Sedevacantism Risk to Salvation, by Canon Lawyer and Theologian

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 35

  • @traditional-catholic
    @traditional-catholic  ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Sedevacantism
    Sedevacantism is Schismatic
    Papal Heresy and Loss of Office
    Crisis in the Church Series on Sedevacantism

    • @stevenirizarry9427
      @stevenirizarry9427 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Are Eastern Orthodox Christian’s in danger of hellfire?

    • @traditional-catholic
      @traditional-catholic  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@stevenirizarry9427 Thank you for an important question.
      Christ has given us a guideline on how to reach Heaven and eternal life with God. He established one Church and ordained Bishops to go forth and preach the Gospel, administer the Sacraments, celebrate the everlasting continual sacrifice in the Mass, teach and guide His flock to Heaven.
      Over the Apostles (first Bishops) Christ placed a head to be the final arbiter and lead the Bishops and Church. It was St Peter who responded correctly, "Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God." This response effected the next step from Christ of changing his name from Simon Bar Jona to Peter and declaring him as the rock on whom Christ will build His Church. After this proclamation, Christ gave to St Peter the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.
      The Keys are access to Graces and authority from Heaven, "Whatever you bind on Earth, shall be bound in Heaven. Whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven." Christ did not bestow this role on the other Apostles, only St Peter. Successors to St Peter have been appointed since his martyrdom right through to the present day. The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven are held only by St Peter and his successors to the Papal office in Rome. St Peter was martyred there and his bones are buried under St Peter's Basilica. No one else on Earth holds the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, no matter how much they profess Christ. A person can have all the knowledge of a Ferrari - its designer, technical specifications, performance metrics etc, but without the keys he can never use the car to get to a destination. It is worthless.
      Therefore it's a risk to one's salvation to be outside the Roman Catholic Church which even non-Catholic historians agree was founded by Jesus Christ. Christ promised, "I will be with you all days even till the consummation of the world".
      Mathew 20:16 Christ says of the final outcome of salvation history - "many are called but few are chosen"
      Fr. George Haydock, Catholic Priest (1774-1849), explains"few chosen" :
      Only such as have not despised their caller, but followed and believed him; for men believed not, but of their own free will (St.Augustine l.i ad Simplic. q. ii. B). Hence the rejection of the Jews and of negligent Christians, and the conversion of strangers, who come and take their place, by a conversion both of faith and morals. On the part of God all are called (Mat. 11:28) "Come to me all". In effect, many after their call, have attained to faith and justification; but few in comparison are elected to eternal glory, because the far greater part do not obey the call, but refuse to come, whilst many of those who come fall away again; and thus very few, in comparison with those that perish, will at the last day be selected for eternal glory.
      As history attests, the Orthodox were initially Catholic in union with the Holy See in Rome, the Pope. However, the emperor in Constantinople who wanted to dictate and rule over the Pope in Rome, the Vicar of Christ, caused the great schism to occur between the Western and Eastern Church. Unfortunately, most clergy in the East followed the emperor's lead which was a grave error separating themselves from the Church of Christ to whom their first allegiance should have belonged. Only a few Eastern rites such as the Maronites and Chaldeans remained faithful to the Pope in Rome.
      One needs to consider that God is not the author of confusion by establishing numerous churches, each preaching different doctrines (some with heresies). Christ taught oneness in faith, doctrine and government on Earth and in Heaven.
      At this time, Christ is permitting His Church, the Roman Catholic Church, to pass through a great trial by allowing its enemies to create havoc inside its visible structure. However in the midst of the turmoil, Christ's teachings, the Sacraments and Mass remain unadulterated at the Fraternity of the Society of Saint Pius X.
      For a person outside the Roman Catholic Church who is seeking God with all their heart yet unsure which Church to belong to, it's recommended to dedicate a number of days for daily recitation of the Holy Rosary beseeching the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Grace to be guided to the one, true Church of salvation. Our Lady will intercede with her Divine Son, Jesus Christ, for Grace to assist a sincere soul. Our Lord never refuses the petitions of His holy Mother, Mary. Wearing Our Lady's miraculous medal (which she designed), blessed by a Priest from the Society of Saint Pius X, will further assist.

  • @pvrple4925
    @pvrple4925 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Wonderful explanation. May this great man rest in peace.

  • @jeffreylonigro1382
    @jeffreylonigro1382 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Never saw this before. Sad it only has a couple thousand views.

  • @sebathadah1559
    @sebathadah1559 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for sharing. Very useful.

  • @LOOregano
    @LOOregano 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The content of Cum ex apostolatus is in Canon 188. Canonist and commentary reference it. The rules listed in Canon 6 say it still applies.

    • @traditional-catholic
      @traditional-catholic  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your comment. However further investigation is necessary.
      Canon 188 refers to a Pope resigning out of grave fear or some other unjust reason as being an invalid resignation.
      1. Fr. Hesse explains, the Church consists of:
      a) Ten commandments and the Infallible Dogmas of the Faith, and
      b) the Administration or Disciplinary function of the Church covered by Canon
      2. The Ten commandments and Dogmas of the Faith never change because they are Divine Laws essential to keep in order to be a Catholic, (inside the Church established by Christ).
      3. Administration or Disciplinary rules laid out in Canon Law have changed down through Church history and continue to change. Whenever a full Code of Canon Law is promulgated, it abrogates the canons and disciplinary laws which came before it. Therefore, only if a canon is carried over into the new code does it remain in effect. Hence, administrative laws from Cum ex Apostolatus are no longer in effect/applicable.
      4. The Church's current Canon Law was published in1983 which is what Catholics are bound by at this time due to the mandate from Christ to the Office of Saint Peter, "Whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven. Whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven." Binding and loosing is the authority to administer the Church.
      5. In 1983 Code of Canon Law, regarding a heretic Pope or prelate, it states:
      Can. 1365- A person who, apart from the case mentioned in canon 1364.1 teaches a doctrine condemned by the Roman Pontiff, or by an Ecumenical Council, or obstinately rejects the teaching mentioned in canon 750.2 or canon 752 and, when warned by the Apostolic See or the Ordinary, does not retract, is to be punished with a censure and deprivation of office; to these sanctions others mentioned in can. 1336.2 - 4 may be added.
      This canon gives the evidence that the only legal way to remove a heretical Pope is by a warning issued by a council of Bishops, and if the Pope does not retract his heresy, is then declared obstinate and a formal heretic and removed from Office.
      6. Regarding heresy 'Ipso Facto' latae sententiae excommunication (canon 1364.1), this applies on a personal level between the individual and God, not related to holding an office in the Church. Here, it is a sin on a personal level. For example, a baptized person with full knowledge embraces non-Catholic teachings, they ipso facto (automatically without a warning given by an authority) are excommunicated from the Catholic Church. Such a person has committed a mortal sin and no longer in a state of Grace. To return to God, they must repent, go to Confession and confess the sin, then have the excommunication lifted. This individual ipso facto state does not prevent a heretical Pope from continuing to hold office in the Chair of Peter. The only way to remove an elected Pope is through a coalition of Bishops.
      7. As Fr. Hesse reveals, Pope Pius IX (known to have been a good Pope), when presented with the question - "If a Pope falls into heresy, what does a Catholic do?" The Pope's reply was, "just don't follow him". That is, don't follow any heresy or sin promulgated by a Pope or prelate but continue practicing the traditional Faith inside the visible Church in communion with the Office of Chair of Peter.

    • @jordanp3470
      @jordanp3470 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@traditional-catholicthe problem with this is that v2 Catholics are bound to acknowledge and venerate (and thus follow) canonized heretics as champions of the faith such as Paul VI, John XXIII and JP2
      Pope Leo XIII said it is absurd for someone outside the Church to command her

    • @traditional-catholic
      @traditional-catholic  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@jordanp3470 A baptized Catholic in order to remain a Catholic and inside the Church is bound only to the following:
      1. Keeping the Ten Commandments
      2. Believing the 255 Dogmas of the Church
      3. Keeping the precepts of the Church
      4. Remaining in communion with the Papacy in Rome (Chair of Peter)
      Anything or anyone inside the Church that is heretical or sinful, a Catholic must avoid / reject without leaving the Church. Christ did not promise that the Church would consist of perfect, sinless members. He stated He will permit wheat and tares to grow together until the end of time.
      A Catholic may choose to venerate a Saint or pious Catholic, whether Pope or not, but is not bound to do so. Just as a Catholic is not bound to believe in the Church approved apparitions of the Holy Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary (Lourdes, La Salette, Fatima, Akita).
      It's not possible for anyone outside the Church to govern her. A legally elected Pope (according to the Church's canon law and rules of the Conclave) is given lawful authority to govern the Church until someone proves with factual evidence that such a Pope was not legally elected. If a Pope commits sin or expresses heresy, this lies between the Pope and God. God will judge him. According to the Church's current laws, sin or heresy does not automatically remove a Pope from holding office. (No Pope in Church history has been sinless or perfect.) Only a union of Bishops have the authority to remove a Pope. Priests and laity have no authority to remove a Pope or make a judgment that the occupant is not Pope (sin of pride).

  • @jeffm.3575
    @jeffm.3575 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I wonder why Fr Hesse would say know about Francis? Francis is clearly a non-Catholic.

    • @traditional-catholic
      @traditional-catholic  ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Fr. Hesse passed away in 2006 before Pope Francis was elected by the conclave. Keep in mind it is Christ who permits the occupant of the Papacy. Regardless of the caliber of the occupant, we need to maintain reverence towards the office of the Papacy for the sake of Christ who established the structure of the Church and oversees it even during times of trial.
      Currently, the Bishops have not yet united to address heresies promulgated by the current occupant of the Papacy. Canon Law states warnings must be issued by a competent authority in the Church before a cleric can be declared a formal heretic, removed from office and excommunicated. Until this occurs by a coalition of Bishops and Cardinals, the occupant of the Papacy legally remains Pope because he was legally elected by the Conclave. Fr. Hesse's talk is educational by explaining that the rules for voting of a Pope by the Conclave have been changed by various Popes down through Church history. For this reason, rules laid down by Pope Paul IV in 1559 are no longer applicable. Canon Law states the following regarding election to the Papacy:
      Can. 332 §1. The Roman Pontiff obtains full and supreme power in the Church by his acceptance of legitimate election together with episcopal consecration. Therefore, a person elected to the supreme pontificate who is marked with episcopal character obtains this power from the moment of acceptance. If the person elected lacks episcopal character, however, he is to be ordained a bishop immediately.
      Voting rules for the Conclave have nothing to do with the dogmas of the Faith which can never be changed since these come from Christ (God) and are essential to believe in order to remain a member within the Catholic Church, the only ark of salvation.
      As Fr. Hesse explains, we must not accept heresy or obey any sinful command given by a prelate including the Pope. At the same time, a Catholic should not be tempted to leave the visible Church whenever they encounter a tare (weed) in the Church. That is to 'shoot oneself in the foot'. If anyone is to leave, it is the tares. Christ stated He will allow wheat and tares to exist/grow together. It will only be at the end of time when He will send His Angels to separate them. God allows an evil for a greater good. In this case, it is an opportunity for wheat to merit for Heaven through the difficulty and also a test of faithfulness to Christ and His Church (His Mystical Body). Christ founded a visible Church with a visible administrative structure to be clearly seen and recognized in the world. Those who leave the visible structure fail to remain loyal to Christ in times of hardship.
      There have been battles between groups in the Church previously, as we see in Church history (Arians, Pelagians, Nestorians, Orthodox, Protestants). It has always been those who renounced association with the visible structure - Seat of Peter in Rome and Church members - who became outsiders to the one, true Church and ark of salvation.
      Christ has established a refuge within the Church. It is the Society of Saint Pius X. The Society remains in communion with the Chair of Peter in Rome (inside the visible Church structure), maintains the traditional, unchanging Catholic faith, has been given faculties by the Pope to administer Confession and Marriage, scrutinizes all documents released and rejects heresies promulgated by the current and prior post Vatican II Popes. It has not and does not compromise the Faith in word or action.

  • @ProfMichaelFuller
    @ProfMichaelFuller 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Let’s talk about the risks of following a non-Catholic into a false religion. Canon Hesse said himself “if JP2 were to canonize Martin Luther” he would become sedevacantist, so it was not out of the realm of possibility for him. Those who risk genuine Catholic unity (false traditionalists) to assert sometimes aggressively that Francis is pope are a serious problem.

    • @traditional-catholic
      @traditional-catholic  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you for the comment.
      What Fr. Hesse is explaining is the following:
      1. The Church compromises of Divine Law (10 commandments, Sacraments, Charity) and Church Law (Canon Law and Church precepts)
      2. According to Canon Law, Pope Francis is legally Pope until proven otherwise in accordance with Canon Law (not an individual's personal opinion or assessment)
      Christ taught we are to obey not only Divine Law but also other laws i.e. the Church's administrative laws and secular laws.
      It is the responsibility of the Church's authorities (Cardinals and Bishops) to remove a Pope. Until they do, the occupant of the Papacy remains Pope legally, whether he is competent or not.
      Priests and laity don't have the authority to make a judgment on the Pope. The only thing Priests and laity can do is not obey or accept anything which the Pope may promulgate that goes against the Faith handed down .This does not require one to leave the Catholic Church i.e. break communion with the Office of the Chair of Peter. Competent and incompetent prelates have always existed in the Church. Hence, this is not a reason to leave Christ's Church either as an apostate or becoming a Sedevacantist That's what the devil would like. For a more detailed explanation, you can refer to the excellent talks on this topic via the links pinned above. Hoping this assists you!

  • @marioatienza9453
    @marioatienza9453 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Just to think that these people talking pro novus ordo are themselves its lackeys since they earned their status quo from the Vat.II conciliar incumbency. Lest they get lost from their comfort zones.

  • @doraemon402
    @doraemon402 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The problem with his overarching argument is these "popes" know what they're doing and they know what the church said, they're not stupid and they of all people should know best as they've spent their lives studying these matters.

    • @traditional-catholic
      @traditional-catholic  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Good comment. What Fr. Hesse is explaining is the legal aspect i.e. from the point of view of canon law. The Church consists of: 1) the Faith, and 2) the Administration through canon law. Canon law can't be thrown out the window as it is the rules governing clergy and laity (otherwise there would be havoc in the Church). As Fr. Hesse highlights, down through history it has been demonstrated that the Pope is above canon law. The only way to legally (canonically) remove a Pope is through a coalition of Cardinals and Bishops issuing warnings to the Pope, and if he remains 'pertinacious', declaring him a formal heretic, at which point he is legally removed and excommunicated. As evidence from various sources reveals, the hierarchy has been infiltrated with Freemasons obstructing the removal of these faith destroying Popes. The situation is definitely a trial for Catholics (will sift the wheat from the chaff). It is essential not to leave the visible structure of the Church i.e. one must remain in communion with the Seat of Peter. Leaving the visible structure i.e. no longer in communion with the Seat of Peter, is what the devil wants as "there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church". Example, the Orthodox followed the Emperor of Constantinople in cutting ties with the Papacy (Seat of Peter) and are in schism - outside of the Catholic Church. Anyone can practice the faith but unless it is in communion with the Seat of Peter, it is in vain. "On this rock I will build my Church". At this point in time, it is still possible to remain in communion with the Seat of Peter while practicing the traditional, unadulterated Faith handed down in some pockets within the visible Church structure (e.g. FSSPX).

    • @Maya-yp2ey
      @Maya-yp2ey 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Absolutely right.

  • @LOOregano
    @LOOregano 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "If the Pope ever, as a private person, were to fall into heresy, then at that moment, he would cease to be Pope, because he would then be outside the Church,, and as such, would no longer be able to be the head of the Church. In this case, the Church would not depose him, because no one has authority above the Pope. It would simply declare that he had fallen from his pontificate. We have said: 'if the Pope as a private person were to fall into heresy', for the Pope, as Pope, ie. as teaching the whole Church ex cathedra, is not able to teach anything against the faith..." (Verita della Fede 3, 8, 9 (OON 8, 176-177; ODW I, 302-303))
    "Then (when he is a manifest and external heretic) the Pope is not deprived of his power by the Council as by a superior, but...he is immediately despoiled of it by Christ..." (Verita della Fede 3, 9, 37 (OON 8, 195; ODW I, 326))
    As quoted by the Theological Defense of Papal Power by St. Alphonsus Liguori, Catholic University, 1961

    • @traditional-catholic
      @traditional-catholic  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The problem we have at present is that the Bishops have not declared the current Pope as fallen into heresy. It's important to establish irrefutable evidence as well, otherwise to judge another a heretic without establishing irrefutable evidence is a sin against the 8th commandment.

  • @RedFox-c5l
    @RedFox-c5l 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I think francis gets everyone else tp do his dirty work so he treads carefully with double speak while destroying the faith but try to prove it

    • @lucillebonds2196
      @lucillebonds2196 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I think you need to learn how to respect the Vicar of Christ. Even the Mother of God always address him as Holy Father. Then who are you to disrespect the Vicar of Christ addressing him as one of your underlings? You disrespect him you disrespect the One who gave him the authority to lead His Chuch here on earth. You can criticize him bit you must address him respectfully. You are not above Him. In fact, no one is above him on this earth. Remember his Three Tiered-Tiara if you understand the meaning of it.
      Jesus said those who have no sins, cast the first stone.

  • @ancienregime4142
    @ancienregime4142 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Não queremos papa gay, não queremos benção gay , você quer?

    • @traditional-catholic
      @traditional-catholic  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Não. Nunca papa gay ou padres gays. Eles devem se converter e guardar os mandamentos de Deus ou deixar a Igreja. Ser gay é um pecado grave que traz a ira de Deus.

    • @lucillebonds2196
      @lucillebonds2196 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      We are being chastised because of our sins. Purify yourself first before you can Purify others. Rather attack your sins first before attacking others.