I too own a AGT L12. So far, I used it to remove some turf and make a level pad for a small greenhouse and dug holes to plant small fruit tress and berry bushes. My ground is extremely rocky so I wish it had a little more digging power, but you get what you pay for. If you find a kit for the hydraulic thumb, let me know also.
I have soft ground around my land but could definitely imagine it struggling with rocky ground. I will post a video about the thumb in the near future. Thanks for watching!
With fees and taxes, I paid $6,300 USD. Which is too much for one of these machines in my opinion. I have seen them sell for significantly less. Still a good machine though. Thanks for watching
I too own a AGT L12. So far, I used it to remove some turf and make a level pad for a small greenhouse and dug holes to plant small fruit tress and berry bushes. My ground is extremely rocky so I wish it had a little more digging power, but you get what you pay for. If you find a kit for the hydraulic thumb, let me know also.
I have soft ground around my land but could definitely imagine it struggling with rocky ground. I will post a video about the thumb in the near future. Thanks for watching!
Great video! Mini excavators are so handy!
Yes they are! Thanks for watching!
Nice video mate, I've just started putting mine to work good little machine.
If you find a hydraulic thumb for it definitely post a video. I am a L12 owner also and have yet to find the correct thumb for it.
Yes, I definitely will. It seems there are not many options without some modification but I have some ideas that might work. Thanks for watching!
I also have an AGT L12, unfortunately the control is very jerky. Does anyone have any tips?
It can be pretty jerky at higher throttle. It is noticeably better if you throttle down to 50-60%
How much did you pay for it
With fees and taxes, I paid $6,300 USD. Which is too much for one of these machines in my opinion. I have seen them sell for significantly less. Still a good machine though. Thanks for watching
That's a good deal compared to what prices I have seen on these.
I just picked one up new (L12R) at a local Canadian auction, with taxes (13%) and fees (12%) for $4,550 CAD or $3,372 USD, to show a range.
Johnie cash had a song , got it 1 piece at a time/