Hapana munhu anoronga kunobira munhu ma big assets akaita semota asina pfungwa or zvombo zvekurwisana nemuridzi wema assets. End result ye robbery kufa kwema victims or ma targets enyu. Why do some people think kuti they are entitled to a luxurious life at the expense of someone's life. Kushinga kuitira umwe munhu utsinye iye arikuzvishandira nemaoko ake ne pfungwa dzake kuti ararame in a peaceful manner achichengetawo mhuri yake. Imi mukanzi death sentence munotya but kuurayira munhu zvunhu zvake hazvikutyisei. Ngatityei Mwari vakasika denga nenyika. Zvakaipa dai tarega.
ko kana uri sorry wadii watora ngoda wapa hama dzemufi. Wakutoronga kuti kana ukazokwanisa kubuda woripa mufi nepfuma yake. Dai kuri kutonga kwangu mufi ngakushungurudze kusvika wapa hama dzake ngoda wozotsvaga yekumuripa.
This guy is an evil killer. The least he could have done was say that he is looking for the family of the person he killed so that he can tell them where he hid "their diamonds". He deserves to rot in prison. He isn't even sounding remorseful at all. He's bragging about hiding the stones. Shame man!!!
This story haisi kusangana zvakanaka. There's more to this story and Sisi Tilder havasi kunyatsobvunza coz kutenderera tenderana heee tazodya ndazogara Pasi pemumango ndakafonerwa ndikadii dii aaaaaa
Tilda Thanx so much for the interviews ,you doing a marvelous job .But inmates vanonyepa zvisingaite. Zireni has no consistency in his narration. There is no where you can exonerate munhu akauraya munhu iwe usipo. Pa issue pemari apa l do not understand kuti packet nemari yose yakayenda kupi. Kusvikira okumbira 100rands apa iye and ma thousands. Kana akakwanisa kupa mumwe wake 3000usd anofanira akasara neimwari.kkk zvinonetsa
This one took someone's life vanhu ava Havana tsitsi imi kuwurayirwa hama or sahwira ne mhondi idzi zvinorwadza,they should bring back.hanging honestly. Just think iye mupenyu but someone lost their brother, father ,son friend 😢 and they will never see them again.
Iwe unoda shamu ine mhinzwa bcz unonyepa plus waishandisa vamwe ko kuzoviga matombo vamwe vasingazivi sei wakadaro, tilda upote uchienda kumajere nemboma kuitira vanhu vakadai upote uchirova musoro, dai jere ramuitira nyasha adzoserwa ku condemn
Apa Tete you forgot to ask so many questions. Does his other friends and GF visit him? What does he plan with the diamonds considering he is in for life? Why would he ask for a mere 100 rands from someone far away when he had a lot of money? How did the police know his sister was sending him money? So many questions this doesnt add up at all
Rinonyepa bhinya iri girlfriend ndiye akatanga kubatwa iye akatiza i watched another chance pa zbc 2016 girlfriend akarondedzera zvese kusvika abatwa nema cid mari aida kutogadzirisa mota yemufi uyu shit yemunhu
You really think he bragged about hiding diamonds whislt exposing himself on camera. . He was blasted by the police and told them where they are. He killed the man but tries to defend himself by lying.
May you please do a follow up regarding the hidden diamonds and cash and handover to the deceased family..... He killed a breadwinner let him rot inside
Exactly! You steal more than 10000 dollars, and get caught because you wanted 6 dollars more. I find that with a lot of criminals, doing the crime is the easy part, thinking sensibly after the crime becomes the difficult part
This person is in the ryt place and he deserve to stay there forever
Please interview the accomplice that was stabbed, it will be interesting to see how his version of events differ.
Hapana munhu anoronga kunobira munhu ma big assets akaita semota asina pfungwa or zvombo zvekurwisana nemuridzi wema assets. End result ye robbery kufa kwema victims or ma targets enyu. Why do some people think kuti they are entitled to a luxurious life at the expense of someone's life. Kushinga kuitira umwe munhu utsinye iye arikuzvishandira nemaoko ake ne pfungwa dzake kuti ararame in a peaceful manner achichengetawo mhuri yake. Imi mukanzi death sentence munotya but kuurayira munhu zvunhu zvake hazvikutyisei. Ngatityei Mwari vakasika denga nenyika. Zvakaipa dai tarega.
This can become a blockbuster or very interesting series
Mapositori ndiwo apedza vanhu. Matsotsi. Inzwai kutsanangura kwake ungayi arikutaura movie yet pane vamwe vanhu vakatosara vasisina baba kana mwana.
He should get the hidden diamonds back to the family he murdered. Why keeping them if he feels sorry for the family nxa
But musazononoka kukanda episode please. Now I need a Tete Tilder everyday.
The way he's cool he knows how the guy died kwete zvekunyepa zvaaitaura
Yes this guy knew how they killed him but ainyepa pa last episode.
@@Imani-Mu ehe a kuda kunyepa kuti panezvandaive ndakungonzwa kuti panezvaitika ngaagare imomo for life
Arikuedza kuzvichenesa kuti awane amnesty.
@@Imani-Mu pakaipa but mufi anozvitaurira ega chakazoita kt akumbirane ne 100rand ichocho nemari yaakange ayinayo mufi akaramba kurova
Uyu even ndizere nemabook acho aari kuda handimupi kna one uyu mhondi chaiyo
These heartless murderers don't deserve mercy. They killed a hard working man and the death penalty was good for them.
May his soul rest in peace
ko kana uri sorry wadii watora ngoda wapa hama dzemufi. Wakutoronga kuti kana ukazokwanisa kubuda woripa mufi nepfuma yake. Dai kuri kutonga kwangu mufi ngakushungurudze kusvika wapa hama dzake ngoda wozotsvaga yekumuripa.
Uyu haana kana redemption uyu madiamonds awakaviga unomadii ipa hama dzemunhu wawakauraya haiwa i
Zimhondi ndiye akauraya uyuuu anotaurisa zvekuda kuvhara hupenzi
Linjani tete Tilda number 4 bengilesizungu ngathi yooh zobukani ke mina today watching from South africa
Kuzouraya vakatadza chaizvo they become too greedy.
Madiamonds should go to the deceased 's family.
This guy is an evil killer. The least he could have done was say that he is looking for the family of the person he killed so that he can tell them where he hid "their diamonds". He deserves to rot in prison. He isn't even sounding remorseful at all. He's bragging about hiding the stones. Shame man!!!
He must stay their because he's dangerous to the community ,he killed a father ,uncle , brother , to someone a bread winner ,so him stay their
Pachikomo chaakaviga matombo akuzviziwa hrre kuti panemashops 😅😂😂😂😂
This guys were serious on crime they must stay their community will be safe what they did is uncepteble .
Handei kuzvikomo zviriku Kwekwe ne diamond detector🤣🤣🤣🤣
tonoita marii
Mukadzi akatoitora uya
Hakuna chamunowana uko😂
Ngaadzorere ma Diamonds kuvaridzi vemufi ndokuti asunungurwe ,ngaasabuda mu Jeri ndomaakafanira
Yes well said ngaagare mujeri
Akabuda anouraya futi uyu ngaafire mujeri nxaa
Ahhh this tym mdhara mazonyanya kutinyepera
besides umbavha .humhondi this guy murevi wenhema correctional service ine basa guru pamurume uyu he needs to reform holistically
these criminals only realize their mistakes when they are arrested
Kana zvichivafambira vanotoramba vachiuraya vanhu ,hazvishamise maybe pane wamwe vanhu vakatouraiwa before uyu wavakapedzisira kuuraya .why killing someone bcz of money 😢😢😢
Imhondi iyi hako iwe😡
Kuzoda kuita sevanhu kwavo nokuti vabatwa vave mujere nxaa
They did have mercy with people s lives , the laws shld not have mercy with them too
@@bekezelachitoro6534 True
They didn’t have mercy on people s lives
Unodzosa motor plus ngoda nemare zvese tinozvida wakawuraya hama yanguuuu
Ko kutozotaura with confidence kuti diamond ndakacherera pachikomo no1 nos....
Speed yakanyanya futi yooo
Iwe ndiwe ukutofanira kufira mujere beside vamwe vese coz wakatora pfuma yose yemufi ndiwe hazvishamisi wangotivhara hako asi utoriwe nyakuuraya wacho ndosaka usina kukwanisa kutiza sevamwe wakazoswero kumbirana nema 100R iwe une mari kusvika wabatwa wawamweya womufi waitokudzimaidza😂
Taura hako kazi
Wabaya dede nemukanwa chaizvo
He was the masterminder, yet he wants to portray himself as a peripheral player, who was unfortunate.
That’s the part that REALLY confused me after he went back to the stolen car🤣🤣
This is a real true movie ,,, Vanhu takaoma chokwadi.
So many people died during the Marange diamond rush. Vamwe vakatotsakatika.
saka ngaape vanhu vekumba kwavo mastones akumadii arikujeri
Toda kunzwawo kunevamwe vake koz this guy anenge asirikunyatso taura chokwadi
Inhema dzose idzi
This story haisi kusangana zvakanaka. There's more to this story and Sisi Tilder havasi kunyatsobvunza coz kutenderera tenderana heee tazodya ndazogara Pasi pemumango ndakafonerwa ndikadii dii aaaaaa
Zvakaoma hazvo..munogona kutaura asi mhosva inoda kuripwa
I was waiting for this part 2
I think I need to visit this man kuti andiudza kuti akaisa payi matombo
Uyo anotendeuka hre uyo he is not feeling sorry for himself
Yes tete munogona kubvunza nyaya
Uyu ngaaudze hama dzemufi pane matombo vachengete vana vakasiiwa nemunhu wavakauraya
wekubaiwa neBanga uyoo,mapurisa avaiba navo,plase give them interviews timbonzwawo there side of story
kana shavi reurombe rabata kkkk unosungiswa nezvinhu zvisina basa Imagine une maThousand USD wosungiswa neR100 nxaaa uri duzvi firamo mujeri benzi iwe
Mwari imi Tenzi uiiiu zvaeakatoita zvekusawauraya ndizvo kt vagare mujeri ndokt varwadziwe nkt kana wakauraya hwarwadziwe
Ngavatibatsireo kuti akauraya bishop Mashaya ndiani
Murevi we nhema uyu
Anoshandisa mushonga murume uyu nemuskana wacho combination yacho vele
Kuti mwari vakwanise kumusungura ngaasabude mujeri imomo Tete itayi kuti hama dzemufi dzimunetse kusvika avaratidza panengoda dzifambirei nyaya dzacho pliz tete
Tilda Thanx so much for the interviews ,you doing a marvelous job .But inmates vanonyepa zvisingaite.
Zireni has no consistency in his narration.
There is no where you can exonerate munhu akauraya munhu iwe usipo.
Pa issue pemari apa l do not understand kuti packet nemari yose yakayenda kupi.
Kusvikira okumbira 100rands apa iye and ma thousands.
Kana akakwanisa kupa mumwe wake 3000usd anofanira akasara neimwari.kkk zvinonetsa
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Udzosere madiamonds awakatora kuvaridzi please
Zireni aaaah garamo plizzz .hauite Kti ubude
Kkkkk hanzi ndakadya Christmas ya 25 December
Give them madionds emwana wavo
True thats the coolest thing he can do
Mwari ngaamuwanire Nyasha
Wakatora mota ukatora cash ukatora ngoda ukatoresa upenyu wemunhu zvinorwadza💔💔💔
Aizvee. Pakuzoti kuroma kuLoreto nhai kumaraini kwangu...haa ndatya nazvo...Aaah nhai vanhu Silobela futi yoweh safa saphela...anonzi aniko Msikana wacho?
Muchinda anonyepa zvake uyu ndiye akatouraya munhu
Ndiudzewo pne madiamond sha
Ndichano taura naye zvakanaka. MaDiamonds anoda kutorwa aya😂
So R100 ndiyo yakakubatisa shuwa, trap yacho
He is just thinking zvematombo aakaviga its a shame
Mhondi mbavha ummmm ngadzirangwe nyika isununguke sevemabhemba ava umm n'anga dzikupa mushonga wekuti dzibude ngazirangwe
Poor Tete Tilder.....she can't believe. The story is action drama
God bless you Tete
Mbavha can narrate mami kkkkkk vanoita senge vanemadegree 🤣🤣🤣🤣
On all the episodes Zireni ndiye ane nyaya yakatsanangurwa se movie.
Its the advert for me😂😂😂😂
Tetez kuzobvunza maDiamonds 😅😅😅
Haa Kuba kwaikunetsai henyu
He is so good in narrating, love his narrative skills.... All the best brother we wish muchabuditswawo kana zvikafamba bhooo
Kubuda achiendepi. Ngaagare mukatiii!!
Uyo inotove mhondi chaiyo ,ngaapikire mhosva dzake 😂😂😂
@@dianamainana4910 veduweee we are all sinners, God always forgive us, he have repented
Why would they risk for R100 when they have thousands of American money🤔🙄
This one took someone's life vanhu ava Havana tsitsi imi kuwurayirwa hama or sahwira ne mhondi idzi zvinorwadza,they should bring back.hanging honestly. Just think iye mupenyu but someone lost their brother, father ,son friend 😢 and they will never see them again.
Iwe unoda shamu ine mhinzwa bcz unonyepa plus waishandisa vamwe ko kuzoviga matombo vamwe vasingazivi sei wakadaro, tilda upote uchienda kumajere nemboma kuitira vanhu vakadai upote uchirova musoro, dai jere ramuitira nyasha adzoserwa ku condemn
Apa Tete you forgot to ask so many questions. Does his other friends and GF visit him? What does he plan with the diamonds considering he is in for life? Why would he ask for a mere 100 rands from someone far away when he had a lot of money? How did the police know his sister was sending him money? So many questions this doesnt add up at all
Rinonyepa bhinya iri girlfriend ndiye akatanga kubatwa iye akatiza i watched another chance pa zbc 2016 girlfriend akarondedzera zvese kusvika abatwa nema cid mari aida kutogadzirisa mota yemufi uyu shit yemunhu
Ndambofunga kuti ari kureva usd100 but he continued to say R100. Ungakumbira R100 iwe wanga une bundle rema$10k & diamonds?
Vanhu vanonakidzwa nehumbavha nehugororo asi magumo acho anorwadza. Better ndife ndichidya hangu ma chunks than hugororo
Lol wangu wabva wandifungisa ma chunks ndamasuwa full bar🤣
@@tiemygvo5666 😂😂😂ma chunks akatirera tikakura
@@noxblablabla136 haaa ma chunks anoda kuremekedzwa wangu.. Akamira mira 🤣
@@tiemygvo5666 yaaa chunks rakarera vazhinji
Am first
The police should be directed pakavigwa madimonds then opihwa kune mhuri yakaparirwa mhosva...........
Shame team kwekwe let's go for a treasure hunt
Tiudze panematombo tikuitire appeal kkkk
I think matombo plus mari yacho zvakatopera kudhara dhara
Ngwarumapundu wani haha mabasa avapostori dzungurupete wani hmmm
Something is not adding up
Ukauraya business man unenge wauraya community yose
Yaaa ndopaninzi mhosva airove shuwa
inga zvakaoma hazvo...ko zvamungozobatwazve?
You may think the ZRP is useless until the start looking for you. Good job
ZRP is useless
You really think he bragged about hiding diamonds whislt exposing himself on camera. . He was blasted by the police and told them where they are. He killed the man but tries to defend himself by lying.
hezvo ndiudze hko kne mari ndiendese ku famly ymunhu wmakauray
Tete Tilder we miss these behind bars show episodes as they bring about a different view of how crimes are committed
Haaaaaaa pliz vanhu deyi tadzidza kubva kuvanhu. ava kubvutira munhu zvinhu zvaashanda apa wouraya futi dayi makangotora mari mosiya munhu arimupenyu
Kubatwa kunge hwai kudaro , MaDiamonds tsvaga wekuudza paari iwewe hauchamaoni futi ...
l know this story murume akauraiwa ihama yangu
Yes ndabvuma
That overall aunty Tilder suits you wooow😍❤️
Kubva kuseni ndichitsvaka programme
I don't think his got the diamonds. Why ask for 100 rand if you have money and diamonds?
Ndakazvifungawo futi
The whole story is a lie
Munhu uyo ngaanditume kumaDiamonds ndifambire nyaya dzake abude
🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️ speed kuchikomo kotsvaga diamond 🤣🤣🤣
Mubereki wemwana mbavha haana mufaro
Vanotosungirirwa ere zveshuwa imi
Nhai tete if u are in south Africa senditoo haiite here
Munhu uyu anonyepa hake.
Zvinogon kubatsir Ku reducer ma murder cases
May you please do a follow up regarding the hidden diamonds and cash and handover to the deceased family..... He killed a breadwinner let him rot inside
Nhema dzizere apa.
Guys can we just sit here and appreciate the fact that he got trapped by R100 ($6.94)😂😂😂 you went to the police to sign for 7 bucks bro?
Exactly! You steal more than 10000 dollars, and get caught because you wanted 6 dollars more. I find that with a lot of criminals, doing the crime is the easy part, thinking sensibly after the crime becomes the difficult part
Munhu ane 7k usd
There is more to the trap zvaasiri kuda kutaura mabatirwo aakaita
Hazvireve chinhu....R100
Its actually 5bucks😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ngandiudze kune diamond ndoritora hangu 🙈🙈
business man akaurayiwa anonzi ani
Ipa family yemufi madiamond
Ngaataure paakaisa madiamonds atengeswe awane mari yema books nema pen nekuendesa kustudio
tete ndokumbirawo access kumfes uyu andiudze kune maDiamonds