Hey Courtney: From that list I have for my 1025R a loader with standard bucket and toothbar, a weight box, a backhoe, a rear blade, a BC grapple a MMM and of course pallet forks! Also have seasonal attachments like; the CMP dethatcher (will be using this Fall), a snow pusher and, front mount blower. Lots of other knick knacks too as you know, wheel spacers, tamers, quick hitch, tow bars, mirrors, hooks, etc...List is way too long! I am sure to add one or more this year.. LOL! Thanks for sharing!
I know you don't like backhoe too much on tractors but I love my backhoe better than ballast box easier to hook up then three points and very useful and never get stuck
I've used mine to remove stumps, dig post holes and my latest project was to fix my water line due to a leak. Helps when your ground is made up with rocks from a small tennis ball to a basketball. I've heard it's a waste of money, but I regret nothing when it comes to it. Plus you spin out and get dug in, you just gotta push yourself up and out.
Any thoughts on a towable backhoe? Much cheaper, easier to move around, and could be used in conjunction with your tractor or on its own. Could also use Other vehicles to move it.
I'm brand new to the tractor world.. I have a Branson 2515r and the only thing I have at the moment is the standard bucket. This video was very insightful. Thanks for sharing the video and thanks to all the commenters!
Some may not consider this an attachment but an added feature, for me it was a factory cab on my tractor. We can get some brutal winters as well as some scorching heat in the summer. Not to mention, when the bugs get bad, they can really get bad. I am so glad that I chose the cab in order to do all of my other tasks in some comfort. If I decide to upgrade to a larger tractor, a cab will be at the top of my list again.
I have a x739. And a 1025R both come in handy for dealing with our 22 acres of weeds , forest, and some swamp, we have a bush hog, a snow blower 5 ft. Mower deck, loader on the big tractor, snow blade, loader on the big one, tooth bar for the loader, forklift for the loader , we have a small camper on the property, its about 35 miles from our house so we enjoy our weekends out there came in handy especially last year with dealing with covid
Very informative. If I had a bigger barn to store all these attachments I would have one of each. Tractor time is good time. No, tractor time is great time. Thank you. John
That was a good listing….I have forks, FEL, box blade, tooth bar, hydraulic top link, snow pusher, backhoe, box blade, rear blade, a Speeco quick hitch from you, & a pine rake. I don’t know how I ever lived without my tractor! Keep producing the great videos.
I run a Kubota L2501 with a BH77 backhoe. It is one of my go to attachments. I have multiple projects that I would have had no hope of completing without it. Renting a mini-ex in my area is 450 a day and comes with a waiting period. I live in Florida with frequent storms. Having the third function and a grapple makes you a hero everywhere you go. With a backhoe as ballast it is mind boggling what the grapple can effortlessly pick up.
All 10, plus the honorable mention, plus a 72" rear snowblower, plus 3-pt monster material spreader, plus Wallenstein wood chipper, plus 12,500# 3-pt forestry winch. Used on 30-hp JD 4310, Yanmar 359-C (59-hp cab).
Have most of them and in the 16 years I had a FEL I have used my bucket 2 times the forks are always it. I used the grapple a lot and it has saved us a lot of work. During winter the 66” front blade works great and the Meyer BL240 salt spreader saves a lot of hand tossing the salt, I normally use 150 lbs every time I plow.
For me it’s definitely my grapple and in the winter it’s my snow pusher. But I know it’s different for everyone👍 also love my heavy hitch. Between the ballast and the ability to move my trailers around when I need to cut the grass.
I have the 3038E with the loader, bucket, root grapple, Post hole digger, box blade and 370B backhoe. For clearing and maintaining my 3 acres of woods and property. I love the grapple and box blade combo! I just used my backhoe to completely redo my septic system. Amazing tractor.
For my pallet forks, I made a support for the tip of the tines so I can lift farther out. Just a piece of 2x2x1/4 HSS with pockets for the tines and guides for the chain at the edges and the center. I run the chain from the pallet fork main frame out over the support then down to what ever I am lifting.
WANT TO GET SOME PRICING FOR YOUR NEXT TRACTOR ATTACHMENT? CLICK THE LINKS BELOW! Dirt Dog Tiller: bit.ly/3iKhOPt RhinoAg Rebel Tiller: bit.ly/3yN4yz4 Tar River TGX Tiller: bit.ly/3si16Ks Titan Ballast Box: bit.ly/3g4IRmy Save 5% with code GWT on Backhoe Buckets: bit.ly/2VRrrmr GWT Stump Wrecker: bit.ly/37HrBzu HLA Compact Utility Bucket: bit.ly/3CLchjw Speeco Cat 1 Quick Hitch: bit.ly/3xLjLiA RhinoAg Flexwing Mower: bit.ly/2UffDtx Dirt Dog Rotary Cutter: bit.ly/3m9VPDk Del Morino Funny Top Flail Mower: bit.ly/3yNwiDJ Del Morino Centurion Flail Mower: bit.ly/2VMDFgx MK Martin Pulsar Rotary Cutter: bit.ly/3AEku7e Worksaver ETG Grapple: bit.ly/3yPbxY4 Westendorf BC-4215 Brush Crusher: bit.ly/3shIKZV Worksaver Electric Mini Grapple: bit.ly/3jWd747 Save 5% with code GWT on Summit Hydraulics Diverter Kit: bit.ly/3xMAbYf Dirt Dog Box Blade: bit.ly/3sftblm Dirt Dog Land Plane: bit.ly/3AJu2hs Dirt Dog Rollover Box Blade: bit.ly/3yNwCCr Dirt Dog Pulverizer: bit.ly/2VQDeBt HLA 900 lb Forks: bit.ly/3iNl4to HLA 2000 lb Forks: bit.ly/2VLWiBf HLA 4200 lb Forks: bit.ly/3yMiGbM GWT DISCOUNT CLUB! SAVE MONEY OFF YOUR PURCHASE WITH CODE "GWT" AT THE WEBSITES BELOW! 10% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT OUTBACK WRAP! www.outbackwrap.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT MUDD'S CUSTOMS! www.muddscustoms.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT JU FAB WORKS! www.jufabworks.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT ON SELECT PRODUCTS AT SUMMIT HYDRAULICS! www.summit-hydraulics.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT LUBE SHUTTLE! www.lube-shuttle.us/store 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT 511 DESIGNS (CUSTOM GRILLS): www.5elevendesignz.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT TRACTOR PTO LINK! tractorptolink.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT ON PROTERO DUMP SYSTEMS! www.proteroinc.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT ON SWEEP-ALL SWEEPERS! www.sweep-all.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT YARD GLIDER! www.yardglider.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT MILLER TIRE! www.millertire.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT BIG TOOL RACK! http:www.bigtoolrack.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT HEAVY HITCH! www.heavyhitch.com 5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT TRAC SEATS! www.tracseats.com 5% OFF AT RHINOHIDE CANOPIES! www.rhinohidecanopies.com Complete survey after purchase, mention GWT, get 5% refunded.
Well, my Kubota B2650 exists purely for snow clearing (16’ per year...yep!). So for me, it is the HLA Snow Pusher with backdrag on the front, paired with rear snow blower. And before anyone comments on having to crane one’s neck, get the rear camera. I only wish that a snow basket was available for such a compact tractor. Finally, my universe is at peace🤣🤣🤣🤣 Great video, Courtney!
@@GoodWorksTractors You and your videos inspired me to get one so I have you to thank for really changing my life with my tractor! So, heartfelt thanks!!
A pto wood chipper if you have a acre or more of forest/brush. Land clearing aside having access to unlimited and relatively cheap mulch that doesnt required transport and is on demand it's awesome. Low maintenance trails, edging around trees, weed free garden beds the list goes on. Also it retains moisture, slightly resists runoff and unlike rock you can easily remove it somewhere else to for either decomposition or to be tilled under. Also to build up soil if your in poor soil areas or have thin soil. Also compared to the ones with gas engine ones there way more powerful and efficient priced compared. Also it's a 3 point hitch so it's very mobile and some either come or can be modified to also have cart attached.
I like the forks. It was the first thing on my list when I started. That way I could move around the other equipment without hooking it up. I can also make shelves and stack equipment in tight areas.
Since we have a pin on bucket I wish sometimes we had a quick attach set up and that would open more doors for us but we have a rear blade, front blade for snow and a snow blower. We do have a tooth bar on the bucket for digging. Thank you for the video.
I have a front loader with a skid steer quick attach, standard bucket, rock bucket, pallet forks, box blade, land planer, tiller, auger, landscape rake, 3 point quick attach. I'll tell you by far I get most use of the standard bucket, then the backhoe, then the pallet forks. I drilled chain hooks into the top of my bucket so between them and pallet forks I can lift or pull anything. I'll get a ballast box next. I need one every time I use the bucket. Thanks for your great videos!
The most important attachment is the loader bar none. You need it for 1/2 the attachments that people talked about , so the loader first then let everything else come later. I have bucket, forks, land rake, box blade, grader blade, snow plow, rock digger(that I had made), platform that I made to attach to the forks, 3 pt finish mower and a 3 pt carry all that I built the box for. These all fit my wonderful 2003 John Deere 4310.
Love my two tractors - in no particular order: backhoe - love it - use it at least every week, rotary cutter, tiller, middle buster, land rake, bucket, pallet forks, box blade, belly mower on the small Kubota, Speeco quick hitch ! and a drag and cultivator that came with the property. Need a snow pusher !! And a GWT stump bucket on order !! Love the channel - keep up the great work !
My pallet forks are used more than the bucket alone. Followed by my backhoe then tiller with a close follow by my wood chipper. Just don't get many opportunities to play due to work and my baby.
I have 3, and also a 4th not on the list. My 72" Tine Bucket w/ 32" Spears is very versatile. I can dig out bushes, roots and all; scoop big rocks and logs; and depending upon which tines I remove, it works like pallet forks.
Frame-mounted Backhoe, snow plow, Front End loader, box scrapper, york rake, post hole digger, back blade, forks. 8 Now, looking to upgrade to quick attach world for forks and other attachments. I also will keep what I have. Front end loader is my most preferred implement. I am retired and this is what I enjoy. Don't drink don't smoke, just play with my toys.
I have 7 out of the 10. I don't have a Ballast box, Backhoe, rear cutter but I do have a belly mower, and I don't have a box blade or land plane but I do have a rear blade with hydraulic angling cylinder. An attachment that I didn't think I would use much is a man lift safety cage that you use with my pallet forks but I use it often to trim trees, change yard light bulbs and put up Christmas lights.
Thanks Courtney! I have 15 including the Worksaver mini tine grapple. The grapple pretty much lives on the tractor, I use it all the time, it even works good for picking up dead animals (groundhogs) and dropping them over the fence LOL
I think a landscape rake should be on the list. I have a MX5200 with 3 rear remote functions for 3 way gannon or box scraper, pallet forks, smooth bucket, rock bucket, land plane, flail mower, and old Towner disk with transport wheels. I have a 773 Bobcat with a 72" brush hog, 84" Broom. Both tractors have SSQA
The only attachments we have from this list is the mower, though that quite a stretch since that's a Claas Corto 185n drum mower, the kind used for hay making. The quick attach isn't really useful since the equipment we have differs, so we'd need something with two sides. A bucket isn't something my dad needed since we did have grain to deal with, but sheep manure which our manure forks are good with. Palette forks do have a good use since he have a pin hitch loader, and you can't adjust the angle from the loader controls, and the manure forks are good for bale loading as well, so that eliminated a use for them. And a hydraulic top link would be impractical since we only have 1 spill valve in the rear.
Great video as always. I will add a seed spreader or broadcaster. In not a particular order: pallet forks, bush hog, sprayer, bucket, grader, tiller, seed spreader, grappler. I am with you on the backhoe. I will rather rent it out. To clear wooded areas and to move loose hay the grapplers have no equal on my book. They are very handy. Thanks for making such a great content
I like backhoes for moving logs just a chain on the teeth you can lift and move the logs then when the logs are out we take the stumps out with the backhoe
In the market for a tiller, I see you sell the tar river but it seems quite a bit more price wise compared size for size than a King Kutter XB or a countyline which seem to be popular among subcompact owners. for the extra cost what additional are you getting for the tar river.
Never thought the pallet fork would be #1. I am going to have to buy one, must need it. Lol. No tiller first.. Other than my bush hog, grapple for me is a life changer. So glad I paid extra for 3rd function . That was a fun video to watch, interesting.
Question: As a European user, why do you use Quick Hithches Stateside? In Europe, we have moved over to quick release hook arms as factory standard from many manufacurers
A lot of us 1025R owners do use the tractor for mowing, but the mower is likely no one's favorite attachment. Mowing is boring compared to other tractor tasks in my opinion.
I own 4 of the mentioned items. Honorable mention removable FEL not just the bucket but the whole thing small tractors just need it I think. I need some used pallot forks if you ever get any.
I have 4 of 10 listed: the loader and bucket, grapple, forks, and box blade; 1 "equivalent": Pat's easy change (instead of the quick hitch; and 2 not listed: a "carryall" for the 3 point hitch and a landscape rake. I didn't think I needed/wanted a cutter or a tiller, but I have since changed my mind and will get them at some point. My question in reference to renting a mini excavator instead of owning a backhoe is: Should I rent a small tractor with backhoe (Bobcat CT 2025) for $400 a weekend or a mini excavator (either a Bobcat E 35 or an E26) for $560 a weekend? I need something for a small project to remove some stumps in my way. Thanks
I would like to own a tractor, but do not have the money!! IF I did own a tractor the attachment I would want to own are: Mower deck, Loader with bucket, Pallet forks, Tiller, Snow Blower, Snow pusher, Snow/Dirt blade, and maybe a Box blade or land plane. I am not sure about a Backhoe, but feel it is nice to have in case you need to dig any trenches, etc. Of course I would have ballast, either ballast boxes and/or ballast in the tires and/or wheel weights. There is one other thing I would love to have and that is a cab. Why? When it is Hot and Humid it has AC and then in the Winter or when it gets Cold it has Heat. LOL
(1025r)Seasonally…. Wintertime I have a 5ft rear snowblower and a front mount snow pusher that lives on it. Springtime is my 5ft rear sweeper kicking all the plowing off the lawn. Summer it’s the bucket and ballast box. Fall is the pallet forks and sweeper ( best time to move wood and dethatch).
Waiting for my 3039R to come in. Got the front end loader, IMax hitch and box blade. Will be getting a ballast box as well. I live in Indiana so I may make a trip to see you :)
I enjoy your videos even though you are a little biased with the green verses the orange I prefer the orange my most favorite attachment for my tractor was the piranha tooth bar for the bucket it turns it into a digging machine.
Living in Arkansas, a snowblower isn’t needed but maybe once a decade. So I don’t own one and no plans to. After I do a custom install of the rear remotes on my BX23S, I will add the hydraulic top link to the 3 pt hitch. Already have the kit, just have to customize and install it on the tractor. Other than that, all of these tools are in my toolbox. They each do their jobs exceedingly well. I’m curious to know how post augers and post drivers ranked on your poll? The Soil Pulverizers especially a powered rake that will work on the BX23S intrigues me. As to the #1 item on the list. This is one of the only implements that I own duplicates of, and I have no plans on getting rid of either set. SIZE DOES MATTER!!!! I purchased a HD set when I purchased my SSV65. I can use these forks on my BX23S however they leave me with less than half of the total lifting capacity of the loader. So I invested in a pair of Land Pride PF1242s, which pair with the BX so much better. They leave about 600 lbs of lifting capacity, nearly double that of the HD forks. Pairing these to the tractor really makes a significant difference. it blows people away when you tell them that you can actually lift more weight with the light weight forks on the BX than with the HD forks. Rarely does anyone consider the total lifting capacity of the loader itself and how the weight of the forks diminishes the total weight of the load. (Great video planned for the near future demonstrating this.) In addition, I keep both tractors at different locations. so constantly transporting the forks back and forth was a real PITA!!! So I can easily see how forks made it to the #1 position on the poll. And yes, I have to admit both sets of forks are currently attached to both of my tractors. And, did I mention that I have a carry-all that I use as Pallet Forks for the 3 point hitch… I guess pallet forks have integrated themselves so well into my tractor Swiss Army knife, that I take them for granted. They earned that #1 spot that’s for sure!!!
I don't think there was a single person that side a PHD was their favorite attachment. In fact, I think it may fight for #1 on a future Most Hated Tractor Attachment List.
Great list.. I have 9 of 10...no backhoe. It's not worth the investment when comparing the performance and use you get out of it. Landscape Rake is the one you're missing that I think is top 10.
Here where I live in Italy is a bit of a pain. The issue is the environment we work in. Hazelnut, Grapes, Fruit Trees, Terraces, Extreme Hills, and general garden work. I work on a very steep hilside and terraces (which are to this day still a little scary) which are also narrow and quite tight. Also working in hazelnut fields the tractor has to be extremely low to the ground to get under the trees. These are the ideal tractors you would want: a high enough horsepower Ferrari Tractor with wheel weights and liquid ballast. Carraro or fiat tractor, this would be a steel tracked tractor for working on extreme inclines and just being able to power straight through anything. Then as a third tractor you would want any sort of utility tractor you can put a loader on (you can put a loafer on Ferrari tractors but I'm not a fan) I would choose a Solis 50 open cab with loader personally but it is a French/English tractor and I don't know if many people would have heard of them but it is 50hp. And a excavator of some sort. Nothing less than 2.5 tons but nothing higher than roughly 5 tonnes because it wouldn't fit on terraces which are the main places it is needed and it has to be a zero tail swing. Although it is very hot I would still choose the open cab to personal preference. I would also have a good ATV and ATV trailer for getting around quickly and checking things. Also the mountain I live ons water supply is from a sprig which fills a cascading tank system and when aomei uses too much water it throws the entire system out and you have to go to each tank and manually sort it out and the tanks are very far apart in difficult to reach places. Just want to share some knowledge of where I'm from and the environment equipment is used in, sorry for the long comment
Hi Matteo, Wow, that's a very challenging environment. It makes me appreciate the easy life that I have here in Michigan. Thanks so much for watching, be well!
I voted hydraulic top link because I never realized how many times I got off and on the tractor before I had one. Backhoe would be number 20 for me 350 a weekend for a mini excavator that you can do 100x more with is a no brainer why the cost of the backhoe is not worth it. The GWT stump bucket is #1.5 on my list in a few months from now that I've been using it it might become number 1 for me. Great video.
@@GoodWorksTractors I called my JD dealer to a quote for my 2032R for the entire rear hydraulic top link kit... $2,300. WOW.... So I am passing. Does that seem correct? That's for everything needed from the cylinder, rear hydraulic lines to the lever being added on the fender.
M4D-071, cab, loader, pallet forks, rotary cutter, hydraulic rear blade, hydraulic front blade, land plane, hydraulic top link, cat 2 quick hitch…….will be ordering grapple as soon as I can decide which one. Forks have been used the most thus far. Good video, good list - I agree with the person who said the can is number 1 need, I’m 62 years old - that’s too old to be hot, cold, dusty, eaten alive by bugs or bees, etc. 🙂
8 out of 10 for me, 2 of which I bought from you! The ones I don't have are the land plane / box blade / etc. (which I don't THINK I'd have much use for) and the ballast box (and I just keep one of my attachments on the back for rear ballast). I've considered getting one of the former (land plane, box blade, etc.), but I wouldn't know which would be the most useful. I don't have a driveway, though I do live on a dirt road that is awful after an even somewhat heavy rain! I know it's the road department's responsibility, but tell that to everybody's vehicles that get beaten up so badly before the county finally gets their butts out to do their jobs! Just being able to level the roads out a bit in the mean time would be really nice! The former (ballast box) is definitely toward the bottom of my needs list.
Interesting that the rear-mounted finish mower did not make the list. Mine gets more hours on it than any other attachment I own, and that's a 72-inch mower. Maybe I cut a bigger lawn than most sensible people? A zero-turn mower (single purpose) vs. a cab tractor with a/c. No contest.
Not necessarily in order of favoritism, I have a grapple, landscape rake, rotary cutter (brush hog), box blade, 3-point trailer hitch receiver/carrier, and clamp-on pallet forks...they do ok
oke i am not a farmer.. i have tractors for around my land, and i love them my list 1. my own made wodsplitter .. by far the most used 2 my own repurposed lifting mast because it can load stuff as a all terrain forklift 3 frontloader (forks and bucket) and its actually a shared 2nd place.. 4 trailer style pto driven excuvator.. its a bit long set up.. but it replaces a excavator completely not much used.. but will get to number one spot when ill be doing a roof (beams laying) and digging for a pool what i do want in the future is a weed removal tool.. just something that scrubs the tiles free. not gonna do that for long
Great list. I've got one and two (plus five and six obviously)! And next will be four. But gotta say. I just last week bought a hydraulically assisted post hole digger. I haven't put a post in with it yet but i couldn't help myself but to go out to the paddock and drill a couple of practice holes. This thing is going to save my marriage. The wife absolutely hated being on the other side of the hand-held petrol auger we've been using.
Great video. Have to agree with #1 choice followed by (for me) the loader. Forks, loader, bucket and sometime in near future a brush crusher from gwt. Also have to pick up my stump bucket one of these days. Have a great day and be safe guys!. Tim
I've got three of them: a tiller, a box blade, and a bush hog. Trying to figure out how a loader will fit into the budget, because it'll require a whole 'nother tractor, but we definitely need one.
I own a bucket, roto cutter, box blade, i have a landscape rake because my ground is very rocky - am totally open for suggestions to pick up rock 1 to 6 inches
I have two tractors. Both have front loaders. I have the tiller for my small tractor I have a 5ft and 6ft brush cutters. Box blade. Front and rear hay spikes for my big tractor. 3pt auger. Canopys on both. Both tractors have the rear tires filled. That's all I think of rite off.
Great video... time for a land plain video,, where is the TR-25!!!???? Is the any manufacturer of rear roller for your lawns... you have gophers and moles!!!! ???
Don't buy expensive bushings for a QH15. A cat 1to cat 2 adapter fits nicely into a cat 2 to cat 3 adapter, and together make one equivalent bushing at a fraction of the cost of one of the enormous hunks of metal that has been turned into a QH retail bushing. Make sure you get 2 sets of lower link adapters and 1 set of top top link adapters for each piece of equipment.
0 out of 10. 18 years with out a loader or even hydraulics. But I use my tractor almost every day, sometimes all day (today for example). I have a finish mower, post hole digger, aireator, blade w/ snow plow extension, harrow, 2 trailers, tree winch, splitter w/ crane, roller, 3pt. boom, lawn sweeper, ripper, single plow, spreader, sprayer, and a 110 gallon fresh water tank w/ pump for irrigation. Once I can find a reasonably priced cabbed 4 series with mid PTO I'll be getting all 10 of 10 plus more. Alas, at these prices it might be awhile. Cheers!
Living round here it would be a back transport box, open it up and you can dig with it (sort of!), carry feed and animals (including the crew), just to useful not to include.
All 10 plus the quick hitch! And many more
9 of them but a couple of my tractors have the euro style quick hitch 3 point draft links so 10 I guess lol.
Hey Courtney: From that list I have for my 1025R a loader with standard bucket and toothbar, a weight box, a backhoe, a rear blade, a BC grapple a MMM and of course pallet forks! Also have seasonal attachments like; the CMP dethatcher (will be using this Fall), a snow pusher and, front mount blower. Lots of other knick knacks too as you know, wheel spacers, tamers, quick hitch, tow bars, mirrors, hooks, etc...List is way too long! I am sure to add one or more this year.. LOL! Thanks for sharing!
I have 4 of them and a quick hitch
Just picked up a Bobcat CT2025 I have 4 attachments
I know you don't like backhoe too much on tractors but I love my backhoe better than ballast box easier to hook up then three points and very useful and never get stuck
completely agree! I also use my backhoe at least once a week.
Glad to hear it. Yeah, not for me, but very useful for some!
I've used mine to remove stumps, dig post holes and my latest project was to fix my water line due to a leak. Helps when your ground is made up with rocks from a small tennis ball to a basketball. I've heard it's a waste of money, but I regret nothing when it comes to it. Plus you spin out and get dug in, you just gotta push yourself up and out.
It also serves as ballast weight too.
Any thoughts on a towable backhoe? Much cheaper, easier to move around, and could be used in conjunction with your tractor or on its own. Could also use Other vehicles to move it.
I'm brand new to the tractor world.. I have a Branson 2515r and the only thing I have at the moment is the standard bucket. This video was very insightful. Thanks for sharing the video and thanks to all the commenters!
My absolute favorite most useful attachment... my wife. She likes our 1025R more than me! LOL
Haha, that's awesome!
Was she standing to your left, right, or behind you when you typed that? lol
@@PatrickDKing Directly behind... by the gun case.
Is she quick hitch compatible? 😹
Some may not consider this an attachment but an added feature, for me it was a factory cab on my tractor. We can get some brutal winters as well as some scorching heat in the summer. Not to mention, when the bugs get bad, they can really get bad. I am so glad that I chose the cab in order to do all of my other tasks in some comfort. If I decide to upgrade to a larger tractor, a cab will be at the top of my list again.
Box blade, bush rotary mower, landscape rake, harrow, bottom plows, front end bucket, quick hitch, 3 point sprayer, griffer, etc.
I have a x739. And a 1025R both come in handy for dealing with our 22 acres of weeds , forest, and some swamp, we have a bush hog, a snow blower 5 ft. Mower deck, loader on the big tractor, snow blade, loader on the big one, tooth bar for the loader, forklift for the loader , we have a small camper on the property, its about 35 miles from our house so we enjoy our weekends out there came in handy especially last year with dealing with covid
Very informative. If I had a bigger barn to store all these attachments I
would have one of each. Tractor time is good time. No, tractor time is great time. Thank you. John
That was a good listing….I have forks, FEL, box blade, tooth bar, hydraulic top link, snow pusher, backhoe, box blade, rear blade, a Speeco quick hitch from you, & a pine rake. I don’t know how I ever lived without my tractor! Keep producing the great videos.
I run a Kubota L2501 with a BH77 backhoe. It is one of my go to attachments. I have multiple projects that I would have had no hope of completing without it. Renting a mini-ex in my area is 450 a day and comes with a waiting period. I live in Florida with frequent storms. Having the third function and a grapple makes you a hero everywhere you go. With a backhoe as ballast it is mind boggling what the grapple can effortlessly pick up.
All 10, plus the honorable mention, plus a 72" rear snowblower, plus 3-pt monster material spreader, plus Wallenstein wood chipper, plus 12,500# 3-pt forestry winch. Used on 30-hp JD 4310, Yanmar 359-C (59-hp cab).
Wow, I'd say you're decked out!
But I still need a land plane (have a box blade). 😒
Have most of them and in the 16 years I had a FEL I have used my bucket 2 times the forks are always it. I used the grapple a lot and it has saved us a lot of work. During winter the 66” front blade works great and the Meyer BL240 salt spreader saves a lot of hand tossing the salt, I normally use 150 lbs every time I plow.
For me it’s definitely my grapple and in the winter it’s my snow pusher. But I know it’s different for everyone👍 also love my heavy hitch. Between the ballast and the ability to move my trailers around when I need to cut the grass.
I have the 3038E with the loader, bucket, root grapple, Post hole digger, box blade and 370B backhoe. For clearing and maintaining my 3 acres of woods and property. I love the grapple and box blade combo! I just used my backhoe to completely redo my septic system. Amazing tractor.
Awesome, glad to hear it!
For my pallet forks, I made a support for the tip of the tines so I can lift farther out. Just a piece of 2x2x1/4 HSS with pockets for the tines and guides for the chain at the edges and the center. I run the chain from the pallet fork main frame out over the support then down to what ever I am lifting.
Dirt Dog Tiller: bit.ly/3iKhOPt
RhinoAg Rebel Tiller: bit.ly/3yN4yz4
Tar River TGX Tiller: bit.ly/3si16Ks
Titan Ballast Box: bit.ly/3g4IRmy
Save 5% with code GWT on Backhoe Buckets: bit.ly/2VRrrmr
GWT Stump Wrecker: bit.ly/37HrBzu
HLA Compact Utility Bucket: bit.ly/3CLchjw
Speeco Cat 1 Quick Hitch: bit.ly/3xLjLiA
RhinoAg Flexwing Mower: bit.ly/2UffDtx
Dirt Dog Rotary Cutter: bit.ly/3m9VPDk
Del Morino Funny Top Flail Mower: bit.ly/3yNwiDJ
Del Morino Centurion Flail Mower: bit.ly/2VMDFgx
MK Martin Pulsar Rotary Cutter: bit.ly/3AEku7e
Worksaver ETG Grapple: bit.ly/3yPbxY4
Westendorf BC-4215 Brush Crusher: bit.ly/3shIKZV
Worksaver Electric Mini Grapple: bit.ly/3jWd747
Save 5% with code GWT on Summit Hydraulics Diverter Kit: bit.ly/3xMAbYf
Dirt Dog Box Blade: bit.ly/3sftblm
Dirt Dog Land Plane: bit.ly/3AJu2hs
Dirt Dog Rollover Box Blade: bit.ly/3yNwCCr
Dirt Dog Pulverizer: bit.ly/2VQDeBt
HLA 900 lb Forks: bit.ly/3iNl4to
HLA 2000 lb Forks: bit.ly/2VLWiBf
HLA 4200 lb Forks: bit.ly/3yMiGbM
10% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT OUTBACK WRAP! www.outbackwrap.com
5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT MUDD'S CUSTOMS! www.muddscustoms.com
5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT JU FAB WORKS! www.jufabworks.com
5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT LUBE SHUTTLE! www.lube-shuttle.us/store
5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT 511 DESIGNS (CUSTOM GRILLS): www.5elevendesignz.com
5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT TRACTOR PTO LINK! tractorptolink.com
5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT YARD GLIDER! www.yardglider.com
5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT MILLER TIRE! www.millertire.com
5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT BIG TOOL RACK! http:www.bigtoolrack.com
5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT HEAVY HITCH! www.heavyhitch.com
5% OFF WITH CODE GWT AT TRAC SEATS! www.tracseats.com
5% OFF AT RHINOHIDE CANOPIES! www.rhinohidecanopies.com Complete survey after purchase, mention GWT, get 5% refunded.
Well, my Kubota B2650 exists purely for snow clearing (16’ per year...yep!). So for me, it is the HLA Snow Pusher with backdrag on the front, paired with rear snow blower. And before anyone comments on having to crane one’s neck, get the rear camera. I only wish that a snow basket was available for such a compact tractor. Finally, my universe is at peace🤣🤣🤣🤣 Great video, Courtney!
Haha, put one in the win column for snow pusher! They hold a special place in my heart :)
@@GoodWorksTractors You and your videos inspired me to get one so I have you to thank for really changing my life with my tractor! So, heartfelt thanks!!
Any recommendations for a rear cam for my cab-less 1025R?
A pto wood chipper if you have a acre or more of forest/brush. Land clearing aside having access to unlimited and relatively cheap mulch that doesnt required transport and is on demand it's awesome. Low maintenance trails, edging around trees, weed free garden beds the list goes on. Also it retains moisture, slightly resists runoff and unlike rock you can easily remove it somewhere else to for either decomposition or to be tilled under. Also to build up soil if your in poor soil areas or have thin soil.
Also compared to the ones with gas engine ones there way more powerful and efficient priced compared. Also it's a 3 point hitch so it's very mobile and some either come or can be modified to also have cart attached.
I like the forks. It was the first thing on my list when I started. That way I could move around the other equipment without hooking it up. I can also make shelves and stack equipment in tight areas.
I'll be getting pallet forks next month. Just have the bucket and a bushhog at the moment. Just got this tractor 1 week ago.
Since we have a pin on bucket I wish sometimes we had a quick attach set up and that would open more doors for us but we have a rear blade, front blade for snow and a snow blower. We do have a tooth bar on the bucket for digging. Thank you for the video.
I have a front loader with a skid steer quick attach, standard bucket, rock bucket, pallet forks, box blade, land planer, tiller, auger, landscape rake, 3 point quick attach. I'll tell you by far I get most use of the standard bucket, then the backhoe, then the pallet forks. I drilled chain hooks into the top of my bucket so between them and pallet forks I can lift or pull anything. I'll get a ballast box next. I need one every time I use the bucket. Thanks for your great videos!
BX23S, so I have the FEL and BH. Home made forks, snow blower, quick hitch, ballast, snow pusher, flail mower, york rake and the MMM.
The most important attachment is the loader bar none. You need it for 1/2 the attachments that people talked about , so the loader first then let everything else come later. I have bucket, forks, land rake, box blade, grader blade, snow plow, rock digger(that I had made), platform that I made to attach to the forks, 3 pt finish mower and a 3 pt carry all that I built the box for. These all fit my wonderful 2003 John Deere 4310.
Hard to argue!
WOW, pallet forks , incredible didn't see that coming.
The world is full of surprises.
I like the wood chipper, 3 point and PTO attachment.
Love my two tractors - in no particular order: backhoe - love it - use it at least every week, rotary cutter, tiller, middle buster, land rake, bucket, pallet forks, box blade, belly mower on the small Kubota, Speeco quick hitch ! and a drag and cultivator that came with the property. Need a snow pusher !! And a GWT stump bucket on order !!
Love the channel - keep up the great work !
Nice, thank you for taking the time to stop by!
My pallet forks are used more than the bucket alone. Followed by my backhoe then tiller with a close follow by my wood chipper. Just don't get many opportunities to play due to work and my baby.
I have a land pride quick hitch for my Kubota b2601 and it doesn’t require bushings but my speed co for my bx2660 did
Great video! I have pallet forks, grapple, boom pole, rotary mower, box blade, and land plane. I need a landscape rake and flail mower.
I have 3, and also a 4th not on the list. My 72" Tine Bucket w/ 32" Spears is very versatile. I can dig out bushes, roots and all; scoop big rocks and logs; and depending upon which tines I remove, it works like pallet forks.
Very nice, thanks for sharing!
I have all but the top link. I do plan on doing that and tilt. Will also need the hydraulic setup for it.
What i need to get is a hydraulic top link for a Kubota bx. Do you sell them? Or would u know wear to look
Check out Fit Rite Hydraulics.
Frame-mounted Backhoe, snow plow, Front End loader, box scrapper, york rake, post hole digger, back blade, forks. 8 Now, looking to upgrade to quick attach world for forks and other attachments. I also will keep what I have. Front end loader is my most preferred implement. I am retired and this is what I enjoy. Don't drink don't smoke, just play with my toys.
I have 7 out of the 10. I don't have a Ballast box, Backhoe, rear cutter but I do have a belly mower, and I don't have a box blade or land plane but I do have a rear blade with hydraulic angling cylinder. An attachment that I didn't think I would use much is a man lift safety cage that you use with my pallet forks but I use it often to trim trees, change yard light bulbs and put up Christmas lights.
Slip scoop for 3 point hitch. If you don't have a modern tractor it is sure nice to move materials.
Thanks Courtney! I have 15 including the Worksaver mini tine grapple. The grapple pretty much lives on the tractor, I use it all the time, it even works good for picking up dead animals (groundhogs) and dropping them over the fence LOL
Yea, they stink for a day but the yodel dogs clean them up, my Son says they come running when they hear the tractor.
Haha, just don't stand down wind!
Own 3 of the Top 10 and bought 2 of them from you! And there is a good reason #1 is #1. I use mine daily.
Pallet forks for sure, use'em all the time to move logs and brush. Cheaper than a grapple.
Heck yeah!
Definitely agree with this list! Only three attachments I've got so far is my 3pt finish mower, rotary cutter and pallet forks for my Kioti CK2610
We have a loader backhoe and bucket but we are looking at pallet forks box blade and a snow pusher
Nice, I might know a place!
My tar river snow plow I ordered from good works tractor I have a feeling will make my list winter no more breaking shear pins in the gravel
Heck yeah, getting closer!
Yup own all you showed, and I use them all ...nice to have when needed..two tractors help save time swapping attachments...😎
Sweet! Yes, double the tractors, double the fun
I think a landscape rake should be on the list. I have a MX5200 with 3 rear remote functions for 3 way gannon or box scraper, pallet forks, smooth bucket, rock bucket, land plane, flail mower, and old Towner disk with transport wheels.
I have a 773 Bobcat with a 72" brush hog, 84" Broom. Both tractors have SSQA
The only attachments we have from this list is the mower, though that quite a stretch since that's a Claas Corto 185n drum mower, the kind used for hay making.
The quick attach isn't really useful since the equipment we have differs, so we'd need something with two sides.
A bucket isn't something my dad needed since we did have grain to deal with, but sheep manure which our manure forks are good with.
Palette forks do have a good use since he have a pin hitch loader, and you can't adjust the angle from the loader controls, and the manure forks are good for bale loading as well, so that eliminated a use for them.
And a hydraulic top link would be impractical since we only have 1 spill valve in the rear.
Great video as always. I will add a seed spreader or broadcaster. In not a particular order: pallet forks, bush hog, sprayer, bucket, grader, tiller, seed spreader, grappler. I am with you on the backhoe. I will rather rent it out. To clear wooded areas and to move loose hay the grapplers have no equal on my book. They are very handy. Thanks for making such a great content
Bucket, forks, rotary cutter, tiller, landscape rake. 3PH single row seeder is next.
Nice, thanks for watching!
I don’t have a lot of attachments. I use the loader bucket a lot, tiller, three point finish mower and back blade.
Whatever gets the job done!
I like backhoes for moving logs just a chain on the teeth you can lift and move the logs then when the logs are out we take the stumps out with the backhoe
Yeah, very true!
In the market for a tiller, I see you sell the tar river but it seems quite a bit more price wise compared size for size than a King Kutter XB or a countyline which seem to be popular among subcompact owners. for the extra cost what additional are you getting for the tar river.
Never thought the pallet fork would be #1. I am going to have to buy one, must need it. Lol. No tiller first..
Other than my bush hog, grapple for me is a life changer. So glad I paid extra for 3rd function . That was a fun video to watch, interesting.
Forks are so handy
I actually just saw a Grable that fits in the fork mount from JD, frontier brand. Just need that 3rd function up front.
Question: As a European user, why do you use Quick Hithches Stateside? In Europe, we have moved over to quick release hook arms as factory standard from many manufacurers
What is your opinion about rock buckets? I live on Churty ground full of rocks, I am considering a rock bucket to lift them out of the ground.
What about belly/finish mowers? Surely a lot of the 1025 owners use their tractors for that. Love your channel, have learned SO MUCH. Thanks.
Not many mentioned it!
A lot of us 1025R owners do use the tractor for mowing, but the mower is likely no one's favorite attachment. Mowing is boring compared to other tractor tasks in my opinion.
For what a belly mower cost you can buy a zero turn mow faster have fun and do a better job!
I own 4 of the mentioned items. Honorable mention removable FEL not just the bucket but the whole thing small tractors just need it I think. I need some used pallot forks if you ever get any.
Pallet forks, box blade, and backhoe are what I have. Grapple would be nice.
I have 4 of 10 listed: the loader and bucket, grapple, forks, and box blade; 1 "equivalent": Pat's easy change (instead of the quick hitch; and 2 not listed: a "carryall" for the 3 point hitch and a landscape rake. I didn't think I needed/wanted a cutter or a tiller, but I have since changed my mind and will get them at some point.
My question in reference to renting a mini excavator instead of owning a backhoe is: Should I rent a small tractor with backhoe (Bobcat CT 2025) for $400 a weekend or a mini excavator (either a Bobcat E 35 or an E26) for $560 a weekend? I need something for a small project to remove some stumps in my way. Thanks
I'd go mini ex if it's just stump removal.
I would like to own a tractor, but do not have the money!! IF I did own a tractor the attachment I would want to own are: Mower deck, Loader with bucket, Pallet forks, Tiller, Snow Blower, Snow pusher, Snow/Dirt blade, and maybe a Box blade or land plane. I am not sure about a Backhoe, but feel it is nice to have in case you need to dig any trenches, etc. Of course I would have ballast, either ballast boxes and/or ballast in the tires and/or wheel weights. There is one other thing I would love to have and that is a cab. Why? When it is Hot and Humid it has AC and then in the Winter or when it gets Cold it has Heat. LOL
Thanks for watching sir!
(1025r)Seasonally…. Wintertime I have a 5ft rear snowblower and a front mount snow pusher that lives on it. Springtime is my 5ft rear sweeper kicking all the plowing off the lawn. Summer it’s the bucket and ballast box. Fall is the pallet forks and sweeper ( best time to move wood and dethatch).
Waiting for my 3039R to come in. Got the front end loader, IMax hitch and box blade. Will be getting a ballast box as well. I live in Indiana so I may make a trip to see you :)
Sweet! Great tractor!
I enjoy your videos even though you are a little biased with the green verses the orange I prefer the orange my most favorite attachment for my tractor was the piranha tooth bar for the bucket it turns it into a digging machine.
Good list very useful attachments. Might include a bale speer for farmers. Good video.
Yeah, definitely could. Don't think too many watch many channel though.
What do you have against hydraulics, they are a great addition to any tractor.
I love them, pretty sure you misunderstood something.
Where do you get the hydraulic top link for a John Deere 1025R?
Living in Arkansas, a snowblower isn’t needed but maybe once a decade. So I don’t own one and no plans to.
After I do a custom install of the rear remotes on my BX23S, I will add the hydraulic top link to the 3 pt hitch. Already have the kit, just have to customize and install it on the tractor.
Other than that, all of these tools are in my toolbox. They each do their jobs exceedingly well.
I’m curious to know how post augers and post drivers ranked on your poll?
The Soil Pulverizers especially a powered rake that will work on the BX23S intrigues me.
As to the #1 item on the list. This is one of the only implements that I own duplicates of, and I have no plans on getting rid of either set.
I purchased a HD set when I purchased my SSV65. I can use these forks on my BX23S however they leave me with less than half of the total lifting capacity of the loader. So I invested in a pair of Land Pride PF1242s, which pair with the BX so much better. They leave about 600 lbs of lifting capacity, nearly double that of the HD forks. Pairing these to the tractor really makes a significant difference. it blows people away when you tell them that you can actually lift more weight with the light weight forks on the BX than with the HD forks. Rarely does anyone consider the total lifting capacity of the loader itself and how the weight of the forks diminishes the total weight of the load. (Great video planned for the near future demonstrating this.)
In addition, I keep both tractors at different locations. so constantly transporting the forks back and forth was a real PITA!!!
So I can easily see how forks made it to the #1 position on the poll.
And yes, I have to admit both sets of forks are currently attached to both of my tractors.
And, did I mention that I have a carry-all that I use as Pallet Forks for the 3 point hitch…
I guess pallet forks have integrated themselves so well into my tractor Swiss Army knife, that I take them for granted. They earned that #1 spot that’s for sure!!!
I don't think there was a single person that side a PHD was their favorite attachment. In fact, I think it may fight for #1 on a future Most Hated Tractor Attachment List.
@@GoodWorksTractors I would like to see a side by side comparison of the 3-pt auger vs loader auger with an un-experienced and un-biased users.
Great list.. I have 9 of 10...no backhoe. It's not worth the investment when comparing the performance and use you get out of it.
Landscape Rake is the one you're missing that I think is top 10.
I only have 2 attachments. One is a 5 cubic yard Front end Loader , and a 60” box blade.
Whew, that's a big bucket!
My L3901 has the grapple and box blade with a 20” gum log on top 95% of its life. Words cannot describe the ssqa and quick hitch convenience also.
Here where I live in Italy is a bit of a pain. The issue is the environment we work in. Hazelnut, Grapes, Fruit Trees, Terraces, Extreme Hills, and general garden work. I work on a very steep hilside and terraces (which are to this day still a little scary) which are also narrow and quite tight. Also working in hazelnut fields the tractor has to be extremely low to the ground to get under the trees. These are the ideal tractors you would want: a high enough horsepower Ferrari Tractor with wheel weights and liquid ballast. Carraro or fiat tractor, this would be a steel tracked tractor for working on extreme inclines and just being able to power straight through anything. Then as a third tractor you would want any sort of utility tractor you can put a loader on (you can put a loafer on Ferrari tractors but I'm not a fan) I would choose a Solis 50 open cab with loader personally but it is a French/English tractor and I don't know if many people would have heard of them but it is 50hp. And a excavator of some sort. Nothing less than 2.5 tons but nothing higher than roughly 5 tonnes because it wouldn't fit on terraces which are the main places it is needed and it has to be a zero tail swing. Although it is very hot I would still choose the open cab to personal preference. I would also have a good ATV and ATV trailer for getting around quickly and checking things. Also the mountain I live ons water supply is from a sprig which fills a cascading tank system and when aomei uses too much water it throws the entire system out and you have to go to each tank and manually sort it out and the tanks are very far apart in difficult to reach places. Just want to share some knowledge of where I'm from and the environment equipment is used in, sorry for the long comment
Hi Matteo,
Wow, that's a very challenging environment. It makes me appreciate the easy life that I have here in Michigan. Thanks so much for watching, be well!
I voted hydraulic top link because I never realized how many times I got off and on the tractor before I had one. Backhoe would be number 20 for me 350 a weekend for a mini excavator that you can do 100x more with is a no brainer why the cost of the backhoe is not worth it. The GWT stump bucket is #1.5 on my list in a few months from now that I've been using it it might become number 1 for me. Great video.
Haha, I like it!
@@GoodWorksTractors I called my JD dealer to a quote for my 2032R for the entire rear hydraulic top link kit... $2,300. WOW.... So I am passing. Does that seem correct? That's for everything needed from the cylinder, rear hydraulic lines to the lever being added on the fender.
M4D-071, cab, loader, pallet forks, rotary cutter, hydraulic rear blade, hydraulic front blade, land plane, hydraulic top link, cat 2 quick hitch…….will be ordering grapple as soon as I can decide which one. Forks have been used the most thus far. Good video, good list - I agree with the person who said the can is number 1 need, I’m 62 years old - that’s too old to be hot, cold, dusty, eaten alive by bugs or bees, etc. 🙂
The cab, not can
7 out of 10... I can see I need a couple more.
8 out of 10 for me, 2 of which I bought from you! The ones I don't have are the land plane / box blade / etc. (which I don't THINK I'd have much use for) and the ballast box (and I just keep one of my attachments on the back for rear ballast).
I've considered getting one of the former (land plane, box blade, etc.), but I wouldn't know which would be the most useful. I don't have a driveway, though I do live on a dirt road that is awful after an even somewhat heavy rain! I know it's the road department's responsibility, but tell that to everybody's vehicles that get beaten up so badly before the county finally gets their butts out to do their jobs! Just being able to level the roads out a bit in the mean time would be really nice!
The former (ballast box) is definitely toward the bottom of my needs list.
Im debating on forks idk if i should get forks i want them but idk what i would use it for
Interesting that the rear-mounted finish mower did not make the list. Mine gets more hours on it than any other attachment I own, and that's a 72-inch mower. Maybe I cut a bigger lawn than most sensible people? A zero-turn mower (single purpose) vs. a cab tractor with a/c. No contest.
I need pallet forks. Have the bucket, box blade, brush hog, and tiller.
Yeah, forks are so awesome!
Not necessarily in order of favoritism, I have a grapple, landscape rake, rotary cutter (brush hog), box blade, 3-point trailer hitch receiver/carrier, and clamp-on pallet forks...they do ok
Love it!
oke i am not a farmer.. i have tractors for around my land, and i love them my list
1. my own made wodsplitter .. by far the most used
2 my own repurposed lifting mast because it can load stuff as a all terrain forklift
3 frontloader (forks and bucket) and its actually a shared 2nd place..
4 trailer style pto driven excuvator.. its a bit long set up.. but it replaces a excavator completely not much used.. but will get to number one spot when ill be doing a roof (beams laying) and digging for a pool
what i do want in the future is a weed removal tool.. just something that scrubs the tiles free. not gonna do that for long
5 out 10 but living in the north for me is my front mount snowblower.
Nice, batting .500 :)
Great list. I've got one and two (plus five and six obviously)! And next will be four. But gotta say. I just last week bought a hydraulically assisted post hole digger. I haven't put a post in with it yet but i couldn't help myself but to go out to the paddock and drill a couple of practice holes. This thing is going to save my marriage. The wife absolutely hated being on the other side of the hand-held petrol auger we've been using.
Great video. Have to agree with #1 choice followed by (for me) the loader. Forks, loader, bucket and sometime in near future a brush crusher from gwt. Also have to pick up my stump bucket one of these days. Have a great day and be safe guys!. Tim
I've got three of them: a tiller, a box blade, and a bush hog. Trying to figure out how a loader will fit into the budget, because it'll require a whole 'nother tractor, but we definitely need one.
I own a bucket, roto cutter, box blade, i have a landscape rake because my ground is very rocky - am totally open for suggestions to pick up rock 1 to 6 inches
Mower, loader, bucket, grapple and third function. Need a quick connect and box blade next.
The only one I didn't have was a mower have all other attachments have a belly mower only not a 3-point
Yeah, mowers are definitely application specific!
i'm not a tractor owner but i'm interested in the tractor world and i'm surprised that a standard bucket wasn't #1.
I have all ten and a few more.
I have two tractors. Both have front loaders. I have the tiller for my small tractor I have a 5ft and 6ft brush cutters. Box blade. Front and rear hay spikes for my big tractor. 3pt auger. Canopys on both. Both tractors have the rear tires filled. That's all I think of rite off.
im interested in a large rake for leaves
post hole digger, with BOAT PROP STYLE TIP.. made from welded used flail mower blades!
Great video... time for a land plain video,, where is the TR-25!!!???? Is the any manufacturer of rear roller for your lawns... you have gophers and moles!!!! ???
Don't buy expensive bushings for a QH15. A cat 1to cat 2 adapter fits nicely into a cat 2 to cat 3 adapter, and together make one equivalent bushing at a fraction of the cost of one of the enormous hunks of metal that has been turned into a QH retail bushing. Make sure you get 2 sets of lower link adapters and 1 set of top top link adapters for each piece of equipment.
I second that
Good call.
Stump grinder
0 out of 10. 18 years with out a loader or even hydraulics. But I use my tractor almost every day, sometimes all day (today for example). I have a finish mower, post hole digger, aireator, blade w/ snow plow extension, harrow, 2 trailers, tree winch, splitter w/ crane, roller, 3pt. boom, lawn sweeper, ripper, single plow, spreader, sprayer, and a 110 gallon fresh water tank w/ pump for irrigation. Once I can find a reasonably priced cabbed 4 series with mid PTO I'll be getting all 10 of 10 plus more. Alas, at these prices it might be awhile.
Wow, pretty incredible. Shows the versatility of a tractor I think.
I'm Canadian so it's the snowblower for me "eh"
Hard to argue with that!
You forgot a crimper roller. It pretty good at killing weeds for a no till food plot.
Yeah, application specific. I've never used one, but heard good stuff!
Living round here it would be a back transport box, open it up and you can dig with it (sort of!), carry feed and animals (including the crew), just to useful not to include.
No to a back hoe - get a second hand JCB 8014. Much more versatile. Pallet forks - absolutely!
7 out of 10. Funny thing is, two of the three I don’t have yet are the cheapest two (ballast box and forks)
No ballast box? What do you use for counter weight?
@@GoodWorksTractors I have rear tires filled and usually have the landscape rake (or something else) on the back for ballast.
I need too get a tooth bar for 53” bucket
Check out heavyhitch.com and use code GWT to save 5%!