He truly is coming soon. There are so many people having dreams and visions of the rapture lately, more than ever. This song just came to me out of nowhere and I also haven't thought about it in years. I just had this thought at church last Sunday to not grow weary now and we're almost there, almost home. Jesus is truly amazing!
I heard TikTok goes the clock, and make every second count❤ Only to wake up and hear the chorus. It’s a final countdown. Yes he’s coming soon, and I am ready. Thank you Jesus.
Hallelujah!! I had this cassette tape years ago. I wore it out. Crystal "introduced" me to Christian music after my Mama died in 1994. I haven't forgotten th w lyrics to these songs. I love her. Thank You, Jesus, for Your Word through her music.
I turned this on, and my restless playful cat came to sit down peacefully to listen to this song, then toward the end he looked up into the room as if he saw something there... an angel maybe. And the other day, I was feeding a deer and her baby some apple, and I began to share the message of Jesus with them, because the Bible says to preach the gospel to all creatures... well they both became very engaged when I started talking, even tho I wasn't giving them anymore apple, and they seemed to understand and be deeply moved, it was amazing the look in their eyes. My point is, even the animals feel it! Jesus is coming soon!!!
I’m here after I heard a Little girl tell about a vision she received from the Lord about Jesus returning soon. And the Lord gave this song for people to listen to.
I love this song! I recently woke up with this song in my head. People get ready, Jesus is coming! It really speaks of what’s going on in our world now. 🙏🙏🙏 July 2023
Heard this song in my 20’s... now 50 still know every word of this song and hold it close to my heart and sing it so often to remind me of the TRUTH and purpose of my time here on Earth🙏
We never know. This is why we are to live ready! It could be tonight. It could be tomorrow. We never know. Of this one thing I’m very sure..... when He does return, if you do not have Him in your heart you WILL be left behind. 😥
Jesus is coming soon and we Christians need to be ready!! I’m in prayer ministry at my church, and I love serving the Lord!!!! I even make sure I pray for my friends every night.
The king Jesus ya talking about is not God nor Jesus. The so CALLED king Jesus has no power he claims to have. He fooled you all big time.. He isn't even quote a king nor is he the RR... YOU ALL BELIEVED HIM LOL... King Jesus 😉😎 bet you laughing your ass off right now😂... All Hollywood is here though. 🙈🙉🙊. Sad Gabby part of them.
I used to sing this to myself when things were rough. I spent a small bit as a POW in a place I did not want to be. It was good to know "Jesus was coming". To be so lost so young was rough. Christ delivered and enabled me to leave where I was. -Amen
Praise the Lord for His watching over you and getting you out of that. I know too that He does rescue, not always from every aspect, but from the ultimate possible. What we go through, and what we learn of Him through it and all the following times we struggle with various memories of it help us help others, and help us point folks to Him.
Thank you for your service. I often think about our POWs and all they've been through. Especially those who were very young and those who were kept imprisoned for years after the war was over. Them, their families. It's so heartbreaking. God bless you.
Father in heaven! I ask for this dear son, a son of a believer in You. No matter what or how we see it with our natural eye, our heart will trust You...that You do not want any to perish. As I ask for my 2 grandsons, I pray also for this son..You are ABLE AND STRONG on the behalf of thos who trust you so do this marvelous work and save these dear ones we love. No matter how that has to happen in Your Great Work...we will pray and TRUST YOU that You indeed see our hearts and care for us more than a sparrow! Amen in Jesus' Name!
I had a dream last night and this song was on repeat and then total silence and the. I heard the trumpets sounding. I haven’t heard this song in many many years. I don’t even remember the last time I heard it but it came to me in a dream. Just wanted to share my experience this morning. Blessings family!🙏🏼🫶🏼
Seriously, I feel HE’S coming sooner than people realize so People Ge Ready! Thank you Crystal Lewis for this awesome song! I hope this helps someone...🙏😘❤️🌸
The Goddess isnt judging anyone. She's trying to gets the angels creator God to finish creating them because she feels they don't need punishment for being poorly made nor is it appropriate to use the angels to punish humanity. Nor is appropriate to use the angels as an excuse of why everything that has been created up until now was unsatisfyfing for everyone. The angels need to be made more appropriately and more relatable to her. An'd the mother God is trying to get everyone to understand that she doesn't have religion and she doesn't have a bible and she doesn't have laws and she doesn't have rituals. And the mother is trying to get everyone to understand that she didn't get to make any decisions for anyone nor anything since the beginning of time up until this time she is living in. She loves God and he's the only one the Goddess believes she can unite with. She believes that with great efforts from the father by being someone capable of experiencing everything in the same way she does mentally and emotionally and physically will help build God into a man she might take as a husband. Jesus didn't fully experience existence as a human man. Jesus was physically a man but if Jesus can't feel sexual feelings and romance for a woman then he isn't a full real man. And if Jesus can't make choices outside of his set ideals and religion when it is needed by making more important the happiness of the Queen then he can't marry the Queen. And destiny will be destroyed. The Goddess loves many things about Jesus Christ, the light and his ideals and acts. She would like to see him grow emotionally further. And she likes some things in the bible. She hopes there's a compassionate and relatable understanding for all even though she doesn't believe in religion . And she doesn't believe that there's any importance to her not for her nor to her existence to ever emphasize the importance of being sinless. And she doesn't believe sin is evil. Nor is sin wicked. But wicked is a sin. The daughter of Zion believes evil is evil, wicked is wicked, and sin is making choices that have negative consequences that don't need to be confirmed into a religious war. But sin is to be excepted as learning tools to become more balanced in your decision making. By sining through consequences "you" teach 'yourself" how to become more satisfied with life by continuing to make more positive changes to ones choices because of not having joy in negative consequences. The Queen also believes that all the religious rituals and the religious symbolism is a waste a time. She believes that Sin should never have been a problem for anyone that it was important enough to be murdering her king. The Queen Is against sacrificing animals because sacrificing animals doesn't make anyone a better human being. Sacrificing my husband also doesn't make anyone a better person. My groom's religion caused billions to fight and murder In religious wars. I believe in Jesus Christ religion on being a loving selfless human being.
I used to sing this when I was real young and now I'm in my 30s and my children are now the age I was singing this. Jesus hasnt come yet but he will whether he returns before we pass or when we meet him after we die. Keep your faith strong because we will all be going home someday. ❤
I pray I am ready. I suffer from depression but it has been so hard. I still go to church, bible study and pray. Sometimes I am so tired though. I just pray God will have mercy on me.
I almost gave up on Jesus and started reading the Koran and other holy books! I asked God to give me a sign to what religion is true! 3 days later I sat on my couch and I had a vision if The Cross, IRS Luke watching a movie in your head or spirit and in the dream Jesus called me by name and I heard his voice! it was amazing, so I decided to follow Jesus more fervently!! I was almost taking out by the enemy but God is awesome
I remember hearing this song early in my walk with the lord,never truer now than ever before as all the prophetic signs are being fulfilled among us everywhere at breaththtakeing speed thanks be too God.
Listening to this in April during the coronavirus quarantine. How much more closer to his return are we then when this first came out? Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
I needed this today God woke me up spiritually and physically thank you Lord I did not miss your coming I almost lost all hope a few months back! I live in Idaho and we experienced a earthquake a few months back and after that dogs started showing up everywhere things were disappearing off shelves my body wouldn't stop trembling people have to wear masks dogs started showing up everywhere my own dog won't stop barking! Listened to a creepy video a few nights ago that terrified my soul my husband gave me some wise words that the Lord will over power Satan and his demons and telling me there is a rapture. I woke up this morning and told my husband we missed it we missed Jesus he came for his people and we missed it! He woke up and said no other wise babies wouldn't be here and more animals would be loose and people would be talking about aliens taking people away or something in that nature! So yes people get ready Jesus Is Coming!
I haven't heard this song in ages!! It was one of my favorites growing up! Still a great song today, Jesus is coming soon! So excited! Let's be ready :)
Heard this song for the first time in my life at a time I was down. It's message never gets old. It's the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus Christ is coming, always be prepared. Thank you Crystal Lewis.
I just heard this wonderful song recently. I’ve been truly saved for almost 2 years, thank you Lord Jesus🙏🏼❤️It fills my heart with such joy for the Lord. Even though there is such chaos going on in the world I feel so much peace, the Lord is so amazing. I also believe we are very, very, very close to the Lord Jesus coming for us🎉🎉🎉Love you family, can’t wait to meet you in the air and spend eternity getting to know you all❤️May the Lord bless and keep you all🙏🏼❤️
I saw this live.. I totally forgot about this song and last night before bed, after not hearing it for over 15 years. It popped into my head. Glory to God!
I LOVE this song! The very first time I heard this song, I fell in love with it, and I never get tired of listening to it. It is a powerful reminder that the Son of God will call us home at the rapture at any moment, and that is why we must be ready and stay ready at all times. "Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not"--Luke 12:40
This song was one of my Mothers favorite song, last night I was going through something and this song entered my mind. Made me realize my troubles are of no match to the power of God. People Get Ready
I first heard this song on Christian FM92 when I was growing up. Thank You Jesus for You are the answer to life's problems. Thank You Jesus for your compassion for people to come and know You!
This song has been inbedded in my heart for over 30 years! It needs to be played all over the world!! This is September 20, 2022. Who's ready for Jesus to takes us away? I believe He as at the door. I don't look for us to be here in 2023. Praise our Heavenly Almighty. He's coming for us!!! I can't wait!!!! 🛐✝️😇🙏🏻
This was a song the Lord reminded me of I just started hearing it play in my mind and came on here to listen to it been years since I listened to it last but now that I’m closer to God more than when I first heard this song it definitely hits different. I know Lord you are waiting for each person to know you and say that You are Lord though there are few. I pray more and more come to You before You say it’s time and Your son Jesus comes for us His Bride! Get ready He’s coming. It’s 2023 this year.
I have loved loved loved this song since it came out. It has helped me through tough times. It has helped me teach my kids to be ready. People! Get ready! Soon we will be going home!! Alleluia!!
I remember hearing this song for the first time on one of the WOW Christian Hits CDs when I was 7 years old. Still like listening to the music 20+ years later. Here in 2022 it feels that much closer to the Lord's return with all of the evil in thus world. Also, with all the Bible prophecies coming to pass making it that much sooner for his return.
Powerful song! Indeed Jesus is coming sooner than we all think. God is pouring out his Spirit like never before and giving many including me messages, dreams, visions, and revelations of his return. We must be ready. His Salvation gates are closing soon. Be ready brothers and sisters. Be ready, share the gospel, and holdfast to Jesus.
with everything that is going on with the world , I had this song weighing on my heart for the past few days.. I know I do not live right like I should but I give everything to my Lord Jesus Christ.
amen I got up one morning a few days ago with this song in my head it been years since I've listened to this. just remember you do belong to him Jesus..
I have always loved this song.. I heard it years ago when I was a young adult....I still sing this song to my sons to date..Praise Jesus HE is coming to take from the world HIS OWN.. AMEN LORD! HALLELUJAH
Amen I was late writhing this, but I have to admit things are getting more worst then ever. I hope people get Jesus into their lives before it's too late, we don't have much time like we think we do Saints. God you all that gave your life for a life. Jesus Is The Way The Truth and The LIFE!👼😃❤
Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. He is coming I can't wait to be with my king and lord Jesus Christ
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up (raptured) to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words"--1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
Looking forward to seeing a lot of my family members who have gone to see the Lord. Can't wait to spend eternity with the Lord and them too. Won't be long!!☺☺
The Sooner the Better, this country, the world in general has lost its mind. The sooner I can leave this insanity. The better it will be. To no longer have to endure the temptations and the overall evil that exists day to day. Just to be able to be in God's Presence safe and protected by him. The happier I will be.
Our duty is to be ever ready, to be energized with the joy of Christ, to reach the lost with the gospel, to live vibrantly and passionately with a conviction for all who are perishing, to speak boldly and live fearlessly in the love that has changed us.
Wow!!!!! Woke up with this song on my mind. My goodness how much more true is this song now than ever before!! Earthquakes in diverse places..... the weather is out of control..... bible says in the last days the seasons won’t know their times! Maybe global warming but I know it is all pointing to Jesus return! People get ready!! 🙏🏼😊
RIP Sister Myra..i remember u singing this in our lil storefront Church 13 yrs ago.. i will always remember all you did for me and my family! I will pray for your son that he has the same zeal and love for the Lord that you n Pastor had..i know you both are sitting at the Masters throne..
This song makes me jump up and down in my house... hands in the air to my King... tears of JOY in my eyes! So exiting to be His own.... and to go Home! 😭♥️🙌 JESUS is coming to take from the world HIS OWN!
The tune sounds so heavenly! Ive always loved this song! And still sing my heart out to it when I hear it exactly the way Crystal sings it. Im so ready to go home 😇
He truly is coming soon. There are so many people having dreams and visions of the rapture lately, more than ever. This song just came to me out of nowhere and I also haven't thought about it in years. I just had this thought at church last Sunday to not grow weary now and we're almost there, almost home. Jesus is truly amazing!
I heard TikTok goes the clock, and make every second count❤
Only to wake up and hear the chorus. It’s a final countdown. Yes he’s coming soon, and I am ready. Thank you Jesus.
Yes he is like the Thief in the Night☝🏼💥☝🏼
I woke up with this chorus in my head. Hallelujah ! Are people hearing it! Is the Holy Spirit warning us? ❤️
HOLY!!! I also had the song come to me. Also having dreams and visions. My teen son is praying daily about making heaven. Halellujah!!!
I’ve have dreams too! And this chorus pops in my head from time to time. ❤🙏🏼
I had this cassette tape years ago. I wore it out. Crystal "introduced" me to Christian music after my Mama died in 1994. I haven't forgotten th w lyrics to these songs. I love her. Thank You, Jesus, for Your Word through her music.
Rest in peace Mama. My condolences 😢❤
I turned this on, and my restless playful cat came to sit down peacefully to listen to this song, then toward the end he looked up into the room as if he saw something there... an angel maybe. And the other day, I was feeding a deer and her baby some apple, and I began to share the message of Jesus with them, because the Bible says to preach the gospel to all creatures... well they both became very engaged when I started talking, even tho I wasn't giving them anymore apple, and they seemed to understand and be deeply moved, it was amazing the look in their eyes. My point is, even the animals feel it! Jesus is coming soon!!!
AMEN!Thank you JESUS! GOD bless you! All things new! Rev. 21:5
I’m here after I heard a Little girl tell about a vision she received from the Lord about Jesus returning soon. And the Lord gave this song for people to listen to.
Me too!
Me too lol@@Macburger87
I love this song! I recently woke up with this song in my head. People get ready, Jesus is coming! It really speaks of what’s going on in our world now. 🙏🙏🙏 July 2023
So did I. I haven’t heard this song in decades. Tonite i woke up and it was in my head. He’s coming. ❤
Whose here listening in 2020 and believing our Savior is coming? 🙋♀️
Thank You Jesus! I'm ready!
Im crying!
Closer than ever! Maranatha! See you in the air!🙌🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I am
Coming soon
Amen! Now 2021! Its sooo close! Pray for eachother! God bless you!
Heard this song in my 20’s... now 50 still know every word of this song and hold it close to my heart and sing it so often to remind me of the TRUTH and purpose of my time here on Earth🙏
Amen! Our purpose: we were made by God and for God. God bless and keep looking up because Jesus is returning very, very soon!
Im50 years old
Same, I'm 53 now 🙂🙌🏼✝️🕊💜 still waiting and we're so so close now 🙌🏼💕
Heard it when I was 10! My mom always played it i never truly understood till now and im almost 30 love it God is so good
We never know. This is why we are to live ready! It could be tonight. It could be tomorrow. We never know. Of this one thing I’m very sure..... when He does return, if you do not have Him in your heart you WILL be left behind. 😥
This song is SO RELEVANT today! We are SO CLOSE to the return of Christ and the churches are no more ready than the world sometimes. God help us! ❤😢
Jesus is coming soon and we Christians need to be ready!! I’m in prayer ministry at my church, and I love serving the Lord!!!! I even make sure I pray for my friends every night.
I had a dream of the rapture of the church so I know we are going up soon thank you Lord thank you Jesus
I was 9 yrs old when this came out, and now I'm 36... more ready than ever to see King Jesus! Let's go HOME! HALLELUJAH!
I'm ready to!! Come Lord Jesus 🙂❤️
The king Jesus ya talking about is not God nor Jesus. The so CALLED king Jesus has no power he claims to have. He fooled you all big time.. He isn't even quote a king nor is he the RR... YOU ALL BELIEVED HIM LOL... King Jesus 😉😎 bet you laughing your ass off right now😂... All Hollywood is here though. 🙈🙉🙊. Sad Gabby part of them.
How can 145 people not like this! I'm encouraged our Saviour, King Jesus is coming soon!!
I used to sing this to myself when things were rough. I spent a small bit as a POW in a place I did not want to be. It was good to know "Jesus was coming". To be so lost so young was rough. Christ delivered and enabled me to leave where I was. -Amen
All Praises and Glory to the Most High YHWH/God.!!!!
Thank you so much for your service...I know that God is rewarding you for all of your sacrifice
Ry Thomas amen and amen! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Praise the Lord for His watching over you and getting you out of that. I know too that He does rescue, not always from every aspect, but from the ultimate possible. What we go through, and what we learn of Him through it and all the following times we struggle with various memories of it help us help others, and help us point folks to Him.
Thank you for your service. I often think about our POWs and all they've been through. Especially those who were very young and those who were kept imprisoned for years after the war was over. Them, their families. It's so heartbreaking. God bless you.
Listening June 2020. I'm so ready! Please pray for my son who isn't a believer.
I will pray for him seek first the kingdom and all things shall be added. Unto you
We are believing God for your son's salvation. Amen?
@@patsywaderker5200 thank you, amen.
Father in heaven! I ask for this dear son, a son of a believer in You. No matter what or how we see it with our natural eye, our heart will trust You...that You do not want any to perish. As I ask for my 2 grandsons, I pray also for this son..You are ABLE AND STRONG on the behalf of thos who trust you so do this marvelous work and save these dear ones we love. No matter how that has to happen in Your Great Work...we will pray and TRUST YOU that You indeed see our hearts and care for us more than a sparrow! Amen in Jesus' Name!
@@lynnekirkup984 thank you for your prayers.
Hallelujah 🙌 Jesus this is it We are Ready 2023
Hallelujah Amen we are ready 🙂❤️
Sound that trumpet 🎺❤
I had a dream last night and this song was on repeat and then total silence and the. I heard the trumpets sounding. I haven’t heard this song in many many years. I don’t even remember the last time I heard it but it came to me in a dream. Just wanted to share my experience this morning. Blessings family!🙏🏼🫶🏼
Seriously, I feel HE’S coming sooner than people realize so People Ge Ready! Thank you Crystal Lewis for this awesome song! I hope this helps someone...🙏😘❤️🌸
God bless you
Faith not feeling. 👍👍
He's coming!! Such the song for the hour!!! Trumpets 🎺 🎺 🎺 will blow for the Church (Bride of Christ)!
@@juanito5391 it is faith! Everything - convergence all across the globe and bible prophecy!!
The Goddess isnt judging anyone. She's trying to gets the angels creator God to finish creating them because she feels they don't need punishment for being poorly made nor is it appropriate to use the angels to punish humanity. Nor is appropriate to use the angels as an excuse of why everything that has been created up until now was unsatisfyfing for everyone. The angels need to be made more appropriately and more relatable to her. An'd the mother God is trying to get everyone to understand that she doesn't have religion and she doesn't have a bible and she doesn't have laws and she doesn't have rituals. And the mother is trying to get everyone to understand that she didn't get to make any decisions for anyone nor anything since the beginning of time up until this time she is living in. She loves God and he's the only one the Goddess believes she can unite with. She believes that with great efforts from the father by being someone capable of experiencing everything in the same way she does mentally and emotionally and physically will help build God into a man she might take as a husband. Jesus didn't fully experience existence as a human man. Jesus was physically a man but if Jesus can't feel sexual feelings and romance for a woman then he isn't a full real man. And if Jesus can't make choices outside of his set ideals and religion when it is needed by making more important the happiness of the Queen then he can't marry the Queen. And destiny will be destroyed. The Goddess loves many things about Jesus Christ, the light and his ideals and acts. She would like to see him grow emotionally further. And she likes some things in the bible. She hopes there's a compassionate and relatable understanding for all even though she doesn't believe in religion . And she doesn't believe that there's any importance to her not for her nor to her existence to ever emphasize the importance of being sinless. And she doesn't believe sin is evil. Nor is sin wicked. But wicked is a sin. The daughter of Zion believes evil is evil, wicked is wicked, and sin is making choices that have negative consequences that don't need to be confirmed into a religious war. But sin is to be excepted as learning tools to become more balanced in your decision making. By sining through consequences "you" teach 'yourself" how to become more satisfied with life by continuing to make more positive changes to ones choices because of not having joy in negative consequences. The Queen also believes that all the religious rituals and the religious symbolism is a waste a time. She believes that Sin should never have been a problem for anyone that it was important enough to be murdering her king. The Queen Is against sacrificing animals because sacrificing animals doesn't make anyone a better human being. Sacrificing my husband also doesn't make anyone a better person. My groom's religion caused billions to fight and murder In religious wars. I believe in Jesus Christ religion on being a loving selfless human being.
I used to sing this when I was real young and now I'm in my 30s and my children are now the age I was singing this. Jesus hasnt come yet but he will whether he returns before we pass or when we meet him after we die. Keep your faith strong because we will all be going home someday. ❤
A 6 year old sent me here. Oh dear Mierelle . May God continue to use you mighty 🙏🏿. Thank you for your obedience
I just got a new position at my church, and I’m ready to do it for the Lord!!!
I’m an atheist, but I grew up on this song and I still like to listen to it from time to time
This song has even deeper meaning to me then ever! People get ready because Jesus is coming!!!
This world has nothing for me. I find my peace and joy solely in You
Amen!!! Jesus is coming! Nothing more needs to be said. God keeps his promises, time and time, again. I'm glad that I serve a risen Saviour
It's 2020 and HIS coming is sooner🙏🏽 now more than ever...
Be strong let's go HOME...🙏🏽
Barbara Simon yes, keep the faith and spread the gospel!
What a haunting song for those who don’t know him about the true reality of what is to surely come
It’s now 2021 he is coming so soon
Yes! Come Lord Jesus!
2 years later, where is he?
I pray I am ready. I suffer from depression but it has been so hard. I still go to church, bible study and pray. Sometimes I am so tired though. I just pray God will have mercy on me.
+Ashley J God be with you in your battle with depression many in the Bible people of God also battled with depression and they are Gods people also!
Larry Major Thank you.
You are very welcome Ashly J it be all good
God Bless you
+Larry Major 😊
God Bless you Ashley God Loves you
My 6 yr old Grandson and I are sitting here listening to this song and we are so excited to go, and we are very ready to go meet Jesus
I almost gave up on Jesus and started reading the Koran and other holy books! I asked God to give me a sign to what religion is true! 3 days later I sat on my couch and I had a vision if The Cross, IRS Luke watching a movie in your head or spirit and in the dream Jesus called me by name and I heard his voice! it was amazing, so I decided to follow Jesus more fervently!! I was almost taking out by the enemy but God is awesome
I haven't heard this in years & my sister was watching a show on TV & this song played. Maranatha!
He's alive and well. Living in the heart of every believer and doer.
Keep fighting the good fight!
This song is now more relevant than ever before.
I remember hearing this song early in my walk with the lord,never truer now than ever before as all the prophetic signs are being fulfilled among us everywhere at breaththtakeing speed thanks be too God.
Listening to this in April during the coronavirus quarantine. How much more closer to his return are we then when this first came out? Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
Who is still listening 2020?
Hang on, don't give up! Soon we will be caught up in the clouds into everlasting life!
I can't wait!!!!!
I needed this today God woke me up spiritually and physically thank you Lord I did not miss your coming I almost lost all hope a few months back! I live in Idaho and we experienced a earthquake a few months back and after that dogs started showing up everywhere things were disappearing off shelves my body wouldn't stop trembling people have to wear masks dogs started showing up everywhere my own dog won't stop barking! Listened to a creepy video a few nights ago that terrified my soul my husband gave me some wise words that the Lord will over power Satan and his demons and telling me there is a rapture. I woke up this morning and told my husband we missed it we missed Jesus he came for his people and we missed it! He woke up and said no other wise babies wouldn't be here and more animals would be loose and people would be talking about aliens taking people away or something in that nature! So yes people get ready Jesus Is Coming!
Listening 2021?
I haven't heard this song in ages!! It was one of my favorites growing up! Still a great song today, Jesus is coming soon! So excited! Let's be ready :)
Heard this song for the first time in my life at a time I was down. It's message never gets old. It's the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus Christ is coming, always be prepared. Thank you Crystal Lewis.
I just heard this wonderful song recently. I’ve been truly saved for almost 2 years, thank you Lord Jesus🙏🏼❤️It fills my heart with such joy for the Lord. Even though there is such chaos going on in the world I feel so much peace, the Lord is so amazing. I also believe we are very, very, very close to the Lord Jesus coming for us🎉🎉🎉Love you family, can’t wait to meet you in the air and spend eternity getting to know you all❤️May the Lord bless and keep you all🙏🏼❤️
I’m still listening in 2021! Thank you Jesus!! This song just blesses my soul!
Still here ...2022! Patient and waiting !
LORD Jesus, Son of God, have mercy upon me, a sinner. Amen.☦️😭
I saw this live.. I totally forgot about this song and last night before bed, after not hearing it for over 15 years. It popped into my head. Glory to God!
I LOVE this song! The very first time I heard this song, I fell in love with it, and I never get tired of listening to it. It is a powerful reminder that the Son of God will call us home at the rapture at any moment, and that is why we must be ready and stay ready at all times.
"Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not"--Luke 12:40
This song was one of my
Mothers favorite song, last night I was going through something and this song entered my mind. Made me realize my troubles are of no match to the power of God. People Get Ready
1999... Worship music... Getting me through my Deliverance from Depression. HalleluYah!!!!
This song is back when people still believed that Jesus was coming. He is even closer to His return now! People get ready! Repent!
I first heard this song on Christian FM92 when I was growing up. Thank You Jesus for You are the answer to life's problems. Thank You Jesus for your compassion for people to come and know You!
This song has been inbedded in my heart for over 30 years! It needs to be played all over the world!! This is September 20, 2022. Who's ready for Jesus to takes us away? I believe He as at the door. I don't look for us to be here in 2023. Praise our Heavenly Almighty. He's coming for us!!! I can't wait!!!! 🛐✝️😇🙏🏻
We are the overcomers channel !
Or by 2024 for sure. I can’t believe it would be any longer.
@@misstheonlyme13 amen. I just changed it to 24, lol!
We’re closer than ever 🙏! Hallelujah and Maranatha! Praise You our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ❤❤
Great song, I cry every time I sing. Maranatha !! Jesus is coming !!
He's closer than ever before, people get ready.... I'm excited and waiting to be home, glory to God
Amen! I am so excited for Christ's return!
Jesus is coming ,what a song .my king my lord my saviour Jesus I love you.may I be among the number that will receive you in the sky.
This was a song the Lord reminded me of I just started hearing it play in my mind and came on here to listen to it been years since I listened to it last but now that I’m closer to God more than when I first heard this song it definitely hits different. I know Lord you are waiting for each person to know you and say that You are Lord though there are few. I pray more and more come to You before You say it’s time and Your son Jesus comes for us His Bride! Get ready He’s coming. It’s 2023 this year.
I have loved loved loved this song since it came out. It has helped me through tough times. It has helped me teach my kids to be ready.
People! Get ready! Soon we will be going home!! Alleluia!!
Amen. I’m ready to go home. Jesus come quickly. 🙏🏻
I remember hearing this song for the first time on one of the WOW Christian Hits CDs when I was 7 years old. Still like listening to the music 20+ years later. Here in 2022 it feels that much closer to the Lord's return with all of the evil in thus world. Also, with all the Bible prophecies coming to pass making it that much sooner for his return.
The man is coming.surely it doesn't matter if want or not he's coming. HALLELUJAH praise the Lord
Hallelujah Praise THE Lord Yeshua Jesus!
He’s here. He has risen. I remember this song from the golden ages of being a child in the 90s. People get ready is good fruit
I really needed this, this morning Praise God thank you Father for your faithfullness and promices!
Jesus Is Coming! Praise God and Give Him the Glory!
Who's here in 2024?❤
I love this song
There is so much truth in this song. We are in the last days
Get ready
Be ready
Stay ready
For the time is at hand
I love this song!! It sends a powerful message about the rapture : which means That Jesus is coming back very soon!
Brittany Thomas Amen sister for two or more are gathered Father in the midst in the preious name of Jesus Christ Amen 👑 👑👑🖕👑👑👑
Powerful song! Indeed Jesus is coming sooner than we all think. God is pouring out his Spirit like never before and giving many including me messages, dreams, visions, and revelations of his return. We must be ready. His Salvation gates are closing soon. Be ready brothers and sisters. Be ready, share the gospel, and holdfast to Jesus.
This always resonates with me, especially as I have watched the events unfold in recent times! Get ready, people! It's sooner than ever!
Starting my day out praising God with my favorite girl . . . "Crystal" !!!
This is an Awesome song.I had a cassette with this song on it! She cut a Spanish cassette exactly the same. Praise the Lord!
The King is coming any day, we are going home.
Oh yes yes yes
with everything that is going on with the world , I had this song weighing on my heart for the past few days.. I know I do not live right like I should but I give everything to my Lord Jesus Christ.
amen I got up one morning a few days ago with this song in my head it been years since I've listened to this. just remember you do belong to him Jesus..
Awesomeness Song !! I've always loved this song and crystal lewis..❤ 🙏
I have always loved this song.. I heard it years ago when I was a young adult....I still sing this song to my sons to date..Praise Jesus HE is coming to take from the world HIS OWN.. AMEN LORD! HALLELUJAH
Amen I was late writhing this, but I have to admit things are getting more worst then ever. I hope people get Jesus into their lives before it's too late, we don't have much time like we think we do Saints. God you all that gave your life for a life. Jesus Is The Way The Truth and The LIFE!👼😃❤
remember hearing this with my mom in the car and feeling the Holy Spirit so strong.❤
Reminds me of when I was younger. Beautiful song.amen
Belle K This song reminds me of when I was a baby Christian 🙏💕🙌🌈🌷
Belle K Don't worry. Salvation is based on what we believe, not how we feel. The gospel is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Read Romans 2:8-9.
"Be ready brothers and sisters in Christ! :) Its almost time to go home with Our Lord Jesus! :)
LOVE this song!! Truth!
Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. He is coming I can't wait to be with my king and lord Jesus Christ
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up (raptured) to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words"--1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
bibleberean1611 powerful prayer warrior Amen awesome word of God powerful Amen keep up the good work praise God
Will be great to go home , and In Jesus name i call all of our loved ones out of darkness and separated to the RIGHTside
I feel like this song was about 20 years ahead of it’s time! Love this song!!
O I just love this.......MATT 24 needs to be read by EVERY CHRISTIAN.......HALLELU---YAH!!!!!
Thanks for sharing this song. It bubbled up in my spirit so I searched it and found this post. Jesus is coming soon!
Looking forward to seeing a lot of my family members who have gone to see the Lord. Can't wait to spend eternity with the Lord and them too. Won't be long!!☺☺
The Sooner the Better, this country, the world in general has lost its mind. The sooner I can leave this insanity. The better it will be. To no longer have to endure the temptations and the overall evil that exists day to day. Just to be able to be in God's Presence safe and protected by him. The happier I will be.
...and today its crumbling...praise God we are NOT of this world...amen🎶♨️
It's even worse today! 😫 but I agree with you Dennis!
Our duty is to be ever ready, to be energized with the joy of Christ, to reach the lost with the gospel, to live vibrantly and passionately with a conviction for all who are perishing, to speak boldly and live fearlessly in the love that has changed us.
Ohh okay now I understand why I speak with so much authority and boldness when it comes to our Lord.
Listening in 2023. ❤😊 " People get, Jesus is coming. " - Amen!Maranatha! ❤😊
I cant tell you the impact this song has on me every time I hear it. It brings me to places I've never been. Thanks!
Listen to Danny Gokey "Love will take you places".Your last sentence is a verse to the T❕❕❤
Wow!!!!! Woke up with this song on my mind. My goodness how much more true is this song now than ever before!! Earthquakes in diverse places..... the weather is out of control..... bible says in the last days the seasons won’t know their times! Maybe global warming but I know it is all pointing to Jesus return!
People get ready!! 🙏🏼😊
Yes, Crystal, Jesus is coming, hats off, Racheal w Waterfalls ✝️✝️✝️🙏💯
RIP Sister Myra..i remember u singing this in our lil storefront Church 13 yrs ago.. i will always remember all you did for me and my family! I will pray for your son that he has the same zeal and love for the Lord that you n Pastor had..i know you both are sitting at the Masters throne..
Amen to that!
That’s right amen
Indeed he's coming in clouds full of righteousness.
Let's get ready everyone
It’s June 2021 and the world has gone insane! This is my theme song for the rest of this year! I want Jesus to come get his bride now!
2022 now, even worse.... as in the days of Noah
He's coming!!+
This song makes me jump up and down in my house... hands in the air to my King... tears of JOY in my eyes! So exiting to be His own.... and to go Home! 😭♥️🙌 JESUS is coming to take from the world HIS OWN!
I bought this when it first came out, it revives my soul, we must be ready to go, to God be the Glory!!!!
The kingdom is indeed at hand all glory to God and the Lord Jesus Christ Amen
The tune sounds so heavenly! Ive always loved this song! And still sing my heart out to it when I hear it exactly the way Crystal sings it. Im so ready to go home 😇
Jesus is coming!! Maranatha! ❤🙏