Looking great man. Filing down the neck used to be one of the most tedious parts of the build for me until I discovered the Wen Power File. This made the rough shaping of the neck ten times faster and easier. I still do the final shaping and detailing by hand but it is still much faster and less tiring. I highly recommend it.
I agree. Power carving is the way to go. I use an abrasive wheel on my angle grinder after establishing the 1st fret and heel margin profiles with a rasp. It reduces the process time by more than half. I also only build flat headstock necks. Saves on waste wood and some transition carving/shaping time.
Not enough subs and likes for this video but I'm sure one day justice will settle. Fantastic work.
Thank you. Really appreciate it
Looking great man. Filing down the neck used to be one of the most tedious parts of the build for me until I discovered the Wen Power File. This made the rough shaping of the neck ten times faster and easier. I still do the final shaping and detailing by hand but it is still much faster and less tiring. I highly recommend it.
Ill check that out. But for me shaping the neck is one of the most enjoyable parts
I agree. Power carving is the way to go. I use an abrasive wheel on my angle grinder after establishing the 1st fret and heel margin profiles with a rasp. It reduces the process time by more than half. I also only build flat headstock necks. Saves on waste wood and some transition carving/shaping time.