I came back to this 2 days later to say I was laying in bed watching this when I felt a weird "pop" laid there for 5 min stood up and my water broke in the middle of watching thie❤ babygirl is 5 pounds 12 ounces and came flying out. Inwas a first time mom and had her in about 11 hours. 💗
Pre-labor for three days on and off now.....I get so excited, and then things slow down! Thanks for this video. Love being informed because it helps to put me at ease! 💜
39 weeks and 2 days today. Been 1cm for 3 weeks now, and I've been having awful pelvic pressure. The constant feeling like you have to go number 2 is driving me insane. I'm praying he will come soon and just trying to pay attention for those contractions.
This! I am 39+2 also right now and have had contractions the last TWO nights meaning I didn’t get much sleep and then they go away after I go to work. But it also just feels like I always need to sit on the toilet 😫 I haven’t been dilating at all yet, but I’m hoping this is helping it start!
So encouraging! I’m 39 weeks with my third baby and the last 3 weeks I had been having false labor that I never had with my first two. So crazy how different every labor is!
This is EXACTLY what I need right now, 37 weeks with the random back aches and surges, only dialated 1cm, barely thinned or anything 😬 fingers crossed this baby gets going!!
Love this video! Food and drink is so important in childbirth but so often women feel like they don't want to eat or drink anything but you must. In one of my antenatal books, I once read that we can burn up to 9000 calories in labour. So, if we don't eat or stay hydrated, we can burn out and our bodies simply haven't got the energy to contract effectively or dilate the cervix. This can really elongate prodromal labour and the start/stop scenario. My labour was 24 hours long which is not that long for a first labour (12-18 hour is the average) and i was exhausted by the end. As a hypnobirthing teacher, I knew the importance of rest, food and drink and optimal positioning for my baby so I had tools to help me keep going. I didn't feel like I wanted to eat but I made sure that i accepted little bites of food regularly from my partner so I could keep my contractions coming. Good luck to all the mamas out there! Wishing you a great birth experience, Anja xxxx
@@amygodward4472 it was one from the library but I can't remember which one. I've read so many and it always frustrates me that I've never been able to find/remember that particular one since! X
I kept going into prelabor from 37 weeks til the day I had my baby girl at 41weeks 2 days. Since I was overdue I was induced (1/4 of misoprostol) around when contractions started which was 10pm. She was here by 12:30 am so all that prodromal labor made my labor so much more smooth.
I’m 30 weeks, FTM and it still is so crazy to think that there really is a little baby inside of me! Thank you for all your videos, they have helped me so much!
I had the start and stop and was not prepared. I wanted rest but there’s so many interruptions in your room, the doctors wouldn’t let me eat or drink because they assumed surgery was likely, didn’t feel safe in the middle of covid, and baby was positioned right but not being supported or safe and rushed by doctors was not optimal. Mama’s be prepared to be your own advocate and listen to these videos they will make a lot of sense when you’re experiencing these things that can’t be understood until it happens to you.
Thank you for this! I've had start and stop labor for a couple weeks now...it is so frustrating! Baby was 40 weeks yesterday, so I'm anxious for her to come. It's our first, so it can be so confusing trying to read the signs. I definitely have had alot of low cramping off and on for days, but that hasn't turned into anything substantial. Today I've had so much tightening, cramping and a couple of contractions, but it seems to be start and stop. So, I'm going to do your 5 exercises and hopefully get this little girl going! Thanks so much for your suggestions and expertise!!
I'm getting ready for birth #5 and gosh I wish I had found your videos a couple of babies ago! Some of your information I've heard or experienced, but it's great to revisit things and to keep learning, and your tone and overall perspective is absolutely right on. Thank you so much for all your videos and for sharing this information for free with women. I will be sure to share links with friends and really want to thank you for what you're doing.
Thank you for this video. I have been extremely frustarted over the last 2 days. Keeps getting fast and painful and then stopping. I felt like I was losing my mind. Like I couldn't trust myself or my body to do this. I'm glad to here this can happen. I took benadryl last night and got good sleep and today I'm focusing on eating a lot more then I did the last 2 days. As far as mindset, I have a 4 year old, and I'm military. So not knowing who is going to be available to take her for me when I go to the hospital is really messing with my mindset. I've decided to take her with me, the hospital will allow her in the room until I have to push. So I might just have to push alone, meaning without my husband. But at least I will feel more comfortable.
I’m due 8/26/20 and it’s my first child. I didn’t think I could even have kids, am 36 so this will prob be my only one. Was super nervous and sure I was going to get epidural and whatever other drugs but your channel has given me more confidence and I am now decided on a natural birth.
Every evening I get surges that are not sharp, but definitely stronger than Braxton Hicks. They come every 10 minutes, all night long for the last 3 days. This is my 5th baby, 3rd home birth so pregnancy/labor is nothing new for me. I have supported many mothers through this type of labors, but for myself it’s very new. My labors are usually extremely fast and furious. This baby/birth is definitely teaching me something new about myself. I think I need to work on my mindset today. Hoping it’s tonight!
Update ! I gave birth on the 3 rd day of it going from close together to far apart ! When i got to the hospital i was 5 cm dilated 💙 i gave birth to my son at 38 weeks
I’m 40 + 2 days and I’ve been having contractions on and off for 3 days 😩 I’m so ready but hoping with some rest meditation and affirmations I’ll be meeting my lil boy soon x thank you for this video
This literally happened to me last night, I woke up to intense contractions, that was every 5 mins or less, lasting longer then a min, for an hour and then STOPPED😭
Congratulations on your pregnany! I had my 6th baby 3 months ago. I watched your videos even though I was an experienced mom and I learned a few things. The most useful information I gained was about hypnobirthing. I listened to your videos every night and I truly believed they really helped. I was able to labor and birth a baby for the 4 this time pain med free. I also went into labor on my own without being induced which has only happened once before. Thank you so much for dedicating your time to help expecting moms. I love how you emphasize how important the mind set is. With your help I was able to be so calm and breath through my contractions so well that hospital staff did not believe I was in labor when I got there. They took their time setting up and when I was finally checked out I was at 9 centimeters. Lol. Again, thank you! I look forward to seeing updates on your pregnancy 🤰🏼 ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for all these topics that are not easily found online nor spoken of anywhere else. You’ve been such a blessing for me to be educated about not only child birth but also, to be educated about the 4th trimester (PP) and taking care of a new born. Thank you for all the efforts and positivity you shine our way ❤️
Thank you, Bridget for the differentiation. I was thinking bad about myself. People said that Ive been overreacting about the pain. Between braxton hicks and pre-labor!! but this is my first time even my profession is a doctor.
I was due August 10th and have been getting discouraged because I’ve been getting start and stop contractions and being this is my first kid I understand I’m at a greater risk of being induced but I was really hoping to get labor started naturally thank you for your video I’m not so discouraged after watching this!
I went to 41 weeks 3 days and still delivered naturally. Even with a baby projected to be 10 lbs. My midwife said very common to go past projected due date especially for first time moms. Don't let friends/family/doctors stress you out. You can do it!! 💪💪
If I could give you any advice as a mama who has had a home birth. Do not try to push on your back. Water is great but you should not be in it for too long or you risk tearing more. Squatting is the absolute best position if u can hold it or someone can support u. A squatty potty works well for a birthing stool. Remember, stay off your back during pushing. Good luck! I'm due Sept 29th, 2020!
I’m pregnant with my second and I’m 40w3d. I started having contractions 10 minutes apart for almost an hour and decided to go to sleep to get rest while I still could. My contractions completely stopped and now I haven’t had one all day. Really hoping it starts back up
I know this may no longer be helpful but I've heard contractions will stop if baby is just not in the right position. Getting up and moving around and stretching may help. I'm 39+6 with my first and no labor symptoms yet. Trying to keep this in mind in case my labor does start and stop.
I needed this video! I literally had really bad pre labor a few nights in a row and throughout the day in between I had tightening and aching but then it just stopped, absolutely nothing now, all my symptoms have diassapeared Subhan'Allah. I had no idea what's going on but the midwifes kept telling me its ok, now I understand 👌🏽
my contractions started at 29 weeks after I had a nightmare so I'm feeling that birth begins in the brain.....I recognize your voice from the connecting to baby in the womb meditation which I liked listening to in first trimester....
I am due in a few days and have been in prelabour for a few days. I hope it progresses into early labour. Have tried dates, gentle exercise, intercourse, meditation, rest, acunpuncture and acupressure. Slowly encouraging labour to progress hopefully all this work means bub will arrive quickly once i am in active labour. Thank you for this video
I’ve been having contractions for about 16 hours now. They started being a bit more intense than braxton hicks and then I struggled to breathe and stay sat/lying down during contractions. Took some paracetamol and tried to get as much rest as possible then they were about 10 minutes apart. Fingers crossed baby wants to come out today and this doesn’t happen for days 🤞🏻
39+6 weeks … baby due tomorrow (22-2-2022!) I thought I was in the early stages of labour last night, called my midwife, we had bags ready to go, went to bed early and….. woke up 9 hours later feeling absolutely normal. Husband went to work with less of a restful sleep. So frustrating! I thought labour was just not progressing but clearly I was only experiencing pre labour symptoms. Thanks for clarifying. Crossing fingers for tomorrow!!! Ps every labour IS different! Our first baby had a severe heart condition (she didn’t survive), and labour hit me like a brick wall and was so intense for the entire 27 hour run that even the hospital staff were blown away by the intensity of my contractions. Thank heavens for epidurals. COVID restrictions this time round mean I don’t get one unless I need intervention 😑
Wondering why I'd be experiencing prodromal labor if baby is definitely in position, definitely punching cervix all day and I'm resting, eating etc... maybe some women just go through this to then have a shorter active labor? This is the second pregnancy I've had to endure this. I progressed very quickly last time; just praying baby girl would come, like now!
Watching this video I feel you dropped it for me.. loved and learned so much from your videos. Can't wait to end this pregnancy with a vbac in a week or two.
Thank you for posting. Im 41.5 weeks today with my second and though i basically feel fine and he is a busy boy i still feel some pressure to intervention. Im having an ultra sound to check on him tomorrow and watched all your induction videos to be educated on my options. My mid wife is doing fine i just doubt myself and feel mixed messages on the safety of waiting for him to come when he wants. I think im going to keep at it and let him come when he wants unless the ultrasound reads poorly. I am pumping some to help but its not doing much for me but that’s ok. I assure myself that atleast im toughening up for feeding or eventually may get out some to help feed the baby if they struggle with a tongue tie. Im not getting much out at all so really its whatever but its something that gives me a false sense of control or helping the situation😅
This video come just on time!! I’ve been getting contractions since 3days ago after losing the mucus plug with bloody show. I’m 38w and 6d. I was excited to get the show on the road but they haven’t gotten 5min apart. Still 6-15 minutes apart although they feel way more intense. I had two sleepless nights and feel exhausted! 😔
Sending you lots of positive thoughts and blessings!! 🙏🏽 You got this!!! Your time is here and before you know it your beautiful baby will be here!! So close!!
Marisol Canales thank you! ❤️ It looks like I will have another night with prodromal labor. Contractions stopped once again. I hope soon we get to meet our little girl🎀!
I feel you. I've been contracting irregularly for over a week and for the last two days I've had 10 and then 6 minutes apart contractions which got gradually more painful but now they've just stopped again and I'm so wrecked and disheartened and angry. I feel like my body is just useless.
Riana Tomkins Aw don’t be disheartened! Soon you will meet your precious baby! I finally give birth after 4 days and 3 nights with contractions. The last night the contractions were even more intense (“real” labor I guess). By then my body was too tired from all the contractions that I went to the hospital begging for an epidural. I was 5cm dilated. But finally my baby is here with me and I’m so in love! 🥰
Perfect timing on this one.. I'm due in 8 days and had two very long and stressful birhts behind me and was/am scared this one would go the same way.. Dilating with close and very intense contractions, getting to the hospital and the contractions just stopped and it was so hard getting them back on track.. And when they finally did I just wouldn't dilate anymore. I was so devastated that labor stopped again and they said were gonna wait one more hour and if nothing happens we'll do a c section (which I wanted to avoid). Luckily I finally got a pda wich helped tremendously, I could finally sleep for 5 hours (first sleep in three days) and woke up at 9cm dialeted.. But it was an exhausting journey to get to this point. And everyone said next child will be easier... Turns out the exact same thing happened again.. Now I'm here and know what went wrong! Thank you so much!!!! I'm so hopeful now that this time around it CAN go smoother and I'm not just a helpless case ❤️ thank you for your wisedome and information I found nowhere else..
@@Monicamcs oh sorry, it's an epidural (pda is what we call it in germany... Forgot to translate it 🙈) but to be honest I'm trying to avoid another epidural but I won't hesitate to get one if I see signs of the same pattern again... I'd rather have an epidural then another birth going the same way...
@@naturindabrenda8863 it was a combination of lack of sleep and a mindset... Both times I had good and useful contractions until I entered the hospital. this is when all the trouble started. I had one traumatic experience in the same hospital before both births, but went to therapy and thought I was good with it. Even though the staff and birth teams were incredible both times and I felt really comfortable during birth, unconsciously I probably couldn't really let go and kind of stopped my progression (?) This time around I'm going to a much smaller hospital with a lot calmer homier birthing delivery rooms (as opposed to very clinical and steril rooms). Unfortunately a home birth or birthing center is not an option for me so I'm hoping by changing the environment I can truly let go there and have a progressing and effective labor without medication 😊
Thank you so much for the info. Been waiting to hear from my OB for two days and sent him a message again 9 hours ago. Thanks for your education video.
I went into pre-labor at 34.5 weeks. I was having contractions every 1.5-3 minutes that would last 30-60 seconds each. Fortunately they gave me fluid IVs and I never dilated and they eventually faded after 10ish hours 😅 at least now I have a slight idea of what to expect when I go back since this is my first pregnancy 😬
Due August 16! Woke up with uncomfortable cramping this morning 🤞🤞🤞🤞 my first was 6 days late so trying not to get too excited lol. My dr wants to induce at 41 weeks though, i have had a high risk pregnancy:( so I'm really trying to get baby out before then
I wish I'd had this video a few months ago! I had a stop and start labor and ended up having to get pitocin to get things moving regularly, it was pretty brutal but I had a wonderful midwife❤
Just want to say thank you so much for sharing all this information. I am due tomorrow. I know that due dates are often inaccurate, but I am still excited and feel ready and empowered to birth this baby when she is ready to make her debut.
I've been having on and off contractions for about a week, and today they've been stronger and more intense, but still not in labor! 😩 They get close together, 5-7mins apart but then stop. At my 38w appt on Friday, my midwife did a cervical check and she noted in mychart that the baby is in the posterior position, but she didn't explain that to me while in the office. When I saw that info in mychart today, I searched up if maybe that's why my body hasn't progressed and you came up. I'm going to definitely try to see if I can get him to turn these next few days before my next appt on Friday. They offered to do a membrane sweep at that appt, but I'm hesitant. This is my 3rd baby and I didn't have this much of a hard time with my first 2.
I had pre labor for 3+ weeks during my 3rd pregnancy but it wasn't too uncomfortable. This is my 4th pregnancy and my pre labor is much worse. I'm at 40+ weeks and going on 4 weeks of prodromal labor. I'm also have intense nerve pain in my pelvis. It's getting exhausting. Every contractions feels like it could be the start of true labor.
Just wanna inform other new moms, 1cm doesn't means you have to wait more than 1 week until baby comes out, cause like my experience from my 1st son in the morning i was 1cm and then I take a walk in the afternoon cause my ob told me that i have to wait a week until my baby comes out and while walking my mucus flug came out then next is the fluid i rush on the hospital that afternoon and then told me i was 7cm until my baby come out in that day. From 1cm in the morning upto 7cm in the afternoon, but still it dependes on the baby too whether he/she wanted to came out soon or not,
Relax- Take a warm bath Ear and drink frequently Change your mindset - birth begins in the Brain 🧠 feel confident and believe in your body. Change your environment and thoughts to be supportive
I'm so frustrated right now. 39 weeks 3 days and due august 23rd. Been dilated since monday 10th with irregular mild contractions all week and its now 18th august. Last two days contractions have been regular and increasing in frequency and have been becoming more painful and this morning I lost my plug. Had a stretch and sweep yesterday afternoon. Contractions started out 15 minutes apart two days ago, then 10 minutes apart, then 7 minutes apart then they went away. They came back the next night (last night) and at 7-8 minutes apart then were consistently 6 minutes apart for over an hour and had gotten gradually more and more painful. I had been lying in bed during the contractions because I was tired and it was late and then when I got up to go pee and get food they eased off and stopped completely. Here I am three days after my contractions became regular and increasing and they fricken stopped again and I'm so sick and tired of all of it. I was so scared that the labour would stall for a second time and typically it did! This is ridiculous! I've been cramping for over a week and no progress and now I have regular contractions that increase in severity and it just starts and stops and I'm getting nowhere. My body is a useless crappy thing and I'm bloody done. I know that stressing about the contractions stalling is probably what stalled them, but how can I not stress about them stalling when I know they are going to stall????
You videos are very knowledgeable I love you videos and guidance I’m also facing this time I’m 38 week pregnant and my contractions are start and stop . In my body iron deficiency what I will do ?
39+5 common baby! lol I get slightly painful braxton hicks and some in my lower back also, sometimes 7 an hour. Sometimes none for hours. 2cm opened last week and soft cervix but still high. Altho my cervix is always high also with my previous baby up until the last stages of labor. Ive had lightening, and in the evening my baby is often moving a lot and conssttaannttllyy on my bladder. When I go for walks I need to walk slow and get lots ofbraxton hicks also. He has turned to the right side tho. ROT vs LOT. But my babies always seem to lay on the side and never straight :S
I’ve been dealing with this for 12 days now. I’m 33 weeks and was admitted to L&D this week because my body kept trying to go into labor but, I have a cervical cerclage. The doctors decided to remove the cerclage, ouchie, to hopefully help my uterus relax because it might be irritated . Well, 12 hours after being released from the hospital my body decided to contract ALL DAY AND NIGHT! Contractions coming every 5 mins even. We went back to L&D and was observed only to find out that my cervix wasn’t changing. They sent me home to take Benadryl and I finally got some sleep. I’m still continuing to contact with rather painful contractions throughout today and night. I’m in this weird situation where I obviously don’t want my baby girl to be born prematurely but my body is so miserable and emotionally I’m over it already. They gave me steroid injections to help with the development of her lungs. I know she’ll be ok if born now as I’ll be 34 weeks in 2 days, but still. 😢 Just wanted to share my journey thus far in case anyone else can relate!💞🎀💞🎀
Update: 36 weeks and still dealing with it! It is better with the Percocet an Ambien my doctor gave me about a week ago. But, if I don’t take the pain medication as prescribed, they come back with a vengeance!
Ive had labor start and stop for a week now. Its exhausting! My contractions, at times, get down to every 2 minutes apart. Im 4cm dilated at the moment. I know the first few days i experienced it i was too stressed to progress, between lack of sleep and being exhausted from my 3 other toddlers, plus i wasn’t 37 weeks yet and it made me nervous.
I’m currently in pre labor just waiting for active labor or water to break to go to hospital. I hope I can have a successful vbac 💙 your videos are so helpful and I have a question. My doctor did a membrane sweep Friday then mucus plug came out and has been coming out for like 2 days now. Contractions have been on and off. Then they stopped so I was wondering if you think membrane sweep kinda messed my body up somewhat? At doctors appointment Friday I was 3cm dilated and 70% effaced at 38 weeks and 2 days. She said my son is big and is probably around 8 pounds so that’s why she wanted to do it. Thoughts about that please?
Can you please do a video on labor with vaginismus? Due Sept 1st with my first baby and I didn’t want a epidural at all but now seems like it might be my only choice...HELP!
Can you do a video on how to prep your body for labor before it begins? I'm drinking the red raspberry tea and eating dates, but do movements on the yoga ball help during the 3rd trimester? At what point does sex really help things along? Can I do the stair climbing while skipping a step to get my pelvis moving or is that really just for trying to induce your own labor? I'm all about prepping so just looking for helpful tips (currently 34 weeks preggo).
I’m currently 39weeks, and am eating pineapple to help soften my cervix, and as far as I’ve researched semen doesn’t actually have a high enough level of prostaglandins to actually effect much, but sex in general and especially orgasms both release oxytocin and can cause uterine contractions! Best of luck!!
I’m due October 19th. I got checked at the hospital I’m 2cm but my contractions are very sporadic so they sent me home. They stop and start for the past two days. They have gotten more painful but they aren’t consistent. I can feel the babies head push down on my cervix, which I didn’t have with my 1st born.
Currently 37 wks 3 days, dilated to a 3 and have been at a 3 for two weeks! I’ve been trying literally everything to help dilate or soften my cervix and I feel like I’m getting no where😭 I’m getting so discouraged! Need advice/ positive words!
Any other tips for trying to sleep during contractions? For 2 births now I've had 3 day labors. The contractions always got worse when I sat or laid down so I couldn't get any sleep.
I’m in the same boat now and don’t know what to do about it. I’ve avoided medications all pregnancy and don’t want to start now. But I’m worried about being too exhausted during labor
This is me right now! Hospital won’t keep me because I’m not dilating but the contractions are coming in every 5-6 minutes. It’s been 35 hours of contractions, I’m so exhausted and can’t sleep !
@@niriamlizeth6777 I'm so sorry! I'm lifting you up to God in prayer. Have you tried do a version of the miles circuit? It may help with babies positioning, I think this helped with my 3rd but it is really tough. For my 1st and 3rd babies I took a tylenol pm on the 3rd night of labor and between that and being exhausted I kinda got some sleep.
@@ashleythomas2904 Yeah! My body shut down for a quick 30 minutes after not being able to sleep! I called the hospital and of course they said they won’t admit me until I dilate more. I would’ve loved a little dose of epidural to help me out :/
This is my second pregnancy but I was induced last year... really hoping this bb girl will come soon bc I don’t want to have to do that again I’m 38 weeks and my membranes were stripped yesterday and I also tried midwives brew this afternoon. Took a long walk with my son today however and was having contractions so badly I was about to have my husband come pick us up I’m still crampy here and there but I wanna stay relaxed and hope I fee more tonight
This helped me feel like less of a failure. I'm a first time mom, 39.5 weeks along. I've been dilated 2cm , 40 percent effaced, and dealing with random contractions for 2 weeks now and I honestly started feeling like there was something wrong with my body. I started using your hypno birthing videos a few days ago to help myself get rid of fear and I already feel like my contractions are more consistent. I am so ready to meet my little boy. My due date is Jan 20th, wish me luck!!
@@CarlMeisha Yes! I ended up being induced Jan 19th. When they checked me before the induction I was still stuck a 2cm but i had effaced to 80 percent with the hypnobirth videos.
Yesterday was my due date, i went to the clinic for a check up coz i had back pains and "period cramps" they were not too bad thou but i found out I'm 3cm dilated and was in early labour., so i went home after 6hours the pain got worse and were close together though i was srill able to move around and talk, i went into a hot bath then the pains stopped today is the next day and im still not in pain.
Currently experiencing prodromal...or maybe pre labour? keep getting contractions coming in at around 10 minutes apart lasting about 30 seconds, get to the hospital only for them to stop almost as soon as they hook me up to the monitor 😑. Drs also think they may have got my dates wrong so on my files I'm 37 weeks but midwife thinks I'm closer to 39 weeks. Bub is head down and facing my back, she keeps pushing down on my cervix (lightning crotch every time I stand and walk around!!) And my pelvis feels like it is dislocating and popping when I move I'm a hot mess rn but midwife has offered me a sweep next week if bub hasn't arrived by then so fingers, toes, eyes ...hell everything crossed !!!
My 4th bub (now 2) the ob and nurses wouldnt let me eat at all and was only allowed small sips of water i laboured for 3 days, 2 days of that was with no waters and ended up needing an emergency c section...i went 3 days with no food during my labour i was not in the frame of mind to advocate for myself but now i sit and think about how they allowed a woman to go 3 days with no food and expecting her body to have the energy to labour well 😢
Some people have the contractions get more intense and closer then go further apart. Other women never get contractions close together... Mine yo-yo between 10min and 4min intervals over 5 days from 1 day through giving birth! Back labor too... And they were 5min intervals in second stage too!
Im due Dec, 9th im currently 39 weeks pregnant and im feeling some light faded contractions this is my forth and still dont know if labor is actually starting or not
I have experienced this for a week (3rd baby) and when it first started, I lost my mucus plug and went to the hospital. It was embarassing to be told it was false. I feel like I will never have this baby :( I am 4 days overdue and I am just exhausted
I’ve been having the same problem, also my 3rd baby! I went to the hospital twice and each time they said I dilated a cm more but still nothing. 😩 38 wks 2days now
Im 38w6d & have been 3.5-4cm & 75% effaced since 35w (had pre-term labor that stopped) & ever since then these contractions have played with every emotion in me. So over it😒
Like I had commented on a previous video my labor stopped at 9 1/2 cm dilated. At 4pm. And it got dark outside. Next thing u know it was midnight. I was sooo tired. So I guess that had to do. And since I was in the hospital on an empty stomach. And my midwife was told me we could go ahead and get an epidural. And since I was in labor for 2 days. I said yes. I was devastated. Its been almost 3 weeks since I had my baby. And I still cannot let go of my dream labor. I can't help but feel like I failed. I was right there by the finish line and I didn't finish without the epi. So i.m like angry at myself. 😪
@@shaweetiesbakery4107 1) I was born with half a sacrum 2) its a personal choice 3) ppl set goals. 4) medical staff always be pushing for meds. 5) there are consequences by using epidural. 6) everybody body is different. Because it works for one person doesn't mean i will work for you. Not one size fits all. 7) coming down from medication makes feel depressed. I already have anxiety and depression plus ptsd. So I really proffered of being in control of my body. And trust in the lord.
Maybe i need to rest more and try to eat and drink more, im dealing with alot in life and very depressed i dont know if i can change my mindset. Labor keeps starting and then stopping for me, i know for sure im not resting enough
I’m 40w2d and I keep having contractions that are not progressive . Being going on for 30-35 hours now. They’re 40-50sec between 5-15mins apart . I took a 2 hour nap and they stopped I’m now up and they are back again but still not progressive
I have 6 days till my due date … I’ve been having contractions on and off for the last week, I had three days where it started to get more intense and then on the 4th day just totally dropped off, it’s finally starting up again so fingers crossed this time he’ll come
I've had true labor a couple times only at night for some reason had one night where contractions got as close as 7 minutes and then they started getting father apart until they basically stopped I'm 39 weeks and would rather not have to be induced I'm already 3cm dilated I just need the contractions to kick up and stay up.
I am on my 4th, at 38w, 3cm 80% effaced -1 station. My contractions started at 12 yesterday, went in at 3 and had consistent contractions that were 2-3 minutes apart sometimes 1 minute apart, for SEVEN HOURS. They were painful and i really thought it was it. They randomly stopped 😢 I was admitted to the hospital and everything. Then all of a sudden they just completely stalled out.
Good video. This happens, possibly more in covid. My labor lasted 5 days and was confirmed 5cm by day 4 (we don't know how long for before). It was back to back labor (ouch) and my contraction where cycling between 10 and 5 minutes apart even during the pushing phase. The background pain / surge in cervix, hips, back never receded between surges from day 3, and any rolling contractions were never more than 1hr duration. I didn't trust hospital after week of harassment (regarding big baby 'fears') leading up...I was proved right in end. Baby was born pushing out (instead of breathing) and guided with ventose. I lost 1L blood but baby was ok, thankfully.
I came back to this 2 days later to say I was laying in bed watching this when I felt a weird "pop" laid there for 5 min stood up and my water broke in the middle of watching thie❤ babygirl is 5 pounds 12 ounces and came flying out. Inwas a first time mom and had her in about 11 hours. 💗
How many weeks where you ?
Awesome 🤗! Congratulations 🎉!
Ugh I keep imagining this happening to me and just doesn’t happen 😂😅😭 38 weeks and this baby moves like she has no room at all.
That is a tiny baby!
@@mistymockingbird3511 so? Not all babies are the same! I had a 5 lb baby also!! 😴😴
Pre-labor for three days on and off now.....I get so excited, and then things slow down! Thanks for this video. Love being informed because it helps to put me at ease! 💜
39 weeks and 2 days today. Been 1cm for 3 weeks now, and I've been having awful pelvic pressure. The constant feeling like you have to go number 2 is driving me insane. I'm praying he will come soon and just trying to pay attention for those contractions.
Did you take Tylenol ? I'm going through this now at 37 weeks , I can't do it it hurts ... What can I do ? To ease the pain
This! I am 39+2 also right now and have had contractions the last TWO nights meaning I didn’t get much sleep and then they go away after I go to work. But it also just feels like I always need to sit on the toilet 😫 I haven’t been dilating at all yet, but I’m hoping this is helping it start!
So encouraging! I’m 39 weeks with my third baby and the last 3 weeks I had been having false labor that I never had with my first two. So crazy how different every labor is!
Same here and this is also my third baby it's so strange!
Man tell me about I’m in the same boat ugh
The same with me. 3rd child too. Having false labour and when i went for my check up, my OB said im 1.5cm dilated..
This is me with my third baby too.
Same with my 3rd baby!
This is EXACTLY what I need right now, 37 weeks with the random back aches and surges, only dialated 1cm, barely thinned or anything 😬 fingers crossed this baby gets going!!
When did you end up having the baby?
Love this video! Food and drink is so important in childbirth but so often women feel like they don't want to eat or drink anything but you must. In one of my antenatal books, I once read that we can burn up to 9000 calories in labour. So, if we don't eat or stay hydrated, we can burn out and our bodies simply haven't got the energy to contract effectively or dilate the cervix. This can really elongate prodromal labour and the start/stop scenario. My labour was 24 hours long which is not that long for a first labour (12-18 hour is the average) and i was exhausted by the end. As a hypnobirthing teacher, I knew the importance of rest, food and drink and optimal positioning for my baby so I had tools to help me keep going. I didn't feel like I wanted to eat but I made sure that i accepted little bites of food regularly from my partner so I could keep my contractions coming. Good luck to all the mamas out there! Wishing you a great birth experience, Anja xxxx
That's so interesting! Thank you for sharing! Do you remember which book you read that? I'd love to find a copy ❤️
@@amygodward4472 it was one from the library but I can't remember which one. I've read so many and it always frustrates me that I've never been able to find/remember that particular one since! X
Just at too much
I kept going into prelabor from 37 weeks til the day I had my baby girl at 41weeks 2 days. Since I was overdue I was induced (1/4 of misoprostol) around when contractions started which was 10pm. She was here by 12:30 am so all that prodromal labor made my labor so much more smooth.
I’m 30 weeks, FTM and it still is so crazy to think that there really is a little baby inside of me! Thank you for all your videos, they have helped me so much!
How did that go? You alright? Also going through that
I had the start and stop and was not prepared. I wanted rest but there’s so many interruptions in your room, the doctors wouldn’t let me eat or drink because they assumed surgery was likely, didn’t feel safe in the middle of covid, and baby was positioned right but not being supported or safe and rushed by doctors was not optimal. Mama’s be prepared to be your own advocate and listen to these videos they will make a lot of sense when you’re experiencing these things that can’t be understood until it happens to you.
Hi Mary Anne, how did your delivery turned out?
I've been 2cm dilated for almost a week and I can't wait to get this labor on
Thank you for this! I've had start and stop labor for a couple weeks now...it is so frustrating! Baby was 40 weeks yesterday, so I'm anxious for her to come. It's our first, so it can be so confusing trying to read the signs. I definitely have had alot of low cramping off and on for days, but that hasn't turned into anything substantial. Today I've had so much tightening, cramping and a couple of contractions, but it seems to be start and stop. So, I'm going to do your 5 exercises and hopefully get this little girl going! Thanks so much for your suggestions and expertise!!
I'm getting ready for birth #5 and gosh I wish I had found your videos a couple of babies ago! Some of your information I've heard or experienced, but it's great to revisit things and to keep learning, and your tone and overall perspective is absolutely right on. Thank you so much for all your videos and for sharing this information for free with women. I will be sure to share links with friends and really want to thank you for what you're doing.
1. Get rest
2. Eat and drink frequently
3. Shift your mindset
4. Optimize baby's position
5. Check out built to birth online course
My name is Daryllynn…. 🥰
Thank you!
Thank you!!
Thank you for this video. I have been extremely frustarted over the last 2 days. Keeps getting fast and painful and then stopping. I felt like I was losing my mind. Like I couldn't trust myself or my body to do this. I'm glad to here this can happen. I took benadryl last night and got good sleep and today I'm focusing on eating a lot more then I did the last 2 days.
As far as mindset, I have a 4 year old, and I'm military. So not knowing who is going to be available to take her for me when I go to the hospital is really messing with my mindset. I've decided to take her with me, the hospital will allow her in the room until I have to push. So I might just have to push alone, meaning without my husband. But at least I will feel more comfortable.
I’m due 8/26/20 and it’s my first child. I didn’t think I could even have kids, am 36 so this will prob be my only one. Was super nervous and sure I was going to get epidural and whatever other drugs but your channel has given me more confidence and I am now decided on a natural birth.
Hi! Did you end up going natural or medicated?
Every evening I get surges that are not sharp, but definitely stronger than Braxton Hicks. They come every 10 minutes, all night long for the last 3 days.
This is my 5th baby, 3rd home birth so pregnancy/labor is nothing new for me. I have supported many mothers through this type of labors, but for myself it’s very new. My labors are usually extremely fast and furious. This baby/birth is definitely teaching me something new about myself. I think I need to work on my mindset today. Hoping it’s tonight!
This is what Im going through now with my third baby
I’ve had contractions constantly for two days it gets close together than far apart. I’m so ready for him to come ! 😭😭
Same here. Off and on contractions... frustrating!
@@meganpadgett9719 how did it work eventually? 🥺
Me too!!!!
Any updates? What eventually happened to your contractions?
Update ! I gave birth on the 3 rd day of it going from close together to far apart ! When i got to the hospital i was 5 cm dilated 💙 i gave birth to my son at 38 weeks
I’m 40 + 2 days and I’ve been having contractions on and off for 3 days 😩 I’m so ready but hoping with some rest meditation and affirmations I’ll be meeting my lil boy soon x thank you for this video
Hope you’ve had baby by now! I’m right behind you! 🤍💜💗
What ended up happening?? I’m 40 + 2 today and I’m in the same boat!! I got so frustrated today. 😞
This couldn’t have come at a better time! I had terrible false labor all night last night. Lol It stopped at 5 this morning.
Swear that's what I went threw last night into the morning 😭
Girl same ! I've been awake since 3am only for it to stop at like 7am 😑
Same here. This has happened 3x. SO FRUSTRATING
This literally happened to me last night, I woke up to intense contractions, that was every 5 mins or less, lasting longer then a min, for an hour and then STOPPED😭
Me too!! And it stopped at 5 am too
I’m due the 25th and have been having labor start and stop for days now! I will definitely be trying all these tips ASAP.
Congratulations on your pregnany! I had my 6th baby 3 months ago. I watched your videos even though I was an experienced mom and I learned a few things. The most useful information I gained was about hypnobirthing. I listened to your videos every night and I truly believed they really helped. I was able to labor and birth a baby for the 4 this time pain med free. I also went into labor on my own without being induced which has only happened once before. Thank you so much for dedicating your time to help expecting moms. I love how you emphasize how important the mind set is. With your help I was able to be so calm and breath through my contractions so well that hospital staff did not believe I was in labor when I got there. They took their time setting up and when I was finally checked out I was at 9 centimeters. Lol. Again, thank you! I look forward to seeing updates on your pregnancy 🤰🏼 ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for all these topics that are not easily found online nor spoken of anywhere else. You’ve been such a blessing for me to be educated about not only child birth but also, to be educated about the 4th trimester (PP) and taking care of a new born. Thank you for all the efforts and positivity you shine our way ❤️
Thank you, Bridget for the differentiation. I was thinking bad about myself. People said that Ive been overreacting about the pain. Between braxton hicks and pre-labor!! but this is my first time even my profession is a doctor.
I was due August 10th and have been getting discouraged because I’ve been getting start and stop contractions and being this is my first kid I understand I’m at a greater risk of being induced but I was really hoping to get labor started naturally thank you for your video I’m not so discouraged after watching this!
I went to 41 weeks 3 days and still delivered naturally. Even with a baby projected to be 10 lbs. My midwife said very common to go past projected due date especially for first time moms. Don't let friends/family/doctors stress you out. You can do it!! 💪💪
@@BriginaWalton how much did your baby end up weighing? So many OBs pressing for induction to due possibility of “big baby”
I'm due August 17, 2020. Thank you for all your informative videos. This will be my first homebirth. I'm excited & nervous.
If I could give you any advice as a mama who has had a home birth. Do not try to push on your back. Water is great but you should not be in it for too long or you risk tearing more.
Squatting is the absolute best position if u can hold it or someone can support u.
A squatty potty works well for a birthing stool.
Remember, stay off your back during pushing. Good luck!
I'm due Sept 29th, 2020!
Due date twins! But I’m a first time mom :)
Thank you for your advice @amazing grace ❤☺️
@maria hunter congratulations.❤🤱 Double the fun.
Wow in a few days. With my first child i just thought that i have to go through the process to get ny baby, this thought saw me through.
It's 2am and I have contraction for 1h now. I am glad to listen this video thank you
I’m pregnant with my second and I’m 40w3d. I started having contractions 10 minutes apart for almost an hour and decided to go to sleep to get rest while I still could. My contractions completely stopped and now I haven’t had one all day. Really hoping it starts back up
Hi! How did it end up for you? I experienced the same this morning, went to bed and then the contractions went away!
I know this may no longer be helpful but I've heard contractions will stop if baby is just not in the right position. Getting up and moving around and stretching may help. I'm 39+6 with my first and no labor symptoms yet. Trying to keep this in mind in case my labor does start and stop.
This is my 3rd pregnancy and I’m still needing to watch these videos!
I've been telling everyone about your videos. I found them soo helpful even after doing a hypnobirthing course online. Thank you
36w3d today and was told yesterday at my NST that I look to be in early labor/ pre-labor. Spending today relaxing and finishing packing our bags.
Heyy how did it go? I’m in the same position
I'm hoping to have my baby tonight. I was up all night last night with contractions. I'm guessing they'll pick up again tonight. Wish me luck
good luck!
How did you 15 hrs for one centimeter 😶
@@alyssajones2781 how did I do?
@@greatvid4648 how did you get it to pick back up
@@alyssajones2781 oh. I didn't really do much just walked took a bath tried to relax
I needed this video! I literally had really bad pre labor a few nights in a row and throughout the day in between I had tightening and aching but then it just stopped, absolutely nothing now, all my symptoms have diassapeared Subhan'Allah. I had no idea what's going on but the midwifes kept telling me its ok, now I understand 👌🏽
سبحان الله
ALLAH is free from all imperfection and flaws THE GREATEST ALMIGHTY GOD
You are simply the BEST you have calmed me so much when I'm close to giving birth.
my contractions started at 29 weeks after I had a nightmare so I'm feeling that birth begins in the brain.....I recognize your voice from the connecting to baby in the womb meditation which I liked listening to in first trimester....
I am due in a few days and have been in prelabour for a few days. I hope it progresses into early labour. Have tried dates, gentle exercise, intercourse, meditation, rest, acunpuncture and acupressure. Slowly encouraging labour to progress hopefully all this work means bub will arrive quickly once i am in active labour. Thank you for this video
Thanks! Fourth baby due in a month and I’m mentally preparing with your videos!!
I’ve been having contractions for about 16 hours now. They started being a bit more intense than braxton hicks and then I struggled to breathe and stay sat/lying down during contractions. Took some paracetamol and tried to get as much rest as possible then they were about 10 minutes apart. Fingers crossed baby wants to come out today and this doesn’t happen for days 🤞🏻
Hey! Was wondering what ended up happening? 😄
39+6 weeks … baby due tomorrow (22-2-2022!)
I thought I was in the early stages of labour last night, called my midwife, we had bags ready to go, went to bed early and….. woke up 9 hours later feeling absolutely normal. Husband went to work with less of a restful sleep. So frustrating! I thought labour was just not progressing but clearly I was only experiencing pre labour symptoms. Thanks for clarifying. Crossing fingers for tomorrow!!!
Ps every labour IS different! Our first baby had a severe heart condition (she didn’t survive), and labour hit me like a brick wall and was so intense for the entire 27 hour run that even the hospital staff were blown away by the intensity of my contractions. Thank heavens for epidurals. COVID restrictions this time round mean I don’t get one unless I need intervention 😑
Wondering why I'd be experiencing prodromal labor if baby is definitely in position, definitely punching cervix all day and I'm resting, eating etc... maybe some women just go through this to then have a shorter active labor? This is the second pregnancy I've had to endure this. I progressed very quickly last time; just praying baby girl would come, like now!
I'm in the same boat. It's my first baby and baby is engaged per my midwife. I'm just so ready to meet her!
This happened to me too with 2 labors.
I’m due in 4 weeks and you’re videos have helped me so much💕 thank you 🙏🏼
whats your due date? mine’s sept 11th! :)
Amanda Mada I’m due on September 1st😌 we’re almost there😪🙏🏼
Watching this video I feel you dropped it for me.. loved and learned so much from your videos. Can't wait to end this pregnancy with a vbac in a week or two.
Thank you for posting. Im 41.5 weeks today with my second and though i basically feel fine and he is a busy boy i still feel some pressure to intervention. Im having an ultra sound to check on him tomorrow and watched all your induction videos to be educated on my options. My mid wife is doing fine i just doubt myself and feel mixed messages on the safety of waiting for him to come when he wants. I think im going to keep at it and let him come when he wants unless the ultrasound reads poorly. I am pumping some to help but its not doing much for me but that’s ok. I assure myself that atleast im toughening up for feeding or eventually may get out some to help feed the baby if they struggle with a tongue tie. Im not getting much out at all so really its whatever but its something that gives me a false sense of control or helping the situation😅
This video come just on time!! I’ve been getting contractions since 3days ago after losing the mucus plug with bloody show. I’m 38w and 6d. I was excited to get the show on the road but they haven’t gotten 5min apart. Still 6-15 minutes apart although they feel way more intense. I had two sleepless nights and feel exhausted! 😔
Sending you lots of positive thoughts and blessings!! 🙏🏽 You got this!!! Your time is here and before you know it your beautiful baby will be here!! So close!!
Marisol Canales thank you! ❤️ It looks like I will have another night with prodromal labor. Contractions stopped once again. I hope soon we get to meet our little girl🎀!
I feel you. I've been contracting irregularly for over a week and for the last two days I've had 10 and then 6 minutes apart contractions which got gradually more painful but now they've just stopped again and I'm so wrecked and disheartened and angry. I feel like my body is just useless.
Riana Tomkins Aw don’t be disheartened! Soon you will meet your precious baby! I finally give birth after 4 days and 3 nights with contractions. The last night the contractions were even more intense (“real” labor I guess). By then my body was too tired from all the contractions that I went to the hospital begging for an epidural. I was 5cm dilated. But finally my baby is here with me and I’m so in love! 🥰
@@Monicamcs Congratulations! That's so nice to hear. It's a good reminder that there is an end to it. I hope I can meet my baby too soon.
Perfect timing on this one.. I'm due in 8 days and had two very long and stressful birhts behind me and was/am scared this one would go the same way.. Dilating with close and very intense contractions, getting to the hospital and the contractions just stopped and it was so hard getting them back on track.. And when they finally did I just wouldn't dilate anymore. I was so devastated that labor stopped again and they said were gonna wait one more hour and if nothing happens we'll do a c section (which I wanted to avoid). Luckily I finally got a pda wich helped tremendously, I could finally sleep for 5 hours (first sleep in three days) and woke up at 9cm dialeted.. But it was an exhausting journey to get to this point. And everyone said next child will be easier... Turns out the exact same thing happened again.. Now I'm here and know what went wrong! Thank you so much!!!! I'm so hopeful now that this time around it CAN go smoother and I'm not just a helpless case ❤️ thank you for your wisedome and information I found nowhere else..
mila maria Hi Mila! What is a pda? My labor stopped for me too. I’m so frustrated!
@@Monicamcs oh sorry, it's an epidural (pda is what we call it in germany... Forgot to translate it 🙈) but to be honest I'm trying to avoid another epidural but I won't hesitate to get one if I see signs of the same pattern again... I'd rather have an epidural then another birth going the same way...
What went wrong!
@@naturindabrenda8863 it was a combination of lack of sleep and a mindset... Both times I had good and useful contractions until I entered the hospital. this is when all the trouble started. I had one traumatic experience in the same hospital before both births, but went to therapy and thought I was good with it. Even though the staff and birth teams were incredible both times and I felt really comfortable during birth, unconsciously I probably couldn't really let go and kind of stopped my progression (?)
This time around I'm going to a much smaller hospital with a lot calmer homier birthing delivery rooms (as opposed to very clinical and steril rooms). Unfortunately a home birth or birthing center is not an option for me so I'm hoping by changing the environment I can truly let go there and have a progressing and effective labor without medication 😊
And if not, the epidural I my friend 😅
Thank you so much for the info. Been waiting to hear from my OB for two days and sent him a message again 9 hours ago.
Thanks for your education video.
I went into pre-labor at 34.5 weeks. I was having contractions every 1.5-3 minutes that would last 30-60 seconds each. Fortunately they gave me fluid IVs and I never dilated and they eventually faded after 10ish hours 😅 at least now I have a slight idea of what to expect when I go back since this is my first pregnancy 😬
Naturally pre labour???
Feeling really encouraged and more educated...Thank you so much, God bless you
Due August 16! Woke up with uncomfortable cramping this morning 🤞🤞🤞🤞 my first was 6 days late so trying not to get too excited lol. My dr wants to induce at 41 weeks though, i have had a high risk pregnancy:( so I'm really trying to get baby out before then
I wish I'd had this video a few months ago! I had a stop and start labor and ended up having to get pitocin to get things moving regularly, it was pretty brutal but I had a wonderful midwife❤
Just love watching your videos often just listen while I’m cooking too!
Just want to say thank you so much for sharing all this information. I am due tomorrow. I know that due dates are often inaccurate, but I am still excited and feel ready and empowered to birth this baby when she is ready to make her debut.
I’m 40 +2 and have been in latent labour for 2 days. So emotionally and physically drained
I've been loving your videos for these. it's so helpful knowing I'm not alone.
I've been having on and off contractions for about a week, and today they've been stronger and more intense, but still not in labor! 😩 They get close together, 5-7mins apart but then stop. At my 38w appt on Friday, my midwife did a cervical check and she noted in mychart that the baby is in the posterior position, but she didn't explain that to me while in the office. When I saw that info in mychart today, I searched up if maybe that's why my body hasn't progressed and you came up. I'm going to definitely try to see if I can get him to turn these next few days before my next appt on Friday. They offered to do a membrane sweep at that appt, but I'm hesitant. This is my 3rd baby and I didn't have this much of a hard time with my first 2.
I had pre labor for 3+ weeks during my 3rd pregnancy but it wasn't too uncomfortable. This is my 4th pregnancy and my pre labor is much worse. I'm at 40+ weeks and going on 4 weeks of prodromal labor. I'm also have intense nerve pain in my pelvis. It's getting exhausting. Every contractions feels like it could be the start of true labor.
Just wanna inform other new moms, 1cm doesn't means you have to wait more than 1 week until baby comes out, cause like my experience from my 1st son in the morning i was 1cm and then I take a walk in the afternoon cause my ob told me that i have to wait a week until my baby comes out and while walking my mucus flug came out then next is the fluid i rush on the hospital that afternoon and then told me i was 7cm until my baby come out in that day. From 1cm in the morning upto 7cm in the afternoon, but still it dependes on the baby too whether he/she wanted to came out soon or not,
You're just blessed! I was 1cm for almost a month, then 3cm for a week... she's still not here
Indeed! I've been at 1cm for 3 weeks now and baby still isn't here
Omg i need this right now. My contractions fit in 5-1-1 rule but then it will stop then start again 😭 im 38 weeks and 3/7 days
I'm hearing what you're saying, but also so distracted by your beautiful tasteful bedroom decor! :D
Me too 😂😂😂
Relax- Take a warm bath
Ear and drink frequently
Change your mindset - birth begins in the Brain 🧠 feel confident and believe in your body. Change your environment and thoughts to be supportive
I needed this back in June! 😄
Loved this 🥰! Great information fellow doula 🤗! Thanks for sharing ❤️!
Currently 36 weeks, labour started in the back and now stopping! Not dialating or effacing! So fed up
I'm so frustrated right now. 39 weeks 3 days and due august 23rd. Been dilated since monday 10th with irregular mild contractions all week and its now 18th august. Last two days contractions have been regular and increasing in frequency and have been becoming more painful and this morning I lost my plug. Had a stretch and sweep yesterday afternoon. Contractions started out 15 minutes apart two days ago, then 10 minutes apart, then 7 minutes apart then they went away. They came back the next night (last night) and at 7-8 minutes apart then were consistently 6 minutes apart for over an hour and had gotten gradually more and more painful. I had been lying in bed during the contractions because I was tired and it was late and then when I got up to go pee and get food they eased off and stopped completely. Here I am three days after my contractions became regular and increasing and they fricken stopped again and I'm so sick and tired of all of it. I was so scared that the labour would stall for a second time and typically it did! This is ridiculous! I've been cramping for over a week and no progress and now I have regular contractions that increase in severity and it just starts and stops and I'm getting nowhere. My body is a useless crappy thing and I'm bloody done. I know that stressing about the contractions stalling is probably what stalled them, but how can I not stress about them stalling when I know they are going to stall????
You poor thing 😱 hope you got through it all ok ❤❤❤
You videos are very knowledgeable
I love you videos and guidance
I’m also facing this time
I’m 38 week pregnant and my contractions are start and stop .
In my body iron deficiency what I will do ?
39+5 common baby! lol
I get slightly painful braxton hicks and some in my lower back also, sometimes 7 an hour. Sometimes none for hours. 2cm opened last week and soft cervix but still high. Altho my cervix is always high also with my previous baby up until the last stages of labor.
Ive had lightening, and in the evening my baby is often moving a lot and conssttaannttllyy on my bladder. When I go for walks I need to walk slow and get lots ofbraxton hicks also.
He has turned to the right side tho. ROT vs LOT. But my babies always seem to lay on the side and never straight :S
I’ve been dealing with this for 12 days now. I’m 33 weeks and was admitted to L&D this week because my body kept trying to go into labor but, I have a cervical cerclage. The doctors decided to remove the cerclage, ouchie, to hopefully help my uterus relax because it might be irritated .
Well, 12 hours after being released from the hospital my body decided to contract ALL DAY AND NIGHT! Contractions coming every 5 mins even. We went back to L&D and was observed only to find out that my cervix wasn’t changing. They sent me home to take Benadryl and I finally got some sleep.
I’m still continuing to contact with rather painful contractions throughout today and night. I’m in this weird situation where I obviously don’t want my baby girl to be born prematurely but my body is so miserable and emotionally I’m over it already. They gave me steroid injections to help with the development of her lungs. I know she’ll be ok if born now as I’ll be 34 weeks in 2 days, but still. 😢
Just wanted to share my journey thus far in case anyone else can relate!💞🎀💞🎀
Update: 36 weeks and still dealing with it! It is better with the Percocet an Ambien my doctor gave me about a week ago. But, if I don’t take the pain medication as prescribed, they come back with a vengeance!
This is exactly what I needed, I’m due tomorrow and I keep having false labour, it’s so hard 😅
Wishing you a very calm and positive birth Bree. Are you having a boy or girl? xxx
Hypnobirthing With Anja I’m having a boy! He’s still not here yet, lil stubborn bub😂💙
What I’m having sounds like what you described as pre-labor, but I have dilated and am at a 7 so I know it’s doing something
39+4 with baby #5... longest pregnancy thus far. Not sure when this little guy will come 😂😂 I've been in pre-labor for like a week
Ive had labor start and stop for a week now. Its exhausting! My contractions, at times, get down to every 2 minutes apart. Im 4cm dilated at the moment. I know the first few days i experienced it i was too stressed to progress, between lack of sleep and being exhausted from my 3 other toddlers, plus i wasn’t 37 weeks yet and it made me nervous.
25 weeks this week with my last! #5 and I’m so worried I won’t go into labor on my own this time!
I’m currently in pre labor just waiting for active labor or water to break to go to hospital. I hope I can have a successful vbac 💙 your videos are so helpful and I have a question. My doctor did a membrane sweep Friday then mucus plug came out and has been coming out for like 2 days now. Contractions have been on and off. Then they stopped so I was wondering if you think membrane sweep kinda messed my body up somewhat? At doctors appointment Friday I was 3cm dilated and 70% effaced at 38 weeks and 2 days. She said my son is big and is probably around 8 pounds so that’s why she wanted to do it. Thoughts about that please?
Can you please do a video on labor with vaginismus? Due Sept 1st with my first baby and I didn’t want a epidural at all but now seems like it might be my only choice...HELP!
Can you do a video on how to prep your body for labor before it begins? I'm drinking the red raspberry tea and eating dates, but do movements on the yoga ball help during the 3rd trimester? At what point does sex really help things along? Can I do the stair climbing while skipping a step to get my pelvis moving or is that really just for trying to induce your own labor? I'm all about prepping so just looking for helpful tips (currently 34 weeks preggo).
Would love to know this as well.. 34 weeks as well ... Best of luck...
I’m currently 39weeks, and am eating pineapple to help soften my cervix, and as far as I’ve researched semen doesn’t actually have a high enough level of prostaglandins to actually effect much, but sex in general and especially orgasms both release oxytocin and can cause uterine contractions! Best of luck!!
I’m due October 19th. I got checked at the hospital I’m 2cm but my contractions are very sporadic so they sent me home. They stop and start for the past two days. They have gotten more painful but they aren’t consistent. I can feel the babies head push down on my cervix, which I didn’t have with my 1st born.
Currently 37 wks 3 days, dilated to a 3 and have been at a 3 for two weeks! I’ve been trying literally everything to help dilate or soften my cervix and I feel like I’m getting no where😭 I’m getting so discouraged! Need advice/ positive words!
Sending lots of positive thoughts your way for a blessed and beautiful birth!! You’re so close!!!
Aww sorry I was in preterm labour for 5weeks! But because my body was preparing for so long I pushed her out in 10 min 😂 . You can do this!
Justyna Jakubiec-Wolny update: had baby girl via emergency c section😭 she’s perfectly fine but this was a very scary experience
Marisol Canales thank you!!!💓💓💓
Any other tips for trying to sleep during contractions? For 2 births now I've had 3 day labors. The contractions always got worse when I sat or laid down so I couldn't get any sleep.
I’m in the same boat now and don’t know what to do about it. I’ve avoided medications all pregnancy and don’t want to start now. But I’m worried about being too exhausted during labor
This is me right now! Hospital won’t keep me because I’m not dilating but the contractions are coming in every 5-6 minutes. It’s been 35 hours of contractions, I’m so exhausted and can’t sleep !
@@niriamlizeth6777 I'm so sorry! I'm lifting you up to God in prayer. Have you tried do a version of the miles circuit? It may help with babies positioning, I think this helped with my 3rd but it is really tough. For my 1st and 3rd babies I took a tylenol pm on the 3rd night of labor and between that and being exhausted I kinda got some sleep.
@@ashleythomas2904 Yeah! My body shut down for a quick 30 minutes after not being able to sleep! I called the hospital and of course they said they won’t admit me until I dilate more. I would’ve loved a little dose of epidural to help me out :/
This is my second pregnancy but I was induced last year... really hoping this bb girl will come soon bc I don’t want to have to do that again I’m 38 weeks and my membranes were stripped yesterday and I also tried midwives brew this afternoon. Took a long walk with my son today however and was having contractions so badly I was about to have my husband come pick us up I’m still crampy here and there but I wanna stay relaxed and hope I fee more tonight
This helped me feel like less of a failure.
I'm a first time mom, 39.5 weeks along.
I've been dilated 2cm , 40 percent effaced, and dealing with random contractions for 2 weeks now and I honestly started feeling like there was something wrong with my body. I started using your hypno birthing videos a few days ago to help myself get rid of fear and I already feel like my contractions are more consistent. I am so ready to meet my little boy. My due date is Jan 20th, wish me luck!!
Did you have your baby yet?
@@CarlMeisha Yes! I ended up being induced Jan 19th.
When they checked me before the induction I was still stuck a 2cm but i had effaced to 80 percent with the hypnobirth videos.
Yesterday was my due date, i went to the clinic for a check up coz i had back pains and "period cramps" they were not too bad thou but i found out I'm 3cm dilated and was in early labour., so i went home after 6hours the pain got worse and were close together though i was srill able to move around and talk, i went into a hot bath then the pains stopped today is the next day and im still not in pain.
Currently experiencing prodromal...or maybe pre labour? keep getting contractions coming in at around 10 minutes apart lasting about 30 seconds, get to the hospital only for them to stop almost as soon as they hook me up to the monitor 😑.
Drs also think they may have got my dates wrong so on my files I'm 37 weeks but midwife thinks I'm closer to 39 weeks. Bub is head down and facing my back, she keeps pushing down on my cervix (lightning crotch every time I stand and walk around!!) And my pelvis feels like it is dislocating and popping when I move
I'm a hot mess rn but midwife has offered me a sweep next week if bub hasn't arrived by then so fingers, toes, eyes ...hell everything crossed !!!
My 4th bub (now 2) the ob and nurses wouldnt let me eat at all and was only allowed small sips of water i laboured for 3 days, 2 days of that was with no waters and ended up needing an emergency c section...i went 3 days with no food during my labour i was not in the frame of mind to advocate for myself but now i sit and think about how they allowed a woman to go 3 days with no food and expecting her body to have the energy to labour well 😢
Some people have the contractions get more intense and closer then go further apart. Other women never get contractions close together... Mine yo-yo between 10min and 4min intervals over 5 days from 1 day through giving birth! Back labor too... And they were 5min intervals in second stage too!
Im due Dec, 9th im currently 39 weeks pregnant and im feeling some light faded contractions this is my forth and still dont know if labor is actually starting or not
What about breech position, how turn normal dilvery of breech position baby
I have experienced this for a week (3rd baby) and when it first started, I lost my mucus plug and went to the hospital. It was embarassing to be told it was false. I feel like I will never have this baby :(
I am 4 days overdue and I am just exhausted
I’ve been having the same problem, also my 3rd baby! I went to the hospital twice and each time they said I dilated a cm more but still nothing. 😩 38 wks 2days now
Love your videos ❤️ makes me more calm and relaxed for my prelabor 😊 baby #1
I’m 40 plus 3 and got a membrane sweep 2 days ago when I was 2CM dilated. Since then, nothing. Set to be induced tomorrow 😔
Im 38w6d & have been 3.5-4cm & 75% effaced since 35w (had pre-term labor that stopped) & ever since then these contractions have played with every emotion in me. So over it😒
Like I had commented on a previous video my labor stopped at 9 1/2 cm dilated. At 4pm. And it got dark outside. Next thing u know it was midnight. I was sooo tired. So I guess that had to do. And since I was in the hospital on an empty stomach. And my midwife was told me we could go ahead and get an epidural. And since I was in labor for 2 days. I said yes. I was devastated. Its been almost 3 weeks since I had my baby. And I still cannot let go of my dream labor. I can't help but feel like I failed. I was right there by the finish line and I didn't finish without the epi. So i.m like angry at myself. 😪
im not understanding whats the big deal about getting an epidural?? theres nothing wrong with getting it hun
You are a warrior ❤️
@@shaweetiesbakery4107 1) I was born with half a sacrum 2) its a personal choice 3) ppl set goals. 4) medical staff always be pushing for meds. 5) there are consequences by using epidural. 6) everybody body is different. Because it works for one person doesn't mean i will work for you. Not one size fits all. 7) coming down from medication makes feel depressed. I already have anxiety and depression plus ptsd. So I really proffered of being in control of my body. And trust in the lord.
I’m 35 weeks and I’m having contractions and back pain and drinking water and resting isn’t helping what should I do?
Maybe i need to rest more and try to eat and drink more, im dealing with alot in life and very depressed i dont know if i can change my mindset. Labor keeps starting and then stopping for me, i know for sure im not resting enough
I’m 40w2d and I keep having contractions that are not progressive . Being going on for 30-35 hours now. They’re 40-50sec between 5-15mins apart . I took a 2 hour nap and they stopped I’m now up and they are back again but still not progressive
I have 6 days till my due date … I’ve been having contractions on and off for the last week, I had three days where it started to get more intense and then on the 4th day just totally dropped off, it’s finally starting up again so fingers crossed this time he’ll come
I’m 40+5 weeks and only 1cm dilated but has constant contractions but they always stop and I’m so tired
I've had true labor a couple times only at night for some reason had one night where contractions got as close as 7 minutes and then they started getting father apart until they basically stopped I'm 39 weeks and would rather not have to be induced I'm already 3cm dilated I just need the contractions to kick up and stay up.
how did you achieve this look lights camera lots?
I am on my 4th, at 38w, 3cm 80% effaced -1 station. My contractions started at 12 yesterday, went in at 3 and had consistent contractions that were 2-3 minutes apart sometimes 1 minute apart, for SEVEN HOURS. They were painful and i really thought it was it. They randomly stopped 😢 I was admitted to the hospital and everything. Then all of a sudden they just completely stalled out.
I’m in this situation now! What happened in the end?
Good video. This happens, possibly more in covid. My labor lasted 5 days and was confirmed 5cm by day 4 (we don't know how long for before). It was back to back labor (ouch) and my contraction where cycling between 10 and 5 minutes apart even during the pushing phase. The background pain / surge in cervix, hips, back never receded between surges from day 3, and any rolling contractions were never more than 1hr duration. I didn't trust hospital after week of harassment (regarding big baby 'fears') leading up...I was proved right in end. Baby was born pushing out (instead of breathing) and guided with ventose. I lost 1L blood but baby was ok, thankfully.
Omg, what were you eating and drinking during those 5 days 😳😳