They should've totally added a feature where if Beatrice was fighting, and if time ran out, the door to the golden land would open and she would automatically win XD
5:46 see? Even Shannon agrees, B.Battler, as evil and wanting to kill you as he might be, he is still able to sit down and have a cup of tea/coffee with you like a sane person. xP
They should've totally added a feature where if Beatrice was fighting, and if time ran out, the door to the golden land would open and she would automatically win XD
Even Shannon agrees, B.Battler, as evil and wanting to kill you as he might be, he is still able to sit down and have a cup of tea/coffee with you like a sane person. xP
Looks like a fun fighting game:D Though it's not my styleXD
Still it was fun to watch:D
1:36 What is she doing?XD