Are you at the front line of defence?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ธ.ค. 2024
  • "Phishing for Trouble," is the cybersecurity podcast from that demystifies compliance and information security in your business.
    Thought cybersecurity was just about tech? Think again, because human beings are the biggest asset you have in keeping your business secure. In this episode Dave and Becca find out how social engineering tactics have caught out even the biggest organisations, and how you can learn from them. As always, some of the smartest minds in infosec are here to share their wisdom:
    Dr Jessica Barker ( MBE, founder of Cygent ( a, witnessed the MGM cyber hack of 2023 from her home in Las Vegas. She explains how behavioural economics plays a role in cyber attacks.
    Javvad Malik ( / javvad ) is a security awareness advocate for KnowBe4 ( and is passionate about connecting knowledge between the IT industry and the people using technology every day.
    Have you been Pwnd (haveibeenpwned...) ? Troy Hunt ( is founder of the Data Breach Notification Service “Have I Been Pwnd (haveibeenpwned...) ” which helps you find out if your data has been leaked in cyber attacks. He reflects on the increasing sophistication of social engineering.
    But help is at hand! All our guests agree that empowering people with knowledge in this space can help prevent hackers getting the better of you, and Javvad and Jessica take us through their steps to avoid and respond to an attack on your business.
    To learn more about how ( can help your business master information security compliance, visit our website for a self-guided tour.
    Love this podcast? Share it with your colleagues and help businesses like yours learn more and stay secure online.

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