When I was a little girl, I used to sneak the radio into my bedroom under the covers and listen to "Lucky Strike Hit Parade" -- I don't remember who I heard, but I remember doing that! Of course I had my favorites back them, but I don't remember them either, but today, I remember some of those songs from way back so they must have sunk in! But I've been a Sinatra fan for as long as I can remember! Many years llater, I met him, very nice, gracious man, no matter what they say.
Sinatra 33 years 1948. Good jazz
When I was a little girl, I used to sneak the radio into my bedroom under the covers and listen to "Lucky Strike Hit Parade" -- I don't remember who I heard, but I remember doing that! Of course I had my favorites back them, but I don't remember them either, but today, I remember some of those songs from way back so they must have sunk in! But I've been a Sinatra fan for as long as I can remember! Many years llater, I met him, very nice, gracious man, no matter what they say.
Excellent radio program. This version of "Haunted Heart" is among the two best of Frank Sinatra. The other songs in this show are also fabulous.
"Gosh, Nature...I didn't know you cared"
As heard on Saturdays at 9pm(et).
in this episode, the orchestra plays the "first again with tobacco men" jingle 14 times and this is in addition to it being sung once and said 8 times
Some of the new tunes for 1948 have fallen into obscurity. The "extras" have done much better.
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