When the harvest ended, the harvesters span a wreath and a roll called 'rainroll'. This folkway was meant to parry harm. The wheat's seeds used for these items were mixed with the seeds the following year for casting, to gain a rich growth.
You have to put the wheat in water for a whole day and remove all leaves before you start spinning. It's a pity you don't understand Hungarian, but if you watch the film closely, you'll surely succeed. Good luck!
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ماشاء الله فن لايتخيله عقل
من مواد بسيطة تتكسر تصنعون فنا راقيا
كل الشكر والاحترام لكم ولدأبكم
*رائعة* 👏👍ارجو عرض المزيد من هذه الفيديوهات وشكرا لكم🌹🌝
can someone translate the meaning of this weaving. what is the purpose, besides the beauty?
When the harvest ended, the harvesters span a wreath and a roll called 'rainroll'. This folkway was meant to parry harm. The wheat's seeds used for these items were mixed with the seeds the following year for casting, to gain a rich growth.
Karesz56 wonderful, thank you. I love the old traditions, what language is it? where is the tradition from?
I already tried to make it, it's beatiful.
You have to put the wheat in water for a whole day and remove all leaves before you start spinning. It's a pity you don't understand Hungarian, but if you watch the film closely, you'll surely succeed. Good luck!
Hi, I'm Tom and I can help you in English in the topic you contacted with Károly.