I love the host and the guest conversation, which is full of knowledge, correct, and authentic information presented in the most decent way. Host Raavya Sarda is very polite and humble, qualities I really adore. She allows the guest to express his views while listening carefully and calmly. This is truly the best podcast ever. Keep it up! I've subscribed to your channel. God bless you.
😮i😮😮😮iii😮😮😮h😮😮😮i😮i😮😮i😮😮iii😮😮i😮hj😮😮i😮ii😮jijijjijji.ijiiiiiiijjjiiiiiiijjiijjiikjjjiijiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjijjjjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjǰjjjjkjjjjjjjjkjjjjjjǰkkkkjjjjjjjjj j jo v h apko punjabi just jjjjjjjjjjjkjjjjik niìo😮i😮😮😮ì😮😮ìi😮ìii😮î😮ìì😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮ÿ😮ÿ😮I am😮 ìkkkkkkklkkkkkkkk😮😮kk😮k😮k😮kkk😮k😮lk😮😮kk😮olkkkkkk😮k😮kkk😮k😮k😮kkkk😮😮kk😮😮k😮k😮kk😮😮k😮😮k😮😮k😮k😮k😮😮kk😮😮k😮😮😮😮k😮😮k😮😮😮😮k😮k😮😮k😮😮k😮😮kk😮😮k😮😮k😮😮ì😮ķ😮ķk😮😮k😮ķķ😮ķ😮ķkkjkķ😮k😮kk😮kƙoʻkk😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😅ii😮😮
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Raavya Mam comments me ye log kuchh bhi bole ge negative things... Don't focus on them.. Mene ye podcast bhi dekh.. Just awesome and very much Best. Aap jo Questions puchh te ho na wo sidhe audience se relate kr te hai... Keep it up aap ko support kr ne wale bahut log hai.. 😊
Kuch bhi nahi bolre sach bolre h. She is herself objectifying her body showing cleavage to get more views. Guys its not the podcast it’s same as how prostitution would earn views.
Another mindblowing podcast by Abhishek sir. All his podcasts hit 1 M views and many likes because of his knowledge. Duniya jale to jale he never stops.
isko khud ka 4 crore ka loss recover karne ke liye ye sb karna pad rha hai , bakchodi karo aur views badhao taki youtube se income karo taki loss ke paise wapis aa jaye account me
Because Being a billionaire 99% of the time takes being mildly-heavily morally corrupt..if he was one some would want to be him, simultaneously questioning his morals. • He doesn't need to be ultra rich by doing bad deeds to be truly happy, as long as he's secure and has financial freedom after one point money stops mattering.. • So Just because you know how something happens, doesn't mean you wanna do it, generational wealth actually creates more chaos & family fighting anyway... • n he can apply what/whenever he wants anyway but it takes time & willingness to apply, or any one would ask you why are you not ultra rich now that you watched this podcast/course etc. • And only focus on money means many people lose their focus on their health,relationships,spirituality, and doing all the bad things affects their mental health too (unless they're psychopaths people have guilt,shame etc whether people know or not) which matters for true happiness. And you definitely are not truly happy if you have to do ego battles over who's richer & even if you're the richest your greed will never be satisfied. • & He says at 43:11m billionnaires don't care about people thinking if you're a thief, but if you care about being richer than someone, then you care about someone's opinion, just that you gave up on morals as you can't live up to them, and chase egoism as thats your speciality.. • Obviously this is just my opinion on, happiness they'll know whether it was a happy life at the moments of death or later anyway.
@@neelamvatsyayan1999 ya n he doesn't have to be a billionaire/show it to be rich & happy. After a point of comfortable living, wealth stops mattering unless it's an ego contest. - similarly many get in debt + go broke to look rich. but most real rich people esp 1 gen Americans quiet rich next doors as they don't need external validation of public anymore. Eg. book top 1% shares money misconceptions. - N you probably meant to say true but ya. n some things eg. yachts etc are non-depreciative if maintained but for most richness = assets eg. investments in stocks,metals,savings, bad vs good debts,passive income from creations etc.
@@neelamvatsyayan1999 ya n he doesn't have to be a billionaire or show it to be rich & happy. After a point of comfortable living, wealth stops mattering unless it's an ego contest. • similarly many get in debt n go broke to look rich. but most real rich people esp 1st gen Americans quiet rich next doors as they don't need external validation of public anymore. Eg. book top 1% shares money misconceptions. • N you probably meant to say true but ya. n some things eg. yachts etc are non-depreciative if maintained but for most wealth is assets eg. investments in stocks,metals,savings, bad vs good debts,passive income from creations etc.
I 1000% agree with Abhishek, his brain is mind blowing. I deal with male dominance all the time, if I let it go, omg, man thinks he got away with it…..
I watched this podcast twice times completely! It's worth watching You'd never feel bored while watching it because the way story has been narrated absolutely awesome!❤ Thx you ma'am for bringing him on the show! He's really a Legend who has lots and lots of knowledge about business lives, millionaires, billionaires! I genuinely look forward to watching the part - II.
The lady scammers 1. Chitra Ramkrishna who was the CEO in the NSE and she was found some connection between Himalayan yogi and she use to take decision according to him. 2. Chanda Kocchar who was CEO of the ICICI bank was found guilty with Videocon group for given loans
When women are given absolute power they misuse it like in case of fake domestic violence and sexual assault cases. Close to 2 lakh men commit suicide in India due to fake cases against them by women. Imagine the sacle of economic fraud once they take charge. So men and women are equally corrupt and cruel and no one gender should be given any benefit of doubt.
I feel we are ignoring the most important aspects here - the wealth being lost or stolen due to inflation and taxation. And power of compounding. Instead of blaming the rich, we need to talk more about the system and the game. Rich just learn the rules of the game and play it well. So blame the game, not the player. For instance if someone just buys and keeps a property that has low to no maintenance cost, he keeps getting rich without doing anything vs. someone who hoards money or keeps money at home or bank.
Bhai - this is bull shit; he is just a marketer with no real understanding of how world works. Half truths with masala stories is not worth being grateful for. Read actual stuff - pop economics books are a good start.
I like this man n the way it puts it across with simplicity and with the amount of knowledge he possess.. cherry on top was Raavya couldn't stop admiring her.. 😍
Dollar printing bhi kuch hota h wo limit, sirf mindset se nhi hota comeback,,,, ye mindset se west ka destruction agle 2 y me dekhne ko milega tb smjh aayega family business ya business se lagav kitna jruri h
आप बहुत ही ओजस्वी वक्ता है में आशा करता हूं मेरे जेसे छोटे से समाजसेवी के चैनल का आप प्रमोशन करेंगे जोकि मेरे जेसे बहुत छोटे से समाजसेवी का पथ का उदय होगा 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Raavya ji I saw u in ur podcast in youtube 1st time n aap yakin karo hum to fan ho gaye apke ji sach me itni cute lag rahe ho na ki kya hi bolu mai Dhruv rathee ke video dekhta hu but today 1dt time I saw u in that wow superb ha god blessed u lots 🙏🏻india n I proud v much apko dekh ke yaha sach me lovly it is thnx 👍🏻🙏🏻
Meri gali me bhi ek admi itni badi badi baatein karta tha bade bade logo ki.. Hum sab sochte the isko to sab kuchh pata hai..Aaj wo apne hi ghar me kiraye pe rehta hai jo usne ek saal pehle kharida tha..
@@Nonstop20 bhai usne ghar bech diya loss k karan or ab usi ghar me kiraye pe rehta hai loss bhi jua satte me kiya hai thode din phle padosiuo ki 2scooty mangke le gaya or 35000 me girvi rakh aaya batao.. Jab padosiyo ko pata chala to khub kuta usko..
@@ramdwivedi1142 Usne kha to "Ek aam aadmi ke pas paisa aata n To wo khud ko bhul jata h Aur Achanak se paisa handle nhi hota Luxurious things pe spent krte hai" Isliye he's not
@@ramdwivedi1142 thing is many indians aren't rich even if they tried to be like that its near impossible unless they start a business to get rich see investment is also a scheme based on your wealth not really the best thing to get money from the best way is saving in my opinion investment is for later stages
Secrets aur Exclusive knowledge jo Rich log Secret rakh rahe hain ..this is an evidence in itself that Money is in the hands of Wrong People who don't serve humans rather consume humans as Consumers and Fill their own pockets and Will exploit the Ones with less or no power.
Mam make a video for the peoples who earns 30k per month How they need to spend and where they need to invest and how they grow up and what their mindset needs to be.
His brain 🧠 is mind blowing abhishek ji,...B D ayurveda ke taraf se,hair care serum apko dena hai, hamare taraf se apko guru dakshina,,kyunki bina mile apko sun ke hame bahut kuch sikhne ko milta,,,hamara samay bachane ke liye, dhanyawad dhanyawad
Abhishek valid point have from raavaya you have to work on that female scamer😊 By the way which you have said all the talk, I already have said nearly 70% in my near by but of course you have done more insight. Keep it up brother 👍 and you have to guide to raavaya for future learning and earning because she want to do.
It is very insightful and informative podcast. One of the best and interesting people I have ever watched Mr. Abhishek Kar. I learned many things from his each and every videos. He is gem of knowledge. These kind of knowledge brings more and more interest to listeners. Huge respect for Abhishek Sir. Thank you so much for sharing such knowledge. Keep doing. Love you.
One thing I would add is that all the examples that Abhishek has used including Trump, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs etc. These folks came from millionaire families and thus had the stability to take greater risks that a normal person would not think to take!
I don't feel it makes any sense in knowing the dark side/evil side of the rich (If the focus is on learning) from them. This podcast was very useful to know what habits/investment avenues should I focus on if you want to create wealth. Thank you for the same. Rgds
Liked & appreciate this video the most as I know Abhishek ji from long time and following him for so many years. One such example of his genius knowledge is he'd cautioned his audience well in advance about onset of Covid19 in India and its possible impacts on people lives thereafter and believe me at that time it wasn't written anywhere just to speak out. Thanks Abhishek bhai for your valuable time and thanks Ravya for gathering, preparing a detailed & knowledgeable questionnaire 🙏🏻
Q for next podcast: Ut us clear that becoming a millionaire or billionaire through completely legal and ethical methods is a remote possibility for the common man, even if he is a sharp at business. Aam Aadmi can only dream about incremental growth in his wealth. For him, becoming very rich or super rich can be a change over ggeneration(s). What are the methods to be learned by current gen and taught to nxtgen to realize such a dream, in the Indian context. How should parents look at money and how should children be taught to grow money? In short, what should indias middle class get into so that India can stand in the Top-2 in the next 2 decades?
Just one question to Mr abhishek kar ji, pls reveal the source of these data you are claiming, if some informations are so secretive and sensitive and confidential which is not accessible to even govt agencies, how you know and access those confidential data and speak about them with lots of ease, though it’s not a question anybody would like to answer but still I thought to put on
Good question. Appreciate I dont think he would reply to your question. My opinion: He is a good storyteller, and people in India like to hear mysterious things, and he is good businessmen too. He needs fame and money.
Everyone getting focus on what they needed. Sab apni apni manki baath hai. If you are a serious investors you will focus on conversation rest doesn't matters
We hear some rich people from some developed countries are investing in India to see that their interests are kept alive. They try to control or destabilize political parties or even the government.
Let's talk about 1 billion dollar: Agr 1 billion dollar KO aaj ky rate ky mutabiq multiply kry 1000000000×83 =83000000000 bnty hy Aur 274 years ko 365 days sy multiply kry to: 100000 days bnty. Ab inki calculation kry to: 83000000000 Indian rupee ÷100000 days =830000/day answer
Regarding Clothing point. I also do the same thing because its convenient, does not require thinking and does not invoke any specific response or judgement. My likes may not be favourable for my business I mean if I wear a bright red or yellow shirts with bellbottom it may not be good for my company.
हमारे चौक में बैठे बेरोजगार इसके जैसेही बाते करते थे... यहा पे नाम नहीं लुंगा किसी का... वो अब यू-ट्यूबर बन गये 😂😂😂... उनको कभी कोई कामं ढंग से नहीं आया लेकिन अब वो सब इनफ्लूएन्सर है 😂😂😂
Very nice and very very informative podcast. Raavya could ask interesting questions to the speaker which increases listeners knowledge. It gave adequate motivation and ideas to increase wealth. Please keep it up and continue making such excellent podcasts, however perhaps not more than 20 minutes sessions.
Hi Raavya very important and informative views by Abhishek. He has given so much motivating tips which can help a person to grow much richer.Regarding Google it’s better to turnoff the microphone when not needed from all apps.
I love the host and the guest conversation, which is full of knowledge, correct, and authentic information presented in the most decent way. Host Raavya Sarda is very polite and humble, qualities I really adore. She allows the guest to express his views while listening carefully and calmly. This is truly the best podcast ever. Keep it up! I've subscribed to your channel. God bless you.
😮i😮😮😮iii😮😮😮h😮😮😮i😮i😮😮i😮😮iii😮😮i😮hj😮😮i😮ii😮jijijjijji.ijiiiiiiijjjiiiiiiijjiijjiikjjjiijiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjijjjjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjǰjjjjkjjjjjjjjkjjjjjjǰkkkkjjjjjjjjj j jo v h apko punjabi just jjjjjjjjjjjkjjjjik niìo😮i😮😮😮ì😮😮ìi😮ìii😮î😮ìì😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮ÿ😮ÿ😮I am😮 ìkkkkkkklkkkkkkkk😮😮kk😮k😮k😮kkk😮k😮lk😮😮kk😮olkkkkkk😮k😮kkk😮k😮k😮kkkk😮😮kk😮😮k😮k😮kk😮😮k😮😮k😮😮k😮k😮k😮😮kk😮😮k😮😮😮😮k😮😮k😮😮😮😮k😮k😮😮k😮😮k😮😮kk😮😮k😮😮k😮😮ì😮ķ😮ķk😮😮k😮ķķ😮ķ😮ķkkjkķ😮k😮kk😮kƙoʻkk😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😅ii😮😮
guest is just throwing things isn't knowledgeable as shit
He is talking very deep..
But he also tells 70% truth
if he provide other 30 % he will be gone
The guy is a fraud
100% ap bataye
Not 70% it's something about 30%
This is why my Dadaji always and Forever Insisted that *TIME * is *MONEY *
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V vffc. Hf. f fv ffvvf
fvvf.ffvffvdvfvf vfv.fvvcffvvf vv f vf cfvvd f.vf fvv.ff v
Fvff d v.f ffvffvvvf f
ffv vv.f
fvf fv.dvff vfffvv.f.fvf
Dvff ffvf.vffff vdfvf dv.vvvv f vv cvdd ffvf fvv. V.fvf f vdf ffvv
fc vfvf f vf
V vf fv vvvfvvvffv
fv.f fvff fffvv dvdv vvcv.vv fv
fff.c v.fvvvv vfvvvf fvv vcffvf.fvfv.fvvfv v f vv fvvvffvvdvvvvff vf
Vf f vfvdvf.vcfvf..dvdv vfv fv vv fvfvff ff c ff. fvvvvf v ffvvdvffv ff
ffvvvv ff.vfv fvf fd
fv.f vfvvvfvfv dfc. Vfdv.ffv.f
d vd vf f f fvdv vf vf fvf.vfd f d.d f vvv fv vvf vf.vd vvvf v vvv v fvbvvfcvvffvfvvvfcv ffvv v fvvffv ff.dff vdfvd vvcdvf.dvv v fv.dvvvvfvf..f f vv .fdffvv ffddvfv fv fv vvvf. fvdvv.f dvffv vfd fvf vff.vff fvvff v..ff ffvvf.dv ddv.fv vvd vvfvfv fvcf.vdv fvvff vf v ff vffvv ff.fff.v
F vf vvv f vffv.v vv
Vf d f c ffvdvd f f vf.dc vf. D vf fvf.vv f v vf.vf ff d.
fc vvd f..v vfvvvv f ffvf vvcv.cf c.ffvfc. fv ff fv d.ff ffff fv f f.f.f fvvf f. Fvfvv v c vfvvf vvfvf fvvfd cv vff f vf. Ffvf f v fbf d v.vdv f v vfvf fffvf vfvvf.fvf.v f v.cd f fvvvfv fvcff vfv f vv fvvfv fvvvf vvff.f f.f.vv vf v vf vf v d.fv vfvvvf fv v.fc
ff. Vf v
ff ff.ff vvd vfvvd
Vffcvfv v
ff fff fv vv vv vdvffvf. dvv.df.vfv v ff f v d ff v vvv fvd vv v fvbd v.fv f f fffv ffv fvf fd fffff fv vd vv v ff f fffvfvdddvvv cvv vvvf vv dvbvfdvvvvvvfdd.f fdv vv vddf vdf vdf vfcf vvvvfff v vf bvvvffv.dvfvv fdvvcdvvdvf f.vvffvvffvf d v f v f ffvf vv.ffvvvdfvfvffvf vvd v dvf vff fc f f
v d vvv ff d.ff.ff d f dv fvv bfv.fv fvd vvfvf dvcc. F.f
Vff f vff ff fc.v.ffff.d f vf d vdd vf.vfv f.ff dbddfv.f f fd d ffv fvf.fdd fv f d.v v vf d dvfvfvd.fv fvv f..ff f f f vvdvvvdf c.fvvf vv f dfvff.fvb v vvdfvvvc.fdd dv v f
vvf vccf vfv d.ffv v f vf f.dvvdvvvv v fvv f
vd. fvvvd fv fvvdf f.vdf bf v f
Vvdfhfvv.fvvfvf f fdff f f vd ff fvffvff vf f bdvf v cf.vdv fvd vvv vbdfvfvfd vvvf v vdfvfv d v ff vfffv fvdfvcf d vff vdd vvfvbff.f v vvvdf fv d.f fv vfv fvvd fffh. Vdfvv dv f
fbdfvv v d d fvvfvf df bdfv.f. vvvd v dvf vvddf fffvcv fvcvf f vffndvdhv fv v ffdbc bd f fv fvfd vf f vff
Df ff fc fvv v v dc d fff ff. d ff fcdfvf fv v d.f vddf vf vdc f vd.vvd cdvddfvvv vffvd f dffv bvv fvfv f. Ffvfd d vvvff vvvvfvf v vvv fhddfd f vd ddf.vffvbfffbff.fd f f ff vb vv.vd v f f ff fff fdvvvf vdfdv ffvvhdbvv fv f f f vf vdvd f f v vb f c ffv vdc f.c v vdv f fvvdv dvvv dvv dc fd f f ffvdvdf dffb. Fvvv. Vv d f. f fdv dhvfvvd vvc.f
d.f df v dbdffdf fv vff v
f dv f d fv
ffvf v v gfv f d d vd f dvfdc db v ff vbdddc fvdv vdd fvd fd.fdcd.f d d d dv fvv vv v d f dvd d fdf vvddd ffddbdf fvvd
Df v vd vdf f f v c dvvdvvdfvvfvvd f ddd v vdfvvd vdbc d c dvfvf dd vvvf f vvc d dfddb ffhdbf dvddvdd f fv dvdbfd. vdfdvf f d vd df dv fv ffv f fbb vhvd dd vd v dvdfv vdvffdd d cdd f dd v dv ddf fd d fd dvdvvd dddh dfffbd vv dvvvd dv fv fvdfdd vdfv dc dddvvdd d d vdd fbd dd dddddf fv ddv d f fcdvvvdvvdb.dbdv vdd d fdd vffvdvd vbdf vvdvddb d.vcdfvdd d dd dd vvf bdv.ddv d fdvvf.bf dddvdv fv fd d vvd ddvd ddvf.v ddvddd d dv d fd.f d dvvf ddvvf d f d cv dvdd d dnddvdd fffcd d fvdv fhddvvf vd ddvdvdb d d dv dvhdvddhdvd d dhbd d d vcvvvvdd vd d fv dd bd v vd d v h d fd dv dvd dvdddbvdhdd vdcvd fdvv dddh ddvbdd d d d vd dh ddvd dvvd dd dd dd ddd d ddvvdh dhdvdd d d fv xx x.
Time is more than money
This video is just like reading a good book. Thanks indeed.
Raavya Mam comments me ye log kuchh bhi bole ge negative things... Don't focus on them.. Mene ye podcast bhi dekh.. Just awesome and very much Best. Aap jo Questions puchh te ho na wo sidhe audience se relate kr te hai...
Keep it up aap ko support kr ne wale bahut log hai.. 😊
What about her boobs
Kuch bhi nahi bolre sach bolre h. She is herself objectifying her body showing cleavage to get more views. Guys its not the podcast it’s same as how prostitution would earn views.
This men is so down to earth. He never post his pics with of Dubai Prince or BlackRock founder or Elon Musk 😊
But he can observe he can read, he might be analytical…No?
@@muhammadalishah9182yes and most importantly he can scam also I mean he did it 😁
Another mindblowing podcast by Abhishek sir. All his podcasts hit 1 M views and many likes because of his knowledge. Duniya jale to jale he never stops.
Badi badi fekne wala scammer hai vo
He ran away from twitter to insta, TH-cam when he was exposed
O mind-blowing Wale........iske baare me tumhe abhi nhi pta hai
isko khud ka 4 crore ka loss recover karne ke liye ye sb karna pad rha hai , bakchodi karo aur views badhao taki youtube se income karo taki loss ke paise wapis aa jaye account me
Trading Karu J bhar... Gyan pelo raat bhar...😂
Amazing!! He knows all the hidden secrets of Gods as well and that happened before the Universe was created.
Atleast he is spreading his aquired knowledge.
Bol do kaun ayegaa jhoot pakarne😂🤣
I love abhishekh Kar. I don't understand why isn't he a billionaire till now. He has all knowledge
Because Being a billionaire 99% of the time takes being mildly-heavily morally corrupt..if he was one some would want to be him, simultaneously questioning his morals.
• He doesn't need to be ultra rich by doing bad deeds to be truly happy, as long as he's secure and has financial freedom after one point money stops mattering..
• So Just because you know how something happens, doesn't mean you wanna do it, generational wealth actually creates more chaos & family fighting anyway...
• n he can apply what/whenever he wants anyway but it takes time & willingness to apply, or any one would ask you why are you not ultra rich now that you watched this podcast/course etc.
• And only focus on money means many people lose their focus on their health,relationships,spirituality, and doing all the bad things affects their mental health too (unless they're psychopaths people have guilt,shame etc whether people know or not) which matters for true happiness.
And you definitely are not truly happy if you have to do ego battles over who's richer & even if you're the richest your greed will never be satisfied.
• & He says at 43:11m billionnaires don't care about people thinking if you're a thief, but if you care about being richer than someone, then you care about someone's opinion, just that you gave up on morals as you can't live up to them, and chase egoism as thats your speciality..
• Obviously this is just my opinion on, happiness they'll know whether it was a happy life at the moments of death or later anyway.
@@kizryuver teue
Because he doesn't wanna dirty his hand & loose his sleep eventually
@@neelamvatsyayan1999 ya n he doesn't have to be a billionaire/show it to be rich & happy. After a point of comfortable living, wealth stops mattering unless it's an ego contest.
- similarly many get in debt + go broke to look rich. but most real rich people esp 1 gen Americans quiet rich next doors as they don't need external validation of public anymore. Eg. book top 1% shares money misconceptions.
N you probably meant to say true but ya.
n some things eg. yachts etc are non-depreciative if maintained but for most richness = assets eg. investments in stocks,metals,savings, bad vs good debts,passive income from creations etc.
@@neelamvatsyayan1999 ya n he doesn't have to be a billionaire or show it to be rich & happy. After a point of comfortable living, wealth stops mattering unless it's an ego contest.
• similarly many get in debt n go broke to look rich. but most real rich people esp 1st gen Americans quiet rich next doors as they don't need external validation of public anymore. Eg. book top 1% shares money misconceptions.
• N you probably meant to say true but ya. n some things eg. yachts etc are non-depreciative if maintained but for most wealth is assets eg. investments in stocks,metals,savings, bad vs good debts,passive income from creations etc.
I 1000% agree with Abhishek, his brain is mind blowing. I deal with male dominance all the time, if I let it go, omg, man thinks he got away with it…..
I watched this podcast twice times completely!
It's worth watching You'd never feel bored while watching it because the way story has been narrated absolutely awesome!❤
Thx you ma'am for bringing him on the show! He's really a Legend who has lots and lots of knowledge about business lives, millionaires, billionaires!
I genuinely look forward to watching the part - II.
Success attracts more success. Failure attracts more failure. That's the law of nature.
Success attracts success , whereas faliure begets faliure.
Success attracts destractions . Failure attracts steps to success . This is what outcome of sucesfull people.
The lady scammers
1. Chitra Ramkrishna who was the CEO in the NSE and she was found some connection between Himalayan yogi and she use to take decision according to him.
2. Chanda Kocchar who was CEO of the ICICI bank was found guilty with Videocon group for given loans
add neera radiya and barkha dutt lobbyist in 2g scam
When women are given absolute power they misuse it like in case of fake domestic violence and sexual assault cases. Close to 2 lakh men commit suicide in India due to fake cases against them by women. Imagine the sacle of economic fraud once they take charge. So men and women are equally corrupt and cruel and no one gender should be given any benefit of doubt.
They will also achieve equality in this space also 😁
Appreciate Indian laws able to catch them.
One coin scammer lady.
Conversation was awesome.
Pallu bas thik se lena tha....
Itni lanbi saree pahante hai par pallu thik se nahi lena ata kya?
Correct. Distraction
Ache admi ko khraab karna ke liye 😅
Cleavage dikha rahi hai
dyan batak jata hain , itna serious baate bol rehe hain , cleavage dekke dimag koi aur chole jate hain
Of course... galti to hamesha ladki ki hi hoti hai...
This video is not only a podcast i felt that im gone through a mini earth i loved this world it's amazing 🤩
I feel we are ignoring the most important aspects here - the wealth being lost or stolen due to inflation and taxation. And power of compounding. Instead of blaming the rich, we need to talk more about the system and the game. Rich just learn the rules of the game and play it well. So blame the game, not the player. For instance if someone just buys and keeps a property that has low to no maintenance cost, he keeps getting rich without doing anything vs. someone who hoards money or keeps money at home or bank.
Rich makes the game
At the age of 17 I'm great full to watch this podcast ❤
padhai kr le bhai
@@shubhankarsharad1895 hahhahahahha
Bhai - this is bull shit; he is just a marketer with no real understanding of how world works.
Half truths with masala stories is not worth being grateful for.
Read actual stuff - pop economics books are a good start.
ap ne parai karke kya ukada hain ji ??
@@shubhankarsharad1895 but listen chachaji i am topper in my class so don't teach me what should i do
@@MrPrabhatRastogi Pakistan de hai kya bhai aap
The main reason Ultra Rich buy Yachts / Jets mostly bcoz of Tax saving. The will show this as a business related expense.
Aur rent pe deke instalment maintenance nikal lete
Like you😂😂
She know how to get and stay audience watching till the end 🏀⚽
great observation😂❤
Abhishek is ocean of knowledge.
Please call him again
It's ok what u r doing do not change on what egoistic people are talking.....mam iam with u...❤
Nhi karegi like
@@Memebox711sach bola bhai tune. Woh madam waha likes ke liye mari h aur ye madam ke chat ke madam se like ke liye mara h 😂
I like this man n the way it puts it across with simplicity and with the amount of knowledge he possess.. cherry on top was Raavya couldn't stop admiring her.. 😍
You guys nailed it🤩 Bravo and hats off to @abhishek who couraged to speak it out.
Dollar printing bhi kuch hota h wo limit, sirf mindset se nhi hota comeback,,,, ye mindset se west ka destruction agle 2 y me dekhne ko milega tb smjh aayega family business ya business se lagav kitna jruri h
Aapka explain karne ka tarika bohot achha aur clear hai, point to point. I really love your videos, pls keep making such videos.
One more mindblowing podcast! Love him as he is the only one who reveals these dark secrets.
How many times 😂😂😂
Wo khud fraud hai. Course bech ke Paisa kamata hai jabki khud loss mein hai.
Yeah but unfortunately people also reveals his dark secrets that he is not a profitable trader and got exposed 😁
@@Samudragupta_ that doesn't mean these facts are also false..
@@cdas3317 Lol! He pulls out most of the facts Outta his ass. Most of them are the Conspiracy theories.
Podcast was too good . Got a lot of insights. Thanks Abhishek for the knowledge .
आप बहुत ही ओजस्वी वक्ता है में आशा करता हूं मेरे जेसे छोटे से समाजसेवी के चैनल का आप प्रमोशन करेंगे जोकि मेरे जेसे बहुत छोटे से समाजसेवी का पथ का उदय होगा 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Mam i just can't believe how beautiful you are. Maine pura podcast suna but sab bhool gaya , bas aapko dekha. Bas aur kuch nahi, baat khatam. ❤
Raavya ji I saw u in ur podcast in youtube 1st time n aap yakin karo hum to fan ho gaye apke ji sach me itni cute lag rahe ho na ki kya hi bolu mai Dhruv rathee ke video dekhta hu but today 1dt time I saw u in that wow superb ha god blessed u lots 🙏🏻india n I proud v much apko dekh ke yaha sach me lovly it is thnx 👍🏻🙏🏻
1:09:02 & being very smart she implemented it happily 😊
Hypocrisy ki bhi seema hoti hai 😂😂
Exactly, controversial toh hoti ho ladkiyaan
Meri gali me bhi ek admi itni badi badi baatein karta tha bade bade logo ki.. Hum sab sochte the isko to sab kuchh pata hai..Aaj wo apne hi ghar me kiraye pe rehta hai jo usne ek saal pehle kharida tha..
Kiraye pe rehna sahi h or ghar kareed k kiraype dena ye smart logo ki pahchan 5000 ap kirya dete or10000 ap apne ghr kiraye oe dekr kama rhe
@@Nonstop20 bhai usne ghar bech diya loss k karan or ab usi ghar me kiraye pe rehta hai loss bhi jua satte me kiya hai thode din phle padosiuo ki 2scooty mangke le gaya or 35000 me girvi rakh aaya batao.. Jab padosiyo ko pata chala to khub kuta usko..
@@thecuriousmind4381 ohhh to ye masla tha maine socha dimag chalaya hoga isne ye to fir nikamma sattebaj nikla hahah
Abhishek is knowledge powerhouse, love to hear him speak.
Then why he is not millionaire or billionaire??? Gyan bacha bacha bhi pale raha hai aaj kal..
Usne kha to
"Ek aam aadmi ke pas paisa aata n
To wo khud ko bhul jata h
Achanak se paisa handle nhi hota
Luxurious things pe spent krte hai"
Isliye he's not
@@ramdwivedi1142 thing is many indians aren't rich even if they tried to be like that its near impossible unless they start a business to get rich see investment is also a scheme based on your wealth not really the best thing to get money from the best way is saving in my opinion investment is for later stages
This VIDEO is mind exploring for me, thank you for this...❣
Is this like got from you or a coordinator plz 🙏reply
I am still waiting mam plz 🙏reply
Plz reply mam
Company Name:- Adani,
Really Amazing 🎉
So helpful video 👍
Enjoed this video 🎊
Thankyou very much 💐🙏
Secrets aur Exclusive knowledge jo Rich log Secret rakh rahe hain ..this is an evidence in itself that Money is in the hands of Wrong People who don't serve humans rather consume humans as Consumers and Fill their own pockets and Will exploit the Ones with less or no power.
In bhaiya ji ke paas bolne ki bohot acchy kalaah hai ye apni boli ki roti kha rahe hai beautiful conversation very informative and knowledgeable 👍
बोली का नहीं बल्कि बुद्धि का
@@godofliberty3664 ji bilkul sahi buddhi hogi tabhi toh zuban pe ayegi na .
Thanks, Ravya, for sharing this podcast... very helpful to understand each and every aspect of life..mindset should be prepared to become rich.
This guy is truly inspiring n genuine words he spoken
Seriously an *Eye opening * video
The way Abhishek explains it is very good...well done raavya bringing him on the podcast
I first time saw podcast of this channel and. Loved it ... mind-blowing things got to know .... ❤❤❤
For the value of time... Time of a person must be valuable 😊
Interesting, logical and informative.
Mam make a video for the peoples who earns 30k per month
How they need to spend and where they need to invest and how they grow up and what their mindset needs to be.
Thank you for this podcast
Just continue these type of conversation for more learning.amazing conversation 🎉🎉
Bhai is bndaa ka jwab nhi....
Me iska fan ho gya huu...❤❤❤
His brain 🧠 is mind blowing abhishek ji,...B D ayurveda ke taraf se,hair care serum apko dena hai, hamare taraf se apko guru dakshina,,kyunki bina mile apko sun ke hame bahut kuch sikhne ko milta,,,hamara samay bachane ke liye, dhanyawad dhanyawad
Abhishek valid point have from raavaya you have to work on that female scamer😊 By the way which you have said all the talk, I already have said nearly 70% in my near by but of course you have done more insight. Keep it up brother 👍 and you have to guide to raavaya for
future learning and earning because she want to do.
Yes Right sir About Google (Google ads) I am also run Google ads for my clients because I am social media advertiser. And Google all know about we.💯
Before running google ads , you need to learn english i think..
@@Kamal-qc8yt I totally agree with you
It is very insightful and informative podcast. One of the best and interesting people I have ever watched Mr. Abhishek Kar. I learned many things from his each and every videos. He is gem of knowledge. These kind of knowledge brings more and more interest to listeners. Huge respect for Abhishek Sir. Thank you so much for sharing such knowledge. Keep doing. Love you.
Nahi SEBI isko pakra bhi hai froude me
Please search for his past fraud showing fake gains while giving training. People like him should be admonished not lionised.
Need Abhishek Sir's Laser focus. He is not getting distracted at all. Real Sigma
Sakht londe hai wo
Aisi cheeze off the camera hoti hai. Ya to shoot shuru hone se pehele ya shoot hone k baad.
@@GoodSoulPossiblehaha😂 behind the scenes
One thing I would add is that all the examples that Abhishek has used including Trump, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs etc. These folks came from millionaire families and thus had the stability to take greater risks that a normal person would not think to take!
I don't feel it makes any sense in knowing the dark side/evil side of the rich (If the focus is on learning) from them. This podcast was very useful to know what habits/investment avenues should I focus on if you want to create wealth.
Thank you for the same. Rgds
1:00:45 that movie is Eyes Wide Shut directed by Stanley Kubrick.
That director's death and 30mins scene cut is true?
One of the fantastic and knowledgeable podcasts i have ever watched. Thanks to both of you.
Thankx kar sir ur really not millionaire u r god for me u r good teacher for me 🙏🙏🙏
Absolutely interesting videos all times, it helps and give knowledge how one can become rich.❤❤
Kitney pyarey hain ye mam......... Proper gracefull... I just need wife like her.... Who make my life complete........
Sahi planning Chaldea bai
If you marry a female like her, you will get cuckolded. Don't be a simp, just look at her dressing sense.
Riveting !!!! 👍👍 A big salute to Mr Abhishek 🇮🇳 it takes courage to speak up truthfully & factually
Wonderful Podcast. All the points were very important to know. Thank You Abhishek Sir and Madam.
This man speaks some words extra for the rich people
Bahut zabardast interview information to anybody and everybody in the world.
Liked & appreciate this video the most as I know Abhishek ji from long time and following him for so many years.
One such example of his genius knowledge is he'd cautioned his audience well in advance about onset of Covid19 in India and its possible impacts on people lives thereafter and believe me at that time it wasn't written anywhere just to speak out.
Thanks Abhishek bhai for your valuable time and thanks Ravya for gathering, preparing a detailed & knowledgeable questionnaire 🙏🏻
Q for next podcast:
Ut us clear that becoming a millionaire or billionaire through completely legal and ethical methods is a remote possibility for the common man, even if he is a sharp at business. Aam Aadmi can only dream about incremental growth in his wealth.
For him, becoming very rich or super rich can be a change over ggeneration(s).
What are the methods to be learned by current gen and taught to nxtgen to realize such a dream, in the Indian context.
How should parents look at money and how should children be taught to grow money?
In short, what should indias middle class get into so that India can stand in the Top-2 in the next 2 decades?
😂 jab jab camera raavyaji ke uper ja raha hai mera mind blow ho rana nai pata nahi kyu... ye har bar ho raha hai😊 25:14 🤩
woh dikha rhi hai, hum dekh rhe hein. She knows how to do business.
mera bhi ho raha hai 😂😂😂😂😂
Boobs mst hai
He speaks straight to the point and knows alot in his niche
Give me few millions and I'll stabilize my self financially, because only big money makes more money, that's the reality.
I am eagerly waiting Abhishek Kar to make videos on bright side of something.
Ye accha tha Guru😂
Abhishek kar is very good storyteller, thank you very much for this 🙏🙏❤❤
Storyteller Matlab jhuta, liar a very big liar..hai yeh jo bakwas kartha hai, boltu hai, radio hai..😂😂
Just one question to Mr abhishek kar ji, pls reveal the source of these data you are claiming, if some informations are so secretive and sensitive and confidential which is not accessible to even govt agencies, how you know and access those confidential data and speak about them with lots of ease, though it’s not a question anybody would like to answer but still I thought to put on
Good question. Appreciate
I dont think he would reply to your question.
My opinion:
He is a good storyteller, and people in India like to hear mysterious things, and he is good businessmen too. He needs fame and money.
Everyone getting focus on what they needed. Sab apni apni manki baath hai. If you are a serious investors you will focus on conversation rest doesn't matters
Hum ho gaye AAPKE 👍🏻💞FAN JI 🙏🏻🙏🏻🌹🌹🌹
One more podcast with Abhishek sir ❤
Legend focus the goal 😂😂
Abhishek see the goal 😂😊
Bhai mujje lag raha tha me hi focus p dhyan de raha hu
Not goal..
It's goal goal 😂
Yes its was true Abhishek know the goal 😂😍
Abhishek bhai, Appreciate your patience.
We hear some rich people from some developed countries are investing in India to see that their interests are kept alive. They try to control or destabilize political parties or even the government.
With so much of front camera talent. Why is this TH-cam channel about 35,000 plus?
Podcast देख के सच में बिलिनियर हु ऐसा लग रहा है❤
Raavya 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
yes it is really eye opening for Abhishek 🤣🤣❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🤣🤣😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
I know what u mean
😂😂Thats what I am looking in podcast or
Let's talk about 1 billion dollar:
Agr 1 billion dollar KO aaj ky rate ky mutabiq multiply kry 1000000000×83
=83000000000 bnty hy
Aur 274 years ko 365 days sy multiply kry to:
100000 days bnty.
Ab inki calculation kry to:
83000000000 Indian rupee ÷100000 days
=830000/day answer
पहले तो Millionare बनना है❤❤❤❤❤
Abhishek kar sir jaisa bht zabardast baate batate hai
Pehli baar podcast dekrahe ho?😂😂😂
@@shabbirahmedshabal6452 Are nhi bhai bht phle se dekhta hu
bakchod hai, yehi kar walo usse
Excellent Podcast ....Thank you so much for Abhishek Sir and you Mam
His talk is valid only after we all become millioner Or billionaire. 😂😂😂
Regarding Clothing point. I also do the same thing because its convenient, does not require thinking and does not invoke any specific response or judgement. My likes may not be favourable for my business I mean if I wear a bright red or yellow shirts with bellbottom it may not be good for my company.
Sir.. Love to watch all your podcast.. 🥰
How they live the life by habits and mindset rich people
हमारे चौक में बैठे बेरोजगार इसके जैसेही बाते करते थे... यहा पे नाम नहीं लुंगा किसी का... वो अब यू-ट्यूबर बन गये 😂😂😂... उनको कभी कोई कामं ढंग से नहीं आया लेकिन अब वो सब इनफ्लूएन्सर है 😂😂😂
in shorts, its called bakch**di
get well soon
और तुम्हारे जैसे लोग वह भी नहीं बन पाए। और आज घर पर बैठकर चौक पर बैठने वालों की टांग खींच रहे हैं😂😂
@@successdarah हमे वैसा बकवास इन्सान बन ना भी नहीं है! हम अपनी उंचाई पर एकदम सही है |
He should be the world richest in the world if he knows everything
Very nice and very very informative podcast. Raavya could ask interesting questions to the speaker which increases listeners knowledge. It gave adequate motivation and ideas to increase wealth. Please keep it up and continue making such excellent podcasts, however perhaps not more than 20 minutes sessions.
We need more podcasts like this...👍💯
But same information 😂😂😂😂😂
Abhishek ki khud ki Ak duniya h.... Jisme ye jeeta h... Pata nhi kya imagine kr rkha h isne... Aur esey log aur esey bada rhe h
App Bahut intelligent Hai, Madamji.
Legends focus
Fact+Narritave ka Perfect blend
Pooja singhal IAS from Jharkhand 17000 crore
I am watching such type of videos for the first time and it is quite interesting and thrilling like a movie. Now I will only watch such podcast.
Hi Raavya very important and informative views by Abhishek. He has given so much motivating tips which can help a person to grow much richer.Regarding Google it’s better to turnoff the microphone when not needed from all apps.