@@mimiphuc We have healthcare for everybody. If you are poor, you get Medicaid. Other individuals have group health insurance from their employer, Obamacare or Medicare. You couldn't be any more wrong.
These NGO's are not non-governmental organizations. What they are are organizations that the US government has created to specifically destroy China's and other countries' internal governments so that China and other countries could be destroyed from within. The US government used to use the CIA to destroy other countries' governments, but since the CIA has been thoroughly exposed as an organization that destroyed other countries' government and assassinated other countries' leaders, the US government created new organizations that do the exact same things that the CIA used to do and some of the most well-known organization right now that the US government has created to replace the CIA are the National Endowment for Democracy, Amnesty International, USAID, National Democratic Institute, and Freedom House. Another organization that works in unison with the CIA and all of the other fake NGO's created by the US government, is George Soros' Open Society. All of these organizations work with one another to fund other organizations that the US government has created within a targeted country to overthrow that country's government because it is a country that the US government doesn't like or a country that refuses to take orders from the US government. The US government has created hundreds of these organizations within different countries that the US government wants to destroy and whose leaders the US government wants to kill or overthrow. Worse of all, the US government uses the children and young people of these countries to help it achieve its missions of overthrowing and killing their own leaders and government. These fake NGO's use flatteries and gifts to lure young people into joining their organization and plant fake stories about how bad their own government is and how great the US government and society are so that these young gullible people would agree to fight their own government and kill their own people. The US government has literally destroyed nearly 100 countries using this playbook over and over again in countries all over the world! Some American government officials have even secretly said that it is the cheapest and most effective way for the US government to take down a country. Best of all, unlike invading and bombing a country into smithereens, the USA doesn't get blamed for destroying those countries that it has destroyed since everything is done secretly and internally within a country. It's the ultimate warfare -- American style!
Liu Xin is the epitome of a LADY, in the best sense of the term! To call her a girl is rather condescending!! And she is a top professional, like most CGTN presenters. Proven time and again.
These NGO's are not non-governmental organizations. What they are are organizations that the US government has created to specifically destroy China's and other countries' internal governments so that China and other countries could be destroyed from within. The US government used to use the CIA to destroy other countries' governments, but since the CIA has been thoroughly exposed as an organization that destroyed other countries' government and assassinated other countries' leaders, the US government created new organizations that do the exact same things that the CIA used to do and some of the most well-known organization right now that the US government has created to replace the CIA are the National Endowment for Democracy, Amnesty International, USAID, National Democratic Institute, and Freedom House. Another organization that works in unison with the CIA and all of the other fake NGO's created by the US government, is George Soros' Open Society. All of these organizations work with one another to fund other organizations that the US government has created within a targeted country to overthrow that country's government because it is a country that the US government doesn't like or a country that refuses to take orders from the US government. The US government has created hundreds of these organizations within different countries that the US government wants to destroy and whose leaders the US government wants to kill or overthrow. Worse of all, the US government uses the children and young people of these countries to help it achieve its missions of overthrowing and killing their own leaders and government. These fake NGO's use flatteries and gifts to lure young people into joining their organization and plant fake stories about how bad their own government is and how great the US government and society are so that these young gullible people would agree to fight their own government and kill their own people. The US government has literally destroyed nearly 100 countries using this playbook over and over again in countries all over the world! Some American government officials have even secretly said that it is the cheapest and most effective way for the US government to take down a country. Best of all, unlike invading and bombing a country into smithereens, the USA doesn't get blamed for destroying those countries that it has destroyed since everything is done secretly and internally within a country. It's the ultimate warfare -- American style!
Sure, if the Chinese know these are trouble makers, they are doing a graceful act to stop their entry into their country. Putting them in jail would be more appropriate.
Restoring law and order has to be the top priority for the Hong Kong government. To deny entry to the agents provocateurs (including but not limited to the insidious and hypocritical NGOs) is the right thing to do. Without an effective law enforcement measure put in place, Hong Kong is fast turning into an ochlocracy. An ochlocracy or mob rule is the rule of government by mob; or rule by a mass of people through the intimidation of the legitimate authorities, the government. That is exactly what is happening in Hong Kong today. Ironically, an ochlocracy is the exact opposite of a democracy, which these rabble rousers and rioters claim that they are fighting for.
Always enjoy hearing both sides of stories like this, especially human rights in China. You can always learn something from each side, and I learned things in this report. Good report, looking forward to the Spring Festival edition coming soon
Anyone who claims to care about human rights today should work with CPC in it's effort to eliminate poverty in the country of 1.4 billion people, and to bring similar prosperity abroad via the one belt one road initiative. Anything else is hypocrisy.
These NGO's are not non-governmental organizations. What they are are organizations that the US government has created to specifically destroy China's and other countries' internal governments so that China and other countries could be destroyed from within. The US government used to use the CIA to destroy other countries' governments, but since the CIA has been thoroughly exposed as an organization that destroyed other countries' government and assassinated other countries' leaders, the US government created new organizations that do the exact same things that the CIA used to do and some of the most well-known organization right now that the US government has created to replace the CIA are the National Endowment for Democracy, Amnesty International, USAID, National Democratic Institute, and Freedom House. Another organization that works in unison with the CIA and all of the other fake NGO's created by the US government, is George Soros' Open Society. All of these organizations work with one another to fund other organizations that the US government has created within a targeted country to overthrow that country's government because it is a country that the US government doesn't like or a country that refuses to take orders from the US government. The US government has created hundreds of these organizations within different countries that the US government wants to destroy and whose leaders the US government wants to kill or overthrow. Worse of all, the US government uses the children and young people of these countries to help it achieve its missions of overthrowing and killing their own leaders and government. These fake NGO's use flatteries and gifts to lure young people into joining their organization and plant fake stories about how bad their own government is and how great the US government and society are so that these young gullible people would agree to fight their own government and kill their own people. The US government has literally destroyed nearly 100 countries using this playbook over and over again in countries all over the world! Some American government officials have even secretly said that it is the cheapest and most effective way for the US government to take down a country. Best of all, unlike invading and bombing a country into smithereens, the USA doesn't get blamed for destroying those countries that it has destroyed since everything is done secretly and internally within a country. It's the ultimate warfare -- American style!
We should change our perception of US NGOs, instead to be “pro-democracy” we should think and say “pro-US” NGOs or “globalists NGOs” or “anti-China” NGOs. “Pro-democracy” is the worst and most misleading denomination we can use. And instead of taking them seriously one just should laugh at them.
👍🤝 to Mr. Victor Gao on.."🇨🇳 dreams of human rights"..👏💐..Additionally, agreed with Mr. Gao on Human Rights DO go parallel with national economic stability..So happy to see China had done a 👌 job of reducing poverty percentage overalls whereas in 🇺🇸, it is the other's ways around..😑..
Human rights must protect people from abuse of power. Please read, support and share. www.thepetitionsite.com/988/498/503/denounce-human-rights-violations-amp-obstruction-of-justice/
You are brilliant mr. Gao regarding this topic, yes, human right is the basic right and fundamental in our day to day life, thank you mr. Gao including your colleagues
In an interview with Judy Woodruff in April 13, 1999, Premier Zhu Rongji (as he then was) was asked whether China fears democracy. Zhu Rongji had this to say: “I have struggled for democracy for a lifetime. Therefore, I feel that democracy is not terrible. We want democracy, we have to have a legal system, so we cannot violate the law when we ask for democracy. Democracy and the rule of law should be developed simultaneously. The political turmoil that occurred in 1989 was because they wanted democracy and not the rule of law. Of course, I can’t say now whether the democracy they want is true democracy, or what form of democracy they want.” The phenomenon today, of this so-called “pro democracy movement” in Hong Kong, reminisces the 1989 Tiananmen incident, where a group of students, encouraged and motivated by their skewed understanding of democracy, took to the street. In truth, these young rioters and rabble rousers are just ignorant trouble makers (a pawn in a chess game) being manipulated, instigated, and exploited by agents provocateurs of the West in order to further their own malicious objective. That is, to destabilise and to subvert China’s sovereignty.
K C Koay actually it wasn’t even a massacre. It was originally a student gathering to mourn the death of a communist leader that many people loved. The u.s soon know abt this big gathering and put in a plot. They hired a retired cia agent to be appointed as a embassy to China. He and others trained students for pro democracy. Here’s a link to read more. Tank man? The tank was going away from the protestors. Those peaceful “protestors” fighting for democracy killed many defenseless soldiers. In the link u can see those pictures that r quiet blocked on google images. worldaffairs.blog/2019/06/02/tiananmen-square-massacre-facts-fiction-and-propaganda/
Ang W Yes. Dennis Etler, a former professor of Anthropology at Cabrillo College, California, and an expert on Sino-U.S. relations wrote in his opinion piece ‘The Truth Behind the Myth of the 'Tiananmen Square Massacre': “Although it has been well established that no “massacre” actually took place in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989, the term is still widely used to refer to the violence that did occur in Beijing that fateful night. As is well documented the violence was instigated by agents provocateurs, mostly unemployed youth who were set adrift as China transitioned from the command economy of (Chairman) Mao Zedong era to the socialist market economy of the (Chairman) Deng Xiaoping era. Mobs of these disaffected young people were set loose, firebombing PLA vehicles, incinerating their occupants and torching whole convoys of army vehicles sent to secure order in the capital. There should be no doubt in any thinking person’s mind that agents of the U.S. CIA and the Taiwan based Guomindang were involved in recruiting them. But what led to this insurrection that the West refuses to let go of?”
Can somebody correct him, that it is not 30 million people, but I do believe it is 800 million people, an achievement never before achieved in any country in the world. Well done China.
HRW proved their hypocrisy by completely ignoring my case of gross human rights violations by the government. I invite you to read my story and share it. chng.it/nVPq8mTTwX
If the Human Rights Watch organization were genuine, sincere, and apolitical, HK and China would have allowed entry. Truth be told, the Human Rights Watch has become an agent of the US government over the years. Human Rights Watch is not independent- its loyalty to the truth has been traded or compromised by expedience.
That's the Questions that should be discussed on TV. The same person funds both, human rights and Terror. If u don't know now u should know. Feeling Sorry for the vulnerable 3rd world Countries.
The USA does not have double standards. For that they would need to have some actual standards rather than the remarkably flexible principles, or lack thereof, they claim as standards.
Human rights must protect people from abuse of power. Please read, support and share. www.thepetitionsite.com/988/498/503/denounce-human-rights-violations-amp-obstruction-of-justice/
There will be no end to try to figure out why the so-called human rights groups do what they do. They depend on the contributions from vested interest parties to survive. They are not going to look at how the Chinese Government up-lifted the millions of people from poverty. They have no interest in such achievements which really would kill the very subject which they are using to create the confusing in the minds of people who have never travel around to see the poverty in the developing countries.
If you want to find out the motivation of organizations, just find out who funds them. Follow the money. If the funders are kept secret, be very suspicious. HRW’s budget is $600M!
I always assumed that "The Human Rights Watch" would be a good thing, but not if it is dishonest about what it does. The 2019 Human Rights Watch report is slanted on what has been happening in Venezuela, mentioning that they are against the (democratically elected) leader and not the US sanctions that are causing so many to suffer. It is hard to know who is telling the truth. To me, the skewed report on Venazeula adds credibility to what is discussed in this video.
Human rights must protect people from abuse of power. Please read, support and share. www.thepetitionsite.com/988/498/503/denounce-human-rights-violations-amp-obstruction-of-justice/
at least there are still journalists in eastern world media who take their job as journalist seriously. Not this one sided propaganda channels like in central europe. DW and media like these
The situation in Gaza and Israel (in general) is, I believe, why the Jews were denied a land of their own. The Jews should return the land and authority to the Palestinian people and co-exist peacefully with them or leave.
I remember well the US blatant mass bombing of Baghdad in Iraq , when thousands of Iraqi’s Were slaughtered because of the US gigantic lie, that Iraq had WMD’s. Last week the Swedish Amnesty International accused China of human rights violations against the Uighur people, This at the same time when they ignore the fact that Hazara Afghan asylum seekers in Sweden are being deported to Afghanistan a land in chaos. ♦️♦️♦️
Not only these peoples should be barred free m entering Chinese land, those who are already there and orchastrating anti china riots should also be sent home.
I haven't been able to catch her name, the Journalist that is standing in for Liu Xin, but what I find remarkable is that where Liu Xin speaking in a perfect British RP (Received Pronunciation) her stand in is a master of the American Mid-Atlantic Accent. It just points out that China is a tremendously large Talent Pool and when they find the "best", well, that means some really serious high caliber "best".
If the United States of America really cares about Human Rights, it must start with it's own people by giving them Social Security, Social Housing, Free Education ,Universal Basic Income, Universal Health Care, etc. I could go on and on...
Human rights must protect people from abuse of power. Please read, support and share. www.thepetitionsite.com/988/498/503/denounce-human-rights-violations-amp-obstruction-of-justice/
Kenneth Roth look like Norman Osborn, enemy of spider man and father of Harry Osborn who is best friend of Peter Parker. Hope CGTN can find out who is paying this guy to do human rights rubbish.
玻利维亚总统在联合国大会上对特狼普的指👆责 Below is the excerpt of the speech in UN from his Excellency, Evo Morales, President of Bolivia. ******** I would like to say to you, frankly and openly here, that in no way is the United Statates interested in upholding democracy. Is such were the case, It would not have financed coup d'eta and supported dictator. It would not have threatened with military intervention the democratically elected government as it is done in Venezuela. The United States could not care less about human rights nor justice. Is this were the case, it would have signed the International Convention of treaty for the protection of human rights. It would not have threatened the investigation mechanism of the International Criminal Court. Nor would it promoted the use of Torture. Nor would it have walked away from the Human Rights Council. And nor, would it has seperated migrants children from their families, nor put them in cages.
Human rights must protect people from abuse of power. Please read, support and share. www.thepetitionsite.com/988/498/503/denounce-human-rights-violations-amp-obstruction-of-justice/
Actually they were doing an article Falkland Islands and wanted to say "British ruled Island stolen from Argentina" but couldn't delete all the words then started writing another article about Hong Kong
The litmus test of Human Rights Watch to me is its stands on Black Matter Watch in the USA, where it is based. It has nothing on its website, very interesting record, but completely consistent with its funding source.
You're kidding, right? Over the past years, HRW has published many reports/statements centered on Black Lives Matter, systematic racism and police brutality-and there was no exception to such reporting in 2020. Here are just a few recent examples, (since you apparently found "nothing on its website"): + George Floyd’s Killing and the Black Lives Lost: www.hrw.org/news/2020/06/01/george-floyds-killing-and-black-lives-lost + Systemic Police Brutality and Its Costs in the United States: www.hrw.org/report/2020/09/30/kettling-protesters-bronx/systemic-police-brutality-and-its-costs-united-states + UN Rights Body Should Create International Inquiry into Systemic Racism and Police Violence in the US: www.hrw.org/news/2020/06/18/un-rights-body-should-create-international-inquiry-systemic-racism-and-police + US: Address Structural Racism Underlying Protests: www.hrw.org/news/2020/06/02/us-address-structural-racism-underlying-protests AND recent videos too: + Black Lives Matter: "Why I Protest": th-cam.com/video/rmw0M6H7Ljc/w-d-xo.html + US: Protestors Demand Justice: th-cam.com/video/IBXOQwystf4/w-d-xo.html
That's why all leaders of any big Organization's should have an INTEGRITY test. Those who financially support them are guilty as charge and bear the negative Karma for them and their offsprings.
If the US really care about human rights they would take care of their homeless people who are all over city streets around their own cities.
Doublescoop --- and not gun down unarmed blacks, latinos and other minorities.
Or have the largest prison population in the world! 25% of prisoners in the world are in American jails.
And cannot deliver Healthcare to its citizens, a basic human right.
We are talking about the richest country in the world.
@@mimiphuc We have healthcare for everybody. If you are poor, you get Medicaid. Other individuals have group health insurance from their employer, Obamacare or Medicare. You couldn't be any more wrong.
@@jameshughes6314 Haha the obamacare and medicare are a joke in what they cover so shut it
Chinese are not stupid. They've seen enough meddling in their affairs and their neighbour's affairs to know exactly what needs to be done.
fool me once
These NGO's are not non-governmental organizations. What they are are organizations that the US government has created to specifically destroy China's and other countries' internal governments so that China and other countries could be destroyed from within. The US government used to use the CIA to destroy other countries' governments, but since the CIA has been thoroughly exposed as an organization that destroyed other countries' government and assassinated other countries' leaders, the US government created new organizations that do the exact same things that the CIA used to do and some of the most well-known organization right now that the US government has created to replace the CIA are the National Endowment for Democracy, Amnesty International, USAID, National Democratic Institute, and Freedom House.
Another organization that works in unison with the CIA and all of the other fake NGO's created by the US government, is George Soros' Open Society. All of these organizations work with one another to fund other organizations that the US government has created within a targeted country to overthrow that country's government because it is a country that the US government doesn't like or a country that refuses to take orders from the US government. The US government has created hundreds of these organizations within different countries that the US government wants to destroy and whose leaders the US government wants to kill or overthrow. Worse of all, the US government uses the children and young people of these countries to help it achieve its missions of overthrowing and killing their own leaders and government.
These fake NGO's use flatteries and gifts to lure young people into joining their organization and plant fake stories about how bad their own government is and how great the US government and society are so that these young gullible people would agree to fight their own government and kill their own people. The US government has literally destroyed nearly 100 countries using this playbook over and over again in countries all over the world! Some American government officials have even secretly said that it is the cheapest and most effective way for the US government to take down a country. Best of all, unlike invading and bombing a country into smithereens, the USA doesn't get blamed for destroying those countries that it has destroyed since everything is done secretly and internally within a country. It's the ultimate warfare -- American style!
@@Birch37 What a nice coherent with plenty of proof arguments...Bravo...You single handily explained the intellectual decline of the west.
@@Birch37 👈🤡😜🤣
Mike Ponpei, US Secretary of State said, "I was the CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole. That’s, it was like, we had entire training courses."
He either think we are zombies or just plain stupid. Tell them the truth to their face and act as if nothing is wrong with that. Reverse psychology.
hahaha, honest man ,I admair him
One more thing he should have said " we even spy on our allies, tapped into their conversation ...,"
He said that?
@@justsomemanwithaplan4305 It's all over the news
I love this girl. She said everything right. Love her points. All true. All facts. Agree. Thumbs up.
I don't think those are the only reasons y u love her! 😂
Anyone Country Dismissing in UN is foolishness .
Consulting is Wisdom.....
UN means Stage for Problem solves...
Plus she is smart and pretty 😍
Liu Xin is the epitome of a LADY, in the best sense of the term! To call her a girl is rather condescending!! And she is a top professional, like most CGTN presenters. Proven time and again.
Kenneth Roth was a State Department official before he moved on to his current position at the Human Rights Watch. Enough said.
Anything or persons that comes out of America are never a good thing, always that have something to do with CIA( stirrers and troublemakers ).
Or American DNA perhaps 🤣.....
These NGO's are not non-governmental organizations. What they are are organizations that the US government has created to specifically destroy China's and other countries' internal governments so that China and other countries could be destroyed from within. The US government used to use the CIA to destroy other countries' governments, but since the CIA has been thoroughly exposed as an organization that destroyed other countries' government and assassinated other countries' leaders, the US government created new organizations that do the exact same things that the CIA used to do and some of the most well-known organization right now that the US government has created to replace the CIA are the National Endowment for Democracy, Amnesty International, USAID, National Democratic Institute, and Freedom House.
Another organization that works in unison with the CIA and all of the other fake NGO's created by the US government, is George Soros' Open Society. All of these organizations work with one another to fund other organizations that the US government has created within a targeted country to overthrow that country's government because it is a country that the US government doesn't like or a country that refuses to take orders from the US government. The US government has created hundreds of these organizations within different countries that the US government wants to destroy and whose leaders the US government wants to kill or overthrow. Worse of all, the US government uses the children and young people of these countries to help it achieve its missions of overthrowing and killing their own leaders and government.
These fake NGO's use flatteries and gifts to lure young people into joining their organization and plant fake stories about how bad their own government is and how great the US government and society are so that these young gullible people would agree to fight their own government and kill their own people. The US government has literally destroyed nearly 100 countries using this playbook over and over again in countries all over the world! Some American government officials have even secretly said that it is the cheapest and most effective way for the US government to take down a country. Best of all, unlike invading and bombing a country into smithereens, the USA doesn't get blamed for destroying those countries that it has destroyed since everything is done secretly and internally within a country. It's the ultimate warfare -- American style!
@@grandwonder5858 100% spot on! Great summary.
Did not the USA not deny Iran's foreign mister entry to the UN, against international law?
Yes they did.
Power that was abused by. UN needs a to be in a Neutral setting as any cities under US control will abuse it privilege.
I'm fascinated how well Chinese female hosts dress, always very classy.
Courtesy, polite and respect viewers.
Modest and dignified is her attire! She has much self-respect and respect for others!
Also ,they speaks at least 2 International languages
Nice legs too
Sure, if the Chinese know these are trouble makers, they are doing a graceful act to stop their entry into their country. Putting them in jail would be more appropriate.
Thanks for pulling out the western report. This is a good way to let the world to see the hyporcritcy of western media. Keep up the work!!!!!!!
Not just Roth, alot of these anti chinese youtubers especially gamers influence their younger audience to agitate and spread anti chinese propaganda.
Yes 4 Chan is a far right programme to move your people to the right wing and xenophobia.
Restoring law and order has to be the top priority for the Hong Kong government. To deny entry to the agents provocateurs (including but not limited to the insidious and hypocritical NGOs) is the right thing to do.
Without an effective law enforcement measure put in place, Hong Kong is fast turning into an ochlocracy.
An ochlocracy or mob rule is the rule of government by mob; or rule by a mass of people through the intimidation of the legitimate authorities, the government. That is exactly what is happening in Hong Kong today.
Ironically, an ochlocracy is the exact opposite of a democracy, which these rabble rousers and rioters claim that they are fighting for.
“Roth went to Yale” so what? Because he went to Yale, he should be allowed to ferment dissenting ?
One of the best arguements I ve heard from prof V GAO on any interview . Straight forward and to the point of what H Right was about .
Always enjoy hearing both sides of stories like this, especially human rights in China. You can always learn something from each side, and I learned things in this report. Good report, looking forward to the Spring Festival edition coming soon
Victor Gao is a pretty smart and knowledgeable guy. One day I will meet him.
After seeing how BLM protests are treated, I started to accept the fact that all these so called human rights organizations are politically motivated.
Human right, more like US right to search and destroy any nation that dear to challenge the RULE OF LAW, aka US law or directives.
A very informative production.
It’s state run propaganda
Thanks to western hyprocracy, with that it awakes us, the Chinese of how devious the westerners are.
Communities across Britain are deeply inspired by all your wonderful videos
Well said straight to the points and facts.Clearly presented.
Anyone who claims to care about human rights today should work with CPC in it's effort to eliminate poverty in the country of 1.4 billion people, and to bring similar prosperity abroad via the one belt one road initiative. Anything else is hypocrisy.
Good for this kind of program to expose evil design of such organization inciting political violence
These NGO's are not non-governmental organizations. What they are are organizations that the US government has created to specifically destroy China's and other countries' internal governments so that China and other countries could be destroyed from within. The US government used to use the CIA to destroy other countries' governments, but since the CIA has been thoroughly exposed as an organization that destroyed other countries' government and assassinated other countries' leaders, the US government created new organizations that do the exact same things that the CIA used to do and some of the most well-known organization right now that the US government has created to replace the CIA are the National Endowment for Democracy, Amnesty International, USAID, National Democratic Institute, and Freedom House.
Another organization that works in unison with the CIA and all of the other fake NGO's created by the US government, is George Soros' Open Society. All of these organizations work with one another to fund other organizations that the US government has created within a targeted country to overthrow that country's government because it is a country that the US government doesn't like or a country that refuses to take orders from the US government. The US government has created hundreds of these organizations within different countries that the US government wants to destroy and whose leaders the US government wants to kill or overthrow. Worse of all, the US government uses the children and young people of these countries to help it achieve its missions of overthrowing and killing their own leaders and government.
These fake NGO's use flatteries and gifts to lure young people into joining their organization and plant fake stories about how bad their own government is and how great the US government and society are so that these young gullible people would agree to fight their own government and kill their own people. The US government has literally destroyed nearly 100 countries using this playbook over and over again in countries all over the world! Some American government officials have even secretly said that it is the cheapest and most effective way for the US government to take down a country. Best of all, unlike invading and bombing a country into smithereens, the USA doesn't get blamed for destroying those countries that it has destroyed since everything is done secretly and internally within a country. It's the ultimate warfare -- American style!
Great Job keep the good work.
I like her English. the station should have more host hostess like her
We should change our perception of US NGOs, instead to be “pro-democracy” we should think and say “pro-US” NGOs or “globalists NGOs” or “anti-China” NGOs. “Pro-democracy” is the worst and most misleading denomination we can use. And instead of taking them seriously one just should laugh at them.
It's like saying that invading oil countries is """""Liberation""""".
👍🤝 to Mr. Victor Gao on.."🇨🇳 dreams of human rights"..👏💐..Additionally, agreed with Mr. Gao on Human Rights DO go parallel with national economic stability..So happy to see China had done a 👌 job of reducing poverty percentage overalls whereas in 🇺🇸, it is the other's ways around..😑..
We know something is wrong when human rights are being selectively applied by certain organisations..
Human rights must protect people from abuse of power. Please read, support and share. www.thepetitionsite.com/988/498/503/denounce-human-rights-violations-amp-obstruction-of-justice/
Human Rights Watch: damn I don’t have a job anymore
USA: don’t you look at our jails, and Guantanamo bay or we will not pay you anymore
All these western groups are the most important source of fair tales of our age !
Yes. Fairy tales.
Who fund human rights? Trump administration of course they have mountain of money Trump use them as spy too and report to the mafia boss immediately.
Nettle Boyss Sunvanbeen
They print a mountain of fake money! The US dollar is not backed by gold!
You are brilliant mr. Gao regarding this topic, yes, human right is the basic right and fundamental in our day to day life, thank you mr. Gao including your colleagues
I simply compare how HK was handled vs how Iraq US Embassy riots was handled.
In an interview with Judy Woodruff in April 13, 1999, Premier Zhu Rongji (as he then was) was asked whether China fears democracy.
Zhu Rongji had this to say: “I have struggled for democracy for a lifetime. Therefore, I feel that democracy is not terrible. We want democracy, we have to have a legal system, so we cannot violate the law when we ask for democracy. Democracy and the rule of law should be developed simultaneously. The political turmoil that occurred in 1989 was because they wanted democracy and not the rule of law. Of course, I can’t say now whether the democracy they want is true democracy, or what form of democracy they want.”
The phenomenon today, of this so-called “pro democracy movement” in Hong Kong, reminisces the 1989 Tiananmen incident, where a group of students, encouraged and motivated by their skewed understanding of democracy, took to the street.
In truth, these young rioters and rabble rousers are just ignorant trouble makers (a pawn in a chess game) being manipulated, instigated, and exploited by agents provocateurs of the West in order to further their own malicious objective. That is, to destabilise and to subvert China’s sovereignty.
K C Koay actually it wasn’t even a massacre. It was originally a student gathering to mourn the death of a communist leader that many people loved. The u.s soon know abt this big gathering and put in a plot. They hired a retired cia agent to be appointed as a embassy to China. He and others trained students for pro democracy. Here’s a link to read more. Tank man? The tank was going away from the protestors. Those peaceful “protestors” fighting for democracy killed many defenseless soldiers. In the link u can see those pictures that r quiet blocked on google images.
Ang W
Yes. Dennis Etler, a former professor of Anthropology at Cabrillo College, California, and an expert on Sino-U.S. relations wrote in his opinion piece ‘The Truth Behind the Myth of the 'Tiananmen Square Massacre':
“Although it has been well established that no “massacre” actually took place in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989, the term is still widely used to refer to the violence that did occur in Beijing that fateful night. As is well documented the violence was instigated by agents provocateurs, mostly unemployed youth who were set adrift as China transitioned from the command economy of (Chairman) Mao Zedong era to the socialist market economy of the (Chairman) Deng Xiaoping era. Mobs of these disaffected young people were set loose, firebombing PLA vehicles, incinerating their occupants and torching whole convoys of army vehicles sent to secure order in the capital. There should be no doubt in any thinking person’s mind that agents of the U.S. CIA and the Taiwan based Guomindang were involved in recruiting them. But what led to this insurrection that the West refuses to let go of?”
1989 incident was one of the earlier false flags the CIA had done on China.
Can somebody correct him, that it is not 30 million people, but I do believe it is 800 million people, an achievement never before achieved in any country in the world.
Well done China.
HRW showed their colours with their Syria stories, I was going to look into this story just because HRW used NED talking points.
HRW proved their hypocrisy by completely ignoring my case of gross human rights violations by the government. I invite you to read my story and share it. chng.it/nVPq8mTTwX
good job
If the Human Rights Watch organization were genuine, sincere, and apolitical, HK and China would have allowed entry. Truth be told, the Human Rights Watch has become an agent of the US government over the years. Human Rights Watch is not independent- its loyalty to the truth has been traded or compromised by expedience.
That's the Questions that should be discussed on TV. The same person funds both, human rights and Terror. If u don't know now u should know.
Feeling Sorry for the vulnerable 3rd world Countries.
The female China host is so elegant + beautiful + nice.+ smart.
How can Kenneth Roth be objective? He is an activist.
Dr Victor Gao, thank you for your objective and realistic analysis of the true human rights meaning
You did an excellent job of covering the subject.
The USA does not have double standards. For that they would need to have some actual standards rather than the remarkably flexible principles, or lack thereof, they claim as standards.
Great analysis and polemic. The USA need a regime change and many of its puppets put before court.
Human rights must protect people from abuse of power. Please read, support and share. www.thepetitionsite.com/988/498/503/denounce-human-rights-violations-amp-obstruction-of-justice/
Great show
There will be no end to try to figure out why the so-called human rights groups do what they do. They depend on the contributions from vested interest parties to survive. They are not going to look at how the Chinese Government up-lifted the millions of people from poverty. They have no interest in such achievements which really would kill the very subject which they are using to create the confusing in the minds of people who have never travel around to see the poverty in the developing countries.
Victor, I am a fan of yours, your authority is strength, so glad to see you use it at times. you are a truth seeker. Thank you
If you want to find out the motivation of organizations, just find out who funds them. Follow the money. If the funders are kept secret, be very suspicious. HRW’s budget is $600M!
Save your country by closing down USA embassy. Better to be safe than to be sorry.
Human rights watch is very dangerous org for genuine human rights
I always assumed that "The Human Rights Watch" would be a good thing, but not if it is dishonest about what it does. The 2019 Human Rights Watch report is slanted on what has been happening in Venezuela, mentioning that they are against the (democratically elected) leader and not the US sanctions that are causing so many to suffer. It is hard to know who is telling the truth. To me, the skewed report on Venazeula adds credibility to what is discussed in this video.
Human rights must protect people from abuse of power. Please read, support and share. www.thepetitionsite.com/988/498/503/denounce-human-rights-violations-amp-obstruction-of-justice/
Great show…..good insights !
Excellent analysis. Human Rights Watch Syria ha already shown the partial and wrong reporting the can do. Should be dissolved immediately.
at least there are still journalists in eastern world media who take their job as journalist seriously. Not this one sided propaganda channels like in central europe. DW and media like these
The situation in Gaza and Israel (in general) is, I believe, why the Jews were denied a land of their own.
The Jews should return the land and authority to the Palestinian people and co-exist peacefully with them or leave.
Haha. The USA prevents delegates they don't like from going to the UN.
Why stop him from going into hong Kong. If it is true. Let him in and arrest him for creating riots.
The devious bastard Roth could start with human rights abuses in USA and Israel. That should keep him busy for the rest of his miserable life!
Human Rights Watch should be denounced world-wide as a CIA front.
Wow facts and evidence.
Human Rights Watch is headquartered in America ruled New York.
I remember well the US blatant mass bombing of Baghdad in Iraq , when thousands of Iraqi’s
Were slaughtered because of the US gigantic lie, that Iraq had WMD’s. Last week the Swedish Amnesty International accused China of human rights violations against the Uighur people, This at the same time when they ignore the fact that Hazara Afghan asylum seekers in Sweden are being deported to Afghanistan a land in chaos.
Not only these peoples should be barred free m entering Chinese land, those who are already there and orchastrating anti china riots should also be sent home.
Chinese ruled Hong Kong? So, the Americans ruled Hawaii? Or maybe, the Americans ruled Puerto Rico? or maybe the Americans ruled California.
The anchor is so beautiful 🌹
Where is human rights in middle east and Africa? Oh i guess only in selective countries.
Who funds human rights watch? Is it George Sorrows?
I haven't been able to catch her name, the Journalist that is standing in for Liu Xin, but what I find remarkable is that where Liu Xin speaking in a perfect British RP (Received Pronunciation) her stand in is a master of the American Mid-Atlantic Accent. It just points out that China is a tremendously large Talent Pool and when they find the "best", well, that means some really serious high caliber "best".
Well said and narrated
Human right? Please look at Iraq.... they do not even have country right'.
What’s the name of the host?
If the United States of America really cares about Human Rights, it must start with it's own people by giving them Social Security, Social Housing, Free Education ,Universal Basic Income, Universal Health Care, etc. I could go on and on...
How will the new china-US trade deal affect so called US meddling in Hong Kong China affairs?
Good topics 👌👌
❤️🇵🇹❤️CIA definitely working over-time on their propaganda modus operandi
Great girl, pretty, sharp, nicely mannered.
On point!
Human rights must protect people from abuse of power. Please read, support and share. www.thepetitionsite.com/988/498/503/denounce-human-rights-violations-amp-obstruction-of-justice/
What time Friday at singapore time ? Thanks
What? Human Right? I think he should visit Pelastinen Först...LOL
Block the people messing with HK
China is Tight👍👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
Always follow the money so you know who behinds everything ...
wow! beauty and brains and she speaks english very well.
Interesting topics
Kenneth Roth look like Norman Osborn, enemy of spider man and father of Harry Osborn who is best friend of Peter Parker. Hope CGTN can find out who is paying this guy to do human rights rubbish.
Below is the excerpt of the speech in UN from his Excellency, Evo Morales, President of Bolivia.
I would like to say to you, frankly and openly here, that in no way is the United Statates interested in upholding democracy.
Is such were the case,
It would not have financed coup d'eta and supported dictator.
It would not have threatened with military intervention the democratically elected government as it is done in Venezuela.
The United States could not care less about human rights nor justice.
Is this were the case, it would have signed the International Convention of treaty for the protection of human rights.
It would not have threatened the investigation mechanism of the International Criminal Court.
Nor would it promoted the use of Torture.
Nor would it have walked away from the Human Rights Council.
And nor, would it has seperated migrants children from their families, nor put them in cages.
Human rights must protect people from abuse of power. Please read, support and share. www.thepetitionsite.com/988/498/503/denounce-human-rights-violations-amp-obstruction-of-justice/
Better to let them come in then arrest them for inciting hatred in the country
Actually they were doing an article Falkland Islands and wanted to say "British ruled Island stolen from Argentina" but couldn't delete all the words then started writing another article about Hong Kong
She's beautiful ❤️
Government with lowest Human rights record funding Human rights watch group. Lmao.
That's a million-dollar lady, by the way. Brilliant.
The litmus test of Human Rights Watch to me is its stands on Black Matter Watch in the USA, where it is based. It has nothing on its website, very interesting record, but completely consistent with its funding source.
You're kidding, right? Over the past years, HRW has published many reports/statements centered on Black Lives Matter, systematic racism and police brutality-and there was no exception to such reporting in 2020. Here are just a few recent examples, (since you apparently found "nothing on its website"):
+ George Floyd’s Killing and the Black Lives Lost: www.hrw.org/news/2020/06/01/george-floyds-killing-and-black-lives-lost
+ Systemic Police Brutality and Its Costs in the United States: www.hrw.org/report/2020/09/30/kettling-protesters-bronx/systemic-police-brutality-and-its-costs-united-states
+ UN Rights Body Should Create International Inquiry into Systemic Racism and Police Violence in the US: www.hrw.org/news/2020/06/18/un-rights-body-should-create-international-inquiry-systemic-racism-and-police
+ US: Address Structural Racism Underlying Protests: www.hrw.org/news/2020/06/02/us-address-structural-racism-underlying-protests
AND recent videos too:
+ Black Lives Matter: "Why I Protest": th-cam.com/video/rmw0M6H7Ljc/w-d-xo.html
+ US: Protestors Demand Justice: th-cam.com/video/IBXOQwystf4/w-d-xo.html
Should block people like Marcus Rubio and Ted Cruz
It seems we relay on the BIRCS states to survive!
That's why all leaders of any big Organization's should have an INTEGRITY test. Those who financially support them are guilty as charge and bear the negative Karma for them and their offsprings.
Stupid question. Its the NED of course. So is Amnesty International.