THANK YOU ALL FOR 100k SUBSCRIBERS! THAT'S INSANE :O But Only 3 Days left on my FINAL Bannerlord Giveaway so it's your last chance to enter-
The real takeaway here is that pretty much any troop fully upgraded en mass is going to stomp any army. Mostly just because the ai doesn't gather armies of fully upgraded troops they gather a mix
Dolphin Rider true it’s irritating though in later came there should be more elite armies. Also I feel like elite units in bannerlord don’t feel nearly as elite. While I think in warband recruits and tier two units were unbelievably weak and couldn’t even touch high tier units there should be a balance and I don’t like the quantity is better than quality approach in warband
@@leef8433they were upgraded (armored) and once you upgrade them they also get shields & better weapons, armor & better stats all around but the increase in armor, damage plus the addition of a shield is the big plus. Honestly crossbow guys are kind of OP because they’re basically like OP legionaries instead of having pilums (throwing javelins) they have a crossbow which can fire like 10 times further
Unloyal the sturgian ones actually have quite a bit of armor it just doesn’t seem like they should they also get that bonus vs shields which might make all the difference
I found that the best army by far seems to be a mix of having around 50-60% of your army being archers/crossbows, and the rest being horse archers or heavy cavalry. Then i just always engage the enemy cavalry with my own and slow down the infantry approach by running around them with my cav, giving my archers/crossbows enough time to fire.
Yeah, me too. I have like 40% archer 30 infantry and 30 cavalry ( mixed) divoding my cavalry in 2 so I send one to skirmish and get them back making the other charge
Only archers I recruit are the Fians I screen them with imperial legionaries. And then just go stomping with a mixed heavy cav force of banner knights and elite cataphracts.
good job on the cinematic shots, I really enjoyed that. It is really interesting to see that the crossbows are actually pretty good in melee too, nice hybrid unit.
i swear by the imperial sergeant crossbowman my army is mostly them and i can wipe out armies 3 or 4 times my size. I think a big problem in the game tho is that the npc lords dont ever really get many trained troops battles feel empty sometimes because they bring 500 tier 1 units to get slaughtered by your army trained up on looters
@@blax140 how do you upgrade your units fast? Because with 1.2 beta patch I had fians champions killed in a "send troops" against looters that I was outnumbering. Not to say the xp your troops get from simulation is nerfed. Cheers!
I wondered about that as well, but I think its actually more realistic (dont know if its intentional or not). In times of war you dont have time to raise a fully trained army so you bolster your armies core with whoever peasant you can get. In our middle ages most soldiers were farmers who picked up waepons and not fully trained knights either. Yesterday I actually had a pretty epic battle with a thousand men (mostly tier 1,2,3) on both sides and some cavalry. It felt pretty great with the peasant mob fighting eachother and the cavalry dueling. Plus me harvesting peasants with my two handed sword of course.
Something that you might want to try to do with large armies of xbow/archers is the do loose formation, but when telling them to go to a certain spot, you can hold and drag left click to change the size of the formation. (more useful on elevated spots) When doing this, if you are on top of a hill, you can make them make a loose "square/diamond" formation on the hill where they can all still shoot, but it is more concentrated fire and I feel you get way more firepower out of that since you dont have as many with line of sight issues.
@@danielbyal4440 Yeah, they fixed some stuff, but there are still some stuff that need to be fixed. like the siege towers, the archers on the wall, and attacking the gate. attacking the gate got fixed a bit but the attacking ai still is not the best at attacking the gate. and also the ai defending the gate needs to act smarter since they just stand there in a square not moving and rarly attacking, they should be charging the gate when the attacking ai breaks it, to give a chance to the archers above the gate to shoot through the murder hole and throw boulders.
Yeah on castles with arrow slits on the base of towers walls, attacker AI get stuck trying to attack the defender inside and not go up the ladders or battlements.
Those crossbowmen that got caught by the enemy were just spawned. You moved your troops back from the starting area. Any troop that came in later will still spawn at the starting area. :D
@@shi77e20 I'm now in war against Khuzaits. Already executed around 20 lords, or whatever they called with my 100 man. I'm killing their horseman with my horseman, quite nice strategy actually. And my casualties are around 5 man maximum, if they are 2-3 times more and i forget to make shieldwall
Crossbows are some really nice hybrid units, even though they aren't as good as archers at range, they are still amazing at witling down the enemy and make up for it with their melee proficiency. They are a brilliant hybrid. I think an all crossbow army is more viable than Archers simply because they are more than capable in melee unlike archers.
Plus they have armour piercing bolts, better for taking out heavy troops and cav, the mountain bandits throwing jav tho, they can out range my archers LOL.
At early levels crossbow levy as all your infantry, and crossbowmen as your ranged works great. You can even get them to volley fire to absolutely decimate early cavalry charges. :p
I found out that The Vlandian Sharpshooter is awesome at killing people long range. My Vlandian Meta is using either shield wall to hold off the horde of infantry or harass the horde with Cavalry/Horse Archers or myself just by poking the edges of the formation and making them looking back. Then you’ll see massacre.
They did not laugh for long since they lost the war badly in the end, forfeiting all lands on the continent ;) I think it should be more like : England : We use the holy longbow! France : laughs next to Culverin artillerie pieces and plate armored mounted Gendarmes The strength of the English army besides their high loyalty to their king at the time of the 100 years war ( changed later on after the defeat in France, they had the Wars of Roses) was their professionally trained commoners used as shock troops (like billmen) and very strong foot knights ( like at Agincourt we know now that it is not the longbow but mainly the foot infantry that carried the day)
@@SFDPSFDP damn, hit a nerve? lol "( like at Agincourt we know now that it is not the longbow but mainly the foot infantry that carried the day)" [Citation Needed] Then again, maybe it is true or just pretty much anything is effective against a heavily armored knight stuck in a quagmire of mud, blood and dung.
Archers get weak as soon as the lines start changing and they move to face them, order them to face a certain direction (F2 and then F1 I think?) And they'll keep their facing regardless of where the enemy is which is HUGELY important so your army isn't constantly reforming
I get the idea that crossbowmen are meant to be the 'defencesive' ranged units, if they get flanked they can easier defend themselves and their allies since they got alot of armor and a big shield.
Dunno if you use it but just incase, theres a mod that enables dev console on the nexus, it has commands for adding any troop you want and how many you want. Such a thing would make these videos easier to make for you.
I think its great that there are notable improvements over the original Mount & Blade. I loved the 1st game, but it seems like the AI is a lot better developed now. They retreated after a failed charge and rejoined their remaining forces. That's awesome!
previous archer videos : "absolute carnage from these archers" -> can see enemies dropping like stones. This video: "we're able to get some fire going and they are doing a fantastic job taking them out as they retreat " -> can see no enemies dying.
Imagine how more devestating that last battle could have been if you had two formations of crossbows? Tougher guys on the frontline to melee when needed, a second formation up on the hill continuing to lay down fire!
The T4 and T5 Vlandian crossbowmen are guaranteed to have shields, so you can give segregate them into a specialist company if you make an archer unit that prioritizes shields.
I think it is constantly changing depending on what they nurf and the specifics of your world. Most of the good ones have been nurfed. We will probably just have to wait until it settles, then we can see.
An123Observer Well I know that I made a couple of wood shops in the cities that primary source is hardwood and those ones made me a lot more than some of my other workshops.
Thanks testing my suggestion. I played a lot of the floris mod for warband and there crossbow sharpshooters rekt everything and i loved it. They were also excellent in defending from sieges. So I was really wondering if in bannerlord this was also the case. They aren't as good but since they are pretty good at one handed and have good shields they can hold their own quiet well it seems.
Heavy infantry next. Maybe pitted against Battania in testing vids or against Vlandia, those should be the toughest opponents for them. If they can overcome those, they can overcome anything.
Yes! Love these videos you show different levels. Could you do them at the clan tier numbers. Like 47 and 92 i think? I also wanna see archers vs cross bow and heavy cav vs horse archer
Hey mate, It would be awesome if you could test crossbows against archers :) the range and accuracy of the crossbows vs the reload speed of archers :) or even the best shield wall infantry vs any ranged would be epic!
Smaller pavise shields were used almost like normal in melee combat, though usually when on a sling of some sort. It's actually somewhat normal for large shields with slings to be flung around to the side and held by a small handle near the top instead of having a completely detached shield. Id bet that most competent archers/crossbowmen would have learnt fairly quickly how to effectively use their pavise in place of a kite shield or other similar large shields. It sucks they can't be placed down, but that doesn't mean the use in-game isn't historically accurate. In fact, most of what we understand as accurate is stuff we can confirm, there is far more observable practicality and logic behind this use of a pavise than evidence against it, meaning it's not confirmed to be inaccurate at all.
Crosbowmen - medieval comando :D I think Imperial Sergeant Crosbowmen could be a little bit tougher, due to better armor - those shoulder pads they have alone give 20 and 10 to body and arm protection (but as far as I know their stats haven't been fixed and for now in vanilla game they have lower crossbow skill than they should). Next curious how "twohanded" troops faring, like Vladian Volgiers or Sturgian Berserkers since I can't say a lot of them has really good armor and not sure if those "bigger weapons" will help vs shieldwall. After I'd love to see just how much tier 6 troops are stronger than the more common tier 5.
Also crossbows have inhert high accuracy making low crossbow skill not a big deal (that's why mercenary crossbowmen have such low crossbow skill and yet nail people from 200m away)
There needs to be a command that tells them to place shields in front of them on the ground making a wall (not like the shield wall command where they hold up their shield)
Mmmmm maybe you could make a vid of what would be the best army unit combination from a simple 3 different units to 5 or 7..... Just a thought any ways love the video and amazing commentary but would any one pls tell me how does one manage to move the camara around and make it go into slow motion
I personally prefer crossbowmen to archers in Bannerlord. Fians are definitely better ranged troops, but Sharpshooters are also decent and will can help win a melee engagement, as well as carry giant shields that can be used to form a shield wall. They are just a much more versatile unit than the fian for me. Especially since I need shields to protect all my pikemen anyways.
I tried to get on top of the siege tower on my first siege in bannerlord, while they were pushing it to the wall.. I made it all the way up easily then flew off and fell to my death. It was super disappointing
vladian sharpshooters are so deadly. its 60% of my army now. they are good at middle range and melee. And I found out that they generate more prisonners that other units. Not sure why.
Well I think the AI went full agro cause the outnumbered you as a infantry wall advancing too the crossbowmen could get in with archers backing them up
15:18 rookie,i had to face a siege to my city of 1600 vlandians,against my 400 troops,i lost,but trust me that they lost too,but the first time i saw that army a say "FUCK YOU ALL,WHERE DID YOU GET ALL THAT?"
I'm really hoping they are gonna fix the unit statlines. Iirc, the Imperial Crossbow Sergeants actually have like 130 in bows and only 80 in crossbows...
Uh, I'm pretty sure shields for archers and crossbowmen were historically accurate, at least in Europe, it really depends. If you're covered by castle walls you don't need one, but on the field having a shield and even a spear was a huge benefit. They would also have a sword if they could afford one. The idea that archers and crossbowmen had nothing but a bow/crossbow is actually the historical inaccuracy. You would plant them(Shield and/or spear) in the ground in front of you to provide cover while you're loosing arrows/bolts. So I actually like the way they do ranged units in this game. Having a shield was simply better than nothing at all.
I would like some of these tests to be done against actual upgraded units... full tier 5 army of vlandian sharpshooters versus a bunch of militia and tier 1 stuff doesn't seem like a fair fight at all to show their power :P would love to see them try against a full force wearing shields lets say tier 3 units (maybe nordic shocktrooper's or w/ev)
This might be a stupid question but how are you getting those camera shots? Also, how are you getting that slow motion as well? Thanks for uploading, love your content.
I have 80 sharpshooters. The first 30 came very quickly, I just bought vlandian crossbowman whenever I could early on and they upgrade quite consistently especially against looters early on. Once they reach hardened from looters, they become hard to kill even going against large armies. I have had a group of 30 sharpshooters since like tier 4 clan (now I'm top tier clan) and they've only been down to 28 a couple times and I replaced them. In fact, it's very likely that some of my current sharpshooters are the very same crossbowman I recruited in the very beginning of my campaign.
@@GoBIGclan I get that in the regular span of a campaign, it's not hard to get units. But he's doing a video a day with hundreds of high level units. I did some digging, and unless he's spending basically every waking minute training up hordes of units, he's probably just using console commands (there's a mod for that).
Man, i don't think I will ever get tired of watching a line of infantry charge in. Its just jaw dropping. Edit: These series remind me of those historical battle reenactment videos they would do on the history channel. Keep them coming!
How on Earth do you save your battle reply?! That is so cool to be able to watch the battle using a free cam! How do you do it?! Is there a mod for it?
THANK YOU ALL FOR 100k SUBSCRIBERS! THAT'S INSANE :O But Only 3 Days left on my FINAL Bannerlord Giveaway so it's your last chance to enter-
use cheat engine to add troops of the type you need for the video, that would make it easier to make your videos
You think i got 600 crossbows by just grinding?
@@ResonantRTS You wouldn't be surprised if I told you I didn't watch the video 😓😬😬 (was just a piece of advice 😿)
you have 100,000 elite soldier and goodluck!
-Virtual Studio
100k dude, congratulations!
*20 bolts miss, 2 hit and 1 guy dies*
"this is absolutely brutal"
If its about the 16:40 point, he was talking about the dead bodies of elite troops already on the ground
Did no else see that insane roll off the horse and shot his bow at 2:53
there was another at 3:50 that fell and shot while standing
Legolas in Bannerlord
Holy fuck that was the most badass thing in the video and I missed it
No matter where you choose to start the video, you have a 60% chance of having resonant saying "MOUNT AND BLADE TWO, BANNERLORD"
I read that like morgz
The real takeaway here is that pretty much any troop fully upgraded en mass is going to stomp any army. Mostly just because the ai doesn't gather armies of fully upgraded troops they gather a mix
Ngl there isnt much take away..mostly just made cus they are fun to see.people.die
Not necessarily. Even t2 archers crossbows are amazing against any unit. Just will need more lower quality.
Dolphin Rider true it’s irritating though in later came there should be more elite armies. Also I feel like elite units in bannerlord don’t feel nearly as elite. While I think in warband recruits and tier two units were unbelievably weak and couldn’t even touch high tier units there should be a balance and I don’t like the quantity is better than quality approach in warband
not even a mix, just 70% recruit levy trash
@@bubchudlar5629 which...actually makes a lot of sense cause most armies in medieval eras were mostly recruits who weren't career soldiers
There is no unit quite as harboiled as the
*H A R D E N E D* crosbowmen
These boys seen some shit, and they are taking none
How is they do so well in melee yet my army of vlandian sergeants just fall over and die fighting recruits?
@@leef8433they were upgraded (armored) and once you upgrade them they also get shields & better weapons, armor & better stats all around but the increase in armor, damage plus the addition of a shield is the big plus.
Honestly crossbow guys are kind of OP because they’re basically like OP legionaries instead of having pilums (throwing javelins) they have a crossbow which can fire like 10 times further
I'm curious as to how effective a pure Berserker army could be
VS 1 skirimisher
I second this ^
Which faction berserkers though? I might see battanians one working since they have armor compared to the dumb utherlwhatever that doesn't lol
I was about to comment this
Unloyal the sturgian ones actually have quite a bit of armor it just doesn’t seem like they should they also get that bonus vs shields which might make all the difference
I found that the best army by far seems to be a mix of having around 50-60% of your army being archers/crossbows, and the rest being horse archers or heavy cavalry. Then i just always engage the enemy cavalry with my own and slow down the infantry approach by running around them with my cav, giving my archers/crossbows enough time to fire.
Yeah, me too. I have like 40% archer 30 infantry and 30 cavalry ( mixed) divoding my cavalry in 2 so I send one to skirmish and get them back making the other charge
An army with 2/3 Archers and 1/3 Lancers is strong. It's what I played in almost every Warband mod and it's not different in Bannerlord.
Only archers I recruit are the Fians I screen them with imperial legionaries.
And then just go stomping with a mixed heavy cav force of banner knights and elite cataphracts.
i personally do all Calvary seems to destroy any army. but maybe that's just me.
I just use aserai horse archers op
good job on the cinematic shots, I really enjoyed that. It is really interesting to see that the crossbows are actually pretty good in melee too, nice hybrid unit.
Kaiwelos how do u go into camera mode?
I'd like to know as well
Same here
Same honestly
Damn, they really nailed most of the outdoor day lighting
I did a pure crossbow Rhodak army in the first Mount & Blade, and loved it. Looking forward to doing the same when I finally get this game!
I think this was one of the best made of these “troops only” videos - that slow-mo footage is fantastic
i swear by the imperial sergeant crossbowman my army is mostly them and i can wipe out armies 3 or 4 times my size. I think a big problem in the game tho is that the npc lords dont ever really get many trained troops battles feel empty sometimes because they bring 500 tier 1 units to get slaughtered by your army trained up on looters
Yeah i start to feel bad for my enemies and their peasant armies vs my expensive mixed force. Late game definitely needs work.
I think troop levelling is way to easy
@@blax140 how do you upgrade your units fast? Because with 1.2 beta patch I had fians champions killed in a "send troops" against looters that I was outnumbering. Not to say the xp your troops get from simulation is nerfed. Cheers!
I wondered about that as well, but I think its actually more realistic (dont know if its intentional or not). In times of war you dont have time to raise a fully trained army so you bolster your armies core with whoever peasant you can get. In our middle ages most soldiers were farmers who picked up waepons and not fully trained knights either.
Yesterday I actually had a pretty epic battle with a thousand men (mostly tier 1,2,3) on both sides and some cavalry. It felt pretty great with the peasant mob fighting eachother and the cavalry dueling. Plus me harvesting peasants with my two handed sword of course.
Were you on realistic difficulty?
Something that you might want to try to do with large armies of xbow/archers is the do loose formation, but when telling them to go to a certain spot, you can hold and drag left click to change the size of the formation. (more useful on elevated spots)
When doing this, if you are on top of a hill, you can make them make a loose "square/diamond" formation on the hill where they can all still shoot, but it is more concentrated fire and I feel you get way more firepower out of that since you dont have as many with line of sight issues.
oh boy, AI on the walls needs aloooot of improvement still, for both attackers and defenders.
Yeah seige ai isn't good
@@danielbyal4440 Yeah, they fixed some stuff, but there are still some stuff that need to be fixed. like the siege towers, the archers on the wall, and attacking the gate. attacking the gate got fixed a bit but the attacking ai still is not the best at attacking the gate. and also the ai defending the gate needs to act smarter since they just stand there in a square not moving and rarly attacking, they should be charging the gate when the attacking ai breaks it, to give a chance to the archers above the gate to shoot through the murder hole and throw boulders.
The FPS on sieges needs to be fixed as well. The FPS difference between open battles and siege battles is insane
Yeah on castles with arrow slits on the base of towers walls, attacker AI get stuck trying to attack the defender inside and not go up the ladders or battlements.
Those crossbowmen that got caught by the enemy were just spawned. You moved your troops back from the starting area. Any troop that came in later will still spawn at the starting area. :D
you should do looter only!!!!! Infinite stone and manliness
They also seem to have better aim than Forest Bandits. 20 Looters actually pelt me with rocks. 20 Bushwackers? Not a scratch
@@swall185 looters OP
Looter stones. A weapon to rival metal gear D:
I genocide looters on a regular basis, but the damn things breed like rats. :(
@@foxwithashotgun7726 ı installed some mods and Holy shıt some looters are moving Around like hords like 600man
As a valandian diehard I condone this video.
Khuzait for life
@@cerionic6733 what you gonna do against my 200 horsemen charge huh?
@@felipebritto9554 if you can catch me on my horse
@@shi77e20 I'm now in war against Khuzaits. Already executed around 20 lords, or whatever they called with my 100 man. I'm killing their horseman with my horseman, quite nice strategy actually. And my casualties are around 5 man maximum, if they are 2-3 times more and i forget to make shieldwall
"I've seen and done terrible things."
Crossbows are some really nice hybrid units, even though they aren't as good as archers at range, they are still amazing at witling down the enemy and make up for it with their melee proficiency. They are a brilliant hybrid. I think an all crossbow army is more viable than Archers simply because they are more than capable in melee unlike archers.
I agree. For pure ranged army i would go with crossbows. For army with some heavy infantry for protection i would go all in battanian fian champions
Plus they have armour piercing bolts, better for taking out heavy troops and cav, the mountain bandits throwing jav tho, they can out range my archers LOL.
At early levels crossbow levy as all your infantry, and crossbowmen as your ranged works great. You can even get them to volley fire to absolutely decimate early cavalry charges. :p
3:57 this dude really just knocked an arrow and got back onto his feet with pure willpower
At 4:15 you can see a new bug that came with this patch, shields 'blocking' an attack and the attack still does damage.
I found out that The Vlandian Sharpshooter is awesome at killing people long range. My Vlandian Meta is using either shield wall to hold off the horde of infantry or harass the horde with Cavalry/Horse Archers or myself just by poking the edges of the formation and making them looking back. Then you’ll see massacre.
Hey can you do valandian sergeants only next
France: we use genoise crossbow men
England: *laughs in longbow*
They did not laugh for long since they lost the war badly in the end, forfeiting all lands on the continent ;) I think it should be more like :
England : We use the holy longbow!
France : laughs next to Culverin artillerie pieces and plate armored mounted Gendarmes
The strength of the English army besides their high loyalty to their king at the time of the 100 years war ( changed later on after the defeat in France, they had the Wars of Roses) was their professionally trained commoners used as shock troops (like billmen) and very strong foot knights ( like at Agincourt we know now that it is not the longbow but mainly the foot infantry that carried the day)
@@SFDPSFDP damn, hit a nerve? lol
"( like at Agincourt we know now that it is not the longbow but mainly the foot infantry that carried the day)"
[Citation Needed]
Then again, maybe it is true or just pretty much anything is effective against a heavily armored knight stuck in a quagmire of mud, blood and dung.
Around 3:50 the horse archer was drawing his bow while getting up. That looked so cinematic.
We watch you for the glory of Rome! We need more of that
I really want to see a matchup between the Wolf Choosen, Expert forestmen, and the Battanian Fians since they all have similar stats
If you form a square with all your crossbowman and move them on the hill at 17:13 , they all will be able to shoot. And it will be deadly
Pretty sure they can preform better if you can separate them into staggered clumps allowing for some to still fire while others are engaged in melee.
In warband crossbows were godly for defending castles. Archers always beat them in the field though.
Yeah cuz they correctly used cover, as they needed to bend down for a reload. :)
Archers get weak as soon as the lines start changing and they move to face them, order them to face a certain direction (F2 and then F1 I think?) And they'll keep their facing regardless of where the enemy is which is HUGELY important so your army isn't constantly reforming
full Battania archer army is totally F-ing amazing! Two-Handed sword and decent armor too bonus bonus
"These units are not meant for melee!" He says about men armored with Pavise and Chainmaille! Haha, LOVE these vids man! Please keep 'em comin!
the slow mo cinematography was sick lol
great video and congratz on hitting 100k subs
It'd be helpful if you included the results to all the battles in the video, particularly the big one at the end. I'm a slut for numbers and data
Will.keep that in mind
yeah visually they look great but how many deaths did they suffer in that final fight, and how many kills
3.142 you like that huh 252
God I absolutely love fighting in the deserts, it's so beautiful
I get the idea that crossbowmen are meant to be the 'defencesive' ranged units, if they get flanked they can easier defend themselves and their allies since they got alot of armor and a big shield.
Dunno if you use it but just incase, theres a mod that enables dev console on the nexus, it has commands for adding any troop you want and how many you want.
Such a thing would make these videos easier to make for you.
I think its great that there are notable improvements over the original Mount & Blade. I loved the 1st game, but it seems like the AI is a lot better developed now. They retreated after a failed charge and rejoined their remaining forces. That's awesome!
Whatever you do don't let the ai control your archers. The moment calvary charges in they scatter and keep running without getting any shots off
previous archer videos : "absolute carnage from these archers" -> can see enemies dropping like stones.
This video: "we're able to get some fire going and they are doing a fantastic job taking them out as they retreat " -> can see no enemies dying.
Imagine how more devestating that last battle could have been if you had two formations of crossbows? Tougher guys on the frontline to melee when needed, a second formation up on the hill continuing to lay down fire!
The T4 and T5 Vlandian crossbowmen are guaranteed to have shields, so you can give segregate them into a specialist company if you make an archer unit that prioritizes shields.
Can you do which workshops are best in which cities and how to make the most money from the workshops?
I think it is constantly changing depending on what they nurf and the specifics of your world. Most of the good ones have been nurfed. We will probably just have to wait until it settles, then we can see.
An123Observer Well I know that I made a couple of wood shops in the cities that primary source is hardwood and those ones made me a lot more than some of my other workshops.
So Crossbowmen are a mix of ranged and Close Combat units?
Thanks testing my suggestion. I played a lot of the floris mod for warband and there crossbow sharpshooters rekt everything and i loved it. They were also excellent in defending from sieges. So I was really wondering if in bannerlord this was also the case. They aren't as good but since they are pretty good at one handed and have good shields they can hold their own quiet well it seems.
Heavy infantry next. Maybe pitted against Battania in testing vids or against Vlandia, those should be the toughest opponents for them. If they can overcome those, they can overcome anything.
Yes! Love these videos you show different levels. Could you do them at the clan tier numbers. Like 47 and 92 i think? I also wanna see archers vs cross bow and heavy cav vs horse archer
I don't see how these tests make any sense when you are going up the ladder in both scale and power.
Hey mate, It would be awesome if you could test crossbows against archers :) the range and accuracy of the crossbows vs the reload speed of archers :) or even the best shield wall infantry vs any ranged would be epic!
Best shield wall would be varyags because they have the biggest shields although the battanians have some fairly large shields
@@curlception1955 I'd like to see them against the crossbows or archers for sure!
but thanks for the advice for my game :)
Smaller pavise shields were used almost like normal in melee combat, though usually when on a sling of some sort. It's actually somewhat normal for large shields with slings to be flung around to the side and held by a small handle near the top instead of having a completely detached shield.
Id bet that most competent archers/crossbowmen would have learnt fairly quickly how to effectively use their pavise in place of a kite shield or other similar large shields.
It sucks they can't be placed down, but that doesn't mean the use in-game isn't historically accurate. In fact, most of what we understand as accurate is stuff we can confirm, there is far more observable practicality and logic behind this use of a pavise than evidence against it, meaning it's not confirmed to be inaccurate at all.
the cinematic shots are really dope!
12:25 and... Ragnars still sitting on the ladder *sighs
Lol I felt that sigh of frustration
Yay Res did the video I asked for! :)
Crosbowmen - medieval comando :D
I think Imperial Sergeant Crosbowmen could be a little bit tougher, due to better armor - those shoulder pads they have alone give 20 and 10 to body and arm protection (but as far as I know their stats haven't been fixed and for now in vanilla game they have lower crossbow skill than they should).
Next curious how "twohanded" troops faring, like Vladian Volgiers or Sturgian Berserkers since I can't say a lot of them has really good armor and not sure if those "bigger weapons" will help vs shieldwall.
After I'd love to see just how much tier 6 troops are stronger than the more common tier 5.
This is really good with the "armor does something" mod and whenever the devs decide to nerf bow damage
Also crossbows have inhert high accuracy making low crossbow skill not a big deal (that's why mercenary crossbowmen have such low crossbow skill and yet nail people from 200m away)
There needs to be a command that tells them to place shields in front of them on the ground making a wall (not like the shield wall command where they hold up their shield)
The hired crossbow mercenary line is excellent.
Your narration elevated the experience.
Mmmmm maybe you could make a vid of what would be the best army unit combination from a simple 3 different units to 5 or 7..... Just a thought any ways love the video and amazing commentary but would any one pls tell me how does one manage to move the camara around and make it go into slow motion
Pure Sturgia Ulfhednar pretty please
The smooth jazz in the background XD
I personally prefer crossbowmen to archers in Bannerlord. Fians are definitely better ranged troops, but Sharpshooters are also decent and will can help win a melee engagement, as well as carry giant shields that can be used to form a shield wall. They are just a much more versatile unit than the fian for me. Especially since I need shields to protect all my pikemen anyways.
I tried to get on top of the siege tower on my first siege in bannerlord, while they were pushing it to the wall.. I made it all the way up easily then flew off and fell to my death. It was super disappointing
vladian sharpshooters are so deadly. its 60% of my army now. they are good at middle range and melee. And I found out that they generate more prisonners that other units. Not sure why.
Some crosswob units have 130in bow while 60in crosswob, imagine my shock
If making the pavises deployable would be too hard to program they could at least have the crossbowmen turn around while reloading.
Well I think the AI went full agro cause the outnumbered you as a infantry wall advancing too the crossbowmen could get in with archers backing them up
15:18 rookie,i had to face a siege to my city of 1600 vlandians,against my 400 troops,i lost,but trust me that they lost too,but the first time i saw that army a say "FUCK YOU ALL,WHERE DID YOU GET ALL THAT?"
Legionaries only. Berserkers only. Just any heavy infantry yeah
Gg for 100k subs king
Excellent. Crossbows are the most well rounded ranged troops.
I'm really hoping they are gonna fix the unit statlines. Iirc, the Imperial Crossbow Sergeants actually have like 130 in bows and only 80 in crossbows...
Uh, I'm pretty sure shields for archers and crossbowmen were historically accurate, at least in Europe, it really depends. If you're covered by castle walls you don't need one, but on the field having a shield and even a spear was a huge benefit. They would also have a sword if they could afford one. The idea that archers and crossbowmen had nothing but a bow/crossbow is actually the historical inaccuracy.
You would plant them(Shield and/or spear) in the ground in front of you to provide cover while you're loosing arrows/bolts. So I actually like the way they do ranged units in this game. Having a shield was simply better than nothing at all.
The Boars Champions from Vlandia are even better ! They have the same crossbow skills, but they surpass them in one handed weapon skill !
Have not heard narration like this since Monty Python.
I prefer the archers mainly because of the speed
archers are better up until you're facing heavily armored opponents
I would like some of these tests to be done against actual upgraded units... full tier 5 army of vlandian sharpshooters versus a bunch of militia and tier 1 stuff doesn't seem like a fair fight at all to show their power :P would love to see them try against a full force wearing shields lets say tier 3 units (maybe nordic shocktrooper's or w/ev)
If only you ran the channel
Always helps to be condesending to your viewerbase, good on you.
This might be a stupid question but how are you getting those camera shots? Also, how are you getting that slow motion as well?
Thanks for uploading, love your content.
Want to see some archers defending big siege battle . I think 100 archers can defend against 500 I guess.
Thanks for doing crossbow's it's exactly what I wanted haha
I love your content but you got to remember you can command these troops in formations to get better efficiency and retreating is helpful to.
Cinematic shots look very spicy 👍
Full empire horse archer and cav in two videos? Thanks man!
Death animations of this game are fantastic
Have you done anything with Elite Bowman? also have you done anything with the most current version of the game along these lines? thank you
best crossbowman is hired crossbowman
Put crossbows in a command group of their own. Then set line of crossbows in front of archers like
i think you got to use custom battles for this because even simple things like your leaders skills can fudge this
I hope the deluge module gets ported so we can get videos like; archer hord vs muskets
How are you spawning so many high level units into campaign? Is there a mod or something, or am I missing some way to rapidly raise high level troops?
I have 80 sharpshooters. The first 30 came very quickly, I just bought vlandian crossbowman whenever I could early on and they upgrade quite consistently especially against looters early on. Once they reach hardened from looters, they become hard to kill even going against large armies. I have had a group of 30 sharpshooters since like tier 4 clan (now I'm top tier clan) and they've only been down to 28 a couple times and I replaced them. In fact, it's very likely that some of my current sharpshooters are the very same crossbowman I recruited in the very beginning of my campaign.
@@GoBIGclan I get that in the regular span of a campaign, it's not hard to get units.
But he's doing a video a day with hundreds of high level units.
I did some digging, and unless he's spending basically every waking minute training up hordes of units, he's probably just using console commands (there's a mod for that).
@@harjutapa Oh ok you mean for all of his videos. Yeah I assume he's spawning them in
Man, i don't think I will ever get tired of watching a line of infantry charge in. Its just jaw dropping.
Edit: These series remind me of those historical battle reenactment videos they would do on the history channel. Keep them coming!
His one unit army videos sound like football matches 😂
Resonant please put casualties to know how many died and such
meele does not matter a big in sieges. Place 100 battanian fians 50m in front of the gates, wait 5 minutes, press tab and take the victory
How on Earth do you save your battle reply?! That is so cool to be able to watch the battle using a free cam! How do you do it?! Is there a mod for it?
could you please test the vlandian pikeman? not if its a viable army, but to test how they do against cav
Crossbows hit harder than bowmen but fire slower. But they tend to be better armored and better in melee since they got them big shields