You should check out the podcast! (I'm biased bc I worked on it...) but the vibe of the music fits the vibe of the show perfectly so if you're into this energy you may enjoy it
Wowsville. In Illinois here there's lots of swamp fossils, ah and tracks of dinosaurs, well technically dinosaur. Rev Ivan stang has a youtube page on his back yard, there's a bunch of prints all over. He's nuts.🐇🐁🐑🐏🕊🥚🍚🥟🫚🍇🐫🦔 goose taking a drink🍸🪿
Decondition former " FAO Shwartz " Employees. You know what they had to hear over and over. I mentioned it to one and shes like no just dont sing it please. WELCOME TO OUR WORLD WELCOME TO OUR WORLD WELCOME TO OUR WORLD OF TOYS, FOR 8 HOURS STRAIGHT EVERY DAY. theyre on the edge, riding, skirting it. Oh they are some tortured souls
Magic Applied 🤤
I did not know the podcast, I just enjoy this minimal, synthy music
You should check out the podcast! (I'm biased bc I worked on it...) but the vibe of the music fits the vibe of the show perfectly so if you're into this energy you may enjoy it
bops all the way DOWNNNN
FINALLY!! Love listening to this while working, very well done
Trilobytes, once existed on bottom ocean floor, of what is now Oklahoma
Wowsville. In Illinois here there's lots of swamp fossils, ah and tracks of dinosaurs, well technically dinosaur. Rev Ivan stang has a youtube page on his back yard, there's a bunch of prints all over. He's nuts.🐇🐁🐑🐏🕊🥚🍚🥟🫚🍇🐫🦔 goose taking a drink🍸🪿
this is insanely good
So good!!! So fun!❤
Thank you! 💙🏝🌠🚀🛸
this is is sick as heck
I feel a compulsion to complete many of these rough tracks into circular pieces.
Decondition former " FAO Shwartz " Employees. You know what they had to hear over and over. I mentioned it to one and shes like no just dont sing it please. WELCOME TO OUR WORLD WELCOME TO OUR WORLD WELCOME TO OUR WORLD OF TOYS, FOR 8 HOURS STRAIGHT EVERY DAY. theyre on the edge, riding, skirting it. Oh they are some tortured souls
Kinda like a focus-grouped edition of The Residents' Commercial Album.
Blair the bass so hard that you'd wish it was a Super Tornado
This is for Best Buy employees who used to work ‘Circuit city’
Fishy fishy fishy oh, and he went wherever I did gooooo
The gummies seem logical now, three seems logical now. What year is it🎉
You people fried on ‘elevator music’ genre. It’s not elevator music, you people fried on elevator. Bart system
i think you're *just* fried, friend.
You mean Bosa Nova ? ;)
Amusing but sappy. A novelty at best. Original, so not deserving a down vote, but not earning an up vote either.