I've spent over ten years on both controller and mouse and I can tell you 100% without a doubt that keyboard and mouse if far far more precise than a controller. I'm a PC mouse and keyboard player and I don't inderstand why some PC players think aim assist is OP on controller because it just isn't. I play against people I know who use a controller and I don't feel like they have any advantage.
I've spent over ten years on both controller and mouse and I can tell you 100% without a doubt that keyboard and mouse if far far more precise than a controller. I'm a PC mouse and keyboard player and I don't inderstand why some PC players think aim assist is OP on controller because it just isn't. I play against people I know who use a controller and I don't feel like they have any advantage.
@@razormodz1173 I love you 💕
Because, m and k people say the controller players have it better, and that’s simply not true 😪