Star Trek: The Animated Series was a cartoon (22 episosed) recorded in 1973-75. Shatner would be on location acting on something else and would go into a bathroom and record his lines and forward the tape to Hollywood.
Shatner was shocked & aghast when he was told decades after the show was over by a female cast member that some of the Star Trek cast & crew despised him. (@5:03 minutes).
I have heard various criticisms about Bill my whole life (58 years). He is a very ripe old age now an still of good cheer. Evil people do not live that long; he has outlived all his detractors.
Snyder condescending, rude & insulting. Bill wouldn't be on stupid show if he didnt need to promote his book & Snyder wouldn't have a show without celebrities. symbiotic relationship which he should appreciate. Snyder tireless self promoter too.
Thank you sharing this, been on a Tom Snyder binge lately and it’s great to see him interview William Shatner.
Wm. Shatner was 61 here & looked 45. He's 93 & looks 65 now.
Star Trek: The Animated Series was a cartoon (22 episosed) recorded in 1973-75. Shatner would be on location acting on something else and would go into a bathroom and record his lines and forward the tape to Hollywood.
There were 79 episodes plus the pilot "The Cage" that wasn't aired until 1988; 22 yrs later.
79 episodes aired
No comment on hair. Can’t believe Tom said that to shatner while wore a piece of
Shatner was shocked & aghast when he was told decades after the show was over by a female cast member that some of the Star Trek cast & crew despised him. (@5:03 minutes).
"Kirk to enterprise" is what i liked his character saying most. Lol.
BTW Shatner worked a lot only with Leonard Nimoy & DeForest Kelley.
I have heard various criticisms about Bill my whole life (58 years). He is a very ripe old age now an still of good cheer. Evil people do not live that long; he has outlived all his detractors.
Bill's ego was well known to the cast.
Snyder condescending, rude & insulting. Bill wouldn't be on stupid show if he didnt need to promote his book & Snyder wouldn't have a show without celebrities. symbiotic relationship which he should appreciate. Snyder tireless self promoter too.
Tom Snyder being weak as usual