University of Maine Cooperative Extension discusses the technique of frost seeding to help improve production, and increase diversity, in hayfield grasses and legumes.
Anytime after December should work for most legumes. Here in the Ozarks, the only consideration is not too early to avoid sprouting in fall then freezing out. You can run a roller over it too.
Sorry for the long delay in answering your question..I am referring to clovers and alfalfa as the legume used in frost seeding.
What type of legume are you referring to in this video? as far as I knew, legume was a category of plants that contain lentils and peanuts.
Clover and Alfalfa
what about when during the winter when temp stays above freezing at night?? like in New Jersey during Feb 2017???
Anytime after December should work for most legumes. Here in the Ozarks, the only consideration is not too early to avoid sprouting in fall then freezing out. You can run a roller over it too.