@bladerizer No tegelikult raisk tähendab sama mis raibe. Raibe on halvustav sõna mingi surnud looma või inimese laipa. Seega õigem tõlge oleks raisk - carrion See laul on loits. Tahetakse öelda, et see, kes julgeb meie vastu lahinguväljal tulla on juba surnud. Haisev ja lagunev raibe. This song is a spell. They want to say that anyone who dares to come against us on the battlefield is already dead. Tainted disrepair and carrion.
Estonian national romanticism is ace. A lot of European countries have this sort of thing going, synthesizing metal with classical music and national heritage.
Sorry! Estonia as a country was founded in 1918 and occupied in 1939. Estonians have lived here for over 11 000 years. Estonia and the name Esonian comes from old swedis/danish language Estland/Estlander. Nothing to do with stones. Estonians were the last PAGANS, who surrendered to christianity(well, not really) in the 6th crusade(?).When was US founded, or Russia?
I am amazed! An absolutely great version of a f...ng great song
Hails to RAM & Metsatöll!!!
No tegelikult raisk tähendab sama mis raibe. Raibe on halvustav sõna mingi surnud looma või inimese laipa. Seega õigem tõlge oleks raisk - carrion
See laul on loits. Tahetakse öelda, et see, kes julgeb meie vastu lahinguväljal tulla on juba surnud. Haisev ja lagunev raibe.
This song is a spell. They want to say that anyone who dares to come against us on the battlefield is already dead. Tainted disrepair and carrion.
Thank you for explaining this!
Lõpp oli väga hea :) muidu ka väga sünge esitlus :)(Y)
Estonian national romanticism is ace. A lot of European countries have this sort of thing going, synthesizing metal with classical music and national heritage.
Just look on people faces, they all know what song is all about!
See lugu meelitab pisarad silmi !:)
Great!!! :)
(raisk! :D )
Sorry! Estonia as a country was founded in 1918 and occupied in 1939. Estonians have lived here for over 11 000 years. Estonia and the name Esonian comes from old swedis/danish language Estland/Estlander. Nothing to do with stones. Estonians were the last PAGANS, who surrendered to christianity(well, not really) in the 6th crusade(?).When was US founded, or Russia?
Oeh, see 'raisk' oli tõeliselt ootamatu seal lõpus. Äärmiselt hea töötlus.
Mis on tõline patriotism? Kas ma olen patrioot?
JAH, seda lugu kuulates tunnen küll midagi erilist.
Am I patriot? Yes, I think so