Its not gone, there are many of us (Uncle Bill's ) direct students. I have been personally been a direct student of Uncle Bill for 32 years. I teach in Evergreen and a few other of his students teach in Denver. Ted Garcia
Sorry I've been out of town. The difference between Kuntao and Silat can be summarized in Kuntao has its roots in China and Silat came from Indonesian. The predominant principle of Kuntao is attack ,attack ,attack( hit him, hit hard, then hit him again) The predominant principle of Silat is position, position, position, While I have seen Silat without Kunato I have not seen Kuntao taught without Silat
Great information Mr. Ron...(this is pancho...:)).
Nice to hear from you. Thanks
this martial arts are coming from my town...but its dissapear coz its deadly...but anyway ron thanks
Thank you
Its not gone, there are many of us (Uncle Bill's ) direct students. I have been personally been a direct student of Uncle Bill for 32 years. I teach in Evergreen and a few other of his students teach in Denver. Ted Garcia
What is the relationship between kuntao and silat ? Arent they two different things ?
Sorry I've been out of town. The difference between Kuntao and Silat can be summarized in Kuntao has its roots in China and Silat came from Indonesian. The predominant principle of Kuntao is attack ,attack ,attack( hit him, hit hard, then hit him again) The predominant principle of Silat is position, position, position,
While I have seen Silat without Kunato I have not seen Kuntao taught without Silat
Mis het reactie vermogen van de aanvaller, die doet slechts 1 ding en dan passief? Wie doet dat….?
L don't like the way he opens himself up