Here is what I'd like to see in exploration: 1. More interesting black holes. Make them dangerous. Give them a graphics overhaul so that the gravitational lensing applies to local objects as well as the sky box. Give some black holes (not all, mind you) accretion discs, especially if there are nearby companion stars. Make them terrifying and dangerous, as neutron stars and white dwarfs are now dangerous. 2. Tweak the stellar forge so that we can find procedural red supergiants. Currently these are all hand-placed and therefore all of them are found in areas of the galaxy human beings on Earth in the year 2017 have observed. Another tweak is to increase the cap on blue supergaints. Currently these are capped in size at 500 solar radii. Increase this cap so that a few procedural blue supergiants can be larger than this. Give us more interesting Wolf-Rayet stars as well. These should be terrifying beasts that routinely shed their outer layers. It should look like a solar-system sized explosion with giant plumes of gas and dangerous shock waves, not a small non-scoopable star. Once atmospheric planets are implemented, we should be able to fly in the outer layers of the biggest, coolest red supergiants. After all, these stars sometimes have stars within them. 3. Fix the beige plague. Procedural high metal content planets and rocky worlds should have more variety in terms of their colour and surface features. Some planets should have continent-sized patches of varying colour. Make the terrain a bit more varied as well. Right now we have three types of features on rocky and high metal worlds: mountain ranges, canyons, and a couple of types of craters (the gigantic "young" ones with mountains around the edge and older smoother and smaller ones that are quite round). Add in some more unique elements, like lonely volcanic mountains such as Olympus Mons. Add giant basins and huge craters such as those seen on Callisto that are very weathered and rugged. Add the "cantaloupe" type terrain found on trans-Neptune objects like Pluto. Increase the amount of colours found on surfaces, from dark grey to light grey to brown, red, beige, maroon, and yellow sulfur-rich worlds. Bring back snow-like and fine powder regolith type textures on surfaces in areas where this is appropriate, such as on icy worlds with geysers. Red tholin-type colours are found on icy worlds, appropdiately, but sometimes these are found in cracks rather than on surfaces. 4. Comets and globular clusters. The globular clusters should be old red and orange stars, metal-poor. Most clusters we have now are just blocks of extremely young hot blue stars that look odd in the sky box. Long term stuff: Once atmospheres and "weather" exists, make some of these colours vary by season. Give us carbon dioxide ice caps that advance and shrink over the seasons. Give us snow that falls, as well as rain. 5. Obviously with atmospheric landable worlds comes a whole host of new features alluded to above. More volcanism will help too. Give us lava tubes and flat lunar mare type features. Give us real volcanoes and seas of molten rock where appropriate, and make them appropriately dangerous. Same goes for Venus-like worlds. Make them dangerous but survivable. 6. More flora and eventually fauna on worlds with life. 7. Liquid ammonia, liquid nitrogen, liquid hydrocabons, and liquid water (and, as mentioned above, liquid rock where appropdiate). New types of terrain carved by liquid on surfaces. River valleys, gullies, dried lakes, filled lakes, beaches, cliffs overlooking water that show signs of erosion. Plate tectonics. 8. Space legs will add a host of exploration features. Let us have "science" modules in the form of labs we can do analyses on. Let us run the equipment that analyses rocks and searches for the presence of organics. Let us set up small monitoring stations. Let us deploy probes and orbital satellites. Give us remove-control vehicles that we can use to collect samples in harsh environments such as Venus-like worlds and lava worlds and on the seabeds of oceanic worlds. ---- Finally, there should be a team of people working at FDev whose only job is to come up with extremely strange, unexplained phenomena to sprinkle throughout the galaxy. Strange stuff to increase the wonder of the galaxy. Perhaps cosmic strings could be added, or quark stars that behave differently than most neutron stars, or the remnants of ancient life. Gigantic leviathans in gas giants or Venus-like worlds. Ancient sleeping artificial intelligence. Gigantic dead generation ships from long-dead alien civilisations. Strange technology left behind by previous societies. Crashed ships of ancient civilisations. Alien megastructures that were long abandoned. Huge clouds of comets. Remnants of planet-planet collisions. Just odd, unique POIs, like Raxxla, but a lot more stuff like that so that players can find them once every 5,000-10,000 stars while exploring.
Thanks for the upvotes, guys - items 5-8 are of course really long-term wishlist dream-game type items, and I have no idea if it is even feasible to implement, but I think these things would greatly add to the game (which I already love as it is). There is literally a universe of possibilities here and it would be impossible to fill the galaxy with entirely unique phenomena, but there is a great template in place to add an immense variety of amazing content. A couple of other things I had in mind for the last bullet point would be von Neumann probes or Matrioshka brains and nanotechnology gone awry. Imagine scanning a planet and finding out that it has been overrun with grey goo - and not only that, your ship's systems have been infected with a couple of moleule-sized machines. Better find a way to fix that! Anyway, that's just the kind of hard sci fi that I'd like to see in the game.
It all sounds good but i think it's unrealistic the worlds you describe are as detailed as their making them in star citizen but we're talking about billions of worlds not a few hundred. I think for a start just having terrain variation and colour variation for the landable planets would be good enough
A 3d system map that shows where the planetary bodies are in relation to each other in real time, so we can plan proper scanning routes around the system instead of bouncing from one side to the other targeting the closest unknown.
Or having to fly above the orbital plane and try to remember the order when you've started scanning. Even better - how about the computer plots the route for you and takes into account the scan distances?
I don't like the idea of having the computer plot a scanning route for you. It seems to remove some of the skill (the little that there is) from the game. I don't want to feel like I'm doing what an AI could easily do itself without my input (which, I'll admit, is kind of how exploring feels at the moment). I do like the idea of having a 3D system map, though. Just as long as we get to keep the current 2D map as well, which is likely easier to read for finding specific bodies.
Let us buy an exploration pack that would allow us the basics to start settlements but with the need for us to harvest resources to grow and sustain it. Have different types of settlements such as military, agricultural, scientific, ship mechanics, shipyards, engineering, tourist, etc. Allow the players to gain ownership of these type of mechanics and to even hold their own governance. Let us expand the human life and footprint, which is why we explore in real life.
I just want to say that I love your channel and just subscribed yesterday after spending about 2 hours at work watching your videos. I've been an Elite Dangerous player since it game to the Preview Program on Xbox One. I still play everyday and this game NEVER gets boring. Thanks to your channel, I'm learning even more cool new stuff and it feels like I've re-discovering the game again even after playing for 2+ years. Thank you so much sir, and fly safe!
5:30 Just a comment, the mountainous features at the centers of craters aren't remnants of the impactor (the impactor is mostly destroyed and dispersed upon impact), but rather a result of the energy of the impact itself. Essentially, the terrain at the center of the crater rebounds due to the downward pressure of the shock wave, creating a mound-like feature in the center (i.e., constructive interference of density waves). Picture the splash at the center after one drops a pebble into a pond. - a pedantic astrophysicist
I'd love to be able to survey for minerals and then be able to select a location rich in the mineral, go there and mine it maybe with a mining SUV. I'd also like more interesting natural features to explore and the ability to scan for them and then go there. Also it might be nice to have unique minerals on planets which give varying crafting bonuses/penalties. This might spur on further exploration and encourage others to voyage outside the bubble if a distant planet gets lucky with the RNG and has a particularly useful mineral on it. Perhaps even robotic mining and refining rigs which you can drop off and then come back to later then they have mined and refined a particular mineral or element.
A big time fan of your work for years now, and have I to say really love your new discovery series with it's emphasis on the sights of the Milky Way. Have already had many gorgeous destinations for my trips from your videos. Keep it coming! ;)
Honestly the game is great right now, but I would love to be able to walk on a planet or even more walk in a space station. I want to interact with the people that give me missions and i want to go to the lounge and meet up with friends and then take off into space with them. That will make the emergence perfect, well for me atleast.
Star Citizen's idea is to release a perfect game that won't need updates to add gameplay content. Frontier Developments wanted to get the core game out and expand it as they finished each gameplay element. Two different philosophies, both of which work. Both need patience from the player base, however.
zackaryjames SC is based on " first person shooter with vehicles" engine, elite never had first person component in the first place, it is strict vehicle sim engine. You can ask why replacing cars and helicopters with starships took SC team five years :)
but SC is still in development that means they can change the engine or make significant changes at will ED is constrained within a working game and any changes will have to work with the existing code and existing engine. The scale of the proposed game is also different. Star citizen when it finially finishes will flesh out a hundred or maybe 200 systems. ED encompasses the entire galaxy with trillions of star systems. There's no way you can ever hope to match the detain and immersion of SC within Elite but at the same time Elite is more expansive you can finds uncharted worlds in nebula and know you are the only person who has seen that and the only person who probably will ever run into this. with SC it will be super cool but players will have the galaxy memorized within a few weeks of playing.
you know what they need for the planets? atmospheres, like when you fly down to a planet even if it is a slight atmospheric effect, you can see the colour of the sky change with the atmosphere this would be so fucking easy it is literally a colour filter based on altitude i mean it could be done in like a week by maybe 2 people but it would add so much value to the game, just imagine looking at the colour of the stars and nebula's change it would truly be a great and so simple addition that would add a depth to exploration that it truly needs. for example we can land on mars like planets in the game and we don't see that classic red sky or any change at all. it would be so simple and is all i want from the game.
No atmospheres yet mate. I'm 2/3rd's the way to beagle point I have landed on hundreds of planets and I have seen no volcanism just cratered beige worlds and some ice moons. The icy moons are cooler but don't yield good materials. I primarily on metalic bodies to hunt for FSD injects
I would love to see exploration missing in the mission system. You may be asked to scan one or more things and return with the data for a specific reason not just to sell the data. I want it to feel like Star Trek when they are asked to map a nebula or investigate an unexplored region of space.
Two simple changes for me; 1. Add Folders to the bookmarks in the Galaxy Map. 2. Add the ability to 'add point to route' so you can build your own routes consisting of several points, rather than just an end point.
Story line missions with voice acting involving exploration? I'd take some of that. I would've loved it if the tutorial missions was just how the game started. But it would be cool to get sent on exploration missions that had a storyline to it.
I'd like to see more and varied tools for exploration like probes that you can send out into a system to scan each body and report back to your ship and maybe an onboard laboratory that you can use to check samples collected on surface or asteroids for more in depth data . Also maybe with the addition of the thargoids we could have perminent probes / sensors that we can plant to report on any activity in the area.
Players personal logs left on planet surfaces, that they could leave describing their journey, dates info ect. These could also lead onto missions that could be scanned by other players and handed in for rewards
It's amazing how the new camera tools have opened up the cinematic possibilities in the game and just how beautiful it can look out there in the black(or green, in this case). And I've been hoping that the Orerry Map view, with your ship's current position relative to the system, will someday be added to the game. Fortunately, now that I'm working again, it looks like I'll be able to come back to playing ED in a few months' time, once I build a rig that can handle the game.
I would like to see simple flying challenges incorporated into the basic gameplay, in the form of procedurally generated ‘air lanes’ or tracks that the player has to fly through to achieve a given task. These would be visible in the HUD as a series of waypoint rings stretching off into the distance, like you see in aerial racing games. They could be as simple as a ring-shaped track going around the equator of a planet, or spirals or more complicated routes around planets (to be flown in Supercruise, of course); or they could follow long stretches of canyon on a planet’s surface, or spiral around a mountain (to be flown in ‘impulse’ mode). Fly smoothly along/around the whole track, perhaps within a certain speed range, and you achieve the task. There are various ways to incorporate this idea into the gameplay - it could be a method for performing a deep surface scan, or it could represent the optimal sightseeing route for a given point of interest. A flawless flight through a canyon gets you a good satisfaction rating from your tourist; a perfect loop round a planet gives you the highest-quality (and therefore most valuable) surface scan. If waypoint tracks can’t be implemented, scanning and sightseeing gameplay could still be enhanced by imposing simple objectives like ‘Fly once around the planet in Orbital Cruise mode’ or ‘Fly through a canyon, staying below the main surface height of the planet, for 20km’. A progress bar could show the player how long they have to go, and the ship could issue prompts like ‘Slow down’, ‘Speed up’, ‘Too high’, ‘Remain in Orbital Cruise’ and so on, to keep the player on track. Even this would be a marked improvement on the current scanning/sightseeing mechanic of ‘Find an object and look at it for 10 seconds’, which, much as I love the game, is getting a little stale.
The central peak in the center of a large crater actually isn't a remnant of the impactor. It's more like the original surface rebounding after the hit. think about when you drop a pebble into some water and there's an upward splash in the center of the ripples the pebble creates.
Beautiful visuals obsidian, thank you for this. It's nice to see a video that isn't an exploit this or quick cash that. Not from yourself but just overall. I liked this and thank you again
A tab that allows you to view what for cartographics...not necessarily whats been sumitted..but what is to be......also showing us if we still have "discovered by"
I'd love to be able to pick several interesting looking stars and have the nav computer plot me the most efficient route through all of them. Having this at a system level would be great too! Imagine being able to honk a new system, then go to the map, pick out the interesting objects and then have the computer plot the most efficient route for you to take between them. It would save so much time. It could be like an explorer's version of the docking computer with higher classes being able to pick out terraformables automatically or something?
Be nice if you could set up a base on planets. Would have to maintain it with mining but this would allow a group to go out into deep space and operate for an extended period of time. Would require the groups to transport equipment to set it up so it would require group efforts. The base could also be accessed by other commanders for repairs and refueling. I can see it growing into a large base if enough credits and goods are carried to the base.
Tourist beacons suggested by the players. Some ingame way to map the amount of tourist beacons you have visited - sort of an achievement system for them.
wish the names of the various systems were listed in the description vs just sorta mentioned in the video. A friend just visited the bd-12 system. The pics and video share were stunning.
love the coloring in the nebula :) ., 1 change i would like would be to the detailed discovery scanner in that when a planet is scanned - both zoom level is improved and poi's highlight - (including ghosts images) feel the scanner should be able to tell the difference between manmade and natural strutures.(out of this - some interesting pois - abandoned sites - pirate bases and such) - also like better filters on the galaxy maps including planet types and so forth and the ability to plan multistage jumps (ie.i plot multiple stops in one jump)up to and above the 1000 lyr limit. thanks for the videos :)
I don't mind exploration changes, however, with the overload of different modules FDev keeps cranking out. They are going to need to consolidate a lot of functions or even the largest ships won't be able to fit all the needed modules for exploration or anything else.
Maybe autopilot and planet filter for discovery scanner? 1 Set route in map 2 set planet types of interest 3 set auto jump and honk.. 4 if planet type is found it would pause auto jump. probably would make it too easy I guess but its a thought. Oh and co-ordinates system for selecting location on planets surface from system map?
Accurate lighting would be nice. It would also be good if they could fix the graphical bugs that break immersion. For example, dark square patches when you're landing on a planet and floating rocks.
Hi there, here are the things I’d like to see in Elite Dangerous exploration extensions: • A system map which shows the actual positions of all planetary objects would be a great improvement. It would make it much more easier to save time getting a route from Object to Object for scanning. May be navigation computer - which nowadays quite ever car has built in - would be a great help in 3303 ;) • On approaching a land able object the optional appearance of a grid, showing coordinates of this object would help exploring - most of all, when you explore in groups. You then are able to assign segments to each participant. • Give us more flexibility in the favorites tab. The opportunity of creating folders which show not only the name of it, but providing a kind of info .. flag..bubble..textoverlay..thing on a mouseover, or a look at -which shows an editable multiline text with headline. • POI-coord-favorites on planet surfaces is one of the must-haves for an explorer. I would really appreciate such a feature. • POI-coord-favorites in space is also a great feature. With those you can always find places of great view. They could look like a virtual beacon in the UI … which would be much more a great thing with the following: • What about sharing location-favorites with other players? One point would be to send these coords one by one by message (or by mailbox - which is also a feature I would like to have). Or make (future) folders, be a Set of cords which the recipient(s) are able to put to their favorites as they appear at the sender. • Scanning space-Objects is quite time consuming. How about increasing scanner ranges for surface-scanners on a system scale. Or how about scanner-drones, which can be sent to more than one planetary Object at once. But please, with a lifetime lasting a bit longer than a few minutes. • Also please, make exploring a bit more valuable. It’s not very motivating, spending weeks to find cool systems with things like terraforming candidates or water worlds, only to be rewarded with a few millions. • Often when I reach systems only some planets - mostly only the most valuable ones - are already scanned by money-affine pilots. How about a kind of “balancing” to that. The names of the pilots on the “first discovered” plate will only be given to them, when the whole system is scanned. Also give a reward for a “whole system scan”. So I think I’ve now got all of my ideas together. Tell me what you think about it. Maybe my ideas help you to get much better ideas, which would be nice to be implemented into the game. I hope my English is not too … strange :) I’m German. If you find a mistake - just keep it ;)
Atmosphere landing and the ability to walk around both in your ship and out in the planet would be cool.....I'm asking for too much but animals and plants would be cool also.
I'd love to see more mechanics for gathering data of systems and planets. Like making more thorough scans by going closer to planets, or even dropping off probes there. I can also imagine collecting samples and sell those later on stations, like we do exploration data at the moment. I want exploration to feel more like science.
What I would like to see? Fix the damn mission board. -Co-op missions to motivate people to try open and private-group, -Do not show missions that are locked behind rank -Have NPC stay across all faction rank promotion (a familiar face) -Add generic voice greetings for your faction rank "Hey, there's my favorite allied commander. What would you like try today?"
As others stated I would like to see accretion disks on black holes or at least on Sagittarius A*; also binary systems where black holes or neutron stars are close to another star and feeding on the unfortunate companion star. Like a neutron star feeding on a nearby star, this should cause a neutron star to get even more dangerous spinning around 25% the speed of light, also making it more in an elliptic shape than a sphere.
srv type scanner in the ship that lets you know there is something around, if you could be bothered to look for it, I like exploring from time to time but it does get tedious finding nothing but a nice scenery, and a reward system and location marker for things you have found, a galaxy map tab for explorers to see what others have found if you want to look at already discovered places of interest, e.g. alien crash sites an ruins, lost colonies. to think there isn't an in game database of all this knowledge even if it was only shared between federation, imperial or power play factions.
i’d like to see, for exploration, more hardpoint options that aren’t weapons. imagine some sort of ground probe launcher that finds points of interest, or some extra huge floodlights with massive range, or just some other kind of tool or something that would fit in a hardpoint slot.
After exploring the system and exploring and scanning the planet. I would like to 3d map the planet i.e. fly over the surface and actually map the planets surface so you can provide points of interest for other travelers. Also a decent reward for doing so.
lets hope with the gameplay tweaks that they also provide provision for manually plotting your own route, this would have saved myself a few headaches whil plotting near Sag A, and maybe make bookmarks available from within the cockpit without the need to switch to the galactic map
1. Exploration missions to make a survey of Nebulas and be able or scan them. 2. SRV tools to take soil/lava/geyser samples for a exploration bonus. 3. Give us comets! 4. Exploration bonus for samples of asteroids/comets (taken with a mining laser). 5. Geological contact for selling soil/lava/geyser/astoroid/comets samples.
As I was cruising through some canyons and hunting for mountain ranges, I pondered how gratifying it would be to just map the actual topography of the planet. The canyons, valleys, mountains and craters. Some kind of GPS radar-blippy type underwater thing, I think would be the scientific term for the tech i think. It pulses as you fly creating 3d models of the land below and around you. Then you could sell that data like with system and detailed surface scans. I don't know how easy it would be to implement but it would be great if then when other commanders bought the data for that mapping you had done, you recieved a cut of the wonga. I adore the game as is, but that was just a thought I had. I just have no way of knowing if it is at all plausible to implement. Thanks, as always.
An idea I'd like to see to help with tip off missions and things like that is a way to create a waypoint on the planet's surface by using the lon. and lat. or by letting you see them on the surface map of the planet and simply when you reach the right coordinates click on it and the way point is created.
It has so much potential and so much they could possibly do. Further scanners drilling liforms we could discover. Exploration mechanics could be improved so that the player has more input and also so there's more to do in multi crew.
A scanning tool that would help us find geysers (and other POIs) instead of looking on redit to find an already discovered site .... Also, a mechanic that would be cool would be to have to dynamically cool our ship + position it right + be at the right distance in order for our scanners to be able to resolve certain features. That would be an engaging, rewarding , skill based way to use scanners for discoveries.
exactly this POI with significant crafting rewards should be listed as being part of the system you then have some motivation to travel 500 kls to that orbiting star and scan it's rocky iceballs to see if they are generating the anomaly.
I would love when you are system hoping if you didnt jump in so close to the star but rather a little further out so you can more easily bypass the star and jump straight to the next system. The fact you jump in so close to the star is the most annoying part of exploration when having to constantly go around the star and risk getting so close and potentially wrecking your ship after spending weeks out in the galaxy. Also I think the main issue with exploring is the inabillity to do manual route mapping.
It's never an issue for me. I just hit my zero throttle button instantly as sson as I jump in. You have to wait for FSD to cool down anyway so you might as well use that time to honk, scan the star ahead of you and check the system map for any noteworhty objects to scan. Also the jump out vector is not always directly behind the star. It only is if your going in a straight line to some target with no vertical movement in the galactic plane. This has actually been the case for me I've been going to beagle point and the exit jump is usually right behind the star but I that time isn't wasted cause I sip some fuel as I loop the star. It keeps dedicated refueling sessions where you go really deep into the suns gravity to a minimum.
LockoMótive 1989 FR I honestly would love that to happen,like. It would impact all of elite dangerous. Do you know how hot a python gets even with 7A powerplant engineered, this needs to be addressed
I would like to see a new discovery scanner that would show other items in the system, like in Sol it would give you the location on Voyager 1 and other man made items. I would be happy if it was a second system, but we'll see what happens. May be call it a scientific scanner and maybe as a utility mount?
Exploration changes: 1. Belt Clusters are fully explored upon discovery, with no need for detailed surface scanning. Scanning belt clusters is a huge waste of time, and I hate seeing "UNEXPLORED" for belt clusters. Just display the actual name and get rid of the time sink. 2. If a star system has already been registered (discovered) in the galactic cartography database, then that system map is available to everyone in their ship database, in real time. Then the galactic map filter can include an option to exclude/include mapped or unmapped systems. That will greatly increase the ability to find new star systems without wasting time on already discovered systems. 3. Planet surface maps need latitude/longitude co-ordinates. 4. The ability to specify planet surface lat/lon co-ordinates for a bookmark, and to target that bookmark for easy routing. It's the 34th century, dagnabbit, why are we eyeballing the co-ordinates on the HUD to find a specific location on the planet surface? 5. Increase the range for course plotting. 1000Ly is arbitrary and too low. 6. Bookmarking a plotted course, all targeted star systems in the course are bookmarked as a group. Selecting the bookmark and plotting course, will plot the course to the nearest star in the bookmark. I can leave a bookmarked plotted course to explore something nearby, then easily resume the bookmark course. 7. Bookmark hierarchy, like file folders, to group bookmarks into named "folders". 8. WIth bookmarked courses, we need the ability to select/specify a start-point and end-point for plotting courses and saving it as a named bookmark.
1- Persistent and less common POIs. 2- Tools to help us find them without having to look by eye alone and instead rely on technology like scanners to locate points of interest. 3- Have the background simulation generate changes to these persistent POIs on a weekly or monthly basis. Get rid of the "random noise" or the mechanic of randomly generating POIs around the player as it is meaningless to the player. Instead once a week or every other week or whatever best suits the developer, randomly generate POIs all at once that will persist for a period of time. Right now the devs do seem to hand place persistent POIs like aliens and barnacles and stuff like that. Aside from that create a script that makes sense and that will generate POIs in the galaxy for you. 4- Increase the profit and rewards dramatically for finding things like crashed ship beacons, or saving life pods, gathering data from lost probes etc.... 5- Allow us to enter atmospheric planets (they dont have to be earthlikes). But we want to see storms and volcanic eruptions etc.. 6- Allow the player to get off and walk around in his space suit when on planets.
Agreed but lets give some purpose to the base building and walking as well. Perhaps different structures that do different things such as: An advanced crew lounge/school where crew mates can be trained and specialized A player commodity market where the cmdr in charge of the base receives a reasonable percentage of transactions A raceway where cmdrs could go to race their srvs or fast ships through canyons for ranking on the local leaderboard for prizes (obviously limited) that the controlling cmdr puts up. Just a few I thought of off the top of my head.
I hope for an overhaul of all types of discovery using one unified system, with the goal of removing RNG discovery and replacing it with directed/skill based discovery. I imagine this as a 3D version of the SRV's Wavescanner for your ship, used in Supercruise. The scanner could have software upgrades (3 classes: Trade, Explore, Combat). Once an upgrade is installed the scanner can detect the object relating to that upgrade. Upgrades could include: COMBAT: Bounty Scanner: Can track down wanted ships USS in super cruise Distress signal scanner: Can track down distress signal USS in super cruise Trucker Scanner (for pirates): Can track down Trade ship USS in super cruise TRADE: Trade Lane Software: Displays trade lanes in space (similar to orbit lines) - trade lanes already exist in game. Trade Computer V1: Can show the last ten docked station prices in the market Trade Computer V2: Can access system trade prices @ Nav beacons EXPLORE: Salvage Scanner V1: Can track down salvage USS Salvage Scanner V2: Can track down salvage USS and show salvage zones (a bit like orbit lines) Orbit Line Software: Yup, should be an upgrade :) Various Planet scanner types, geology, treasure hunter, artefact hunter etc Different ships could have different upgrade class restrictions. i.e Asp Explorer: 5 explore, 1 trade, 1 combat. Anaconda: 3 explore, 3 trade, 3 combat etc.
I must say: from the recently discovered permit locked areas that supposedly house the civilization bubbles of the Guardians and Thargoids that are far larger than SOL's bubble you tend to begin to understand the immense scope of the Milky Way. I don't know what the future holds for Elite and, I don't really explore. However I will say if/when those bubbles get opened up I will travel to them.
I would love to see atmospheric landings on all planets, HMC, water worlds, ammonia worlds, earth likes and so on. I know it is a monumental task, but I would he willing to wait for updates if this was added to the game. This could include different SRVs for different planets, the standard for driving on planets, a submersible one for water world's, maybe even one that flies so we could collect materials from the upper atmospheres of gas giants. Other than that I like the current system of exploration. It can get mundane, but that makes new discoveries worth it to me
A planet that has tunnels that you can fly into and explore and these tunnels have dead ends but if you make it to the center there is a city that you can land on to.
Rather than speed honking my way round the universe, I'd like to be rewarded for for exploring a solar system as a set - including planetary landings. An orbital anomaly scan would highlight a couple of points of interest, requiring you to swoop in and explore with the SRV.
i would like athmosferic landings. like on planets and stuff. where they have cities and space stations :) and another fast travel mode. so you can for example do a 1000 LY jump at the time or something
I would like atmospheric landings. I also would tremendously appreciate being able to recover lost exploration data (black box) from the crash site of your ship. Hours of data lost after an unfortunate accident on a 3g world.
Their are only 4 ways to make exsploration better for me, the 5th ans 6th is kind of an idear I keep hopeing for since atmospheric flight is probably a year away. 1.A multy setting planatery scanner that will alow us to switch between surface scan, mineral scan, and life scan. Other setting could easily be added later. 2. New SRV type's sutch as Cargo Carrier for salvageing, Driller for takeing coar sample's, Transport for toorisum or passenger ship resque. Their are so meny options. 3. A guild that meny companys can go to and ask us to go out and scan entire system's for mineing or collonisation intrest's. It would also be better than getting tip's poping up and chain mission's that stick to a stile of mission's. (It amaises me how meny of my chain mission's start with a donation or cargo run that turn into a series of neer imposable combat, assassination, piracy mission's. I tend to avoid them now.) 4. Contracts. Assenshuly, picking up a time set of so meny hours of work for a company or mega ship, every time we turn in, we get a new or choice of mission. This could be applied to cargo run missions, but if your operating from a mega ship in deap space, exsploration is the thing. 5. In one elite game,(Can't remember witch), I would be approached for "Special" Mission's. It was alway's running cargo to a newly set up colony to witch the ship that took them out abandend them, or put them on the wrong planet/moon/location. So the cargo was despretly needed. Going back to the colony you would see it get bigger and more established. I would love to have this for a mission for larger ship's like Annaconda's or bigger. Or better yet, why not a chain mission, take the colonist's out to set up, a few cargo run's, Collonist run's, Even a shoping list of need'ed good's. I meen, most of the colloniseing of the "New World" was done by private group's, company's, and family's, often on what ever ship they could hier. 6. I keep hopeing for a Mission wair we can fly out (In an "Unwanted" ship), find an abandond ship from the older game's like the Puma, or Lion, dock then transfer over, then fly it back to an engineer. Then before we get the ship as our own, we would have to fly off to wreck's of similer ship's for out daited part's needed to bring the ship upto today's standerds. It would give us story's of what we had to do to get the ship. It would also be a good way to bring the older ship's into the game instead of leveing people speculaiting that their all alliance ship's and we're going to get one for every update in season three.
My top 3 things to enhance Elite : 1. I think the game looks good enough to warrant exploration already. I want something like the FF15 photo scrap book where you pick the best most interesting photos as a chronological log of your journey(s). Maybe even sell the rights to the books when you get back to civilised space, or you could just make a library for other players to see. It's pretty crazy what a proper in-game photo mode can bring to a computer game. 2. Player created bounties/bounty hunter factions (registered as factions in-game) This is mainly so i could put out a fat bounty on those two bastards that jumped me the other day. But I think this would then lead to player created bounty hunting factions (and criminal CMDR factions) with their own home-systems where people go to register their bounties/organise etc. I'd love to start a player group called the Bounty Boys or something, who hunt down the biggest trolls in the game in huge marauding gangs of bounty hunters. They'd be constantly on the run, like a space criminal should be. 3. This one's a bit of a long shot (from a monetary perspective) but I'm thinking FD hire player actors to inhabit the game. So I'm talking actual humans who are payed to role play in game. I'm thinking make them the Thargoids or legendary pirate lords, or just someone at the space stations who talks to the players in character. This would definitely bring some fun and novelty to certain situations. I hear lots of people moaning about elite, but I don't understand it myself. What FD have made is incredible and we all should be grateful that they exist as a developer IMHO. The End
I don't think any commander would object to Frontier starting the idea of "expansion"...and I do mean that word in the same way humanity uses it in reference to 'our' galaxy. I mean, the whole reason for this exploration data we explorers are gathering is for what , after all? Start with player-built caches, then small modular structures, etc....and it would all require real-time hauling, paying others to help haul materials for construction and upkeep, water, minerals, bio, etc. How better to validate the whole search for terrestrial water based worlds, and other planets? Cmdr JonAcosta
with all the minor factions in the game a lot are exploration related and as the galaxy is explored more missions should become available as generated by the mechanics like palin asking for alien stuff from the bases but a bit more involved and not just factions but super powers and shadow groups like inra, we should see more related to inra, dark whell raxxla etc. the bubble should be full of stuff to do including the unknown and what is beyond the bubble :)
Hey obsidianant. I've seen one of your videos discussing edfx before, and I've got that, I've also changed a few things in the game files and run on ultra with adequate hardware, but I still can't get my game looking anywhere near as high quality as yours. Is there a chance you could show us your settings, from your game file edits (maybe even share it for download) to in-game settings to edfx settings. I just can't seem to get it on my own.
They need to make Federal Corvette... more... useful and harder to get.. also the imperial cutter. They're so easy to unlock :/ . Also we need an equal ship from the Alliance. That would be great.
Here is what I'd like to see in exploration:
1. More interesting black holes. Make them dangerous. Give them a graphics overhaul so that the gravitational lensing applies to local objects as well as the sky box. Give some black holes (not all, mind you) accretion discs, especially if there are nearby companion stars. Make them terrifying and dangerous, as neutron stars and white dwarfs are now dangerous.
2. Tweak the stellar forge so that we can find procedural red supergiants. Currently these are all hand-placed and therefore all of them are found in areas of the galaxy human beings on Earth in the year 2017 have observed. Another tweak is to increase the cap on blue supergaints. Currently these are capped in size at 500 solar radii. Increase this cap so that a few procedural blue supergiants can be larger than this. Give us more interesting Wolf-Rayet stars as well. These should be terrifying beasts that routinely shed their outer layers. It should look like a solar-system sized explosion with giant plumes of gas and dangerous shock waves, not a small non-scoopable star. Once atmospheric planets are implemented, we should be able to fly in the outer layers of the biggest, coolest red supergiants. After all, these stars sometimes have stars within them.
3. Fix the beige plague. Procedural high metal content planets and rocky worlds should have more variety in terms of their colour and surface features. Some planets should have continent-sized patches of varying colour. Make the terrain a bit more varied as well. Right now we have three types of features on rocky and high metal worlds: mountain ranges, canyons, and a couple of types of craters (the gigantic "young" ones with mountains around the edge and older smoother and smaller ones that are quite round). Add in some more unique elements, like lonely volcanic mountains such as Olympus Mons. Add giant basins and huge craters such as those seen on Callisto that are very weathered and rugged. Add the "cantaloupe" type terrain found on trans-Neptune objects like Pluto. Increase the amount of colours found on surfaces, from dark grey to light grey to brown, red, beige, maroon, and yellow sulfur-rich worlds. Bring back snow-like and fine powder regolith type textures on surfaces in areas where this is appropriate, such as on icy worlds with geysers. Red tholin-type colours are found on icy worlds, appropdiately, but sometimes these are found in cracks rather than on surfaces.
4. Comets and globular clusters. The globular clusters should be old red and orange stars, metal-poor. Most clusters we have now are just blocks of extremely young hot blue stars that look odd in the sky box.
Long term stuff:
Once atmospheres and "weather" exists, make some of these colours vary by season. Give us carbon dioxide ice caps that advance and shrink over the seasons. Give us snow that falls, as well as rain.
5. Obviously with atmospheric landable worlds comes a whole host of new features alluded to above. More volcanism will help too. Give us lava tubes and flat lunar mare type features. Give us real volcanoes and seas of molten rock where appropriate, and make them appropriately dangerous. Same goes for Venus-like worlds. Make them dangerous but survivable.
6. More flora and eventually fauna on worlds with life.
7. Liquid ammonia, liquid nitrogen, liquid hydrocabons, and liquid water (and, as mentioned above, liquid rock where appropdiate). New types of terrain carved by liquid on surfaces. River valleys, gullies, dried lakes, filled lakes, beaches, cliffs overlooking water that show signs of erosion. Plate tectonics.
8. Space legs will add a host of exploration features. Let us have "science" modules in the form of labs we can do analyses on. Let us run the equipment that analyses rocks and searches for the presence of organics. Let us set up small monitoring stations. Let us deploy probes and orbital satellites. Give us remove-control vehicles that we can use to collect samples in harsh environments such as Venus-like worlds and lava worlds and on the seabeds of oceanic worlds.
Finally, there should be a team of people working at FDev whose only job is to come up with extremely strange, unexplained phenomena to sprinkle throughout the galaxy. Strange stuff to increase the wonder of the galaxy. Perhaps cosmic strings could be added, or quark stars that behave differently than most neutron stars, or the remnants of ancient life. Gigantic leviathans in gas giants or Venus-like worlds. Ancient sleeping artificial intelligence. Gigantic dead generation ships from long-dead alien civilisations. Strange technology left behind by previous societies. Crashed ships of ancient civilisations. Alien megastructures that were long abandoned. Huge clouds of comets. Remnants of planet-planet collisions. Just odd, unique POIs, like Raxxla, but a lot more stuff like that so that players can find them once every 5,000-10,000 stars while exploring.
you should be up there bro
All that and 4 likes? Get this man some votes
Thanks for the upvotes, guys - items 5-8 are of course really long-term wishlist dream-game type items, and I have no idea if it is even feasible to implement, but I think these things would greatly add to the game (which I already love as it is). There is literally a universe of possibilities here and it would be impossible to fill the galaxy with entirely unique phenomena, but there is a great template in place to add an immense variety of amazing content. A couple of other things I had in mind for the last bullet point would be von Neumann probes or Matrioshka brains and nanotechnology gone awry. Imagine scanning a planet and finding out that it has been overrun with grey goo - and not only that, your ship's systems have been infected with a couple of moleule-sized machines. Better find a way to fix that! Anyway, that's just the kind of hard sci fi that I'd like to see in the game.
It all sounds good but i think it's unrealistic the worlds you describe are as detailed as their making them in star citizen but we're talking about billions of worlds not a few hundred.
I think for a start just having terrain variation and colour variation for the landable planets would be good enough
I hope that Frontier take note of this but I guess will be a lot of work... yes, you are right in everything, Absolutly agree with you.
A 3d system map that shows where the planetary bodies are in relation to each other in real time, so we can plan proper scanning routes around the system instead of bouncing from one side to the other targeting the closest unknown.
Or having to fly above the orbital plane and try to remember the order when you've started scanning. Even better - how about the computer plots the route for you and takes into account the scan distances?
I don't like the idea of having the computer plot a scanning route for you. It seems to remove some of the skill (the little that there is) from the game. I don't want to feel like I'm doing what an AI could easily do itself without my input (which, I'll admit, is kind of how exploring feels at the moment). I do like the idea of having a 3D system map, though. Just as long as we get to keep the current 2D map as well, which is likely easier to read for finding specific bodies.
Let us buy an exploration pack that would allow us the basics to start settlements but with the need for us to harvest resources to grow and sustain it. Have different types of settlements such as military, agricultural, scientific, ship mechanics, shipyards, engineering, tourist, etc. Allow the players to gain ownership of these type of mechanics and to even hold their own governance. Let us expand the human life and footprint, which is why we explore in real life.
I like this idea.
I just want to say that I love your channel and just subscribed yesterday after spending about 2 hours at work watching your videos. I've been an Elite Dangerous player since it game to the Preview Program on Xbox One. I still play everyday and this game NEVER gets boring. Thanks to your channel, I'm learning even more cool new stuff and it feels like I've re-discovering the game again even after playing for 2+ years.
Thank you so much sir, and fly safe!
5:30 Just a comment, the mountainous features at the centers of craters aren't remnants of the impactor (the impactor is mostly destroyed and dispersed upon impact), but rather a result of the energy of the impact itself. Essentially, the terrain at the center of the crater rebounds due to the downward pressure of the shock wave, creating a mound-like feature in the center (i.e., constructive interference of density waves). Picture the splash at the center after one drops a pebble into a pond.
- a pedantic astrophysicist
I'd love to be able to survey for minerals and then be able to select a location rich in the mineral, go there and mine it maybe with a mining SUV. I'd also like more interesting natural features to explore and the ability to scan for them and then go there. Also it might be nice to have unique minerals on planets which give varying crafting bonuses/penalties. This might spur on further exploration and encourage others to voyage outside the bubble if a distant planet gets lucky with the RNG and has a particularly useful mineral on it. Perhaps even robotic mining and refining rigs which you can drop off and then come back to later then they have mined and refined a particular mineral or element.
A big time fan of your work for years now, and have I to say really love your new discovery series with it's emphasis on the sights of the Milky Way. Have already had many gorgeous destinations for my trips from your videos. Keep it coming! ;)
Honestly the game is great right now, but I would love to be able to walk on a planet or even more walk in a space station. I want to interact with the people that give me missions and i want to go to the lounge and meet up with friends and then take off into space with them. That will make the emergence perfect, well for me atleast.
I agree 100%, SC already has that... So why in the hell is Frontier talking about a year or more before space legs?
They are constrained by the engine. It wouldn't be easy to add space legs to a space combat sim engine.
Star Citizen's idea is to release a perfect game that won't need updates to add gameplay content. Frontier Developments wanted to get the core game out and expand it as they finished each gameplay element. Two different philosophies, both of which work. Both need patience from the player base, however.
zackaryjames SC is based on " first person shooter with vehicles" engine, elite never had first person component in the first place, it is strict vehicle sim engine. You can ask why replacing cars and helicopters with starships took SC team five years :)
but SC is still in development that means they can change the engine or make significant changes at will ED is constrained within a working game and any changes will have to work with the existing code and existing engine. The scale of the proposed game is also different. Star citizen when it finially finishes will flesh out a hundred or maybe 200 systems. ED encompasses the entire galaxy with trillions of star systems. There's no way you can ever hope to match the detain and immersion of SC within Elite but at the same time Elite is more expansive you can finds uncharted worlds in nebula and know you are the only person who has seen that and the only person who probably will ever run into this.
with SC it will be super cool but players will have the galaxy memorized within a few weeks of playing.
you know what they need for the planets? atmospheres, like when you fly down to a planet even if it is a slight atmospheric effect, you can see the colour of the sky change with the atmosphere
this would be so fucking easy it is literally a colour filter based on altitude i mean it could be done in like a week by maybe 2 people but it would add so much value to the game, just imagine looking at the colour of the stars and nebula's change it would truly be a great and so simple addition that would add a depth to exploration that it truly needs. for example we can land on mars like planets in the game and we don't see that classic red sky or any change at all. it would be so simple and is all i want from the game.
Atmospheric physics is extremely complex. That's why it is not yet supported.
im talking about colouration not aerodynamics
Ethan Taylor what you described is already there, thin atmospheres and off gassing from volcanism. Just have to find the right planet.
No atmospheres yet mate. I'm 2/3rd's the way to beagle point I have landed on hundreds of planets and I have seen no volcanism just cratered beige worlds and some ice moons. The icy moons are cooler but don't yield good materials. I primarily on metalic bodies to hunt for FSD injects
they cant even get the planets to stop being biege. Good thought though.
They HAVE TO work on exploration if they dont want this game to be dead...
They dont have any other choice.
I would love to see exploration missing in the mission system. You may be asked to scan one or more things and return with the data for a specific reason not just to sell the data. I want it to feel like Star Trek when they are asked to map a nebula or investigate an unexplored region of space.
Two simple changes for me;
1. Add Folders to the bookmarks in the Galaxy Map.
2. Add the ability to 'add point to route' so you can build your own routes consisting of several points, rather than just an end point.
Story line missions with voice acting involving exploration? I'd take some of that. I would've loved it if the tutorial missions was just how the game started. But it would be cool to get sent on exploration missions that had a storyline to it.
I'd like to see more and varied tools for exploration like probes that you can send out into a system to scan each body and report back to your ship and maybe an onboard laboratory that you can use to check samples collected on surface or asteroids for more in depth data . Also maybe with the addition of the thargoids we could have perminent probes / sensors that we can plant to report on any activity in the area.
Players personal logs left on planet surfaces, that they could leave describing their journey, dates info ect. These could also lead onto missions that could be scanned by other players and handed in for rewards
It's amazing how the new camera tools have opened up the cinematic possibilities in the game and just how beautiful it can look out there in the black(or green, in this case). And I've been hoping that the Orerry Map view, with your ship's current position relative to the system, will someday be added to the game. Fortunately, now that I'm working again, it looks like I'll be able to come back to playing ED in a few months' time, once I build a rig that can handle the game.
Dear ObsidianAnt You are truly master of making this kind of videos! It is a enormous pleasure watching them like a triple A Hollywood movies!
Solar systems in various stages of formation. Imagine jumping into a system in a sort of late-heavy bombardment stage.
I would like to see simple flying challenges incorporated into the basic gameplay, in the form of procedurally generated ‘air lanes’ or tracks that the player has to fly through to achieve a given task. These would be visible in the HUD as a series of waypoint rings stretching off into the distance, like you see in aerial racing games. They could be as simple as a ring-shaped track going around the equator of a planet, or spirals or more complicated routes around planets (to be flown in Supercruise, of course); or they could follow long stretches of canyon on a planet’s surface, or spiral around a mountain (to be flown in ‘impulse’ mode). Fly smoothly along/around the whole track, perhaps within a certain speed range, and you achieve the task.
There are various ways to incorporate this idea into the gameplay - it could be a method for performing a deep surface scan, or it could represent the optimal sightseeing route for a given point of interest. A flawless flight through a canyon gets you a good satisfaction rating from your tourist; a perfect loop round a planet gives you the highest-quality (and therefore most valuable) surface scan.
If waypoint tracks can’t be implemented, scanning and sightseeing gameplay could still be enhanced by imposing simple objectives like ‘Fly once around the planet in Orbital Cruise mode’ or ‘Fly through a canyon, staying below the main surface height of the planet, for 20km’. A progress bar could show the player how long they have to go, and the ship could issue prompts like ‘Slow down’, ‘Speed up’, ‘Too high’, ‘Remain in Orbital Cruise’ and so on, to keep the player on track. Even this would be a marked improvement on the current scanning/sightseeing mechanic of ‘Find an object and look at it for 10 seconds’, which, much as I love the game, is getting a little stale.
Love the places you visit and beautiful colors
The central peak in the center of a large crater actually isn't a remnant of the impactor. It's more like the original surface rebounding after the hit. think about when you drop a pebble into some water and there's an upward splash in the center of the ripples the pebble creates.
I'd love to see globular clusters... Ever since Elite's release, it's the one thing I've wanted to see most in space
Beautiful visuals obsidian, thank you for this. It's nice to see a video that isn't an exploit this or quick cash that. Not from yourself but just overall. I liked this and thank you again
A tab that allows you to view what for cartographics...not necessarily whats been sumitted..but what is to be......also showing us if we still have "discovered by"
Would be nice to have a orrery map that also shows your position in the system.
Players get front page coverage of Galnet if they discover something noteworthy. Proper character shots with all the trimmings.
Hi ant have you done a aspx build video if not can you do one i need to know hwt you have. Cheers
I'd love to be able to pick several interesting looking stars and have the nav computer plot me the most efficient route through all of them. Having this at a system level would be great too! Imagine being able to honk a new system, then go to the map, pick out the interesting objects and then have the computer plot the most efficient route for you to take between them. It would save so much time. It could be like an explorer's version of the docking computer with higher classes being able to pick out terraformables automatically or something?
Be nice if you could set up a base on planets. Would have to maintain it with mining but this would allow a group to go out into deep space and operate for an extended period of time. Would require the groups to transport equipment to set it up so it would require group efforts. The base could also be accessed by other commanders for repairs and refueling. I can see it growing into a large base if enough credits and goods are carried to the base.
Tourist beacons suggested by the players.
Some ingame way to map the amount of tourist beacons you have visited - sort of an achievement system for them.
I would love systems in jump range be highlighted on the hud. So I can select them like selecting a target.
I'd love the ability to step outside and walk around in your space suit
wish the names of the various systems were listed in the description vs just sorta mentioned in the video. A friend just visited the bd-12 system. The pics and video share were stunning.
Some gorgeous nebulae in E:D, truly stunning.
The clash of the green lit planet, with the purple rings from the lighting of the star and green lit nebula was very pretty.
love the coloring in the nebula :) ., 1 change i would like would be to the detailed discovery scanner in that when a planet is scanned - both zoom level is improved and poi's highlight - (including ghosts images) feel the scanner should be able to tell the difference between manmade and natural strutures.(out of this - some interesting pois - abandoned sites - pirate bases and such) - also like better filters on the galaxy maps including planet types and so forth and the ability to plan multistage jumps (ie.i plot multiple stops in one jump)up to and above the 1000 lyr limit.
thanks for the videos :)
I just arrived here before I saw your video. Perfect timing.
Fascinating! And such a passionate video! Thanks ObsidianAnt :)
Thank you very much for this beautiful video!
I don't mind exploration changes, however, with the overload of different modules FDev keeps cranking out. They are going to need to consolidate a lot of functions or even the largest ships won't be able to fit all the needed modules for exploration or anything else.
Maybe autopilot and planet filter for discovery scanner?
1 Set route in map
2 set planet types of interest
3 set auto jump and honk..
4 if planet type is found it would pause auto jump.
probably would make it too easy I guess but its a thought.
Oh and co-ordinates system for selecting location on planets surface from system map?
Accurate lighting would be nice. It would also be good if they could fix the graphical bugs that break immersion. For example, dark square patches when you're landing on a planet and floating rocks.
2:14 Mr.Ant that was so close, love your videos so far! o7
Hi there, here are the things I’d like to see in Elite Dangerous exploration extensions:
• A system map which shows the actual positions of all planetary objects would be a great improvement. It would make it much more easier to save time getting a route from Object to Object for scanning. May be navigation computer - which nowadays quite ever car has built in - would be a great help in 3303 ;)
• On approaching a land able object the optional appearance of a grid, showing coordinates of this object would help exploring - most of all, when you explore in groups. You then are able to assign segments to each participant.
• Give us more flexibility in the favorites tab. The opportunity of creating folders which show not only the name of it, but providing a kind of info .. flag..bubble..textoverlay..thing on a mouseover, or a look at -which shows an editable multiline text with headline.
• POI-coord-favorites on planet surfaces is one of the must-haves for an explorer. I would really appreciate such a feature.
• POI-coord-favorites in space is also a great feature. With those you can always find places of great view. They could look like a virtual beacon in the UI … which would be much more a great thing with the following:
• What about sharing location-favorites with other players? One point would be to send these coords one by one by message (or by mailbox - which is also a feature I would like to have). Or make (future) folders, be a Set of cords which the recipient(s) are able to put to their favorites as they appear at the sender.
• Scanning space-Objects is quite time consuming. How about increasing scanner ranges for surface-scanners on a system scale. Or how about scanner-drones, which can be sent to more than one planetary Object at once. But please, with a lifetime lasting a bit longer than a few minutes.
• Also please, make exploring a bit more valuable. It’s not very motivating, spending weeks to find cool systems with things like terraforming candidates or water worlds, only to be rewarded with a few millions.
• Often when I reach systems only some planets - mostly only the most valuable ones - are already scanned by money-affine pilots. How about a kind of “balancing” to that. The names of the pilots on the “first discovered” plate will only be given to them, when the whole system is scanned. Also give a reward for a “whole system scan”.
So I think I’ve now got all of my ideas together. Tell me what you think about it. Maybe my ideas help you to get much better ideas, which would be nice to be implemented into the game.
I hope my English is not too … strange :) I’m German. If you find a mistake - just keep it ;)
Atmosphere landing and the ability to walk around both in your ship and out in the planet would be cool.....I'm asking for too much but animals and plants would be cool also.
I'd love to see more mechanics for gathering data of systems and planets. Like making more thorough scans by going closer to planets, or even dropping off probes there. I can also imagine collecting samples and sell those later on stations, like we do exploration data at the moment. I want exploration to feel more like science.
What I would like to see? Fix the damn mission board.
-Co-op missions to motivate people to try open and private-group,
-Do not show missions that are locked behind rank
-Have NPC stay across all faction rank promotion (a familiar face)
-Add generic voice greetings for your faction rank "Hey, there's my favorite allied commander. What would you like try today?"
As others stated I would like to see accretion disks on black holes or at least on Sagittarius A*;
also binary systems where black holes or neutron stars are close to another star and feeding on the unfortunate companion star. Like a neutron star feeding on a nearby star, this should cause a neutron star to get even more dangerous spinning around 25% the speed of light, also making it more in an elliptic shape than a sphere.
I think being able to walk around would be amazing but more details on planets would really help. Like an asteroid wedged into the surface.
the odyssey expansion got released and now you can walk on planets and land on thin atmosphere planets
srv type scanner in the ship that lets you know there is something around, if you could be bothered to look for it, I like exploring from time to time but it does get tedious finding nothing but a nice scenery, and a reward system and location marker for things you have found, a galaxy map tab for explorers to see what others have found if you want to look at already discovered places of interest, e.g. alien crash sites an ruins, lost colonies. to think there isn't an in game database of all this knowledge even if it was only shared between federation, imperial or power play factions.
i’d like to see, for exploration, more hardpoint options that aren’t weapons. imagine some sort of ground probe launcher that finds points of interest, or some extra huge floodlights with massive range, or just some other kind of tool or something that would fit in a hardpoint slot.
After exploring the system and exploring and scanning the planet. I would like to 3d map the planet i.e. fly over the surface and actually map the planets surface so you can provide points of interest for other travelers. Also a decent reward for doing so.
at time line 1:08 - 1:39 your camera perspective is so far. How did you do that? Very beautiful system indeed.
lets hope with the gameplay tweaks that they also provide provision for manually plotting your own route, this would have saved myself a few headaches whil plotting near Sag A, and maybe make
bookmarks available from within the cockpit without the need to switch to the galactic map
1. Exploration missions to make a survey of Nebulas and be able or scan them.
2. SRV tools to take soil/lava/geyser samples for a exploration bonus.
3. Give us comets!
4. Exploration bonus for samples of asteroids/comets (taken with a mining laser).
5. Geological contact for selling soil/lava/geyser/astoroid/comets samples.
I was just there last week.
Looks amazing in VR.
As I was cruising through some canyons and hunting for mountain ranges, I pondered how gratifying it would be to just map the actual topography of the planet. The canyons, valleys, mountains and craters. Some kind of GPS radar-blippy type underwater thing, I think would be the scientific term for the tech i think. It pulses as you fly creating 3d models of the land below and around you. Then you could sell that data like with system and detailed surface scans. I don't know how easy it would be to implement but it would be great if then when other commanders bought the data for that mapping you had done, you recieved a cut of the wonga.
I adore the game as is, but that was just a thought I had. I just have no way of knowing if it is at all plausible to implement.
Thanks, as always.
An idea I'd like to see to help with tip off missions and things like that is a way to create a waypoint on the planet's surface by using the lon. and lat. or by letting you see them on the surface map of the planet and simply when you reach the right coordinates click on it and the way point is created.
How about to do surface scooping with scarab and get extra pay for brought back samples?
It has so much potential and so much they could possibly do. Further scanners drilling liforms we could discover. Exploration mechanics could be improved so that the player has more input and also so there's more to do in multi crew.
At 4:55 you mention a link to your exploration ideas video. Can't see it anywhere at the moment. Does it still need to be added? Thanks. :)
When scanning systems have a tablet show you an estimation of bodys revealed by an echo leaving dark patches where planets could be..?
You get some amazing shots
Dayum, stepping up the production value on these videos dude. I mean it was good before but, wow...
A scanning tool that would help us find geysers (and other POIs) instead of looking on redit to find an already discovered site ....
Also, a mechanic that would be cool would be to have to dynamically cool our ship + position it right + be at the right distance in order for our scanners to be able to resolve certain features. That would be an engaging, rewarding , skill based way to use scanners for discoveries.
exactly this POI with significant crafting rewards should be listed as being part of the system you then have some motivation to travel 500 kls to that orbiting star and scan it's rocky iceballs to see if they are generating the anomaly.
I would love when you are system hoping if you didnt jump in so close to the star but rather a little further out so you can more easily bypass the star and jump straight to the next system. The fact you jump in so close to the star is the most annoying part of exploration when having to constantly go around the star and risk getting so close and potentially wrecking your ship after spending weeks out in the galaxy. Also I think the main issue with exploring is the inabillity to do manual route mapping.
It's never an issue for me. I just hit my zero throttle button instantly as sson as I jump in. You have to wait for FSD to cool down anyway so you might as well use that time to honk, scan the star ahead of you and check the system map for any noteworhty objects to scan.
Also the jump out vector is not always directly behind the star. It only is if your going in a straight line to some target with no vertical movement in the galactic plane. This has actually been the case for me I've been going to beagle point and the exit jump is usually right behind the star but I that time isn't wasted cause I sip some fuel as I loop the star. It keeps dedicated refueling sessions where you go really deep into the suns gravity to a minimum.
LockoMótive 1989 FR I honestly would love that to happen,like. It would impact all of elite dangerous. Do you know how hot a python gets even with 7A powerplant engineered, this needs to be addressed
Love the narration!
reminds me of that one time when I was exploring and the skybox randomly turned green.
A mini-game for surface scanning. That's it. Everything else is fantastic imo.
I would like to see a new discovery scanner that would show other items in the system, like in Sol it would give you the location on Voyager 1 and other man made items. I would be happy if it was a second system, but we'll see what happens. May be call it a scientific scanner and maybe as a utility mount?
Exploration changes:
1. Belt Clusters are fully explored upon discovery, with no need for detailed surface scanning. Scanning belt clusters is a huge waste of time, and I hate seeing "UNEXPLORED" for belt clusters. Just display the actual name and get rid of the time sink.
2. If a star system has already been registered (discovered) in the galactic cartography database, then that system map is available to everyone in their ship database, in real time. Then the galactic map filter can include an option to exclude/include mapped or unmapped systems. That will greatly increase the ability to find new star systems without wasting time on already discovered systems.
3. Planet surface maps need latitude/longitude co-ordinates.
4. The ability to specify planet surface lat/lon co-ordinates for a bookmark, and to target that bookmark for easy routing. It's the 34th century, dagnabbit, why are we eyeballing the co-ordinates on the HUD to find a specific location on the planet surface?
5. Increase the range for course plotting. 1000Ly is arbitrary and too low.
6. Bookmarking a plotted course, all targeted star systems in the course are bookmarked as a group. Selecting the bookmark and plotting course, will plot the course to the nearest star in the bookmark. I can leave a bookmarked plotted course to explore something nearby, then easily resume the bookmark course.
7. Bookmark hierarchy, like file folders, to group bookmarks into named "folders".
8. WIth bookmarked courses, we need the ability to select/specify a start-point and end-point for plotting courses and saving it as a named bookmark.
1- Persistent and less common POIs.
2- Tools to help us find them without having to look by eye alone and instead rely on technology like scanners to locate points of interest.
3- Have the background simulation generate changes to these persistent POIs on a weekly or monthly basis.
Get rid of the "random noise" or the mechanic of randomly generating POIs around the player as it is meaningless to the player. Instead once a week or every other week or whatever best suits the developer, randomly generate POIs all at once that will persist for a period of time.
Right now the devs do seem to hand place persistent POIs like aliens and barnacles and stuff like that. Aside from that create a script that makes sense and that will generate POIs in the galaxy for you.
4- Increase the profit and rewards dramatically for finding things like crashed ship beacons, or saving life pods, gathering data from lost probes etc....
5- Allow us to enter atmospheric planets (they dont have to be earthlikes). But we want to see storms and volcanic eruptions etc..
6- Allow the player to get off and walk around in his space suit when on planets.
Base building + space legs would go a long way to helping exploration, and would break up the monotony of long journeys outside of the bubble.
Even no mans sky has space legs and base building... why can't we have these nice things?!
Agreed but lets give some purpose to the base building and walking as well. Perhaps different structures that do different things such as:
An advanced crew lounge/school where crew mates can be trained and specialized
A player commodity market where the cmdr in charge of the base receives a reasonable percentage of transactions
A raceway where cmdrs could go to race their srvs or fast ships through canyons for ranking on the local leaderboard for prizes (obviously limited) that the controlling cmdr puts up.
Just a few I thought of off the top of my head.
I hope for an overhaul of all types of discovery using one unified system, with the goal of removing RNG discovery and replacing it with directed/skill based discovery. I imagine this as a 3D version of the SRV's Wavescanner for your ship, used in Supercruise. The scanner could have software upgrades (3 classes: Trade, Explore, Combat). Once an upgrade is installed the scanner can detect the object relating to that upgrade.
Upgrades could include:
Bounty Scanner: Can track down wanted ships USS in super cruise
Distress signal scanner: Can track down distress signal USS in super cruise
Trucker Scanner (for pirates): Can track down Trade ship USS in super cruise
Trade Lane Software: Displays trade lanes in space (similar to orbit lines) - trade lanes already exist in game.
Trade Computer V1: Can show the last ten docked station prices in the market
Trade Computer V2: Can access system trade prices @ Nav beacons
Salvage Scanner V1: Can track down salvage USS
Salvage Scanner V2: Can track down salvage USS and show salvage zones (a bit like orbit lines)
Orbit Line Software: Yup, should be an upgrade :)
Various Planet scanner types, geology, treasure hunter, artefact hunter etc
Different ships could have different upgrade class restrictions. i.e Asp Explorer: 5 explore, 1 trade, 1 combat. Anaconda: 3 explore, 3 trade, 3 combat etc.
I must say: from the recently discovered permit locked areas that supposedly house the civilization bubbles of the Guardians and Thargoids that are far larger than SOL's bubble you tend to begin to understand the immense scope of the Milky Way. I don't know what the future holds for Elite and, I don't really explore. However I will say if/when those bubbles get opened up I will travel to them.
That intro music sounds so much like the one from Interstellar. :) ("Imperfect Lock")
Филип Пешић I was thinking the exact same thing
Protoplanetary discs around T Tauri stars, please and thank you.
Hmm, I thought you said you were going to link to an old video of yours? ;)
I would love to see atmospheric landings on all planets, HMC, water worlds, ammonia worlds, earth likes and so on. I know it is a monumental task, but I would he willing to wait for updates if this was added to the game. This could include different SRVs for different planets, the standard for driving on planets, a submersible one for water world's, maybe even one that flies so we could collect materials from the upper atmospheres of gas giants. Other than that I like the current system of exploration. It can get mundane, but that makes new discoveries worth it to me
A planet that has tunnels that you can fly into and explore and these tunnels have dead ends but if you make it to the center there is a city that you can land on to.
Rather than speed honking my way round the universe, I'd like to be rewarded for for exploring a solar system as a set - including planetary landings. An orbital anomaly scan would highlight a couple of points of interest, requiring you to swoop in and explore with the SRV.
address of nebula in description ?
Fantastic Picture...
i would like athmosferic landings. like on planets and stuff. where they have cities and space stations :) and another fast travel mode. so you can for example do a 1000 LY jump at the time or something
Would like to mark co-ordinates on a planet just to make life that bit easier and possibly more immersive
Thanks mate, its very great video!
I would like atmospheric landings.
I also would tremendously appreciate being able to recover lost exploration data (black box) from the crash site of your ship. Hours of data lost after an unfortunate accident on a 3g world.
Fantastic vid! I would like to see gas gigants! flying around in clouds sounds awesome.
Their are only 4 ways to make exsploration better for me, the 5th ans 6th is kind of an idear I keep hopeing for since atmospheric flight is probably a year away.
1.A multy setting planatery scanner that will alow us to switch between surface scan, mineral scan, and life scan. Other setting could easily be added later.
2. New SRV type's sutch as Cargo Carrier for salvageing, Driller for takeing coar sample's, Transport for toorisum or passenger ship resque. Their are so meny options.
3. A guild that meny companys can go to and ask us to go out and scan entire system's for mineing or collonisation intrest's. It would also be better than getting tip's poping up and chain mission's that stick to a stile of mission's. (It amaises me how meny of my chain mission's start with a donation or cargo run that turn into a series of neer imposable combat, assassination, piracy mission's. I tend to avoid them now.)
4. Contracts. Assenshuly, picking up a time set of so meny hours of work for a company or mega ship, every time we turn in, we get a new or choice of mission. This could be applied to cargo run missions, but if your operating from a mega ship in deap space, exsploration is the thing.
5. In one elite game,(Can't remember witch), I would be approached for "Special" Mission's. It was alway's running cargo to a newly set up colony to witch the ship that took them out abandend them, or put them on the wrong planet/moon/location. So the cargo was despretly needed. Going back to the colony you would see it get bigger and more established. I would love to have this for a mission for larger ship's like Annaconda's or bigger. Or better yet, why not a chain mission, take the colonist's out to set up, a few cargo run's, Collonist run's, Even a shoping list of need'ed good's. I meen, most of the colloniseing of the "New World" was done by private group's, company's, and family's, often on what ever ship they could hier.
6. I keep hopeing for a Mission wair we can fly out (In an "Unwanted" ship), find an abandond ship from the older game's like the Puma, or Lion, dock then transfer over, then fly it back to an engineer. Then before we get the ship as our own, we would have to fly off to wreck's of similer ship's for out daited part's needed to bring the ship upto today's standerds. It would give us story's of what we had to do to get the ship. It would also be a good way to bring the older ship's into the game instead of leveing people speculaiting that their all alliance ship's and we're going to get one for every update in season three.
My top 3 things to enhance Elite :
1. I think the game looks good enough to warrant exploration already.
I want something like the FF15 photo scrap book where you pick the best most interesting photos as a chronological log of your journey(s). Maybe even sell the rights to the books when you get back to civilised space, or you could just make a library for other players to see. It's pretty crazy what a proper in-game photo mode can bring to a computer game.
2. Player created bounties/bounty hunter factions (registered as factions in-game)
This is mainly so i could put out a fat bounty on those two bastards that jumped me the other day. But I think this would then lead to player created bounty hunting factions (and criminal CMDR factions) with their own home-systems where people go to register their bounties/organise etc. I'd love to start a player group called the Bounty Boys or something, who hunt down the biggest trolls in the game in huge marauding gangs of bounty hunters. They'd be constantly on the run, like a space criminal should be.
3. This one's a bit of a long shot (from a monetary perspective) but I'm thinking FD hire player actors to inhabit the game. So I'm talking actual humans who are payed to role play in game. I'm thinking make them the Thargoids or legendary pirate lords, or just someone at the space stations who talks to the players in character. This would definitely bring some fun and novelty to certain situations.
I hear lots of people moaning about elite, but I don't understand it myself. What FD have made is incredible and we all should be grateful that they exist as a developer IMHO.
The End
I don't think any commander would object to Frontier starting the idea of "expansion"...and I do mean that word in the same way humanity uses it in reference to 'our' galaxy. I mean, the whole reason for this exploration data we explorers are gathering is for what , after all?
Start with player-built caches, then small modular structures, etc....and it would all require real-time hauling, paying others to help haul materials for construction and upkeep, water, minerals, bio, etc. How better to validate the whole search for terrestrial water based worlds, and other planets?
Cmdr JonAcosta
I found a undiscovered planetary nebula with an earth like here:
I realy hope they allow landing on planets with an atmosphere somewhen.
with all the minor factions in the game a lot are exploration related and as the galaxy is explored more missions should become available as generated by the mechanics like palin asking for alien stuff from the bases but a bit more involved and not just factions but super powers and shadow groups like inra, we should see more related to inra, dark whell raxxla etc. the bubble should be full of stuff to do including the unknown and what is beyond the bubble :)
I would love one day to come across a world maybe half destroyed from constant battle
i would like to explore with you someday
Hey obsidianant. I've seen one of your videos discussing edfx before, and I've got that, I've also changed a few things in the game files and run on ultra with adequate hardware, but I still can't get my game looking anywhere near as high quality as yours. Is there a chance you could show us your settings, from your game file edits (maybe even share it for download) to in-game settings to edfx settings.
I just can't seem to get it on my own.
I'd like to be sent somewhere .. outside of running a space bus
"we need this data you have x amount of time"
Accretion disc for black holes
They need to make Federal Corvette... more... useful and harder to get.. also the imperial cutter. They're so easy to unlock :/ . Also we need an equal ship from the Alliance. That would be great.