SABRE RED- Maxium Strength Pepper Spray...

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 มี.ค. 2011
  • Sabre Red...
    Used by Law Enforcement Agencies around the world. NYPD carries Sabre!
    **FYI: That's an OUTSTANDING King Cobra paracord bracelet (w/double .44 mag shell-casing fasteners made by my buddy dirte from [dirteReviews]**
    SABRE Formulations...
    "This is what makes your OC spray hot! MC delivers pain, irritation, inflammation, coughing, temporary blindness and redness of skin. Measured via High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), MC is the only accurate strength indicator.
    MC represents the strength of the entire formulation or the spray which is projected from your canister. OC effectiveness increases with sprays containing higher MC content..."
    Pepper Spray (Wikipedia)...
    "Pepper spray, also known as OC spray (from "Oleoresin Capsicum"), OC gas, and capsicum spray, is a lachrymatory agent (a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain, and even temporary blindness) that is used in riot control, crowd control, and personal self-defence, including defence against dogs and bears.
    Although considered a non-lethal agent, it may be deadly in rare cases, and concerns have been raised about a number of deaths where being pepper sprayed may have been a contributing factor..."
    [ignore this]
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ความคิดเห็น • 34

  • @adventurek9
    @adventurek9 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    I watched other huge classmates drop like flies when they got sprayed. My eyes were locked shut for 5 minutes, while others couldn't see for nearly 45 minutes. It burns a second time when you shower later (runs out of your hair into your eyes).
    If you have the opportunity to get sprayed in a self-defense class, suck it up and do it. It's valuable information that could save your life if you were sprayed intentionally or accidentally (blow back from wind).
    I love that paracord bracelet!

  • @Dunkaroos248
    @Dunkaroos248 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well done Jt, I think the x26 is an absolute neccesity for law enforcement, but with proper training only. Having that option will save a lot of lives, true, it may be saving idoit's lives, but it's effective non lethal control. It's good to have options.

  • @jmce3
    @jmce3 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    ahhhh Hellzarmy. I was sprayed the at my first Duty Station. We had to be sprayed in order to carry..HA memories. Great Vid and Great Option. Sad but its almost the last option my family in NYC have left these days.

  • @strongondefense45
    @strongondefense45 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    They make an attachment to the ASP baton that will make it shoot pepper spray. I thought that would be up your alley

  • @JoeDurobot
    @JoeDurobot 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with you JT! If the BG has a weapon (even pepper spray, gun, knife ...) I go straight to a lethal force option (either empty hand, with a baton to the head, knife or gun).
    If he has no weapon and just looks for trouble he will have just a couple of bones broken by my baton to teach him a lesson.
    Maybe a bit of pepper spray in the eyes to make sure he doesnt see in what direction I leave at the end, just as a final touch.
    Not that he could chase me with a broken knee anyway. lol

  • @PavlovSandor
    @PavlovSandor 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    the tazers are widespread here in arizona.

  • @DudeGuy1973
    @DudeGuy1973 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    awesome stuff JT.

  • @rickpayne90
    @rickpayne90 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Man i was sprayed by the bigger solid black version that my brother picked up at the military px.....tried it on bare skin , on my back, first then a huge blast to the face...completely coated my face from forehead to chin....burnt for like 45 mins. i then went out and bought the pink breast cancer kind for my GF.....highly recommended

  • @silentknight2112
    @silentknight2112 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    hey JT, (and fellow youtubers) just wanted to metion that SABRE pepper sprays when used the stream comes out at an upwards angle (i think its something like 5 degrees so keep that in mind for training ) and with sabre... their "shots/bursts per can" are outrageous... those cans are good for one or two GOOD seconds of spray.. (which isnt alot when its really needed) me personally i prefer FOXLABS 5.3... that shit is MEAN (i have sprayed my self "unintentionally" with a few different brands

  • @humans4targets2
    @humans4targets2 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good video J.T., I might try some of that Sabre spray, I need some new cans mine expired.

  • @modelearth
    @modelearth 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    wish i could have this jt!
    love it.

  • @fredjustsucks
    @fredjustsucks 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    The three best sprays:
    Fox Labs
    Cold Steel Inferno
    Sabre Red

  • @m1ghtysauc3
    @m1ghtysauc3 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had to be sprayed for my job. Sucks so bad.

  • @hakjason
    @hakjason 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great buy!!

  • @bigjohn20081983
    @bigjohn20081983 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    here is my big question i have and do carry the sabre red but in foam form how do you feel the foam and gel pepper sprays compare to the traditional pepper sprays the reason i chose the foam was i was driving a tow truck at the time doing tow away zones and so forth and their where times we had to nuterlize a secene w/o permanent bodaly damage to anyone and sometimes we needed to spray from with in the truck so i chose the foam to minamlize cross contamination the down side i see in it is

  • @WezleyB
    @WezleyB 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    You should give some to cutlerylover, so he can do a taste test......

  • @Traderjoe
    @Traderjoe 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    I cant get this in NY, I wish I could :(

  • @darkinertia2
    @darkinertia2 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @HELLZZARMY great point and great points in the vid too, but now im thinking a taser might be a better idea....cuz like you said everyone has different reactions, but couldnt that go the other way? couldnt oc spray drop the biggest baddest guy and barely effect a small young woman?(obviously an extreme circumstance, just giving a metaphor) just wondering what you think

  • @silentknight2112
    @silentknight2112 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    with a few brands and FOXLABS has allways been the hottest! im not saying sabre isnt hot because it is! but foxlabs just kicks in faster and punches HARD and the "stream" on fox cans is like a water hose of OC... whereas sabre and def-tec are like pistol waterguns... (not bashing any company just stating my expierences and no i dont work for or are sponsored by any company)

  • @bigjohn20081983
    @bigjohn20081983 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @bigjohn20081983 that the person can wipe it off their face and sling it back on you if they can stay calm enough to think to do that i hear the gel pervents this but havent tested that theroy out

  • @Dunkaroos248
    @Dunkaroos248 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh and I've been OC sprayed and yes you can fight through it, you do have deminished capacities but it doesn't stop you all the way, the taser on the other hand, drops you to the ground and stops all action. I'm a firm believer in the latter, OC will snot bubble a person, but a motivated attacker and still come at you

  • @bigjohn20081983
    @bigjohn20081983 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @HELLZZARMY 10-4 thanks for confirming what i was basicly already thinking its about time from me to replace my current can is there any besides sabre you think i should look at or stick w/ sabre i know its prefrence but if there is other out there that work just as well id like to know so i can check them out

  • @Blk05titan26
    @Blk05titan26 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    i keep this in my truck it is good stuff

  • @InsertGun
    @InsertGun 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    JT what do you think of cold steel's inferno pepper spray?

  • @VoiD1x
    @VoiD1x 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @WezleyB hahaha ... that was a good one..

  • @622901
    @622901 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    How did you put the buckle on your paracord bracelet??? Ive just been using a regular knot but it doesnt always work.

  • @Scentapede
    @Scentapede 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Kinda dumb question but I am going to pick up a bottle for my GF and is it automatic or do you keep pressing the button? For example, can she just hold the button down and go ear to ear?

  • @K0Wftw
    @K0Wftw 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Inferno pepper spray is supposed to be very nice lol

  • @modelearth
    @modelearth 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @HELLZZARMY hey mate,
    yeah i know. i always watch your vids in awe. make some more JT just of your area etc and maybe fighting tips/techniques man id love to watch em

  • @ReelGuyTv
    @ReelGuyTv 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Always been an advocate of pepper spray. Avoid all the legalities behind injuring somebody or killing someone and making more enemies. lol It works too. Been sprayed in the face myself. You can function enough to soak your head, but definitely not to fight effectively.

  • @622901
    @622901 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @HELLZZARMY lol thanks. Yea I already subscribed to him at the same time I subed u.

  • @TacticoolGUY
    @TacticoolGUY 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    You own a Scion. ;) haha

  • @jeepnicc
    @jeepnicc 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @WezleyB OMG!! LMAO!!!

  • @hbonilla89
    @hbonilla89 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    give me your money.........negative brotha lol