It's not so expensive at all. The Corporation owned all materials from minings for the world's buildings today; therefore, numbers Don't the people open their eyes to lies of how expensive all everything the world's overall spending to recover the debt causes the world's infations and increasing the dollar's not worth to ends the world's businesses and jobs with collapse of the economic life's without roofs more and foods to eat situations damaged the farmlands by the season of the years of the coldest snows day's affecting contains the virus into the soils to growth foods poisoning to creates health unknows problems blames yo the animals to creates humans sickness at all times?!
11:06 衛星客運廊就在腳下,唔係新填海區興建,zoom出去那個係T2客運廊興建中。
以前太少人真係去討論個1400 億貴唔貴,我好記得當年個個(包括好多所謂KOL)只係3 跑道,所以覺得貴。但係我覺得你講得好好,成個project scale 真係等同一個新機場。當然有人仍然覺得貴,但係至少理性討論係應該based on full picture 而唔係斷章取義。加油 !
多謝分享 , 全計計劃 十約分為十個工程由機場到市區
It's not so expensive at all. The Corporation owned all materials from minings for the world's buildings today; therefore, numbers Don't the people open their eyes to lies of how expensive all everything the world's overall spending to recover the debt causes the world's infations and increasing the dollar's not worth to ends the world's businesses and jobs with collapse of the economic life's without roofs more and foods to eat situations damaged the farmlands by the season of the years of the coldest snows day's affecting contains the virus into the soils to growth foods poisoning to creates health unknows problems blames yo the animals to creates humans sickness at all times?!
Thanks for sharing your view 👍🏻