Please buy the book to support the publisher and the author's heirs: Black House Publishing: Barnes & Noble: 4K video download link (1 GB):
When you study economics and then look how our economic system relies so much on central government usury, local government usury, financial institution usury and then personal usury it becomes clear why the world is in the mess that it is with continuous wars and grinding poverty. I hope one day day we collectively wake up to the enemy within.
As a Muslim I find it fascinating and scary how this is almost the only resource on the internet besides our religious law and scholarly interpretation that shuns usury/riba for the evil that it is.
As if this information is purposely suppressed. I remember advocating for gold standard 5 years ago, and was insulted for being "stupid" and "backwards". Funny, they say I'm wrong, but never argued why.
@@azure4100it’s mot stupid at all, but the gold standard has it’s own issues, one being the ability of countries to deplete another country’s gold reserves through trade imbalances. At the end of the day, we cannot cure the world’s evils through systems. Any system that human beings create is prone to corruption by humans. Christ is the only answer. Only changing hearts can uplift a nation. Study history and you will find that nations thrive when the populations focus on God and nations fall into degeneracy and crumble when they turn from God.
Here in England, the biggest supermarket chain is TESCO it establishes itself in small towns like mine and sells a large variety of goods under one roof, forcing many local small businesses, many of which have been in the same families for generations, to close. TESCO =T E STOCKWELL & JACK COHEN. It's all starting to make sense. The store chain was controlled by Jack Cohen, and T E Stockwell was just the person he bought tea from.
Edward the VI was spot on: Usury is by the word of God utterly prohibited, as a vice most odious and detestable..." The only people who can't be bought, are - overwhelmingly - people who take their faith extremely seriously. Secularism contributes to this problem. What good is it for people to become aware of this, if all it takes for them to start worshipping money again is for them to fall on hard times? Christianity needs to spread. Understanding WHY God tells us not to engage in sin, which includes Usury, will lead to people taking heed in far higher numbers. Thank you for posting this. It is very much appreciated.
Titanically based. Thank you for watching and for the comment, fren. Lots more about sound money on the channel:
@@kensurrency2564 Our debt has been paid by Christ. But repentance is a must. God isn't mocked and prayers of repentance that aren't sincere will not be taken seriously. God sees our heart. Man's wisdom is not above God's. Have faith in Christ, believe God, and turn to Him. God bless.
Why are you sad? I'm quite happy for you. One thing that's important is that the author he's reading from has a particularly anti-Jewish bend. Look, culturally speaking, some people just are taught to be up to no good. Look at the Obamas, the Clintons, most of the people I thought were good are rotten to the core and perfectly happy to serve this money lending leviathan that Andrew Jackson and other good men actually *fought* .... but no one can help who their parents are. There are good Jewish people too, there are plenty of goy that are not part of this big conspiracy so it's important to remember when someone says "its da j00z" stupid stuff for you to look at Klaus Schwab and the other WEFfers and look where their roots are from. Schwab's grandfather sold the Nazis flamethrowers to set jewish people ablaze.
Chris, that is because the west created an indoctrination program called "big history" in the 1970s. Sort of like an international dictatorship on what is right or wrong to believe.
I used to think the answer to americas money problem was to go to the gold standard but now i think that might not be enough. The solution is to ban usury.
Thanks so much! Please consider buying the book to support the author's heirs:
Thank you, fren. I actually have extraordinarily high hopes for this video, whether or not it stays on this channel. The best thing YOU can do to help is to buy a copy from the publisher: There's also this $8 eBook:
@ Thanks mate! This isn't my book, Black House Publishing has the copyright. So I am in no place to grant anyone permission to do anything with the book per se. But, the full quality 4K video download link is in the description :)
Outstanding stuff, many thanks! One aspect of the nationalisation of the BoE in 1946 that gets overlooked is that it makes the BoE liable for every penny in circulation as part of the active economy. This may be one of the reasons that there were no banking failures after 2008 and the govt of the day effectively nationalised those banks with 'too big to fail' liabilities. It demonstrates that banking profits are to be enjoyed by the private individuals who 'work' there while the losses are picked up by the taxpayer. Its nigh on impossible to get people interested in this as most with the knowledge to understand what is happening are actually part of the system themselves.
We have to try regardless. I spent ~500 hours on this project and it's been watched for hundreds of thousands of hours. It IS possible to help normies understand these issues and care about them!
@@AMB477 Of the eight chapters, I think chapters one and eight are the weakest. The algorithm was promoting the full video (with all eight chapters) to the tune of thousands of hours of watch time per DAY when a copyright claim from the publisher took it down. I'm grateful for any algorithmic support, but I would have preferred that chapters two through five have gone viral. But I can't complain! Please consider buying a copy to support the publisher and the author's family:
It was repeated in the United States. You can thank Alexander Hamilton for arranging that little episode and Andrew Jackson for ending it, until 1913 anyway.
@tolotolo2380. Correct. Go through wars in history. One of the PRIME reasons in the shadows often hidden by some "managed" reason for the war in question was that the "victim" country had an "independent" bank / financial system.
The monetary system has evolved since 1690, not by natural forces; but rather by the designs of bankers, who profit by their manipulations. Therefore, what you are experiencing today is not what it was in 1940, or in 1900 or in 1860 etc. It is important to keep this in mind, that the currency system is still in a state of flux, and ever further manipulated to advantage the banker and politician, and disadvantage further (steal from ) the ignorant common people (99.9%, ) but we the people dont understand this, or the extent to which monetary practices have evolved to steal from us, because in our minds we work for money, our parents worked for money and so did our grandparents, so isn't it all pretty much the same with a little bit of inflation ? Hell no ! There have been massive machinations and manipulations designed to harvest your work and energy to the advantage and privilege of a few. And because monetary principles are abstracts that cannot be seen with our eyes, they require mental effort to get our heads around. They are in fact, a completely separate topic to practical daily living, yet they effect our daily life totally. The first principle to understand is that you have been robbed of real money by successive bankers, because the whole idea of 'Money ' is to hold something of real value as your own property, and to receive something of real value for your labour and productivity. But you get nothing, you get zero of value. You get paper, or plastic or electrons for your work and efforts, and these, having no fixed intrinsic value weight or measure, can therefore be manipulated and devalued before you even believe you have it, and faster than you can accumulate it. Devaluation through inflation is the insidious tax your vote or will has NO power to address; the banker alone retains that privilege, and uses it to rob you every second of every year, night and day. You have been hood winked by slight of hand and mind into accepting a constantly devaluing IOU for nothing, all at the point of a gun, because 'legal currency ' means, you shall accept this degrading note alone for your labour, or the armed sheriffs will pay you a visit, and commit further theft and violence upon you, as the state retains to itself the Exclusive franchise to exercise violence. When the State does violence, that's OK. Your forefathers were paid in real money, Gold and Silver, but the bankers were limited in what they could loan out by metalic money, so they sought to do away with it, and they invented the promissory note, the 'bank note' which promised to be redeemable for a Silver or Gold coin. They did this to remove the natural restriction on what they could loan out, because new debt at interest is their primary tool of harvest. Then, gradually, they removed the metal altogether, telling you it was for your own good, because now you could have a booming economy and more commerce, and no limitation on how many hours both you and your partner could work . (The 'full employment' mandate simply means you all shall work all of the time until you die, but in the 1700s 6 months work would keep you alive all year if you owned your land. ) Once they had the Exclusive note printing power, they went to town, printing any amount their bought servants in government wanted, creating the national debt, whereby an unborn child is born in servitude and serfdom to an now $100,000 to $ 150,000 debt to who ? That would be the share holders of the Federal Reserve if you live in the United States, or the Central Bank in your country, and also the large private banks, for once government abrogated the currency creation power to both the Central and large private banks, they must then go cap in hand to the banks to build new public infrastructure. So now every county, state and nation has indebted their ' citizens' in totally unpayable debts to the currency creators. Meanwhile after Bretton Woods the Federal Reserve sent its agents around the world to ensure that all Central banks were created in its own image, doing exactly what it does, so no one shows them up, even though quite a few Central banks are not privately owned like the Federal Reserve is, yet they still create ALL new Currency as Debt which indebts you, your children and grandchildren forever. That is a small taste on the first faulty monetary principle and that's before we talk about the unpayable interest on the new worthless currency that they create for zero cost. There are 4 faulty monetary principles in practice that ensure 99.9% will live in servitude to the .1% Unless you educate yourself and then teach your children and grandchildren, you will remain enslaved, 70% of your work goes to the bankers and bureaucrats.
Indeed. And all this debt is sitting there ready to be weaponized when a fully technocratic digital global surveillance entity goes live. Its very close, control of all global and state systems are total,the infiltration and subversion is deep and irreversible. People have no idea what is about to be unleashed after centuries of impeccable planning. Is not the last letter of the alphabet so profound.
would you recommend any websites / videos to research this as it’s very difficult to find videos like this that show it in this light or at least don’t hide some of the details
Peacedozer, thank you for hosting this. You singlehandedly got my down the road of producing my own animated series which will tell the real context of various "stories" throughout history. Episode 1 is focusing on the true cause of the 1776 Revolution being the Currency Act, passed in 1764. All history books focus on the Stamp Act in 1765 and the "Intolerable Acts", not the Currency Act which foundered the Colonial economy.
Titanically based. You are so welcome, fren. I highly recommend watching videos from because I think he's doing exemplary work on this front, and he'll probably give you some ideas! We are going to make it.
Mein kampf quote ““Should the Jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the people of this world, his Crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, without any human life on its surface, as it did millions of years ago. And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the lord.
“The unforgivable sin of Hitler’s Germany was to develop a new economic system by which the international bankers were deprived of their profits.” - Winston Churchill
He was a Jew. Ashkenazi. His lineage and acolytes were relocated to Argentina. Hitler Along with his complete inner circle were all in place for a reason. This was the tipping point for freedom and slavery. We lost. We’re a complete Nazi nation, unknowingly. Ruled by more Ashkenazi now. They are so entrenched in our systems we don’t have any control of our country. Time to toss them out and send them to some shitty island and forget about them
Titanically based. Once I had a dream that the stroke poke was being forced on me, but I woke up right before it would have happened. I literally couldn't even DREAM about getting the cringe syringe.
@@peacedozer "in 1711 for giving Medina a yearly payment of £6,000. Marlborough replied that the money had been expended in obtaining trustworthy information." this is the exact opposite of your claim, what else is BS?
They still would not wake up, they have them preoccupied with sex sports and none sense series on tv. Dumb and dumber is their motto and the people are simply eating it up ( hence the obesity).
Thank you so much! Please support the author's family and the publisher by buying a copy, eBooks are as cheap as $8:
I believe in destiny. All is by design. Usury will destroy us, send us to unparalleled misery. I was a hardcore atheist. But now I realise all historic events have a religious motivation to it. It is what it is. Legendary upload.
You've just explained so much English culture that was still oral when my father was alive. One of the first things he said to me was "never a borrower, nor a lender, be."
@@winstonsmith8240 the Austrian Painter arrested the Rothchilds in 1938 and International finance capitalism ( The City of London ) in alliance with Communism destroyed him.
Thank you, fren. The file has been spread far and wide, deleting my account will do little to the overall watch time it's getting. More importantly, people are talking about this stuff face-to-face WAY more often. We are going to make it.
"Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world." - Henry A. Kissinger
In this extremely specific circumstance, I can just about guarantee that I won't redo this book narration. But the themes will undoubtedly come up again!
Thanks mate! Please support the author's family and the publisher by buying a copy for as little as $9 :)
Churchill was a piece of sh!t. The victors write the history. And the braindead in America never question why Stalin (a communist) was buddies with Churchill and FDR. Hitler was painted in a false light. And it's sick to listen to the propaganda peddled about the so-called "holocaust". Words can't articulate how abhorrent and disgusting these people were and are and I mean those pushing a political narrative when then actually know the truth and are complicit in the lie.
“The unforgivable sin of Hitler’s Germany was to develop a new economic system by which the international bankers were deprived of their profits.” - Winston Churchill
The channel is eligible for monetization, but I won't do it. This isn't my book to monetize anyway. I'm surprised the channel is still up at all! Garak is tied with Quark for my favorite DS9 character BTW.
Can you make a video on how the baron bank influenced the war of the triple alliance war in southamerica invthe 1870. I would love to see your take on it.
I understand peoples concerns about this but I don't think this is realistic or ideal to ban fractional banking as I think it is fair not to have full reserves and to be able to lend on the promise of reserves returning otherwise credit would be too stifled, in my opinion, but obviously the reserves need to be high.
History was told by the victors. But music and other forms of record kept by the common people tell other sides of the story. We can say its repeating itself however the process gets more efficient as it polarizes and comes to a conclusion. Much as anything thats chaotic become synchronized for a time before turning back to chaos.
Here's a quick primer on what's wrong and what to do about it. ALL fiat currency is debt, that's the only way the Central Banks make it, whether through government bondage note, or private bank loans. Bankers have developed four practices that are unsustainable and catastrophic. If we dont understand the causes of a problem we will address the symptoms or actors, not the causes. 1st. Large private and Central banks have obtained the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new Currency as Debt, at interest. An increasing population needs an increase in currency, but it is ALL created as a debt to the Central Bank, bearing interest. This indebts the whole world, every person, every government, in totally unpayable debts, ( because where can the interest come from) enslaving us all to bankers through personal debt or ever increasing oppressive and unjust taxation, permits, licences, registrations, regulations, rates, duties, fees, fines, levies, surcharges, adinfinitum, of which an increasing volume goes straight to the debt creators, who created it for free. (At zero cost to themselves.) 2nd. Because of the first fault, (wherein a Central bank has the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new money,) and they attach interest to it, (which they do not create) they must continually create more currency to pay the interest on the last round of debts and to resupply liquidity as debt repayments suck the last round of currency they created out of the national economy. The volumes of the booms and busts of 'credit cycles' are totally unnatural and the economy should follow population growth. Inflation, (or rather, devaluation through deliberate currency oversupply,) is destructive to all but the rich. There is virtually no limitation on fiat currency creation. Because successive governments have abrogated the peoples right to create their own Sound debt free money, the state also sponsors inflation by borrowing and spending, 'stimulus ' in the vain hope that they can 'create wealth through debt,' and inflate away past and present debts with NEW DEBT ! 🤪🤪🤪 This robs the people under their very noses. Adding to this is fractional reserve banking wherein private banks effectively create massive new Currency volumes, (but its only temporary because it's all debt) blowing bubbles (in housing/CRE/stocks) which devalues everyone's savings, work, 401k & pension, by raising all prices. (Which don't return to their former level when inflation reduces, the rate of increase simply slows down momentarily. ) We call price increases inflation, but it's really devaluation of your savings, time, work and while corporations do add to inflation of prices, they generally are Not the primary drivers of inflation. Attacking corporations is becoming side tracked. Shrinkflation further adds to our reduction and desolation as companies attemptto make the same or more profits than last year. (Did you know the only time our society gets some real new Currency ? It's when someone goes bankrupt and can't repay the banks what they borrowed. ) The fix ? The first step is to end Central Banks and return to Sound Metalic Money. This will slow the rate of currency creation and make it much more difficult to devalue our wages and savings by currency 'printing.' The 2nd step would be to legislate that banks publish their reserve ratio. So if they have $100 million on their books in deposits, and $50 million in loans, that's a 50% reserve ratio. We could legislate a reserve ratio, and by openly publishing this people can choose the risk level they are willing to take. Along with this we need to legislate an industry to home loan ratio. This will change banking and we need to change banking, because it is destructive. The banks wont be able to make as much, and that's a good thing. We need to make money anything the people want, but legal tender must meet Metalic standards under the office of weights and measures, and national and state treasury departments and mints could produce and release real intrinsic value Money. This will not create inflation like some bankers and their economists would have you think. It is not who creates currency that drives the Constant devaluation of your work & money, it is THE VOLUME per population/ productivity. The banks increased the base currency supply by over 65 % since March 2020 & 300% since 2008. This has been greatly multiplied as deposits were rolled back into real estate loans creating bubbles, which further lever up equity to back more loans. You can't spend it off planet, and we've had no increase in population or productivity. How can it not devalue our savings, wages and retirement funds by a similar % as it enters the economy ? 3rd problem. Fiat currency whether paper OR DIGITAL has no intrinsic value, thus it cannot be used as a long term store of value, particularly in an ever expanding fiat system. Taxation and the 'legal' currency label attached to fiat creates artificial demand for fiat currency. This is the 'Force' component of Fiat currency, wherein you are forced at the point of a gun to accept worthless paper or electrons for your daily work. Metalic Money is the currency of a free sovereign people. Fiat at Debt is the currency of slaves. The fix ? Return to Silver, Gold, Copper & Nickle currency, designated by weight, not cents/dollars. These will find their own local value. These can't be printed to oblivion, have intrinsic value, and are a safeguard against bankers counterfeiting. Continue to keep the manufacture of Gold & Silver rounds by private mints & foundries to help keep government mints honest. Do not allow bankers and economists of the current system to con you into believing there isn't enough Metalic Money. You float its value, mint it by grams and ounces and you have a Gold and Silver backed currency. Same with Copper & Nickle. Mint 10th ounce, 2 10ths, 5 10ths and 1 ounce and grams in 1 grams, 2 grams, 5 & 10 grams. Never give it a 'value number,' which is a lie. Give it its weight & purity, and let the market decide what it will buy. Call it 'slow money," like 'slow food.' It's slower for sure, but it's 10 times better for you. If you think there's not enough metal, live more like the Amish and there will be plenty. We are a totally wasteful people and that can't go on forever. Everything we manufacture should be recycled at end of life. No more landfill. Probably necessary to nationalise mines & pay shareholders out in metals. We are aiming at a more just, more perfect union, and that requires we treat shareholders justly and make them whole while preserving a mining and exploration industry. So gently, thoughtfully, carefully on this one. 4th. The 'World Bank' and IMF are your friendly international arms of the Federal Reserve, who loan worthless US currency invented at zero cost to enslaved nations of people to purchase necessities, when their own commodities or worthless currency would do just as well. This ensures the indebtedness of nation's simply to survive. I suggest a goods and commodities exchange between countries, with a quarterly settlement of shortfalls with Gold or Oil/Gas. And oil and gas are not the monsters they are made of to be, and may well prove to be the greenest energy sources other than hydro. Studies suggest making an electric car requires the moving of 500,000 lbs of rock/soil, (which is only possible with diesel and oil) so the real energy footprint of a battery that has a 200,000 km life could easily prove to be twice that of a clean running low emission gasoline vehicle with a repairable engine, and LPG is extremely clean due to less carbon atoms. (3-4 carbon atoms, vs gasoline at 4-12 carbon atoms.) This research is present and ongoing. Correct these 4 Principles and >80 % of a nation's problems would disappear. Do not allow your masters the Debt slave creator's to tell you it can't be done. They are not seeking your best interests, but theirs. It is easily done, it's just a different but far better system. Beware. The FED, IMF, WEF wants you totally enslaved with Digital currency. Convert your garbage fiat currency into Gold and Silver while you still can, or prepare for destruction. Come to think of it, you better prepare for destruction anyway, because humans are animals and always learn the hard way. The bankers motto is : 'Preserve your Capital at all costs.' The bankers are buying Gold. We the people can afford Silver. Good luck.
Goys are jealous because they are great comedians, handsome, thrifty and inventive. People forget that the we have the world we have today due to the proliferation of nuclear weapons which protect us, thanks to Einstein and the dapper "Oppy" Oppenheimer and not to forget Gay Enola. We would all be living in caves if it weren't for them.
it's been a sad, slow decline from our pagan roots in the groves of the druids, the open and rigorous moral and philosophical debates of the greeks, the confucianism of the chinese...where seeking knowledge, being of service to one's fellows, and raising up noble young people was seen as the highest pursuit of an ethos where accumulating wealth for no other purpose than to hoard it away has become our highest ideal. my philosophy is to live within my heart centered reality-that is, the people i love, the children i teach, the community i directly interact with-in as honest and open a way as i can. those people and things i can directly impact are what i spend my energy on, trying to live up to our ancestors example.
@ unfortunately most "christian's" today are either joel osteen type prosperity gospel believers, protestant evangelocon israel flag wavers, or catholics with zero understanding of history and even less genuine belief. true community, the simple truth of scripture and application of jesus' teachings could truly transform our society but many are caught up in the deceitfulness of riches and the cares of this world.
Everywhere the tribe appears it´s the same game since Mose. 27:33 min. "starvation in the midst of abundance..." made me very sad. It´s inhuman and I see it all over the earth today.
@@peacedozer Nice thought, but read Machiavelli. A change in the situation never comes from the masses. Because it does not have the necessary resources and is completely powerless. Changes always only come from the ruling elite and are always primarily self-interested. I studied political science to make a difference and do you know what happened when I voiced criticism? I wasn't given a degree and therefore no job. So I have been unemployed for over 10 years. I can only express my criticism in a non-violent way using Gandhi's method; passive resistance now.
It always confused me how you can create value/money out of thin fucking air. Obviously we know more today, but how has this concept been able to make it this far?
Excellent work and my best regards to the author. Nice to know some other people are interested in the truth here also, and who still have moral integrity left. FWIW I wish Muslims and Christians could have an alliance, but modern Christians are too brainwashed…
Thank you, fren. Stephen Mitford Goodson is dead, but his work lives on! You can support his family by buying the book:
@@peacedozer No thank you, this stuff takes dozens of hours to learn and understand and you have created concise videos I can use to share with friends and talk through and link to other world issues
The chamber within the City of London which has been controlled by wealthy families, controls the 10th-century Livery companies that maintain and set up world commerce, trade routes, the stock market, the tax havens, the triangular slave trade, The Bank of England, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, The USA then after the invasion and destruction of Washington DC the Fed reserve was installed. Later Israel was incorporated, a line of credit was created and land was sold from the city
Take what you want from this but, this book is on Amazon but in Spanish. Any book that is either way too overpriced and/or not available in English on Amazon tells me they don’t want people knowing what’s in it.
So true, king. While working on this project, I ordered a Spanish copy and a German copy. The German copy never did ship, and they refunded me. It was different publishers, Black House Publishing mentions on their website that lawyers acting on behalf of the South African Central Bank (where Goodson had worked) threatened legal action, so Amazon took it down.
There's a story about BoE has a "rememberzer" present in parliament since about 1700. Wondering if extension / similar "remeberzer" personnel in all central banks, BoC, FED, BIS, etc in modern times; achieved by various titles/ job, i.e., Treasurer, Secretary of XYZ, Chairman FED, etc??? Also in domestic ABC's, & international alphabets such as, IMF, WB, UN, NATO, ...???
1:40 it feels like I’m reading a story where I know the bad guy is gonna win but I still don’t want him to. Like in season 1 of GOT when you know Ned is gonna get merked
There was once a brilliant short form version of this named the story of your enslavement. TH-cam was once good for research, its was like the gold rush of information before the you know who got hold of it!
Thank you fren, that was an oversight. I had all the subtitles perfect for the full video and the first chapter, but forgot about subsequent chapters. Hopefully it'll be finished processing in a few hours, otherwise I'm afraid you're on your own.
This is why England and Holland never treaties, they might have both been Anglican, but were socially incompatible; one a sovereign nation the other an economic zone (lacking soul, purpose and identity). Remember what nation had a market collapse due to a flower!
I'm amazed this has not been censored off by YT with its references to a certain religious group of people but really appreciate the content of which I am most ignorant. I knew about the formation of the bank of England but nothing about the previous five hundred or so years and need educating but at least I am now aware that this debt money system has shafted us and made us into debt slaves of which we must get rid.
"Dante puts the usurers in the lowest sub-circle of the seventh circle of hell, with others whose sins are regarded as doing violence against nature and nature's God; many people have noted that usurers are placed deeper into hell than violent murderers, violent suicides, blasphemers, and sodomites. Dante regards usurers as perverting art, i.e., productive skill, by means of which we are supposed to produce and create and thereby imitate the goodness of God. Usury is the anti-art: it produces nothing substantial, being just a set of multiplication games with money, and therefore does not really contribute anything to 'earning one's way and furthering humankind'. It merely gives the illusion of doing so, and is therefore a sort of mockery of both human reason and divine providence -- indeed, a sort of universal violence against neighbor, God, and one's own reason, an extraordinarily efficient form of violence by which you do the most damage with the least effort."
@@peacedozer And what exactly are we supposed to do about it? Be realistic. These .1% control the world. 99.8% are sleeping And the .1% who know simply aren't in a position to do anything. The world's wealth, gold, silver, diamonds, media, weapons industry, etc. You name it? They control it. But they WILL be defeated no doubt about it. They rebelled against God, and sooner than you think, he will punish them. As for me, you and others like us, all we can do is sit and wait.
Realistically speaking, one could spend hundreds of hours creating effective videos that are easy for people to download. Videos that people watched for 1,000+ hours over the past few days on TH-cam alone. Noah knew that God would save his family-but he still had to build the ark. Find something that YOU can do and do it! The world needs YOUR help. If you're lost, start by watching videos from Asha Logos. Something he said stuck with me: "everything is contagious."
God will end the synagogue of Satan, in favor of His True Israelites, who will shepherd the nations in truth and devotion to God. The time of the end is soon approaching: modern state of Israel is perfectly set up to fall into the hands of the anti christ, as prophesied
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Mitford
@@peacedozer I love that you ɛosted this knowledge. I am not Jweish myself, but my mother is, lol. She not the Rothchilds kind however. This kind of discussion is usually INSTABANNED on these social media, but I always wondered what exactly did the Jews do that made extermination a paletable option for the NAZI's as well as the various pogeoms and expulsions by variety of European nations over the centuries. It wasnt "anti semitism"
I am perplexed about the French here as I understand the French system was bankrupt prior to Napoleon yet it is stated here they had no usury system so how did it come to be so financially broke as it is implied here that the usury system that destroys countries economies?
Thanks mate, but that anger must be directed. I recommend sitting down and watching them with a friend and talking about it. There's a lot of emotional programming to overcome, and doing that one-on-one takes time, but is so worth it.
@peacedozer so what does it to get angry , really nothing regardless how angry you get, but peace of mind will do the trick, then you start entangled it whatever it's tide up to the core, history, health, relationships, money like in this case. Just anything once you get to the bottom of it, then and only then you could get to needed it greedy, @@peacedozer your a genius, peace to you brother, things are coming along well, your hard work is getting pay off every one here understand exactly what's up my friend. 😮😮😮😢😢😊😊😊.
I’ve forgotten the exact details but apparently The Wizard of Oz is an allegory about the gold standard. Yellow Bricks, Emerald City, Ruby Slippers, poverty stricken farmers etc.
Please buy the book to support the publisher and the author's heirs:
Black House Publishing:
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4K video download link (1 GB):
Talmudists suck
When you study economics and then look how our economic system relies so much on central government usury, local government usury, financial institution usury and then personal usury it becomes clear why the world is in the mess that it is with continuous wars and grinding poverty. I hope one day day we collectively wake up to the enemy within.
It's our duty to help the people around us understand this information!
Oy vey
@HarrisonBurgeron-h9m they woke up a little too hardcore
The Emperor Protects, Brother
⚡️ ☠️ ⚡️
@HarrisonBurgeron-h9mGermany/Nazis from the 1930sand 40s
Its crazy that so many places in completely different places in the world have the same problems with the same people
@@peacedozer oy vey 🤑🐷👃🏻🤥
as Mr Ford alerted
The jew
Its the money and the greed itself more so than the people
As a Muslim I find it fascinating and scary how this is almost the only resource on the internet besides our religious law and scholarly interpretation that shuns usury/riba for the evil that it is.
It really is interesting...
As if this information is purposely suppressed.
I remember advocating for gold standard 5 years ago, and was insulted for being "stupid" and "backwards".
Funny, they say I'm wrong, but never argued why.
@@azure4100 Based and gold-pilled.
I'm Christian, these people are our common enemy, they want to destroy everything!
@@azure4100it’s mot stupid at all, but the gold standard has it’s own issues, one being the ability of countries to deplete another country’s gold reserves through trade imbalances.
At the end of the day, we cannot cure the world’s evils through systems.
Any system that human beings create is prone to corruption by humans.
Christ is the only answer. Only changing hearts can uplift a nation. Study history and you will find that nations thrive when the populations focus on God and nations fall into degeneracy and crumble when they turn from God.
Here in England, the biggest supermarket chain is TESCO it establishes itself in small towns like mine and sells a large variety of goods under one roof, forcing many local small businesses, many of which have been in the same families for generations, to close. TESCO =T E STOCKWELL & JACK COHEN. It's all starting to make sense.
The store chain was controlled by Jack Cohen, and T E Stockwell was just the person he bought tea from.
@@peacedozerstop ruffling the ringlets..!
@@stephennelmes4557in Canada & USA walMart had the same impact on every place a Walmart was built.
Yes and M&S + jewson etc etc
They've just done the same thing to ALL small businesses using the pandemic
Edward the VI was spot on: Usury is by the word of God utterly prohibited, as a vice most odious and detestable..." The only people who can't be bought, are - overwhelmingly - people who take their faith extremely seriously. Secularism contributes to this problem. What good is it for people to become aware of this, if all it takes for them to start worshipping money again is for them to fall on hard times? Christianity needs to spread. Understanding WHY God tells us not to engage in sin, which includes Usury, will lead to people taking heed in far higher numbers.
Thank you for posting this. It is very much appreciated.
Titanically based. Thank you for watching and for the comment, fren. Lots more about sound money on the channel:
Remember: the word “sin” also means *DEBT.*
@@kensurrency2564 Our debt has been paid by Christ. But repentance is a must. God isn't mocked and prayers of repentance that aren't sincere will not be taken seriously. God sees our heart. Man's wisdom is not above God's. Have faith in Christ, believe God, and turn to Him. God bless.
@ Thank you 🙏🏾
rothschild looks like one of those fullblood vampires from the blade movies
Silver ends the vampires!
There is a video out there on their deliberately inbreeding, uncle niece for generations ..
More like elderly vampire embryos with see thru skin
They are vampires and suck the life out of everything they get their nasty claws on.
@@peacedozerno, that’s for werewolf’s.
They look inbred
109 counties can’t all be wrong man! There’s a reason Islam and Christianity had strictly prohibited usury.
Guess who have been biggest enemies to these two religions who have ruled the largest swathes of land 👃🏻👃🏻👃🏻👃🏻
Islam is the new j.e.w
The most funny thing, a group from East recently rose up, outcompeting the J in their own game. They're the biggest threat Js seen in a millennia.
@azure4100 you mean Khurasan?
The things we were never taught in k-12. So sad that i am learning this at 60.
The people in your circle are counting on YOU to help them understand this information earlier :)
Why are you sad? I'm quite happy for you. One thing that's important is that the author he's reading from has a particularly anti-Jewish bend. Look, culturally speaking, some people just are taught to be up to no good. Look at the Obamas, the Clintons, most of the people I thought were good are rotten to the core and perfectly happy to serve this money lending leviathan that Andrew Jackson and other good men actually *fought* .... but no one can help who their parents are. There are good Jewish people too, there are plenty of goy that are not part of this big conspiracy so it's important to remember when someone says "its da j00z" stupid stuff for you to look at Klaus Schwab and the other WEFfers and look where their roots are from. Schwab's grandfather sold the Nazis flamethrowers to set jewish people ablaze.
Chris, that is because the west created an indoctrination program called "big history" in the 1970s.
Sort of like an international dictatorship on what is right or wrong to believe.
It's never to late to learn ever,ever whatever the issues. 😊😊😊
Me too
I used to think the answer to americas money problem was to go to the gold standard but now i think that might not be enough. The solution is to ban usury.
Indeed, the gold standard only merely serves to constrain the excessive amount of government borrowing but yes the entire system needs scrapping.
Will be showing this to my family and friends. Absolutely fascinating! Thank you
Thanks so much! Please consider buying the book to support the author's heirs:
Good luck lol
@peacedozer you go so fast!! Slow down on those truth bombs so we can soak it in. Great content. Would love to plug into your sources.
@@peacedozerThis series is extremely antisemitic.
@@2200Stinger Facts be that way.
Think this video will be here for a good time rather than a long time, keep fighting brother.
Thank you, fren. I actually have extraordinarily high hopes for this video, whether or not it stays on this channel. The best thing YOU can do to help is to buy a copy from the publisher: There's also this $8 eBook:
@@peacedozer important question!
Do you allow your videos to be translated and reuploaded?
@ Thanks mate! This isn't my book, Black House Publishing has the copyright. So I am in no place to grant anyone permission to do anything with the book per se. But, the full quality 4K video download link is in the description :)
Subscriber from Kenya.
Learning a lot from you man.
Keep up the spirit.
Thank you, fren!
Stay put though.
@@peacedozer Kenya feel the love? Haha.
@@errantknightofalostrealmwas this necessary?
Outstanding stuff, many thanks!
One aspect of the nationalisation of the BoE in 1946 that gets overlooked is that it makes the BoE liable for every penny in circulation as part of the active economy.
This may be one of the reasons that there were no banking failures after 2008 and the govt of the day effectively nationalised those banks with 'too big to fail' liabilities.
It demonstrates that banking profits are to be enjoyed by the private individuals who 'work' there while the losses are picked up by the taxpayer.
Its nigh on impossible to get people interested in this as most with the knowledge to understand what is happening are actually part of the system themselves.
We have to try regardless. I spent ~500 hours on this project and it's been watched for hundreds of thousands of hours. It IS possible to help normies understand these issues and care about them!
We don’t need most people. History has never been written by the ignorant, docile masses, but rather by the committed, passionate few
F normies. Target the intelligencia and move the Overton window
@@Hellvine Plenty of the committed, passionate few used to be normies, and I'm not going to stop reaching out to them.
Yeah, but most will go back to being normies. Not sure how long you’ve been in the movement. Few will stay and fight
Well if your here you probably looked this up. But I kinda see why everyone thinks a certain group run the world it’s cause they do.
Too much of the world, anyway.
I actually got this in my recommended feed, well chapter one at least.
@@AMB477 Of the eight chapters, I think chapters one and eight are the weakest. The algorithm was promoting the full video (with all eight chapters) to the tune of thousands of hours of watch time per DAY when a copyright claim from the publisher took it down. I'm grateful for any algorithmic support, but I would have preferred that chapters two through five have gone viral. But I can't complain! Please consider buying a copy to support the publisher and the author's family:
They do but in a secretive and clandestine way. Always in the shade and shadows off our governments and institutions.
This is not genuine history. It's anti-Semitic claptrap.
Betcha that this sequence of events was repeated in every country
Too many, anyway. Sad!
109 countries actually
It was repeated in the United States. You can thank Alexander Hamilton for arranging that little episode and Andrew Jackson for ending it, until 1913 anyway.
@@sav7568 Much more on that in chapter 4!
@tolotolo2380. Correct. Go through wars in history. One of the PRIME reasons in the shadows often hidden by some "managed" reason for the war in question was that the "victim" country had an "independent" bank / financial system.
The monetary system has evolved since 1690, not by natural forces; but rather by the designs of bankers, who profit by their manipulations.
Therefore, what you are experiencing today is not what it was in 1940, or in 1900 or in 1860 etc.
It is important to keep this in mind, that the currency system is still in a state of flux, and ever further manipulated to advantage the banker and politician, and disadvantage further (steal from ) the ignorant common people (99.9%, ) but we the people dont understand this, or the extent to which monetary practices have evolved to steal from us, because in our minds we work for money, our parents worked for money and so did our grandparents, so isn't it all pretty much the same with a little bit of inflation ?
Hell no ! There have been massive machinations and manipulations designed to harvest your work and energy to the advantage and privilege of a few.
And because monetary principles are abstracts that cannot be seen with our eyes, they require mental effort to get our heads around. They are in fact, a completely separate topic to practical daily living, yet they effect our daily life totally.
The first principle to understand is that you have been robbed of real money by successive bankers, because the whole idea of 'Money ' is to hold something of real value as your own property, and to receive something of real value for your labour and productivity.
But you get nothing, you get zero of value. You get paper, or plastic or electrons for your work and efforts, and these, having no fixed intrinsic value weight or measure, can therefore be manipulated and devalued before you even believe you have it, and faster than you can accumulate it. Devaluation through inflation is the insidious tax your vote or will has NO power to address; the banker alone retains that privilege, and uses it to rob you every second of every year, night and day.
You have been hood winked by slight of hand and mind into accepting a constantly devaluing IOU for nothing, all at the point of a gun, because 'legal currency ' means, you shall accept this degrading note alone for your labour, or the armed sheriffs will pay you a visit, and commit further theft and violence upon you, as the state retains to itself the Exclusive franchise to exercise violence. When the State does violence, that's OK.
Your forefathers were paid in real money, Gold and Silver, but the bankers were limited in what they could loan out by metalic money, so they sought to do away with it, and they invented the promissory note, the 'bank note' which promised to be redeemable for a Silver or Gold coin.
They did this to remove the natural restriction on what they could loan out, because new debt at interest is their primary tool of harvest. Then, gradually, they removed the metal altogether, telling you it was for your own good, because now you could have a booming economy and more commerce, and no limitation on how many hours both you and your partner could work .
(The 'full employment' mandate simply means you all shall work all of the time until you die, but in the 1700s 6 months work would keep you alive all year if you owned your land. )
Once they had the Exclusive note printing power, they went to town, printing any amount their bought servants in government wanted, creating the national debt, whereby an unborn child is born in servitude and serfdom to an now $100,000 to $ 150,000 debt to who ?
That would be the share holders of the Federal Reserve if you live in the United States, or the Central Bank in your country, and also the large private banks, for once government abrogated the currency creation power to both the Central and large private banks, they must then go cap in hand to the banks to build new public infrastructure. So now every county, state and nation has indebted their ' citizens' in totally unpayable debts to the currency creators.
Meanwhile after Bretton Woods the Federal Reserve sent its agents around the world to ensure that all Central banks were created in its own image, doing exactly what it does, so no one shows them up, even though quite a few Central banks are not privately owned like the Federal Reserve is, yet they still create ALL new Currency as Debt which indebts you, your children and grandchildren forever.
That is a small taste on the first faulty monetary principle and that's before we talk about the unpayable interest on the new worthless currency that they create for zero cost.
There are 4 faulty monetary principles in practice that ensure 99.9% will live in servitude to the .1%
Unless you educate yourself and then teach your children and grandchildren, you will remain enslaved, 70% of your work goes to the bankers and bureaucrats.
And all this debt is sitting there ready to be weaponized when a fully technocratic digital global surveillance entity goes live.
Its very close, control of all global and state systems are total,the infiltration and subversion is deep and irreversible.
People have no idea what is about to be unleashed after centuries of impeccable planning.
Is not the last letter of the alphabet so profound.
Titanically based.
@tonynoonan3723 Stop dooming, we are going to make it. I'm not saying it's going to be a cakewalk, but we are going to make it.
@@peacedozer to where exactly.
I agree we are going to make it, but where is that ?
would you recommend any websites / videos to research this as it’s very difficult to find videos like this that show it in this light or at least don’t hide some of the details
Peacedozer, thank you for hosting this. You singlehandedly got my down the road of producing my own animated series which will tell the real context of various "stories" throughout history. Episode 1 is focusing on the true cause of the 1776 Revolution being the Currency Act, passed in 1764. All history books focus on the Stamp Act in 1765 and the "Intolerable Acts", not the Currency Act which foundered the Colonial economy.
Titanically based. You are so welcome, fren. I highly recommend watching videos from because I think he's doing exemplary work on this front, and he'll probably give you some ideas! We are going to make it.
@peacedozer Thank you for giving me hope.
LOVE the memes you inserted. Legendary upload o/
Thank you, fren! Even more in the other chapters...
That guy with the little moustache was the only one who really stoid up to the international financial clique, and look what they did to his country
More on him in chapter 6:
Mein kampf quote ““Should the Jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the people of this world, his Crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, without any human life on its surface, as it did millions of years ago.
And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the lord.
@@No_jews_allowed The Lord is coming back soon to deal with them once and for all.
“The unforgivable sin of Hitler’s Germany was to develop a new economic system by which the international bankers were deprived of their profits.”
- Winston Churchill
He was a Jew. Ashkenazi. His lineage and acolytes were relocated to Argentina. Hitler Along with his complete inner circle were all in place for a reason. This was the tipping point for freedom and slavery. We lost. We’re a complete Nazi nation, unknowingly. Ruled by more Ashkenazi now. They are so entrenched in our systems we don’t have any control of our country. Time to toss them out and send them to some shitty island and forget about them
Wish I could hack into TV and play this 24/7.
Better yet, tell your family and friends face-to-face :)
@@peacedozer Been trying that for years. Not much success, but very thankful they listened and didn't take the jab.
Titanically based. Once I had a dream that the stroke poke was being forced on me, but I woke up right before it would have happened. I literally couldn't even DREAM about getting the cringe syringe.
@@peacedozer "in 1711 for giving Medina a yearly payment of £6,000. Marlborough replied that the money had been expended in obtaining trustworthy information." this is the exact opposite of your claim, what else is BS?
They still would not wake up, they have them preoccupied with sex sports and none sense series on tv. Dumb and dumber is their motto and the people are simply eating it up ( hence the obesity).
Joining the dots! Thanks for posting. Have saved and will share. Brilliant.👍✊⚔
Thank you so much! Please support the author's family and the publisher by buying a copy, eBooks are as cheap as $8:
I believe in destiny. All is by design. Usury will destroy us, send us to unparalleled misery. I was a hardcore atheist. But now I realise all historic events have a religious motivation to it. It is what it is. Legendary upload.
Thanks mate. I came from the same place.
"If you can poke ..." is so wonderful and true. In those circles they know each other and they know who is who in the hierarchy.
Charles brainwashed by the Rothschilds a picture of him bowing to Jacob Rothschild.
Iconic photo.
That thumbnail you used for this video, is priceless.
It tells the world everything a person needs to know about who is leading who !
Totally! I had to remaster a few of the memes in this so they wouldn't be so low quality.
You've just explained so much English culture that was still oral when my father was alive.
One of the first things he said to me was "never a borrower, nor a lender, be."
It's time for England to take its destiny back!
The best documentary series I have seen on this topic. Incredibly informative, thank you. God bless
Thank you so much for saying so, fren. He sure has!
The painter tried to warn us
More on him in chapter 6!
Austrian painter knew it!
He could have chosen a better way of dealing with it. Churchill wasn't a great help though.
I have been trying to tell people exactly that my entire life!
@@winstonsmith8240 the Austrian Painter arrested the Rothchilds in 1938 and International finance capitalism ( The City of London ) in alliance with Communism destroyed him.
I tried to show my dad all this information about 10 years ago and he called me a conspiracy theorist 😂😂😂
The CIA literally created that term to cast aspersions on the people that doubted the Warren Report lmao.
So did mine, but now he’s a conspiracy theorist too!
Aware of the truth I should say!
@@SamuelHallEngland I haven't talked to my dad in about six or seven years but pretty sure he's still a good little Sheeple
I live in Canada. People are coming around to truth finally since everything has gone to shit.
That was quite the story. Very time effective and well explained. Bravo. Looking forward to seeing the whole series
Thanks for watching!
Every Industrial Society is covered by 3 types of beings vampires, zombies and humans.
Where's the cyborg dinosaurs?
@@hermitcard4494 and the cyborg Presidents.
@@Bytheirfruitsshall and the space alien congress.
@@frankieboy3657 forgot the inner earth reptilians.
just say jew brother
Eye opener..seems the finger points only one direction for all the troubles 🤔
Too many of them, anyway!
Christians also do this
Lol they cant take any accountability
For anyone seeing this congratulations.
We're all on the list.
Christ is KING
Based and Christ-pilled.
Astonishing this video is still online. Very good information and well-researched. Mad respect.
Thank you, fren. The file has been spread far and wide, deleting my account will do little to the overall watch time it's getting. More importantly, people are talking about this stuff face-to-face WAY more often. We are going to make it.
The reviled goblins of usury have never changed.
That's anti-henitic:
"Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world." - Henry A. Kissinger
"He who controls the weather, controls the WORLD!" - Lyndon B Johnson. 36th President Of The United States.
Well done for this series of videos, brilliantly orated.
Thanks a bunch mate! I definitely would approach the narration differently if I did it all over again, but what's done is done.
@@peacedozer you can always revisit the subjects and reupload, many TH-camrs do.
In this extremely specific circumstance, I can just about guarantee that I won't redo this book narration. But the themes will undoubtedly come up again!
@@peacedozer was very enjoyable none the less, look forward to those future subjects.
I didn't know half of this. Saved. Subscribed.
Thanks mate! Please support the author's family and the publisher by buying a copy for as little as $9 :)
@@peacedozer Cheers. May well do that. I enjoy a good read. Especially if I'm learning something at the same time.
Amazing how History rhymes with Modern times when you include a certain chosen few
Many such rhymes!
Man why does this only have 500 views
Most people watch the full video, but yeah. I'm hoping you, dear reader, will download and repoast!
because it shadow banned by the zionists
YT tomfuckery at play, GUARANTEED... Same with subscriptions...🤔
@@johnmpandaguta3289 Indescribably based.
quality.keep up the good work sir
Thanks mate!
Wow. This explains a lot! Everything. Why Churchill declared war against Germany!
Very much so, more on that in chapter 6!
Churchill was a piece of sh!t. The victors write the history. And the braindead in America never question why Stalin (a communist) was buddies with Churchill and FDR. Hitler was painted in a false light. And it's sick to listen to the propaganda peddled about the so-called "holocaust". Words can't articulate how abhorrent and disgusting these people were and are and I mean those pushing a political narrative when then actually know the truth and are complicit in the lie.
“The unforgivable sin of Hitler’s Germany was to develop a new economic system by which the international bankers were deprived of their profits.”
- Winston Churchill
Every. Single. Time.
Too often, anyway!
Don’t fall for that stuff man. They are all anglo and i know who is hiding behind this freshly invented Jewish front.
This video isn’t monetized? Huh. One wonders why.
The channel is eligible for monetization, but I won't do it. This isn't my book to monetize anyway. I'm surprised the channel is still up at all! Garak is tied with Quark for my favorite DS9 character BTW.
@@peacedozer Quark is my best character not only in DS9 but in whole Stark Trek universe! Ultimate space jew.
Can you make a video on how the baron bank influenced the war of the triple alliance war in southamerica invthe 1870. I would love to see your take on it.
Sorry mate, no can do. This is a word-for-word narration of Stephen Mitford Goodson's book. Mostly I make music videos :)
this is goodly work youngsir 📜..
you just earned yourself an english sub 🕯
onwards unto the fullness of the Truth 💪🏽👑✨️
Thank you, fren. Best of luck over there! We are going to make it.
you’re my hero - seriously, this was fantastic
Thank you, fren! I appreciate it.
Fractionalized banking must be retired. A man's labour must not be taxed. Value for value and fair trade the new standard.
I understand peoples concerns about this but I don't think this is realistic or ideal to ban fractional banking as I think it is fair not to have full reserves and to be able to lend on the promise of reserves returning otherwise credit would be too stifled, in my opinion, but obviously the reserves need to be high.
History was told by the victors. But music and other forms of record kept by the common people tell other sides of the story. We can say its repeating itself however the process gets more efficient as it polarizes and comes to a conclusion. Much as anything thats chaotic become synchronized for a time before turning back to chaos.
And out of chaos, order.
They protocols of the learned elders of zion. Worth a look these days. Yah bless
Fix the money fix the world?
It's a start!
Here's a quick primer on what's wrong and what to do about it.
ALL fiat currency is debt, that's the only way the Central Banks make it, whether through government bondage note, or private bank loans.
Bankers have developed four practices that
are unsustainable and catastrophic.
If we dont understand the causes of a problem we will address the symptoms or actors, not the causes.
1st. Large private and Central banks have obtained the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new Currency as Debt, at interest.
An increasing population needs an increase in currency, but it is ALL created as a debt to the Central Bank, bearing interest.
This indebts the whole world, every person, every government, in totally unpayable debts, ( because where can the interest come from) enslaving us all to bankers through personal debt or ever increasing oppressive and unjust taxation, permits, licences, registrations, regulations, rates, duties, fees, fines, levies, surcharges, adinfinitum, of which an increasing volume goes straight to the debt creators, who created it for free. (At zero cost to themselves.)
2nd. Because of the first fault, (wherein a Central bank has the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new money,) and they attach interest to it, (which they do not create) they must continually create more currency to pay the interest on the last round of debts and to resupply liquidity as debt repayments suck the last round of currency they created out of the national economy.
The volumes of the booms and busts of 'credit cycles' are totally unnatural and the economy should follow population growth.
Inflation, (or rather, devaluation through deliberate currency oversupply,) is destructive to all but the rich. There is virtually no limitation on fiat currency creation.
Because successive governments have abrogated the peoples right to create their own Sound debt free money, the state also sponsors inflation by borrowing and spending, 'stimulus ' in the vain hope that they can 'create wealth through debt,' and inflate away past and present debts with NEW DEBT ! 🤪🤪🤪 This robs the people under their very noses.
Adding to this is fractional reserve banking wherein private banks effectively create massive new Currency volumes, (but its only temporary because it's all debt) blowing bubbles (in housing/CRE/stocks) which devalues everyone's savings, work, 401k & pension, by raising all prices. (Which don't return to their former level when inflation reduces, the rate of increase simply slows down momentarily. )
We call price increases inflation, but it's really devaluation of your savings, time, work and while corporations do add to inflation of prices, they generally are Not the primary drivers of inflation. Attacking corporations is becoming side tracked.
Shrinkflation further adds to our reduction and desolation as companies attemptto make the same or more profits than last year.
(Did you know the only time our society gets some real new Currency ? It's when someone goes bankrupt and can't repay the banks what they borrowed. )
The fix ? The first step is to end Central Banks and return to Sound Metalic Money.
This will slow the rate of currency creation and make it much more difficult to devalue our wages and savings by currency 'printing.'
The 2nd step would be to legislate that banks publish their reserve ratio. So if they have $100 million on their books in deposits, and $50 million in loans, that's a 50% reserve ratio. We could legislate a reserve ratio, and by openly publishing this people can choose the risk level they are willing to take.
Along with this we need to legislate an industry to home loan ratio.
This will change banking and we need to change banking, because it is destructive. The banks wont be able to make as much, and that's a good thing.
We need to make money anything the people want, but legal tender must meet Metalic standards under the office of weights and measures, and national and state treasury departments and mints could produce and release real intrinsic value Money.
This will not create inflation like some bankers and their economists would have you think.
It is not who creates currency that drives the Constant devaluation of your work & money, it is THE VOLUME per population/ productivity.
The banks increased the base currency supply by over 65 % since March 2020 & 300% since 2008. This has been greatly multiplied as deposits were rolled back into real estate loans creating bubbles, which further lever up equity to back more loans.
You can't spend it off planet, and we've had no increase in population or productivity. How can it not devalue our savings, wages and retirement funds by a similar % as it enters the economy ?
3rd problem. Fiat currency whether paper OR DIGITAL has no intrinsic value, thus it cannot be used as a long term store of value, particularly in an ever expanding fiat system. Taxation and the 'legal' currency label attached to fiat creates artificial demand for fiat currency. This is the 'Force' component of Fiat currency, wherein you are forced at the point of a gun to accept worthless paper or electrons for your daily work. Metalic Money is the currency of a free sovereign people. Fiat at Debt is the currency of slaves.
The fix ?
Return to Silver, Gold, Copper & Nickle currency, designated by weight, not cents/dollars. These will find their own local value. These can't be printed to oblivion, have intrinsic value, and are a safeguard against bankers counterfeiting. Continue to keep the manufacture of Gold & Silver rounds by private mints & foundries to help keep government mints honest.
Do not allow bankers and economists of the current system to con you into believing there isn't enough Metalic Money. You float its value, mint it by grams and ounces and you have a Gold and Silver backed currency. Same with Copper & Nickle. Mint 10th ounce, 2 10ths, 5 10ths and 1 ounce and grams in 1 grams, 2 grams, 5 & 10 grams. Never give it a 'value number,' which is a lie. Give it its weight & purity, and let the market decide what it will buy. Call it 'slow money," like 'slow food.' It's slower for sure, but it's 10 times better for you.
If you think there's not enough metal, live more like the Amish and there will be plenty. We are a totally wasteful people and that can't go on forever. Everything we manufacture should be recycled at end of life. No more landfill.
Probably necessary to nationalise mines & pay shareholders out in metals. We are aiming at a more just, more perfect union, and that requires we treat shareholders justly and make them whole while preserving a mining and exploration industry. So gently, thoughtfully, carefully on this one.
4th. The 'World Bank' and IMF are your friendly international arms of the Federal Reserve, who loan worthless US currency invented at zero cost to enslaved nations of people to purchase necessities, when their own commodities or worthless currency would do just as well. This ensures the indebtedness of nation's simply to survive. I suggest a goods and commodities exchange between countries, with a quarterly settlement of shortfalls with Gold or Oil/Gas. And oil and gas are not the monsters they are made of to be, and may well prove to be the greenest energy sources other than hydro. Studies suggest making an electric car requires the moving of 500,000 lbs of rock/soil, (which is only possible with diesel and oil) so the real energy footprint of a battery that has a 200,000 km life could easily prove to be twice that of a clean running low emission gasoline vehicle with a repairable engine, and LPG is extremely clean due to less carbon atoms. (3-4 carbon atoms, vs gasoline at 4-12 carbon atoms.)
This research is present and ongoing.
Correct these 4 Principles and >80 % of a nation's problems would disappear.
Do not allow your masters the Debt slave creator's to tell you it can't be done. They are not seeking your best interests, but theirs. It is easily done, it's just a different but far better system.
Beware. The FED, IMF, WEF wants you totally enslaved with Digital currency.
Convert your garbage fiat currency into Gold and Silver while you still can, or prepare for destruction.
Come to think of it, you better prepare for destruction anyway, because humans are animals and always learn the hard way.
The bankers motto is : 'Preserve your Capital at all costs.' The bankers are buying Gold. We the people can afford Silver.
Good luck.
There will always be greedy people.
End money-lending (usury),
fix the world….
@@Americansikkunt fully agree
Great series. Can't believe the Bank of England was started by an Ex-Pirate. You can't make this stuff up.
Thank you!
Can't believe you don't understand that the vast majority of the wealthy class are pirates.
Thanks for the video. I have seen similar things written on this subject
You are very welcome!
Why do they keep getting expelled?
Because of Hate™.
Normally the same 3 reasons.. corrupt lending.. prostitution (brothels) or making high alcohol wines and ales.
@@kiranthakor-or1ftStealing children
ppl don't like having there monetary supply stolen and ruined and the pedofilia. over 100 countries victimized so far.
Goys are jealous because they are great comedians, handsome, thrifty and inventive. People forget that the we have the world we have today due to the proliferation of nuclear weapons which protect us, thanks to Einstein and the dapper "Oppy" Oppenheimer and not to forget Gay Enola. We would all be living in caves if it weren't for them.
it's been a sad, slow decline from our pagan roots in the groves of the druids, the open and rigorous moral and philosophical debates of the greeks, the confucianism of the chinese...where seeking knowledge, being of service to one's fellows, and raising up noble young people was seen as the highest pursuit of an ethos where accumulating wealth for no other purpose than to hoard it away has become our highest ideal. my philosophy is to live within my heart centered reality-that is, the people i love, the children i teach, the community i directly interact with-in as honest and open a way as i can. those people and things i can directly impact are what i spend my energy on, trying to live up to our ancestors example.
We need to return to Christianity.
@ unfortunately most "christian's" today are either joel osteen type prosperity gospel believers, protestant evangelocon israel flag wavers, or catholics with zero understanding of history and even less genuine belief. true community, the simple truth of scripture and application of jesus' teachings could truly transform our society but many are caught up in the deceitfulness of riches and the cares of this world.
It's not gonna fix itself my man, it's up to us to be the church.
@ amen
Everywhere the tribe appears it´s the same game since Mose. 27:33 min. "starvation in the midst of abundance..." made me very sad. It´s inhuman and I see it all over the earth today.
It's up to us to fix things.
@@peacedozer Nice thought, but read Machiavelli. A change in the situation never comes from the masses. Because it does not have the necessary resources and is completely powerless. Changes always only come from the ruling elite and are always primarily self-interested.
I studied political science to make a difference and do you know what happened when I voiced criticism? I wasn't given a degree and therefore no job. So I have been unemployed for over 10 years. I can only express my criticism in a non-violent way using Gandhi's method; passive resistance now.
No, I don't think I will.
systematically destroyed every society…and held back all human progress
Many such cases!
It always confused me how you can create value/money out of thin fucking air. Obviously we know more today, but how has this concept been able to make it this far?
because, they said, the air is free.
Excellent work and my best regards to the author.
Nice to know some other people are interested in the truth here also, and who still have moral integrity left.
FWIW I wish Muslims and Christians could have an alliance, but modern Christians are too brainwashed…
Thank you, fren. Stephen Mitford Goodson is dead, but his work lives on! You can support his family by buying the book:
Best economic education I've seen
Thanks mate!
@@peacedozer No thank you, this stuff takes dozens of hours to learn and understand and you have created concise videos I can use to share with friends and talk through and link to other world issues
@@jimz1024 Stephen Mitford Goodson did the heavy lifting by writing the book! Indescribably based that you're showing it to frens.
The chamber within the City of London which has been controlled by wealthy families, controls the 10th-century Livery companies that maintain and set up world commerce, trade routes, the stock market, the tax havens, the triangular slave trade, The Bank of England, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, The USA then after the invasion and destruction of Washington DC the Fed reserve was installed. Later Israel was incorporated, a line of credit was created and land was sold from the city
Thankyou very informative 😊
You are very welcome!
Take what you want from this but, this book is on Amazon but in Spanish. Any book that is either way too overpriced and/or not available in English on Amazon tells me they don’t want people knowing what’s in it.
So true, king. While working on this project, I ordered a Spanish copy and a German copy. The German copy never did ship, and they refunded me. It was different publishers, Black House Publishing mentions on their website that lawyers acting on behalf of the South African Central Bank (where Goodson had worked) threatened legal action, so Amazon took it down.
A rootless international clique! 👨🎨
Many such cases!
There's a story about BoE has a "rememberzer" present in parliament since about 1700.
Wondering if extension / similar "remeberzer" personnel in all central banks, BoC, FED, BIS, etc in modern times; achieved by various titles/ job, i.e., Treasurer, Secretary of XYZ, Chairman FED, etc???
Also in domestic ABC's, & international alphabets such as, IMF, WB, UN, NATO, ...???
Thanks mate!
1:40 it feels like I’m reading a story where I know the bad guy is gonna win but I still don’t want him to. Like in season 1 of GOT when you know Ned is gonna get merked
The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed.
The International Yew, by Henry Ford. yeah, a useful tree that. England fought France with longbows made from its wood ✌
The great impersonation by Eli James is another one to read and looks at it from a spiritual perspective.
There was once a brilliant short form version of this named the story of your enslavement. TH-cam was once good for research, its was like the gold rush of information before the you know who got hold of it!
"Siri, get me an early life check on the founders of Google"
@@peacedozer Siri will be your personal informant to the powers that be once we go all 84 out here 😂
@@MikeSnifferpippets This is an Android household, they already know lol.
There are other video sharing sites where the videos that used to be on TH-cam can still be found.
109 countries can’t be wrong . . .
Who claims each time their behavior was fine,
but was kicked from countries one hundred and nine?
I was totally unaware of the Jewish use of usury in English (later British) history.
The opening quote from Benjamin Disraeli really makes one think.
Why do you think the mustache man tried to run them out of Germany first.....
0:59 what is that i have never noticed that
Couldn't tell ya, sorry mate.
These dates are wild…
Turn on the subtitle. Thank you
Thank you fren, that was an oversight. I had all the subtitles perfect for the full video and the first chapter, but forgot about subsequent chapters. Hopefully it'll be finished processing in a few hours, otherwise I'm afraid you're on your own.
This is why England and Holland never treaties, they might have both been Anglican, but were socially incompatible; one a sovereign nation the other an economic zone (lacking soul, purpose and identity). Remember what nation had a market collapse due to a flower!
I'm amazed this has not been censored off by YT with its references to a certain religious group of people but really appreciate the content of which I am most ignorant. I knew about the formation of the bank of England but nothing about the previous five hundred or so years and need educating but at least I am now aware that this debt money system has shafted us and made us into debt slaves of which we must get rid.
Me too, fren! Thank you for watching!
"Dante puts the usurers in the lowest sub-circle of the seventh circle of hell, with others whose sins are regarded as doing violence against nature and nature's God; many people have noted that usurers are placed deeper into hell than violent murderers, violent suicides, blasphemers, and sodomites. Dante regards usurers as perverting art, i.e., productive skill, by means of which we are supposed to produce and create and thereby imitate the goodness of God. Usury is the anti-art: it produces nothing substantial, being just a set of multiplication games with money, and therefore does not really contribute anything to 'earning one's way and furthering humankind'. It merely gives the illusion of doing so, and is therefore a sort of mockery of both human reason and divine providence -- indeed, a sort of universal violence against neighbor, God, and one's own reason, an extraordinarily efficient form of violence by which you do the most damage with the least effort."
Ok. So what is the way forward?
See chapter 7!
One of the reason they have been thrown out of 109 countries.
I thought it was because of Hate™ and jealousy (and for no reason at all).
" All wars are banker's wars"
I used to listen to that at the gym because it made me so angry:
Dang...No one on earth can stop these people.
Only God can.
"We can't expect God to do all the work"
@@peacedozer And what exactly are we supposed to do about it?
Be realistic.
These .1% control the world.
99.8% are sleeping
And the .1% who know simply aren't in a position to do anything.
The world's wealth, gold, silver, diamonds, media, weapons industry, etc.
You name it? They control it.
But they WILL be defeated no doubt about it. They rebelled against God, and sooner than you think, he will punish them.
As for me, you and others like us, all we can do is sit and wait.
Realistically speaking, one could spend hundreds of hours creating effective videos that are easy for people to download. Videos that people watched for 1,000+ hours over the past few days on TH-cam alone. Noah knew that God would save his family-but he still had to build the ark. Find something that YOU can do and do it! The world needs YOUR help. If you're lost, start by watching videos from Asha Logos. Something he said stuck with me: "everything is contagious."
God will end the synagogue of Satan, in favor of His True Israelites, who will shepherd the nations in truth and devotion to God. The time of the end is soon approaching: modern state of Israel is perfectly set up to fall into the hands of the anti christ, as prophesied
@@peacedozerwe absolutely can expect God to organize and act all things in accordance with His master plan. Eph. 1:11
What is the name of this book?
Thank you!
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Mitford
"Marrano" the word used to drscribe the crypto-jew is actually the Spanish word "Marrano" and ypu roll the r's. It means SWINE or PIG
Wait until you hear my Afrikaans pronunciations...
@@peacedozer I love that you ɛosted this knowledge. I am not Jweish myself, but my mother is, lol. She not the Rothchilds kind however. This kind of discussion is usually INSTABANNED on these social media, but I always wondered what exactly did the Jews do that made extermination a paletable option for the NAZI's as well as the various pogeoms and expulsions by variety of European nations over the centuries. It wasnt "anti semitism"
That's exactly what it's.
That's exactly what it's.
I am perplexed about the French here as I understand the French system was bankrupt prior to Napoleon yet it is stated here they had no usury system so how did it come to be so financially broke as it is implied here that the usury system that destroys countries economies?
Mustache man was right after all…
More on him in chapter 6!
He was one of them, it was all a play, he played his part.
New subscriber from Mexico ☝️
Bienvenido! Espero que Senora Sheinbaum no mate a su paiz.
@@peacedozer créeme que lo hará.
Everyone on earth should be watching these videos and after watching them, should be Extremely angry
Thanks mate, but that anger must be directed. I recommend sitting down and watching them with a friend and talking about it. There's a lot of emotional programming to overcome, and doing that one-on-one takes time, but is so worth it.
@peacedozer so what does it to get angry , really nothing regardless how angry you get, but peace of mind will do the trick, then you start entangled it whatever it's tide up to the core, history, health, relationships, money like in this case. Just anything once you get to the bottom of it, then and only then you could get to needed it greedy, @@peacedozer your a genius, peace to you brother, things are coming along well, your hard work is getting pay off every one here understand exactly what's up my friend. 😮😮😮😢😢😊😊😊.
@@marioRamirez-sv3hm Thank you, fren. I stand on the shoulders of giants!
Wow.... eye opening.
It really is.
The Normans ruined so many things it’s unreal.
I’ve forgotten the exact details but apparently The Wizard of Oz is an allegory about the gold standard. Yellow Bricks, Emerald City, Ruby Slippers, poverty stricken farmers etc.
I've heard the same thing!
You are not your possessions
Based and true.
5:37 I'm thinking that this is the reason the Russians named their new super weapon Hazel (Oreshnik)
Wait 'til you see chapter 4!
What kind of people poke other people in the chest? How rude. A sick gesture.
"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender." -Proverbs 22:7
What a great channel. ❤
Thank you, fren!
And for no reason whatsoever...
Many such cases!
Their also that book about them by Ford
He used to give that out with each car sold!
Truly the synagogue of Satan then
Fun fact: you can substitute any other religious building and that phrase won't have its visibility limited on Twitter. Really makes you think...
Superb video. Thank you.
Thank you for watching!