✅ From November 19th to December 2nd, LEVEL8 has a special 20% discount on all products on their official website! Follow this link to find out more: bit.ly/3ZAdoQR
You can't take a carrier on a city bus in Korea. You can take the subway. It's because the city bus has a small space and many people take it, so it's dangerous when stopping the departure. Please understand that it was because there was an accident due to a car getting on and off because of luggage.
@@Moning2781 the city should clearly provide this information in multiple languages at bus stops to prevent issues. Extremely rude for bus drivers to just ignore tourists and drive off rather than try and explain the rules.
In Korea, due to passengers' safety issues, carriers larger than 20 inches are not allowed to board city buses regardless of whether they are Koreans or foreigners! Please take note of this! Apologies on behalf of me for the inconvenience!
Our pleasure 😊 We love taking trains all over the world because they're all so different and also the most exciting is arriving to the new destination! Thank you so much for watching! 🥳
@@JayandKarolina In Korea, due to passengers' safety issues, carriers larger than 20 inches are not allowed to board city buses regardless of whether they are Koreans or foreigners! Please take note of this! Apologies on behalf of me for the inconvenience!
@@JayandKarolina In Korea, due to passengers' safety issues, carriers larger than 20 inches are not allowed to board city buses regardless of whether they are Koreans or foreigners! Please take note of this! Apologies on behalf of me for the inconvenience!
Thanks you so much for your new remarkable video for heading from Seoul to Busan, Korea on a great “Bullet Train” in great joy with many passengers November of 2024❤❤❤
Such a detailed and awesome video! You guys are so chill and enjoyable to watch when you travel. You can either put the whole bowl of rice in the soup, or dip by spoonful. Personally I’m team dipper!
You got to love those bullet trains. It's hte only way to travel in Korea. Quality Video ! We love❤❤ you guys ! So looking foward to the next video. Safe Travels and Stay Healthy 🙏🙏 from Jim and Harriet Richmond, VA
Thanks you guys so much for your new remarkable video to rides a remarkable “Bullet Train” from Seoul to Busan, South Korea this weekend in great joy November of 2024❤❤❤
아직도 한국여행중이시군요~^^ 날씨가 맑았다면 더 아름다운 바다를 보았을텐데 비오는날도 나름의 낭만이있죠~^^ 쌈도 한입에 드시고 배우신분~ ㅎㅎ 쌈을 한입에 다 넣어야 모든맛이 어우려져 풍부한맛을 한번에 느낄수가 있어요 날씨가 추우니 따뜻하게 입으시고 즐거운한국여행 하시길 바래요~ 😊
If your luggage exceeds a certain size, you will not be allowed to board the bus. I am afraid that this will be taken as discrimination. Welcome to Busan. I hope you have a pleasant trip.
It's all good as long as it's been communicated in a correct way. It was very difficult for us to figure it out at first why the bus driver closed the doors... Because it's not enough time to see all the posters/information on the bus when boarding 🧐 Thank you so much for watching! Hope you've been enjoying our other Korean vlogs!
We really loved it! We were very lucky because you'll see in our next 3-day video that the weather was just perfect and it was October time so it wasn't too crowded 😍
There were some accidents on the bus with big suitcases, it has wheels so may really dangerous when bus stop suddenly. So bus company make rule doesn't allowed big suit cases on board.
부산 출신으로 말씀드리자면 부산 버스 노선 중에는 30도 경사 오르내리는 노선 많습니다. 도로가 구 도심에서 해운대 가는 큰 도로와 서면 거쳐서 동래 쪽으로 가는 경우, 서면에서 사상 가는 3개의 메인 도로 외엔 다 경사지... 그나마 부산에 눈이 안 와서 상관없지만. 눈이 오면 도시가 마비되는 곳입니다. 적절한 규정으로 생각됩니다. 부산역을 지나 광안리 ,해운대로 가는 버스의 경우 공항버스처럼 짐칸을 따로 밑에 두는 관광버스형 시내버스를 도입할 때 까지는 안전을 위해서 어쩔 수 없다고 봅니다. 외지인이 큰 케이스를 가지고 주로 이동하는 구간이 부산역-> 광안리->해운대이기 때문에.. 이 구간에만 짐칸이 있는 버스를 도입할 필요가 있어 보이네요. 지하철을 타면 상관이 없지만..
Another nice video! BTW Sancheon is the 2nd generation of KTX. The latest one is 3rd gen Cheongryong and I tried that last summer after the University Excnahnge program in Seoul! -Audience from Hong Kong
The city of Busan has prohibited the bringing of large suitcases on city buses in order to create a more comfortable public transportation environment and ensure passenger safety. We ask for your understanding in this matter. Sundae contains glass noodles and various vegetables. Thank you for allowing me to see your smile again, Karolina. I hope you have a wonderful trip!
The reason is understandable, but the city seems to be doing a poor job communicating this to foreign tourists. Many of the signage is only in Korean for example
It's all good as long as it's been communicated in a correct way. It was very difficult for us to figure it out at first why the bus driver closed the doors... Because it's not enough time to see all the posters/information on the bus when boarding 🧐 We really enjoyed that Gukbap and all the side dishes for dinner ❤️ And need to say that actually Korean cuisine is one of our favourite ones overall!!! Thank you so much for watching! Hope you've been enjoying our other Korean vlogs!
@@JayandKarolina In fact, unlike large cities in Seoul and other provinces, Busan is not an easy city for travelers to enjoy deeply through preparation, especially considering the curvedness of the topography and slope, except for the coastal area. If you want to travel deep rather than flat or coastal areas when you revisit Busan next time, I recommend you to take a backpack instead of a carrier.
Also riding on a Korean bus is like surfing🏄.. i saw even young people struggling with balancing. Due to the hectic schedule of buses, drivers are always on a busy mode, and it will be very hard to manage your suitcase in the shakey bus😢. Even worse, Busan is notorious for its crazy-driving. I think that’s also why taking on a bus with suitcase is not allowed.
부산에서의 버스 경험이 좋지 않았음이 걱정되네요^^ 사람들의 안전을 위한 정책이지만 외국관광객들에게 홍보가 부족한건 개선해야할 부분인것 같습니다 부산역이나 버스승차장에 홍보안내를 적절하게 하면 좀 더 나은 여행을 준비 할 수 있을 거 같네요^^ 두분 한국여행 즐겁고 행복하게 하시길~~ 두번째 방문이니 더 좋고 많은 즐거움을 얻기를 진심으로 응원합니다 난 당신들의 첫번째 방문때 구독자가 되었습니다~^^
부산이 글쎄요... 외국인들이 관광하기에 적합한 도시가 맞을까요?... 도로 교통도 엉망이고 서울처럼 시스템화가 되어 있지 않아서..좀 ... 부산 분들은 무슨 말씀인줄 아실겁니다. 부산 사투리가 강하지는 않지만..경상도 특유의 제스쳐가 있습니다. 이게 외국인들에게는 좀 불쾌하게 느껴질 수도 있어요.
To be honest we were so CONFUSED 😂 After trying to enter two different buses spotted some sort of a sign on them saying that it’s not allowed to bring on board big suitcases… It’s very strange because the majority of people coming to Busan would have luggage with them haha
@@JayandKarolina 이런 기사가 있네요. "부산 시내버스에 승객 1인당 휴대할 수 있는 물품은 무게 20kg, 부피 50cm×40cm×20cm를 넘지 말아야 한다. 여행용 가방도 항공기 반입용인 20인치만 가능하다. 부산시는 시내버스 주요 이용객인 시민 편의와 운행 안전을 위한 조치라고 설명했다. 굴곡진 도로가 많은 부산에서 고정이 안 된 캐리어가 움직이면 안전사고를 유발할 수 있다고 본 때문이다." "캐리어 때문에 승차를 거부당해 막막해하는 관광객을 자주 목격했다. 시민과 관광객이 불편을 겪는 모습을 자주 봐서 부산 이미지가 나빠질까 봐 걱정" "부산시는 올해 하반기 중 대형 캐리어 반입이 가능한 시내버스를 도입해 시범적으로 운영할 계획이다"
6.25전쟁때 전국의 피난민들이 부산에 터를 잡았습니다. 가뜩이나 산지가 70%인 국토인데 부산이라고 다를바가 있었겠습니까 산이란 산엔 피난민들이 조성한 판자촌이가득했고 여태껏 그게 조성되어 발전하며 그인근을 중심으로 도로망이 형성되어왔고 그로인해 유난히 산복도로가 많은곳이 부산입니다. 부산 어느지역엘가도 산복도로가 즐비합니다. 저도 400군데가 넘는 거래처가있지만 아직 길을 다 모릅니다. 가끔 여기까지 버스가 들어오나 싶을정도로 급경사가 심한 구간도 제법있고 평지를 운행하다 오르막이 갑자기 진행되는 구간도 있으므로 캐리어가 버스내에서 갑자기 굴러갈위험성이 있습니다. 이런점에서본다면 버스에 케리어를끌고 탑승하는걸 금지하는게 당연해요. 댓글중에 민원을넣고 신고한다는 내용들이 보이는데 그럼 버스기사가 버스문을열고 나와서 손님에게 설명해야하나요?
Last month I watched your Beijing to Shanghai bullet 🚅 train and subway , incredible nice , very impressive for me , so even I watch other vlogs, can't blowing my mind. 😊
We’ve never experienced it anywhere else, only in Busan 🤨 Rules are rules and definitely they’re imposed because of safety but it wasn’t clearly communicated.
It should have been displayed on a signboard or somewhere else for the travelers, but unfortunately, it wasn’t. Additionally, there is a need to suggest an alternative in a reasonable/equivalent/inexpensive cost. it is obvious that travelers would be bringing their luggage. 여행자에게 그것을 사전에 알릴 필요가 있었을텐데 유감이네요. 여행자들 짐가방 가지고 오는거 뻔한데 말입니다.
아 ㅋㅋ;; 한국의 버스는 당신들이 가지고 다니는 그런 큰 트렁크를 가지고 탈수가 없습니다 한국 버스 이용법이 현대 버스에 맟추어 새롭게 만들어 졌습니다 옛날과 달리 요즘 버스는 이용자 편의 시설이 늘어나고 ~ 버스 공간내부 사용면적이 줄어 들었거든요 지하철과 달리 버스는 일정시간 외에는 이용율이 적다보니 이렇게 바뀌게 되었습니다 ㅎㅎ 이런 상황에 당신들의 트렁크는 무척이나 크기가 대단해서 거부 한것 같습니다 트렁크 사이즈가 정해져 있습니다 ... 맹목적인 크기 제한이 아닌 이유가 있는 트렁크 사이즈 제한 이란점을 이해 해주세요 .
big luggage is not allow to bring bus. without go far only big bus allow. I think here taxi quite expensive but i feel UK people to if you really can't find some where ride taxi not bad price like 3hr can't find somewhere or ride long journey airplane
It wasn’t too bad! It’s such strange that we could not take the buses with our luggage haha. But because the city is quite spread out, the public transportation would take forever 🤪
The bullet train in Korea seems to be slower, less stable, and dated compares to those in China (referring to your bullet train video from Beijing to Shanghai, 290 km/h vs 346 km/h). I guess it's good to be a late starter as improvements can be made to end up with better product (eg. better seating designs, fancier sink area and toilets, train's level to the station platform, etc.) Your video gave me an impression that the Korea train has less service. Eg. the Chinese train staff would bring snack to you, you can order hot food delivered to you, etc. The fares also differ quite a bit. Seoul to Busan (~325km costs about $59, Beijing to Shanghai (~ 1318km) costs about $176. Thanks for showing your Korean train ride experience. 👍🙏
for Korea bullet train, 420km used 2 hours and 45 mins, which means the average speed is only 152km/h. it's not considered as high-speed train in China. from Beijing to Shanghai, the average speed is 300km/h. it's double than Korea.
0:50 KTX Sancheon is the 2nd KTX and the most recent KTX is the 4th KTX, KTX Cheongryong. I've never seen a bus refuse to take a carrier even though I'm Korean. Maybe it's only Busan?
✅ From November 19th to December 2nd, LEVEL8 has a special 20% discount on all products on their official website! Follow this link to find out more: bit.ly/3ZAdoQR
You can't take a carrier on a city bus in Korea. You can take the subway. It's because the city bus has a small space and many people take it, so it's dangerous when stopping the departure. Please understand that it was because there was an accident due to a car getting on and off because of luggage.
@@Moning2781 the city should clearly provide this information in multiple languages at bus stops to prevent issues. Extremely rude for bus drivers to just ignore tourists and drive off rather than try and explain the rules.
@@flibblesan 버스의 출입문과 버스 승강장에 영어와 그림으로 크게 안내되어있습니다( 12:31
In Korea, due to passengers' safety issues, carriers larger than 20 inches are not allowed to board city buses regardless of whether they are Koreans or foreigners! Please take note of this! Apologies on behalf of me for the inconvenience!
Thank you for sharing this video with us ❤Wish you’d enjoyed this trip 👍
Our pleasure 😊 We love taking trains all over the world because they're all so different and also the most exciting is arriving to the new destination! Thank you so much for watching! 🥳
환영합니다^^ 부산에 오셨었군요. 손님이 많은 음식점이 맛있는 곳인데, 참 잘 찾아가셨네요^^ 즐겁게 한국을 여행하는 것 같아 보여 흐뭇하네요^^
Busan has become one of our favourite cities ever 😍 Honestly it has it all - beautiful coastline, hills around, and also great food spots!
@@JayandKarolina In Korea, due to passengers' safety issues, carriers larger than 20 inches are not allowed to board city buses regardless of whether they are Koreans or foreigners! Please take note of this! Apologies on behalf of me for the inconvenience!
한국부산에서 맛있는것 많이드시고 즐거운여행 되었길바래요.되었길바래요 응원할게요 😊
You'll see in our next vlog that it was a delicious trip indeed 😍 Thank you so much for watching!
이 채널은 한국여행자에게 정말 소중한 영상 입니다
모든것을 세심하게 안내 해주네요
즐거운 여행 되시길 바랍니다
Thank you so much 😍 It means a lot to us!
@@JayandKarolina In Korea, due to passengers' safety issues, carriers larger than 20 inches are not allowed to board city buses regardless of whether they are Koreans or foreigners! Please take note of this! Apologies on behalf of me for the inconvenience!
ㅋㅋ잘 즐기고 가시길!!!!!
Thanks you so much for your new remarkable video for heading from Seoul to Busan, Korea on a great “Bullet Train” in great joy with many passengers November of 2024❤❤❤
Awesome ❤❤😊 love your video's 🙏 Seoul Korea
Such a detailed and awesome video! You guys are so chill and enjoyable to watch when you travel.
You can either put the whole bowl of rice in the soup, or dip by spoonful. Personally I’m team dipper!
You got to love those bullet trains. It's hte only way to travel in Korea. Quality Video ! We love❤❤ you guys ! So looking foward to the next video. Safe Travels and Stay Healthy 🙏🙏
from Jim and Harriet Richmond, VA
부산하면 국밥이 빠질 수 없죠 여행 정석으로 하고계시네요 굿^^
Oh yes, 100%! Gukbap was just the best 😍 We’ve had it multiple times afterwards!
즐거운 여행되세요 ^^*
Thanks you guys so much for your new remarkable video to rides a remarkable “Bullet Train” from Seoul to Busan, South Korea this weekend in great joy November of 2024❤❤❤
The noise of this high-speed train sounds like a conventional train.
아직도 한국여행중이시군요~^^
날씨가 맑았다면 더 아름다운 바다를
보았을텐데 비오는날도 나름의
쌈도 한입에 드시고 배우신분~ ㅎㅎ
쌈을 한입에 다 넣어야 모든맛이 어우려져
풍부한맛을 한번에 느낄수가 있어요
날씨가 추우니 따뜻하게 입으시고
즐거운한국여행 하시길 바래요~ 😊
If your luggage exceeds a certain size, you will not be allowed to board the bus.
I am afraid that this will be taken as discrimination.
Welcome to Busan. I hope you have a pleasant trip.
It's all good as long as it's been communicated in a correct way. It was very difficult for us to figure it out at first why the bus driver closed the doors... Because it's not enough time to see all the posters/information on the bus when boarding 🧐
Thank you so much for watching! Hope you've been enjoying our other Korean vlogs!
Busan Pork and Rice Soup 😅
So good!!! We had it couple of times afterwards 😂😂😂
Amazing how Carolina teleported to her seat at the start! 😅
That Airbnb is a bargain at $56 per night. It's really nice for that price, especially with a nice view too.
19:14 뒤에 헤드폰 착용하고 혼자서 소주를 두 병이나 까며 혼밥하는 여성분이 레전드네ㅋㅋㅋ 저렇게 사람 많은 곳에서 누구의 시선도 신경 쓰지않고 홀로 소주 두 병을 까며 여유롭게 식사를 하다니..ㅋㅋ😂
부럽습니다 부산은 한국인인 나도 20년전에 가보고 못가봤네요 ^^ 맛있는 집이 많다고하니 많이 즐기시길 바랍니다 즐거운 여행되시길...
We really loved it! We were very lucky because you'll see in our next 3-day video that the weather was just perfect and it was October time so it wasn't too crowded 😍
예전부터 느꼈지만 이분들은 남녀 둘다 착해보임😆
감사합니다. 잘 보았습니다. thank you for your video.
Thanks for the informative vedio , enjoy your trip
Welcome to BUSAN!!
Welcome to South Korea
indeed the fastest train of South Korea. enjoy
Funny no suitcases allowed on theae buses you could see this happening in the UK there would be a riot good video
😂😂😂😂 I’ve just imagined it lol
와 영상보니까 나도 갑자기 부산 땡기네
We're so glad to hear that! You'd need to watch our 3-day episode from Busan! Will upload it very soon :)
Have a nice trip. Thank you for the video.
한국에서 즐겁고 행복한시간 되세요~^^
There were some accidents on the bus with big suitcases, it has wheels so may really dangerous when bus stop suddenly. So bus company make rule doesn't allowed big suit cases on board.
Hi Jay congratulations on the video you made 😄
Hi Karolina you are always fantastic as always 😘
한국 여행 즐겁게 보내세요~~ 구독 하고 갑니다 good job ^^
such a shame we don't have trains as good we in uk are so behind, the hotel is gorgeous everything you need there
부산 출신으로 말씀드리자면 부산 버스 노선 중에는 30도 경사 오르내리는 노선 많습니다. 도로가 구 도심에서 해운대 가는 큰 도로와 서면 거쳐서 동래 쪽으로 가는 경우, 서면에서 사상 가는 3개의 메인 도로 외엔 다 경사지... 그나마 부산에 눈이 안 와서 상관없지만. 눈이 오면 도시가 마비되는 곳입니다. 적절한 규정으로 생각됩니다. 부산역을 지나 광안리 ,해운대로 가는 버스의 경우 공항버스처럼 짐칸을 따로 밑에 두는 관광버스형 시내버스를 도입할 때 까지는 안전을 위해서 어쩔 수 없다고 봅니다. 외지인이 큰 케이스를 가지고 주로 이동하는 구간이 부산역-> 광안리->해운대이기 때문에.. 이 구간에만 짐칸이 있는 버스를 도입할 필요가 있어 보이네요. 지하철을 타면 상관이 없지만..
서울경기도도 시내버스는 대형캐리어를 안태워 주는거로 알아요
캐리어 들고 공항버스나 지하철만 탔지 시내버스는 탄적이 없어서 몰랐는데 그렇군요
Another nice video! BTW Sancheon is the 2nd generation of KTX. The latest one is 3rd gen Cheongryong and I tried that last summer after the University Excnahnge program in Seoul! -Audience from Hong Kong
Great to know! Thanks for sharing! Hope you enjoyed the video 🥳
Another Day, Another Vlog 🤍🤍🤍
The city of Busan has prohibited the bringing of large suitcases on city buses in order to create a more comfortable public transportation environment and ensure passenger safety. We ask for your understanding in this matter.
Sundae contains glass noodles and various vegetables.
Thank you for allowing me to see your smile again, Karolina. I hope you have a wonderful trip!
The reason is understandable, but the city seems to be doing a poor job communicating this to foreign tourists. Many of the signage is only in Korean for example
It's all good as long as it's been communicated in a correct way. It was very difficult for us to figure it out at first why the bus driver closed the doors... Because it's not enough time to see all the posters/information on the bus when boarding 🧐
We really enjoyed that Gukbap and all the side dishes for dinner ❤️ And need to say that actually Korean cuisine is one of our favourite ones overall!!!
Thank you so much for watching! Hope you've been enjoying our other Korean vlogs!
@@JayandKarolina In fact, unlike large cities in Seoul and other provinces, Busan is not an easy city for travelers to enjoy deeply through preparation, especially considering the curvedness of the topography and slope, except for the coastal area. If you want to travel deep rather than flat or coastal areas when you revisit Busan next time, I recommend you to take a backpack instead of a carrier.
I don't understand why carrying large luggage affects transportation?
Also riding on a Korean bus is like surfing🏄.. i saw even young people struggling with balancing. Due to the hectic schedule of buses, drivers are always on a busy mode, and it will be very hard to manage your suitcase in the shakey bus😢. Even worse, Busan is notorious for its crazy-driving. I think that’s also why taking on a bus with suitcase is not allowed.
부산에서의 버스 경험이 좋지 않았음이 걱정되네요^^ 사람들의 안전을 위한 정책이지만 외국관광객들에게 홍보가 부족한건 개선해야할 부분인것 같습니다 부산역이나 버스승차장에 홍보안내를 적절하게 하면 좀 더 나은 여행을 준비 할 수 있을 거 같네요^^ 두분 한국여행 즐겁고 행복하게 하시길~~ 두번째 방문이니 더 좋고 많은 즐거움을 얻기를 진심으로 응원합니다 난 당신들의 첫번째 방문때 구독자가 되었습니다~^^
두사람 얼굴에서 피곤함과 짜증난표정이 없는모습이 아름답습니다 행복하세요❤❤
부산은 캐리어 있다고 안태워주나요?
부피가 너무 커서 그런건가?
저런 상황은 처음 보네
진짜 이상하네요
부산이 글쎄요... 외국인들이 관광하기에 적합한 도시가 맞을까요?...
도로 교통도 엉망이고 서울처럼 시스템화가 되어 있지 않아서..좀 ...
부산 분들은 무슨 말씀인줄 아실겁니다.
부산 사투리가 강하지는 않지만..경상도 특유의 제스쳐가 있습니다.
이게 외국인들에게는 좀 불쾌하게 느껴질 수도 있어요.
To be honest we were so CONFUSED 😂 After trying to enter two different buses spotted some sort of a sign on them saying that it’s not allowed to bring on board big suitcases… It’s very strange because the majority of people coming to Busan would have luggage with them haha
@@JayandKarolina 이런 기사가 있네요.
"부산 시내버스에 승객 1인당 휴대할 수 있는 물품은 무게 20kg, 부피 50cm×40cm×20cm를 넘지 말아야 한다. 여행용 가방도 항공기 반입용인 20인치만 가능하다. 부산시는 시내버스 주요 이용객인 시민 편의와 운행 안전을 위한 조치라고 설명했다. 굴곡진 도로가 많은 부산에서 고정이 안 된 캐리어가 움직이면 안전사고를 유발할 수 있다고 본 때문이다."
"캐리어 때문에 승차를 거부당해 막막해하는 관광객을 자주 목격했다. 시민과 관광객이 불편을 겪는 모습을 자주 봐서 부산 이미지가 나빠질까 봐 걱정"
"부산시는 올해 하반기 중 대형 캐리어 반입이 가능한 시내버스를 도입해 시범적으로 운영할 계획이다"
해외가는데 버스 이용안하시니 모르시는구나 영종도 버스 캐리어 거절당했습니다. 거절하는게 규정이맞아요.
6.25전쟁때 전국의 피난민들이 부산에 터를 잡았습니다.
가뜩이나 산지가 70%인 국토인데 부산이라고 다를바가 있었겠습니까
산이란 산엔 피난민들이 조성한 판자촌이가득했고 여태껏 그게 조성되어 발전하며 그인근을 중심으로 도로망이 형성되어왔고 그로인해 유난히 산복도로가 많은곳이 부산입니다.
부산 어느지역엘가도 산복도로가 즐비합니다.
저도 400군데가 넘는 거래처가있지만 아직 길을 다 모릅니다.
가끔 여기까지 버스가 들어오나 싶을정도로 급경사가 심한 구간도 제법있고 평지를 운행하다 오르막이 갑자기 진행되는 구간도 있으므로
캐리어가 버스내에서 갑자기 굴러갈위험성이 있습니다.
이런점에서본다면 버스에 케리어를끌고 탑승하는걸 금지하는게 당연해요.
댓글중에 민원을넣고 신고한다는 내용들이 보이는데 그럼 버스기사가 버스문을열고 나와서 손님에게 설명해야하나요?
시내버스에는 대형캐리어가방을 가지고 못타게 합니다.
택시기사가 친절하네요.
한국에서 좋은 추억 갖고 가시길 바랍니다.
I want you Have a good time in Korea.
Maybe do sub title yourselves? 18:46 "Dryer & washing machine is needed. It's perfect because Carolina is starting to smell."
Last month I watched your Beijing to Shanghai bullet 🚅 train and subway , incredible nice , very impressive for me , so even I watch other vlogs, can't blowing my mind. 😊
Thoroughly enjoyable 😊👍
Great standard train 🚆 ☑️
20:49 that one is Chinese leeks (korean leeks)
미국 어느도시에서 오셧나요? 재미있게 놀다 가세요!😄😁
Jay is from the UK (Nottingham) and I’m from Poland :)
KTX산천은 구형모델입니다. KTX청룡이 최신모델이지요.
한국에서 즐거운 여행되세요.
Love your work see you next trip👍
Hello friends. I am hungry. Portions on the table were quite big. Did you finish them all?
We actually did because we love Gukbap and all the side dishes 😍😂
한국에서는 승객의 안전문제 때문에 20인치 이상 되는 캐리어는 내국인, 외국인 가리지 않고 시내버스 탑승이 불가능 합니다! 이점 참고 부탁드립니다!
We’ve never experienced it anywhere else, only in Busan 🤨 Rules are rules and definitely they’re imposed because of safety but it wasn’t clearly communicated.
부산은 굴곡이 심한 길이 많아 안전문제로 대형캐리어 가방을 일반버스와 탑승할수 없습니다.
Youve done poland you should go back to india and do a series there
I’ve never lived in India but the plan is to visit it one day together :)🇮🇳
You can only take a carrier under 20 inches on the bus
It should have been displayed on a signboard or somewhere else for the travelers, but unfortunately, it wasn’t. Additionally, there is a need to suggest an alternative in a reasonable/equivalent/inexpensive cost. it is obvious that travelers would be bringing their luggage.
여행자에게 그것을 사전에 알릴 필요가 있었을텐데 유감이네요. 여행자들 짐가방 가지고 오는거 뻔한데 말입니다.
Not many zombies on that Train to Busan! 🤣🤣
Thank god 😂😂😂
아 ㅋㅋ;;
한국의 버스는 당신들이 가지고 다니는 그런 큰 트렁크를 가지고 탈수가 없습니다
한국 버스 이용법이 현대 버스에 맟추어 새롭게 만들어 졌습니다
옛날과 달리 요즘 버스는 이용자 편의 시설이 늘어나고 ~ 버스 공간내부 사용면적이 줄어 들었거든요
지하철과 달리 버스는 일정시간 외에는 이용율이 적다보니 이렇게 바뀌게 되었습니다
ㅎㅎ 이런 상황에 당신들의 트렁크는 무척이나 크기가 대단해서 거부 한것 같습니다
트렁크 사이즈가 정해져 있습니다 ... 맹목적인 크기 제한이 아닌 이유가 있는 트렁크 사이즈 제한 이란점을 이해 해주세요 .
Seoul Busan and south korea are so beautiful. And trains are my favourite transport
감동 가득 안고갑니다.
구독 눌렀고요.
외국에서 무엇이든 협조요청시 아마 거의 도울겁니다
너무 예쁘고 너무 잘생겼고 너무 착하다^^
Train to Busan!
Next time, Be careful! Zombie! In the middle!
Food Luck and Beach! Enjoy Busan!
Congratulations to you guys for riding a remarkable “Bullet Train” from Seoul to Busan, South Korea this weekend in great joy this November of 2024❤❤❤
22:06 김치
I miss Korea....
한국 뉴스에서 봤어요
관광객 캐리어 못들고 타서 당황했다고 하네요 너무 바보같은 정책이라 생가합니다ㅠㅠ
한국여행 잘하시고 행복하세요😊
한국에서는 승객의 안전문제 때문에 20인치 이상 되는 캐리어는 내국인, 외국인 가리지 않고 시내버스 탑승이 불가능 합니다! 이점 참고 부탁드립니다!
이쁜 커플 ^^오늘도 좋은하루 되세요
The train is so old and there are steps to get on it?
Try to visit Jeju island.
big luggage is not allow to bring bus. without go far only big bus allow. I think here taxi quite expensive but i feel UK people to if you really can't find some where ride taxi not bad price like 3hr can't find somewhere or ride long journey airplane
Train to Busan
Thank you so much 😍
hey man, just so you know, you can just use uber in korea
좋은 추억 많이 만들고 가세요. ㅎㅎ
Where did you guys book the first class tickets from Seoul to Busan?
On the Korail official website :)
@ Thanks! Going in 3 weeks and y’all’s videos have been super helpful getting an idea of what to do!
12:27 버스 기사분이 왜 문을 닫았는지 예상되시는 분 있나요??? 저 크기의 가방을 휴대 했다고 안 태워줄리 없는데...
좀 알아보고나 기사 욕 해라. 나도 처음에는 승차거부 한 지 알았는데 두 버스 모두 안 태운걸 보고 밑에 댓글 찾아보니 승객 안전과 편의를 고려한 부산시 방침이란다. 외국인이라 그런게 아니고..
부산은 해안가쪽만 다닐게 아니면 캐리어갖고가지말고 배낭이나 가벼운 차림으로 가는게 좋을텐데
하필이면 1세대 산천;;;
여자분 웃을 때 입이 너무 귀여움...
한국에서는 버스를 탈때에는
커피를 들고 탈 수가 없습니다
First class train with no hot food option, shame about that
It was morning time so we didn’t really plan to eat anyways :)
uber work Korea
Hi. why don't you try to travel to Jeju island.
We originally didn’t plan to go because we were afraid it won’t be good weather 🥲
여자친구가 굉장히 참하고 이쁘네요..
Taxis in Busan is quite affordable, we took it almost everywhere we went. The metro and buses weren’t the most accessible or took too long.
It wasn’t too bad! It’s such strange that we could not take the buses with our luggage haha. But because the city is quite spread out, the public transportation would take forever 🤪
@ I’m guessing because it gets very crowded sometimes and luggage will be hindrance.
The bullet train in Korea seems to be slower, less stable, and dated compares to those in China (referring to your bullet train video from Beijing to Shanghai, 290 km/h vs 346 km/h). I guess it's good to be a late starter as improvements can be made to end up with better product (eg. better seating designs, fancier sink area and toilets, train's level to the station platform, etc.) Your video gave me an impression that the Korea train has less service. Eg. the Chinese train staff would bring snack to you, you can order hot food delivered to you, etc. The fares also differ quite a bit. Seoul to Busan (~325km costs about $59, Beijing to Shanghai (~ 1318km) costs about $176.
Thanks for showing your Korean train ride experience. 👍🙏
for Korea bullet train, 420km used 2 hours and 45 mins, which means the average speed is only 152km/h. it's not considered as high-speed train in China. from Beijing to Shanghai, the average speed is 300km/h. it's double than Korea.
@@FrankZhang-pj9nn 8:52 shows the speed of the train was 290km/h.
@@minkuan5194 I said the average speed is only 152km/h.
@@FrankZhang-pj9nn🤭🤭Jealousy is the devil
@@BBCNN-i6l haha, data is data, truth hurt, right?
왜 캐리어를 들고 버스를 안태워주는 ㄱㅓ죠??
We were also surprised haha but apparently big suitcases weren’t allowed on the buses in Busan.
Cảm ơn đã chia sẻ...
5:45 일반인들 얼굴은 모자이크를 했어야 될듯한데..
한국인이 보면 혈압 먹방인데 ㅋㅋㅋ
0:50 KTX Sancheon is the 2nd KTX and the most recent KTX is the 4th KTX, KTX Cheongryong.
I've never seen a bus refuse to take a carrier even though I'm Korean. Maybe it's only Busan?
Thanks for sharing! We loved that train :) Yeah, the bus situation was strange... We've never experienced it anywhere else...
what's the speed of that bullet train?
It's in the video ;)
큰 캐리어가 굴러가면 다칠 수 있어서 그렇다는데...
Yeah, it’s somewhat understandable hut we didn’t know that was the case at first!