves and she nearly killed his friends but he knows even though she's bad she's still being manipulated by slade. He knows she's bad but he knows she's not evil.
i saw another comment talking about how Terras seemenly strange behaviors make sense under the lense of her having Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). shes obviously traumatized, anyone would be with what she went through, and because of her traumatic experiences and mental health she was easier to be manipulated by peices of shit like slade especially considering shes still a child ):
@@SpammytheHedgehog robin x raven had more when he whent to hell to safe her but in the last DC movie seires Damian Wayne and raven had a really good romances if anyone want to see the series of movies they finish a couple years ago (look up son of batman movie series and in which order there should be a list ending with JL apolypto really good seires of movies a bit mature with blood and stuff bit good writing)
@@all9472 well that’s a different Robin lol but yeah, thought they were awesome. But just not my fav raven design. So I side with Beast boy X Raven for the teen titans series.
Yeah, I'd read the comics, so I knew where it was going, but it was still surprising they went as far as they did. What have you done to her? Only given her what she needed. When you've read the comics and know all about the whole child molestation part of it, that line sets off a dozen different alarm bells.
At first I thought it was going to bbrae, but like this narrator says in this video there is something about beast boy and terra's relationship that is so endearing.
I agree with a lot you said on Terra, I really loved who whole arc in the show. I think her manipulation was clear, but I also don't really blame the Titans for the way some things went down, more specifically Beast Boy and Raven. Just like Terra is 14 and a child, they're kids too. I feel like its very easy to have the forgiveness and understanding approach as someone watching the show, knowing that Terra isn't actually like a cold-blooded killer..but at the end of the day she did set them up, she just chose not to be there. I think had she survived (excluding the final ep), there could have been room for a friendship and return to the Titans. But like the night of or even like a year after, who's going to forgive someone who let assassins into their house because they felt you broke a promise, lol.
25:21??? WHAT?!?She was told and knows Slades evil, has seen his actions firsthand. Tried to kill the people who gave her a home and treated her as a friend TWICE. Even after they tried to give her mercy and away out she still decided to try to kill all of them again and now when the person who she's hurt the most finally calls her out on all the bs she's done it's Victim Blaming??? BB did nothing wrong
BB had a right to be angry and Terra was a victim. The older I get, the more I realize that there was not one child in this version of the Teen Titans that wasn't completely traumatized and jaded. Also, I think the themes implied in the serie were too heavy to be understood by children.
@Rex13013 strongly disagree. Your reaction is... interesting. Beast boy did thr natural justifiable thing but that doesn't mean it yielded the best result. Also she was 14 and was being groomed by slade, a disgusting clever manipulator and the guy who burned very young girls clothes off and stared at their naked frames. It's one of those "you'll never get it until it happens" type things with how grooming messes people up
The ship between Terra and Beast Boy is another one of my favorites. But with how things turned out in the series I think it's a good thing that their relationship didn't really get too far.
I'll be honest, I've always preferred BBTerra over BBRae. Not only did they have better chemistry and a more fun dynamic, but I like how Beast Boy didn't need to win over Terra since she found him charming from the start.
She’s remembers everything. In this episode Terra says to BB“ the girl you want me to be is just a memory”. This dialogue wouldn’t make any sense if she didn’t remember.
I kind of want to see more superhero shows address the trope of the hero child. Now that I'm older I see how a lot of these hero characters that are still kids just don't know enough about the world. Beast Boy leaving Terra just showed that he's a kid that doesn't know about predatory behavior or manipulation. I feel like if you want to be a hero, you have to understand not everything is black and white and you have to consider the situation of your enemy. Not every problem can be solved by jail time or punishment. I wanna see superheroes going through training and addressing how being able to knock out bad guys isn't enough. if there's already a show like that, can I get the name please
Slade creeped me out when I was a kid and had no idea about the Judas Contract lmao. The guy literally stalked Robin for another season and that entire damn Raven scene. (And oh god why you gotta remind me about them having Bruce and Hal do that!!!!!)
I have a weird relationships comic book Terra. I love that she's unabashedly evil, which is rare for female vilains in comics, she came back as a zombie and the first thing she choses to do is to mentally torment Beast boy. I also relate to the shitty relationship she has with her dad. But then there's the stuff with Slade
Honestly same, I do get the storyline they were trying to tell with the judas contract about how not everyone with powers is good and the titans were way too naive, but it could've been written way better and without her being groomed because theres just so much horrid implications with that.
She honest to God with just meant to be a gimmick villain character. The cute but truly evil. The creators honestly didn't look into the implication till after the fact
Returning to this series after being away for so many years is eye opening. I deeply identified with Terra at a young age; her arc was one that always left me feeling remorseful. Not many people have the emotional maturity to discuss such delicate and personal matters as the manipulation and fear that is explored in the tt animated series. You have done an immaculate job of portraying their relationship. Thank you for making this.
This always bothered me too. That stupid misunderstanding. And how the entire time she's clearly been a victim, sometimes coerced, sometimes outright forced into working for Slade or her friends would die (ironic since that's his plan anyway). With nowhere to go and someone willing to take her in and train her, it was an obvious choice. And the premature cancellation of the series didn't help any or allow for further development.
@@valentinkambushev4968 Actually Toph training Aang in Earthbending really drives home a difference. Because Toph drove home, you stand your ground and are resolute to be an Earthbender, and as this video points out, Terra runs.
Rewatching the series, I can't help but feel like TT and TTG should've been made in the opposite order. TTG is perfect for weekly episodic stories with no regard for continuity and only cares for silly antics. Something that you can see the studio was pushing for during the original TT run. Whereas TT really gives its all in characters stories and long running plotlines. Something that's much better suited for the age of streamable content.
I remember how as a kid this ship traumatized me so much, I love this 2 together so much, my favourite romance at the time, they fitted together so well and were perfect for each other in how they loved each others quirks, and seeing them end up in the way they did, and the last episode left me wanting so much more, only for the show to be cancelled and forever break my heart btw, buddy you gotta do a video about damian wayne and raven
@@lilrqlovesanime650I find it funny that's the most significant romantic relationship the character has ever had, like none of the few romantic interests he's had are even referenced in the comics
I loved the Beast Boy and Terra ship from the show, they each brought out some of the others best qualities. Terra thought Beast Boy was naturally funny so he didn't have to try so hard with her and could instead act more mature while BB was able to help Terra find happiness after all the abuse that she suffered (and not just from Slade) I was ok with Beast Boy letting Terra go at the end of the series, because it seemed like she was finally in a good place, but what bothers me is that they don't say how she came back or where is she living now? I had so many questions.
This arc was honestly the first big emotional journey for me where I understood every characters motivations. I guess you could say it was my first proper tragedy that was written specifically for how I thought at the time. You were so right about how this whole thing is burned into my brain the ending where they put the flowers on her grave bummed out my ass for MONTHS
26:00 I have a theory how she is back. In season 4, Trigon turns all of the people to stone, and after he is defeated, they were turned back to normal. There is a chance the same happened to Terra even though she was already stone to begin with.
Haven't read it in a while but I recalled it was way worse. Like Slade taunt the Titan about how he wasn't even interested in her but how she so fuck up that she chooses to sleep with him herself. Like Slade is that twisted with his gas lighting and manipulation, that he basically did it as mean to a end.
25:00 I actually think this was a great message. It's a level of nuance that the writers would catch heat for nowadays. Robin was manipulated into Slade's apprenticeship too; what makes Terra less of a traditional victim is how she chose to let her insecurity overtake everything else. Robin did everything he could to avoid hurting his friends, while Terra betrayed and tried to kill them. Robin constantly fought back, while Terra chose to stay even when she had other options. Robin accepted his friends' help to escape, while Terra repeatedly refused. Terra was beyond others' help. Her only salvation was realizing that *she could make different choices*. It's why Raven's beef with Terra is so memorable. They deal with the exact same insecurities - that their control issues make them dangerous, and will get them ostracized from the group - but Raven works hard to mitigate those fears, while Terra lets them run rampant. To this day I feel like Terra is an important cautionary tale in the Superpowered Teenagers show.
Honestly, the whole Beast Boy chewing her out thing I never believed was Beast Boy. I think it was some fake BB that Slade set up to really sell this thing to Terra. After all, Slade has beaten Beast Boy before and Slade looked perfectly alright after "Beast Boy" left Terra. Could be a big part of his master plan, since he knew Terra would likely do this. After all, a House of Mirrors is a perfect place for misdirection.
But Beast Boy always gets really serious and brutal when he gets angry, so I can believe that he would say such things considering he found out she betray his best friends for the bad guy whose been tormenting them for so long, the man who infected them with bots and held Robin hostage as his apprentice
@@a.g.m9078 True or not, Slade showed up right after no worse for wear. Just the damage we saw prior to Terra running. And when Beast Boy showed up, it's from the opposite end where Slade does. Like, BB probably lost the fight, recovered while all that was going on, then told the Titans what happened still looking sad he couldn't save her.
@@fightingmedialounge519 I think it holds up pretty well. Slade knew Terra pretty well to even predict her worries without knowing what they are. He saw her running away from a mile away. Not to mention, it also explains why BB said that and all of a sudden is back to thinking she can be good.
Honestly, neither BB or Tara is right nor wrong in this situation. Tara is traumatized, controlled, she’s been too insecure for her whole life, so she’s easily manipulated by slade. While BB, acknowledging that fact that his friends are fighting for their and possibly dead (given the fact that BB didn’t know yet), he gets mad of what Tara has done, betraying, lying, all when he has given trust, friendship and even love. And when people are mad (especially teenagers), sad things could be done.
When Beast Boy just dropped her during the magic mirror section, I was just completely baffled that he would have a drastic switch up. I get that he feels betrayed by her, but he was literally just listening to slade manipulating her. And then the switch up AGAIN when he sees her again and he’s surprised that she renounces his friendship
Terra did do wrong, but I hated how BB kept calling her their friend and that he couldn't leave her despite leaving her alone in her betrayal. He didn't even let her explain herself for it.
I don't know... See Terra was IMO being somewhat Slade-like by manipulating Beast Boy by making him promise that no matter what as a friend that he'd accept her regardless of whatever bad things she's done. So, when the bomb got dropped that she lied to BB, snatched him away for a date to 'spare him' while the rest of his friends were left for dead...she could use that promise as leverage. It was nothing more than a setup to make herself feel better. Why? Because if BB didn't accept her as a friend after the truth was revealed, she'd put herself in the victim category because 'OMG BB BETRAYED ME!!!' so she has every right (in her mind) to continue doing the bad things that she's done based on her poor choices. Overall, she's just shifting the blame. Oh, I betrayed the Titans. However, BB betrayed me!!! See how ridiculous that is? Which makes BB's sermon to her about taking responsibility for her actions hit even harder.
Even watching new episodes every week as a kid, I really felt the brevity of Terra being on team. Mostly bc she was my favorite, so any time she wasn't on screen 8 year old me would ask "Where's Terra?" (tho i guess her being my favorite does factor into watching the show every week as opposed to binging it)
I love how Terra is literally "between a rock and a hard place" and she has layers to her, just like "layers of sediment." lol And he literally puts "pressure" on and manipulates her, symbolized by the rock being crushed and becoming a diamond in the palm of his hand. Just... *chef's kiss.* Also, yeah, even when this originally aired, as a young child I still thought it was victim blamey (didn't know the term for this yet, it just felt wrong to me) and kinda unfair to expect her to willingly put herself through unimaginable pain in her entire nervous system just to fight Slade off. Sure, it would be heroic, but why would someone want their close friend and crush to choose to go through that? It should've instead been her deciding that independently, and BB begging her to wait and find another way so they could save her. I think that would've been a better way to write the conflict without losing the emotional tug.
Terra is the word "Insecure" personified. Someone who outwardly appears confident and knows her way around life, but is slowly breaking down internally and doesn't know how to get that social support. The whole misunderstanding about BeastBoy "lying" to her could've been prevented if the rest of the Titans spoke up and didn't let Terra just breakdown on her own. They all just assumed Terra was mentally secure based on her outward impressions, which led her down a vicious cycle. Robin was the only one intuitive enough to catch onto her unstable powers, but still didn't deduce her mental state. That's why I love her character so much. It's a real representation of a lot of people in life who "Fakes it until they Make it." It brings awareness to these kinds of people and helps us better recognize those who are suffering alone and teaches us to reach out to them.
Can I just say with my limited knowledge of the greater dcu that I was thrilled when young Justice terra actually got a semi happy ending (like not perfect but better than most)
And that they explicitly recognized that Terra was just a kid that was being manipulated by an adult, instead of laying all responsibility on her. Though I do feel bad none of that empathy was offered to her brother.
In my opinon when it comes to Terra? She should of been ROBIN'S love intrest and was proiblby originally written to be that, but the show seemed to have a werid rule that it had to stick to the reliationships from the comics. Here is what i mean. Terra worked much better for Robin as her arc parraled Robin's. The biggest one that makes me think that Robin was kind planned or intended to have terra as a love interest is the date.Think about the amusement park date for one quick second.Think about how it plays out. Beast boy and terra go on a date there, Slade shows up. Slade then starts to for no real reason tell beastboy that Terra betrayed the titans and was working for him and then starts playing a mind game with him as beastboy chases 'him' through the amusement park. Then in the end Terra is conflicted and on her knees crying and asking Beast boy to forgive her.And he just....Lashes out at her and says she has no freinds. Then feels bad after she is clearly hurt and fully joins slade. Problem i have with that? Beast boy wouldn't...Really...Do that.And slade wouldn't play mind games with him.He only cares about robin. Even beast boy's dialouge seems like it should be robin's in that episode.Just go back and watch it for yourself.If you replace beast boy with robin.And have eveerything playout with him isntead. It flows much better, makes much more sense and Robin WOULD have a moment of anger and lash out saying what beast boy did to Terra and would later feel bad abotu saying that beacuse that's much mroe in characterr with him and he did stuff like that over the seires. So it makes much more sense. Plus it would be totaly in character for slade to go out of his way to take robins girlfreind from him to show that Slade can take anything he wants from robin and he can't stop him. It would also make the fight between Robin and Terra in part 1 of Aftershock even better. This is just my opinon, but i wanted to voice it.
Yeah, there's a few issues with that headcannon. For starters beast boy has shown to be intense and vicious for far less, so him lashing out after thinking she may have gotten his friends killed is perfectly in line. Then there's the issue that because robin was slades apprentice; him coldly rejecting Terra when he learns she is in the same position makes no sense whatsoever. You also have her first episode making no sense if Robin was in beast boys position. You also have the akward situation where the show would have to ignore his relationship with Starlite. Also it's pretty unfounded to say slade wouldn't play mind games with beast boy when he does that with pretty much every character he has a one on one interaction with. It's a fine fanfiction to write, but makes no sense if you take the shows established elements into consideration.
I counter this and turn by bringing up a few things. For starters slade actually, doesn’t really play mind games with the other characters. He barely cares about them at all. The only one he’s ever really interested in is Robin. He only messed with Raven because her father ordered him to. When does he play mind games with cyborg? When does he do that with starfire? He doesn’t because he doesn’t care about them. Not to mention, here’s a very good question. Why would slade even bother with beast boy in that episode? Why is slade not at the tower where Robin is, who hes basically doing this all for? Shouldn’t he be there talking to Robin, telling him how he’s never out of reach for him? That his tower was Childs play to break into? That is much more in character for him, why would he just waste his time to play mind games with beast boy? What’s more. Why did he even bother going after terra to begin with? She doesn’t really have anything that he wants. It’s never really fully explain why he bothered to manipulate her jnto being his apprentice, considering robin was always his priority. Terra robin barley interacted with a Slade doesn’t care about those super powers. The more you think about it the w Less sense it makes. But it makes a lot more if she was originally written to be paired with Robin. You wouldn’t even really have to rewrite the first episode with her. BB can still have a crush on her. All that basically needs to be changed is to just have Robin and Terra interact a bit and bond. Plus, you do have to ask the question about why the heck slade barley seemed to care about Robin during the entire arc.
@@naciabell7903 yeah, your counters are pretty poor. He actually does. With thunder and lighting, raven, even the hive mistress and students. He plays mind games with them when he returns constantly keeping the guessing about what's going on how he returned; not to mention he doesn't have any one on one time with stafire and cyborg. Because he's in the way? Do you think the master strategist slade would just skip home with Terra and ignore the shape shifter attacking him. Because he's not doing all of this for Robin. This is what I mean when I mentioned that your theory makes sense if you don't understand previous information set up by the show. Not if you actually understand the character; also he spent most of that time fighting beast boy; not playing mind games. Are youe serious. Please tell me all of your comments were some elaborate joke on your part. It's literally explained in her introduction episode. He finds her powers fascinating and wants them for himself(either directly or indirectly). Now you're outright lying on both parts. Robin was only a priority as a potential apprentice, keywords being potential. Slade also explicitly says he's interested in her powers. No, your version has several holes and inconsistencies in it. It only works as fanfiction that re writes the show. No, you would basically have to re write it entirely since that episode hinges on beast knowing her secret and Robin figuring out later on causing her to think the former lied about keeping her secret. There's also the important detail Robin literally chasing stafire across space just to help her with her own issues. There's no way he would let Terra leave the tower if he had feelings for her. No you don't. You just have to remember what slades character is actually like.
5:50 and also that she's probably been out on the streets for so long that she's had to make do and survive with *anything* she could get her hands on. Food is food, no matter its shape or recipe
Why do you think Beast Boy should’ve instantly responded positively when Slade revealed Terra only brought him on a date so that Titans Tower could be attacked by Slade bots???
In the comics terra just dont care , she manipulates the titans and specially Beast boy ands was ready to kill them (she wanted to kill beast boy so bad). In a dark story she manage to destroy the entire world.
Beast Boy never lied to Terra. Robin figured it out as evident when he noticed at the beginning of Terra’s debut episode which shouldn’t be surprise since he had been trained by the goddamn Batman.
I feel like they could've split the difference and just add Terra to the goofy nonsense. Having her in the background with the others during Fractured, Transformation, And Winner take all. I was gonna say that she could've joined after Fear Itself but that was Valentine's Day according to Google so Date with Destiny stays. If just to let her be in a few more episodes so it doesn't feel like she just flew by
Possibly late, but I love that small detail of her hair falling over her right eye. As some sort of telegraphing of Slade's control/influence over her, since his right eye is always hidden or just gone.
From how I see it Beast Boy and Terra shows how much Beast Boy has grown throughout the series since with the Titans and seeing him being emotionally mature to Terra.
What really irks me about her character is she tries playing the victim AFTER she fails to kill the titans. It's like Raven said "You really thought we wouldn't take that personally?". Manipulation aside, who she really wanted to side with aside, anyone with half a brain knows that if someone you tried to kill ain't dead they're gonna be pissed.
I hope we get more DC content. Would love to see Young Justice, GLTAS, and more DCAU. Would love to see Razor as Green Lantern The Animated Series needs more attention.
I’d like some more Beware the Batman too. That show was seriously screwed over. And I wanted to see what they planned for GL:TAS and its plans for Blackest Night.
While I do see where you’re coming from with its flaws, the Terra arc will always have a special place in my childhood heart. It just made me FEEL something most of the other shows I watched as a kid didn’t at the time. Do you want to know what the funny part is? I didn’t even KNOW about the finale and Terra surviving until YEARS later.
Terra reminds me a lot of the storyline that Disney/Lucasfilm has decided to write for Ben Solo/Kylo Ren: Both Terra and Ben are depicted with superpowers or abilities that are tied to their emotional state, and both are abused and manipulated by supervillains (Slade, Snoke).
Growing up I loved the Beast Boy x Terra ship and I was heartbroken when it ended with her death, I just wish they could've had another season after bringing her back to explain what happened and give us better closure.
My guess in the ending of Terra coming back was that maybe her brother, using his own powers somehow undid her being turned to stone off screen. Since he has similar but far more powerful abilities as Terra, it's not out of the realm of possibility he somehow heard it and broke her free.
One of the things that I do hate about Teen Titans is that it felt like first and foremost they went with an episodic story. As you said, Terra just joins one episode, and then the next to focus on her sees the betrayal, and then after has her trying to kill the Titans. It's also confusing too because at the same time, Justice League was airing, and they would have overarching stories in the series. Unlimited actually premiered before the season 2 finale of Teen Titans. Granted, while they are both super hero shows, they are different in a lot of ways. I guess CN's thinking was because Teen Titans was more comical it couldn't have stories like JLU, but still I feel like they still could have had more episodes of Terra as a Titan before the reveal and keep the same tone of the series.
I see Terra as someone who Robin would have been if it wasn't for Bruce taking him in. Its one thing to have friends but like most homeless kids it's never enough as they seek guidance and security from a strong, trusted adult.
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Beast Boy x Terra
Can you do Batman and Catwoman?
Thanks for letting us know ahead of time >:/
How could you
So that’s why Slade was never invited to the legion of doom They’re evil, but they have standards.
Right. Slade is Rated R.
That's why he is on the round table of black force energy
I can imagine the discussion about Slade joining their group "I mean we're evil, but we're not that evil"
Joker: "Even I wouldn't stoop to that kind of impropriety!..."
@@TheSpectator7remember the killing joke where he SA Barbara Gordon
Even though it was never confirmed in the series, I figured that Terra got restored after 'White Raven' used her powers to restore the planet after Trigon turned everyone to stone. Considering that Terra was already petrified, I'm willing to wager that Raven unknowingly brought her back.
In the finale, she mentioned that she looked into all of the magic that she could. However, she never found the spell to restore her.
Yo, that is a good theory.
Yeah, that’s always been my theory.
Head cannon accepted! Best answer I’ve heard of and I’d take anything at this point.
I never even thought about that to be honest but it does make sense and it is a possibility.
That's what I thought when I first saw the episode.
As a teenager it really pisses me off how people assume and sugar coat a scenario that happens between people. For example, Terra returning to the titans. Raven is giving Terra a hard time and people just assume at face value that Raven is just jealous. 🙄 . Raven is someone who must constantly every single day must keep her powers in control because slightest emotion can release god knows what. It is no surprise that Raven doesn’t trust Terra’s claim that she can suddenly control of her powers. Raven is skeptical about that as she wants powers to be controlled at all times to ensure her friends are unharmed.
People really thought she was mad at her because she was jealous over Beast Boy? That’s dumb. Anyone could clearly tell that she was just skeptical because she wants to protect the only real family she has.
It also adds fuel to the fire of their fight. Because Raven, having that everyday struggle, has these people who see this and have accepted it and love her nonetheless and to have this person come in, lie and endanger her friends-it must have been infuriating to see a gift that precious to her be squandered.
And there's a huge element of irony there. Terra fears not being able to control her powers, but it's likely every Titan other than Robin had to work to control theirs. And Raven is the one who's got to work the hardest to control her emotions, and has the most destructive powers. If Terra hadn't run off, Raven would have been the Titan most able to understand, and probably help, Terra.
@philly_sports no she isn't jealous because she hangs out with Beast Boy.
She's jealous because Terra was able to control her power in a short time while Raven still couldn't. Which is why she's kinda grumpy at her in "Titan Rising" episode
To answer your question at a point Raven is jealous because if you remember the mud fight between the two and in there Terra teased Raven over as "Everyone liked me better than you" typically exploiting her own weakness of being rejected as Terra, Raven is also afraid of rejection. Raven may say that she loves to be alone but she's afraid of being alone as well.
It’s wild how they were able to imply that Slade was a twisted pervert on a Cartoon Network show. On top of his intimidating presence and menacing voice, the fact that he liked them young made him an even scarier villain.
I remember a lot of fics of Batman tracking him down and kicking his ass for messing with his son.
@@brettwood1351Really? That’s something like Batman would do though
He wasn't a pervert in the show the comics though yes
@@ahmadewing5287 Idk he made a suit that gave him control over a teenage girl’s body and he ripped off the clothes of another teenage girl to deliver a message when he absolutely didn’t need to do that. He seemed like a creep in the show to me.
@@philly_sports1558 he used terra for her Powers. Raven clothes got ripped from his fire.
I'm glad they wrote the story with respect for kids. Children aren't guilable and this show had writers who knew this well.
Teen Titans might be not ideal nowdays but it was perfect for it's time
Teen titans would be very appreciated today. Way better than any kids show now
Well, now that The Owl House has ended.
@@Bezaliel13 Note that in that one they try to get the misunderstandings resolved quickly.
...? K...
You are entitled to your opinion, but I think The Owl House was a masterpiece *myself.*
On a related note, always seemed rather dumb how Netflix has years between new episodes because of it releasing by season.
The only thing I didn’t like was how little it felt the betrayal mattered. The only episodes where Terra was in it were episodes that were about her. I just wish they could have introduced her early on and let the story develop over the next few seasons.
Wouldn't even have to be seasons, just 1-3 episodes where she's part of the team and the action.
@@QueenMelody16 Andrias, Leif, and Barrel were better at showcasing their kinship. And they only had half of one singular episode.
Couldn't really given the development of the show.
@@fightingmedialounge519 What do you mean?
@@Justme-rt4gj I mean they were only given a certain number of episodes per season, and had to make each seasons story selft contained with very little carry over.
I was way to young to witness the whole Terra storyline. That drove me to tears the age of 6. I still rewatch her arc every once in awhile and I still feel the pain
Doesn’t help that I’ve grown to relive a similar situation of loving someone who let their trauma control their life
Honestly people who think the worst of Terra and that she is a bad person is just shallow. She was just misguided and thought she knew what she was doing.
Technically, Beast Boy never lied to Terra. The Titans found out Terra needed help controlling her powers.
I mean it was obvious
@@kaykay8855 not to Terra apparently 😂
It literally said that at the end of the episode💀
terra was insecure she wanted to believe that BB would lie, she was responsible for her actions, i dont like how in this video he is trying to give terra an excuse for her actions.
@@rebornjm I wish the show gave us more time with Terra before her betrayal.
Even as a kid, I knew Terra was a victim. Maybe not the exact words but I could always see how unsure and scared she was and I was constantly root for her to switch to the Titans. The last episode she appeared in broke my heart and brain.
The stuff that happened with Terra was so intense for me as a kid. It was probably the first time I had experienced story telling like this and I didn’t know what to do with it.
Agreed,i wasn't ready for that kind of trauma.
Same here I was so sad
Kinda have to side with BB on this one. Putting aside how manipulative Slade is. The titans told her Slade was bad. They gave her a place to stay, food, water, and all out of the kindness of there hearts. And yet she decided to not give her new friends any benefit of the doubt. And switched sides, for the known bad man. Then doesn’t even try to warn them and aided Slade in an assassination attempt. Saying you’ll still be friends no matter what is one thing. But expecting it after she sold out you’re friends and family, nearly getting them killed is a little much to ask.
BB had every right to be absolutely furious at her. Because in his eyes she’s been playing him for a sucker.
It seems pretty obvious that he was both hot and heartbroken at the moment. Perhaps after cooling off being willing to try and give her a second chance after coming back.
Considering Slade's dialogue with Terra, in spite of her backstory only being implied in the actual show, we can actually deduce that Titans are not actually the first ones to open their hearts to Terra and give her a home, but because of her lack of control, it would always go south. She's already used to people rejecting her, she's already used to running away from the consequences of her actions, and she's already used to having no attachments. I don't think it really is the first time for Terra to supposedly find herself a family, only for the said family to not understand why she lacks control and would indeed turn their backs on a stranger they merely adopted or Terra would just vanish never to be seen out of guilt, something she did in that cave too. However Terra does want to solve the issue of her powers, and Slade gives her the opportunity on a silver platter along with an understanding of her situation, something she probably hasn't received before. Keep in mind that Terra didn't really know Titans that well (aside from their names and powers, hence she was surprised to learn that Raven also struggles just like her to control her powers) and she had no idea what kind of person Slade truly is (all she knows is that supposedly he's "very bad", but what does that even mean?). She did acknowledge Titans giving her home though and actually warning her about Slade, but she still had very little to work with and Slade being the child predator and excellent manipulator he is, played her like a fiddle. It's not until Aftershock pt. 2 that he actually lets go of his facade and showed his true colors to Terra, at first he probably started off lightly, as the video says, only to take more and more advantage of Terra and her getting so deep in this, she couldn't deny any request from him without blowing up in her face.
Not to say Beast Boy did anything wrong. From a narrative point of view, yes, it was not the best move, but it's not like he knows what's about to happen next, how it will exactly affect her and at that moment he barely knew whether or not the rest of his family was alive after she backstabbed them.
It seems like Terra trapped herself between a rock (no pun intended) and a hard place in regards to the actual betrayal. If she defies Slade's orders he could go after her and punish her severely when she's too weak to stand up for herself and fight back, if she warns the Titans of what's about to happen they may be like "wait, you did what?!" and kick her out of the team anyway, fueling her insecurities about how people don't understand where she's coming from and are quick to reject her. Either choice would have pretty major ramifications and it seems like she didn't want to face up to the consequences of either option which is why she ran off with Beast Boy, basically trying to find an easier third way where she could avoid getting in trouble but would only delay the inevitable of her previous bad decisions coming back to slap her in the face.
@@colbystearns5066 Precisely that. She went too deep with all of this so it was too late to back away from it.
This is kinda how I felt too. Less in the she should be grateful for some human decency. But I’m the sense she blew up at the Titans because “BeastBoy told them her secret “ (he didn’t), and after she ACTUALLY did something unforgivable she’s mad at BeastBoy for not immediately forgiving it.
She’s definitely still a victim, and was manipulated. I just wish she realized that the team COULD forgive her… just not 20 seconds after finding out she betrayed them
@@beck3149 Mind if you read my comment in this section pls
What I always found funny is that, because Terra was there so briefly, the lack of interactions between her and Raven wound up feeding into the BBRae ship. After all, from a shipping perspective, if Raven was willing to go off on Terra so completely after the betrayal when she's not the one most harmed by it, obviously she's going off on Beast Boy's behalf. As one ship falls, another rises, because in shipping being single in the endgame isn't an option, and every choice by the writers is "evidence"
This. I also watched the show out of order, so the Terra arc was one that I had to kind of piece together retroactively. So to me, already shipping BBxRae from what I saw throughout the series and then to see Raven two steps to the left of being ready to MURDER this girl over her betrayal (which again, given the piecemeal nature of my viewing and the fact that while "the Titans" are the victims, we're really supposed to emphasize more with BB and his turmoil over his crush/ex), my mind saw this as premium grade shipping fuel.
When will you guys learned that throughout the series it was made obvious that Raven had a small crush on Robin.
@@AnonymousEnigma19 Didn't really pick up on that, but to each shipper their own. And hey, the folks who wrote the Damian Wayne movies seem to agree with you, so that's something.
@@EditDeath sorry but I'm no shipper, I just remember that in some stories focus on her that there would be the small hints that she has a crush on him, and don't bring up that whole Damien thing, don't like the character because you give the Batman a son but never let him get married plus the kid acts like his pure opposite, and that little subplot completely the tracks the whole Batman loving his son plot, making it less special.
@@AnonymousEnigma19 Okay, sorry to touch a nerve there. As for me, guess you can call me an ex-shipper. The BBRae ship appealed to me back then, but I'm over it. What hints are we talking about? Aside from Robin being the one to help Raven best her father as a possible one, I don't recall picking up on it
Terra's betrayal was more than trying to kill the Teen Titans. There's one quote from Raven that always stuck with me even years later: "The problem is Terra gave Slade more than secret codes and hidden cameras. She gave him "us". Our flaws, our weaknesses, everything he'd ever need to know." I think the betrayal was all the more unforgivable to the Teen Titans and the audience because Terra gained their trust and exposed their vulnerabilities to the main villain (seriously, who the hell trusts the obviously evil guy with a skeleton looking mask).
Also, she seemed to take glee in exploiting their weaknesses, especially Raven. It kind of felt like she only felt regret once she realized she was hopelessly outclassed power wise.
Raven outclassed power wise? The weakest versions of raven, in her blue form, can end terra instantly, let alone her demon form. Although when she used her demon form against dr. Light, she just gained tentacles, and terra she just lost her cool and started throwing stuff at her. But as shown in nevermore, her demon form is the equivalent of trigon, and even in never more her demon form was nerfed, horribly. Her blue form can destroy terra instantly, even the weakest versions of raven, her demon form, even again the weakest versions of raven, can destroy terra instantly.
@@braydenshetrompf8764 I was referring to Terra, not Raven. I meant that in the final episode Terra only felt regret once she realized she was outclassed by the Teen Titans powerwise.
@@glitch--gamer oh myb I read it wromg
@@glitch--gamer To be fair, Terra was a vulnerable teenager who couldn't control her powers and thought that Beast Boy betrayed her when Robin had actually just figured out her secret on his own, and then, Slade exploited this and made her believe that she could trust him. Then, when BB found out about her betrayal after she had reconnected with him, he told her that she didn't have any friends. Now, we know that he merely said that in anger, but she didn't and that re-solidified Slade's hold over her.
I saw Terra being gleefully evil as her putting on an act. Like she does feel guilty but has no choice but to obey Slade so she puts this evil facade to fool everyone including herself. But it was still jarring having her go from being conflicted to “what you did wrong was being born”
I disagree that bb did anything wrong. Terra hurt him and his dearest friends and he doesen't have to keep being friends with her after that. From his perspective she manipulated him and the titans to serve Slade. He is naturally looking back at the moments she was friendly and questioning it. She keeps acting like it was their fault when they were nothing but kind and friendly to her. He probably cooled off and decided that he overrected and that's why he defended her later.
That's true the natural reaction he had was fully justified. But, as a far as story and pacing is concerned that's the type of information you want to show the audience. That type of context is necessary to properly understanding character motivations and scenes.
that's definitely what happened but they need to show that instead of forcing the audience to infer that on our own
@@theflaminglitten-fo6jd I mean the end of the episode where she betrayed them says and shows just that.
Given the end of the episode shows Beast Boy transforms into a green dog curled up on Tara's bed with her mirror heart present and whimpering shows that he did regret his actions.
@@AnonymousEnigma19 Maybe he was ready to die as a way to right this wrong. That said, one concequence of what he caused being Starfire almost abandoning all shred of compassion kinda threw me off guard. It's almost as if BB indirectly almost created another Blackfire
I view Terra's arc from Raven's perspective. From willing to give someone a chance to rightfully not trusting them after a misunderstanding, and then being betrayed in the worsr way possible. Considering how empathetic Raven is and how she views the Titans, Terra selling them out to Slade and then mocking her as being alone and friendless crossed the line for me. Its no wonder Raven snapped at her.
So Terra's insecurties almost caused indirectly the rebirth of Trigon the Terrible much earlier. Would love to see that what if imo to see if Terra sees reason earlier and lives
The way spade groomed that poor girl was just insane. As a kid you really feel for her but when you’re older and actually understand, it’s even worse
Ashley Johnson is a phenomenal voice actress. Just throwing that out there. She’s been great in everything I’ve seen her in.
It’s funny. Whatever show she appears, Greg Cipes is not too far off.
@@Z-fighter126 Usually playing characters in love to boot. Characters that are utter dorks. In love.
What Slade did Terra mentally and physically was seriously fucked up. And when she thought Beast Boy broke his promise just because Robin made a guess always pissed me off because she could’ve been so much happier with them. Especially Beast Boy. And I felt so bad for him when he felt betrayed by her in the date episode. Slade literally blocked Gar as he was finally about to kiss her WTF! Anyway, the bottom line is Terra is a seriously tragic character in the show and her death cut Garfield the deepest.
If only this series had a sequel. At least better than that TTG dog shit series.
It was easy for Robin to figure out when you accidentally make earth quakes 😂
It's a real pity that there wasn't a lot of focus on Terra's development. Coming from a person who never liked Terra in Teen Titans, I do wish that there were more character focused episodes on her. Like, her origins, Terra joining Slade, Terra struggling to choose to betray the Titans or Slade, and see her going down the downward spiral until she fully embraced the idea of being Slade's apprentice.
It also doesn't help that Terra only had about 5 episodes, (not including any cameos or references), before she was encased in stone, and then appearing one last time in the series finale. And not only that, but there were moments where Terra was absent for several episodes. The episode focusing on the Master of Games especially makes absolutely no sense why Terra was absent. At the end of the previous episode, Terra had officially joined the Titans and the members of the team had welcomed her with opened arms. Next episode, Terra is completely absent, save for a cameo at the very end. And they never explained why she wasn't with the Titans when they were playing that card game. Next episode, Terra betrays the Titans. Terra remains absent in a few episodes, and then returns in the 2-Parter Season 2 Finale. Terra then is turned to stone and then is never seen again until the Series Finale.
What they should've done with Terra was have a few episodes focusing on her, showing her interacting with the Titans, getting to know them, and several scenes where she's doing something.... At several points, we see Terra on her computer. At this point, we don't know what Terra's doing. But we do later find out that it's an e-mail that supposed to be sent to Slade. But before she eventually betrays the Titans, Terra is shown to be hesitate, as she doesn't want to betray her friends, but at the same time doesn't want to disappoint her master. At some point, one of the Titans, let's say Beast Boy, sees Terra on her computer. He doesn't see what Terra's doing, but notices that Terra looks upset. Eventually, Beast Boy manages to muster up some courage to ask what's wrong with Terra. Terra of course, would be startled and panic, saying things like what's Beast Boy is doing in her room and that she isn't doing anything. Eventually, she would calm down and tell what she was doing, though leaving out the whole Slade bit. She would tell Beast Boy that she been writing an e-mail for some time to, let's say, her brother, but doesn't know if she should send it or not. Of course, Beast Boy would ask questions like "You have a brother," and "Why haven't you contacted with him after all these years?" Too which, Terra would reply that she hasn't seen him in years, they had a falling out the last time she saw him and she's afraid that she would be ignored or something worst. Beast Boy would comfort her, saying that he doesn't know what her brother is like, but if he were Terra's brother, he would be missing you, and that he's probably doing the same thing she's doing right now, wanting to contact Terra, but is afraid on what Terra might say. He would also say something along the lines of Terra needing to follow her heart and the answer will become clear. Terra thanks Beast Boy, hugs him, and Beast Boy, in a state of fluster, tries to leave Terra's room without freaking out in a lovestruck manner. The episode would end with Terra looking at the E-Mail, with the mouse on the Send Button, though we don't see her pushing the button, creating a state of ambiguity on whether or not she sent the mail.
A few episodes later, Terra and the rest of the Titans would do their duties protecting Jump City. But behind the scenes, Slade is making his move. He secretly places various traps to make it look like Terra is losing control over her powers. What more is when that happens, Terra would find herself blacking out. The Titans would see the damage that "Terra" has caused, but not the events that happened beforehand, and the trust that Terra has been building up towards the Titans began to fall apart. Eventually, Terra, while being able to defeat the monster that's actually been causing the problem, did cause a lot of damage across the city. During a meeting, where Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Cyborg are meeting each other in secret. they basically start to discuss that Terra is starting to lose control over her powers, but during a certain point, Terra accidentally overhears a part that suggests that the Titans might kick her off the team. In a panicked state, Terra would run back into her room, crying that, even after all this time as a member of the Teen Titans, Terra is back to square one. What's more is that Terra is entering into a state of panic, believing that she'll never be trusted by the Titans again. She goes to her computer, writes something down, and then clicks the Send Button to, what we think, her brother. Of course, it's actually Slade that's being sent the e-mail, but at this point, we aren't supposed to know.
And then the next episode happens. The message has been sent. Terra goes on a date with Beast Boy. Titans' Tower gets invaded by Slade's forces. Slade appears during Terra and Beast Boy's date. Reveals to Beast Boy that Terra is both a spy and his new apprentice. Beast Boy rejects Terra, and Terra, with nowhere else to turn, heads towards Slade.
While your idea of the first episode is great, the other one is not so much, or at least it doesn't speak to me. The scenarios are good though and they do flesh her out a bit more, so nice job
What do you think of the finale, "Things Change?" Honestly it just really made me sad. I just wanted to see Terra and Beast Boy together since Beast Boy loved her and Terra used to and may still have feelings for her. Last time she was in the series, she sacrificed herself and turned into stone, which was not exactly a happy ending for her. This final episode allowed Terra to become a new person and leave her troubled life in the past, nothing about her is "set in stone" anymore. Some said that this final episode completed Terra's character, and thus, the series ends.
Note: The show ended abruptly and the movie was released later that year, supposedly serving as the series finale.
Honestly, I think Terra deserves a new life, away from the superhero world. Being a superhero, especially in DC, is awful, so the further she stays away from the Titans and their world- the better.
I've heard before that the finale episode with Terra saying goodbye to Beast Boy wasn't supposed to be the actual finale but they just abruptly ended it I've never heard why though
@@xxac3zn8zxx87 It is the supposed to be the finale. The whole point of the episode is to show the loss innocence that comes when your a teenager.
The voice of cyborg said it in a interview
Also the whole last episode is a metaphor for graduating high school
Think that the girl BB met was not the real Terra, but a girl who just looked a lot like her. BB, being heartbroken over Terra’s death, subconsciously pursued this girl because of what she reminded him of.
@@valentinkambushev4968 TRUE. Let her have a normal life cause she isn’t that stable enough to deal with the Superhero Life.
Even if BB hadnt blown up on Terra and came back wtih her to help the titans I highly doubt they would have let her stay.They took her in, fed her,let her bathe, were willing to train her and even gave her a place to sleep as well as allowing her to join them. She repaid them by potentially killing them all in their sleep.The titans would have tried to arrest her or just kicked her out and Slade would have scooped the former titan up immediately afterwards.
Ashley Johnson killed it the way she transformed from gretchen from recess to terra she is underrated
She was also the voice of the main female character in the first season of Infinity Train
Having never heard of Tara before watching this video and not knowing much about the Titans, her characterization does kinda just say “person with Borderline Personality Disorder”, from the way she immediately takes Robin learning about her lack of control as a betrayal of trust by BB and a reason to abandon the Titans altogether, to just the way Slade goads and manipulates her in that first episode. Like the idea that she thinks everyone will leave her once they discover what she’s really like and to the line “how can you lose something you never had in the first place” just sounds so much like stuff The Voices ™ would say to a pwBPD in moments of weakness. I know her actions can probably seem erratic and unprompted from the outside but I do feel like it makes sense if you view it this way.
@@user-pi3hd2bt3f that very well could be, there does tend to be a high rate of comorbidity between CPTSD and BPD, or at least a lot of people with BPD also have CPTSD.
I think you're overthinking it, dude. She's an orphaned 14 year old with trauma, no understanding of friendship dynamics, and was being munipulated by a man who makes it his business to manipulate teenagers.
Her acting the way she did is in character for someone with that much baggage.
I was thinking the same thing!! :0
@@darkflame728 Yep, when he tried to manipulate Robin it failed because Robin had the training from Batman, and the strong friendships of his fellow Titans. Terra had neither. She was a sitting duck for someone like Slade.
@@MichaelJW72 unfortunately this is true
The alternate name for this arc should be the Miscommunication Arc. Beause boy, could Beast Boy have told her that he never said anything, Robin used to work for Batman and used context clues that she had trouble controlling her powers, and Slade is/was not to be trusted there at the fair. Yes, it would've been in anger, but it at least the gravity of the situation would be setting in at least.
He did try to tell her.
She doesn’t even need to know Robin is a detective. They all have powers - it would be fairly easy for them to tell she can’t control them.
Terra was too insecure to believe that Beast Boy didn't blab. It wouldn't have plated out any other way.
>You know Terra and Slade are banging in the comics, right?
Who the fuck starts a conversation like that? I just sat down!
I tried to keep that memory in the back of the head, cause I don't wanna remember that! Why he gotta do that to us!? 😭😭😭
14:18 that right there I never noticed back in 2003. That moment that the titans accepted Terra to the team, her hair covers one eye symbolizing her work with Slade. That sudden eye blocked by the hair to only have one eye is pretty much saying to us “I can’t believe they actually trust me. Now I can dig some dirt in them for my boss.”
With raven being upset and lashing out in that fight, it could be argued as an empath, she felt all the hurt the titans felt, the betrayal, the anger, everything. Shes not the one with the most stakes with terra (though she was also betrayed and terra tried to kill her friends).
So when shes going off on tera it isn't just her, its all of the Titans feelings. That doesn't excuse anything as it wasn't in the show and is a theory explanation. Just some food for thought
Maybe raven suggesting to the titans to give terra a second chance would make more sense since she too struggles with her powers. Of course, like beast boy, she’d need a reflection scene.
The difference is that Raven never helped betray the rest of the team to their mortal enemy and almost got everyone killed as a result
0:33 What also messed up is that creator of her literally introduce her love of Hal to not be returned and Hal acting like responsible adult. ONLY FOR NEXT WRITER MISSING THE MEMO.
Oh, that's Pymslap levels of miscommunication on the creatives there.
@@brettwood1351 the Pymslap was funnily in character and at least fitted the breakdown Pym was having, that one just sucks and being creepy.
Was Beast Boy's response the best to acheive the most positive outcome? No but I don't think you can definitively say it was the wrong response. It's altruistic to be forgiving and understanding in that situation but it is also perfectly justifiable to simply be thoroughly done with someone who betrayed you. Even given their tragic situation
I remember the first season being super exciting and fun for me, a person who has never liked and still doesn't like super hero stuff. Then the Terra arc came along and this kids' show got super serious.
Slade's first returning line was his most sinister yet, and set up a whole season which took you along with Beast Boy for an emotional ride.
The archetype of Terra as a person is so tragic because she's very real, and I'm sure many of us have known a Terra or two in our own lives.
HOO BOY. I could make a whole essay on Terra as a character, but you can't deny her voice actress is fantastic! 🥰
Also the voice of Tulip & MT from “Infinity Train”.😁
@@frankinglese7100.... I love and hate that you used that specific role because I really want an Amelia season! 😭
Her voice actress (Ashley Johnson) also voices Ellie from The Last of Us.
@@andiman44 Who doesn't know that at this point? ☺️
@@delphoxhoopa7289 Me.
It took me a long time to realize that Slade was really Deathstroke.
I’m glad you were willing to talk about some of the flaws in the show’s approach to this arc when it’s mostly episodic. Something that bothered me even when it aired.
I’d cut Beast Boy some slack, though. Him being cruel to Terra felt like a heat of the moment thing to do. By the time of the two-parter, he may have reflected on the situation and been more sympathetic than before.
Beast Boy: “Slade’s not controlling you, YOU are!”
Terra: *is literally being remote controlled by Slade*
She wasn't being controlled when she gave Slade the codes to the Tower.
@@kap1618 did you even watch the clip I was referencing?
That’s why Slade is my favorite Titans villain since elementary school: his greatest power is his manipulation.
23:23 He got betrayed by the woman he loves and she nearly killed his friends but he knows even though she's bad she's still being manipulated by slade. He knows she's bad but he knows she's not evil.
After saying that she can open on what other secrets she has during their date. Whether it’s good or bad.
The tera betrayal destroyed me when I was younger. The tera episode used to play alot so I thought she was in the show more than actually is.
So this all happened because Terra just misunderstood and had assumed that Beast Boy had told the Titans.
Women ☕️
@Link dont be a misogynist, bro.
i saw another comment talking about how Terras seemenly strange behaviors make sense under the lense of her having Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). shes obviously traumatized, anyone would be with what she went through, and because of her traumatic experiences and mental health she was easier to be manipulated by peices of shit like slade especially considering shes still a child ):
@@A_Hylian_Not_An_Elf cringe
Sort of wyndell.
So I wasn’t the only one who thought Slade acted very creepily towards Raven during her season
I actually thought that this ship was meant to be wholesome when I first saw the series
I kind of thought it would be Beast Boy x Raven.
@@SpammytheHedgehog robin x raven had more when he whent to hell to safe her but in the last DC movie seires Damian Wayne and raven had a really good romances if anyone want to see the series of movies they finish a couple years ago (look up son of batman movie series and in which order there should be a list ending with JL apolypto really good seires of movies a bit mature with blood and stuff bit good writing)
@@all9472 well that’s a different Robin lol but yeah, thought they were awesome. But just not my fav raven design. So I side with Beast boy X Raven for the teen titans series.
Yeah, I'd read the comics, so I knew where it was going, but it was still surprising they went as far as they did.
What have you done to her?
Only given her what she needed.
When you've read the comics and know all about the whole child molestation part of it, that line sets off a dozen different alarm bells.
At first I thought it was going to bbrae, but like this narrator says in this video there is something about beast boy and terra's relationship that is so endearing.
I agree with a lot you said on Terra, I really loved who whole arc in the show. I think her manipulation was clear, but I also don't really blame the Titans for the way some things went down, more specifically Beast Boy and Raven. Just like Terra is 14 and a child, they're kids too. I feel like its very easy to have the forgiveness and understanding approach as someone watching the show, knowing that Terra isn't actually like a cold-blooded killer..but at the end of the day she did set them up, she just chose not to be there. I think had she survived (excluding the final ep), there could have been room for a friendship and return to the Titans. But like the night of or even like a year after, who's going to forgive someone who let assassins into their house because they felt you broke a promise, lol.
25:21??? WHAT?!?She was told and knows Slades evil, has seen his actions firsthand. Tried to kill the people who gave her a home and treated her as a friend TWICE. Even after they tried to give her mercy and away out she still decided to try to kill all of them again and now when the person who she's hurt the most finally calls her out on all the bs she's done it's Victim Blaming??? BB did nothing wrong
Right? Terra was so fucking annoying to me cause she was just so dumb
100% agree, I don't understand why he came to that conclusion, but I guess nowadays everything is problematic and women can't do nothing wrong
BB had a right to be angry and Terra was a victim. The older I get, the more I realize that there was not one child in this version of the Teen Titans that wasn't completely traumatized and jaded. Also, I think the themes implied in the serie were too heavy to be understood by children.
@Rex13013 strongly disagree.
Your reaction is... interesting.
Beast boy did thr natural justifiable thing but that doesn't mean it yielded the best result.
Also she was 14 and was being groomed by slade, a disgusting clever manipulator and the guy who burned very young girls clothes off and stared at their naked frames.
It's one of those "you'll never get it until it happens" type things with how grooming messes people up
Terra chose the dark path herself. So she isn't broken, she's just evil
The ship between Terra and Beast Boy is another one of my favorites. But with how things turned out in the series I think it's a good thing that their relationship didn't really get too far.
I'll be honest, I've always preferred BBTerra over BBRae. Not only did they have better chemistry and a more fun dynamic, but I like how Beast Boy didn't need to win over Terra since she found him charming from the start.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that.😊
@@sashawolfson3602 Kinda the same here. I do like BB Raven too, but BB Terra always felt more natural in how well they fit from the beginning.
@@brettwood1351 that's fair
Me too
@@brettwood1351Yeah, BBTerra just instantly clicked
She’s remembers everything. In this episode Terra says to BB“ the girl you want me to be is just a memory”. This dialogue wouldn’t make any sense if she didn’t remember.
I kind of want to see more superhero shows address the trope of the hero child. Now that I'm older I see how a lot of these hero characters that are still kids just don't know enough about the world. Beast Boy leaving Terra just showed that he's a kid that doesn't know about predatory behavior or manipulation. I feel like if you want to be a hero, you have to understand not everything is black and white and you have to consider the situation of your enemy. Not every problem can be solved by jail time or punishment. I wanna see superheroes going through training and addressing how being able to knock out bad guys isn't enough. if there's already a show like that, can I get the name please
Slade creeped me out when I was a kid and had no idea about the Judas Contract lmao. The guy literally stalked Robin for another season and that entire damn Raven scene.
(And oh god why you gotta remind me about them having Bruce and Hal do that!!!!!)
I have a weird relationships comic book Terra. I love that she's unabashedly evil, which is rare for female vilains in comics, she came back as a zombie and the first thing she choses to do is to mentally torment Beast boy. I also relate to the shitty relationship she has with her dad.
But then there's the stuff with Slade
Honestly same, I do get the storyline they were trying to tell with the judas contract about how not everyone with powers is good and the titans were way too naive, but it could've been written way better and without her being groomed because theres just so much horrid implications with that.
She honest to God with just meant to be a gimmick villain character. The cute but truly evil.
The creators honestly didn't look into the implication till after the fact
Returning to this series after being away for so many years is eye opening. I deeply identified with Terra at a young age; her arc was one that always left me feeling remorseful. Not many people have the emotional maturity to discuss such delicate and personal matters as the manipulation and fear that is explored in the tt animated series. You have done an immaculate job of portraying their relationship. Thank you for making this.
This always bothered me too. That stupid misunderstanding. And how the entire time she's clearly been a victim, sometimes coerced, sometimes outright forced into working for Slade or her friends would die (ironic since that's his plan anyway). With nowhere to go and someone willing to take her in and train her, it was an obvious choice. And the premature cancellation of the series didn't help any or allow for further development.
Beast Boy's Girlfriends in a Nutshell
Toph but in DC
Goth Chick who keeps a Giant Bird in side her
Except not being a chad like Toph.
In DC comics Terra can have Brando as surname because she is just that evil and manipulative.
@@valentinkambushev4968 Actually Toph training Aang in Earthbending really drives home a difference. Because Toph drove home, you stand your ground and are resolute to be an Earthbender, and as this video points out, Terra runs.
Rewatching the series, I can't help but feel like TT and TTG should've been made in the opposite order. TTG is perfect for weekly episodic stories with no regard for continuity and only cares for silly antics. Something that you can see the studio was pushing for during the original TT run. Whereas TT really gives its all in characters stories and long running plotlines. Something that's much better suited for the age of streamable content.
I remember how as a kid this ship traumatized me so much, I love this 2 together so much, my favourite romance at the time, they fitted together so well and were perfect for each other in how they loved each others quirks, and seeing them end up in the way they did, and the last episode left me wanting so much more, only for the show to be cancelled and forever break my heart
btw, buddy you gotta do a video about damian wayne and raven
Could we get a look at the episode Lightspeed. Love Jinx getting more fleshed out and the weird yet fun ship of Jinx and Kid Flash
The Jinx and Cyborg shippers: ‘do we not matter to you?’
@@lilrqlovesanime650 The Showrunners: 'Not even slightly.'
@@lilrqlovesanime650I find it funny that's the most significant romantic relationship the character has ever had, like none of the few romantic interests he's had are even referenced in the comics
I'm not sure if true but a fun fact on wikipedia says that Marv Wolfman wrote Lightspeed
that episode was both memorable and hilarious I still laugh when kid flash swipes mammoths churro and he yells "I PAID FOR THAT"
I loved the Beast Boy and Terra ship from the show, they each brought out some of the others best qualities. Terra thought Beast Boy was naturally funny so he didn't have to try so hard with her and could instead act more mature while BB was able to help Terra find happiness after all the abuse that she suffered (and not just from Slade)
I was ok with Beast Boy letting Terra go at the end of the series, because it seemed like she was finally in a good place, but what bothers me is that they don't say how she came back or where is she living now? I had so many questions.
This arc was honestly the first big emotional journey for me where I understood every characters motivations. I guess you could say it was my first proper tragedy that was written specifically for how I thought at the time. You were so right about how this whole thing is burned into my brain the ending where they put the flowers on her grave bummed out my ass for MONTHS
I have a theory how she is back. In season 4, Trigon turns all of the people to stone, and after he is defeated, they were turned back to normal. There is a chance the same happened to Terra even though she was already stone to begin with.
Never seen any of this show before. My artist brain is completely mesmerised by how Terra's hair moves
I always love the appearance of Napoleon at 26:25
Wait! In the comics Slade did WHAT?! 😱
Haven't read it in a while but I recalled it was way worse. Like Slade taunt the Titan about how he wasn't even interested in her but how she so fuck up that she chooses to sleep with him herself. Like Slade is that twisted with his gas lighting and manipulation, that he basically did it as mean to a end.
My mind still refuses to believe beast boy and raven weren't a couple. I've been gaslit into oblivion.
“Now there’s a reason I’m only focusing on the 2003 one!”
-CJ Dachamp, in his Slade Wilson/Deathstroke video
25:00 I actually think this was a great message. It's a level of nuance that the writers would catch heat for nowadays. Robin was manipulated into Slade's apprenticeship too; what makes Terra less of a traditional victim is how she chose to let her insecurity overtake everything else. Robin did everything he could to avoid hurting his friends, while Terra betrayed and tried to kill them. Robin constantly fought back, while Terra chose to stay even when she had other options. Robin accepted his friends' help to escape, while Terra repeatedly refused. Terra was beyond others' help. Her only salvation was realizing that *she could make different choices*.
It's why Raven's beef with Terra is so memorable. They deal with the exact same insecurities - that their control issues make them dangerous, and will get them ostracized from the group - but Raven works hard to mitigate those fears, while Terra lets them run rampant. To this day I feel like Terra is an important cautionary tale in the Superpowered Teenagers show.
Honestly, the whole Beast Boy chewing her out thing I never believed was Beast Boy. I think it was some fake BB that Slade set up to really sell this thing to Terra. After all, Slade has beaten Beast Boy before and Slade looked perfectly alright after "Beast Boy" left Terra. Could be a big part of his master plan, since he knew Terra would likely do this. After all, a House of Mirrors is a perfect place for misdirection.
I could see it, sometimes you get angry and say things you regret.
But Beast Boy always gets really serious and brutal when he gets angry, so I can believe that he would say such things considering he found out she betray his best friends for the bad guy whose been tormenting them for so long, the man who infected them with bots and held Robin hostage as his apprentice
@@a.g.m9078 True or not, Slade showed up right after no worse for wear. Just the damage we saw prior to Terra running. And when Beast Boy showed up, it's from the opposite end where Slade does.
Like, BB probably lost the fight, recovered while all that was going on, then told the Titans what happened still looking sad he couldn't save her.
@@AkumaTh that theory doesn't really work for a multitude of reasons.
@@fightingmedialounge519 I think it holds up pretty well. Slade knew Terra pretty well to even predict her worries without knowing what they are. He saw her running away from a mile away.
Not to mention, it also explains why BB said that and all of a sudden is back to thinking she can be good.
5:22 “I have a flashlight” makes me laugh way harder than I probably should 😂
Honestly, neither BB or Tara is right nor wrong in this situation. Tara is traumatized, controlled, she’s been too insecure for her whole life, so she’s easily manipulated by slade. While BB, acknowledging that fact that his friends are fighting for their and possibly dead (given the fact that BB didn’t know yet), he gets mad of what Tara has done, betraying, lying, all when he has given trust, friendship and even love. And when people are mad (especially teenagers), sad things could be done.
I guess u can say that. The only true villain in this series is none other than….. SLADE!👿
When Beast Boy just dropped her during the magic mirror section, I was just completely baffled that he would have a drastic switch up. I get that he feels betrayed by her, but he was literally just listening to slade manipulating her. And then the switch up AGAIN when he sees her again and he’s surprised that she renounces his friendship
Terra did do wrong, but I hated how BB kept calling her their friend and that he couldn't leave her despite leaving her alone in her betrayal. He didn't even let her explain herself for it.
This was cathartic.
I don't know...
See Terra was IMO being somewhat Slade-like by manipulating Beast Boy by making him promise that no matter what as a friend that he'd accept her regardless of whatever bad things she's done.
So, when the bomb got dropped that she lied to BB, snatched him away for a date to 'spare him' while the rest of his friends were left for dead...she could use that promise as leverage. It was nothing more than a setup to make herself feel better.
Why? Because if BB didn't accept her as a friend after the truth was revealed, she'd put herself in the victim category because 'OMG BB BETRAYED ME!!!' so she has every right (in her mind) to continue doing the bad things that she's done based on her poor choices. Overall, she's just shifting the blame.
Oh, I betrayed the Titans. However, BB betrayed me!!!
See how ridiculous that is?
Which makes BB's sermon to her about taking responsibility for her actions hit even harder.
Even watching new episodes every week as a kid, I really felt the brevity of Terra being on team. Mostly bc she was my favorite, so any time she wasn't on screen 8 year old me would ask "Where's Terra?" (tho i guess her being my favorite does factor into watching the show every week as opposed to binging it)
I love how Terra is literally "between a rock and a hard place" and she has layers to her, just like "layers of sediment." lol
And he literally puts "pressure" on and manipulates her, symbolized by the rock being crushed and becoming a diamond in the palm of his hand. Just... *chef's kiss.*
Also, yeah, even when this originally aired, as a young child I still thought it was victim blamey (didn't know the term for this yet, it just felt wrong to me) and kinda unfair to expect her to willingly put herself through unimaginable pain in her entire nervous system just to fight Slade off. Sure, it would be heroic, but why would someone want their close friend and crush to choose to go through that? It should've instead been her deciding that independently, and BB begging her to wait and find another way so they could save her. I think that would've been a better way to write the conflict without losing the emotional tug.
Terra is the word "Insecure" personified. Someone who outwardly appears confident and knows her way around life, but is slowly breaking down internally and doesn't know how to get that social support. The whole misunderstanding about BeastBoy "lying" to her could've been prevented if the rest of the Titans spoke up and didn't let Terra just breakdown on her own. They all just assumed Terra was mentally secure based on her outward impressions, which led her down a vicious cycle. Robin was the only one intuitive enough to catch onto her unstable powers, but still didn't deduce her mental state.
That's why I love her character so much. It's a real representation of a lot of people in life who "Fakes it until they Make it." It brings awareness to these kinds of people and helps us better recognize those who are suffering alone and teaches us to reach out to them.
Imposter syndrome to the max!
Can I just say with my limited knowledge of the greater dcu that I was thrilled when young Justice terra actually got a semi happy ending (like not perfect but better than most)
And that they explicitly recognized that Terra was just a kid that was being manipulated by an adult, instead of laying all responsibility on her. Though I do feel bad none of that empathy was offered to her brother.
In my opinon when it comes to Terra?
She should of been ROBIN'S love intrest and was proiblby originally written to be that, but the show seemed to have a werid rule that it had to stick to the reliationships from the comics. Here is what i mean. Terra worked much better for Robin as her arc parraled Robin's. The biggest one that makes me think that Robin was kind planned or intended to have terra as a love interest is the date.Think about the amusement park date for one quick second.Think about how it plays out.
Beast boy and terra go on a date there, Slade shows up. Slade then starts to for no real reason tell beastboy that Terra betrayed the titans and was working for him and then starts playing a mind game with him as beastboy chases 'him' through the amusement park. Then in the end Terra is conflicted and on her knees crying and asking Beast boy to forgive her.And he just....Lashes out at her and says she has no freinds. Then feels bad after she is clearly hurt and fully joins slade. Problem i have with that? Beast boy wouldn't...Really...Do that.And slade wouldn't play mind games with him.He only cares about robin.
Even beast boy's dialouge seems like it should be robin's in that episode.Just go back and watch it for yourself.If you replace beast boy with robin.And have eveerything playout with him isntead.
It flows much better, makes much more sense and Robin WOULD have a moment of anger and lash out saying what beast boy did to Terra and would later feel bad abotu saying that beacuse that's much mroe in characterr with him and he did stuff like that over the seires.
So it makes much more sense. Plus it would be totaly in character for slade to go out of his way to take robins girlfreind from him to show that Slade can take anything he wants from robin and he can't stop him.
It would also make the fight between Robin and Terra in part 1 of Aftershock even better.
This is just my opinon, but i wanted to voice it.
This is straight heat, this should be pinned 📌📌📌
Yeah, there's a few issues with that headcannon. For starters beast boy has shown to be intense and vicious for far less, so him lashing out after thinking she may have gotten his friends killed is perfectly in line. Then there's the issue that because robin was slades apprentice; him coldly rejecting Terra when he learns she is in the same position makes no sense whatsoever. You also have her first episode making no sense if Robin was in beast boys position. You also have the akward situation where the show would have to ignore his relationship with Starlite. Also it's pretty unfounded to say slade wouldn't play mind games with beast boy when he does that with pretty much every character he has a one on one interaction with.
It's a fine fanfiction to write, but makes no sense if you take the shows established elements into consideration.
I counter this and turn by bringing up a few things.
For starters slade actually, doesn’t really play mind games with the other characters. He barely cares about them at all. The only one he’s ever really interested in is Robin. He only messed with Raven because her father ordered him to. When does he play mind games with cyborg? When does he do that with starfire? He doesn’t because he doesn’t care about them.
Not to mention, here’s a very good question. Why would slade even bother with beast boy in that episode? Why is slade not at the tower where Robin is, who hes basically doing this all for? Shouldn’t he be there talking to Robin, telling him how he’s never out of reach for him? That his tower was Childs play to break into?
That is much more in character for him, why would he just waste his time to play mind games with beast boy? What’s more.
Why did he even bother going after terra to begin with? She doesn’t really have anything that he wants. It’s never really fully explain why he bothered to manipulate her jnto being his apprentice, considering robin was always his priority. Terra robin barley interacted with a Slade doesn’t care about those super powers.
The more you think about it the w
Less sense it makes. But it makes a lot more if she was originally written to be paired with Robin.
You wouldn’t even really have to rewrite the first episode with her. BB can still have a crush on her. All that basically needs to be changed is to just have Robin and Terra interact a bit and bond.
Plus, you do have to ask the question about why the heck slade barley seemed to care about Robin during the entire arc.
@@naciabell7903 yeah, your counters are pretty poor.
He actually does. With thunder and lighting, raven, even the hive mistress and students. He plays mind games with them when he returns constantly keeping the guessing about what's going on how he returned; not to mention he doesn't have any one on one time with stafire and cyborg.
Because he's in the way? Do you think the master strategist slade would just skip home with Terra and ignore the shape shifter attacking him. Because he's not doing all of this for Robin. This is what I mean when I mentioned that your theory makes sense if you don't understand previous information set up by the show.
Not if you actually understand the character; also he spent most of that time fighting beast boy; not playing mind games.
Are youe serious. Please tell me all of your comments were some elaborate joke on your part. It's literally explained in her introduction episode. He finds her powers fascinating and wants them for himself(either directly or indirectly). Now you're outright lying on both parts. Robin was only a priority as a potential apprentice, keywords being potential. Slade also explicitly says he's interested in her powers.
No, your version has several holes and inconsistencies in it. It only works as fanfiction that re writes the show.
No, you would basically have to re write it entirely since that episode hinges on beast knowing her secret and Robin figuring out later on causing her to think the former lied about keeping her secret. There's also the important detail Robin literally chasing stafire across space just to help her with her own issues. There's no way he would let Terra leave the tower if he had feelings for her.
No you don't. You just have to remember what slades character is actually like.
@@fightingmedialounge519 I am honestly amazed you guys haven't picked up on that im trolling/messing with you right now by saying this stuff ahha.
Terra's arc was one of the best arcs i've ever seen in an animated show
0:15 holy crap, slade was colonel sander the whole time
5:50 and also that she's probably been out on the streets for so long that she's had to make do and survive with *anything* she could get her hands on. Food is food, no matter its shape or recipe
Why do you think Beast Boy should’ve instantly responded positively when Slade revealed Terra only brought him on a date so that Titans Tower could be attacked by Slade bots???
In the comics terra just dont care , she manipulates the titans and specially Beast boy ands was ready to kill them (she wanted to kill beast boy so bad). In a dark story she manage to destroy the entire world.
Beast Boy never lied to Terra. Robin figured it out as evident when he noticed at the beginning of Terra’s debut episode which shouldn’t be surprise since he had been trained by the goddamn Batman.
I feel like they could've split the difference and just add Terra to the goofy nonsense. Having her in the background with the others during Fractured, Transformation, And Winner take all. I was gonna say that she could've joined after Fear Itself but that was Valentine's Day according to Google so Date with Destiny stays. If just to let her be in a few more episodes so it doesn't feel like she just flew by
Possibly late, but I love that small detail of her hair falling over her right eye. As some sort of telegraphing of Slade's control/influence over her, since his right eye is always hidden or just gone.
If Terra had never betrayed the Titans, I can see Beast Boy and Terra actually being Boyfriend amd Girlfriend.
From how I see it Beast Boy and Terra shows how much Beast Boy has grown throughout the series since with the Titans and seeing him being emotionally mature to Terra.
I read the title. I thought, "Oh, he means the messed up comics, right?" First move out of the gate.
What really irks me about her character is she tries playing the victim AFTER she fails to kill the titans. It's like Raven said "You really thought we wouldn't take that personally?". Manipulation aside, who she really wanted to side with aside, anyone with half a brain knows that if someone you tried to kill ain't dead they're gonna be pissed.
I hope we get more DC content. Would love to see Young Justice, GLTAS, and more DCAU.
Would love to see Razor as Green Lantern The Animated Series needs more attention.
I’d like some more Beware the Batman too. That show was seriously screwed over. And I wanted to see what they planned for GL:TAS and its plans for Blackest Night.
While I do see where you’re coming from with its flaws, the Terra arc will always have a special place in my childhood heart. It just made me FEEL something most of the other shows I watched as a kid didn’t at the time. Do you want to know what the funny part is? I didn’t even KNOW about the finale and Terra surviving until YEARS later.
there should have been more episodes with her
We don't talk about Hal Jordan sleeping with an alien teenager.
NEVER talk about it.
I love the amount of analysis that goes into these videos.
Think you could take a look at Chiro and Jinmay in the future?
Terra reminds me a lot of the storyline that Disney/Lucasfilm has decided to write for Ben Solo/Kylo Ren: Both Terra and Ben are depicted with superpowers or abilities that are tied to their emotional state, and both are abused and manipulated by supervillains (Slade, Snoke).
I mean, that applies to most sith lords.
Growing up I loved the Beast Boy x Terra ship and I was heartbroken when it ended with her death, I just wish they could've had another season after bringing her back to explain what happened and give us better closure.
Can't vouch for the comics, but I gotta say my tank was running on empty when it came to empathizing with her in the show at a certain point
My guess in the ending of Terra coming back was that maybe her brother, using his own powers somehow undid her being turned to stone off screen.
Since he has similar but far more powerful abilities as Terra, it's not out of the realm of possibility he somehow heard it and broke her free.
One of the things that I do hate about Teen Titans is that it felt like first and foremost they went with an episodic story. As you said, Terra just joins one episode, and then the next to focus on her sees the betrayal, and then after has her trying to kill the Titans. It's also confusing too because at the same time, Justice League was airing, and they would have overarching stories in the series. Unlimited actually premiered before the season 2 finale of Teen Titans.
Granted, while they are both super hero shows, they are different in a lot of ways. I guess CN's thinking was because Teen Titans was more comical it couldn't have stories like JLU, but still I feel like they still could have had more episodes of Terra as a Titan before the reveal and keep the same tone of the series.
I see Terra as someone who Robin would have been if it wasn't for Bruce taking him in. Its one thing to have friends but like most homeless kids it's never enough as they seek guidance and security from a strong, trusted adult.
This series made Slade more creepy
For real.