OK, well, I have a correction to make here! Lily-Rose Depp is actually the lead actress - her and Emma Corrin look very similar in this movie, I didnt realise! Sorry about that, I will do better. :)
I saw it last night and it was really good. The imagery and the way it was filmed was amazing. It transported you to a dark place that made you feel unsettled. I think you would like it. I saw the light house and didn’t care for it. It was sort of boring for me.
OK, well, I have a correction to make here! Lily-Rose Depp is actually the lead actress - her and Emma Corrin look very similar in this movie, I didnt realise! Sorry about that, I will do better. :)
I saw it last night and it was really good. The imagery and the way it was filmed was amazing. It transported you to a dark place that made you feel unsettled. I think you would like it.
I saw the light house and didn’t care for it. It was sort of boring for me.
Mmm. Then I shall give it a look. Thankyou, hon. :) x