Mercuric sulfide/cinnabar/vermilion is a very subtle, unique and important red of great historical use and of value for flesh tones; when mixed in with other colors it also gives very subtle atmospheric depth. It is extremely expensive, probably the only current source of oil pigment is as Michael Harding genuine Chinese vermilion. It is is available as a dry pigment from Kremer, but again is expensive. Note that the use of Titanium white kills any oil painting color depth due to its extreme opacity. Zinc white does not similarly destroy color depth, and of course, the historically used classic white is genuine lead carbonate (lead white) or flake white (mix of lead carbonate and zinc oxide) . Mercury and lead pigments are cumulatively toxic (as heavy metal poisons)
One should never lose sight of the fact that all colored pigments and dyes are first and foremost chemicals that do not lose their chemical reactivity properties when used as colors.
It might be mentioned that until the heavy metal poisonous properties of mercuric sulfide were understood it was almost universally used as a cosmetic rouge, just as pewter was used for kitchen utensils until lead toxicity was properly understood
@deltasquared7777 Piszesz: "użycie bieli tytanowej zabija jakąkolwiek głębię koloru". Tak jest i to z tego właśnie powodu wykluczyłem ten kolor z mojej palety. Pozdrawiam
I always struggle when trying to do nice shades for womens’ lips in my portraits. This is super helpful. Thank you SO MUCH! ❤️👑😁
Mercuric sulfide/cinnabar/vermilion is a very subtle, unique and important red of great historical use and of value for flesh tones; when mixed in with other colors it also gives very subtle atmospheric depth. It is extremely expensive, probably the only current source of oil pigment is as Michael Harding genuine Chinese vermilion. It is is available as a dry pigment from Kremer, but again is expensive. Note that the use of Titanium white kills any oil painting color depth due to its extreme opacity. Zinc white does not similarly destroy color depth, and of course, the historically used classic white is genuine lead carbonate (lead white) or flake white (mix of lead carbonate and zinc oxide) . Mercury and lead pigments are cumulatively toxic (as heavy metal poisons)
One should never lose sight of the fact that all colored pigments and dyes are first and foremost chemicals that do not lose their chemical reactivity properties when used as colors.
It might be mentioned that until the heavy metal poisonous properties of mercuric sulfide were understood it was almost universally used as a cosmetic rouge, just as pewter was used for kitchen utensils until lead toxicity was properly understood
@deltasquared7777 Piszesz: "użycie bieli tytanowej zabija jakąkolwiek głębię koloru". Tak jest i to z tego właśnie powodu wykluczyłem ten kolor z mojej palety.
Un buen vídeo 👏👍
Es muy bueno ver cómo trabajas los colores 👏👍
Muy interesante muy agradecida
Qué buen vídeo
Pomarańcz z fioletem = rewelacyjny brąz!
Muy interesante!
muy bueno
Hola César. ¿En qué marca puedes encontrar rojo scarlett pyrrol en aceite extrafino?
Winsor and Newton - Scarlet Lake.
Rembrandt - Permanent Red Light
@@CesarCordova Merci pour votre réponse.
what's the pigment number for pyrrol red medium