A modern animated scene of a young man with silver hair, wearing a mask, sitting in a bright, well-lit recording studio. He is dressed in a blue hoodie, facing directly toward the viewer, making eye contact as if presenting something. The room is illuminated with soft natural light and subtle neon accents in pink and blue, creating a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. The workspace includes a laptop in front of him and a microphone setup to the side. The surroundings are professional and cozy, with soundproof foam panels on the walls, tech gadgets, and a plant on the desk, emphasizing a bright, open, and engaging environment.
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can you say the prompt for generate the avatar photo ? Thanks
A modern animated scene of a young man with silver hair, wearing a mask, sitting in a bright, well-lit recording studio. He is dressed in a blue hoodie, facing directly toward the viewer, making eye contact as if presenting something. The room is illuminated with soft natural light and subtle neon accents in pink and blue, creating a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. The workspace includes a laptop in front of him and a microphone setup to the side. The surroundings are professional and cozy, with soundproof foam panels on the walls, tech gadgets, and a plant on the desk, emphasizing a bright, open, and engaging environment.