Grateful Hearts, Loving Bonds: The Heart-Warming Family Day Event | Solid Horizon

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 พ.ค. 2024
  • Family is where it all begins for each of us, long before we enter the official workforce. That's why family is the most significant of all.
    Therefore, Solid Horizon, Premier Channel, and Falcon Safe collaborated to organize our first ever Family Day event, inviting all parents and children to experience something unique - the love and care of a child.
    Through activities such as the tea ceremony, kids' bonding time, feet spa, and more, we had the opportunity to witness different sides of our colleagues. While they've always been serious at work, this event revealed their loving and nurturing sides.
    Family provides us with the roots to stand tall and strong. Let's watch this video together to feel the warmth of this familial bond.
    Note: Huge thanks to all the committees for making this event a success, and thank you to all the family members who attended.
    #familyday #family #solidhorizon #premierchannel #falconsafe

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