In that event, from that time, among those new cardinals, the Hon. Mr. Dr. Carlos María Javier de la Torre Nieto, first cardinal of Ecuador. Thanks for sharing this gem of a video.
Добрый день. Огромная благодарность, что нашли время записать и разместить здесь такую уникальную запись, которая вносит огромный вклад в мировую религиозную культуру.
Not directly referring to that, but I wondered, why did the Cardinals at the Conclave of 1958 seem to wear plain white rochets above the cassock instead of lace ones as usual (I mean even those nowadays not wearing lace rochets still have like that darker line at the bottom of it)?
In questo concistoro è anche creato cardinale Mons. Giuseppe Siri arcivescovo di Genova a 40 anni e cardinale a 47 anni, è il delfino di Pio Xll, ma purtroppo non salirà mai al santo Soglio, onorato di possederlo conservo tutt'oggi il libro commemorativo della sua creazione cardinalizia.
another excellent video, much appreciated
In that event, from that time, among those new cardinals, the Hon. Mr. Dr. Carlos María Javier de la Torre Nieto, first cardinal of Ecuador.
Thanks for sharing this gem of a video.
Never known that italian republic president had the right to put red hat on new cardinals.
Добрый день. Огромная благодарность, что нашли время записать и разместить здесь такую уникальную запись, которая вносит огромный вклад в мировую религиозную культуру.
That’s it
Pope pius xii is my favourite he is righteous
( i don't know why😅) old pics and videos, as well ancient architecture are incredibly awesome to me
Not directly referring to that, but I wondered, why did the Cardinals at the Conclave of 1958 seem to wear plain white rochets above the cassock instead of lace ones as usual (I mean even those nowadays not wearing lace rochets still have like that darker line at the bottom of it)?
In questo concistoro è anche creato cardinale Mons. Giuseppe Siri arcivescovo di Genova a 40 anni e cardinale a 47 anni, è il delfino di Pio Xll, ma purtroppo non salirà mai al santo Soglio, onorato di possederlo conservo tutt'oggi il libro commemorativo della sua creazione cardinalizia.
Quando la chiesa era cattolica!
Ah!!! Este papa se les pudrio en pleno velorio. No aguantaban el olor en San Pedro dicen. Se puso color verde.
Y qué?
Cuanto zangano!!!
Sí, para ejemplo estás tú.