I think you have a mistaken belief. I don't believe they don't know this. They are not stupid. I believe they know it, but they're more concerned about their positions of power and prestige. I don't believe they have a sincere concern about black people in this country. They are doing their master's bidding. They do everything in their power to keep black people on the Democratic plantation supporting policies that harm us. It's disgusting.
I'm mexican please to all Americans and especially black brothers go and spread this word to your community we can save this country we must united now!!
If black people didn't vote their would be no one to vote for; all are detrimental to us. Including the black people they vote for, no matter from what diaspora!!
Do they truly? I'm not so sure. I have to wonder if the ones counting the votes have conditioned us to believe that...I believe the tide was turning the last go around. That is one major reason why the borders are now wide open.
In just 10 years Black Churches took in 300 BILLION DOLLARS , and that’s just in the last decade but yet we’re still struggling to live , survive, educate , house , feed , clothe , no hospitals , etc. what does that say about us as a people and as so called Christians , something isn’t adding up , financially or spiritually in the Black community, real talk here ! 💯🤷🏾♂️🤔⏳💰💵💸
Funny thing about money,the more people get the more they want meanwhile Jesus is on the corner asking for help, and people drive on bye,I said I am the chuch I will feed Jesus, whatever you did to the least of these you did for me,not whatever you did for people who already have more then they need...food for thought!
He's telling the absolute truth, AND I AM SHOCKED outside of the Nation of Islam he is the first African American in a leadership position that I heard speak on this. As far back as 2010, I heard Louis Farrakhan giving Black Americans this same warning, and then I look around at my Black family members, friends, acquaintances, Blacks in the public to see if they got the word and for their response. I even made mention to some Blacks here in California of what I was hearing and spoke to some relatives back east, and EVERYONE seem to be acting like it was no concern of theirs, like it didn't matter. A few even told me to hush up about those illegals, they are such " HARD WORKERS" and come looking for a better life. That is when I decided to start preparing to SAVE MYSELF and to leave all the naysayers and procrastinators alone.
You are correct and there are some that have come here for a better life yet there is a multitude that has come to destroy life and people had better get in that Bible and look at the foretold prophecies, getting in an alignment with the word of God. as a trap is being set because of their own disobedience unto God.
These foretold prophecies speak of exile, the mark of the Beast, many destructions, and famines. It speaks of many things. We are in a more modern day, it does not speak of every detail as how this is going to be carried out, but we do understand that we are no longer living on uncultivated land, most of us have never lived that way. We are no longer pitching tents in masses amd there is much more to be destroyed, confiscated and controlled even taken away that we depend on every day, more buildings than land and people are sitting here looking for these prophecies to come to pass one way, not paying attention to the modern day catastrophes or Prophets who are speaking directly from this Bible, thinking that America cannot be touched. America has done some evil deeds to its own people and people of other countries and have led others to operate the same through applied pressure and simply praising the ungodly decisions they have made for decades. Some of these people that have come here for a better life have already been demarginalized by their own country and many Americans have pushed them to the point of revisiting it by their own actions, Some of these same hateful people don't want to work to live a better life themselves, but will hate on others. That's why some of them are fleeing their country, some of them are being sent because it is part of God's judgment against America. America has all types of hatred and prejudices that are deeply seeded, and they do not mind displaying them, Sexual immorality, racism, greed by cheating people out of their money, their peace, their life, the unborn and living, manipulation of medication and food, murder, withholding jobs from qualified people, not putting in to work to truly educate people, idolatry of people places and things, including self, misrepresentation of the word of God, stealing other people's property and selling it to gain money for yourself, drug deals, prostitution, human trafficking, covetousness, greed, pride complacency. People get your souls right with God and do it now!!
I was a part of the destruction of my people. I have lived and learned through my mistakes and triumphs to become a responsible black man. I have been trying to spread the same message because I saw it first hand. I was desensitized to what I saw by the dollar and weed. Now that I’m on “the right side of the law” I have saw my people follow my lead. Leaving the streets and working. Only months later to be laid off because the crime rate dropped. Yes we are being replaced.
Praying you find something soon Karon. I know the Lord will enable you. We must formulate a plan. Had we been left alone (in our own towns) I think we would have been okay.
Amen, Amen, Amen! Us Black folk have to lean on the Word and contrast that with what the Democratic Party represents. Their ideology is primarily in direct opposition with the Word of God
The other day I was actually thinking that, could it be the replacement of the black community instead of white. Amazing this Pastor confirmed my question.
As a black man and as a Pastor. I want to make myself clear. We talk about being brought here every year during Black History and of course during any Presidential election year. We do it all the time. We love to talk about what happen ,and how it was wrong, and it was wrong, but we seem to leave out where did our ancestors over in Africa sell their own people into slavery. Where is their accountability? Some how that's not being spoken of. Now we as the church have to remember that we are about truth. It makes no difference who it upsets . When we speak and especially in the House of the Lord . We speak truth. Why ,because that's who Jesus is . He's the Way the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6) so we have to be careful even in this Black History month that we don't represent flesh. Why do I say that. It's okay to remember who helped you. Who paved the way for you,but heal from those who might have wrong you. What Am I saying? When Black History month comes up. It stirs up something from a lot of us who haven't allowed God to heal us from or deliver us from. Don't be mistaken Black people along as white people. This month can stir up some unforgiveness, some hatred towards other people who don't necessarily look like you .Why, because you have allowed Satan sometimes unknowingly to stir up emotions that you shouldn't have about a lot of things you don't know anything about . The media, and Television and even in some churches and of course Politicians. All these things and individuals can have you so foolish acting and ignorant acting that your not Christ like anymore, but just worldly minded. Yes Black History is important people, but it not just for us. It was done by us,but the World benefited from it. These people were world changers. They impacted the whole world. Yes we need to learn from History. Everyone, not just black people, but we better be careful in God's House in the way we present it ,because it was Him ,and Him alone that saved us. Not Dr.King or Malcom X or the civil rights moment. It played its part ,but if hearts wasn't changed. If minds was transformed. It would be worse. Lastly. Look at Africa. It's still in a mess . Killing, and robbing, and kidnapping. Still practicing slavery. You can say that we doing the same over here to in a different way ,but look at Africa. Not trying to put them down or have America on top ,but History keeps repeating itself because hearts are still wicked and minds are still confused. People it's good to know history, but when you are in God's house. Don't leave Him out. Don't leave out forgiveness, and love and Mercy. Yes slavery was wrong. Yes there is still racism. Yes somethings haven't changed, but remember that the God that we serve holds everyone accountable. He's forgives ,but He's also the Truth. Be careful how you speak of this stuff ,because it could separate you from God. The color of your skin can influence your actions towards others especially in this moment. Be careful. Be careful. Don't forget that. Jesus is coming sooner than we think.
God said " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge " Therefore, Know your history well. Slavery of Black Africans was conducted by the Christian Catholic church using European powers to subjugate. Read The Papal Bull of 1455 . Study the reign of European powers of Spain, France, Portuguese, and England and how this event reshape the history of the modern world and black Americans in particular living in North America The future of the black race can only be secured in Jesus Christ and in total forgiveness of ourselves and by extension to the world in their conspiracy to undermine the humanity of the race.
We have to dissect the why behind it as well. We can't just dwell on the surface. There was a reason and there was also CERTAIN Africans being sold. People would ha e us believe it was any and all Africans being sold by Africans ( it was wrong to do so but there is way more to it). It's more spiritual than people understand
Thank you for preaching the truth.I hope other black pastor preach the same. Black Pastors in Atlanta and Detroit standing withJoe Biden. They are terrible
Profound and insightful from a biblical perspective. Thank you, Bishop. Your sermon and heart has always been from God’s word, not the world or your opinion. Speaks to my soul as only God’s word can. All saints regardless of color are in jeopardy from the behemoth of the federal government. As the people have left God behind and moved to their new religion and idols, murdering life in the womb, gender dysphoria, and fear mongering among people, less of the natural family unit that God made, the more the confused our population is and succumb to the devil and wicked ways.
This current generation and mine (62 years) have become worse spiritually. Most of us have fallen into the same sinful behavior as the oppressors. We were bought here and misused, and yes God kept us through hard times. But our people REALLY used to pray.
The road is narrow for a reason.. Remain focused.. The Wickedness is about increase.. Also store up food, water, candles for you and yours.. Remain in prayer, speaking with Yeshua. The Lord Jesus Christ at all times.. 📕👋😎🙏💪☝️
I myself is not a religious man because I don't like what has happened to religion. But I do believe in God. With that being said I agree with you 100%. I see exactly what you see as well I have tried to tell people this myself I have lost many friends over this therefore they were not my friends in the first place. But it is refreshing to see a reverend not doing the stereotypical preaching because a pastor or Bishop is supposed to be the leader of his flock. And if you're not telling your flock this information you are not leaving them properly. So I commend you and if I'm ever in town I'll pay you a visit
YOU BETTER PREACH!!!!🙌🏾 If anyone knows of any good pastors LIKE THIS in GA, please let me know?!?!?🙏🏾 It's very difficult to find pastors who speak the TRUTH!!!
Wow, y’all have a pastor who loves his community and speaks truth not democratic talking points. Bless you pastor. I don’t know where you are, but I’d be there if I knew and was nearby!! Hard to find a good church now days! 7:49
Preach Bishop Wooden 👏 Truth Personified! I definitely approve this message! For the truth shall make us free! The agendas being pushed are lies just like the devil! To Father God in Christ Jesus be the Glory!
I totally agree with what the Bishop has said . Because of where God has brought us from and how he has blessed us as a Black People . In my opinion every Black Person especially those living in America need the Holy Ghost living in the beauty of Holiness according to the word of God in appreciation to say to God thank you for what you have done and for what you are still doing in our life . But instead look around you and tell me what do you see ?
Ive been listening to Bishop Patrick Wooten. And im glad to see a Bishop and im glad to see a Bishop who's focused on issues that matter from a Biblical perspective. Ill keep watching.
Real deal grade A preaching and teaching.. I don’t listen to pastors that much anymore but this is a good one. It’s good to see a pastor not afraid to teach the word.
I tell you preacher just when I'm ready to dismiss you, you go and say something to prick my heart. You keep exhibiting this kind of courage I might have to go ahead and love you.
We celebrate black history, which should be everyday in schools since we are 100 percent part of the history, in February because it is the birthday month of Frederick Douglass and Lincoln! Thank God we came to America! I hope we celebrate our fortunate lives by honoring those who sacrificed their lives so we could be free! The best country in Africa is worse than any state in America for blacks! African are dying to get here!
First time hearing Bishop Wooden and this was a great message that I will watch over and over! Sent the link to my brothers and sisters as well! Usually listen to Apostle Gino Jennings but will also periodically listen to Bishop Wooden!
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables
It a result of the constant persecution and oppression. Black communities have been systematically destroyed when they started to become too prosperous. At this point the community seriously needs to think about getting together and going to a few of the African countries that say they will welcome us back. Black people weren't brought here willingly, but we sure can leave when it's time too.
@@chrisstiff2914. You are correct black people were not brought here willingly it was against their will but believe me the white man didn't jump off the ships and go round people up that African king sold his people for tobacco wine whatever the British could trade we're talking about slaves coming to the US I mean before that the Portuguese were running slave routes all over the world that African king been selling his people into slavery for 80 years before even coming to the US The US was the last country to receive slaves in the first to abolish it.. we all know what you saying would never happen You would not go back to Africa if someone paid your way but know this everyone was a slaved at one time or another by their own people so don't feel bad that the African king sold his people talking about the blacks didn't come here willingly we all know that The king had his people already in cages so in the Portuguese got there all they did had to do was load them up I know you're not going to argue with this I don't know some people are so ignorant to the point.. I guess in another hundred years if this Earth is still here and Jesus has not come when things for sure the USA will still be talking about slaves the only country to be doing so.. One things for sure black people have prospered in all ways of life I see the older black generation of men and women that were very successful as doctor's lawyers etc These were people that went to college in the '60s and '70s got their degrees and you would think oh racism would have been highway back then and no one would hire them nope that was not the case They did not have problems finding jobs One thing's for sure If you have the qualifications you going to get hired regardless of what race you are So if blacks can make it in the '60s and '70s this surely no reason why they cannot make it today but what happens is they just use the whole slavery narrative as a crutch to blame the white man for their failures same old song and dance
Thank you for the words you said here! So very many need to hear this. I am so burdened by the number of babies that have been tortured and murdered by abortion. The welfare system has also done so much to destroy the black community by keeping fathers out of homes. The democrats have done everything in their power to destroy the black family and black people. I pray also for a revival of Christianity in this country!
That's the real reason why I don't celebrate black history month because the government chose to give you all the month with a few as days while the rest of everybody else gets a full month not twenty eight days! Black history is American history and it should be taught everyday.Not once every dear, it should be taught in schools.Everyday kids should know a fun fact about black leaders once a day! Black people need to know the ills of Planned Parenthood!
Al Sharpton , joy Reid , Roland Martin, Karen hunter, clay cane , Michelle Obama Barack Obama, Whoopi,and many more need to hear this
They don’t care, they are part of the problem. They follow the white liberals.
I think you have a mistaken belief. I don't believe they don't know this. They are not stupid. I believe they know it, but they're more concerned about their positions of power and prestige. I don't believe they have a sincere concern about black people in this country. They are doing their master's bidding. They do everything in their power to keep black people on the Democratic plantation supporting policies that harm us. It's disgusting.
Even if they heard they would still not believe
This man truly preaches to people that can’t think past “go”.
all those people u named are supporting what is going on , the democrat party supports all that .
I'm mexican please to all Americans and especially black brothers go and spread this word to your community we can save this country we must united now!!
Thank you for your support, brother.
Both political parties are full of crap, neither one of them care about black people and never did care.
Do not rely on governents,but rely on God and only God.
The Pastor is absolutely CORRECT ✅
Unfortunately, Black Americans keep voting for their open enemies.
Get it straight, trump, who was convicted of housing discrimination against Black people and serves white supremacists are my opponents.
If black people didn't vote their would be no one to vote for; all are detrimental to us. Including the black people they vote for, no matter from what diaspora!!
So do you!
@@shaserv Ding D0ng, I wouldn’t have made this comment if it did. 😒
Apparently you lack c0mprehension.
Do they truly? I'm not so sure. I have to wonder if the ones counting the votes have conditioned us to believe that...I believe the tide was turning the last go around. That is one major reason why the borders are now wide open.
Tell THE TRUTH and SHAME the Devil... make it PLAIN, Man of GOD!
I just said that
In just 10 years Black Churches took in 300 BILLION DOLLARS , and that’s just in the last decade but yet we’re still struggling to live , survive, educate , house , feed , clothe , no hospitals , etc. what does that say about us as a people and as so called Christians , something isn’t adding up , financially or spiritually in the Black community, real talk here ! 💯🤷🏾♂️🤔⏳💰💵💸
I think you mean 100 years.
Funny thing about money,the more people get the more they want meanwhile Jesus is on the corner asking for help, and people drive on bye,I said I am the chuch I will feed Jesus, whatever you did to the least of these you did for me,not whatever you did for people who already have more then they need...food for thought!
BLM took a lot of money and bought houses.
@@fvfr6294 No I meant 10 years , look it up if you dare ! It’s public information
He's telling the absolute truth, AND I AM SHOCKED outside of the Nation of Islam he is the first African American in a leadership position that I heard speak on this. As far back as 2010, I heard Louis Farrakhan giving Black Americans this same warning, and then I look around at my Black family members, friends, acquaintances, Blacks in the public to see if they got the word and for their response. I even made mention to some Blacks here in California of what I was hearing and spoke to some relatives back east, and EVERYONE seem to be acting like it was no concern of theirs, like it didn't matter. A few even told me to hush up about those illegals, they are such " HARD WORKERS" and come looking for a better life. That is when I decided to start preparing to SAVE MYSELF and to leave all the naysayers and procrastinators alone.
You are correct and there are some that have come here for a better life yet there is a multitude that has come to destroy life and people had better get in that Bible and look at the foretold prophecies, getting in an alignment with the word of God. as a trap is being set because of their own disobedience unto God.
These foretold prophecies speak of exile, the mark of the Beast, many destructions, and famines. It speaks of many things. We are in a more modern day, it does not speak of every detail as how this is going to be carried out, but we do understand that we are no longer living on uncultivated land, most of us have never lived that way. We are no longer pitching tents in masses amd there is much more to be destroyed, confiscated and controlled even taken away that we depend on every day, more buildings than land and people are sitting here looking for these prophecies to come to pass one way, not paying attention to the modern day catastrophes or Prophets who are speaking directly from this Bible, thinking that America cannot be touched. America has done some evil deeds to its own people and people of other countries and have led others to operate the same through applied pressure and simply praising the ungodly decisions they have made for decades. Some of these people that have come here for a better life have already been demarginalized by their own country and many Americans have pushed them to the point of revisiting it by their own actions, Some of these same hateful people don't want to work to live a better life themselves, but will hate on others. That's why some of them are fleeing their country, some of them are being sent because it is part of God's judgment against America. America has all types of hatred and prejudices that are deeply seeded, and they do not mind displaying them, Sexual immorality, racism, greed by cheating people out of their money, their peace, their life, the unborn and living, manipulation of medication and food, murder, withholding jobs from qualified people, not putting in to work to truly educate people, idolatry of people places and things, including self, misrepresentation of the word of God, stealing other people's property and selling it to gain money for yourself, drug deals, prostitution, human trafficking, covetousness, greed, pride complacency. People get your souls right with God and do it now!!
There's many more but media is controlled..👹💰💩🤡🤖💉🧠📕🎪🔍😎👍
I pray that this goes viral
I was a part of the destruction of my people. I have lived and learned through my mistakes and triumphs to become a responsible black man. I have been trying to spread the same message because I saw it first hand. I was desensitized to what I saw by the dollar and weed. Now that I’m on “the right side of the law” I have saw my people follow my lead. Leaving the streets and working. Only months later to be laid off because the crime rate dropped. Yes we are being replaced.
Praying you find something soon Karon. I know the Lord will enable you. We must formulate a plan. Had we been left alone (in our own towns) I think we would have been okay.
We need more ministers to give this out…
I don't understand why my people are determined to walk in Darkness. So many refuse to acknowledge the Light.
It’s hard to walk in the light but it’s worth it when you decide to wear must have faith in others
Amen, Amen, Amen! Us Black folk have to lean on the Word and contrast that with what the Democratic Party represents. Their ideology is primarily in direct opposition with the Word of God
That man is teaching truth. You can go look around and see he telling the Truth.
The other day I was actually thinking that, could it be the replacement of the black community instead of white. Amazing this Pastor confirmed my question.
Totally agree
I’ve been saying for years as well
Black people are being replaced, Christians are being replaced.
As a black man and as a Pastor. I want to make myself clear. We talk about being brought here every year during Black History and of course during any Presidential election year. We do it all the time. We love to talk about what happen ,and how it was wrong, and it was wrong, but we seem to leave out where did our ancestors over in Africa sell their own people into slavery. Where is their accountability? Some how that's not being spoken of. Now we as the church have to remember that we are about truth. It makes no difference who it upsets . When we speak and especially in the House of the Lord . We speak truth. Why ,because that's who Jesus is . He's the Way the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6) so we have to be careful even in this Black History month that we don't represent flesh. Why do I say that. It's okay to remember who helped you. Who paved the way for you,but heal from those who might have wrong you. What Am I saying? When Black History month comes up. It stirs up something from a lot of us who haven't allowed God to heal us from or deliver us from. Don't be mistaken Black people along as white people. This month can stir up some unforgiveness, some hatred towards other people who don't necessarily look like you .Why, because you have allowed Satan sometimes unknowingly to stir up emotions that you shouldn't have about a lot of things you don't know anything about . The media, and Television and even in some churches and of course Politicians. All these things and individuals can have you so foolish acting and ignorant acting that your not Christ like anymore, but just worldly minded. Yes Black History is important people, but it not just for us. It was done by us,but the World benefited from it. These people were world changers. They impacted the whole world. Yes we need to learn from History. Everyone, not just black people, but we better be careful in God's House in the way we present it ,because it was Him ,and Him alone that saved us. Not Dr.King or Malcom X or the civil rights moment. It played its part ,but if hearts wasn't changed. If minds was transformed. It would be worse. Lastly. Look at Africa. It's still in a mess . Killing, and robbing, and kidnapping. Still practicing slavery. You can say that we doing the same over here to in a different way ,but look at Africa. Not trying to put them down or have America on top ,but History keeps repeating itself because hearts are still wicked and minds are still confused. People it's good to know history, but when you are in God's house. Don't leave Him out. Don't leave out forgiveness, and love and Mercy. Yes slavery was wrong. Yes there is still racism. Yes somethings haven't changed, but remember that the God that we serve holds everyone accountable. He's forgives ,but He's also the Truth. Be careful how you speak of this stuff ,because it could separate you from God. The color of your skin can influence your actions towards others especially in this moment. Be careful. Be careful. Don't forget that. Jesus is coming sooner than we think.
God said " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge " Therefore, Know your history well. Slavery of Black Africans was conducted by the Christian Catholic church using European powers to subjugate. Read The Papal Bull of 1455 . Study the reign of European powers of Spain, France, Portuguese, and England and how this event reshape the history of the modern world and black Americans in particular living in North America
The future of the black race can only be secured in Jesus Christ and in total forgiveness of ourselves and by extension to the world in their conspiracy to undermine the humanity of the race.
Wise words,spoken in love all about Jesus no other way...thank you ❤️
We have to dissect the why behind it as well. We can't just dwell on the surface. There was a reason and there was also CERTAIN Africans being sold. People would ha e us believe it was any and all Africans being sold by Africans ( it was wrong to do so but there is way more to it). It's more spiritual than people understand
Jesus is not coming
Those were people who sold us was not from our tribe
I celebrate black history month all year around, man gave us only a month of celebration, but God gave us free will...
Thank you for preaching the truth.I hope other black pastor preach the same. Black Pastors in Atlanta and Detroit standing withJoe Biden. They are terrible
Biden is replacing them, with illegals🤔
And the ‘black’ ones tailgating loser trump is even worse. The ancestors/ forefathers definitely ashamed of those uncles and Annie’s 💯
Get your facts right about
@@richardcollins4588 What facts ? Get out of Democratic plantation.
Which facts of who need to be "got right ?"
Profound and insightful from a biblical perspective. Thank you, Bishop. Your sermon and heart has always been from God’s word, not the world or your opinion. Speaks to my soul as only God’s word can. All saints regardless of color are in jeopardy from the behemoth of the federal government. As the people have left God behind and moved to their new religion and idols, murdering life in the womb, gender dysphoria, and fear mongering among people, less of the natural family unit that God made, the more the confused our population is and succumb to the devil and wicked ways.
Which scriptures did he teach from? I don't remember hearing scriptures.
You all are blessed w have a man that tells the truth.
This current generation and mine (62 years) have become worse spiritually. Most of us have fallen into the same sinful behavior as the oppressors. We were bought here and misused, and yes God kept us through hard times. But our people REALLY used to pray.
The road is narrow for a reason.. Remain focused.. The Wickedness is about increase.. Also store up food, water, candles for you and yours.. Remain in prayer, speaking with Yeshua. The Lord Jesus Christ at all times.. 📕👋😎🙏💪☝️
The truth shall set you free! Preach man of God
Thanks, Bishop for daring to tell the truth!
Bishop you're telling the truth
I myself is not a religious man because I don't like what has happened to religion. But I do believe in God. With that being said I agree with you 100%. I see exactly what you see as well I have tried to tell people this myself I have lost many friends over this therefore they were not my friends in the first place. But it is refreshing to see a reverend not doing the stereotypical preaching because a pastor or Bishop is supposed to be the leader of his flock. And if you're not telling your flock this information you are not leaving them properly. So I commend you and if I'm ever in town I'll pay you a visit
This man speaks the truth not like them sweet jelly back preachers !
YOU BETTER PREACH!!!!🙌🏾 If anyone knows of any good pastors LIKE THIS in GA, please let me know?!?!?🙏🏾 It's very difficult to find pastors who speak the TRUTH!!!
Love you Bishop Wooden. You one of my favour pastors because you preach the word unapologetically. 👏🏾 🇨🇦
Just a great word, explained very well! Thank you!
This is a message for ALL of us. Everybody!!! You are so right. I Thank God For You!
Bishop is on point 👉. Wake up black folks.
Wow, y’all have a pastor who loves his community and speaks truth not democratic talking points. Bless you pastor. I don’t know where you are, but I’d be there if I knew and was nearby!! Hard to find a good church now days! 7:49
Preach Bishop Wooden 👏 Truth Personified! I definitely approve this message! For the truth shall make us free! The agendas being pushed are lies just like the devil! To Father God in Christ Jesus be the Glory!
I love my bishop
My God you're preaching. Thank you. We're living in the end times. 😊
We've been living in the end times since birth
I need to know a pastor and church like this in Dayton Ohio. I need this!!!!!
I totally agree with what the Bishop has said . Because of where God has brought us from and how he has blessed us as a Black People . In my opinion every Black Person especially those living in America need the Holy Ghost living in the beauty of Holiness according to the word of God in appreciation to say to God thank you for what you have done and for what you are still doing in our life . But instead look around you and tell me what do you see ?
Teach I am so glad that there’s is a leader telling the truth
Tell the truth! So, true in Jesus name Amen. God keep us in Jesus name Amen again. 🙏🙏🙏💖😇
You are so correct Bishop! I thank God for your teaching and preaching. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
You're on point Bishop amen
Love it!!!! Truth said Outloud!!!
Ive been listening to Bishop Patrick Wooten. And im glad to see a Bishop and im glad to see a Bishop who's focused on issues that matter from a Biblical perspective.
Ill keep watching.
“Those baby’s are music to my ears.” Thank you pastor. That gives me hope for the Church.
Until we realise THE CHURCH is not a building or a business...
Real deal grade A preaching and teaching.. I don’t listen to pastors that much anymore but this is a good one. It’s good to see a pastor not afraid to teach the word.
Great analogy I have been trying to explain these things to my mother. Some of us will wake up but unfortunately many will not.
GOD BLESS YOU Bishop Wooden for saying this!! May God bless you and protect you for speaking truth..the Right Truth!!
HalleluYah Bishop for preaching the truth.
Amen, amen, amen!!!! Concern not just for the history of black people, but for the future. ֳAnd for this entire border and migration issue…🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
It’s the “it won’t work” for me 😂Amen church💯🙌🏾🙌🏾
its coming back I pray 🙏 🤲 we come stronger and better Jesus,
❤this good word!
From the man 👨 of God.
Dr.Tyrone williams of Chester PA
Amen, and amen, pastor.
God is yet Blessing Us
Thankyou Bishop Wooten
Amen bishop
Preach Bishop the truth 🙏
You are preaching nothing but the truth!!
THANK YOU.I am glad for you
Amen from a Greek orthodox from Greece
Amen 🙏 Bishop ! Thank you so much 💓 God bless you ! Luv you !
I tell you preacher just when I'm ready to dismiss you, you go and say something to prick my heart. You keep exhibiting this kind of courage I might have to go ahead and love you.
God Bless pastor Wooden, he is definitely telling the truth.
I really like this preacher.
Have to trust yah he will provide
Preach Bishop. Oh, may we wake up. God help us!!!!
Amen to The children of America 🇺🇸
God Bless you Bishop Wooden! I love your sermons!
Amen Bishop Wooden ❤
SHO he right!!! Dear God today, help our ppl. 🙏🏽
I took a loss, But You Still Gone Get Beat!!! GOD Got Us!!! My Black Is Back!!! HERE To Stay!!!🙏🔥🔥🔥☝️👑💜👣🙌❣️🤗💞💝💖💪💯😇👏💕❤️💗
God bless Pastor, I believe you are a Man of God...PEACE and blessings 🙌
They here to replace all people that don't want to work period.
They don't want to work for low wages. Period... 😮
God bless you,Man of God!!
We celebrate black history, which should be everyday in schools since we are 100 percent part of the history, in February because it is the birthday month of Frederick Douglass and Lincoln! Thank God we came to America! I hope we celebrate our fortunate lives by honoring those who sacrificed their lives so we could be free! The best country in Africa is worse than any state in America for blacks! African are dying to get here!
Which African countries have you visited?🤔
Yes Bishop
Preach the word my brother that christian may stand for what is right God's words .God bless you.
Well explained Sir
Amen to this message! Every black person needs to hear this and take heed🙏🏽
First time hearing Bishop Wooden and this was a great message that I will watch over and over!
Sent the link to my brothers and sisters as well!
Usually listen to Apostle Gino Jennings but will also periodically listen to Bishop Wooden!
Speaking Wisdom, Thank you for your insight 🎓scholar
THANK YOU!!! For this message. Bishop Wooden.
Amen Bishop…Black History Month…FUTURISTIC🔑
Real talk!
Teach us Bishop!!!!
Thou Shalt not Kill. N Jesus name Amen. 🙏💖😇🙌
"Saliva doesn't germinate" Preach it! (Children ask your parents when you get home what Pastor means)
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables
Black People do Not stick Together 😢 Period.
And it's everywhere
It a result of the constant persecution and oppression. Black communities have been systematically destroyed when they started to become too prosperous. At this point the community seriously needs to think about getting together and going to a few of the African countries that say they will welcome us back. Black people weren't brought here willingly, but we sure can leave when it's time too.
@@chrisstiff2914. You are correct black people were not brought here willingly it was against their will but believe me the white man didn't jump off the ships and go round people up that African king sold his people for tobacco wine whatever the British could trade we're talking about slaves coming to the US I mean before that the Portuguese were running slave routes all over the world that African king been selling his people into slavery for 80 years before even coming to the US The US was the last country to receive slaves in the first to abolish it.. we all know what you saying would never happen You would not go back to Africa if someone paid your way but know this everyone was a slaved at one time or another by their own people so don't feel bad that the African king sold his people talking about the blacks didn't come here willingly we all know that The king had his people already in cages so in the Portuguese got there all they did had to do was load them up I know you're not going to argue with this I don't know some people are so ignorant to the point.. I guess in another hundred years if this Earth is still here and Jesus has not come when things for sure the USA will still be talking about slaves the only country to be doing so.. One things for sure black people have prospered in all ways of life I see the older black generation of men and women that were very successful as doctor's lawyers etc These were people that went to college in the '60s and '70s got their degrees and you would think oh racism would have been highway back then and no one would hire them nope that was not the case They did not have problems finding jobs One thing's for sure If you have the qualifications you going to get hired regardless of what race you are So if blacks can make it in the '60s and '70s this surely no reason why they cannot make it today but what happens is they just use the whole slavery narrative as a crutch to blame the white man for their failures same old song and dance
Thank you for the words you said here! So very many need to hear this. I am so burdened by the number of babies that have been tortured and murdered by abortion. The welfare system has also done so much to destroy the black community by keeping fathers out of homes. The democrats have done everything in their power to destroy the black family and black people. I pray also for a revival of Christianity in this country!
That's the real reason why I don't celebrate black history month because the government chose to give you all the month with a few as days while the rest of everybody else gets a full month not twenty eight days! Black history is American history and it should be taught everyday.Not once every dear, it should be taught in schools.Everyday kids should know a fun fact about black leaders once a day! Black people need to know the ills of Planned Parenthood!
Bishop Wooden is like Elijah for Today.
Amen brother minister
Preach. Pastor
Wake us up ❤❤❤❤❤
Tell it Bishop , expose the devils workers..