Krypton Son I'm Canadian, where do you want me to start, with the registry, or with licensing? Adjust for population we have less than a 6th of the shooting the USA does. Or do you want to look at Australia, China, Switzerland, Japan, UK and literally every first world country under the sun.....
I am going to start off this comment by stating that I am a Democrat from Texas who is a Second Amendment defender but I have an issue with the National Riffle Association, and all of this is important to know given what I'm about to say. Everybody who is a Second Amendment defender/NRA advocate brings up how they love how they are guaranteed the right to "bear arms," but there's 2nd part of the Amendment many leave out. While I'm paraphrasing, the Second Amendment when written guaranteed citizens the right to "bear arms" but for a "well regulated Militia." The reason why this part is important to know/was included in the Constitution is because during the Revolution, there was no national military at the time, and when America began the Army had a small budget so the government was unable to provide every patriotic troop with a gun (usually a musket). So the founders included the Second Amendment in this manner as a way of saying that you have the right own a weapon if you are in the "civil population" (which at the time was just Caucasian men) that "supplements a regular army" (which serves the national/federal government). So any person who claims they are pro-guns/NRA or touts the Second Amendment but in order to defend themselves from an abusive government/use against fellow citizens, that's a contradiction since if you own a gun because of the Second Amendment, you are basically (in the mindset of the late 1700s) promising to use it to serve the country/federal government, not for just personal use. Finally, I doubt that any founding father would make the argument that assault rifles and other similar dangerous guns would have been included in that guarantee since they didn't exist at that time. Now all of this is my opinion/argument on these issues, but please share your opinions below if you want to.
Rachel Shulman I just looked it up and its an interesting case to gun ownership but it does allow the government to restrict those who can have guns which is something I think we can both agree upon such as criminal, people with violent past ect.
So your idea is to take guns away from the good guy? If you ban guns guess whos gonna have the guns. THE BAD GUY. Theres this little thing called the deep web, the black market, the arms trade. No matter how many idiotic regulations you put on guns bad people will always have them.
A good honest thorough background check no matter how long it takes is part of what I want, along with banning certain types of guns. Also... you think that the deep web, the black market, the 'arms trade' don't exist in other nations like Australia, Japan, the UK, etc. that experience orders of magnitude fewer gun related killings than the US does? It's the same straw man argument as 'video games' and 'violent movies'.
j jay this^^. Americans should retain their second amendment rights. Other countries that people claim have gotten better with gun control have actually become worse eg Venezuela.
They have run that exact same article many times now, with only minor edits to insert the name of the latest gun tragedy. This has been going on forever. There were mass shootings all through the 70s, 80s and 90s. But they were much more rare and less deadly because less people had guns and the guns what they did have was probably a small 9mm handgun, not the best choice of weapon for a mass shooter.
If a video from a foreign country directed at US media used the same choice of words and tone as that Dana Loesch video, you know the NRA, Republicans, etc. would see that as a threat of terrorism.
Arturo, you could be right. However, Republicans are just as tyrannical as the left, but in different matters like immigration, spying for "safety from terrorism", and drug enforcement among others.
These ads feel like we've been demoted from "developed democratic" country status into "transitional-oligarchy" status. I guess Canada will be the only stable country in North America.
Serienjunkie 007 Try reading and growing your also minuscule brains. Before your stupidity relegates you to second class citizens based solely on the ever widening gap in intelligence, between the progressives, and the regressive republiKKKans.
I don't own a gun, but I'm strongly considering joining the NRA anyway. Someday soon I'd like to own a gun, and by the time I'm ready for that, it would be nice If my rights were still intact. If I'm ever in the unfortunate situation of being cornered by a person with nefarious intentions, I have no chance of fighting back or running away, due to a few unfortunate symptoms of my chronic condition. However, I do keep my head in a crisis, and have good hand-eye coordination. A gun would level the playing field for me a LOT. All I would need is the element of surprise. BUT, if guns are ever banned in this country, or restricted past all sense, I would absolutely be at the mercy of any attacker. As they say, "When seconds count, the police are minutes away," if you even have time to call them. I'd rather retain the right to defend myself with the only effective method available to me, thank you very much.
MarcusT just because someone hasn’t fallen victim for “x” number of years doesn’t mean it can never happen. Only a fool would believe that they are in the clear when something as random as a violent crime hasn’t happened to them for “x” number of years. A 17 year old kid was shot by a friend as part of a gang initiation, the 17 year old didn’t see it coming, but he survived amazingly. One of his arms was nearly shot off and there was major damage to his lungs, chest and head. All of that done by a friend wielding a shotgun. Also, it happened in Chicago, a place with some of the strictest gun laws on earth.
+MarcusT I live in a fairly safe city right now, but I might not in the future. While I try to be cognizant of my surroundings so that I won't be able to be cornered, my vigilance can't stop someone from breaking into my home. We did have a break in once, but fortunately we were not at home at the time. I don't knew whether the intruders were armed. If I had been home, I might *not* be alive. I fervently hope I never need to defend myself; however, if I someday do, I'd like to be able to survive. As I said, I can't fight back physically because of my disability and would be a sitting duck. The only chance I would have is with a firearm. I like to be prepared *before* something bad happens.
No it would not the constitution has been Amended 17 times and you lost those, when Bush started arresting protester, and making people get permits to protesting. Now they even force unions into contracts and take away their right to strike.
Also, Juls, even if the Constitution had never been amended before, your assumption is a "slippery slope" sophism. You can amend one amendment without necessarily amending all the others. What is contained in the 1st amendment is different from what the 2nd says. No one, I think, has ever been directly murdered by someone else's abuse of his right to peacefully assemble (keyword here is peacefully, of course).
No, there's indeed no need to suppress the 2nd amendment from the Constitution. Just, for a change, to interpret it in a way both consistent with what the Founders intended for it according to what the situation was back then, and with what the country is like today, what the people of the USA are like, and what the available weapons are like. Which is not how the NRA is interpreting it.
Potaka - Unfortunately, the Founders thought that the initial group of Amendments, the first ten, were really important at the time for the defense of the Union, so they made an Amendment that makes it VERY hard to change those first ten, called the Bill of Rights. In order to change the 2nd Amendment, it needs to be passed by both the House and Senate, and approved by the President. In addition, since it is one of the first 10, it requires the ratification by 38 of the 50 states. But that is to change it... we don't need to change it. Nothing about the 2nd Amendment prohibits regulation. Much like other Amendments in the Bill of Rights, there are limits to those rights. You can not use your first Amendment rights to yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theatre. You can not make terroristic threats to someone. Neither of those things are protected by the 1st Amendment. Thus it would be a simple thing to say that AR-15s and bumpstocks, high cap magazines and armor-piercing bullets are not protected. The members of Congress lack courage.
Per an MSNBC report, the NRA's largest donation in it's most expensive State in 2016 was $9,900 to a Texas candidate. The NRA donated $350 to Ted Cruz. The MSNBC article reports: "For the 2016 election cycle, the group[ the NRA] spent just over $1 million on candidates for federal office. " Spread $1 million over all the Federal races. It doesn't go far. And that amount of money doesn't "buy" any candidate. The NRA is small compared to other lobbying groups. The Koch brothers intended to spend $899 million on the 2016 US election.
That attack ad is so manipulative and awful. Besides the fact that having a gun for defense is not even helpful and put your your family in danger. Someone breaking into your house could grab your gun and threaten you. The implication that gun control leads to the death of children is terrible, manipulative and insulting to the victims of gun violence
Brian Sempowski, whether or not your home is in jeopardy from having a gun in the home varies wildly from home to home. It's also not for you to decide what someone has the right to choose for themselves as to what they defend their right to life with.
Here's an Idea. If you want an AR, you need a background check and 5 signatures from people that know you, saying they think its safe for you to possess a firearm, background checks on those 5 people as well, also add in a 90-180 day waiting period. Anyone else have a better compromise? I jump through more hoops to go to paramedic school or get a job so why not to acquire an assault rifle.
Because guns aren't exactly medical science. Point and shoot, don't point it at anything you don't want to destroy, strong stance to handle recoil, wear ear protection. Its also a civil right and most people who own guns don't go on killing sprees. Maybe we should fix healthcare, education, and reform the broken drug and jails sysyems first instead of putting a band aid over the gun problem.
I often hear (or read) pro-gun people claim an AR-15 is not an assault rifle as Julie Schultz did in this reply section. While technically it is true that AR does not stand for assault rifle, I find this to be a distinction with very little difference. There are many styles of that rifle, but you'll find they all have many things in common with the standard issue M4A1 military assault rifle. The biggest difference being that the M4A1 is fully automatic. However, add a bump stock to an AR-15 and you have yourself what amounts to an automatic weapon. The civilian AR-15 has the same size ammunition, equivalent muzzle velocity (this depends on barrel length which can vary), and clip sizes. Most specifications on the websites that sell the AR-15 write of "military-spec single stage trigger," "mil-spec manganese phosphate coated M16 BCG" bolt carrier, and so on. The AR-15 is not an assault rifle is an argument of semantics rather than reality; it is as close as you can get to an assault rifle without getting your hands on an M4A1. What bothers me most about this issue is that the NRA fights common sense regulation. It's not an infringement on your rights to have your weapon registered like a car, make title transfers when you sell your weapons, and require a background check for criminal past or mental illness (not fool-proof, but what is?).
I have been a supporter of the 2A for many years. I had never been a member of the NRA until after the Parkland shooting. The vicious attacks on the 2A that has followed inspired me to finally join. Thanks libtards!!
have you actually taken a look at how little money the NRA spends in political contributions? it's a minuscule amount compared to pharma and the meat and dairy lobby.
“Guns have nothing to do with gun violence” no one is say that we are looking at the facts where it say Switzerland has half the homicide rate of the uk even though they allow guns while the uk heavily restricts them
I mean, I get what she's saying. As soon as they outlawed drugs, all the drug dealers ran dry. Just do the same thing with guns and women alone at night can take their chances with mace and those groovy self-defense classes they take alongside yoga at the local community center.
James, no mass shootings since then, except for the Monash University shooting, the police HQ shooting and the Sydney hostage crisis. And that actually means they're at about the same rate of mass shootings after legislation than they were before legislation. And here's another interesting point: The US has steadily decreased in gun deaths while the number of guns has increased. And we didn't have to surrender our natural rights to do it.
How many citizens does Australia have as compared to the U.S.? America has over 300,000,000 citizens. So, it might be safe to assume, that we'd have more crime than Australia. Australia has, what, a little over 24 and a half million? So, what is that? Less than 1/4?
As an ex-Scientologist member, I did get an inkling last month on Twitter that NRA is cultish: Mike Branom @mbranom A decade-plus ago, I bought a home from a guy who was an NRA member. For years after, the org's magazine still arrived in my mailbox. Here's the February 2013 cover, a masterpiece of angry paranoia - complete w/a reference to RW boogeyman George Soros.
justin castillo, George Soros isn't just a bogeyman he does fund anti-gun lobby groups. There's also Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Oprah, Paul Allen, Steve Ballmer and Rupert Murdoch. Source: "These Are The U.S. Billionaires Who Back Gun Control" Forbes Jun 15, 2016.
George Soros talking about his "activities" in WW2 & not feeling guilty about crashing economies (28 min.)
Weird that a conceal carry advertisement came on before Samantha 🐝 video? Is the NRA watching me? Oh god someone send help! But seriously Samantha keep up the great work!
Let's be fair though. I know of no cases where someone's family was harassed because they left the NRA. Scientology is not just dangerous for the people involved.
Money to maintain the natural right of the people to keep and bear arms. The government doesn't even have the power to infringe on this, but we have to pay them to keep from doing it anyway, and they still are trying to pass laws.
You know the really funny thing about that: the "well-regulated militia" referred to in the 2nd Amendment technically hasn't existed for over 100 years. Over time the local and state-run militias gave way to police forces, the national guard, and the military as a whole, a state of affairs which some believe to be a gross violation of the Constitution and 2nd Amendment. Yet another aspect of how the 2nd Amendment is tragically out-of-date and needs to be revisited. As it stands the whole "well-regulated militia" phrase seems to be overlooked by the NRA and their ilk these days; they tend to focus solely on the "shall not be infringed" part. Sigh... and round and round we go...
english is not my first language (however, I do believe I handle it quite well) so, all this 2nd amendment jargon had me looking around a bit, hence, I only just found out the full definition of "militia", and, boooyyy, U guys.. umph! u think u need "militia" in the 21st century in a country with a formal military force triple the size of the rest of the world??? this is like saying that ur uncle Ben would do a better job putting down a criminal than ur local police or ur military would! If so, well, ur military also has nukes, apart from AR-15s.... should we all get our own personal nuke at the backyard??? just to make sure that, in case the N.Koreans freak out, we r able to defend ourselves?????
@hans youre an idiot becase vietnamese rice farmers and desert cave dwellers outlasted all of those weapons. Those expensive highly destructive weapons are ineffective against an armed populace, These million dollar a shot weapons cannot be used against the taxpayers that suppl these weapons.
Doesn’t matter. You kick my door in at night, your going to the morgue. It is my fundamental right to self preservation and to the protection of family. No leftist politician bent on socialism or propaganda tool masquerading as comedy is going to tell me otherwise. God bless the NRA!
shlibber drama queen? So some dude kicks in your front door, what are you going to do, call the cops? Average wait is 15 minutes. So even if that dude has a bat, you are done.
aguy654 Those with DID are the anti-gunners so obviously nobody is trying to arm them. If we did they would probably all die of fright from the gun sitting there on the table in front of them looking scary.
A perfect rebuttle to that commercial could have been the same exact thing, only the guy simply opens the door and the woman has a gun, she opens fire as he barges in with flowers and a gift about to yell "Surprise honey!" but too late, because she watched a scary ad about burglars and bought a 🅶🆄🅽. :D
This is such propaganda garbage, and so many people love it. It really makes me depressed, and then I realize it just means I'm smarter than all the people on here. Suddenly, I feel much better. It feels nice to be smart.
I think that it is a mistake to think that people who watch your show are hate watching it. I am an NRA member and a fan of your show Samantha Bee. I think that it is leap and abound to compare the NRA to a cult. It defends our 2nd amendment rights. I will not buy into this rhetoric that school shootings are because of gun culture. Why not talk about the bullying issues, and the lack of care and concern that those with mental issues are treated. Those that argue that the NRA has blood on its hands and then turn around to bully, degrade, name call and yes compare to a cult those that support the organization simply alienates them and creates an enemy out of a lot of very well armed people. So if you're going to make leaping judgments about us, then its not so far out of field for us to make a judgement about that fact they your proposing to steal our rights to guns. You might re-think your approach if you actually wanted to make change or try and bring people together. Instead you use your platform to sew a deeper divide and for that I am truly disappointed in you Ms Samantha Bee.
Jilli...look at stats and compare to the rest of the world..and tell what you see differend in usa..all the rest of thinking process relate to a simple stat that is for everybody so clear...stop twisting spinning and turning..the more guns the more dead bodies...simple
The Swiss reality, and not twisted and bend..jeeeeez. 1: There is no shuch thing as handing out guns like you say..2: Yes, per cap is swiss one of the highest gun holders in europe. Now, take a closer look..:only 8.3 million live in swiss..(usa x41 ) !!! there are virtual NO city's in swisse, 7 miljoen live in a city with less than 10.000 people..and most importand off all: the average income will be about 15 times the usa average..not to mention the inequality in usa .. Your point of less death cops is really scary..Use your brain, you think millions of guns out there makes the job easyer to do than with less guns??? think again...every year more than 1000 on average die in a routine traffic stop !!!! More guns means less death cops?? You really must be joking !!! It's hard to understand the always returning bogus arguments you guys come up with... I do understand that there is a difference in gun culture between us and usa, and i respect that..But whats a total scandal for the year 2018; is that in usa there is NO constructive debate possible about gun laws, and some basic rules...That is the real scandal...because in the mean while people getting shot in pieces like pigs...!!!!!!!!
Take this statistic : 1980 to now : 100 cops got killed in the USA +2300...So maybe stop saying it 's better for police when we all walk arround with guns...unless they have a death wish..
I feel like my iq has decreased from reading that comment. Do you even know what a gun is? Its metal, plastic, wood. Holding it does not change who you are. It doesnt create some psychosis within you. The only reason your a free citizen and not enslaved by a totalitarian regime is because of people were willing to sacrifice their lives and you have the audacity to slander them. How dare you disrespect the people who have died for your freedom. For your safety.
Clifford Skalba I had no idea that defending yourself with a gun made you the bad guy, or that the guy who stopped the southerland springs shooting was a bad guy
aguy654 Now your just wasting my time this isn't political as it happened when Obama was in office as well. Get over the Hillary loss it is grinding you
"Is Scientology safe? Ohhh of course not. It's bonkers! But it's like...safer for the rest of us."
"No gun legislation will help us!!" - says the country that regulates the amount of tooth paste allowed on a plane....
Please, tell me about a gun law that will actually keep guns out of criminals hands.
Krypton Son I'm Canadian, where do you want me to start, with the registry, or with licensing? Adjust for population we have less than a 6th of the shooting the USA does.
Or do you want to look at Australia, China, Switzerland, Japan, UK and literally every first world country under the sun.....
Canada also has a fraction of the population of the U.S., not to mention a fraction of the guns. Apples and oranges.
Krypton Son "adjust for population"..... is in my reply.
say astra let's start off with the countries you mentioned
Wow, NRA ad right before the vid. JK, I use adblock. You can have my adblock when you can pry it from my cold, dead hand.
I am going to start off this comment by stating that I am a Democrat from Texas who is a Second Amendment defender but I have an issue with the National Riffle Association, and all of this is important to know given what I'm about to say. Everybody who is a Second Amendment defender/NRA advocate brings up how they love how they are guaranteed the right to "bear arms," but there's 2nd part of the Amendment many leave out. While I'm paraphrasing, the Second Amendment when written guaranteed citizens the right to "bear arms" but for a "well regulated Militia." The reason why this part is important to know/was included in the Constitution is because during the Revolution, there was no national military at the time, and when America began the Army had a small budget so the government was unable to provide every patriotic troop with a gun (usually a musket). So the founders included the Second Amendment in this manner as a way of saying that you have the right own a weapon if you are in the "civil population" (which at the time was just Caucasian men) that "supplements a regular army" (which serves the national/federal government). So any person who claims they are pro-guns/NRA or touts the Second Amendment but in order to defend themselves from an abusive government/use against fellow citizens, that's a contradiction since if you own a gun because of the Second Amendment, you are basically (in the mindset of the late 1700s) promising to use it to serve the country/federal government, not for just personal use. Finally, I doubt that any founding father would make the argument that assault rifles and other similar dangerous guns would have been included in that guarantee since they didn't exist at that time. Now all of this is my opinion/argument on these issues, but please share your opinions below if you want to.
Jesse Torres I agree with you the second amendment is outdated but their is no way the Republicans will allow that to change sad really.
Jesse Torres see DC v. Heller
Edit: I support gun control; just pointing out how the second amendment has been interpreted over time.
Rachel Shulman I just looked it up and its an interesting case to gun ownership but it does allow the government to restrict those who can have guns which is something I think we can both agree upon such as criminal, people with violent past ect.
Martin Thomas I hope you are paid well.
Thomas Darem what by being reasonable?
The Mission Impossible music over Tom Cruise using Scientology mind control to rescue someone in a car crash was the funniest part.
Ash Zaylie that music was in the original video that clip is from
That makes it even funnier!
I now require a tactical sandwich cubby...
The *only* thing that stops a bad guy with a gun... is to never let him get it in the first place. #guncontrolnow
So your idea is to take guns away from the good guy? If you ban guns guess whos gonna have the guns. THE BAD GUY. Theres this little thing called the deep web, the black market, the arms trade. No matter how many idiotic regulations you put on guns bad people will always have them.
A good honest thorough background check no matter how long it takes is part of what I want, along with banning certain types of guns. Also... you think that the deep web, the black market, the 'arms trade' don't exist in other nations like Australia, Japan, the UK, etc. that experience orders of magnitude fewer gun related killings than the US does? It's the same straw man argument as 'video games' and 'violent movies'.
Caeric77 tell me how we do that because the law against drugs works very well so far
Caeric77 #GoFuckYourself
Awww. Run out of rational thought? Point / counterpoint a foreign exercise? With such a response you will receive no further replies from me.
I can't wait to be able to send the NRA our 'thoughts and prayers' when it finally flatlines.
New Message
membership has grown over the last month
Fourthaeon just like blockbuster memberships grew right at the end.
They actually had a growth in membership.
j jay this^^. Americans should retain their second amendment rights. Other countries that people claim have gotten better with gun control have actually become worse eg Venezuela.
"The only industrialized country in the world, where this regularly happens, says there's nothing to be done about it." -The Onion
lol he gets his news and facts from the onion
I think you kind of missed the point there buddy.....
way to miss the point completely there
They have run that exact same article many times now, with only minor edits to insert the name of the latest gun tragedy. This has been going on forever. There were mass shootings all through the 70s, 80s and 90s. But they were much more rare and less deadly because less people had guns and the guns what they did have was probably a small 9mm handgun, not the best choice of weapon for a mass shooter.
Mububban and Xamido -Jesus, are they ever!
Well, now all I can think of is how I'm going to have to build a tactical sandwich cubby. I'm not a hero... but my sandwich is. b
"Tactical Sandwich" is definitely going to be my new in-game name :-D
Cruyff1987, oh yes, how dare we leftists find a phrase as silly as "Tactical Sandwich" to be amusing
gonna name my "Sandvich" to that :P
Ofc a grown leftist plays games, beta
Tactical sandwich cubby - ya gotta use the full phrase
Dragon4Fire ah but what is tactical here ? The cubby or the sandwich ? I choose to think it's the sandwich.
It's weird that Samantha Bee (a Canadian) understands this country in ways that many Americans could only dream.
If a video from a foreign country directed at US media used the same choice of words and tone as that Dana Loesch video, you know the NRA, Republicans, etc. would see that as a threat of terrorism.
Arturo, you could be right. However, Republicans are just as tyrannical as the left, but in different matters like immigration, spying for "safety from terrorism", and drug enforcement among others.
Arturo Garza no... no we wont
These ads feel like we've been demoted from "developed democratic" country status into "transitional-oligarchy" status. I guess Canada will be the only stable country in North America.
pcarebear1 canada is not stable... not even close.
The Fabulous Anouska canada is falling apart
If NRA members really wanted to stop a "bad guy with a gun," they would put one in their mouth and pull the trigger... 😂🤣
Oh Dana, bias reporting? 🤦🏻♀️ yeah Dana and the NRA are the epitome of fair and impartial reporting
Please stop attacking the NRA and AR15s! We inbreds depend on the NRA and those guns! How else should we compensate for our miniature genitals?
its always about genitals with the left isn't it?
Fourthaeon I ain't no leftist. I am part of the Alt-Right!
Serienjunkie 007
Try reading and growing your also minuscule brains. Before your stupidity relegates you to second class citizens based solely on the ever widening gap in intelligence, between the progressives, and the regressive republiKKKans.
Haha, thank you for saying exactly what I have been thinking! Cowardice and insecurity are the common traits among gun owners.
As long as there is a Samantha Bee, there is hope.
I hope Sam has a good security detail. Now the Scientologists will be coming for her too!
Don't worry, Samantha. I'm an NRA member and I'm amused, not upset. I can take some ribbing and get an expanded perspective on things.
I don't own a gun, but I'm strongly considering joining the NRA anyway. Someday soon I'd like to own a gun, and by the time I'm ready for that, it would be nice If my rights were still intact. If I'm ever in the unfortunate situation of being cornered by a person with nefarious intentions, I have no chance of fighting back or running away, due to a few unfortunate symptoms of my chronic condition. However, I do keep my head in a crisis, and have good hand-eye coordination. A gun would level the playing field for me a LOT. All I would need is the element of surprise. BUT, if guns are ever banned in this country, or restricted past all sense, I would absolutely be at the mercy of any attacker. As they say, "When seconds count, the police are minutes away," if you even have time to call them. I'd rather retain the right to defend myself with the only effective method available to me, thank you very much.
MarcusT just because someone hasn’t fallen victim for “x” number of years doesn’t mean it can never happen. Only a fool would believe that they are in the clear when something as random as a violent crime hasn’t happened to them for “x” number of years. A 17 year old kid was shot by a friend as part of a gang initiation, the 17 year old didn’t see it coming, but he survived amazingly. One of his arms was nearly shot off and there was major damage to his lungs, chest and head. All of that done by a friend wielding a shotgun. Also, it happened in Chicago, a place with some of the strictest gun laws on earth.
+MarcusT I live in a fairly safe city right now, but I might not in the future. While I try to be cognizant of my surroundings so that I won't be able to be cornered, my vigilance can't stop someone from breaking into my home. We did have a break in once, but fortunately we were not at home at the time. I don't knew whether the intruders were armed. If I had been home, I might *not* be alive. I fervently hope I never need to defend myself; however, if I someday do, I'd like to be able to survive. As I said, I can't fight back physically because of my disability and would be a sitting duck. The only chance I would have is with a firearm. I like to be prepared *before* something bad happens.
"Safer for the rest of us"
It's called an Amendment so amended it. Pretty easy if you ask me, we have managed to do so here in Australia. #Guncontrolnow
No it would not the constitution has been Amended 17 times and you lost those, when Bush started arresting protester, and making people get permits to protesting. Now they even force unions into contracts and take away their right to strike.
Also, Juls, even if the Constitution had never been amended before, your assumption is a "slippery slope" sophism. You can amend one amendment without necessarily amending all the others. What is contained in the 1st amendment is different from what the 2nd says. No one, I think, has ever been directly murdered by someone else's abuse of his right to peacefully assemble (keyword here is peacefully, of course).
No, there's indeed no need to suppress the 2nd amendment from the Constitution.
Just, for a change, to interpret it in a way both consistent with what the Founders intended for it according to what the situation was back then, and with what the country is like today, what the people of the USA are like, and what the available weapons are like. Which is not how the NRA is interpreting it.
You guys had like 20 shotguns in the whole continent... there are more guns than people in the USA. Chew on that for a sec.
Potaka - Unfortunately, the Founders thought that the initial group of Amendments, the first ten, were really important at the time for the defense of the Union, so they made an Amendment that makes it VERY hard to change those first ten, called the Bill of Rights. In order to change the 2nd Amendment, it needs to be passed by both the House and Senate, and approved by the President. In addition, since it is one of the first 10, it requires the ratification by 38 of the 50 states. But that is to change it... we don't need to change it. Nothing about the 2nd Amendment prohibits regulation. Much like other Amendments in the Bill of Rights, there are limits to those rights. You can not use your first Amendment rights to yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theatre. You can not make terroristic threats to someone. Neither of those things are protected by the 1st Amendment. Thus it would be a simple thing to say that AR-15s and bumpstocks, high cap magazines and armor-piercing bullets are not protected. The members of Congress lack courage.
Per an MSNBC report, the NRA's largest donation in it's most expensive State in 2016 was $9,900 to a Texas candidate. The NRA donated $350 to Ted Cruz. The MSNBC article reports: "For the 2016 election cycle, the group[ the NRA] spent just over $1 million on candidates for federal office. " Spread $1 million over all the Federal races. It doesn't go far. And that amount of money doesn't "buy" any candidate. The NRA is small compared to other lobbying groups. The Koch brothers intended to spend $899 million on the 2016 US election.
It´s their ads yo.
That attack ad is so manipulative and awful. Besides the fact that having a gun for defense is not even helpful and put your your family in danger. Someone breaking into your house could grab your gun and threaten you. The implication that gun control leads to the death of children is terrible, manipulative and insulting to the victims of gun violence
Brian Sempowski, whether or not your home is in jeopardy from having a gun in the home varies wildly from home to home. It's also not for you to decide what someone has the right to choose for themselves as to what they defend their right to life with.
Here's an Idea. If you want an AR, you need a background check and 5 signatures from people that know you, saying they think its safe for you to possess a firearm, background checks on those 5 people as well, also add in a 90-180 day waiting period. Anyone else have a better compromise? I jump through more hoops to go to paramedic school or get a job so why not to acquire an assault rifle.
Joe Paolinelli an AR-15 is not an assault rifle
Because guns aren't exactly medical science. Point and shoot, don't point it at anything you don't want to destroy, strong stance to handle recoil, wear ear protection. Its also a civil right and most people who own guns don't go on killing sprees. Maybe we should fix healthcare, education, and reform the broken drug and jails sysyems first instead of putting a band aid over the gun problem.
Being shot to death by a lunatic who legally purchased an AR-15 while you're at school isn't exactly freedom either.
I often hear (or read) pro-gun people claim an AR-15 is not an assault rifle as Julie Schultz did in this reply section. While technically it is true that AR does not stand for assault rifle, I find this to be a distinction with very little difference.
There are many styles of that rifle, but you'll find they all have many things in common with the standard issue M4A1 military assault rifle. The biggest difference being that the M4A1 is fully automatic. However, add a bump stock to an AR-15 and you have yourself what amounts to an automatic weapon. The civilian AR-15 has the same size ammunition, equivalent muzzle velocity (this depends on barrel length which can vary), and clip sizes. Most specifications on the websites that sell the AR-15 write of "military-spec single stage trigger," "mil-spec manganese phosphate coated M16 BCG" bolt carrier, and so on. The AR-15 is not an assault rifle is an argument of semantics rather than reality; it is as close as you can get to an assault rifle without getting your hands on an M4A1.
What bothers me most about this issue is that the NRA fights common sense regulation. It's not an infringement on your rights to have your weapon registered like a car, make title transfers when you sell your weapons, and require a background check for criminal past or mental illness (not fool-proof, but what is?).
Joe Paolinelli, that's an infringement on rights.
I have been a supporter of the 2A for many years. I had never been a member of the NRA until after the Parkland shooting. The vicious attacks on the 2A that has followed inspired me to finally join. Thanks libtards!!
Me too.
have you actually taken a look at how little money the NRA spends in political contributions? it's a minuscule amount compared to pharma and the meat and dairy lobby.
Samantha Bee needs to do a bunker talk with Paulette Cooper if she thinks Scientology is safe for non-members.
I feel sorry for this poor lady. She leans forward like she is trying to draws laughs out of the audience that just won't come. She's just not funny.
Sam and the whole Full Frontal team are great!!
“Guns have nothing to do with gun violence” no one is say that we are looking at the facts where it say Switzerland has half the homicide rate of the uk even though they allow guns while the uk heavily restricts them
I would totally keep snacks there, that way I could be like, "oh, boy 3am."
I mean, I get what she's saying. As soon as they outlawed drugs, all the drug dealers ran dry. Just do the same thing with guns and women alone at night can take their chances with mace and those groovy self-defense classes they take alongside yoga at the local community center.
James, no mass shootings since then, except for the Monash University shooting, the police HQ shooting and the Sydney hostage crisis. And that actually means they're at about the same rate of mass shootings after legislation than they were before legislation. And here's another interesting point: The US has steadily decreased in gun deaths while the number of guns has increased. And we didn't have to surrender our natural rights to do it.
The U.S. isn't Australia. We didn't spend as long worshipping our English masters. We love freedom and won't give up our guns.
Cardio Kickboxing! Maybe they can "outlast" the attacker.
How many citizens does Australia have as compared to the U.S.? America has over 300,000,000 citizens. So, it might be safe to assume, that we'd have more crime than Australia. Australia has, what, a little over 24 and a half million? So, what is that? Less than 1/4?
"Nra hate watchers" lol
I genuinely had a patient who's dad had that gun headboard. I had a HARD time taking him seriously.
As an ex-Scientologist member, I did get an inkling last month on Twitter that NRA is cultish: Mike Branom @mbranom A decade-plus ago, I bought a home from a guy who was an NRA member. For years after, the org's magazine still arrived in my mailbox. Here's the February 2013 cover, a masterpiece of angry paranoia - complete w/a reference to RW boogeyman George Soros.
justin castillo, George Soros isn't just a bogeyman he does fund anti-gun lobby groups. There's also Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Oprah, Paul Allen, Steve Ballmer and Rupert Murdoch. Source: "These Are The U.S. Billionaires Who Back Gun Control" Forbes Jun 15, 2016.
Soros crashes economies around the world and also funds groups to undermine and destabilize countries.
George Soros talking about his "activities" in WW2 & not feeling guilty about crashing economies (28 min.)
Weird that a conceal carry advertisement came on before Samantha 🐝 video? Is the NRA watching me? Oh god someone send help!
But seriously Samantha keep up the great work!
I want the sandwich cubby
that's tactical sandwich bud, a ordinary ham on rye will not do
That NRA ad, said by anyone else who did not have millions to spend, would have the FBI on your door for making terroristic threats.
Congratulations Ms. Bee, you’ve just convinced me to join the NRA. Keep it up, we need more members.
Another school shooting yesterday in Alabama. 17 yr old boy shoots and kills 17 yr old girl student who wanted to be a nurse.
Finally, Samanthas back!!!!!!
"Tactical Sandwich Cubby" hahahahah!!!
Tom Cruise became 6'2" when he surpassed OT VII, FYI!
Abnormal Wrench
Is that the stage when they buy you the XXL lifts for your shoes?
Ms. Bee you are a gift to humanity.
Never leave us again Sam B!! We need you!!
I'm waiting for Scientology to try suing Samantha Bee
>Sam Bee making fun of Happyology
Welp. It was nice watching this show before it was sued into oblivion...
Let's be fair though. I know of no cases where someone's family was harassed because they left the NRA. Scientology is not just dangerous for the people involved.
Could not be more happy about the success of the NRA.
Totally unrelated, but I only just realized that Sam and Graham Norton trade suits!
Wow, that Morticia-Adams's-worse-sister spokeswoman doesn't care about her karma at all, huh
How dare you insult Ophelia, comparing her to that gunfucking psycho!
Any relation to Morticia does not deserve that comparison, worshipping the NRA is on a whole other level to worshipping the Dark Forces
I prefer to think of her as evil Sandra Bullock.
disgusted1 ha ha, nice.
Dana Loesch drowns a puppy every morning to start her day.
You're rocking that red suit, Sam
I say make the tech meet the time period of the amendment many muzzle loaders as you want! Black powder for all!
as long as the governments had only black powder guns too, then ok
Nukes n nerve agents for all then
Any group of people can easily stop any bad guy in a society without guns.
llongone2, why didn't anyone stop the terrorists in the London Bridge attack?
I love Samantha Bee
I find her strangely attractive.
Wilbur Jenkins strangely?
Well she is like a couple decades older than me. Its strange when I find women that much older than me attractive.
she leans forward, she leans back, she leans forward, she leans back, she leans one of those bobbing drink thingys
Me too...I was so glad to see a new show. ☺️
Now getting Scientology ads before Full Frontal videos. XD
... The question every American must ask their politician... How much blood money have you gotten from the NRA..??
Money to maintain the natural right of the people to keep and bear arms. The government doesn't even have the power to infringe on this, but we have to pay them to keep from doing it anyway, and they still are trying to pass laws.
.... I can`t find the right of blood money anywhere in the Constitution... Help me out.. Where is that.. ??
And how much blood money have they taken from Planned Parenthood?
3:02 wait when did Ned Flanders join scientology?
I thought people had guns to arm a militia.
in 1776 maybe
You know the really funny thing about that: the "well-regulated militia" referred to in the 2nd Amendment technically hasn't existed for over 100 years. Over time the local and state-run militias gave way to police forces, the national guard, and the military as a whole, a state of affairs which some believe to be a gross violation of the Constitution and 2nd Amendment. Yet another aspect of how the 2nd Amendment is tragically out-of-date and needs to be revisited. As it stands the whole "well-regulated militia" phrase seems to be overlooked by the NRA and their ilk these days; they tend to focus solely on the "shall not be infringed" part. Sigh... and round and round we go...
english is not my first language (however, I do believe I handle it quite well) so, all this 2nd amendment jargon had me looking around a bit, hence, I only just found out the full definition of "militia", and, boooyyy, U guys.. umph! u think u need "militia" in the 21st century in a country with a formal military force triple the size of the rest of the world??? this is like saying that ur uncle Ben would do a better job putting down a criminal than ur local police or ur military would! If so, well, ur military also has nukes, apart from AR-15s.... should we all get our own personal nuke at the backyard??? just to make sure that, in case the N.Koreans freak out, we r able to defend ourselves?????
Martin Thomas sure, your semi-automatic machine gun will make all the difference against predator-drones, patriot-missiles and daisy-cutters.
@hans youre an idiot becase vietnamese rice farmers and desert cave dwellers outlasted all of those weapons. Those expensive highly destructive weapons are ineffective against an armed populace, These million dollar a shot weapons cannot be used against the taxpayers that suppl these weapons.
The spokesperson for the NRA ad is just a paid-for-hire actor. She also did an ad for supplements.
Did the burglar have a gun?
As far as the ad shows, he had a foot.
Doesn’t matter. You kick my door in at night, your going to the morgue. It is my fundamental right to self preservation and to the protection of family. No leftist politician bent on socialism or propaganda tool masquerading as comedy is going to tell me otherwise. God bless the NRA!
TRed Purl does it matter?
shlibber drama queen? So some dude kicks in your front door, what are you going to do, call the cops? Average wait is 15 minutes. So even if that dude has a bat, you are done.
I like how in the comments to a video that calls the NRA cultists in a lbvs way there are unevolved idiots saying god bless the NRA lol
C'mon, that bed headboard gun trick was cool.
Blaming an inanimate object for what people do is Dissociative Identity Disorder. Friends don't tell friends to put the gun down, enemies do.
aguy654 Those with DID are the anti-gunners so obviously nobody is trying to arm them. If we did they would probably all die of fright from the gun sitting there on the table in front of them looking scary.
Agu654 Who said that?
hahaha that Scientology song made my week !!!!
I'd honestly, she's going to get reply by the NRA TV Channel after John Oliver...
Farrel Anggaraksa English please
A perfect rebuttle to that commercial could have been the same exact thing, only the guy simply opens the door and the woman has a gun, she opens fire as he barges in with flowers and a gift about to yell "Surprise honey!" but too late, because she watched a scary ad about burglars and bought a 🅶🆄🅽. :D
Sam Bee is great.
Because she's smart, witty, and speaks the truth. The kind of woman the alt-right incels are hate and fear.
She's the honey badger of political commentary.
she's canadian
"their otherwise intelligent followers..." yeah I'm not so sure about that
This Diet Koolaid Man is making more great points.
Join the N.R.A
It's funny because only 20 % of the March for Life attendees were kids
This is such propaganda garbage, and so many people love it. It really makes me depressed, and then I realize it just means I'm smarter than all the people on here. Suddenly, I feel much better. It feels nice to be smart.
Look I agree what you are saying but this makes you look like a narsitist
Every time I watch a video on Chinchillas, I get a Russian NRA troll add. So I'm giving back to the NRA and trolling their videos.
I love you Bee!
I think that it is a mistake to think that people who watch your show are hate watching it. I am an NRA member and a fan of your show Samantha Bee. I think that it is leap and abound to compare the NRA to a cult. It defends our 2nd amendment rights. I will not buy into this rhetoric that school shootings are because of gun culture. Why not talk about the bullying issues, and the lack of care and concern that those with mental issues are treated. Those that argue that the NRA has blood on its hands and then turn around to bully, degrade, name call and yes compare to a cult those that support the organization simply alienates them and creates an enemy out of a lot of very well armed people. So if you're going to make leaping judgments about us, then its not so far out of field for us to make a judgement about that fact they your proposing to steal our rights to guns. You might re-think your approach if you actually wanted to make change or try and bring people together. Instead you use your platform to sew a deeper divide and for that I am truly disappointed in you Ms Samantha Bee.
Jilli...look at stats and compare to the rest of the world..and tell what you see differend in usa..all the rest of thinking process relate to a simple stat that is for everybody so clear...stop twisting spinning and turning..the more guns the more dead bodies...simple
Yvan D.M you make no sense. Nonsense
The Swiss reality, and not twisted and bend..jeeeeez. 1: There is no shuch thing as handing out guns like you say..2: Yes, per cap is swiss one of the highest gun holders in europe. Now, take a closer look..:only 8.3 million live in swiss..(usa x41 ) !!! there are virtual NO city's in swisse, 7 miljoen live in a city with less than 10.000 people..and most importand off all: the average income will be about 15 times the usa average..not to mention the inequality in usa .. Your point of less death cops is really scary..Use your brain, you think millions of guns out there makes the job easyer to do than with less guns??? think again...every year more than 1000 on average die in a routine traffic stop !!!! More guns means less death cops?? You really must be joking !!! It's hard to understand the always returning bogus arguments you guys come up with... I do understand that there is a difference in gun culture between us and usa, and i respect that..But whats a total scandal for the year 2018; is that in usa there is NO constructive debate possible about gun laws, and some basic rules...That is the real scandal...because in the mean while people getting shot in pieces like pigs...!!!!!!!!
I don't understand at all wtaf you are trying to say. Maybe you should move to Switzerland?
Take this statistic : 1980 to now : 100 cops got killed in the USA +2300...So maybe stop saying it 's better for police when we all walk arround with guns...unless they have a death wish..
I like the shotgun in the headboard.
The number of ways you could use that headboard...
Yeah. Very cool.
charlidog2 Yeah, I can think of so many times when it would have saved my life! (Note the paradox)
It's been 5 days since this was posted, I hope she's still alive...
Yeah, but if your from Clearwater, Florida, as I am, you know...
You can’t escape Scientology.
after the john oliver episode this sunday, i starter enjoying nra tv. its fascinating.
NRATV is like a horror movie, only much much scarier
Ah, NRATV, where the sound of an AR-15 is just a little poof of happiness!
Know thy enemy
"Safer for the rest of us!"
It's so rare to find a funny woman. There are only a very few... and Samantha Bee is *definitely NOT one of them.*
Communists need to _self-terminate_ for the good of the country.
I haven’t had cable in a very long time...they are allowed to curse on basic cable like TBS?
.... Wake up.. The bad guy with a gun and the good guy with a gun,ARE THE SAME GUY...
I feel like my iq has decreased from reading that comment. Do you even know what a gun is? Its metal, plastic, wood. Holding it does not change who you are. It doesnt create some psychosis within you. The only reason your a free citizen and not enslaved by a totalitarian regime is because of people were willing to sacrifice their lives and you have the audacity to slander them. How dare you disrespect the people who have died for your freedom. For your safety.
Clifford Skalba ok when youre being attacked by someone dont expect the "good guy" to help you because like you said ... we are the same
Clifford Skalba wow you really have a black and white picture of the world don't you? That sounds like Christian cult talk.
Roger Martin are you serious?
Clifford Skalba I had no idea that defending yourself with a gun made you the bad guy, or that the guy who stopped the southerland springs shooting was a bad guy
Actually both Cults are now armed, in case you've missed churchgoers taking their weapons and praying with them a while ago.
Samantha, you make the best points.
ronniet71 no, she doesn't
Julie Shultz yes - yes she does. Sorry you're in the mental minority.
She has no points. She makes statements, and then screeches in order to give weight to them.
ronniet71 she makes the shitiest points infact she doesnt make any points at all she just stands there and insults people she doesnt like
Shellbombs ok then tell me give one good point she made.... go ahead
LOVE Sam Bee...brilliant.
This clip is so dope. I laughed too many times.
To bad she is so misinformed and her video shows it. Teenagers should run the government? Really
aguy654 She is obviously delusional and no teenagers shouldn't run the government or make policy
aguy654 were do you get the idea that I am okay with babies running the government?
aguy654 Now your just wasting my time this isn't political as it happened when Obama was in office as well. Get over the Hillary loss it is grinding you
We rabbits can't get enough of Sam B!!
Funny Bunny Videos you also cant seem to get enough lead in you
Somebody has been sifting through John Oliver's trash.
This show is BRILLIANT
Those who would give up essentialLiberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Benjamin Franklin
who keeps paying this parsnip to pretend to make people laugh?
It’s a little known fact that the calligrapher for the constitution was dyslexic. It was supposed to read “the right to BARE arms..”
Thanks sam, just bought four more AR 15 😊
She's right, there is hope, but not for that sociopath. I bet she did a lot more with that Tom Cruise photo than she stated.