@@enderboss3773 you think 'smart' people can't be jealous enough to commit murder? it's not about how 'smart' you are but rather how willing are you to give up on things you love, a nihilist would commit murder just to find his reason
Seems like a plot from a film. Shocking how jealousy can drive a person to such horrific actions. Definitely makes us reflect on the relationships we maintain.
I know about this story, so I was confused at first when the actually innocent woman Ray named crazy, but then I realized how genius of a move it was. Because I actually realized pretty soon that Liz is the culprit and the video I saw this from first appeared slow and frustrating, because it kept insisting on crazy being the culprit until the very end
Your channel is so interesting my dad is always sending TikTok’s and randomly sharing stories so now I can be ahead of him maybe I will show this channel to him
It's tragic because they are innocent victims but man it's much worse that this lady killed people. Peta nuts putting pets over humans drives me crazy.
Ray has been watching @Mr.Ballen lately and getting inspired by his stories. I’ve noticed a few stories that Mr ballen did and now ray has recently done a couple.
Imagine wanting to murder ur own animals just to blame it on someone ur bf dated
just to blame someone you killed...
😭😭😭😭 it makes me so sad
0:23 FOUIN
White people.
She thought she smart and still got caught
dude imagine how many people that actually are smart get away with things like this its crazy af
@@kushaankoul5775 if they're smart, why would they do stupid things like this in the first place?
@@enderboss3773book smart ppl
@@enderboss3773 you think 'smart' people can't be jealous enough to commit murder? it's not about how 'smart' you are but rather how willing are you to give up on things you love, a nihilist would commit murder just to find his reason
She jst stupïd
They should've added defamation, arson, animal cruelty, and harassment to her charges
Seems like a plot from a film. Shocking how jealousy can drive a person to such horrific actions. Definitely makes us reflect on the relationships we maintain.
Im pretty sure theres a documentary about this on Netflix
There is
@@chihaya89k whats it called?
@@deannas2778 Lover, Stalker, Killer
These facial expression in the thumbnails is something else 😂😂
So is that long knife.
they absolutely nailed it
its so relaxing coming home from school and seeing ray uploaded
I watch him during his nighttime routine!
Dude that is exactly what I do
Fr tho
I thought I was the only one lol
Dave thinks Crazy is “FOINE”😂😂.
"Dave" and "Crazy", Hmm this looks odd...
"Crazy" and "Dave", Wait a minute...
"Crazy Dave!"
She killed a woman and her pets, shoots herself ... sick
And burns her own house down.
own pets, she owned them. Who would do such a thing?
@@oanaalexiaShe killed a woman and you only cared about a pet.
@@prawachankoirala4968oh shut up prawa when did he say he doesn't care about the human
@@prawachankoirala4968 yes ,these sick kids keep yapping about animals
Who needs the news when you have rwj
Yah I literally watch his vids every day
I watch this guy when I build with legos(:
Her dedication is actually insane. My procrastinated ass just can't
"Lover, Stalker, Killer" is a doc on Netflix about this
The way ray says fine "FOINE" 💀💀💀
How about the poor human being she killed?
@@SUKKUNA837 obviously.
@@aiwa501well I mean he never denied the human for not being poor
Humans can sort of defend themselves from a fire like opening a door but a dog cat and snake cant
“And he thinks crazy is fine “. Got me dying😂😂😂
The Netflix documentary is absolutely insane
Whats it called?
"Lover stalker killer" your welcome it's amazing🔥
That's outrageous. She KILLED her OWN pets. 😢thats unbelievable.
So sad. I can’t imagine how messed up she must be.
ill always love how Ray says "FINE!"
No not fine “ FOIN”
@@sunnytwist2871 oh yea sorry 😅
I LOVE the way he says that ! I also like how he says “ pew pew “ instead of gun
"FUANNNN! " Got me a heart attack 💀
I love this channel... Everything here is brief.... He alway's round up his videos within 4-6m.. ❤️❤️
The dedication is crazy
“Dave thinks Crazy is FOINEE” LOL LAUGHING
Edit: 251 likes under 2 hours? Thanks ☺️
Edit: 505 likes? Yum 😋
he looks like crazy dave from plants vz zombies
Ngl the Amy art creeps me tf out
"maybe crazy, wasn't crazy at all" 😂
Liz turning out to be Crazy is crazy
Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room.
@@yasirnazirbutt8240A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And the rats made me crazy!
She kinda looks like Meryl Streep tbh
Oh sorry I meant at 0:08
Not 0:03
I’ve learned more of these stories from Ray then the news
Nice drawing ray that Liz animation keeps me up at night man 💀
I love the FUUUUUIIIINNNNNN at 0:24 I love i so much 😂😂😂
No…it’s FOINE
It FoInE
I love the way you explain all these stories I love it ❤
0:53 The whistle is crazy😂
You actually had me in the first half. Good storytelling Ray!
1:51 Friend:Call the police
Dave:No I'll handle it
-buys a gun-
When Ray says- “she thinks he’s Foooain!”
the art style is wild
Bahahaha!! I love how BUSTED you illustrated Liz!😂
It’s nice to watch ray while on vacation in London so I wake up and he’s got a vid uploaded
I know about this story, so I was confused at first when the actually innocent woman Ray named crazy, but then I realized how genius of a move it was. Because I actually realized pretty soon that Liz is the culprit and the video I saw this from first appeared slow and frustrating, because it kept insisting on crazy being the culprit until the very end
I knew immediately who was bad by the animation 🤣
And Dave thinks crazy is FOINE
She shot herself in the foot both literally and figuratively
The intro killed me😭😭😭😭 "This is Dave, and Dave's girlfriend just UNALIVED his OTHER GIRLFRIEND"😭😭😭😂
Edit: 242 likes!! That's wild😂❤️
its dave lol
Fr lol
Whose jake
I love the way he said fine❤❤
@@user-cj8js9qn8zmore like FOYNE! 😍
Bro, you got crazy stories 😂😂😂
I really like your channel
Saw this documentary on Netflix. Better than most thriller movies.
Ray is the best u tuber ever
Because snakes are cool! 🐍
She is a snake. Do you realize caps lock just makes you look nuts?
Ray I love ur story’s
Rayyyyy has the wayyy to make us say heyyyyyy ....... hos work is amazzzzang!!!!!
12 minutes and only me waiting that’s crazy
I’m waiting
nah uh
3:52 but hey thats just a theory a CRIME THEORY
Thanks for watching
This channel is so addicting 😂
I love the way he says FOoOIiiNnNNeEeE
Your channel is so interesting my dad is always sending TikTok’s and randomly sharing stories so now I can be ahead of him maybe I will show this channel to him
All of this over a relationship 🤦
The Liz Golyer case! Yep, certified nut job....btw, great artwork in your videos, Ray!
Stoping kids from stopping kids saying first
Stopping kids from being born
first 🤓‼️
You just said first tho
Stopping kids from saying stopping kids from saying first
“And Dave thinks crazy is FWINE” got me on the floor
140 email/texts per day is unhinged 😂
How do these stories keep getting crazier
From Tanzania always appreciate your videos 😎
the whistle after Ray said David and Crazy started crashing😆😆
Dave is just the goat protecting his girl and himself
This is also a documentary on Netflix if anyone was interested, it’s a really interesting case!
The plot twist had my jaw open for like 30 seconds😂
“The real life physco”
Me: so…..
Ray is the best news reporter
“Maybe crazy wasn’t crazy at all”
Now that’s crazy.💀
The worst thing about this is that she actually killed her own pets in all of this 😳 😢
2:18 is it me or does crazy look like Tom cruise
It's you
@@markkostka6897 or am I crazy
3:27 yes pretending
im addicted to RWJ content
What is so special about Dave that women are fighting over him??
It is
So many twists...holy eff 😂😂😂
Why would anyone do something like this disgusting
Reminds me of the lyrics: Mommy don't know dad is getting hot in the bodyshop!
0:23 FWINE!
FOUWIN!! 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌
Bravo...the thumbnails to make us believe that crazy is the murder was a smart move
4:27 he sounds like Kermit the frog😂
love the GTA animation style
I did not see that twist coming
Crazy ? I was crazy once.
They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats makes me crazy.
that’s messed up…
Best news reporter ever.
Thank you for showing appropriate trigger control when drawing that graphic Ray.
The plenty of fish is crazy
And dave thinks crazy is FOINE
Or even care the dating choices lmao.
Whenever he says foin he got me dying😂😂💀💀
I'm at 3:00 I'm assuming it's Liz
Dave+crazy=Crazy Dave 🤯
The pets. those poor animals :(
It's tragic because they are innocent victims but man it's much worse that this lady killed people. Peta nuts putting pets over humans drives me crazy.
Day 1 of asking ray to cover me doing this until i get board
And a snake really made my day 😂😂😂
Ray has been watching @Mr.Ballen lately and getting inspired by his stories. I’ve noticed a few stories that Mr ballen did and now ray has recently done a couple.
947th like under 1000 likes I watch all your videos kept refreshing page thx
“And Dave thinks Crazy is FOOINE”😭😭
1:35 not the pets
She did all this for one man, he better be the most handsome man in the world.
Yall did her dirty in the cartoon. I was expecting rhianna’s sixhead. 😂
Still one of the craziest stories Ray has ever told
“And Liz was pretending to be Crazy”
Me: Yeah Pretending