Age of Wonders 3 - Human Theocrat - #1

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 15

  • @zeshoot84
    @zeshoot84 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This skill, along with healing aura is what makes Draco or Ork Theocrat almost broken OP combination (deliberately siding from halflings with VERY LUCKY when u pick Chaplain and start stacking that trait on them, I hate halflings...).
    As Draco You heal yourself a good amount by turn due natural regen on all units. Ork have victory rush which is a free heal on win. That combined with additional regeneration options from class makes You to run multiple battles at the same turn, even with low HP units cuz every new turn You gonna be fully healed 'n ready to go. I am talking early game, like from lvl 1 till 5 ish.
    Heal will stack, so the amount I've mentioned will be obsolete to T1, T2 units. But, still, T3 or your higher medal T1-2, Heroes will benefit from any amount of regeneration. Therefore, imho, any amount of healing options isn't a waste of a points.
    Exception might be Shrines cuz them benefit from mechanical maintenance to 'heal'. Still, as them gaining strenght from any 'devouted' unit on the battlefield - the more/longer alive units (mass of grown T1-2 units), the more punch Your Shrine brings.
    Tbh, I can't tell till today, who's superior in healing options. Theo or Necro. With all the support heals, spells from Creation, Class, Empire Enhancements Theo is pretty OP. On the other side - Necro with Healers of the dead + Reanimators, Class heal, Life leech, Life Drain, etc...Crazy stuff. Both are insanely strong in my eyes.
    Take time. Theo is like I've said - Necro in a mirror. As Necro U don't bother with morale at all. As Theo, You will gonna overflow with it (Chaplain, Devout, etc) till the point that You gonna crit 2/3 or 3/3 attacks each unit on most all battles. And when You get cursed - even that - 300 morale won't gonna put Your units in unhappy/fumble state. Theo is all about buff/support the way Necro is curse/exploit weakness/debuff. Necro is based on killing and bringing back units for Yourself and thralls. Theo is all about preserving all life, prevent from dying with all the heals, resurgence, regen. This is so funny they are both all about 'undying' army xD
    Dunno about Your plans with that city below. Wondering - how many turns till it grows the border, do You attack it and take by force? Do you do the vasal quest? What I am thinking about is to gain the benefit of +20 knowledge per turn from both Ancient Runis. Maby a quick buildier into a fort is an option, that's if Ya wanna befriend the city for alignment/racial gov? I am saying this to back my previous comment about 'rushing' T3 support for Convert/Healing option (Evangelist). And that's a pricey tech considering turn 8 one city research per turn ;)
    Yup, most battles against Undead with Theo are eazy. All the spirit damage You can deal per turn, combined with all the buffs, marks, turn undead abilities on heroes/supports - crazy stuff. You gonna enjoy Theo, I know I will, when watching this game ;)
    About that - Theo can be pretty close to Dreadnought in 'producion' capability. ou can rush most of producion with close to no penalty (like necro) by casting Sanctified Sites. That way in turn or two You gonna cover the -100 from rushing production when at the same time Paid Absolution gonna cover an extra expenses from doing this. It's kinda like having Necro with Mana cells on city. I most always rush production to gain the benefits for making new units or good economy faster (exception is lack of money or if rushing shrinks city and prevent income from surrounding buildings. Then I consider make stone wall - quick upgrade - into rush production. Boarder will cover my treasure sites and I will benefit from boosted production for units/upgrades.
    What I see there xD. Now that's a juicy spot for a builder that You might make for both Anceint ruins (if You wanna ally that City I;ve mentioned in comment above). Any of the cities are gonna grow there for a while. That's just free money. Builder is only 60 gold - pretty quick return on an investment. You like Your gold after last game, don't You? ;)
    And another one in 1:07:55 - next to Capital, over the mountains. That's like an extra 40 from there alone (2xgold mine and trading post - 20) gold per turn, very quickly. Then You can easily buy out Your neighbours to the right and Tigrans to the west. Or make an extra stack, or two, maintain Your converted units, or invest in citie upgrades ;)
    And that's all the benefits from one Builder. 60 gold 1 turn investment. Hell, You can even consider building a city later on in that south spot, on fort. Decent money, close to road and other cities (easy do defend) and ancient site research boost. That's a good start U have this series. Happy for Ya!

    • @CRAIGatron
      @CRAIGatron  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I really appreciate all the tips for playing Theocrat! They are going to come in handy for sure. As I mentioned, I'm definitely more comfortable playing Necromancer but I can see how Theocrat is kind of a "mirror" of a Necromancer as you said.

  • @zeshoot84
    @zeshoot84 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Like that combination - Human and Theocrat. Got some strong, good synergies there. First of - Humans have highest amount of 'naturally' DEVOUT units - Priest and Knight. Both gonna benefit from Mark the Heretic - pretty early and cheap spell. Also Priests have spirit damage and heal by default - good vs most dungeons, also buffed more by Mark the Heretic. Them being Support unit with heal - gaining Sacred arms - more DPS. Order of Healing - more HP regen to all units. That gives player acces to two types of healers - either T1 Priest or T3 Evangelist.
    Second devout unit - Knight. Oh Man, they are scary. Shielded, Monster/Dragon slayer, Charge/Devastating charge, Armored. They have HP, DPS, mobility. With all the buffs from Theo - specheless.
    I do remember that You love to play as a thievery corporation gamestyle. Curse, kill, convert, ressurect type of style. I liked it. So I came up with some thoughts about this one.
    You my think of Theo kinda like Necro in mirror. First of - remember that LVL 7 You gain Convert with Your hero. That makes him what You basically used as Necro last time - steal all the high tier units. Not the most reliable way to gain units, kinda dependable on whom You're fighting, what's their Resistance, etc. Therefore You might considering rush T3 support - Evangelist. They also have Convert. - more chances to get the unit You want.
    If You gain them quickly and manage to ELITE - they inflict Spirit Breaking. Loweres enemy resistance, makes Convert more likely to happened. Anyway, they are good support to get. Mass stacks with Crusaders, backed with Priests and/or Evangelists is a force of recon. Hard to bleed, hard to kill in one turn, regen HP quickly - either in or out of combat.
    Glad You've picked Humans. I really need to see them in action from someons perspective. Cheers!

    • @CRAIGatron
      @CRAIGatron  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's a solid plan. I may try actually producing more of my army this time around although I like the idea of using the evangelists to convert as much as possible.

    • @ot23234
      @ot23234 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Good point about similarity to necro.
      Theo is a universal synergy class; what DOESN'T go well with healing, bonus damage, 50% damage reflect, more bonus damage, and flying infantry with resurgence?!
      Dwarf crusader is like an honorary T3 unit due to defender + defensive strike, and when backed up by support w/ 2 heals...

  • @MarcusPersson1
    @MarcusPersson1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hi, good luck in your play-through! Nice set of mods selected to spice up the base game. Some things to think about is: to use a mod (Mod for PBEM and Singel Player) which balance and limits xp exploits (what you did in the first battle a little bit) where you use as many attacks as possible to get as much xp as possible, you should also increase the defender strength to make it more challenging and at the same time you might want to reduce the strength of the start army - but with the mod set I think increasing defender strenght is enough. For future references, the bandits spawns around turn 5 and undead camps (small ones) at around 10. The big necromatic circles start spawn at turn 30. A good build order, especially for Humans, is Builders Hall, Settler, Shrine, Labaratory, Observatory and depending on income go for a 2nd Settler at this point. Big mistake many new players do is delaying the settling and just focusing on building the first city to max - Anyway, nice 1st video

    • @zeshoot84
      @zeshoot84 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Huh, yeah, I see Your point in PBEM mod. I do use it since it was released - to spice up my game and make it more 'true' to what the real game would look like. Very good balance mod.
      About cranking up defenders - I must disagree. And let me explain. Imho this mod is only 'balanced' IF you fight all battles on auto. We all know that's easy to exploit AI's behaviour during tactical manual battles (at least for long-term-players). AI on other hand, gonna just waste units on certain structures. That way, it's gonna weaken itself comparing to player. That is what I've seen during my games. Maby You or other people have different point of view.
      About build order - I think it always depends on what's Your starting position (forges, mines, mana nodes), what's Your starting stack composition (how many t2, t3, starting hero), what's your already researched spells/tech (do You have t1 class researched? do you plan to quickly build spec units?), how close is Your next independent city (are you gonna fight it as shadowborn, befriend, go questing, plan to buy out?). Many things. I can pretty much tell, I do almost ALWAYS go BH first, and 8/10 gonna rush it. But I did play games with Partisan when I simply went full on manual battles to buff my stack/s and buy on go units while trying to upgrade research cap for empire/call buffs. Along with friendly independent cities being easier to buy out (BH gives You produce buildier, which can follow you and make forts to benefit all gold/mana/research you clear during conquest).
      Anyhow, You're right to expand as fast as you can. Economy is the key ;)

    • @MarcusPersson1
      @MarcusPersson1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@zeshoot84 That was a lot of words in the end, to ultimately agree on a settler is important to get out asap :) I guess its a good point you make in regards to auto battles from the AI, do remember that they get a hefty advantage in units to start with so certainly makes up for it in manual battle (for the player). Anyway, the man asked for feedback and I gave it!

    • @zeshoot84
      @zeshoot84 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MarcusPersson1 hahahaha...I know...I love to talk much sometimes. And don't get me wrong. I am happy to see someone's point of view and experience cuz I was a bit lonely with creator on other people's gamestyle. Cheers! 🖖

    • @CRAIGatron
      @CRAIGatron  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for all the info! It's good to know roughly when everything spawns as that would help with unit allocation, especially in the early game.
      I appreciate your advice about not focusing on building my first city to the max right away. In future playthroughs I'll try employing a strategy similar to what you suggested in order to help my empire grow faster in the early stages of the game as that is definitely a weak point for me.
      In terms of increasing defender strength, I really like the idea and I've tried it before in games. My only concern is that the AI tends to throw units at treasure structures and I'm concerned that it would actually end up making the game easier in the long run as the AI opponents might lose more units before I even get to them. That said, I enjoy the challenge the stronger defenders pose to me so it might be worth doing in a future playthrough.
      I really like your suggestion of trying out starting with fewer units! I'm definitely going to try that.

    • @MauveButterfly
      @MauveButterfly 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@zeshoot84 Just a quick point about the PBEM mod. In PBEM it's expected that you will do manual battles against neutrals. You are only forced to auto-battle other players.
      The mod is definitely NOT balanced around doing auto-battle against neutral stacks. That's how live multiplayer games are played, not PBEM games (and they have a separate balance mod for that reason as I recall.)

  • @DK-th5nt
    @DK-th5nt 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel sorry for your hero who gets killed in every battle. Whatever sins he commited he surely earned redemption.

    • @CRAIGatron
      @CRAIGatron  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      He certainly earned his redemption and then some.

  • @ot23234
    @ot23234 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Halliburdsman? Isn't that the corporation we invaded Iraq for? Must be a unit from one of those mods you love ;)
    Good stuff, appreciate the vids :)

    • @CRAIGatron
      @CRAIGatron  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hahahaha, nice one.