Chapter 12: Day of Tribulation [Dispensation G]

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 ก.ย. 2024
  • 'The Scroll of Time - Or, Epochs and Dispensations of Scripture' by J.A. Savage.
    To download the chart detailing the epochs and dispensations of scripture, and the other charts shown in this video, click the link below.
    [Narrator's note: due to the extensive nature of Mr Savage's footnotes in this chapter, I have had to be selective as to which ones to narrate and (due to the character limit) which to include in text here. All the footnotes not included in the narration have been reproduced on a text file in the cloud storage linked to above.]
    17:50 To those who may not have had their attention specially directed to the numbers so often referred to, the following explanation may be useful. "Times" in Daniel 4 v 23 stands for years; "till seven times pass over him" - that is, Nebuchadnezzar's affliction was to ocntinue for seven years; and the phrase, "Time, times, and an half," signifies three and a half years: thus, time, one year; times, two; and an half, a half-year. The Jewish month was always reckoned as thirty days: and with this as a divisor, the following little sum will show how the numbers in Daniel and Revelation exactly correspond:-
    3,0) 1,260 days
    12) 42 months
    3.6 i.e. , 3 years and 6 months.
    It will be observed that a marked prominence is given to these numbers in Daniel and in Revelation, as they are referred to some eight times in the two books, thus:- Three times in Daniel as "time, times, and a half time" (chapters 7 and 12), and "midst of the week" (ch. 4); five times in Revelation as "a time, and times, and half a time," "1,260 days," and "forty-two months." These numbers furnish us with a valuable key to the interpretation of these prophecies.
    38:55 The vision of the ephah (Zechariah 5) appears to represent the abominable idolatry introduced into Palestine from Babylon, its original source and seat, now departing from Israel and returning whence it came. It was being carried back by the two women, having the wings of the unclean stork, to its original and congenial home in the land of Shinar, to be "established, and set there upon her own base." This prophecy was given after the Captivity, and has found its fulfilment in the fact that the Jews have never had idolatry among them since then . Up to the present their house has been "swept and garnished." But at the time of the end the unclean spirit of idolatry will return, as our Lord foretold, with "seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be unto this wicked generation" (Matthew 12 v 23-45). See Revelation 13.
    The words in verse 6, "This is their resemblance through all the earth," seem to point to the fact that all the systems of idolatry throughout the world are alike in principle, and resemble that which had its chief origin in Babylon. It has been truly said that Popery is Christianised paganism; idolatry in its most subtle and blaspehmous forms. Hence its name in Revelation, "Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots." [See Heslop's "Two Babylons," and Brock's "Rome, Pagan and Papal."]
    58:16 The four chief prophetic periods mentioned in Daniel are:-
    1. Time, times, and a half-time, to which special reference has already been made (Daniel 7, 12)
    2. 1,290 days (Daniel 12 v 11), - the whole time during which the daily sacrifices shall be taken away by the antichrist; that is, thirty days in addition to the 1,260 (1,260 + 30 = 1,290) before they are fully restored to the godly remnant of the Jews.
    3. 1,335 days (Daniel 12 v 12), which extend seventy-five days beyond the 1,260 (1,260 + 75 = 1,335), so that during these additional seventy-five, after the seventh trumpt has been sounded at the end of the 1,260, the seven vials (it is assumed) will be poured out.
    4. 2,300 days (Daniel 8 v 14), the time the "little horn" (not the same as the "little horn" of Daniel 7) "waxed great" and "magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away" (v. 10, 11). This is what the noted Antiochus Epiphanes (the "little horn" here) did at Jerusalem during these 2,300 literal days. This period has passed into history long ago, and has no reference whatever to the events at the time of the end; so that an unwarranted liberty has been taken with this scripture in converting these days ("evenings and mornings" in the margin) into 2,300 years; while nothing could be more erroneous than the absurd superstructure that has been reared upon this false basis, the promulgators of which daringly assume to name the very day when Christ is to return, in spite of Scripture, especially of the plain statement in Mark 13 v 32, "Of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven." The result of these fanciful speculations has been to bring much discredit upon the prophetic word.

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