Guys, please refrain from taking shots at her for being trans. I'm all for making fun of people, but only for things that're in their control, like an awful personality, compulsive liars, hypocritical/obnoxious/stupid people, etc. I do not condone trans insults, as I wouldn't condone making fun of anybody for their sexuality. Not every video made on a trans person has to result to comments on their trans identity. There are plenty of normal/reasonable trans people out there. Unfortunately Jane is part of whats called a 'loud minority' of people who make it seem like everyone in said group is as insufferable as them. Hope y'all have a good day 😎
If someone is trans, good for them and more power to them. No one should ever have to take bs for that. The only thing I'm confused on since this is my first time hearing about her as a whole, is that she identifies as Jane Romero (and or skull merchant now)? Does that mean she identifies as the survivor herself? I don't understand it, trying to identify as a fictional video game character that literally does not exist is a MILES LONG different situation from trans stuff.
That is in their controll, they can get mental health help, Instead society has deemed it ok and normal to let someone who clearly suffers from mental health issues to be encouraged to continue to be mentally ill and unstable. #LGBwithoutTheT
I hope she watches this and realizes that belonging to a minority group doesn't somehow shield you from any and all criticism. People can act crazy and shitty regardless of their race, religion, sexuality etc. and deserve to be called out when they do.
This 💯 another commenter said, I respect that she’s trans and all, but….We don’t need to say that and tiptoe around the situation, it’s gotten so ridiculous, that people are now fearful of the woke agenda attacking them, due to calling out someone for being a shitty human.
tbh i think the first red flag was them dedicating their whole persona to a fictional character and being really cringe about it online like them actively role playing as Jane was really cringe in general, lost in reality. they need to seek therapy
thank you for taking the time to put everything together in an organized and comprehensive way. (and on a personal note, for showing her verbal assault on me during her live stream.) well done
1:40 the thing with haddie was, that the devs realesed her without care, super weird hair physics and no real (only a single linked cosmetic and a limited time event cosmetic) cosmetic variety, basically not giving her a real chance to grow a player base, even tho she had quite some fans being hyped from her through the tome
If that's not the definition of narcissism and mental illness, then I don't know what is. Playing victim all the time to seek attention and justification for your behaviour is manipulative. Common trait in narcissism and borderline personality disorder. You never let them have their way, you set limits and keep demonstrating how to be responsible. Definitely needs psychotherapy and some lithium or depakote
I agree, It's crazy that we live in an age where men try to be women. How can someone be so fkn arrogant to crave other people to call them something which they clearly aren't.
@@Hunko115it’s called autogeniphilia or something along the lines of that and they gain pleasure from ‘being the woman’ and get aroused by being ‘appreciated and getting attention away from other women’ towards themselves. It’s in definition a mental illness and one seeking/craving attention over real women. It’s sick this exists in our world and we beck to every call they make
i remember facing this person in a match and i said "gg's broski's" in endgame chat like i normally do and i then found they streamed. I went to their channel and said gg and right before i dropped a follow (like i usually do with ttv's i find in game) she called me transphobic for calling her and her swf bros 💀 crazy
Imagine acting like a entitled child all the time, and accusing people of being transphobic just for losing a game. She needs help for her obvious mental illness.
Thing is, not a lot of people played Yui a lot up until she started getting GOOD skins. Now I see Yui players often. If Haddie gets more good skins, she will be played more too.
With Haddie I think it was more that she was out for a year and got basically fuckall but like Vito comes out and is jump cosmetic dumped on. Also Haddie was a character hyped up in the lore for like a year and then she releases and nothing
I'm glad someone made a video about this. Jane has been extremely problematic for a long time. This is her MO. As soon as she's cornered & ppl try to let her know she was/is wrong, she starts crying "transphobia". I fully support trans ppl, 100% but she makes trans ppl look so terrible with her attitude. You can't keep calling everyone who disagrees with your gaming opinion, transphobic. She's minimizing actual transphobia that goes on in rl or on Twitter with her actions. Even Aaron_Duke called her out when the whole "crazy" thing happened. He was telling her that the person was only saying what she was saying was crazy, that they weren't calling HER crazy & then she had the nerve to push back & tell Aaron off. It's so fucking weird, dude. She def needs a break from the internet and DBD altogether. Once you start taking video games personally, it's time to step away for a bit & get yourself together.
Transphobia doesn’t exist. No one has an irrational fear of trans people. What we are all sick of is being expected to play along in their delusion. Not to mention biological men wanting to use women’s only spaces and compete against them in sport. Trans people are suffering from a mental disorder called gender dysphoria and if someone suffered from depression and felt suicidal, you wouldn’t tell them to go kill themselves then would you? But if a boy feels like a girl then that’s it, he’s a she now and if you don’t support that you’re a bigot. What an absolute clown world we live in.
The sad part of this comment section is that people feel the need to make sure you know they’re not transphobic. You shouldn’t have to. You can criticize people and they can’t hide behind a minority identity to stop valid arguments. If any person does bad shit, you are ok to say that without fear of being called any word that ends in “ist” or “phobic”. It’s a shame real criticism has been deflected with a need to call people things they aren’t if they don’t agree with you
It shouldn't even matter, people think that everyone needs to accept everyone for their "identity" when in reality, they only need to be tolerated, but when someone like this dude "jane" acts like a fool they will immediately play the victim card. And the more minority groups you belong to the more victimhood points you get.
a lot of people are taking advantage of her poorly actions to be transphobic towards her when her identity as trans person has pretty much nothing to do with her weirdish behavior. i think people just want to make sure we are talking/discussing her behavior and not her identity
@@theamericanviking1835 Her identity as a trans person has literally nothing to do with her bad behavior. Stop attempting to try and find excuses for YOUR bigotry here. Either stay on topic or shut up.
@@iphantomivess "when her identity as trans person has pretty much nothing to do with her weirdish behavior" It seems to have a lot to do with it considering they're clearly using their identity as a mechanism for control. This is a new form of religion for a lot of manipulative people that have latched on to it.
I’m glad someone finally grew a pair and decided to make a video about this, like I respect trans people and I fully support them. But it’s people like Jane that make trans people look bad. I never followed Jane on twitter but every time I saw them in my timeline it was nothing but drama drama drama. I’m glad she deactivated, Twitter accounts are like guns. Some people shouldn’t have them
@@sleebees Wow, that was fast! I mean ... the evidence against her was damning as hell, but Twitch tends to drag their heels even when there's credible evidence of TOS violations. Good!
@@YeenQueenTTV I'm honestly not even sure it was TOS violations, I think she manually deleted her account just like she did with her twitter. She might've just gone full blown silent.
About a year ago, I played as Oni vs her. Unfortunately, a stupid survivor DC'd instantly on first down at 5 gens, so the game was ruined for everyone. So I tried to play the game as chill as I could, still killing the survivor because I didn't wanna waste time farming, but I was giving each of the 3 remaining survivors as many bloodpoints, chasing each one for a hook state. In the end chat I said: "GG, sorry about the DC, gl next" I obviously forgot exactly what she said but I am not kidding it was along the lines of: "How dare you say GG in this situation? You are the worst type of player in this game".... Lol...
Huh, thats weird, because when I was playing survivor a few times against her as skull merchant, she wasn't so nice when people disconnected. Even shaming the players playtime and her chat reflecting her toxicity aswell. I guess it's only okay when she does it 💀
Yikes. Please do not listen to people like that. I hate when killers continue to play like normal when someone DCs at the start and just gives no leeway or mercy. You did what you could to prolong the game enough that everyone could still at least get something out of it, which was really awesome of you.
Why can't you guys in the comments discuss an issue without being a bigot? Yes, she's problematic. Yes, she deserved to be held accountable for her behavior. No, she does not get a pass for being trans, etc. Let's focus on what she's done, not who she IS.
Okay this is gonna be a long one. There is a whole slew of problems with Jane, way too many to account for honestly and even list so I'll just go over the major critiques. I've interacted with Jane quite a bit, supported her even if you've seen me in her twitter comment sections but it wasn't always like that. For a long time now even before Skull Merchant, dealing with Jane was like walking across the North Korean DMZ, the smallest thing could set off a mine and then a full scale war with her. One of our first interactions was me critiquing her takes on VILLAINIZING BHVR for something they had to pull back on with some LGBTQ event and she took it as a personal attack which at the time could've likely killed my twitch career when I was only explaining how game development/scheduling is always done MONTHS in advance not the timeframe she gave. Luckily I was able to steer clear of it and we were able to talk then and even in the future, heck she even acknowledged some of my criticisms. Janes whole world view is sadly a 'Me me me' mentality. It doesn't matter how 99.9% Of Skull Merchants play it matters how SHE PLAYS so that must mean many more play like that (They really don't) and don't get me wrong she's an amazing proactive skull merchant (She does become a 3 gen andy if the game isn't in her favor sometimes). She fails to consider how the OTHER SIDE views a characters horrible design that she enjoys after binging the game for what? 2 weeks after Skull Merchants release playing her and only her never survivor so almost every single take she had was a one sided bias without ever having gone against a Skull Merchant at the time which I did point out to her and she acknowledged it had some 'truth' to it I don't remember the words exactly. Then when it comes to anything LGBTQ she has some dire need to bring all the attention to her for it, to be the FACE of it like she's some arbiter and sadly the worst thing about her is she's one of the absolute worst faces/representations for the LGBTQ side of DBD because of how she handles herself and is completely unwilling to take criticism, has to conflate almost every single thing for LGBTQ, Pushes FAAAAR to hard for certain things and overall being extremely volatile towards everyone who isn't sucking her toes. Jane CAN be a wonderful person to be around but sadly she's not someone anyone would want to be around even in their best days because of one major, rather damaging flaw. She's a magnet for negativity despite wanting to spread positivity, she sees tranphobia where there isn't anything of the sorts. While yes I understand she suffers actual transphobic attacks I'm sorry to say but.... endgame chat is nothing to get riled up over, just go next rather than sit there and engage giving them exactly what they want, especially with this whole Hens situation where you can see the mental deterioration she's going through full force where Universally used words in the english language that are rather gender neutral in context (Seriously how many girls in the US say 'Bro' to one another, a lot.), which is where her second major flaw with this comes in. She's italian first and foremost, not english while engaging with a secondary language so many things get lost in translation and you see that on full display in many of her issues, especially the whole ableism thing I ain't even going to entertain because I honestly can't even take that term seriously anymore thanks to how its lost all meaning at this point. Now the whole "Hurr Hurr White Cis opinion" bullshit. Honestly I'm quite sick of this mindset. Just because you aren't apart of a minority doesn't mean you can't hold an opinion on their issues or something regarding the LGBTQ and sadly Jane is one of those people who holds this mentality that makes me REALLY want to turn my back on her and just not even bother. Like sorry to say but without garnering 'White Cis Male' support and just pushing them away because they have slightly differing opinions and or have a critique on you, you just foster more people with a sour view on Trans folk and I'll be full mask off here, this very mindset is why I myself have a 'soured view' on most I come across outside of my own Trans friends. Why engage and try to put a word in if I'm just gonna get scoffed at cause of my skin color and where I wanna put my dick? She's only creating more transphobes this way (As are any other trans folks spewing this dumb shit.) Overall.... I know this is gonna sound crude to say, and even cruel to some but Jane isn't mentally all there, nor mentally capable of being given the platform she has. She's not mature enough to understand context, she's clearly got many more psych issues going on up in her head I ain't even gonna try and be 'Home doctor' to diagnose but anyone with a basic understanding could tell you that. She needs to step away from the computer, go outside and recollect herself for a week or month. Her twitch/twitter as you said are Ride or Die in terms of viewers and shes formed such an echo chamber she could never do any wrong with them yes-manning her all day every day. I do hope she comes out of this a better person with some reflection but I sadly don't believe she will as she rarely ever shows mental growth from these sorts of situations. Jane is a professional Victim. Does she see hate/transphobia? Yes, yes she does but she feeds into it constantly which only spurrs on an endless cycle she willingly traps herself in. She's possibly one of the worst faces to represent the LGBTQ side of DBD. Her whole personal of roleplaying and STRONGLY identify as a character in a video game is a clear sign she's at this point a little too far gone, too invested in all this nonsense to the point of mental illness with the point you brought up at 0:59. Also that Lillers Girl... holy fuck she's another can of worms who's arguably worse than Jane in some cases, somehow they're a fog whisperer despite their repulsive behavior in so many scenarios especially when their boyfriend gets involved.
With all due respect (which at this point is kinda none) That woman is batshit crazy, and no one can convince me otherwise All of that is just completely ridiculous, there is no reason for anyone to deflect THAT MUCH, and the amount of manipulation attempts is insane
just randomly got this video in my recommended; well organised video explaining concise points. then i look that you only have 400 subs. You deserve more. Keep it up dude.
You summed up all the info anyone needs, from either being a curious twiter user. Or someome who needed truth. PLUS made it a good watch. Thanks for making this video and getting everything all in one place
As a gay guy, I must say that I do find her anoying on Twitter. I understand as a content creator she does receive a lot of hate for being trans, and it is horrible, trans people are allowed to bring those aggresions to light. Now, what I find with Jane, is that the always a victim mentality will never go, and I get it, probably had a hard upbringing, but the moment her only platform is sob stories, specially some self created ones, then yeah, it becomes toxic with the lack of accountability on how she contributes to the hate she receives.
11:06 bro I physically recoiled at this part. She acted like this random person defending her on a dumpsterfire of a social media was some sort of gift from god, and that it was an act of mercy toward the trans community as well? It's just such a weird, blown out of reasonable proportions, reaction. And the fact that she mentioned HER and HER efforts being justified, and then including the trans community right after, as if to clairify it's not all about her when that's clearly her intent, just makes it also feel like such a weirdly inappropriate yet still positive response. She's just so self centered and it somehow shows in this tweet that, given the context, shouldn't really. It's like you said, you would've thought by the way she reacted that she was hate crimed 💀
Yeah expected better from the chad hens, and that cringe couple trickstershadow and lillers or whatever her name is were tag teaming on him which eventually got the apology out of him.
To avoid drama or being falsely accused of being a transphobe. hens has a community and a name that he needs to keep clean if he wants to grow as a content creator.
@@advcrim77 if people start hating on him cause he said to Ada Wong, video game character used as an avatar by some random person, "bro", then something is wrong with said people, not him.
jane's the biggest problem but the dude, junebug, who faked his own death and said he can fix lesbians through sex isn't??????????? there are so many bigger issues than this dumb petty drama, be fr.
@@ghostfaeriesJane has been like this for over a year people have been letting Jane Romero get away with so much shit and gave Jane Romero a pass because of the “positivity” that Jane Romero “spreads” I’ve always seen how terrible of a person Jane Romero is, I have been waiting for this day for so so so so long, and I really hope Jane Romero never returns. I never even heard of this junebug dude sounds pretty silly and unhinged though
I understand Jane, since I used to have some of her traits (I am not defending her btw). When you focus so much on something (e.g. negative stuff), very soon that's all that pervades your life, and all you can see. She unfortunately gave too much focus to what's wrong. It evolved into taking triffling things like her opinion being called crazy way too personally. Reminds me of how I used to be. If she stops giving so much attention to what's wrong, and starts appreciating and focusing on what is going well, her life will start changing considerably. Focusing on her vision, thriving world for trans-people, and people being friendly towards each other, would get her far in the right direction. Jane, if you're reading this, please know that things can always get better. And I mean it. Meditation helps a lot with not getting attached to, and identifying with negativity. What you set out to promote is wonderful. And with proper healing and evolution, you can make it there. You just have to keep focusing on what you want. Not what is wrong and how to remove it, but what you want. An example would be, if someone calls you a man and laughs for example, get away from the conversation/comment. Breathe deeply and relax, and then ask yourself, what did that person cause me to want? What do I really want? It can be something like, "people being understanding and compassionate. Friendly and loving. I want to be surrounded by people who love me and accept me. I want freedom and joy for us all." And then focus on those emotions for 5 minutes or more. Feel your vision into life. I wish you all the best.
6:13 100% agreed. As someone who went through my own bad stages, I see this as just looking for conflict at any cost. Things is, from what I saw, Jane is grown аss adult and has no excuse to behave like this and get away with it. Zero.
Twitter kept recommending this person to me but I would get bad vibes from them to where i just ended up muting them. Guess my intuition was right lmao
I like how I get recommended this video shortly after I see her post claiming that a killer spamming the W and S keys was considered "SA" and tagged all of BHVR's collab partners trying to get them to pull their licenses over that. When it's something BHVR literally has no control over and it's something that players have done for years in more than just DBD but in many multiplayer games. Also, agreed, I hate Twitter, and have hated it since 2016. I finally stopped using it recently.
I call everybody "guys." Like hey guys, what's up? If anyone ever got upset with me for that I don't know what I'd do; probably cut them off and be done with them because I'd find that ridiculous and drama seeking. I don't care what gender anyone is, their sexuality, color, and so forth. I only care if someone is toxic or rude. Saying bro, guys and what nor does not mean we're gendering anyone. Transphobia, racism and other prejudices DO exist and I've experienced discrimination in my own life, but let's save the anger for those who deserve it and actually are phobic. Edit: Also, I suffer from a mental illness. If anyone used the term "crazy" with me when disagreeing with an opinion of mine, I wouldn't take it as an attack against my illness. Just yikes.
I’m not saying she doesn’t face genuine transphobia here and there, but when she’s grasping at literal straws and doing mental gymnastics to point out stuff like this it really downplays her “I deal with transphobia on a daily basis” statement.
Her whole thing of "you misgendered me reeee" when they're on anonymous mode is crazy. Like nobody knows who tf you are. It's also a really bad look for the trans community when everytime Jane does something wrong it's "IM NOT WRONG YOU CAN'T BE MAD AT ME IM TRANS REEE" like...
She had no way of knowing Hens was on anon mode, and I understand how that interaction could be triggering for her. Hens doubling down on being snarky didn't help either. What's crazy is a person using reeee to discredit someone's words calling something "a really bad look for the trans community".
@@lazygluttonous I'm sorry but no. It's not Hen's responsibility to not be on Anon and know exactly who he's playing against. ALSO the fact that she even started complaining in the first place is ridiculous. She has continuously blamed her extremely poor behavior on "people being transphobic" and thats very damaging to the trans community.
@@ItzAndyArson Jane had no way of knowing that person she was talking to in endgame chat didn't see her name, the "cancel me on twitter" part made things worse. Imagine a bigger streamer openly attacking you and your identity. I imagine that's how that felt to her.
@@lazygluttonous That’s not an excuse to antagonize and start a fight. And then call someone transphobic for no reason. In fact she literally could have gone to his stream and said something or saw that he was on full anon mode. Her running her mouth in end game is embarrassing to begin with. Her constant negativity and complaining about everything and then calling people transphobic is gross.
@@ItzAndyArson Andy, I'm literally explaining to you things any person with basic understanding of empathy should be able to grasp. Too bad that's not what you're interested in. Why the fuck would a trans person who thought she got misgendered on purpose go and check out the stream of a person that was acting in that way? To hear more transphobia?
I'd add something else. There's one major issue here. Everyone keeps making personal attacks over a video game. Video games are not built for drama, nor should you draw conclusions about their life and whatnot. Sure, you may try, but one cannot make personal attacks against another without knowing their background. This rule applies to ALL sides, though it is often forgotten. People like to attack and demonize people, and some people will agree, others won't. That is the reality of the internet. It doesn't matter the evidence you bring or how much proof there is. There will always be someone who disagrees. Now... as a trans person, just because you don't agree with me, that doesn't make you transphobic. I welcome criticism and disagreements because it's bound to happen. Not a single person is perfect. In terms of Jane, she should try to open up and learn more about cultures and experiences outside of her own. As for this video, perhaps we need to know more about her past. It is very true that trans people have to put up with a lot, and sometimes, it can feel so overbearing that you forget the line between reality and perceived reality. It is EXTREMELY important to remember that perceived reality is often times what makes people have such disdain and automatic hatred for others.
definitely the type of person to "like" things just because others hate set things. Thats the average haddie/skull merchant main, when u ask them why they like those characters they just have nothing to say in return
im late to the party but why was hens forced to make an apology for using part of his online vocabulary? all he did was say "bro" because its a gender neutral term alot of online players use when referring to people
Always felt a bad vibe with Jane, with my only exposure being DBD's twitter retweeting her posts, and seeing her complete adoption of Jane Romero personified was the reason. Seeing this video makes me glad I looked away, and happy it was more a hilarious-meltdown than anything actually severe.
5:53 the same exact thing happened to me while i was playing dbd. only difference is that the person who said it was talk about how they have 7k hours in the game and how i have no idea what im saying. Always fun
@@Whathappenughh Trust me you’re living in heaven rn. Please DO NOT try to find it. And even i think he deleted it because of how bad he was getting bullied by twitter users 💀💀💀
@@Aydreinn btw, If you don´t mind me asking. When Jane mentions he´s vpning, I mean, I´ve got these type of comments before, people telling me "You are using a vpn because you´re from venezuela" and I´m like??? What do they mean, I´m playing just as you are. What´s a vpn for?
@@davidmonsalbe2817 since there are servers like US, and EU servers, if someone from EU wants to play on the US servers, they can get a VPN that acts as a fake location which allows people to play with others who are very far away. Because of this, there is normally a ridiculous amount of lag on the VPNer because the further away you are from people you're playing with, the more intense the lag. Thats why if the killer is actually using a VPN, they can hit survivors from extremely far away due to lag. Hens is from Germany, Jane is from the US (I'm assuming) but Hens was visiting the US briefly while playing DBD, so Jane assumed Hens was VPNing to play with Americans. If anyone accuses you of VPNing when you're not, basically they're saying your Internet is terrible lol. On a side note, if you're from the East Coast and you have an online friend in California and y'all play together, one of y'all is guaranteed to lag because of the distance.
Situations like this are an example of people taking video games way too seriously. Plain and simple. Nobody should find their "identity" in a video game character. Its a series of code. Its not real. Its there for entertainment and that's pretty much it.
The tweet Lillers made about the hens thing was valid just worded in a condescending way as you said, but I agree with you on literally every other point. I had no idea of the extent of how delusional Jane is until now.
I don't know about the drama because the only DBD stuff i partake in outside of the game is TH-cam videos of DBD games/new chapters, but the few things i have seen from CMWinter have almost always been so overly negative for no reason. It's kinda sad because i LOVE pig and was happy i might have found a new pig main TH-camr to watch, but he was so overly negative and blew things out of proportion for no reason half the time. Legit it felt like he would trash on survivors JUST for playing the game and existing at times. Survivor doing the objective properly? They must be trying to ruin my day on purpose! I just couldn't watch with how often it was.
I was living every second of this video. I mean it's very important to adress that this person has very serious mental issues and thinks she can do whatever she wants, but when someone calls her out for her behaviour, then they're transphobic. Now, come on 😂
I wonder what % of people just dog piled her because everyone else was. Ima say about...60? I feel like most people don't really care what she did or didn't do, they just want a free pass to attack someone. The internet has eroded my faith in honest critique.
I don't understand why people get so offended when someone calls them "bro" or "dude". People constantly call me "bro" or "dude" in endgame chat and it doesn't matter?
That was not her first tournament. She was in a charity tournament previously and got upset and muted her mic removing herself from comms which would have benefit the rest of the team 🙄
Great video. It’s tough to communicate with each other in a healthy way these days, times are tough for a lot of us. The sexual aspect of our human race is strange. If someone is comfortable with themselves then communicating is comfortable. We all got to be ourselves unapologetically. Trans people do deal with the sexuality aspect of life intruding into the being human part, with the way people feel about transgender people - negatively. Brutal honesty is needed to be better at the right times. We all need to learn to not care about opinions, to learn from facts and grow into intuitive, self acceptance people
@@LightBoltDash about people who aren’t okay, it’s a complicated issue that’s sad when put simply. It takes a lot of energy to untangle the deep roots of societal problems imo so I can understand things not making sense. What I say is in the effort to bring aid to all things conscious (weird or normal) because growing a disliking to someone for bringing others down feels gratifying - yet it creates an environment for a conscious being (harmful ones like Jane who are annoying) that gives it more reason to be even more negative ya know. It’s hard being a bigger person, but a helping hand is what some people need. So much more should be said but it’s of no real matter, just real emotions type shit lol
Not here for being hateful towards minorities,i just have an interesting proven fact to point out. Let me first start by telling that i can only imagine the pain and suffering people "born in the wrong body" are going through. Its difficult to understand them,but i do respect them and i wish they had an easier path into happiness and coming to peace with who they are. With that said,i have seen a common thing with transgender persons that seems to love to be in the spotlight. We all saw the transgender Marine that for open camera threatened Ben Shapiro with violence,to make him stop his good facts based argumentation. I have never paied too much attention to this Jane Romero twitter account,but i have noticed it randomly get highlighted for me for whatever reason,and i have seen a general behaviour just getting worse and worse. At that point i did not know about this person being trans,i feel like thats a private matter and i dont care about peoples sexuality or whatever,unless they want to tell me themselfs. Its just how i work,i try not to poke my nose into other peoples buisness. I just thought: bad behaviour is bad behaviour. But now knowing that they are trans,and hearing theyr rants,and seeing the escalating disgusting behaviour....... What about transgender people that doesnt mind the spotlight and/or constantly craves attention,basically goes forward with the mentality: Facts over Feelings?! Because im done over seeing people causing drama and toxic behaviour plus violent threats,just because "they got worked up over basically nothing disrespectful". Facts dont care about feelings......
Don't give into these people that act like they're entitled. They'll just come back asking for my privileges to feed their ego. I get that bad things happen but thats no reason to live life as a victim😂
12:44 I'm sorry, but her pulling out the ableism card here? When no one directly insinuated anything about the "crazy" comment correlating to something ableist, makes HER kinda ableist. Because she herself quoted "crazy people say crazy things" even though no one ACTUALLY said that. So it sounds like she was either stating her opinion on "crazy" people, or she was just clearly finding a random reason to be offended. Either is not a good look.
The only reason i know anything about Jane is because my girlfriend and I were trying nick cage out on the ptb just for the laughs and got matched against her on plague on lerys where she then proceeded to just camp people on hook. Then found her the literal next match as legion and she just straight tunneled my gf out, would just hit me in the body block and keep running after her Sadge. both times she wasnt even using changed perks or anything, like why are you playing ptb if you dont wanna play with the new stuff? its like bruh, all 4 of us are randomly killing ourselves with plot twist because its funny and you think you need to play like you're playing a match that your childs life on? I just dont get it man
Guys, please refrain from taking shots at her for being trans. I'm all for making fun of people, but only for things that're in their control, like an awful personality, compulsive liars, hypocritical/obnoxious/stupid people, etc. I do not condone trans insults, as I wouldn't condone making fun of anybody for their sexuality. Not every video made on a trans person has to result to comments on their trans identity. There are plenty of normal/reasonable trans people out there. Unfortunately Jane is part of whats called a 'loud minority' of people who make it seem like everyone in said group is as insufferable as them. Hope y'all have a good day 😎
aren't you able to delete comments on your own video? could always delete the transphobic comments that will do nothing but make the situation worse.
@@ghostfaeriesHe can, but he can’t stop every single one. Plus as he said, he has a job & life outside of dbd
If someone is trans, good for them and more power to them. No one should ever have to take bs for that.
The only thing I'm confused on since this is my first time hearing about her as a whole, is that she identifies as Jane Romero (and or skull merchant now)? Does that mean she identifies as the survivor herself? I don't understand it, trying to identify as a fictional video game character that literally does not exist is a MILES LONG different situation from trans stuff.
That is in their controll, they can get mental health help, Instead society has deemed it ok and normal to let someone who clearly suffers from mental health issues to be encouraged to continue to be mentally ill and unstable. #LGBwithoutTheT
thats pretty cringe. its a dude with a wig. thats it. and he is delusional af.
I hope she watches this and realizes that belonging to a minority group doesn't somehow shield you from any and all criticism. People can act crazy and shitty regardless of their race, religion, sexuality etc. and deserve to be called out when they do.
It’s a he
@@theamericanviking1835w u u get sub for it
This 💯 another commenter said, I respect that she’s trans and all, but….We don’t need to say that and tiptoe around the situation, it’s gotten so ridiculous, that people are now fearful of the woke agenda attacking them, due to calling out someone for being a shitty human.
He is a woman... with but a surprise tho...
tbh i think the first red flag was them dedicating their whole persona to a fictional character and being really cringe about it online like them actively role playing as Jane was really cringe in general, lost in reality. they need to seek therapy
Or go to the gym lol
This will ruin Jane the characters reputation, everyone will associate her with this mess
Real. Actually glad I was not the only one who thought that was so fucking out of pocket lmao
I said that on twitter a few months back and I got backlash for it, she retweeted my tweet then blocked me 😶
thank you for taking the time to put everything together in an organized and comprehensive way.
(and on a personal note, for showing her verbal assault on me during her live stream.)
well done
me when we’re on the big screen
She’s clearly mentally ill
"I understand if you'll keep being upset at me. I deserve it" typical emotional manipulation attempt
If Jane isn't a prime example of chronically online, I don't know what is.
1:40 the thing with haddie was, that the devs realesed her without care, super weird hair physics and no real (only a single linked cosmetic and a limited time event cosmetic) cosmetic variety, basically not giving her a real chance to grow a player base, even tho she had quite some fans being hyped from her through the tome
If that's not the definition of narcissism and mental illness, then I don't know what is. Playing victim all the time to seek attention and justification for your behaviour is manipulative. Common trait in narcissism and borderline personality disorder. You never let them have their way, you set limits and keep demonstrating how to be responsible. Definitely needs psychotherapy and some lithium or depakote
I agree, It's crazy that we live in an age where men try to be women.
How can someone be so fkn arrogant to crave other people to call them something which
they clearly aren't.
@@Hunko115 gtfo you transphobe
@@Hunko115it’s called autogeniphilia or something along the lines of that and they gain pleasure from ‘being the woman’ and get aroused by being ‘appreciated and getting attention away from other women’ towards themselves. It’s in definition a mental illness and one seeking/craving attention over real women. It’s sick this exists in our world and we beck to every call they make
💯 agree!
@@Hunko115 facts man! I'm glad I'm not the only one that's said that lol, these clowns are fucking mental.
Hardcore roleplaying as a fictional character is a giant red flag.
nicolas cage mains will be the most sane survs
@@sovietspaceship Well, obviously!
Chronically online, clinically insane. That shit was so cringe, for real
@@theamericanviking1835you are the bottom of the food chain
@@theamericanviking1835 💀💀💀
i remember facing this person in a match and i said "gg's broski's" in endgame chat like i normally do and i then found they streamed. I went to their channel and said gg and right before i dropped a follow (like i usually do with ttv's i find in game) she called me transphobic for calling her and her swf bros 💀
Imagine acting like a entitled child all the time, and accusing people of being transphobic just for losing a game. She needs help for her obvious mental illness.
Thing is, not a lot of people played Yui a lot up until she started getting GOOD skins. Now I see Yui players often. If Haddie gets more good skins, she will be played more too.
With Haddie I think it was more that she was out for a year and got basically fuckall but like Vito comes out and is jump cosmetic dumped on.
Also Haddie was a character hyped up in the lore for like a year and then she releases and nothing
I'm glad someone made a video about this. Jane has been extremely problematic for a long time. This is her MO. As soon as she's cornered & ppl try to let her know she was/is wrong, she starts crying "transphobia". I fully support trans ppl, 100% but she makes trans ppl look so terrible with her attitude. You can't keep calling everyone who disagrees with your gaming opinion, transphobic. She's minimizing actual transphobia that goes on in rl or on Twitter with her actions. Even Aaron_Duke called her out when the whole "crazy" thing happened. He was telling her that the person was only saying what she was saying was crazy, that they weren't calling HER crazy & then she had the nerve to push back & tell Aaron off. It's so fucking weird, dude. She def needs a break from the internet and DBD altogether. Once you start taking video games personally, it's time to step away for a bit & get yourself together.
dina !!! its smellylego here ♥
Transphobia doesn’t exist. No one has an irrational fear of trans people. What we are all sick of is being expected to play along in their delusion. Not to mention biological men wanting to use women’s only spaces and compete against them in sport. Trans people are suffering from a mental disorder called gender dysphoria and if someone suffered from depression and felt suicidal, you wouldn’t tell them to go kill themselves then would you? But if a boy feels like a girl then that’s it, he’s a she now and if you don’t support that you’re a bigot. What an absolute clown world we live in.
Just curious if you support ‘we’re here we’re queer we’re coming for your children’
@@ThePalewizard Legooo! ILY
his* and he*
The sad part of this comment section is that people feel the need to make sure you know they’re not transphobic. You shouldn’t have to. You can criticize people and they can’t hide behind a minority identity to stop valid arguments. If any person does bad shit, you are ok to say that without fear of being called any word that ends in “ist” or “phobic”. It’s a shame real criticism has been deflected with a need to call people things they aren’t if they don’t agree with you
It shouldn't even matter, people think that everyone needs to accept everyone for their "identity" when in reality, they only need to be tolerated, but when someone like this dude "jane" acts like a fool they will immediately play the victim card. And the more minority groups you belong to the more victimhood points you get.
a lot of people are taking advantage of her poorly actions to be transphobic towards her when her identity as trans person has pretty much nothing to do with her weirdish behavior. i think people just want to make sure we are talking/discussing her behavior and not her identity
@@theamericanviking1835 Her identity as a trans person has literally nothing to do with her bad behavior. Stop attempting to try and find excuses for YOUR bigotry here. Either stay on topic or shut up.
@@iphantomivess "when her identity as trans person has pretty much nothing to do with her weirdish behavior" It seems to have a lot to do with it considering they're clearly using their identity as a mechanism for control. This is a new form of religion for a lot of manipulative people that have latched on to it.
I’m glad someone finally grew a pair and decided to make a video about this, like I respect trans people and I fully support them. But it’s people like Jane that make trans people look bad. I never followed Jane on twitter but every time I saw them in my timeline it was nothing but drama drama drama. I’m glad she deactivated, Twitter accounts are like guns. Some people shouldn’t have them
Now her Twitch needs to be next.
Based comment
@@YeenQueenTTV Her twitch is now infact, gone.
@@sleebees Wow, that was fast! I mean ... the evidence against her was damning as hell, but Twitch tends to drag their heels even when there's credible evidence of TOS violations. Good!
@@YeenQueenTTV I'm honestly not even sure it was TOS violations, I think she manually deleted her account just like she did with her twitter. She might've just gone full blown silent.
About a year ago, I played as Oni vs her.
Unfortunately, a stupid survivor DC'd instantly on first down at 5 gens, so the game was ruined for everyone.
So I tried to play the game as chill as I could, still killing the survivor because I didn't wanna waste time farming, but I was giving each of the 3 remaining survivors as many bloodpoints, chasing each one for a hook state.
In the end chat I said: "GG, sorry about the DC, gl next"
I obviously forgot exactly what she said but I am not kidding it was along the lines of: "How dare you say GG in this situation? You are the worst type of player in this game".... Lol...
Wtf that’s awful, sorry dude. Sounds like she is entitled and then some.
Huh, thats weird, because when I was playing survivor a few times against her as skull merchant, she wasn't so nice when people disconnected. Even shaming the players playtime and her chat reflecting her toxicity aswell. I guess it's only okay when she does it 💀
why would you say gg to someone you know had a horrible game ?
you died on first hook and got face camped? oh gg
Yikes. Please do not listen to people like that. I hate when killers continue to play like normal when someone DCs at the start and just gives no leeway or mercy. You did what you could to prolong the game enough that everyone could still at least get something out of it, which was really awesome of you.
@@Robertdbd20because some people just say gg after every game to try to skew away from toxic in game chat?
It’s actually cringe that people like that are actually real
That Lillers girl that pushbacked on hens is also pretty toxic. Nearly every post she makes is negative and hateful. Yet she made fog whisperer.
IKR. Everything she tweets is about how she feels she is being targeted.
Guess why it made fog whisperer? Take a guess.
@@ass640Might get labeled one of a million different buzzwords for saying the truth lol
Women who say things with sass always get labeled as hateful. Make it make sense
Shes currently calling for "white dude bros" to be canceled for reasons because people are calling out Jade. Btw her bf is white
Thank you for making a concise video on this matter, having this blow up n hurt the ppl on dbdtwt i care about was honestly quite maddening.
Why can't you guys in the comments discuss an issue without being a bigot? Yes, she's problematic. Yes, she deserved to be held accountable for her behavior. No, she does not get a pass for being trans, etc. Let's focus on what she's done, not who she IS.
Thank you. Literally going through these comments trying to get rid of hateful ones. I'm not about any of that.
This person is the perfect example of "chronically online"
she´s got a deeper voice than mine :(
Okay this is gonna be a long one.
There is a whole slew of problems with Jane, way too many to account for honestly and even list so I'll just go over the major critiques. I've interacted with Jane quite a bit, supported her even if you've seen me in her twitter comment sections but it wasn't always like that. For a long time now even before Skull Merchant, dealing with Jane was like walking across the North Korean DMZ, the smallest thing could set off a mine and then a full scale war with her. One of our first interactions was me critiquing her takes on VILLAINIZING BHVR for something they had to pull back on with some LGBTQ event and she took it as a personal attack which at the time could've likely killed my twitch career when I was only explaining how game development/scheduling is always done MONTHS in advance not the timeframe she gave. Luckily I was able to steer clear of it and we were able to talk then and even in the future, heck she even acknowledged some of my criticisms.
Janes whole world view is sadly a 'Me me me' mentality. It doesn't matter how 99.9% Of Skull Merchants play it matters how SHE PLAYS so that must mean many more play like that (They really don't) and don't get me wrong she's an amazing proactive skull merchant (She does become a 3 gen andy if the game isn't in her favor sometimes). She fails to consider how the OTHER SIDE views a characters horrible design that she enjoys after binging the game for what? 2 weeks after Skull Merchants release playing her and only her never survivor so almost every single take she had was a one sided bias without ever having gone against a Skull Merchant at the time which I did point out to her and she acknowledged it had some 'truth' to it I don't remember the words exactly. Then when it comes to anything LGBTQ she has some dire need to bring all the attention to her for it, to be the FACE of it like she's some arbiter and sadly the worst thing about her is she's one of the absolute worst faces/representations for the LGBTQ side of DBD because of how she handles herself and is completely unwilling to take criticism, has to conflate almost every single thing for LGBTQ, Pushes FAAAAR to hard for certain things and overall being extremely volatile towards everyone who isn't sucking her toes.
Jane CAN be a wonderful person to be around but sadly she's not someone anyone would want to be around even in their best days because of one major, rather damaging flaw. She's a magnet for negativity despite wanting to spread positivity, she sees tranphobia where there isn't anything of the sorts. While yes I understand she suffers actual transphobic attacks I'm sorry to say but.... endgame chat is nothing to get riled up over, just go next rather than sit there and engage giving them exactly what they want, especially with this whole Hens situation where you can see the mental deterioration she's going through full force where Universally used words in the english language that are rather gender neutral in context (Seriously how many girls in the US say 'Bro' to one another, a lot.), which is where her second major flaw with this comes in. She's italian first and foremost, not english while engaging with a secondary language so many things get lost in translation and you see that on full display in many of her issues, especially the whole ableism thing I ain't even going to entertain because I honestly can't even take that term seriously anymore thanks to how its lost all meaning at this point.
Now the whole "Hurr Hurr White Cis opinion" bullshit. Honestly I'm quite sick of this mindset. Just because you aren't apart of a minority doesn't mean you can't hold an opinion on their issues or something regarding the LGBTQ and sadly Jane is one of those people who holds this mentality that makes me REALLY want to turn my back on her and just not even bother. Like sorry to say but without garnering 'White Cis Male' support and just pushing them away because they have slightly differing opinions and or have a critique on you, you just foster more people with a sour view on Trans folk and I'll be full mask off here, this very mindset is why I myself have a 'soured view' on most I come across outside of my own Trans friends. Why engage and try to put a word in if I'm just gonna get scoffed at cause of my skin color and where I wanna put my dick? She's only creating more transphobes this way (As are any other trans folks spewing this dumb shit.)
Overall.... I know this is gonna sound crude to say, and even cruel to some but Jane isn't mentally all there, nor mentally capable of being given the platform she has. She's not mature enough to understand context, she's clearly got many more psych issues going on up in her head I ain't even gonna try and be 'Home doctor' to diagnose but anyone with a basic understanding could tell you that. She needs to step away from the computer, go outside and recollect herself for a week or month. Her twitch/twitter as you said are Ride or Die in terms of viewers and shes formed such an echo chamber she could never do any wrong with them yes-manning her all day every day. I do hope she comes out of this a better person with some reflection but I sadly don't believe she will as she rarely ever shows mental growth from these sorts of situations.
Jane is a professional Victim. Does she see hate/transphobia? Yes, yes she does but she feeds into it constantly which only spurrs on an endless cycle she willingly traps herself in. She's possibly one of the worst faces to represent the LGBTQ side of DBD. Her whole personal of roleplaying and STRONGLY identify as a character in a video game is a clear sign she's at this point a little too far gone, too invested in all this nonsense to the point of mental illness with the point you brought up at 0:59.
Also that Lillers Girl... holy fuck she's another can of worms who's arguably worse than Jane in some cases, somehow they're a fog whisperer despite their repulsive behavior in so many scenarios especially when their boyfriend gets involved.
With all due respect (which at this point is kinda none)
That woman is batshit crazy, and no one can convince me otherwise
All of that is just completely ridiculous, there is no reason for anyone to deflect THAT MUCH, and the amount of manipulation attempts is insane
Agreed, and not to mention she will instantly block anyone who calls her out 😅
She's very ill. she needs help.
careful bro, next thing you know jane'll message you about her lawyers for this vid LMAO
hope he has good lawyers
@@xaroprismo7526You don’t even need a good lawyer for this. She has no case
just randomly got this video in my recommended; well organised video explaining concise points. then i look that you only have 400 subs. You deserve more. Keep it up dude.
You summed up all the info anyone needs, from either being a curious twiter user. Or someome who needed truth. PLUS made it a good watch. Thanks for making this video and getting everything all in one place
As a gay guy, I must say that I do find her anoying on Twitter.
I understand as a content creator she does receive a lot of hate for being trans, and it is horrible, trans people are allowed to bring those aggresions to light.
Now, what I find with Jane, is that the always a victim mentality will never go, and I get it, probably had a hard upbringing, but the moment her only platform is sob stories, specially some self created ones, then yeah, it becomes toxic with the lack of accountability on how she contributes to the hate she receives.
11:06 bro I physically recoiled at this part. She acted like this random person defending her on a dumpsterfire of a social media was some sort of gift from god, and that it was an act of mercy toward the trans community as well? It's just such a weird, blown out of reasonable proportions, reaction. And the fact that she mentioned HER and HER efforts being justified, and then including the trans community right after, as if to clairify it's not all about her when that's clearly her intent, just makes it also feel like such a weirdly inappropriate yet still positive response. She's just so self centered and it somehow shows in this tweet that, given the context, shouldn't really. It's like you said, you would've thought by the way she reacted that she was hate crimed 💀
Lmao, the fact that Hens actually apologized for this xD. Like, whats the point? Why kneel to this bs?
Yeah expected better from the chad hens, and that cringe couple trickstershadow and lillers or whatever her name is were tag teaming on him which eventually got the apology out of him.
To avoid drama or being falsely accused of being a transphobe. hens has a community and a name that he needs to keep clean if he wants to grow as a content creator.
@@advcrim77 if people start hating on him cause he said to Ada Wong, video game character used as an avatar by some random person, "bro", then something is wrong with said people, not him.
@@Skladak_Killer_98 not how internet works buddy. Ive seen careers get destroyed for much less
Twitter really is a fascinating place
Damn, this really deserves more views. Keep up the good work
Jane Romero is/was the biggest problem in the community
jane's the biggest problem but the dude, junebug, who faked his own death and said he can fix lesbians through sex isn't??????????? there are so many bigger issues than this dumb petty drama, be fr.
@@ghostfaeriesJane has been like this for over a year people have been letting Jane Romero get away with so much shit and gave Jane Romero a pass because of the “positivity” that Jane Romero “spreads” I’ve always seen how terrible of a person Jane Romero is, I have been waiting for this day for so so so so long, and I really hope Jane Romero never returns. I never even heard of this junebug dude sounds pretty silly and unhinged though
POV: you name and base your persona off a video game character
I understand Jane, since I used to have some of her traits (I am not defending her btw). When you focus so much on something (e.g. negative stuff), very soon that's all that pervades your life, and all you can see. She unfortunately gave too much focus to what's wrong. It evolved into taking triffling things like her opinion being called crazy way too personally. Reminds me of how I used to be.
If she stops giving so much attention to what's wrong, and starts appreciating and focusing on what is going well, her life will start changing considerably. Focusing on her vision, thriving world for trans-people, and people being friendly towards each other, would get her far in the right direction.
Jane, if you're reading this, please know that things can always get better. And I mean it. Meditation helps a lot with not getting attached to, and identifying with negativity. What you set out to promote is wonderful. And with proper healing and evolution, you can make it there. You just have to keep focusing on what you want. Not what is wrong and how to remove it, but what you want.
An example would be, if someone calls you a man and laughs for example, get away from the conversation/comment. Breathe deeply and relax, and then ask yourself, what did that person cause me to want? What do I really want? It can be something like, "people being understanding and compassionate. Friendly and loving. I want to be surrounded by people who love me and accept me. I want freedom and joy for us all." And then focus on those emotions for 5 minutes or more. Feel your vision into life.
I wish you all the best.
6:13 100% agreed. As someone who went through my own bad stages, I see this as just looking for conflict at any cost. Things is, from what I saw, Jane is grown аss adult and has no excuse to behave like this and get away with it. Zero.
Twitter kept recommending this person to me but I would get bad vibes from them to where i just ended up muting them. Guess my intuition was right lmao
Jane, touch grass.
the lillers woman needed to be told shut up as a child more
I like how I get recommended this video shortly after I see her post claiming that a killer spamming the W and S keys was considered "SA" and tagged all of BHVR's collab partners trying to get them to pull their licenses over that. When it's something BHVR literally has no control over and it's something that players have done for years in more than just DBD but in many multiplayer games. Also, agreed, I hate Twitter, and have hated it since 2016. I finally stopped using it recently.
I call everybody "guys." Like hey guys, what's up? If anyone ever got upset with me for that I don't know what I'd do; probably cut them off and be done with them because I'd find that ridiculous and drama seeking. I don't care what gender anyone is, their sexuality, color, and so forth. I only care if someone is toxic or rude. Saying bro, guys and what nor does not mean we're gendering anyone. Transphobia, racism and other prejudices DO exist and I've experienced discrimination in my own life, but let's save the anger for those who deserve it and actually are phobic.
Edit: Also, I suffer from a mental illness. If anyone used the term "crazy" with me when disagreeing with an opinion of mine, I wouldn't take it as an attack against my illness. Just yikes.
I legit cannot see the chat, it’s so blurry
I wonder what it feels like playing the victim complex in someone's life.
I almost never comment on videos but I want this to reach more people, thanks for the video
I’m not saying she doesn’t face genuine transphobia here and there, but when she’s grasping at literal straws and doing mental gymnastics to point out stuff like this it really downplays her “I deal with transphobia on a daily basis” statement.
Her whole thing of "you misgendered me reeee" when they're on anonymous mode is crazy. Like nobody knows who tf you are. It's also a really bad look for the trans community when everytime Jane does something wrong it's "IM NOT WRONG YOU CAN'T BE MAD AT ME IM TRANS REEE" like...
She had no way of knowing Hens was on anon mode, and I understand how that interaction could be triggering for her. Hens doubling down on being snarky didn't help either. What's crazy is a person using reeee to discredit someone's words calling something "a really bad look for the trans community".
@@lazygluttonous I'm sorry but no. It's not Hen's responsibility to not be on Anon and know exactly who he's playing against. ALSO the fact that she even started complaining in the first place is ridiculous. She has continuously blamed her extremely poor behavior on "people being transphobic" and thats very damaging to the trans community.
@@ItzAndyArson Jane had no way of knowing that person she was talking to in endgame chat didn't see her name, the "cancel me on twitter" part made things worse. Imagine a bigger streamer openly attacking you and your identity. I imagine that's how that felt to her.
@@lazygluttonous That’s not an excuse to antagonize and start a fight. And then call someone transphobic for no reason. In fact she literally could have gone to his stream and said something or saw that he was on full anon mode. Her running her mouth in end game is embarrassing to begin with. Her constant negativity and complaining about everything and then calling people transphobic is gross.
@@ItzAndyArson Andy, I'm literally explaining to you things any person with basic understanding of empathy should be able to grasp. Too bad that's not what you're interested in. Why the fuck would a trans person who thought she got misgendered on purpose go and check out the stream of a person that was acting in that way? To hear more transphobia?
I'd add something else. There's one major issue here. Everyone keeps making personal attacks over a video game. Video games are not built for drama, nor should you draw conclusions about their life and whatnot. Sure, you may try, but one cannot make personal attacks against another without knowing their background. This rule applies to ALL sides, though it is often forgotten. People like to attack and demonize people, and some people will agree, others won't. That is the reality of the internet. It doesn't matter the evidence you bring or how much proof there is. There will always be someone who disagrees. Now... as a trans person, just because you don't agree with me, that doesn't make you transphobic. I welcome criticism and disagreements because it's bound to happen. Not a single person is perfect. In terms of Jane, she should try to open up and learn more about cultures and experiences outside of her own. As for this video, perhaps we need to know more about her past. It is very true that trans people have to put up with a lot, and sometimes, it can feel so overbearing that you forget the line between reality and perceived reality. It is EXTREMELY important to remember that perceived reality is often times what makes people have such disdain and automatic hatred for others.
definitely the type of person to "like" things just because others hate set things. Thats the average haddie/skull merchant main, when u ask them why they like those characters they just have nothing to say in return
im late to the party but why was hens forced to make an apology for using part of his online vocabulary? all he did was say "bro" because its a gender neutral term alot of online players use when referring to people
Good on you for making this video, they’re extremely annoying
W vid, someone has to start adressing these issues with people on twitter, joining lbgt community just to use it as a weapon, fatherless behaviour.
Always felt a bad vibe with Jane, with my only exposure being DBD's twitter retweeting her posts, and seeing her complete adoption of Jane Romero personified was the reason. Seeing this video makes me glad I looked away, and happy it was more a hilarious-meltdown than anything actually severe.
5:53 the same exact thing happened to me while i was playing dbd. only difference is that the person who said it was talk about how they have 7k hours in the game and how i have no idea what im saying. Always fun
I watched one of her streams not knowing who she was but I thought “oh cool an actual skull merchant main”. Now I know. She isn’t so wholesome anymore
Rule number 1 for context creator: never apologize for something the twitter community is upset about unless you want a toxic fan base.
I saw Janes real face like about 4 months ago
It still hunts me to this very hour 😭😭😭😭😭
he's not even trying lol
I can’t find it, is that a good thing?
@@Whathappenughh Trust me you’re living in heaven rn. Please DO NOT try to find it. And even i think he deleted it because of how bad he was getting bullied by twitter users 💀💀💀
@@ivy_v69 I think I might of found it when I was looking for the Hens stuff💀 it looks like Marilyn Manson if he was trying to be a woman vampire💀💀💀💀
@@Whathappenughh LMFAOOOO 😭🤚
Jane has dbd brain, they're too gone, there's no recovery.
4:22 The conversation is so blurry, what were they talking about? Im confused
Hens was reading out loud everything she was writing
@@Aydreinn omg sorry lol. Thank yoou
@@Aydreinn btw, If you don´t mind me asking. When Jane mentions he´s vpning, I mean, I´ve got these type of comments before, people telling me "You are using a vpn because you´re from venezuela" and I´m like??? What do they mean, I´m playing just as you are. What´s a vpn for?
@@davidmonsalbe2817 since there are servers like US, and EU servers, if someone from EU wants to play on the US servers, they can get a VPN that acts as a fake location which allows people to play with others who are very far away. Because of this, there is normally a ridiculous amount of lag on the VPNer because the further away you are from people you're playing with, the more intense the lag. Thats why if the killer is actually using a VPN, they can hit survivors from extremely far away due to lag. Hens is from Germany, Jane is from the US (I'm assuming) but Hens was visiting the US briefly while playing DBD, so Jane assumed Hens was VPNing to play with Americans. If anyone accuses you of VPNing when you're not, basically they're saying your Internet is terrible lol. On a side note, if you're from the East Coast and you have an online friend in California and y'all play together, one of y'all is guaranteed to lag because of the distance.
ty @@Aydreinn
They’re so mentally ill they thought the day they did for the character had any Impact on the skin coming out. The hens thing is absurd.
i muted her a long time ago because her constant tweets complaining were so annoying. hopefully she spends some time outside
This person is a textbook case of persecution complex
(Oh and, side note, she sounds an awful lot like Anomaly)
Situations like this are an example of people taking video games way too seriously.
Plain and simple. Nobody should find their "identity" in a video game character. Its a series of code. Its not real. Its there for entertainment and that's pretty much it.
Nah Jane meat gagging is crazy tho 💀
The tweet Lillers made about the hens thing was valid just worded in a condescending way as you said, but I agree with you on literally every other point. I had no idea of the extent of how delusional Jane is until now.
you should make a video on the CMWinter allegations its basically been swept under the rug and he gets hundred of views on twitch
I don't know about the drama because the only DBD stuff i partake in outside of the game is TH-cam videos of DBD games/new chapters, but the few things i have seen from CMWinter have almost always been so overly negative for no reason.
It's kinda sad because i LOVE pig and was happy i might have found a new pig main TH-camr to watch, but he was so overly negative and blew things out of proportion for no reason half the time. Legit it felt like he would trash on survivors JUST for playing the game and existing at times. Survivor doing the objective properly? They must be trying to ruin my day on purpose! I just couldn't watch with how often it was.
do you have any sources we could check it and form our own opinion? idk what happened
Yeah isn’t he a literal p*do? Insane stuff
The most toxic people usually interact the most on Twitter, this was no exception.
Agreed, not to mention that she blocks anyone who calls her out too
As someone who role plays as a character online. I agree with you cuz this is lunacy
I was living every second of this video. I mean it's very important to adress that this person has very serious mental issues and thinks she can do whatever she wants, but when someone calls her out for her behaviour, then they're transphobic. Now, come on 😂
So the conclusion I came to after watching this video is that you're now cancelled for calling her "bro" at 11:21
This is fucking mental....
Is it even possible to go to P100 within a single month, without practically living in DBD 24/7?
When the fuck did she sleep?
Ngl I am disappointed that Hens bowed down to the trans crap by apologising for “misgendering”
"No one plays Jeff"
Me: a Jeff main 🥲
Please forgive me
bro i really liked your channel, got a new sub!
I knew this person. Before they changed. And I want to say that I'm surprised they are now being critized for being this way, but I am not.
I'm trans and fully support my trans brothers and sisters but yikes 😬 some people are just too much.
Fr I feel like this puts trans people in a bad light
P100 on skull merchant? Bruh, imagine spending bps above p3 on that pos. You didn't need to say anything else
Finally someone’s getting on them. 😭😂 Not even apart of the DBD scene but can’t stand that person so cringe and delusional.
I wonder what % of people just dog piled her because everyone else was. Ima say about...60? I feel like most people don't really care what she did or didn't do, they just want a free pass to attack someone. The internet has eroded my faith in honest critique.
I don't understand why people get so offended when someone calls them "bro" or "dude". People constantly call me "bro" or "dude" in endgame chat and it doesn't matter?
That was not her first tournament. She was in a charity tournament previously and got upset and muted her mic removing herself from comms which would have benefit the rest of the team 🙄
very comprehensive, and very well said along with what milky said putting everything together and organizing it was great. very well done 🤍
Great video. It’s tough to communicate with each other in a healthy way these days, times are tough for a lot of us. The sexual aspect of our human race is strange. If someone is comfortable with themselves then communicating is comfortable.
We all got to be ourselves unapologetically. Trans people do deal with the sexuality aspect of life intruding into the being human part, with the way people feel about transgender people - negatively. Brutal honesty is needed to be better at the right times. We all need to learn to not care about opinions, to learn from facts and grow into intuitive, self acceptance people
what are you talking about
@@LightBoltDash about people who aren’t okay, it’s a complicated issue that’s sad when put simply. It takes a lot of energy to untangle the deep roots of societal problems imo so I can understand things not making sense. What I say is in the effort to bring aid to all things conscious (weird or normal) because growing a disliking to someone for bringing others down feels gratifying - yet it creates an environment for a conscious being (harmful ones like Jane who are annoying) that gives it more reason to be even more negative ya know. It’s hard being a bigger person, but a helping hand is what some people need. So much more should be said but it’s of no real matter, just real emotions type shit lol
what does all this have to do with trans people? they are normal people like you and me, we all have problems
Giving a narcissistic person that clearly suffers from severe mental illness so much attention is part of the problem. Clown world.
chronically online
i dunno how ppl like that can survive outside of US
I think everybody knows the Jane Romero show is very unwell mentally…
0:59 this person is literally insane 😂😂😂😂
Not here for being hateful towards minorities,i just have an interesting proven fact to point out. Let me first start by telling that i can only imagine the pain and suffering people "born in the wrong body" are going through. Its difficult to understand them,but i do respect them and i wish they had an easier path into happiness and coming to peace with who they are.
With that said,i have seen a common thing with transgender persons that seems to love to be in the spotlight. We all saw the transgender Marine that for open camera threatened Ben Shapiro with violence,to make him stop his good facts based argumentation.
I have never paied too much attention to this Jane Romero twitter account,but i have noticed it randomly get highlighted for me for whatever reason,and i have seen a general behaviour just getting worse and worse. At that point i did not know about this person being trans,i feel like thats a private matter and i dont care about peoples sexuality or whatever,unless they want to tell me themselfs. Its just how i work,i try not to poke my nose into other peoples buisness. I just thought: bad behaviour is bad behaviour.
But now knowing that they are trans,and hearing theyr rants,and seeing the escalating disgusting behaviour.......
What about transgender people that doesnt mind the spotlight and/or constantly craves attention,basically goes forward with the mentality: Facts over Feelings?!
Because im done over seeing people causing drama and toxic behaviour plus violent threats,just because "they got worked up over basically nothing disrespectful".
Facts dont care about feelings......
Don't give into these people that act like they're entitled. They'll just come back asking for my privileges to feed their ego. I get that bad things happen but thats no reason to live life as a victim😂
I was being harrassed by the dbd community and jane was there for me tbh she made me feel not alone ill put up for her
I'm also a proud nancy main! Let's gooo!
Long story short she crazy af
12:44 I'm sorry, but her pulling out the ableism card here? When no one directly insinuated anything about the "crazy" comment correlating to something ableist, makes HER kinda ableist. Because she herself quoted "crazy people say crazy things" even though no one ACTUALLY said that. So it sounds like she was either stating her opinion on "crazy" people, or she was just clearly finding a random reason to be offended. Either is not a good look.
Yet another terminally online dbd player lol. It makes it worse that they are a chronic Twitter user.
this cant be real, im convinced her whole personality is faked and is trying to drawing to attention by doing these weird things
i mean technically jeff has more skins than Haddie so yeah, this is also a reason i stay away from twitter. its a cesspool of nonsense.
This is how I picture the majority of skull merchant mains
2:30 yeah i agree whatever he is doing is pointless
The only reason i know anything about Jane is because my girlfriend and I were trying nick cage out on the ptb just for the laughs and got matched against her on plague on lerys where she then proceeded to just camp people on hook. Then found her the literal next match as legion and she just straight tunneled my gf out, would just hit me in the body block and keep running after her Sadge. both times she wasnt even using changed perks or anything, like why are you playing ptb if you dont wanna play with the new stuff? its like bruh, all 4 of us are randomly killing ourselves with plot twist because its funny and you think you need to play like you're playing a match that your childs life on? I just dont get it man